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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring New Work Options for Emergency Dispatchers

Cage, Kailyn January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

A Comprehensive Strategy for Controlling the Hip and Knee with a Muscle-Driven Exoskeleton for Mobility after Paraplegia

Chang, Sarah Randall January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Perception de la force musculaire et de la distribution du poids lors d’activités motrices chez le sujet sain

Lauzière, Séléna 07 1900 (has links)
Les résultats de récentes études supportent l’idée que la perception de la force aurait un rôle important dans la réalisation des tâches fonctionnelles telles que le passage assis à debout (PAD). Cependant, très peu d’études se sont attardées à quantifier la précision avec laquelle les individus en santé sont capables de percevoir la force musculaire. De plus, aucune étude n’a évalué la perception de la distribution du poids lors du PAD chez la clientèle saine. L’objectif principal était de recueillir des données sur la capacité des individus en santé, jeunes et âgés, à percevoir la force musculaire lors d’une contraction statique des extenseurs du genou et à percevoir la distribution du poids (DP) lorsqu’ils réalisent le passage assis à debout. Cette étude a été effectuée auprès de 31 individus, divisés en deux groupes d’âge (< 50 ans et > 60 ans). Les résultats du premier objectif visant à quantifier les erreurs de perception de la force lors d’une contraction statique des extenseurs du genou ont démontré que les erreurs absolues et brutes sont plus élevées pour les niveaux de force supérieurs à 50 % CVM et que les erreurs brutes sont plus importantes chez les jeunes pour les hauts niveaux de force. Les résultats du second objectif visant à évaluer l’effet de différentes références sensorimotrices sur les erreurs de perception de la force musculaire ont montré qu’une référence à 50 % CVM préalablement montrée au participant et qu’une contraction simultanée des muscles de la préhension de la main diminuent les erreurs brutes et absolues de perception pour le niveau de force 70%. Les résultats du troisième objectif visant à quantifier les erreurs de perception de la DP lors du PAD ont démontré que les sujets jeunes et âgés ont une bonne capacité à percevoir leur DP avec des erreurs absolues et brutes variant respectivement entre 2,9 % et 9,4 % et entre -5,7 % et 5,7 % et des coefficients de corrélations intra-classes supérieurs à 0,75 entre la DP produite et celle perçue. Les résultats contribuent à approfondir les connaissances relatives à la perception de la force et de la DP chez les individus en santé. Ces données pourront servir à titre comparatif lors d’études menées auprès des patients hémiparétiques afin d’évaluer s’ils ont des problèmes perceptifs pouvant expliquer l’asymétrie récurrente qu’ils présentent dans leurs tâches fonctionnelles. / Results of recent studies support the idea that perception of force would have an important role in performing functional tasks such as sit-to-stand (STS). However, very few studies have focused on the quantification of the accuracy with which healthy individuals are able to perceive muscular force. Furthermore, no study has assessed the perception of weight-bearing distribution during the STS in healthy individuals. The purpose of this study was to provide evidence on the capacity to perceive muscular force and weight-bearing distribution in simple and complex tasks in healthy individuals. This study was conducted with 31 individuals, divided into two main age groups (<50 years > 60 years). Its first objective was to quantify the errors in perception of force during a static contraction of knee extensors and to compare these errors between young and elderly groups. Results showed that the absolute and raw errors are greater for force levels higher than 50% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) and that raw errors are greater in young participants for high force levels. This study’s second objective was to assess the effect of different sensorimotor references on the magnitude of errors of force perception. The results showed that a reference of 50% MVC presented to the participant beforehand or a simultaneous contraction of hand grip muscles reduced the raw and absolute errors of perception at the level of 70% MVC. A third objective was to quantify the errors of perception of weight-bearing distribution during STS and to measure the effect of age on these errors. The results showed that younger and elderly participants have an ability to perceive their weight-bearing distribution with absolute and raw errors varying respectively from 2.9% to 9.4% and from -5.7% to 5.7%. The intra-class correlation coefficient was higher than 0.75 between the weight-bearing distribution produced and that perceived during STS. The results contribute to extend knowledge about perception of force and weight bearing distribution in young and elderly healthy individuals. This data will be used for comparison in studies conducted with hemiparetic individuals in order to assess if the latter have perceptual problems which may explain the recurrent asymmetry they present in functional tasks.

Évolution de la répartition de mise en charge au cours de la réadaptation chez les personnes présentant une hémiparésie consécutive à un accident vasculaire cérébral

Boukadida, Amira 09 1900 (has links)
Il est connu que les personnes ayant une hémiparésie à la suite d’un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) présentent une mise en charge (MEC) asymétrique lors de la station debout et lors du passage assis à debout (PAD). Par contre, peu d’études ont quantifié l’évolution de la MEC avec la réadaptation ou la précision avec laquelle ces personnes sont capables de la juger. L’objectif principal de ce projet était d’étudier l’évolution de la répartition et la perception de MEC en position debout et lors du PAD chez des personnes hémiparétiques en réadaptation fonctionnelle intensive (RFI). Un objectif secondaire était d’identifier les facteurs qui caractérisent les personnes hémiparétiques les plus asymétriques et les plus atteintes dans leur perception. Cette étude a été menée auprès de seize participants. Les résultats ont démontré qu’une asymétrie de répartition de l’appui en faveur du côté non parétique est présente dès les premiers mois après l’AVC et qu’elle persiste malgré la RFI. Chez les personnes avec une atteinte sévère de la fonction motrice, la MEC était plus symétrique pour le PAD que la station debout. En termes de perception, les personnes hémiparétiques étaient capables d’identifier le côté sur lequel ils mettaient plus d’appui mais ils avaient tendance à surestimer l’appui sur le côté parétique et donc à se juger moins asymétriques qu’ils ne l’étaient en réalité. Très peu de changements ont été observés lorsque les données au congé étaient comparées aux données à l’entrée dans l’étude. En réponse à l’objectif secondaire, la fonction motrice du membre inférieur parétique évaluée par le Chedoke et la différence de force des extenseurs entre les genoux étaient les facteurs les plus déterminants de l’asymétrie et de la perception de MEC. Les résultats obtenus constituent donc une étape supplémentaire vers la compréhension de la répartition asymétrique et les troubles de perception de MEC lors de la station debout et le PAD chez les personnes hémiparétiques. Il serait intéressant dans le futur d’explorer davantage les facteurs susceptibles d’influencer l’asymétrie et la perception de MEC et d’objectiver la relation de cause à effet entre ces deux variables en plus de préciser l’effet réel de l’asymétrie sur la stabilité posturale. / It is well known that people with hemiparesis after stroke have asymmetric weight bearing (WB) when standing and during sit-to-stand (STS). However, few studies have quantified the evolution of WB with rehabilitation or focused on the accuracy with which hemiparetic individuals are able to perceive their WB. The main purpose of this project was to assess the changes, with rehabilitation, in WB distribution and perception of WB during standing position and STS in hemiparetic individuals. A secondary objective was to identify the factors that characterize the most asymmetric hemiparetic individuals and the most affected in their perception. The study was conducted with sixteen participants. The results showed that asymmetric WB is present in the first months after stroke and persists despite rehabilitation. For individuals who had had severe impairment of motor function, WB was more symmetrical during STS than standing. In terms of WB perception, hemiparetic individuals were able to identify the side on which the loading was higher and they generally overestimated the weight under the paretic side. Overall, data at admission and discharge from the study were not different. Furthermore, the motor function of paretic lower limb evaluated by Chedoke and the strength of knee extensors were the most determinant factors of WB and perception. These results can thus be considered as a further step in order to understand the asymmetrical distribution and the impaired perception of WB. It would be interesting in the future to further explore the factors that may influence the perception and asymmetry of WB in order to identify the relationship between these two variables with a specific focus on the impact of WB asymmetry on the patient’s stability in both tasks.

Efeitos de um programa de treinamento contra resistência sobre a composição corporal, a força muscular e a flexibilidade de mulheres idosas / Effects of resistance training program on body composition, muscle strength and flexibility of elderly women

Barbosa, Aline Rodrigues 15 February 2000 (has links)
Esse estudo analisou os efeitos de 10 semanas de treinamento contra resistência, sobre a composição corporal, a força muscular e a flexibilidade de 11 mulheres idosas (68,91 ± 5,43 anos). Um grupo de 8 idosas (65,13 ±4,09 anos) serviu como controle inativo. A força de preensão manual (ambas as mãos), o percentual de gordura corporal (dobras cutâneas e bioimpedância) e a flexibilidade (teste \"sentar e alcançar\") foram avaliados antes e após 10 semanas. A força muscular isotônica foi avaliada pelas cargas de treinamento. Após as avaliações iniciais, os indivíduos começaram o programa de treinamento que consistiu de oito exercícios (peito, costas, ombro, bíceps, tríceps, coxa, panturrilha e abdome), sem a realização de exercício para flexibilidade. O programa de treinamento resultou em aumentos significativos (p< 0,001) na força muscular isotônica, para todos os exercícios, com aumentos percentuais que variaram de 25,91% a 49,09%, para tríceps e panturrilha, respectivamente. Verificaram se aumentos significativos (p < 0,001) na força de preensão manual de ambas as mãos e também na flexibilidade no grupo submetido a treinamento. O programa de treinamento não resultou em alteração na gordura corporal avaliada por bioímpedância e equação de dobras cutâneas, contudo verificou-se redução no &#931; 8DC (p&#8804;0,01). Não foram observadas alterações no grupo controle, em nenhuma variável investigada. Conclui-se que o programa de treinamento utilizado foi eficaz para aumentar a força muscular e a flexibilidade das mulheres idosas, reduzir o &#931; 8DC, contudo não provocou redução do percentual de gordura corporal. / This study analyzed the effects of a 10-wk resistance training program on body composition, muscle strength and flexibility in 11 elderly women (68.91 ± 5.43 yr.). A control group of 8 women (65.13 ± 4.09 yr.) served as inactive controls. Hand grip strength (both hands), body fat percent (skinfold thickness and bioelectrical impedance) and flexibility ( \"sit and reach\" test) were assessed before and after 10 weeks . The isotonic muscle strength were assessed by the weight of training . After initial tests, the subjects began a training program consisting of eight exercises for all body (chest, back, shoulder, biceps, triceps, thigh, calf and abdomen), without flexibility exercises. The training program resulted in significant increase (p< 0.001) in isotonic muscle strength, for all exercises, with increases ranged from 25.91% to 49.09%, for triceps and calf, respectively. It was observed significant increase (p<0,001) in hand grip strength (both hands) and flexibility in the training group. The training program resulted in no decrease in body fat assessed by bioelectrical impedance and skinfold thickness equation, but we observed decrease in &#931; 8ST (p&#8804; 0.01). No significant changes were observed in the control group by ariy variable. In conclusion, the training program utilized was effective in increase muscle strength, flexibility and reduced &#931; 8ST. However, the training program did not reduce body fat percentage.

Sarcopenia e dependência para relaização das atividades básicas da vida diária de idosos domiciliados no município de São Paulo - Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento (2000 e 2006) / Sarcopenia and dependency to perform activities of daily living in elderly domiciled in the city of São Paulo: SABE Survey - Health, Well-being and Aging (2000 e 2006)

Gobbo, Luís Alberto 19 March 2012 (has links)
Introdução: A sarcopenia é caracterizada pela redução da força e massa muscular (MM), e acompanhada pelo declínio da capacidade funcional, em idosos, e sua associação com dependência para realização das atividades básicas da vida diária (ABVD) tem sido relatada na literatura internacional, entretanto, há escassez de informações sobre o tema no Brasil. Objetivo: Estimar a associação entre sarcopenia e dependência para a realização das ABVD, em idosos domiciliados no município de São Paulo, segundo sexo. Casuística e métodos: Foram analisados idosos ( 60 anos), de ambos os sexos, do Estudo SABE, longitudinal, epidemiológico e de base domiciliar, realizado no município de São Paulo, em 2000 e 2006, e que, em 2000, não apresentaram dependência. A variável sarcopenia foi definida por meio de três componentes: desempenho no teste de sentar e levantar de uma cadeira (SeL), categorizado em baixo (tempo percentil 75, segundo sexo), e normal (< percentil 75); pela força de preensão manual (FPM), categorizada em baixa (força percentil 25, segundo índice de massa corporal e sexo) e normal (> percentil 25); e massa muscular (MM), categorizada em baixa ( percentil 20, segundo sexo) e normal (> percentil 20), sendo diagnosticados sarcopênicos, idosos que apresentaram, simultaneamente, baixo desempenho e baixa MM, ou, então, desempenho normal, mas, baixas FPM e MM. A dependência para a realização das ABVD foi referidas pelos idosos, em 2006, sendo considerando dependentes, aqueles que responderam positivamente, para, pelo menos uma questão referente à dependência. As variáveis de controle foram sexo, grupos etários (60-74 e 75 anos), etnia (caucasianos, asiáticos, outros), número de doenças referidas (1 ou > 1). Resultados: Dos idosos sobreviventes, 799 apresentaram todos os dados necessários ao estudo (60,3 por cento mulheres, 85,6 por cento < 75 anos). Foram identificados como sarcopênicos, em 2000, 8,9 por cento dos idosos (homens = 8,3 por cento ; mulheres = 9,3 por cento ), e dependentes para a realização das ABVD, em 2006, 7 por cento (homens = 6,5 por cento ; mulheres = 7,3 por cento ). Idosos sarcopênicos apresentaram chance 3,13 vezes maior, para dependência (IC 95 por cento 1,67-5,87), em 2006, ajustado pelas demais variáveis, em relação aos não sarcopênicos. Quanto ao sexo, os homens sarcopênicos apresentaram chance 4,12 vezes maior (IC 95 por cento 1,28-13,30), para dependência, em 2006, enquanto as mulheres sarcopênicas apresentaram chance 2,77 vezes maior (IC 95 por cento 1,23-6,24). Conclusão: Aproximadamente 9 por cento dos idosos do município de São Paulo foram identificados como sarcopênicos, em 2000. Idosos sarcopênicos apresentaram chance maior de dependência para a realização das ABVD, em 2006, em particular, os homens / Introduction: Sarcopenia is characterized by reduced muscle mass (MM) and strength, and it is accompanied by a decline in functional capacity in elderly. Its association with dependence to perform activities of daily living (ADL) has been reported in international literature, however,there is limited information about the theme, in Brazil. Purpose: To estimate the association between sarcopenia and dependence to perform ADL, in elderly domiciled in the city of São Paulo, according to gender. Methodology: Elderly ( 60 anos) of both genders, who were not dependent in 2000, from the SABE Survey, a home-based, longitudinal and epidemiologic study, performed in the city of São Paulo, in 2000 and 2006, were analyzed. Sarcopenia was defined by three components: performance in the sit and rise from a chair test (S&R), categorized as low (time 75th percentile according to sex) and normal (<75th percentile); by handgrip strength (HS), categorized as low (strength 25 percentile, according to body mass index and gender) and normal (> 25th percentile); and muscle mass (MM), categorized as low ( 20th percentile, by sex) and normal (> 20th percentile); where diagnosed sarcopenic elderly who had both poor performance and low MM , or normal performance, but low HS and MM. Dependence to perform ADL, referred by the elderly, in 2006, being considered dependents those who answered, positively, for at least, one question related to dependence. Control variables were: sex, age groups (60-74 e 75 anos), ethnicity (caucasian, asian, others), number of referred diseases (1 ou > 1). Results: Of the survivors, 799 presented all data for the study (60.3 per cent women, 85.6 per cent < 75 years old). It was identified as sarcopenic, in 2000, 8.9 per cent of the elderly (men = 8.3 per cent ; women = 9.3 per cent ), and dependents to perform ADL, in 2006, 7 per cent (men = 6.5 per cent ; women = 7.3 per cent ). Those diagnosed with sarcopenia, in 2000, presented an odds ratio 3.13 times higher, for dependence (CI 95 per cent 1.67-5.87), in 2006, adjusted for other variables. According to gender, sarcopenic men presented an odds ratio 4.12 times higher (CI 95 per cent 1.28-13.30), for dependence, in 2006, while sarcopenic women present odds ratio 2.77 times higher (CI 95 per cent 1.23-6.24). Conclusion: Approximately 9 per cent of the elderly in São Paulo were identified as sarcopenic, in 2000. Sarcopenic elderly presented higher chance of dependency to perform ADL in 2006, particularly men

Eficiência de dietas larvais para produção massal de Ceratitis capitata e Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) / Efficiency of larval diets for mass rearing of Ceratitis capitata and Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae)

Maset, Bruno Aguiar 22 February 2019 (has links)
Várias espécies de moscas-das-frutas têm sido alvo de investigações visando sua criação massal, incluindo Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (mosca-do-Mediterrâneo ou medfly) e, mais recentemente, Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) (mosca-das-frutas sul americana), sendo as espécies de maior importância econômica e quarentenária em várias áreas produtoras de frutas do Brasil, Uruguai, Argentina e Peru. Um dos fatores determinantes para que a Técnica do Inseto Estéril (TIE) seja aplicada contra uma determinada praga é a existência de métodos de criação massal da espécie. Para se alcançar a criação em larga escala dessas espécies de moscas-das-frutas, é necessário, inicialmente, o preparo de uma dieta larval adequada. Como a dieta de criação pode oferecer uma quantidade enorme de substâncias nutritivas, as larvas criadas artificialmente amadurecem mais cedo do que as selvagens, o que acelera a sucessão de gerações. Essas mudanças detectadas durante o estágio larval podem formar adultos com maiores reservas nutritivas, atingindo a maturidade sexual mais cedo. Existem várias biofábricas de mosca-das-frutas no mundo capazes de produzir machos estéreis que são utilizados para a erradicação ou supressão populacional em área-ampla. Visando-se diminuir os custos de produção dos insetos, pesquisas voltadas para a otimização e desenvolvimento de novas dietas não podem parar. Portanto, os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar a adequação e densidade larval ideal das moscas C. capitata e A. fraterculus em novas dietas à base de farinha de milho (FM), bagaço de cana-de-açúcar (BC), pó de cenoura liofilizada (PC) e carragenina (MC), escolhendo a dieta mais eficiente e viável economicamente para produção de cada uma dessas espécies com base na quantidade e qualidade de insetos produzidos e no custo de produção. As densidades larvais ideais para a criação de C. capitata nas dietas larvais FM, BC e PC foram, respectivamente, 0,5; 2,0; e 1,0 mL de ovos/kg de dieta. A dieta larval com maior produtividade foi a dieta BC, produzindo uma média de 6.514 pupas/kg de dieta, seguida das dietas FM e PC, que produziram, respectivamente, uma média de 5.018 e 4.135 pupas por kg de dieta. A ordem decrescente de viabilidade econômica entre as três dietas larvais para C. capitata foi a mesma (BC>FM>PC), sendo necessário um investimento médio de R$ 471,29; R$ 482,26; e R$ 1.085,85, respectivamente, para a produção de 1 milhão de pupas. Os resultados com A. fraterculus mostraram que as densidades larvais ideais nas dietas FM e MC foram de 2,0/kg de dieta e 1,5 mL de ovos/L de dieta, respectivamente. A dieta larval PC foi considerada inviável devido à baixa produtividade e peso de pupas. Em termos de produtividade, a dieta larval MC (produção média de 22.451 pupas/L de dieta), foi mais eficiente do que a FM (6.688 pupas/kg de dieta). Quanto à viabilidade econômica, a dieta larval MC foi mais vantajosa, demandando um investimento médio de R$ 312,67 para a produção de 1 milhão de pupas, enquanto que a dieta FM custou R$ 1.266,36 para produzir a mesma quantidade de pupas / Several species of fruit flies have been the subject of research for their mass rearing, including Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Mediterranean fruit fly or medfly) and, more recently, Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) (South American fruit fly), being these species the ones with most economic and quarantine importance in several fruit producing areas of Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and Peru. One of the requirements for the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) is the existence of mass rearing methods of the target species. In order to achieve the large-scale rearing of these species of fruit flies, it is necessary initially to develop a suitable larval diet. As the rearing diet can offer a huge amount of nutrients, artificially reared larvae mature earlier than wild ones, what accelerates the succession of generations. These changes during the larval stage may form adults with higher nutritional reserves and they can reach sexual maturity earlier. There are several mass-rearing facilities for fruit flies in the world capable of producing sterile males that are used for population eradication and suppression in area-wide. In order to reduce insect production costs, the optimization or development of new diets cannot stop. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to determine the adequacy and optimal larval density of C. capitata and A. fraterculus flies in new diets based on corn flour (FM), sugarcane bagasse (BC), lyophilized carrot powder (PC) and carrageenan (MC), choosing the most efficient and less costly diet for the production of each of the species, based on the quantity and quality of insects reared and production costs. The optimal larval densities for C. capitata in larval diets FM, BC and PC were, respectively, 0.5; 2.0 and 1.0 mL of eggs/kg of diet. The larval diet that reached the highest productivity was the BC diet, giving an average of 6,514 pupae/ kg of diet, followed by FM and PC diets, which produced an average of 5,018 and 4,115 pupae per kg of diet, respectively. The decreasing order of economic viability among the three larval diets used was the same (BC>FM>PC), requiring a mean investment of R$ 471.29; R$ 482.26; and R$ 1,085.85, respectively, for the production of 1 million pupae. The results with A. fraterculus showed that the ideal larval densities in FM and MC diets were 2.0 eggs/kg of diet and 1.5 mL of eggs/L of diet, respectively. The PC larval diet was considered infeasible based on the low production and weight of pupae. In terms of productivity, the MC larval diet, which resulted in an average of 22,451 pupae produced per L of diet, was more efficient than FM, which produced a mean of 6,688 pupae per kg of diet. Considering the economic costs, the MC larval diet was also superior, requiring R$ 312,67.00 for the production of 1 million pupae, while the FM diet required R$ 1,266.36 to produce the same amount of pupae

Efeitos de um programa de treinamento contra resistência sobre a composição corporal, a força muscular e a flexibilidade de mulheres idosas / Effects of resistance training program on body composition, muscle strength and flexibility of elderly women

Aline Rodrigues Barbosa 15 February 2000 (has links)
Esse estudo analisou os efeitos de 10 semanas de treinamento contra resistência, sobre a composição corporal, a força muscular e a flexibilidade de 11 mulheres idosas (68,91 ± 5,43 anos). Um grupo de 8 idosas (65,13 ±4,09 anos) serviu como controle inativo. A força de preensão manual (ambas as mãos), o percentual de gordura corporal (dobras cutâneas e bioimpedância) e a flexibilidade (teste \"sentar e alcançar\") foram avaliados antes e após 10 semanas. A força muscular isotônica foi avaliada pelas cargas de treinamento. Após as avaliações iniciais, os indivíduos começaram o programa de treinamento que consistiu de oito exercícios (peito, costas, ombro, bíceps, tríceps, coxa, panturrilha e abdome), sem a realização de exercício para flexibilidade. O programa de treinamento resultou em aumentos significativos (p< 0,001) na força muscular isotônica, para todos os exercícios, com aumentos percentuais que variaram de 25,91% a 49,09%, para tríceps e panturrilha, respectivamente. Verificaram se aumentos significativos (p < 0,001) na força de preensão manual de ambas as mãos e também na flexibilidade no grupo submetido a treinamento. O programa de treinamento não resultou em alteração na gordura corporal avaliada por bioímpedância e equação de dobras cutâneas, contudo verificou-se redução no &#931; 8DC (p&#8804;0,01). Não foram observadas alterações no grupo controle, em nenhuma variável investigada. Conclui-se que o programa de treinamento utilizado foi eficaz para aumentar a força muscular e a flexibilidade das mulheres idosas, reduzir o &#931; 8DC, contudo não provocou redução do percentual de gordura corporal. / This study analyzed the effects of a 10-wk resistance training program on body composition, muscle strength and flexibility in 11 elderly women (68.91 ± 5.43 yr.). A control group of 8 women (65.13 ± 4.09 yr.) served as inactive controls. Hand grip strength (both hands), body fat percent (skinfold thickness and bioelectrical impedance) and flexibility ( \"sit and reach\" test) were assessed before and after 10 weeks . The isotonic muscle strength were assessed by the weight of training . After initial tests, the subjects began a training program consisting of eight exercises for all body (chest, back, shoulder, biceps, triceps, thigh, calf and abdomen), without flexibility exercises. The training program resulted in significant increase (p< 0.001) in isotonic muscle strength, for all exercises, with increases ranged from 25.91% to 49.09%, for triceps and calf, respectively. It was observed significant increase (p<0,001) in hand grip strength (both hands) and flexibility in the training group. The training program resulted in no decrease in body fat assessed by bioelectrical impedance and skinfold thickness equation, but we observed decrease in &#931; 8ST (p&#8804; 0.01). No significant changes were observed in the control group by ariy variable. In conclusion, the training program utilized was effective in increase muscle strength, flexibility and reduced &#931; 8ST. However, the training program did not reduce body fat percentage.

Sarcopenia e dependência para relaização das atividades básicas da vida diária de idosos domiciliados no município de São Paulo - Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento (2000 e 2006) / Sarcopenia and dependency to perform activities of daily living in elderly domiciled in the city of São Paulo: SABE Survey - Health, Well-being and Aging (2000 e 2006)

Luís Alberto Gobbo 19 March 2012 (has links)
Introdução: A sarcopenia é caracterizada pela redução da força e massa muscular (MM), e acompanhada pelo declínio da capacidade funcional, em idosos, e sua associação com dependência para realização das atividades básicas da vida diária (ABVD) tem sido relatada na literatura internacional, entretanto, há escassez de informações sobre o tema no Brasil. Objetivo: Estimar a associação entre sarcopenia e dependência para a realização das ABVD, em idosos domiciliados no município de São Paulo, segundo sexo. Casuística e métodos: Foram analisados idosos ( 60 anos), de ambos os sexos, do Estudo SABE, longitudinal, epidemiológico e de base domiciliar, realizado no município de São Paulo, em 2000 e 2006, e que, em 2000, não apresentaram dependência. A variável sarcopenia foi definida por meio de três componentes: desempenho no teste de sentar e levantar de uma cadeira (SeL), categorizado em baixo (tempo percentil 75, segundo sexo), e normal (< percentil 75); pela força de preensão manual (FPM), categorizada em baixa (força percentil 25, segundo índice de massa corporal e sexo) e normal (> percentil 25); e massa muscular (MM), categorizada em baixa ( percentil 20, segundo sexo) e normal (> percentil 20), sendo diagnosticados sarcopênicos, idosos que apresentaram, simultaneamente, baixo desempenho e baixa MM, ou, então, desempenho normal, mas, baixas FPM e MM. A dependência para a realização das ABVD foi referidas pelos idosos, em 2006, sendo considerando dependentes, aqueles que responderam positivamente, para, pelo menos uma questão referente à dependência. As variáveis de controle foram sexo, grupos etários (60-74 e 75 anos), etnia (caucasianos, asiáticos, outros), número de doenças referidas (1 ou > 1). Resultados: Dos idosos sobreviventes, 799 apresentaram todos os dados necessários ao estudo (60,3 por cento mulheres, 85,6 por cento < 75 anos). Foram identificados como sarcopênicos, em 2000, 8,9 por cento dos idosos (homens = 8,3 por cento ; mulheres = 9,3 por cento ), e dependentes para a realização das ABVD, em 2006, 7 por cento (homens = 6,5 por cento ; mulheres = 7,3 por cento ). Idosos sarcopênicos apresentaram chance 3,13 vezes maior, para dependência (IC 95 por cento 1,67-5,87), em 2006, ajustado pelas demais variáveis, em relação aos não sarcopênicos. Quanto ao sexo, os homens sarcopênicos apresentaram chance 4,12 vezes maior (IC 95 por cento 1,28-13,30), para dependência, em 2006, enquanto as mulheres sarcopênicas apresentaram chance 2,77 vezes maior (IC 95 por cento 1,23-6,24). Conclusão: Aproximadamente 9 por cento dos idosos do município de São Paulo foram identificados como sarcopênicos, em 2000. Idosos sarcopênicos apresentaram chance maior de dependência para a realização das ABVD, em 2006, em particular, os homens / Introduction: Sarcopenia is characterized by reduced muscle mass (MM) and strength, and it is accompanied by a decline in functional capacity in elderly. Its association with dependence to perform activities of daily living (ADL) has been reported in international literature, however,there is limited information about the theme, in Brazil. Purpose: To estimate the association between sarcopenia and dependence to perform ADL, in elderly domiciled in the city of São Paulo, according to gender. Methodology: Elderly ( 60 anos) of both genders, who were not dependent in 2000, from the SABE Survey, a home-based, longitudinal and epidemiologic study, performed in the city of São Paulo, in 2000 and 2006, were analyzed. Sarcopenia was defined by three components: performance in the sit and rise from a chair test (S&R), categorized as low (time 75th percentile according to sex) and normal (<75th percentile); by handgrip strength (HS), categorized as low (strength 25 percentile, according to body mass index and gender) and normal (> 25th percentile); and muscle mass (MM), categorized as low ( 20th percentile, by sex) and normal (> 20th percentile); where diagnosed sarcopenic elderly who had both poor performance and low MM , or normal performance, but low HS and MM. Dependence to perform ADL, referred by the elderly, in 2006, being considered dependents those who answered, positively, for at least, one question related to dependence. Control variables were: sex, age groups (60-74 e 75 anos), ethnicity (caucasian, asian, others), number of referred diseases (1 ou > 1). Results: Of the survivors, 799 presented all data for the study (60.3 per cent women, 85.6 per cent < 75 years old). It was identified as sarcopenic, in 2000, 8.9 per cent of the elderly (men = 8.3 per cent ; women = 9.3 per cent ), and dependents to perform ADL, in 2006, 7 per cent (men = 6.5 per cent ; women = 7.3 per cent ). Those diagnosed with sarcopenia, in 2000, presented an odds ratio 3.13 times higher, for dependence (CI 95 per cent 1.67-5.87), in 2006, adjusted for other variables. According to gender, sarcopenic men presented an odds ratio 4.12 times higher (CI 95 per cent 1.28-13.30), for dependence, in 2006, while sarcopenic women present odds ratio 2.77 times higher (CI 95 per cent 1.23-6.24). Conclusion: Approximately 9 per cent of the elderly in São Paulo were identified as sarcopenic, in 2000. Sarcopenic elderly presented higher chance of dependency to perform ADL in 2006, particularly men

Axially Symmetric Equivalents Of Three-Dimensional Rf Ion Traps

Shareef, I Khader 08 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents axially symmetric equivalents of three-dimensional rf ion traps. Miniaturization in mass spectrometry has focused on miniaturizing mass analyzers. Decrease in mass analyzer size facilitates reduction of the size of other components of a mass spectrometer, especially the radio frequency electronics and vacuum system. Miniaturized mass analyzers are made using advanced microfabrication techniques. Due to micromachining limitations, it is not possible to fabricate ion traps with exact axial symmetry. The motivation for this thesis is to investigate newer three-dimensional geometries which do not possess axial symmetry, but are equivalent in performance to axially symmetric ion traps. We introduce a 3D geometry called square ion trap(SIT) having a ring electrode made off our square shaped planar surfaces and square shaped endcap electrodes resembling a cuboid. Initially, a SIT geometry is taken and it will be investigated if this unknown 3D geometry can be made equivalent to a well characterized, axially symmetric ion trap like the CIT. The purpose of showing equivalence will be to understand the ion dynamics and fields inside the new 3D SIT. This thesis consists of five chapters. In Chapter 1, we present the necessary background information required to understand the operation of a mass spectrometer. The Paul trap geometry is introduced followed by the derivation of equation of ion motion inside the Paul trap. The Mathieu stability plot and the modes of operation of a mass spectrometer are briefly discussed. The chapter ends by outlining scope of the thesis. Chapter 2 describes the computational methods employed by us in the thesis. First, the geometry of square ion trap is introduced. Then the boundary element method(BEM) which is used to compute the charge distribution on the electrode surfaces is discussed. This is followed by the three-dimensional Green’s function which should be employed for non-axially symmetric structures. The method to calculate potential and field inside the ion trap from charge distribution is shown. Calculation of multipole coefficients for non-axially symmetric traps using charge distribution is shown. The methods used to generate ion trajectory and stability plot are discussed. The Nelder-Mead simplex method used for optimization is also presented. To verify our numerical methods of charge calculation, we have taken standard textbook problems and compared our results with those presented therein. The multipoles calculation, field and ion trajectory was verified by comparing the results for the Paul trap and cylindrical ion traps. Chapter 3 presents the results for axially symmetric equivalents of 3D rf ion traps. SIT geometry of dimensions equivalent to the CIT0 are taken and field and multipoles are studied in it. Then optimization is applied to create a CIT geometry equivalent to the SIT under study. Axial field and ion trajectory was compared and observed to be matching. Finally, stability plot was generated for both SIT and its equivalent CIT and was found to present a close match. Chapter 4 presents the numerical results obtained for three-dimensional rf ion trap equivalent of CIT. In this chapter, we have considered two standard geometries, the CIT0 and the CITopt. Optimization was applied to create SIT geometries equivalent to the CIT0 and the CITopt respectively. Comparison of fields and ion trajectory confirmed the fact that non-axially symmetric traps can be created equivalent to any axially symmetric ion trap. We have also considered another case of axially symmetric circular planar ion trap which has an annular ring electrode and two planar endcap electrodes. Square equivalent of circular planar trap was created by the optimizer and its equivalent was verified by ion trajectory comparison. Chapter 5 summarizes the thesis with a few concluding remarks.

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