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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Association of Health Facility Delivery and Risk of Infant Mortality in Nigeria

Ukwu, Susan Adaku 01 January 2019 (has links)
Infant mortality (IM) incidence in health facility systems during or after infant delivery is substantially high in Nigeria. In this quantitative, cross-sectional study, the effects of skill birth attendants (SBAs), prenatal care, and providers of prenatal care on IM in health facility delivery centers were examined. The Mosley and Chen theoretical framework informed this study and was used to explain the relationship between SBAs, prenatal care, and providers of prenatal care and IM. One hundred and sixty infant deaths were examined among mothers who used an SBA versus those who did not, mothers who had prenatal care versus those without, and mothers who received prenatal care from a health facility versus traditional providers. The 2014 verbal and social autopsy secondary data set was analyzed using binary logistic regression technique. There was no significant difference in risk of IM between mothers who had SBA during infant delivery in health facility compared to those without SBA during delivery. Mothers who received prenatal care had a significant higher risk of infant death in a health facility compared to those that did not receive prenatal care. Mothers who received prenatal care from traditional providers did not have a statistically significant risk of IM compared to mothers who received prenatal care from a health facility. The findings could have positive social change implications by encouraging multilevel public health stakeholders to support and promote the use of health surveillance in understanding the barriers and challenges of health facility delivery practices, prenatal care, and use of SBA as it relates to IM to facilitate policy change in maternal and infant care practices in Nigeria.


樋野, 励, 清水, 良明, 柳, 在圭 05 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C) 課題番号:16560225 研究代表者:樋野 励 研究期間:2004-2005年度

Établissement des travailleurs immigrants sélectionnés au Québec : mobilité professionnelle et présence en emploi qualifié au cours des premières années suivant l’arrivée

Bégin, Karine 12 1900 (has links)
Les études portant sur l’adéquation entre le niveau de formation des individus et celui requis pour l’emploi occupé se sont peu attardées à la dimension temporelle de cette relation. De plus, peu ont abordé la question chez les immigrants canadiens, et de surcroît chez les travailleurs immigrants sélectionnés du Québec. Une seule étude abordant le sujet sous un angle longitudinal a été recensée et se limite à l’accès des travailleurs qualifiés à un premier emploi correspondant à leur niveau de compétences. Cette thèse cherche à aller au-delà des premières transitions sur le marché du travail et vise à mieux comprendre l’évolution de la relation formation-emploi au fil du temps d’établissement. Plus spécifiquement, l’objectif y est de mieux circonscrire l’évolution de la relation formation-emploi au cours des premières années suivant l’arrivée du migrant, d’en identifier les déterminants, mais également de voir l’impact de cette relation sur d’autres dimensions de la qualité de l’emploi : le statut socioéconomique et le salaire. Afin de mieux comprendre les déterminants de l’occupation d’emplois correspondant à son niveau de compétences et d’emplois pour lesquels l’individu est suréduqué ainsi que leur impact respectif sur le statut d’emploi et le salaire, cette thèse considère l’apport de théories sociologiques et économiques. D’une part, différentes théories s’opposent quant au caractère temporaire ou permanent de la suréducation. Ce faisant, elles soulèvent l’impact potentiel des expériences en emploi passées sur le parcours futur et la nécessité d’une vision longitudinale de l’insertion professionnelle. D’autre part, d’autres approches soulèvent, en plus des déterminants individuels, le rôle du contexte social et institutionnel dans lequel l’individu s’insère. Ces différentes approches trouvent écho dans la perspective empirique du parcours de vie qui permet de considérer l’interrelation entre des facteurs micro, méso et macro sociaux et de se représenter les parcours biographiques au fil du temps. L'Enquête sur les travailleurs sélectionnés (ETS) a rendu possible l'étude des parcours en emploi de cette catégorie d'immigrant sélectionnée en fonction de son potentiel d'insertion à la société québécoise dans la mesure où celle-ci comporte à la fois des données administratives sur la situation prémigratoire des travailleurs immigrants, de même que de l'information datée sur chacun des emplois occupés après la migration. L’analyse a été effectuée en trois temps soit : une description du lien entre le niveau de formation et l’emploi, l’étude des déterminants de la relation formation-emploi et finalement, l’étude des salaires et effet de la relation formation-emploi sur ceux-ci. Chacun de ces trois volets est présenté sous forme d’articles soumis pour publication. Les résultats montrent que la proportion d’individus occupant des emplois correspondant à leur niveau de compétences augmente avec le temps passé dans la société d’accueil. Cependant, la suréducation demeure un phénomène présent chez la catégorie des travailleurs immigrants sélectionnés. À ce titre, les premières expériences en emploi sont déterminantes dans la mesure où elles ont un impact non seulement sur l’évolution de la relation formation-emploi, mais également sur les salaires et les statuts des emplois décrochés par les nouveaux arrivants. La grille de sélection, élément central du processus par lequel un candidat peut devenir immigrant au Québec, à travers les attributs des individus qu’elle retient, contribue aussi à façonner les parcours en emploi. La région de provenance des immigrants distingue également les immigrants entre eux, toutes choses égales par ailleurs. La majorité des groupes sont désavantagés lorsqu’ils sont comparés à leurs compatriotes de l’Europe de l’Ouest et des États-Unis, et ce désavantage perdure au fil des années. Cette thèse a démontré que l’insertion professionnelle et la relation formation-emploi sont des sujets se devant d’être abordés sous un angle longitudinal pour bien saisir la complexité des processus à l’œuvre. Au niveau social, les analyses auront permis de montrer l’importance de se pencher sur les services offerts aux immigrants pour les aider dans leur insertion professionnelle, surtout dans un contexte où des départs à la retraite massifs et des pénuries de main-d'œuvre qualifiée sont à prévoir. / Studies on the adequacy between the level of education of individuals and that required for the job held have rarely addressed the temporal dimension of this relationship. Moreover, few have addressed the issue among Canadian immigrants, and fewer still for skilled workers in Quebec. One study examining the subject from a longitudinal perspective has been identified, but is limited to the access of skilled workers to a first job corresponding to their skill level. This thesis seeks to go beyond the first transitions to the labour market and aims to better understand the evolution of the relationship between education and employment over the course of settlement. More specifically, the objective is to better define the progression of this relationship during the first years after the migrant’s arrival, to identify its determinants, but also to see the impact of this relationship on other dimensions of job quality: socio-economic status and salary. This thesis considers the contribution of sociological and economic theories in order to better understand the determinants of having jobs that match one’s level of skills and jobs for which the individual is over-educated, as well as their respective impacts on employment status and salary. On the one hand, various theories disagree regarding the temporary or permanent nature of over-education. In so doing, they highlight the potential impact of past job experiences on the job course and the need for a longitudinal view of labour market integration. On the other hand, other approaches underline, in addition to individual determinants, the role of the social and institutional context in which the individual belongs. These different approaches are reflected in the empirical perspective of the life course that allows us to consider the interrelationship between micro, meso and macro social factors and to represent individual histories through time. Data from the "Enquête sur les travailleurs sélectionnés" (ETS) includes both administrative data on the pre-migration situation of immigrant workers, as well as information on each job held after migration, making possible the study of pathways into employment for this immigrant category which is selected based on its potential for integration into Quebec society. The analysis was conducted in three phases, including a description of the relationship between educational attainment and employment, the study of the determinants of the education-job relationship and finally, the study of wages and the effect of the education-job relationship on them. Each of these three components is presented in the form of articles ready to be submitted for publication. The results show that the proportion of individuals in jobs that match their skill level increases with time spent in the host society. However, over-education is a phenomenon present among the skilled worker immigration category. As such, the first job experiences are critical since they have an impact not only on the evolution of the relationship between education and employment, but also on wages and the socio-economic status of jobs obtained by new immigrants. The selection grid, a central element of the process through which a candidate can become an immigrant in Quebec, also helps shape the job course through the attributes of the individuals that it retains. Region of origin distinguishes immigrants as well, all things being equal. Most groups are disadvantaged when compared to their counterparts from Western Europe and the United States, and this disadvantage persists over the years. This thesis has shown that economic integration and the education-job relationship are topics to be addressed from a longitudinal perspective in order to understand the complexity of the processes at work. At the social level, analyses have demonstrated the importance of looking at the services offered to immigrants to help them establish economically, especially in a context where retirements and massive labour shortages are expected to happen.

La migration féminine qualifiée d’origine sud-américaine à Montréal : ressources culturelles et symboliques, et stratégies d’accès au marché de l’emploi

Guillen Castro, Maritza 06 1900 (has links)
Au Canada et au Québec, au cours des années 2000, la migration des travailleurs qualifiés originaires d’Amérique du Sud a connu une croissance très rapide. Pourtant, ce flux migratoire et sa composante féminine ne semblent pas avoir fait l’objet d’une lecture sociologique. Ce travail vise à combler quelques lacunes dans ce domaine des connaissances, en examinant le processus d’intégration économique d’immigrantes d’origine sud-américaine arrivées durant cette décennie. L’étude comprend l’analyse de 16 cas de femmes originaires de divers pays d’Amérique du Sud qui ont un diplôme universitaire ou l’équivalent, qui avaient déjà une expérience de travail dans leur pays d’origine et qui possèdent une bonne maîtrise de la langue française. Les questions qui guident cette recherche dépassent l’aspect statistique ou sociodémographique d’un groupe non étudié dans le contexte canadien. Le but principal de ce mémoire consiste à examiner l’importance d’une variété de ressources culturelles et symboliques qui sont déployées tout au long du processus d’intégration socioéconomique par des immigrantes sud-américaines de la catégorie des « travailleurs qualifiés » dans le contexte montréalais. Dans ce but, l’étude analyse comment les ressources acquises dans la société d’origine ont des impacts sur le parcours professionnel de ces femmes, en leur permettant de définir des stratégies d’intégration sur le marché du travail dans la société réceptrice. L’analyse se déploie à partir de la problématisation des facteurs construits socioculturellement comme catégories de structuration et de hiérarchisation qui, selon le contexte, définissent la position sociale et qui, à travers l’expérience, expliquent la position situationnelle des immigrantes sud-américaines. L’accès, l’utilisation et la mobilisation des ressources pour définir des stratégies d’intégration socioprofessionnelle sont analysés à partir de quatre axes : l’expérience, la dimension intersubjective, le contexte institutionnel et organisationnel, et finalement, la dimension représentationnelle. / During the beginning of the 21st century the migration of skilled workers from South America to Canada and Quebec has grown very fast. However, this migration and its female component do not appear to have been the subject of a sociological reading. This work aims to fill some gaps in this subject by examining the process of economic integration of South American female immigrants who have arrived in Canada in this last decade. The study includes the analysis of 16 cases of women from various South American countries, specifically women who have a university degree or equivalent, who have working experience in their country of origin and who have a good knowledge of French. The questions guiding this research go beyond the statistical or socio-demographics analysis of a group not studied before in the Canadian context. The central aim of this work is to examine the importance of a range of cultural and symbolic resources that are deployed in the process of the socio-economic integration of South American female immigrants in Montreal who arrived into the category of "skilled workers.” With this aim, the study analyzes how the cultural and symbolic resources acquired in the society of origin can affect the success of these women by allowing them to define strategies of labour market integration in the receiving society. In considering the original and host societies as the social referents, this study offers an understanding of the importance of both the context and the personal experience that will impact directly on the career paths of female skilled immigrants in the post-migratory context. The analysis extends from the study of factors constructed as socio-cultural and hierarchical categories which, depending on the context, defines the social position and through experience, defines the situational position of immigrants. The access, use and mobilization of resources to develop strategies of socio-professional integration are analyzed from four axes : the experiential, the inter-subjective, the organizational and the representational dimensions.

Is it Obvious? A Review and Critique of the Non-obviousness Patent Requirement

Hashim, Mohamed 20 November 2012 (has links)
A patent is often characterized as a bargain between an inventor and society. Generally, for a patent to be considered valid, an invention must satisfy three broad criteria: it must be new, useful, and non-obvious. This paper focuses on the requirement of non-obviousness. It explores the criterion from inception to its current state and suggests a potential refinement. A multi-jurisdictional snap-shot is presented focusing on the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States, and Canada. It is submitted that the non-obvious prerequisite contains a problematic level of uncertainty. The law of obviousness lacks a baseline standard. To achieve certainty, it is suggested that the law adopt the principles pertaining to patenting combinations and aggregates. Ultimately the law of patents, inclusive of the doctrine of obviousness, must be fashioned and administered in a manner that respects the quid pro quo that has guided the law for many years.

Is it Obvious? A Review and Critique of the Non-obviousness Patent Requirement

Hashim, Mohamed 20 November 2012 (has links)
A patent is often characterized as a bargain between an inventor and society. Generally, for a patent to be considered valid, an invention must satisfy three broad criteria: it must be new, useful, and non-obvious. This paper focuses on the requirement of non-obviousness. It explores the criterion from inception to its current state and suggests a potential refinement. A multi-jurisdictional snap-shot is presented focusing on the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States, and Canada. It is submitted that the non-obvious prerequisite contains a problematic level of uncertainty. The law of obviousness lacks a baseline standard. To achieve certainty, it is suggested that the law adopt the principles pertaining to patenting combinations and aggregates. Ultimately the law of patents, inclusive of the doctrine of obviousness, must be fashioned and administered in a manner that respects the quid pro quo that has guided the law for many years.


王敏潔, Wang,Ming-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
從一九九0年代開始,由於微電子、電腦、衛星通信、網際網路、光學纖維等資訊科技的發展,不僅造成社會生活的變遷,也帶動了國家競爭的新形勢。 在這樣的時代環境下,資訊知識發展與科技運用成為經濟發展成功的關鍵,唯有促使科技出現重大突破,才能提昇產業的競爭力。 在學術界,討論資訊科技的文獻上出現了生產力矛盾(productivity paradox)的說法,即他們發現使用資訊科技對於生產力的提升出現了不顯著甚至是負的結果。針對此,後續有許多學者提出各種解釋生產力矛盾的原因,諸如過度投資(overinvestment)、衡量錯誤 (mismeasurement)等問題。 因此,本研究以生產力指標中的總要素生產力為衡量對象,檢視資訊科技對台灣製造業是否具有矛盾的情形,並觀察當技術革新時,對人力資本的需求變化,資料期間為1995-2002年,採用的計量模型為揉合資料(pooling data)模式。 根據實證結果,自動化設備的應用出現生產力矛盾(productivity paradox)的情形,而人力資本對總要素生產力的貢獻則為顯著的正值,若觀察投入自動化生產設備對人力資本的需求,則發現有資本與技術互補(capital-skilled complementarity)的情形。因此推論:單獨增加自動化設備並無法提升總要素生產力,唯有透過自動化設備投資與人力資本的配合,兩者互補之下,以提升台灣製造業生產力。

Women’s empowerment and use of Maternal Health Services in Zambia in 2010s

Mwale, Ackson Tyson January 2018 (has links)
This study investigates the influence of women’s empowerment measured via spousal educational difference and women’s completed education level on the use of maternal health services (Antenatal care and skilled birth assistance), and whether it varies by ethnicity. A theoretical framework based on Kabeer’s three dimension of empowerment combined with Zimmerman’s approach and the rational choice theory informs the analyses. Data from the 2013/2014 Zambia Demographic and Health survey are analysed focusing on women aged 15 -49 years who are married/ live with a partner and had a birth in the past five years. Multivariate logistic regression is the tool of analysis.The results indicate significant association between women’s completed education level and use of maternal health services. Spousal educational differences show no significant association with the use of MH services. For both ANC and SBA use, a relatively weak relationship is seen with ethnicity. In addition, women’s wealth level, the province they live in and region of residence type appear to be important with respect to the utilization of MH services. The findings are explained in relation to the theoretical framework as well as previous studies, concluding the study with suggestions for further research.

Circular Migration between Senegal and the EU? : a Discourse Analysis of Migration Practice(s)

Hjalmarson, Linnea, Högberg, Magdalena January 2008 (has links)
This thesis investigates the preconditions for a new type of migration among the highly skilled between Senegal and the EU, namely circular migration. The three most prominent actors in the shaping of the future migration pattern –the EU (administration), the Senegalese government and the future highly skilled migrants i.e. Senegalese university students –are studied by a combination of social constructivism and critical discourse analysis. The discourses are derived from official EU and Senegalese documents and from a survey as well as from semi-structured interviews with students at the two largest universities in Senegal. The analysis of the discourses shows three factors that point towards a change of the migration practice in favour of circular migration: first, an interdiscursivity between the migration, development and economic growth discourses; second, a resemblance between the three actors discourses on migration; and third, a willingness among all three actors to act for a mobility of knowledge and experience. Consequently, there are preconditions for circular migration between Senegal and the EU.

Externalidades do mercado de trabalho e crescimento regional no Brasil

Brito, José Wilson Aquino de 09 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-07-13T20:20:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 josewilsonaquinodebrito.pdf: 2695206 bytes, checksum: 3bde584d1a5844a4f2c9ae314c649731 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-08-08T15:52:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 josewilsonaquinodebrito.pdf: 2695206 bytes, checksum: 3bde584d1a5844a4f2c9ae314c649731 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-08T15:52:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 josewilsonaquinodebrito.pdf: 2695206 bytes, checksum: 3bde584d1a5844a4f2c9ae314c649731 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-09 / O principal objetivo desse trabalho foi estimar os impactos das externalidades do mercado de trabalho analisadas por meios de graus de especialização, variedade relacionada e não relacionada da mobilidade no crescimento regional no Brasil de 1996 até 2008. Tanto a taxa de crescimento de emprego como taxa de crescimento da produtividade do trabalho foram utilizadas como medidas de crescimento. Para realizar as estimações foi utilizado o modelo de Métodos de Momentos Generalizados (MMG) devido uma possível endogeneidade entre mobilidade e crescimento regional. Os resultados indicaram que o grau de variedade de conhecimento inter-regional é um dos principais impulsionadores do nível de emprego. O grau de especialização intrarregional impacta positivamente no emprego regional. Apenas os graus de variedade de conhecimento apresentaram resultados positivos no crescimento da produtividade do trabalho. Os resultados encontrados nesse trabalho sugerem que a variedade de conhecimento proveniente da mobilidade mão de obra qualificada é um dos principais impulsionadores do crescimento regional. / The main objective of this study was to estimate the impacts of externalities in the labor market analyzed by degrees of specialization, related and unrelated variety of mobility in regional growth in Brazil from 1996 to 2008. Both the employment growth rate and the Labor productivity growth were used as growth’s measures. To estimate the equations was used Generalized Moment Methods (GMM) due to soften a possible endogeneity between mobility and regional growth. The results indicated that the degree of variety of inter-regional knowledge is one of the main drivers of the level of employment. The degree of intraregional specialization has a positive impact on regional employment. Only the degrees of variety of knowledge presented positive results in the growth of labor productivity. The results found in this study suggest that the variety of knowledge derived from skilled labor mobility is one of the main drivers of regional growth.

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