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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh mediální kampaně služby Student SMS Grátis / Proposal of Media campaign for Student SMS Gratis

Engel, Filip January 2008 (has links)
Práce mapuje dosavadní komunikaci Vodafone a srovnává s konkurenty. Teoreticky shrnuje výhody a nevýhody jednotlivých mediatypů. Představuje novou službu a navrhuje možnost její propagace.

Light Weight Health Application for Low End Cell Phones

Emamian, Peyman January 2016 (has links)
Health applications are usually complicated and low end devices do not benefit from them. The focus of this thesis is on expandable health services platform for low end cell phones. Large number of mobile phones in the world are incapable using web or modern operating systems and pre-installed SMS application is the preferred communication medium. Moreover, SMS does not require a stable connection so text-based health information can still be available even during natural disasters. Although our platform is accessible through communication forms other than SMS. We propose a scalable platform for light weight health applications, providing novel and proactive client communication. Using cloud we assure the scalability, elasticity and reliability of the server side. Our multi-layered architecture provides separation of concerns and decoupling of communication and business logic. Furthermore, plug-ins can expand and customize functionalities.

Differences of SMS gateway services : A performance analysis of two communication platforms implemented on an infrastructure based on ASP.NET Core 6

Erlandsson, Adam, Johnsson Thunell, Karl-Manne January 2022 (has links)
Background: When we use our phone to make a purchase, booking, or simply contact someone, we expect a quick response to acknowledge that our request has been sent and received. Today’s traffic requests are higher than ever, and will most likely continue to grow. This puts pressure on the communication platforms to keep up with the demand and continue to perform and deliver the requests within short time frames. Twilio and 46elks are two communication platforms that offer an SMS gateway service, and this thesis will take a deeper look at how they perform when implemented on an ASP.NET Core 6 web application.  Objectives: The goal of this thesis is to evaluate if there are any disparities or similarities between the two communication platform’s SMS gateway services regarding performance. The performance quality attributes are focused on time behaviour, CPU utilization, and RAM usage. Method: Comparing two communication platforms by using a quasi-experiment. A web application was developed with ASP.NET Core 6 to handle incoming SMS bookings. With the provided data from the SMS, it created and stored the booking. Once done, a confirmation SMS was delivered to the Sender. The performance quality attributes were stored and collected for evaluation of each incoming SMS during the experiments. Results: Overall, Twilio had a longer time behaviour and higher RAM usage compared to 46elks, but Twilio had a lower CPU utilization compared to 46elks. Conclusions: The time behaviour and CPU utilization between the two communication platforms were significant different. Interesting findings were that when injecting a higher workload on the web application, the performance improved in two quality attributes, RAM usage and time behaviour, for both communication platforms.

Cybersvenska i skolan - en risk, ett komplement eller bara 7kt ql

Borgshammar, Gene January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka lärares och elevers attityder till cybersvenskans förekomst och funktion i skolmiljö - det vill säga hur lärare och elever ser på användandet av cybersvenska i det skrivande som försiggår i skolan samt i vilka skolsammanhang de anser att cybersvenskan har en funktion. Begreppet cybersvenska innefattar det kommunikationsspråk som ofta används i samband med chattande via Internet och SMS-kommunikation via mobiltelefon. Underlaget är insamlat genom intervjuer med tre lärare med olika ämneskompetens samt fyra elever, två i år 6 och två i år 9, på en och samma skola. Intervjuerna kompletterades med observationer för att ge kontext till intervjuerna men också för att se vilka spår av IT-teknik som var synliga i skolmiljön. Resultaten visar att både lärare och elevers syn på cybersvenska i skolan är varierande beroende på den individuella erfarenhet, kunskap och relation respondenten har till cybersvenskan. Resultaten visar också varietet gällande respondenternas syn på cybersvenskans funktion i skolsammanhang.

Motivation Toward Sport, Physical Activity and Exercise Between College Students in Hungary and the United States During COVID-19

Davies, Whitney Gene 07 December 2022 (has links)
During the COVID-19 pandemic many researchers noted changes in exercise, physical activity, and sports behaviors. The current study attempts to identify aspects of motivation for physical activity, exercise, and sport for students in two countries, the USA and Hungary. The current study used the Sports Motivation Scale II to measure students’ motivation based on the Self-Determination Theory. Results indicated that students in the USA were more motivated for exercise, physical activity, and sport during the COVID-19 pandemic than were their Hungarian counterparts. Students in the United States scored higher (MUS = 17.88) in overall motivation than their Hungarian counterparts (MHungary = −11.57) (F(1,413) = 1290.764, p < 0.001). No other significant differences were identified. These differences could have been due to the differences in types of universities. Perhaps students in Hungary experienced different influences by being enrolled at a university that specializes in sport.

Etude du coût cognitif de l'écriture SMS chez les adolescents / Study of the cognitive load in adolescents’ SMS writing

Combes, Céline 19 May 2014 (has links)
Le SMS (Short Message Service) a favorisé la création d’une nouvelle forme d’écriture et offre la possibilité d’analyser de façon originale les processus généraux de la production écrite. L’étude de ces processus a permis de mettre en exergue le coût cognitif qu’ils représentent lors de leur mise en œuvre simultanée. Toutefois, si ces questions ont beaucoup été étudiées en production écrite conventionnelle, l’apparition de nouvelles formes d’écriture donnent l’occasion d’étudier l’orthographe de façon inédite. L’une des principales caractéristiques de l’écriture SMS (eSMS) est l’utilisation de formes orthographiques non conventionnelles (e.g., Slt pk tu menvoi ce mess ? Biz) qui peuvent sembler, au premier abord, plus simple et plus facile que celles de l’écriture conventionnelle. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est donc de démontrer l’existence d’un coût cognitif de la production des processus spécifiques de l’écriture SMS chez les novices et de leur automatisation avec l’acquisition d’une expertise. Dans le cadre d’une épreuve d’écriture de SMS, nous avons fait varier, d’une part, le degré d’expertise des participants dans la pratique du SMS et, d’autre part, l’attention qu’ils pouvaient porter à cette tâche grâce à diverses variations du paradigme expérimental de la double tâche. Les résultats des différentes études expérimentales montrent que la production des processus spécifiques de l’eSMS présente un coût cognitif, comme ceux de l’écriture conventionnelle. Ce coût est particulièrement élevé chez les utilisateurs novices, et s’observe essentiellement en fin de message. Les processus spécifiques de l’eSMS s’automatisent ensuite avec l’acquisition d’une expertise. / SMS (Short Message Servicing) encourage the emergence of new writing forms and provides the opportunity to study in an original way the general processes of written production. The study of these processes allowed the highlighting of cognitive load that they represent during their simultaneous implementation. However, if these issues have been widely studied in conventional written production, appearance over the new forms of writing provide an opportunity to study spelling in a new way. One of the main characteristics of SMS writing (eSMS) is the use of unconventional orthographic forms (e.g., Slt pk tu menvoi ce mess? Biz [Hi why r u sending me this txt? Kisses]) which may seem, at first, simpler and easier than the conventional writing. The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate a cognitive load of producing specific processes of SMS writing (eSMS) for novices and their automation with the acquisition of expertise. In the context of a writing test of SMSes, we varied on the one hand the level of expertise of the participants in the use of SMS writing and, secondly, the attention they could bring to this task through a variety of changes in the experimental dual task paradigm. The results of various experimental studies support the conclusion that the production of eSMS specific processes has a cognitive load, like those of conventional writing. This cognitive load is especially high among novice users, with what is observed mainly at the end of a message. In addition, automation of these processes can be observed with the acquisition of expertise.

Mobil mikrobetalning - Betalningslösningen via SMS : En studie kring en SMS-baserad betaltjänst

Hinze, Andreas, Isaksson, David January 2009 (has links)
<p><em>I detta arbete har vi studerat tjänsten SMS-betalning. Vi har fokuserat på att utvärdera och beskriva tjänstens användningsområde samt dess styrkor och svagheter. Utifrån företaget Mobill, vars affärsidé är att utveckla en betalningstjänst via SMS har vi fått en bild av hur ett företag kan satsa på denna teknik. I en studie med konsumenterna har vi visat den generella bilden av inställningen till betalningstjänsten, detta för att vidare kunna utvärdera betalningssystemet. Dessa studier har båda en kvalitativ karaktär. Våra undersökningar har visat att betalningstjänstens främsta användningsområde är för mindre betalningar, så kallade mikrobetalningar, vid betalning av framför allt parkeringsavgifter, biljetter för transport, events och vägtullar. Konsumenternas attityd till betaltjänsten är positiv men fortfarande saknas det något för att en bredare användning ska utveckla sig. Vår studie visar dessutom att SMS-betalningen för med sig en stödtjänst nämligen SMS-biljetten, där SMS-systemet både ersätter betalningen av en biljett samt biljetten i sig. Något som kan ses som positivt och tala för tjänstens fortsatta tillväxt. Hotbilden är dock signifikant och utgörs av konkurrerande tjänster som kan substituera SMS-betalningen genom nyare, säkrare och mer effektiva betalningslösningar med mobiltelefonen som hjälpmedel. Om SMS-betalningens existens är hotad är dock mer tveksamt, möjligen på en längre sikt där även SMS-funktionen som kommunikations medel blir föråldrad och utbytt.</em></p> / <p><em>In this thesis we have made a study of SMS-payment. Our focus has been to describe and analyze the possible uses of the service as well as their strengths and weaknesses. Through the business of Mobill whose idea is to develop a payment method via SMS, we have obtained a picture of how a company invests in this technology. Our research has shown that the SMS-payments main area of use is for the so called micro payments, when paying parking fees, tickets for transportation, events or road tax. The attitude of the consumers is positive in general but there is still something missing that will enable a broader use of the service. Furthermore our study shows that the service also enables the customer to get an electronic ticket when paying tickets by SMS. This is a factor that might provide the payment method with more chance of success and further growth. However there is a significant threat to the service, provided by their competitors. These competitors are developing mobile payment systems that can be considered newer, safer and more effective than the SMS-payment and might end up being a substitution. Yet it is more questionable whether the existence of the SMS-payment is threatened. Perhaps in a long term view where even the SMS-function as a means of communicating will be considered old and ultimately end up being replaced.</em></p>

Sms-lån : Kreditgivning med bristande konsumentskydd

Hjalmarsson, Maria, Mårtensson, Linn January 2009 (has links)
<p>The subject of sms-loans is examined by using primary and secondary sources’. This form of credit is formally independent from other obligations with a very short credit period and the amount of the loan is low. This form of credits is applied by mobile phones and on the internet by several companies, some of them are presented in this essay. These type of creditors do not come under any sanctions from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority as is customary for other creditors, they only need to register. Within the consumer credit legislation from 1992 there are some exceptions in the 5a, 6 and 9 §§ concerning credit rating, information and agreements in writing. These exceptions are the reasons that make sms-loans possible. The current legislation on this subject is identified and the exceptions are further explained in the essay. Within this type of credit the consumer protection differs from other types of loans with higher credit amounts. This is also due to the exceptions within the law. The current consumer credit legislation is based on a council directive from 1987, where it is optional for the member states to include these exceptions or not in their legislation. The legislator in Sweden adopted these exceptions, as they did not predict any risk of over indebtedness. In the law-making process documented in the government bill 1991/92:83, this risk was considered as non-existent, although this risk of over indebtedness was observed by the Swedish Consumer Agency and the Swedish Enforcement Authority. The statistics of the official non-payment notices confirms this observation. These authorities and the non-governmental organisation, The Swedish Consumers’ Association, have since 2006 and onwards been pushing for a change of the legislation according to the abrogation of the exceptions. Within several official publications the complexity of sms-loans are described, such as the lack of consumer protection and the risk of over indebtedness. The Swedish Consumer Agency is the supervising authority regarding this legislation field, and the companies providing sms-loans. When the Agency discharges one’s official duties, the Marketing Act is the legislation in use. The Swedish Market Court has convicted creditors, but none of the verdicts were related to the exceptions. The lack of consumer protection is also noticed in the EU, and a new council directive was adopted in 2008. This has now been implemented into a memorandum and the appurtenant draft bill. The intention with this bill is to enforce the consumer protection and to reduce the risk of over indebtedness, when consumers obtain credit. This bill is intended to become effective at 1 of January 2011.     </p>

Sms-lån : Kreditgivning med bristande konsumentskydd

Hjalmarsson, Maria, Mårtensson, Linn January 2009 (has links)
The subject of sms-loans is examined by using primary and secondary sources’. This form of credit is formally independent from other obligations with a very short credit period and the amount of the loan is low. This form of credits is applied by mobile phones and on the internet by several companies, some of them are presented in this essay. These type of creditors do not come under any sanctions from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority as is customary for other creditors, they only need to register. Within the consumer credit legislation from 1992 there are some exceptions in the 5a, 6 and 9 §§ concerning credit rating, information and agreements in writing. These exceptions are the reasons that make sms-loans possible. The current legislation on this subject is identified and the exceptions are further explained in the essay. Within this type of credit the consumer protection differs from other types of loans with higher credit amounts. This is also due to the exceptions within the law. The current consumer credit legislation is based on a council directive from 1987, where it is optional for the member states to include these exceptions or not in their legislation. The legislator in Sweden adopted these exceptions, as they did not predict any risk of over indebtedness. In the law-making process documented in the government bill 1991/92:83, this risk was considered as non-existent, although this risk of over indebtedness was observed by the Swedish Consumer Agency and the Swedish Enforcement Authority. The statistics of the official non-payment notices confirms this observation. These authorities and the non-governmental organisation, The Swedish Consumers’ Association, have since 2006 and onwards been pushing for a change of the legislation according to the abrogation of the exceptions. Within several official publications the complexity of sms-loans are described, such as the lack of consumer protection and the risk of over indebtedness. The Swedish Consumer Agency is the supervising authority regarding this legislation field, and the companies providing sms-loans. When the Agency discharges one’s official duties, the Marketing Act is the legislation in use. The Swedish Market Court has convicted creditors, but none of the verdicts were related to the exceptions. The lack of consumer protection is also noticed in the EU, and a new council directive was adopted in 2008. This has now been implemented into a memorandum and the appurtenant draft bill. The intention with this bill is to enforce the consumer protection and to reduce the risk of over indebtedness, when consumers obtain credit. This bill is intended to become effective at 1 of January 2011.

Mobil mikrobetalning - Betalningslösningen via SMS : En studie kring en SMS-baserad betaltjänst

Hinze, Andreas, Isaksson, David January 2009 (has links)
I detta arbete har vi studerat tjänsten SMS-betalning. Vi har fokuserat på att utvärdera och beskriva tjänstens användningsområde samt dess styrkor och svagheter. Utifrån företaget Mobill, vars affärsidé är att utveckla en betalningstjänst via SMS har vi fått en bild av hur ett företag kan satsa på denna teknik. I en studie med konsumenterna har vi visat den generella bilden av inställningen till betalningstjänsten, detta för att vidare kunna utvärdera betalningssystemet. Dessa studier har båda en kvalitativ karaktär. Våra undersökningar har visat att betalningstjänstens främsta användningsområde är för mindre betalningar, så kallade mikrobetalningar, vid betalning av framför allt parkeringsavgifter, biljetter för transport, events och vägtullar. Konsumenternas attityd till betaltjänsten är positiv men fortfarande saknas det något för att en bredare användning ska utveckla sig. Vår studie visar dessutom att SMS-betalningen för med sig en stödtjänst nämligen SMS-biljetten, där SMS-systemet både ersätter betalningen av en biljett samt biljetten i sig. Något som kan ses som positivt och tala för tjänstens fortsatta tillväxt. Hotbilden är dock signifikant och utgörs av konkurrerande tjänster som kan substituera SMS-betalningen genom nyare, säkrare och mer effektiva betalningslösningar med mobiltelefonen som hjälpmedel. Om SMS-betalningens existens är hotad är dock mer tveksamt, möjligen på en längre sikt där även SMS-funktionen som kommunikations medel blir föråldrad och utbytt. / In this thesis we have made a study of SMS-payment. Our focus has been to describe and analyze the possible uses of the service as well as their strengths and weaknesses. Through the business of Mobill whose idea is to develop a payment method via SMS, we have obtained a picture of how a company invests in this technology. Our research has shown that the SMS-payments main area of use is for the so called micro payments, when paying parking fees, tickets for transportation, events or road tax. The attitude of the consumers is positive in general but there is still something missing that will enable a broader use of the service. Furthermore our study shows that the service also enables the customer to get an electronic ticket when paying tickets by SMS. This is a factor that might provide the payment method with more chance of success and further growth. However there is a significant threat to the service, provided by their competitors. These competitors are developing mobile payment systems that can be considered newer, safer and more effective than the SMS-payment and might end up being a substitution. Yet it is more questionable whether the existence of the SMS-payment is threatened. Perhaps in a long term view where even the SMS-function as a means of communicating will be considered old and ultimately end up being replaced.

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