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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Polyfunkční dům / Multifunctional building

Culík, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis is the project of a six-storey multifunctional building in Brno. The building is designed for commercial and housing. In the basement is a garage for residents with a technical room, first floor are commercial spaces such as cafes, bike shop, newspaper shop, bakery, then there is the entrance to do the apartments which are located in the remaining upper floors. Each residential floor has 6 apartments, 4 three-room and 2 four-room apartments. There is a total of 24 apartments. Housing has green flat roof, above the underground is operational flat roof with a parking area. This project is developed with a computer software AutoCAD, 3D models are developed with ArchiCAD and renders are developed with rendering software Lumion. This thesis was created with an emphasis on a correct layout and architectural design, static requirements and safety construction usage.

Hodnocení výkonnosti společnosti s využitím EFQM Excelence Model / Company Performance Evaluation Using EFQM Excellence Model

Libichová, Pavla January 2017 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on valuation of effeciency of a particular company. This valuation of effeciency is performed on EFQM Model Excellence. Theoretical part of thesis is focused on description of selected models of valuation of effeciancy. In practical part is selected comapany introduced and included it’s field of business. And on the base of EFQM Excellence Model is valuation of efficiency made. The final part of the thesis is given suggestions for improvement.

Pohon EC motoru malého výkonu / Low power BLDC electric drive

Štajner, David January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to introduce a construction and controlling of the EC motor. On a base of knowledge make up a EC motor model in Matlab Simulink, with a position scanning providing by Hall probe. The EC motor model should be with its behavior close to the real EC motor as much as possible. There were a given requirements on the motor. On the base of those requirements was chosen a real EC motor. Its catalog values were put in the EC motor model in Matlab and the results were compared with real data. Next task was to design a real controlling driver of EC motor, which should has a minimal size. This driver was constructed and thermal test was made a on given load.

Simulation der Produktqualität mit Hilfe prozessorientierter Toleranzberechnungen

Bruns, Christoph 03 June 2010 (has links)
Die Produktqualität und Kosten sind ein eindeutiger Indikator für die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit innovativer Produkte. Toleranzen steuern hier nicht nur die Prozesskosten in der Fertigung und Montage, sondern auch die endgültige Produktqualität. Mit der statistischen Toleranzanalyse werden diese Indikatoren vorhersagbar. Eine fertigungsprozessorientierte Toleranzvergabe ist heute unabdingbar, um Produkte schon frühzeitig in der Produktentwicklung mit den Mitteln der CAD-Umgebung robust nach den Grundsätzen von Design for Six Sigma auszulegen (DfSS=kein Ausschuss bei hoher Funktionalität). Viele innovative Produkte und Funktionsprinzipien würden ohne diese Vorgehensweise am Markt nicht bestehen können. Einige Beispiele aus der Praxis werden das im Rahmen dieses Vortrages aufzeigen.

The six-party talks and the North Korean nuclear weapons programme: negotiation analysis / The six-party talks and the North Korean nuclear weapons programme: negotiation analysis

Sdun, Maika Malina January 2017 (has links)
ble agreement did not exist due to the involved parties' irreconcilable positions. Two hypoth- eses addressing factors that are exogenous to the negotiations such as the parties' underlying negotiators' pursuits within the Six

Warden och småstater / Warden and small states

Cvetkovski, Niklas January 2020 (has links)
John A. Warden’s theory the enemy as a system has been influential and attributed to large scale victories, such as Operation Desert Storm. It advocates offensive use of air power by parallel attacks on the enemy’s strategic center. While doctrines of small states are dependent and influenced by the military thinking of great power nations, its capacity and necessary priorities for the use of air power may differ. This study examines Warden’s theory through two cases, the Six Day War and the Second Lebanon War. Both relied on air power executed by a small state, Israel. The result show that Warden’s theory can partly explain Israelic victory during the Six Day War, but with substantial differentiations from the theory’s advocation of attacks on the enemy strategic leadership. The findings are ambiguous and neither strengthens nor weakens the theory. The analysis of the Second Lebanon War indicates that air power was insufficient in achieving strategic victory in the war against Hezbollah, even though the execution of the air operation had significant resemblance to Warden’s theory, thus weakening the theory.

Six Sigma within Construction Context : As a Quality Initiative, Performance Indicator/Improver, Management strategy

Muharrem Firat, Yilmaz January 2012 (has links)
Six Sigma was developed in 1980s in manufacturing industry and became popular as a process improvement method. However, the adoption of this concept is new in construction industry and the aim of this study is to evaluate Six Sigma as a process improvement method within construction context. This thesis includes Literature Review and three interviews. Literature Review had discussed process improvement methods used in construction industry and analyzed the basic features and principles of Six Sigma. Three interviews were conducted about the basic principles of Six Sigma and Quality Concept. Interviewers are a Project Manager, Field and Cost Engineer. The approach of the interview to Six Sigma is based on quality, performance and management aspects. This study defends that there is no doubt about the positive effects of Six Sigma on construction projects. Particularly, Six Sigma can provide a broader quality concept, detailed performance measurement, coordinated and repeatable process/performance improvement. It has increased quality directly/indirectly and has positive effects on production efficiency. As a 2 management approach, Six Sigma is discussable within construction context due to differences of manufacturing and construction industry. Since construction industry includes lots of unrepeatable tasks and different process design techniques, Six Sigma does not seem applicable as a whole management approach in construction industry. Furthermore, it can be integrated to the existing management procedures of companies. Taking everything into consideration, it is obvious that Six Sigma has a lot in order to accelerate fundamental and cultural challenges construction industry needs.

Schaltungen zur Frequenzumsetzung für drahtlose Übertragungssysteme im Millimeterwellenbereich

Rieß, Vincent 14 May 2021 (has links)
Diese Arbeit beschreibt den Entwurf, die Analyse und die Verifikation von integrierten Schaltungen zur Frequenzumsetzung für drahtlose Übertragungssysteme im Millimeterwellenbereich. Bei der Beschreibung der zur Verfügung stehenden Halbleitertechnologien und der Aufbau- und Verbindungstechniken wird deutlich, dass parasitäre Widerstände, Kapazitäten und Induktivitäten sämtlicher Verbindungen Verluste und Reflexionen verursachen, die mit der Signalfrequenz ansteigen. Dies motiviert die Reduktion der Signalfrequenz zur Verringerung dieser Verluste, soweit wie dies in einem Millimeterwellensystem möglich ist. Neben den in drahtlosen Übertragungssystemen ohnehin erforderlichen Mischern zur Modulation und Demodulation werden in dieser Arbeit auch Frequenzmultiplizierer vorgestellt. Mit diesen Schaltungen ist es möglich, das hochfrequente Trägersignal direkt neben den Mischern zu erzeugen und mit möglichst kurzen Leitungen anzuschließen, sodass die parasitären Verluste dieser Verbindung sowie die Reflexionen minimal werden. Mit Ausnahme der Verbindungen zu den Antennen kann dadurch die Frequenz der restlichen extern anzuschließenden Signale, nämlich des zu übertragenden Basisbandsignals und des subharmonischen LO-Signals, wesentlich verringert werden, wodurch die Verluste insgesamt reduziert werden. In dieser Arbeit werden dafür zwei Frequenzverdoppler und ein Frequenzversechsfacher vorgestellt, die jeweils mit einer Eingangsfrequenz im Bereich um 30 GHz Ausgangssignale bei 60 GHz bzw. bei 180 GHz erzeugen. Diese drei Schaltungen wurden mit einem Schwerpunkt auf der Unterdrückung unerwünschter Harmonischer und einer gleichzeitig effizienten Erzeugung der gewünschten Harmonischen entworfen. Damit konnte der Stand der Technik für BiCMOS-Frequenzmultiplizierer mit einer Ausgangsfrequenz von bis zu 210 GHz verbessert werden. Sowohl hinsichtlich der absoluten DC-Leistung des Frequenzversechsfachers von lediglich 63 mW, als auch bezüglich der Effizienz (PAE) von 0,28 %, der Verstärkung von 10 dB und der Unterdrückung unerwünschter Harmonischer von bis zu 35 dB sind die erzielten Ergebnisse außerdem besser als von einigen Schaltungen aus leistungsfähigeren III-V-Halbleiterprozessen. Passend zur Mittenfrequenz von 180 GHz am Ausgang des Frequenzversechsfachers, die auch die Mittenfrequenz des IEEE G-Bands ist, werden außerdem integrierte Aufwärts- und Abwärtsmischer entwickelt, die auf der für Kommunikationssysteme vergleichsweise wenig beachteten Sechstor-Architektur basieren. Die Vorteile der Sechstor-Architektur wurden zuvor bereits bei niedrigeren Frequenzen sowohl mit integrierten als auch mit diskret aufgebauten Schaltungen demonstriert. Ein Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die darauf aufbauende Entwicklung und Untersuchung von integrierten I-Q-Mischern mit dieser Architektur für drahtlose Kommunikationssysteme bei 180 GHz in einem 130 nm-BiCMOS-Prozess. Dafür werden geeignete Detektoren und Reflektoren präsentiert, mit denen die Implementierung in diesem Frequenzbereich möglich ist. Mit den erzielten Ergebnissen konnte jeweils der Stand der Technik für integrierte Sechstor-Aufwärts- und -Abwärtsmischer verbessert werden: Im Fall der Sechstor-Aufwärtsmischer stellen die durchgeführten Messungen die erste Verifikation dieser Architektur im Millimeterwellenbereich dar. Auch im Fall der Abwärtsmischer ist die entworfene Schaltung die erste Realisierung bei einer Mittenfrequenz von über 120 GHz. Die erzielten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Sechstor-Architektur im Millimeterwellenbereich für die Anwendung in drahtlosen Übertragungssystemen geeignet ist. Hinsichtlich der HF-Eigenschaften sind die erzielten Ergebnisse vergleichbar mit oder besser als solche, die mit technologisch aufwendigeren und oftmals energieintensiveren Schalter-Mischern, wie z.B. den Gilbert-Mischern, erreicht werden. Darüber hinaus wird anhand von mathematischen Schaltungsanalysen gezeigt, dass sich diese Mischerarchitektur ebenfalls durch ihre gute analytische Modellierbarkeit auszeichnet. Selbst mit stark idealisierten und vereinfachten Modellen kann der Mischgewinn bei 180 GHz mit einer Abweichung zur Messung und zur Simulation von lediglich rund 5 dB berechnet werden.:Kurzfassung Abstract Symbolverzeichnis Vorveröffentlichungen 1. Einleitung 2. Fertigungsprozesse für Schaltungen im Millimeterwellenbereich 2.1. Halbleitertechnologien 2.2. Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik 2.3. Reduktion von Verlusten mittels Frequenzumsetzung 3. Frequenzmultiplizierer 3.1. Frequenzverdoppler mit Polyphasenfilter 3.2. Frequenzverdoppler mit aktivem und passivem Balun 3.3. Frequenzversechsfacher 3.4. Anwendung in einem Millimeterwellensystem 4. Mischer 4.1. Sechstor-Interferometer 4.2. Sechstor-Abwärtsmischer 4.3. Sechstor-Aufwärtsmischer 5. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick A. Betragsberechnungen der auslaufenden Wellen des Sechstors B. Lösung der nichtlinearen Differenzialgleichung C. Differenzen der Quadrate und Kuben harmonischer Summen Literaturverzeichnis Danksagung / In this thesis the design, analysis and verification of integrated circuits for wireless communication systems operating at millimeter waves is presented. During a review of the available manufacturing processes for integrated circuits, printed circuit boards, and interconnects, problems associated with these techniques are identified. Parasitic elements, such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors introduce losses that increase with the signal frequency. This motivates the reduction of the signal frequency wherever possible, so as to reduce these frequency-dependent losses. To achieve this, millimeterwave up- and downconverting mixers, which are anyway required in wireless systems for the modulation and demodulation of an rf carrier signal, and frequency multipliers for generation of those carrier signals are presented in this thesis. With the frequency multipliers it is possible to generate the carrier signals as spatially close to the mixers as possible, reducing the required length of the connection and the losses and reflecions associated with it. Two frequency doublers and a frequency sixtupler were designed for the conversion of input signals at 30 GHz to output signals at 60 GHz and at 180 GHz, respectively. The designs are focused on an energy-efficient generation of the desired harmonic and a large suppression of other undesired harmonics. In this way, the demonstrated results for the frequency sixtupler at 180 GHz improve the state-of-the-art for both BiCMOS and III-V circuits in terms of power consumption, power added efficiency (PAE), conversion gain and harmonic suppression. With the output frequency at up to 210 GHz and with a dc power consumption of 63 mW, a conversion gain of 10 dB, a PAE of 0.28 %, and a harmonic suppression of 35 dB is reached. Matching the output frequency of the sixtupler, two quadrature mixers operating at 180 GHz are presented. They are based on the six-port technique, which offers some promising features at millimeter wave frequencies, but is still not very popular for the application in integrated communication systems. Some research has already been conducted on six-port receivers for radar and communication systems operating at lower frequencies, both as integrated circuits and on printed circuit boards. In the case of six-port downconversion mixers, competetive results with discrete III-V diodes and transistors on printed circuit boards were demonstrated, but very little research on integrated realizations has been published to date. One goal of this thesis is therefore to design integrated six-port mixers at 180 GHz and investigate this architecture for the quadrature up- and downconversion in communication systems. Suitable active detectors and reflectors are proposed to enable the implementation of the six-port technique at these frequencies. In this way, the first implementation of the six-port technique for the upconversion at millimeterwave frequencies is demonstrated. For the downconversion, the rf center frequency at 180 GHz is the highest among six-port implementations to date. The results in terms of rf performance compare well against state-of-the-art switching mixers, such as Gilbert cells. Moreover, the six-port architecture is found to be much simpler in terms of the circuit complexity and it enables the circuit analysis using only simple and idealistic models. With such models, the conversion gain at 180 GHz can be calculated with an error of only about 5 dB. In its minimal realization, a quadrature mixer with a very low dc power consumption can be designed. This makes the six-port technique increasingly attractive as the rf frequency is increased and switching mixers consume a higher dc and rf power.:Kurzfassung Abstract Symbolverzeichnis Vorveröffentlichungen 1. Einleitung 2. Fertigungsprozesse für Schaltungen im Millimeterwellenbereich 2.1. Halbleitertechnologien 2.2. Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik 2.3. Reduktion von Verlusten mittels Frequenzumsetzung 3. Frequenzmultiplizierer 3.1. Frequenzverdoppler mit Polyphasenfilter 3.2. Frequenzverdoppler mit aktivem und passivem Balun 3.3. Frequenzversechsfacher 3.4. Anwendung in einem Millimeterwellensystem 4. Mischer 4.1. Sechstor-Interferometer 4.2. Sechstor-Abwärtsmischer 4.3. Sechstor-Aufwärtsmischer 5. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick A. Betragsberechnungen der auslaufenden Wellen des Sechstors B. Lösung der nichtlinearen Differenzialgleichung C. Differenzen der Quadrate und Kuben harmonischer Summen Literaturverzeichnis Danksagung

Marintaktiska begränsningar i en gråzonskontext : en teorikonsumerande enkel fallstudie om de taktiskt begränsande faktorer IKFN-förordningen medför i en gråzonskonflikt

Richard, Tragl January 2019 (has links)
There has always been a gray zone between peace and war, but never have nations tried to exploit this fact as much as today. Nations use the cognitive and legal spaces between peace and war to their advantage, with the purpose of achieving political and military goals. While this fact broadens the spectrum of war, it also challenges existing laws, regulating when and how militaries can use deadly force. The sea has been part of several recent gray zone conflicts, primarily involving Russia and China. The successes this type of warfare has achieved, makes it likely these nations will continue on the same path in the future.   The purpose of this paper is to answer in what way Swedish law restricts the Swedish Navy tactically in a gray zone conflict. This is done through a case study involving a fictive case by the Swedish Defence Research Agency, creating a plausible gray zone scenario in Sweden and the Baltic Sea Region. Additions are made to the case to aim the focus on the maritime domain. Law regulating when the Swedish Navy can use force, is triangulated with part of Wayne P. Hughes’s theory, Six cornerstones. The part used to analyze the case is the sixth cornerstone, Attack effectively first, which emphasizes the importance of attacking first in order to achieve tactical success at sea.   The analysis concludes that Swedish law puts the Swedish Navy in a severe tactical disadvantage, in a gray zone conflict, by restricting the use of force against non-military vessels. Because of that, Swedish ships will always be second to fire, preventing the possibility of attacking effectively first.

Lindra lidande till sista andetaget- vårda patienter med demenssjukdom i livets slutskede : En kvalitativ litteraturöversikt / Alleviating suffering to the last breath- caring for patients with dementia in the end-of-life : A qualitative litterature review

Holmström, Emelie, Gustavsson, Ellen, Stenholm, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Patienter med demenssjukdom har visats erhålla sämre vård i livets slut. Patienterna erhåller bland annat mindre smärtlindring och mindre planering av vården vilket kan resultera i smärtsamma och oönskade livsförlängande åtgärder. Demenssjukdom är ett terminalt tillstånd men patienter med demenssjukdom erhåller sällan palliativ vård, vilket bör främjas. Syfte: Beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter med demenssjukdom i livets slutskede.Metod: En litteraturöversikt genomfördes induktivt med kvalitetsgranskade kvalitativa artiklar från åren 2012–2021. Litteratursökningar gjordes i Cinahl, Medline och Scopus. Analysen gjordes med grund i Fribergs analysstruktur i fem steg. Resultat: I resultatet framkom tre teman: Vikten av symtomlindring med två subteman (Att skatta symtom och Att lindra symtom), Vikten av kommunikation med tre subteman (Med patient, Med närstående och Med teamet) och Vikten av en fungerade organisation med tre subteman (Behov av struktur, Behov av tid och Behov av utbildning och kompetens). Kommunikationssvårigheter är hinder för sjuksköterskor i tillhandahållandet av god vård. Närstående kan användas som resurs samtidigt som relationen med närstående kan vara konfliktfylld. Även organisatoriska aspekter har påverkan på vården.Slutsats: Smärta riskerar att bli undervärderat utan användning av smärtskattningsinstrument. Närstående bör involveras i vården även om de inte kan användas som resurs för bibehållande av patientens självbild. Sjuksköterskor och sjuksköterskestudenter behöver mer utbildning för att kunna ge patienter med demenssjukdom god vård i livets slutskede. / Background: Patients with dementia have been shown to receive poorer end-of-life care. Patients receive, among other things, less pain relief and less care planning, which can result in painful and unwanted life-extending interventions. Dementia is a terminal condition but patients with dementia rarely receive palliative care, which should be promoted.Aim: Describe nurses experience of caring for patients with dementia in the end of life. Method: A literature review was performed with an inductive approach and a base in quality reviewed qualitative articles from the years 2012-2021. Searches of articles were made in databases Cinahl, Medline and Scopus. The analysis was based on Friberg’s five step structure of analysis. Result: The results revealed three themes: The importance of symptom relief with two subthemes (Estimating symptoms and Relieving symptoms), The importance of communication with three subthemes (With patient, With relatives and With the team) and The importance of a functioning organization with three subthemes (Need for structure, Need for time and Need for education and competence). Communication difficulties are obstacles for nurses in the provision of good care. Loved ones can be used as resource while the relationship with loved ones can be conflicted. Organizational aspects also have an impact on healthcare.Conclusion: Pain is at risk of being undervalued without the use of pain assessment instruments. Relatives should be involved in care even if they cannot be used as a resource to maintain the patient's self-image. Nurses and nursing students need more training in order to provide patients with dementia with good end-of-life care.

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