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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Internationalization of managerial careers : three research articles / Internationalisation des carrières managériales : trois articles de recherche

Ravasi, Claudio 27 February 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat examine la carrière des managers dans un contexteinternational. Plus précisément, elle s’intéresse aux parcours et modèles de carrièredans un contexte en évolution en prenant comme exemple le cas des managersinternationaux. Nous nous focalisons sur la nature évolutive des carrièresmanagériales, les environnements organisationnels et globaux dans lesquels lescarrières se développent, et la relation réciproque qui existe entre des carrières etdes environnements en évolution. Tous ces aspects sont explorés à travers troisarticles qui reposent sur trois terrains empiriques distincts.Le premier article analyse les profils de carrière des top managers européens dansun contexte d’internationalisation accrue. Des données sur le profil et la carrière deplus de 900 top managers dans quatre pays ont été collectées et analysées. Le butest de vérifier l’hypothèse d’une stabilité des modèles nationaux de carrière etd’identifier les éléments nouveaux liés à l’internationalisation.Le deuxième article se focalise sur les profils des dirigeants des plus grandesentreprises suisses. Nous nous sommes intéressés à l’évolution historique sur 30ans (1980–2010) des profils et des carrières d’environ 600 top managers. Cet articlemet en évidence le développement en Suisse d'une communauté internationale detop managers étrangers et analyse les changements dans leurs profils et dans leurscarrières.Le troisième article s’intéresse à l'adaptation interculturelle d'une population de 152employés étrangers (expatriés traditionnels, expatriés volontaires, migrants qualifiés)et 126 conjoints. Cet article étudie différents aspects de l'adaptation, en seconcentrant sur la maîtrise de la langue locale et les pratiques organisationnelles desoutien à l’expatriation. / This doctoral dissertation examines the career of managers in an international context. Specifically, this research focuses on careers patterns in a changing environment using the case of international managers (i.e. managers with a career that develops globally). More broadly, the research looks at the evolving nature of managerial careers, the organizational and global environments in which careers develop, and the reciprocal relationship between changing careers and changing environments, specifically in the context of those with global careers. All these aspects are explored in this doctoral dissertation with three research articles that use three different sets of empirical data.The first article analyzes the career profiles of top European managers in the context of increased internationalization. Data on profiles and careers of more than 900 top managers in four countries has been collected and analyzed. The purpose is to verify the hypothesis of stability in national career models and identify new elements related to internationalization. The second article focuses on the profiles of top managers at the biggest Swisscompanies. We focused on the evolution of profiles and careers of about 600 topmanagers over a 30-years period (1980–2010). This article highlights the development of an international community of foreign top managers in Switzerland and analyzes the changes in their profiles and careers.The third article focuses on the cross-cultural adjustment of a population of 152foreign employees (traditionally-assigned expatriates, self-initiated expatriates, skilled migrants) and 126 spouses. This article studies different aspects of adjustment, focusing on local language proficiency and relocation support practices.

Expressão da proteína associada a microtúbulo-2 (MAP-2) no córtex motor primário e recuperação motora após o aprendizado de diferentes tarefas em ratos submetidos à hemorragia intracerebral

Santos, Marilucia Vieira dos January 2010 (has links)
As principais incapacidades funcionais que se observam após o Acidente Vascular Encefálico (AVE), sob o ponto de vista clínico, decorrem da hemiparesia, da incoordenação, da hipertonia espástica dos membros superior e inferior contralaterais à lesão e da fraqueza ipsilateral e contralateral ao hemisfério lesado. Evidências sugerem que o aprendizado e a realização de tarefas motoras de habilidade podem induzir mudanças comportamentais e neurofisiológicas, o que ocorre tanto em animais intactos quanto naqueles submetidos às lesões do SNC. Nesse sentido, alguns trabalhos evidenciam a participação da atividade dendrítica, observada pelo aumento da imunorreatividade a MAP2, induzida por experiências comportamentais. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o desempenho motor e a expressão da MAP2 no córtex motor primário, em ratos sham ou submetidos à HIC e aos treinamentos de habilidade do alcance (TH) ou ao treinamento de não-habilidade (TNH). Para tanto, ratos Wistar adultos foram inicialmente adaptados às diferentes tarefas motoras empregadas ao longo de três semanas, sendo, posteriormente, submetidos à cirurgia de indução da hemorragia intracerebral (HIC) por meio da administração intra-estriatal de colagenase tipo IV ou de veículo (animais Sham) (S). Em seguida, os animais dos grupos S_TH e HIC_TH foram submetidos ao treinamento da tarefa de habilidade do alcance e preensão, os animais dos grupos S_TNH e HIC_TNH foram submetidos ao treinamento da tarefa de não-habilidade e os animais S_ST e HIC_ST não receberam nenhum tipo de treinamento durante 4 semanas. Ao longo desse período, os animais foram testados pelo teste do Staircase quanto ao desempenho motor ao final da 2° e 4° semana de treinamento. Encerrado o período de treinamento, os animais foram profundamente anestesiados, perfundidos e tiveram seus encéfalos processados para a análise imunoistoquímica. Os resultados mostram que a realização da tarefa de habilidade do alcance e preensão foi capaz de aumentar a imunorreatividade da MAP2 no córtex motor primário (M1) em ambos os hemisférios, tanto em animais lesados quanto em animais não-lesados. Além disso, os animais HIC e HIC_TNH apresentaram também aumento da imunorreatividade à MAP2 em ambos os hemisférios. Porém, apenas os animais HIC_TH apresentaram recuperação funcional dos movimentos do membro anterior afetado, avaliados pelo teste comportamental. Concluindo, o presente estudo demonstra que o treino de habilidade induz plasticidade dendrítica no M1 em condições normalidade e lesão e, como estratégia de reabilitação, mostra-se superior ao treino de não-habilidade, na recuperação funcional do membro anterior após a HIC experimental. / Under clinical view, the main functional impairment observed after stroke is resulting from the hemiparesis, incoordination, spastic hypertonia and from ipsilateral and contralateral weakness . Evidences suggest that learning and achievement of motor tasks ability may induce behavioral and neurophysiological changes, which occur in both intact and injured animals. Accordingly, some studies reveal the participation of dendritic activity, observed by increasing the immunoreactivity to MAP2, induced by behavioral experiences. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the motor performance and the expression of MAP2 in primary motor cortex (M1), in rats submitted or not to the IHC and rehabilitation using skilled (SK) or unskilled (US) training. Animals were initially adapted to different motor tasks employed over three weeks, and, subsequently, submitted to surgery for the induction of intracerebral hemorrhage (IHC) by means of administration of bacterial collagenase type IV or vehicle (animals Sham) (S) into the striatum . Then, animals in groups S_SK and IHC_SK were submitted to the training skilled forelimb reaching, animals in groups S_US and IHC_US were submitted to the training unskilled and animals S and HIC received no type of training during 4 weeks. Throughout that period, the reaching ability was tested using the Staircase test at the end of 2nd and 4thweek of training. At the end of the rehabilitation period, animals were deeply anesthetized, perfused and the immunohistochemistry was processed. Results show that the achievement of the task skilled forelimb reaching was able to increase the MAP2 immunoreactivity in primary motor cortex (M1) in both hemispheres, both in injured animals as in intact animals. In addition, animals form IHC and IHC_US groups also presented increased immunoreactivity to MAP2 in both cerebral hemispheres. However, only IHC_SK animals presented functional recovery of movements of the forelimb, evaluated by test behavioral. In conclusion, this study shows that training of skills tasks can induce modifications in M1 under conditions of normality and lesion and, as a strategy of rehabilitation, induced higher plasticity than the unskilled training correlated with functional recovery of the forelimb after IHC experimental.

A imersão social das ações econômicas : oportunidades, interesses e expectativas de trabalhadores qualificados do Polo Naval de Rio Grande

Freitas, Gabriella Rocha de January 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo insere-se no debate sobre a formação, atração e retenção de trabalhadores qualificados, tomando-se como referências as contribuições da Nova Sociologia Econômica (NSE) e do Neoinstitucionalismo Sociológico. Com a prospecção de petróleo na camada do pré-sal, o Polo Naval de Rio Grande tornou-se uma fonte de análise da adequação do Brasil ao novo paradigma econômico. A fabricação e montagem de plataformas para a extração de petróleo e a produção de embarcações requerem um novo conjunto de fornecedores de bens e serviços de alta tecnologia e recursos humanos qualificados. A partir do aumento da demanda por esses trabalhadores e dos incentivos governamentais para qualificação profissional, o estudo propõe-se a analisar como essas oportunidades repercutem nos interesses e expectativas de engenheiros (graduados e em formação) do Polo Naval de Rio Grande. Foi realizado um esforço de integração entre as análises quantitativa e qualitativa. Os dados da RAIS/MTE mostraram que a implementação de um Polo Naval no município de Rio Grande criou oportunidades para os trabalhadores vinculados ao setor de construção naval, especialmente aos engenheiros. As 12 entrevistas realizadas com engenheiros localizados em empresas inseridas na cadeia da construção naval demonstraram que, embora as oportunidades profissionais surgidas no Polo Naval exerçam grande importância nas decisões profissionais desses trabalhadores, não são suficientes para determinar sua ida e permanência em Rio Grande. As decisões desses profissionais são fortemente influenciadas por fatores não econômicos, como a idade, qualidade de vida e proximidade da família. / This present study composes the debate about formation, attraction and retention of skilled workers, taking as references the contributions of the New Economic Sociology and of the Sociological New Institutionalism. With the prospecting of oil in the Pre-salt layer, the Naval Pole of Rio Grande has become a source for analysis regarding the adaptation of Brazil in the new economic paradigm. The manufacturing and assembly of platforms for the extraction of oil and the production of vessels require a new set of providers of goods and high-technology services and skilled human resources. Based on the increasing of demand for these type of workers and for government incentives, this paper intends to analyze how these opportunities reflect on the interests and expectations of engineers (graduate and undergraduate) from the Naval Pole of Rio Grande. It was taken an effort to integrate the qualitative and the quantitative analysis. Data from RAIS/MTE show that the implementation of a Naval Pole in the city of Rio Grande originated opportunities for the workers linked to the shipbuilding industry, specially engineers. The 12 interviews made with engineers from the companies that are part of the shipbuilding chain expressed that, tough the professional opportunities emerged from the Naval Pole have great importance on their decisions, they are not enough to determine their moving and stay in Rio Grande. The decisions of these professionals are strongly influenced by non-economical factors, such as age, welfare, and family ties.

Assessment and implementation of skills development at Umzinyathi District Municipality and impact on service delivery

Ngobese, Xolani Khayelihle January 2017 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for Doctoral Degree in Philosophy – Management Sciences, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2017. / South African municipalities are key institutions that are close to the heart of communities and therefore, their employees form the cornerstone of service delivery to communities. Many municipalities have been blamed for unreliable delivery of basic services whilst those that are located in rural areas still struggle to generate own revenue and faces serious skills shortages. It is important to note that there has been very little research conducted in rural districts and other similar sized municipalities on evaluating the impact of skills development, service delivery and management of learning transfer. Existing studies although they provide useful data, they seem to be aggregate, broad and not tailor made for rural district[s] and some other South African municipalities. Studies which are directed at local municipalities adopts ‘one size fit all approach’ and they did not consider that rural district municipalities have enourmous challenges in evaluating the impact of skills development in service delivery and attracting people with requisite technical and managerial expertise. According to Punia and Kant (2013) most literature on impact and evaluation of transfer training is mainly drawn from the corporate sector. Furthermore, Topno, (2012), Pallares, (2012), Bird and Cassel (2013), they similarily pointed that existing models on evaluating effectiveness of development programs in various companies have the most limitations in assessing post training job performance and organisational impact. This is supported by Wenzel and Cordery (2014 stresses that for the past 40 years, evaluation and impact of learning transfer concept remained complex, underdeveloped and with limited clearly defined empirical findings. Raliphada, Coetzee and Ukpere (2014) indicates that there are organisational factors affecting learning transfer in the South African Public Service. The identification of factors affecting learning transfer is a critical step toward ensuring that successful strategies are developed to remove barriers to learning transfer and ultimately improve implementation which leads to enhanced service delivery (Raliphada et al 2014). Since 2000, Government has undertaken steps to transform South African municipalities. However, systematic problems contributing to poor management and service delivery challenges have continued to engulf local government and in most instances such grievances translated to service delivery protests across the country. Amongst dilemmas facing local government in South Africa is the shortage of skills, poor management, corruption, conflict management and unreliable service delivery. Researchers consistently argued that grievances concerning local government relates to unreliable service delivery, shortage of skills and poor management. The purpose of this is to assess the role of line managers in implementation of skills development at the UMzinyathi rural – district and other similar sized municipalities and impact on service delivery. The study investigated perceptions of line managers, skills development facilitators and employees about the impact of skills development on service delivery at uMzinyathi District Municipality in Kwazulu Natal. The study investigated challenges experienced by managers in training and skills development. The questions were to indicate how challenges in training and skills development can be addressed in rural –district municipality and other South African municipalities. The research adopted qualitative methodology. Furthermore, thematic analysis was used for presentation and discussion of the results. The responses or data collected from participants was interpreted and analysed. The findings of the study imply that there is no human resource development strategy, absence of mentoring and coaching, managers are not involved in skills development, there are no Skills development facilitators, high management turnover, poor planning, absence of effective employee performance management system across all levels in a municipality, no proper training and development sections and there are no tools to measure impact and success of training in local municipalities of a District. The research proposes that integrative transfer of training model developed by Lee C et al (2014), be extended to UMzinyathi District municipality in KwaZulu-Natal and other South African municipalities. The study is also suggesting that existing transfer of training model be modified to add the evaluation of impact and post organisational performance. The study targeted a rural district municipality because of limited research directed at this sphere of government. The modified Integrative Transfer of training Model will contribute to the new knowledge which is currently not existing in the municipalities. The model is modified to consider not only post training job performance but to add the evaluation of organisational performance and impact influenced by skills development programmes. / D

The answers you seek will never be found at home : Reflexivity, biographical narratives and lifestyle migration among highly-skilled Estonians

Saar, Maarja January 2017 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling är att undersöka förhållandet mellan migration, reflexivitet och social klass. I fokus för den empiriska analysen står högt kvalificerade estniska emigranter. Reflexivitet har hittills inte varit ett viktigt begrepp i migrationsstudier. Även om vissa studier använt ordet reflexivitet, har det i huvudsak fungerat som bakgrundsbegrepp. Det finns en påtaglig brist på empiriskt orienterade studier av reflexivitet i migrationsstudier. Avhandlingen består av fyra artiklar med något olika inriktning. Den första undersöker det empiriska fallet i sin helhet utifrån en survey-undersökning om estniska migranter. Den andra artikeln diskuterar den brittiske sociologen Margaret Archers sätt att analysera migration och argumenterar i hennes efterföljd för ett socialpsykologiskt synsätt på de skiftande motiven att migrera. Den tredje artikeln utmanar tanken på att migranters återvändande i huvudsak kan förstås som saknad efter sociala relationer och känslor av hemlängtan. I den fjärde artikeln föreslås ett sätt för livsstilsorienterade migrationsstudier att hantera frågan om reflexivitet. Här positioneras livsstilsmigranter teoretiskt till andra typer av migranter och hur variationer ilivsstilsmigration kan analyseras. Trots inbördes variation har samtliga artiklar en gemensam nämnare. / This thesis focuses on issues around reflexivity and highly skilled migration. Reflexivity has been an underused concept in migration studies and incurporating it has been long overdue. By reflexivity this thesis understands the capacity of an actor to evaluate his or her position in relation to social structures, to take action in managing those structures and, finally, to critically revise both the position and action taken. There are multiple reasons as to why incorporating reflexivity is a useful endeavor to migration studies. On one hand, using reflexive types in order to understand different migration motivations offers an alternative to otherwise mainly class based explanations behind migration objectives. Migration research has long relied on the idea that migration motivations can be coupled with societal and class background. Similarly, return migration has been described almost unanimously as a result of a homing desire. Both positions, as claimed in this thesis, are oversimplifications. On the other hand, I argue that, reflexivity helps to analyze the importance of class or even society on migration in 21th century. This is why I suggest to analyze all three in concurrence – migration, reflexivity and class. In the following pages I analyze how reflexivity can be operationalized for studying migration. So far, reflexivity has been either used as background concept – mobility studies or for explaining particular kind of migration – lifestyle migration. I argue, that with careful operationalization reflexivity could be useful tool for explaining wide-variety of migrations – family, labour, lifestyle etc. Three articles in this thesis focus on providing such operationalizations, analyzing the relationship between migration motivations and reflexivity. Finally, the first article in this thesis analyzes the background of my particular group of migrants – Estonian highly skilled migrants and positions them in relation to other groups in Estonian society. Moreover, the article also underlines that self-development and lifestyle, if you will, is an important motivation for Eastern European migrants as well.

The role of line managers in the implementation of skills development at a local municipality and its impact on service delivery

Govender, Murthie Moonusamy January 2017 (has links)
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Technology: Business Administration, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2017. / Skills Development is one of the key priorities of the National Development Plan Vision for 2030, which views it (skills development) as a catalyst for the unemployment reduction in South Africa. Skills Development is a key National Priority in South Africa and requires a new approach to training and development, one that calls for positive interventions. However, a challenge has been identified, namely the lack of commitment and support to skills development by line managers at municipal level. The problem was not confined to the institutional capacity of the Municipality but included the individual capacity of the line managers who is responsible for managing employees. The challenge was ensuring that they have the relevant capacity and skills to undertake their functions. Managers are accountable for the development of their subordinates but tend to neglect their role in the area of skills development. Existing research focuses on the role of line managers in training and development and the significance of managerial support in training and development. However, there is a gap because managers understand training and development but do not understand their role in supporting and developing their subordinates, which impacts negatively on the performance of the organisation which in turn impacts negatively on the delivery of services. Human Resource Development (HRD) literature remains largely theoretical and rhetorical in encouraging line managers to take responsibility for training and development. The overall aim of the study was to identify the role of line managers in the implementation of skills development at a local municipality and the impact thereof on service delivery. A quantitative research study was undertaken to achieve the objectives of the study. One hundred and ten managers on Patterson Grades D1 to E2 were targeted for the study. They were required to complete self-administered questionnaires. The findings of the study will assist line managers to understand the positive impact that training and development has on the performance of employees, which ultimately impacts on the achievement of business goals and objectives. The findings are; • Managers understand the training and development practices of the municipality but do not know how to support the training and development of their subordinates. • Managers believe that the organisation supports training and development but do not know if the organisation has an approved Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) that is being implemented; whether the organisation has a training and development strategy which is related to the overall strategy of the organisation; and whether the training of employees is given adequate importance in the organisation and is being managed in a proactive way. • A majority of the managers believe that training and development of employees has an impact on service delivery, but cannot agree whether training and development has helped improve the performance of employees in the organisation. • In terms of what can be used to encourage managers’ buy-in to training and development within the organisation, the overall average level of agreement was 88.0% .The scores for this section demonstrated that managers lack the necessary skills and competencies when it comes to the identification of training needs and training gaps. The findings of this research has identified that although managers are experienced in local government and have an understanding of the training and development practices of the municipality, they tend to get stuck in the authoritative managerial role and cannot switch into the facilitator role, which impacts on the way that they perform their skills development function as a manager. This therefore impacts negatively on the development of employees and on the delivery of services by the municipality. Without skilled, competent employees, no services can be rendered to communities. / M

An international taxation comparison of South African employees working abroad

Reyneke, Danette 07 March 2012 (has links)
Human migration and the search for something better has been part of humankind’s existence for centuries. In today's world, migration is triggered by a variety of factors. One such factor is the influence of tax on the income of skilled employees. Although prior research has been performed to determine the influence of tax on employee migration, this research made use of complex formulae and did not focus on a South African point of view. This study aims to determine whether tax plays a role when a South African skilled worker decides to migrate to the United Kingdom (UK) or Australia with the intention of working there. The study compares the different income tax consequences of a South African resident working in South Africa versus the same South African resident working abroad. The comparison is done by analysing the income tax acts of the three different countries. The study attempts to establish the difference in tax consequences for a South African skilled employee migrating to the United Kingdom or Australia on a temporary versus a permanent basis. Examples are used to illustrate the different effects. Together with known statistics and the results of the illustrative examples, the study concluded that individuals in the United Kingdom and Australia, in most cases, pay less tax compared to individuals in South Africa. AFRIKAANS : Die migrasie van mense en die soeke na iets beters is reeds eeue lank deel van menswees. In die hedendaagse wêreld word menslike migrasie deur ʼn aantal faktore aangespoor. Een van hierdie faktore kan moontlik die impak van belasting op geskoolde werknemers wees. Alhoewel daar voorheen studies gedoen is oor die impak van belasting op werknemermigrasie, is sodanige studies deur middel van komplekse formules uitgevoer en het die fokuspunt nooit Suid-Afrikaanse werknemers ingesluit nie. Hierdie studie beoog om te bepaal of inkomstebelasting ʼn rol speel in die besluitnemingsproses van ʼn Suid-Afrikaanse werknemer wat verhuis na die Verenigde Koningryk of Australië. Om die doelwit te behaal sal die studie die verskillende belastinggevolge vergelyk van ʼn Suid-Afrikaanse inwoner wat in Suid-Afrika werksaam is versus dieselfde Suid-Afrikaanse inwoner werksaam in die buiteland. Die vergelyking word gedoen deur die verskillende inkomstebelastingwette van die drie lande te ontleed. Die studie gaan verder deur die verskillende belastingberekeninge vir ʼn Suid-Afrikaanse inwoner wat na die Verenigde Koningryk of Australië verhuis het op ʼn tydelike basis versus ʼn permanente basis uit te voer. Voorbeelde word gebruik om die verskillende gevolge te illustreer. Copyright 2011, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Reyneke, D 2011, An international taxation comparison of South African employees working abroad, MCom dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-03072012-165447 / > F12/4/155/gm / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Taxation / unrestricted

Les stratégies d’apprentissage chez les apprenants du FLE en milieu universitaire irakien : étude multifactorielle qualitative et quantitative à partir de questionnaires, d’entretiens et d’observations / Learning strategies of learners of FFL in Iraqi universities : qualitative and quantitative multifactorial study based on questionnaires, interviews and observations

Bali, Wadeea Younus Daham 11 March 2016 (has links)
Chacun a sa propre façon d'apprendre. Une particularité vient de multiples différences. Chaque différence engendre une différence. L’utilisation des stratégies d'apprentissage est un type de différences. Notre étude explore les stratégies utilisées par l’apprenant irakien du FLE. Trois principaux objectifs sont poursuivis. Le premier objectif vise à attirer l'attention sur la notion de stratégie et son rôle déterminant dans la réussite scolaire. Le deuxième objectif vise à amorcer un modèle pédagogique pour l'apprentissage des stratégies. À cette fin, le troisième et dernier objectif vise à déterminer quelles sont les stratégies les plus et les moins utilisées par l’apprenant irakien et si leur utilisation est influencée par certaines variables individuelles et situationnelles. Les données quantitatives sont obtenues à l'aide de deux questionnaires différents. Les données qualitatives sont obtenues à l'aide d’entretiens et d'observations. L'analyse des données quantitatives a montré (1) une différence significative dans le nombre et la fréquence d’utilisation des stratégies, (2) une différence significative entre l’utilisation des stratégies et le sexe, (3) une différence significative entre l’utilisation des stratégies et le niveau de compétence linguistique, (4) une différence significative entre l’utilisation des stratégies et la scolarité antérieure (5) une différence significative entre l’utilisation des stratégies et la méthode d’enseignement, (6) aucune différence significative n’a été décelée entre l’utilisation des stratégies et le stage linguistique. Elle a montré aussi que les enseignants (1) connaissent peu les stratégies, (2) ne savent pas comment les enseigner, (3) considèrent les stratégies comme une méthode d'apprentissage, (4) ont besoin d'être initiés à la psychologie de l'éducation, (5) souffrent de l'absence d'un cadre commun de référence pour les stratégies. L’analyse des données qualitatives a montré qu’un peu moins de la moitié des apprenants s'intéresse aux stratégies de planification, d’organisation et d'autocontrôle, les autres ne les envisagent pas, croient qu’il vaut mieux les confier à l’enseignant. La majorité d'entre eux préfèrent se reposer sur le savoir de leur enseignant que recourir au concept d'auto-apprentissage. Plus de la moitié des apprenants s'engage à utiliser les stratégies d’auto-évaluation visant à mesurer l'efficacité. Ce choix s’explique par le climat de compétition et l'intensité des examens qui poussent les apprenants à faire le suivi et à donner le meilleur d'eux-mêmes. / We all have our own ways of learning. This peculiarity comes from many differences. Each difference creates a difference. The use of learning strategies constitutes a type of differences. Our study aimed to explore the learning strategies employed by Iraqi learners of French as a foreign language. Three main purposes are pursued. The first purpose is to draw attention to the concept of strategy in order to take full advantage of these tools to learn French. The second purpose is to develop a method for teaching and learning strategies. To that end, the third and final purpose is to determine the most and the least frequent strategies and whether their use is influenced by some individual and situational variables. The quantitative data was collected using two different questionnaires. The qualitative data was collected using interviews and classroom observations. Analysis of data received from quantitative methods showed that there was (1) statistically significant difference between strategy groups, (2) statistically significant difference between strategy use and sex, (3) statistically significant difference between strategy use and language proficiency level, (4) statistically significant difference between strategy use and antecedent academic, (5) statistically significant difference between strategy use and teaching method, (6) no statistically significant relationship between strategy use and language training. It also showed that professors (1) know little about the strategies, (2) have no idea about its teaching, (3) see the learning strategies as a learning method, (4) didn't have a scientific base in educational psychology, (5) suffer from the lack of a common base for strategies. Analysis of data received from qualitative methods showed that a little less than half of learners use management, planning and self-monitoring strategies, while others entrust it to teacher or institution. The most of the students prefer to receive knowledge from their professors rather than engaged in self-directed learning. More than half of learners use self-evaluation strategies to measure self-efficacy. This choice work well with the environmental competition and the relative intensity of tests.

Labour market integration of highly educated refugees in Sweden : Why are they mismatched?

Flemark, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
This paper investigates occupational mismatch of highly educated refugees in Sweden and aims to study what factors are impacting their labour market integration process. In contrast to the extensive number of quantitative reports based on registered data in the field, this research applies a qualitative approach by conducting interviews with the target group and incorporating a temporal aspect of the process. The results confirm existing theories such as human capital deficit, lack of social capital and signalling issues, but also indicates that contextual factors, being family demands and financial pressure, affect the process. An openness towards a change of field and lack of guidance from authorities emerged as factors for mismatch too. Lastly, feelings of stress and frustration seems to influence the process to a big extent which leads us to the conclusion that the labour market integration process of educated refugees is highly influenced by the aspect of time - and more specifically the lack of it.

Socialt och emotionellt lärande som redskap / Social and emotional learning as tools

Palm, Tina January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate work on social and emotional learning in the everyday practice of 221 educators working in preschools and schools. With using a mixed method both quantitative and qualitative information was gathered. In the introduction and background, the state of knowledge is problematized, SEL is defined, previous research reports and the education in SEL is described. The literature review describes SEL in relation to educators, children/pupils and children with special needs. An expansive learning approach permeates the performance analysis. The study's results are largely in line with previous research in the field of SEL and shows correlations between educators and child/pupils social and emotional skills and relational competence. The educators describe that they perceive children's behavior in a different way, had better understanding themselves, gained a common understanding and a common language, and become better at working inclusively and making adjustments based on the children’s/pupils needs. The educators felt that the children/pupils managed routine situations better based on the environment's expectations. The children/pupils were also perceived to have developed a better self-esteem and self-confidence based on the fact that they more often succeeded in interacting with others and that they were seen and confirmed based on their needs. The thesis concludes with suggestions for further research and hopes. / Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur pedagogerna upplever att en kompetensutveckling i socialt och emotionellt lärande - SEL påverkar deras vardagsnära praktik och barnen/eleverna. 221 pedagoger verksamma inom förskola och skola deltar i studien. Med hjälp av en mixad metod samlades kvantitativ och kvalitativ data in. I inledningen och bakgrunden problematiseras kunskapsläget och SEL definieras. Tidigare forskning redovisas grundligt utifrån socialt och emotionellt lärande i förhållande till hälsofrämjande och förebyggande arbete, pedagoger, barn/elever samt barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Engeströms teori om expansivt lärande tillsammans med tidigare forskning om SEL används i resultatanalysen. Studiens resultat visar på samband mellan pedagogers och barns/elevers sociala och emotionella kompetens och relationella kompetens. Pedagogerna beskriver att de har fått bättre förståelse för barns beteende, fått en samsyn och ett gemensamt språk, och blivit bättre på att arbeta inkluderande och göra anpassningar utifrån barnens/elevernas behov. Pedagogerna redogör för hur barnen/eleverna klarar rutinsituationer bättre utifrån omgivningens förväntningar. Barnen och eleverna upplevs också ha utvecklat en bättre självkänsla och självförtroende utifrån att de oftare lyckades i samspel med andra och att de blev sedda och bekräftade utifrån sina behov. Uppsatsen avslutas med förslag på vidare forskning och förhoppningar.

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