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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Valstybės tarnautojų socialinė adaptacija ir frustruotų situacijų sprendimai / Social adaptation of public service employees and solutions of frustrated situations

Petrauskienė-Narvydienė, Rima 01 June 2006 (has links)
On the basis of the research data and after comparing the levels and profiles of frustrated situations of public service employees of A and B level as well as occupied status, it is obvious that they are extremely different. After the comparison of public service employees of A and B level respectively, it may be seen that the difference is not so big, but after the comparison of the above mentioned public service employees with the public service employees working in a leading position the difference is tremendous. The status occupied in the public service contributed to the difference in the level of social adaptation and the factor of frustrated situations.

The Role of Ethical Frames and Values on Teacher Interaction with Academic Policies

Kidd, Talesa S. 2010 May 1900 (has links)
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, fundamentally changed the focus of education in the United States from that of providing an opportunity for all to learn to mandating that all do learn. Central to this Act are the measures of school accountability established through assessment of learning policies. The development of these policies initiate with federal, state, and local governance bodies, but implementation takes place by individual teachers. Therefore, the failure of individual teachers to implement assessment policies with fidelity creates a fissure at the core of institutional credibility. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between teachers’ values and ethical frames and behavior with respect to academic misconduct. Findings offer clues as to how academic dishonesty might be reduced. There exists a large body of research that has probed academic dishonesty, values and ethical frames; however, there appears to be a void in research that distinctly connects the three. Utilizing a survey instrument, data were collected from elementary teachers (N=155) in one suburban school district. The collected data were then analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistical tests to inform six research questions. In some incidents, the small sample size produced violations of the assumptions of nonparametric statistical tests, thus hindering deeper analysis of selected data. However, the results in general appeared to support the hypothesis that elementary teachers appeared to engage in academic misconduct. The findings also appeared to suggest misconduct was influenced by social adaptation theory (R2N = .32); organizational socialization (Wald (1) =5.79, p < .05), values (Wald (1) =5.16, p < .05), and ethical frames (Wald (4) =25.22, p < .001). Thus, this study concluded that factors such as collaboration and professional development can possibly be utilized to reduce policy violations.


Rudnickaitė, Gitana 02 September 2010 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojamas darniose ir socialinės rizikos šeimose gyvenančių paauglių pasiektas tapatumas pagal keturias būsenas (difuzija, išankstinis sprendimas, moratoriumas ir pasiektas tapatumas) dviejose srityse: ideologijos (asmenybės) ir tarpasmeninių (socialinio) santykių ir socialinė adaptacija mokykloje. Suformuluotos hipotezės, kad: 1) darniose šeimose gyvenantys paaugliai pasiekia aukštesnes (moratoriumo, pasiekto tapatumo) būsenas nei socialinės rizikos šeimose gyvenantys paaugliai; 2) darniose šeimose gyvenančių paauglių tarpasmeniniai santykiai su bendraklasiais yra labiau adekvatūs nei socialinės rizikos šeimose gyvenančių paauglių. Tyrime dalyvavo 132 paaugliai, 12 – 18 metų, gyvenantys darniose ir socialinės rizikos šeimose, iš jų 75 merginos ir 57 vaikinai. Standartizuoto klausimyno metodu (EOMEIS-2) tirta, kurią būseną iš keturių (difuzijos, išankstinio sprendimo, moratoriumo, pasiekto tapatumo) yra pasiekę paaugliai ideologijos ir tarpasmeninių santykių srityse. Ideologijos srities klausimai apima darbą, pažiūras politinėje ir religinėje srityse, gyvenimo stilių, o tarpasmeninių santykių srities klausimai paliečia santykius su tėvais, draugais, požiūrį į draugavimą su kita lytimi bei požiūrį į lyčių vaidmenis. Analizuojant tyrimo duomenis, ieškota skirtumų tarp darniose ir socialinės rizikos šeimose gyvenančių paauglių pasiektų tapatumo būsenų. Tyrimu nustatyta, kad paaugliai, gyvenantys darniose šeimose ideologijos srityje pasiekia dažniausiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The bachelor's paper deals with identity reached among the teenagers from regular and from social risk families, reached in four states (diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium and identity achievement) in two areas: ideology (personality) and interpersonal (social) relations as well as social adaptation in school. Hypotheses are formulated: 1) teenagers from regular families reach higher (moratorium, identity achievement) states than those from social risk families; 2) teenagers from regular families maintain more adequate interpersonal relations with their peers than those from social risk families. 132 teenagers participated in the research, aged 12 to 18, from regular and social risk families, including 75 girls and 57 guys. Standard questioning survey (EOMEIS-2) was used to find out the state from the four (diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium and identity achievement) the teenagers have reached in the ideology and interpersonal relation areas. Ideology includes work, political and religion attitudes, lifestyle, interpersonal relation concern relations with parents, peers, attitude towards friendship with the other sex as well as towards roles of the sexes. Through analysis of the research data, it was searched for the differences between the identity states reached by teenagers from regular and from social risk families. The research disclosed that the teenagers from regular families, in the ideology area, usually reach foreclosure and moratorium. In the area of... [to full text]

Vaikų namų auklėtinių adaptacija socialinėje terpėje / The adaptation in social enviroment of children‘s house pupils

Šiuškaitė, Daiva 16 August 2007 (has links)
Objektas: vaikų namų auklėtinių ( dabar esantys vaikų namuose ir jau išėję iš vaikų namų Telšių ir Vilniaus miestuose) adaptacijos galimybės socialinėje terpėje. Problema: egzistuoja prieštaravimas, tarp namų vaikų auklėtinių svajonių bei lūkesčių ir pačios gyvenimo tikrovės. Tikslas: išsiaiškinti su kokiais sunkumais susiduria globos institucijos auklėtiniai adaptacijos eigoje. / The object: the adaptation posibilities of children’s house pupils in social enviroment (the present pupils nad preveious pupils in Telsiai and Vilnius towns). The problem: the is the contardiction between dreams and reality of present and previuos pupils in children house. The goal: to examine the difficulties that children house pupils have in adaptation process in social environment.

Sportinę karjerą baigusių sportininkų socialinės adaptacijos ypatumai / Pecularities of social adaptation of former athletes

Račkauskas, Martynas 20 May 2005 (has links)
The master thesis examine the features of sport career transition in Lithuania. The aim of work was to define main components influencing social adaptation of former athletes. Data was compared with data from “Social Adaptation of Lithuanian Former Athletes” survey made in 1985. Results show that the main factor influencing social adaptation of former athletes is work satisfaction. Data showed that this feature on the other hand is influenced by success of athlete during his career. Comparison of two surveys showed that athletes in Lithuania tend to finish their career being older (31 – 35). The main reasons for career transition stand injuries and age. The main obstacles that athletes are facing during career transition are related to finding new activity and self – realization in it.

Upplevelser hos personer som lever med kolostomi eller ileostomi / Experiences of people living with a colostomy or ileostomy

Johansson, Sofia, Johansson, Stina January 2018 (has links)
Background: Stoma surgeries are increasing in Sweden each year. Colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel diseases, and trauma are some conditions that might lead to an ostomy. Having an ostomy could bring changes to the body and the person’s body image, leaving the person feeling imprisoned in his or her own body. Aim: The aim was to illuminate people’s experiences of getting and living with an ostomy. Method: A literature-based study was conducted in which nine qualitative articles were studied and analysed. Three new themes and eight sub-themes arose from the analysed articles. Results: The main themes of the study were: ”Changes in close relationships and sexual life”, where it was found to be difficult to start a new sexual relationship after the surgery and that the stoma also had effects on family relations and friendships. ”Limitations in social and physical activities”, where the result showed that persons with ostomies were constantly worried about leakage and odour, and had difficulties performing physical activities such as work or exercise. ”A new self”, people who had had stoma surgery were found to experience difficulties in adapting to their new body and accepting the stoma as part of their body. Common for all themes was the importance of support from family and friends. Conclusion: Persons who have had colostomy or ileostomy surgery all have different needs and challenges. It is important to see to their individual needs.

The effect of consumers' personal values and attitudes towards appliance retailers' complaint handling on their complaint behaviour

de Klerk, Marisa Janette January 2016 (has links)
Consumer complaint behaviour research in transitional and emerging countries, including South Africa, is still in its infancy stage. The vast changes to the South African consumer landscape along with the socio-political changes and the multicultural population's ongoing cultural changes necessitate the monitoring of changes in personal values. However, very little research has been done in South Africa regarding consumers' personal values. The effect of personal values on complaint behaviour in a South African context has also not yet been explored. As an extension of the social adaptation theory, several researchers have proposed a value-attitude-behaviour (VAB) hierarchy model (Homer & Kahle, 1988; Cai & Shannon, 2012) in order to explain the relationship between values and behaviour. The model proposes that causality flows from abstract values, through mid-range attitudes, to specific behaviours (Homer & Kahle, 1988; Hayley, Zinkiewicz & Hardiman, 2014); that is, values influence behaviour indirectly through attitudes. While the VAB model has been confirmed in a variety of consumer behaviour contexts, it has not yet been explored in a South African complaint behaviour context. This study therefore used social adaptation theory and the VAB model as theoretical framework to determine the effect of consumers' personal values and attitudes towards appliance retailers' complaint handling on their consumer complaint behaviour in the South African context. In addition, the relationships between demographic variables and personal values and also between demographic variables and consumer complaint behaviour were explored. A survey was administered to consumers who were dissatisfied with the performance of a major household appliance within a four-year memory recall period. Data was collected via a self-administered questionnaire measuring personal values with Kahle's (1983) List of Values (LOV) and attitudes toward appliance retailers' complaint handling, using an adapted version of Keng, Richmond and Han's (1995) "Attitudes toward businesses" scale. Convenience sampling and snowball sampling were employed in Tshwane, a major metropolitan area of South Africa, which generated 361 usable questionnaires. Exploratory factor analysis revealed three value dimensions, namely (1) Harmony and Respect, (2) Hedonism and (3) Achievement. Results of the Pearson correlation analysis showed that higher valuing of any one of the three value dimensions lead to more negative attitudes towards appliance retailers' complaint handling. Furthermore, multinomial logistic regression analysis revealed that more negative attitudes towards appliance retailers' complaint handling lead to a decreased likelihood of engaging in public complaint behaviour. Moreover, ANOVA revealed relationships between specific personal value dimensions and gender, age and population group. The study has implications for marketers, policy makers, appliance retailers and consumer protection organisations. / Navorsing oor verbruikers se klagte-gedrag in opkomende lande, insluitend Suid-Afrika, is nie baie ver gevorder nie. Die omvattende veranderende Suid-Afrikaanse verbruikerslandskap, tesame met die volgehoue sosio-politieke veranderinge en die kulturele veranderinge in die multikulturele polulasie, noodsaak die monitering van veranderinge in verbruikers se waardes. Daar bestaan egter baie min navorsing in Suid-Afrika oor verbruikers se persoonlike waardes. Voorts is die effek van persoonlike waardes op klagte-gedrag nog nie in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks ondersoek nie. Verskeie navorsers stel voor dat die waarde-houding-gedrag-hiërargiemodel, wat uit sosiale aanpassingsteorie spruit, gebruik moet word om die verhouding tussen waardes en gedrag te verstaan. Die model stel dat oorsaaklikheid vanaf abstrakte waardes, deur houdings, na spesifieke gedrag vloei (Homer & Kahle, 1988; Hayley et al., 2014). Dit wil sê, waardes beïnvloed gedrag indirek deur houdings. Terwyl die waarde-houding-gedrag-model in 'n verskeidenheid klagte-gedrag-kontekste bevestig is, is dit nog nie in 'n Suid-Afrikaanse klagte-gedrag-konteks ondersoek nie. Gevolglik is die sosiale aanpassingsteorie en die waarde-houding-gedrag-model as teoretiese raamwerk in hierdie studie toegepas om die effek van verbruikers se persoonlike waardes en houdings teenoor kleinhandelaars se klagte-hantering op hulle klagte-gedrag in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks te bepaal. Die verwantskappe tussen verbruikers se demografiese veranderlikes en hulle persoonlike waardes, en tussen demografiese veranderlikes en klagte-gedrag is ook verken. 'n Opname is onder verbruikers wat ontevrede was met die werksverrigting van hulle groot huishoudelike toerusting oor 'n vier-jaar-herroepingstydperk gedoen. Data is deur 'n selfgeadministreerde vraelys ingesamel waarin persoonlike waardes met Kahle (1983) se List of Values (LOV) en houdings teenoor kleinhandelaars se klagte-hantering met 'n aangepaste weergawe van Keng et al. (1995) se "Houdings teenoor besighede"-skaal gemeet is. Geriefsteekproefneming en sneeubalsteekproefneming, wat 361 bruikbare vraelyste opgelewer het, is in Tswane, 'n groot metropolitaanse gebied in Suid-Afrika, onderneem. Verkennende faktoranalise het drie waardedimensies, naamlik (1) Harmonie en Respek, (2) Hedonisme en (3) Prestasie, opgelewer. Die Pearsonkorrelasie-analise se resultate toon dat 'n toename in belangrikheid in enige van die drie waardedimensies tot 'n meer negatiewe houding teenoor kleinhandelaars se klagte-hantering lei. Voorts dui die resultate van die multinomiese logistiese regressie-analise daarop dat 'n toename in verbruikers se negatiewe houding teenoor kleinhandelaars se klagte-hantering tot 'n afname lei in hul geneigdheid tot publieke klagte-gedrag. Die resultate van die ANOVA-analise toon verder dat daar verwantskappe tussen spesifieke persoonlike waardes en geslag, ouderdom en populasiegroep bestaan. Die studie het implikasies vir bemarkers, beleidmakers, kleinhandelaars en verbruikersbeskerming-organisasies. / Dissertation (MConsumer Science)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Consumer Science / MConsumer Science / Unrestricted

Pursuit of Happiness

Chaudhary, Muhammad Abdul Basit January 2023 (has links)
This research aims to explore the social satisfaction and happiness in the life of people who immigrated to Sweden from developing countries. The study will also analyse the reasons for migration among international immigrants who have moved to Sweden and what challenges they faced after moving to Sweden.  I will draw upon the concepts of sustainable development, social sustainability, perception, survival, hope, ambition, and well-being to investigate the reasons for immigration and the positive and negative impact of migration on immigrants’ lives (pre and post-migration) and their overall well-being.  Moreover, this research will study the host country's role in shaping migrants' well-being and the effects on the social sustainability of immigrant communities. By conducting qualitative interviews, I aim to gain insights into immigrants’ lives, their pre and post-immigration experiences, reasons for migration, challenges faced, and adaptation to the changes they experience.  The findings of this research will ultimately enhance our understanding of well-being, social sustainability, and their implications on international migrants.

民營化與員工生涯發展、社會生活適應之研究 / A study of privatization and the employee’s career development,social adaption

呂寶毅, Lu, Bao Yi Unknown Date (has links)
在英國國營事業民營化成功經驗的推波助瀾下,民營化浪潮,襲捲全球,成為主流性思潮,世界各國紛紛群起效尤,銜都獲致不錯的成效。我國政府有鑑於所屬公營事業機構,大多面臨經營困境,故也加入積極推動行列,截至目前為止,已有37家公營事業機構,完成民營化,其餘各家,仍持續進行中。而有關民營化過程中,對所屬員工之生涯發展或適應情況等問題,較為不足,更少以「已完成民營化之公營事業員工」為研究對象,因此公營事業員工在民營化前後,他們的因應方式、生涯發展需求與社會生活適應等一連串的變動情況,值得深究。 本研究旨在瞭解員工真正的想法與關注事項。有鑑於臺北市公共汽車管理處於93年1月1日移轉至大都會汽車客運股份有限公司,創下公營逕轉民營無抗爭之首例,迄今業歷經了五年多的寒暑,故以公車處調任其他公務機關與轉任大都會汽車客運股份有限公司之員工為研究對象,採用深入訪談之方式,藉以瞭解公車處員工面臨民營化衝擊迄今,對民營化的認知、因應、感受及對生涯發展的影響與社會生活適應等情況,茲有以下發現: 一、 民營政策,最佳策略:公車處之所以會走向民營化之路,主要原因在於績效不彰、人事包袱沉重、巨額虧損等,移轉民營公司後,獲致諸多成效。 二、工會斡旋,著有成效:因產業工會之幹部,扮演舉足輕重的角色,使得公車處民營化過程順利,創下未有抗爭之首例。 三、員工安置,顯有不足:公車處民營化過程,未能就各類不同身份員工:純勞工身份者、具公務員資格者及負有推動民營化業務之各級主管等,做妥適之安置。 四、切身權益,關心焦點:公車處民營化,涉及員工任職機關、身份及權利義務等之重大變革,員工所最為關心的事項,都是與切身相關的事務。 五、轉任公職,首要考量:民營化後,大部份員工考量公務機關各方面條件均優於民營公司,銜將轉任其他公務機關,列為首要選項。 六、條件惡化,美夢破碎:民營化後,機關性質已從公務機關變為民營公司,原有公務員之福利不再,生活與心理的壓力卻與日俱增。 七、為求生存,眾能適應:員工於民營化衝擊的初始,雖顯得不知所措,一旦轉任新公司後,立即改變想法,展現出旺盛的企圖心,調適得宜。  本研究根據研究發現,作成下列若干建議,予政府相關單位及公營事業員工參考: 一、民營政策,廣為宣導:政府對民營化政策之宣導,實有不足,就是面臨民營化的員工亦是一知半解;故建請政府應多利用政策行銷工具,廣為宣導。 二、轉業訓練,應多辦理:公車處民營化期間,政府僅針對極少數的人員,做一些零星的訓練,應多舉辦各類訓練課程。 三、教育補助,予以維持:員工最害怕的是權益遭受損失,其中對不能請領教育補助費,最為在意,故建議政府,尤其是子女教育補助費的請領,應予維持。 四、增加職缺,以供安置:政府對員工的安置,顯有不足,故建議政府,除指定更多配合控缺之機關外,並宜規範各機關所控留之職務,應在各類別及官職等間,達一定比例,使民營化員工,得以調任與原職務相當之職缺。 五、萬事俱備,方可上路:公車處民營化之實施時程,員工大多應變不及,故建議政府,在施行民營化之前,應讓員工預作準備;政府本身,亦應備妥相關配套措施。 六、面對變故,處之態然:根據本研究發現,員工面臨民營化之重大變革,大多不能接受,故建議公營事業員工,想辦法跳脫負面的情緒,轉個念頭,把握當下。 七、多一技能,有備無患:根據本研究發現,員工面臨民營化,驚惶失措的主要原因是怕本身所具備技能,已無法應付社會所需,會失去工作;故建議公營事業員工應多學習技能或專長。 / Under the influence of the experiences of successful privatization of Public Corporations in Britain, the waves of privatization have swept the world, and it has become a mainstream policy-making philosophy. While other countries followed suit, the results were mostly promising. Due to that most local Public Corporations were having operational difficulties and serious debt problems in spite of every possible means being taken, our government has joined in the line of privatization. Up to present, 37 Public Corporations have been privatized, while many others are under process. During these processes of privatization, the understandings toward the related Employee’s Career Development and Social Adaptation were relatively insufficient, let alone researches aiming at the employees of these privatized public corporations as research objective. Therefore the changes in the reactions, career developments and social adaptations of these employees before and after the privatization process were in need of further understanding.   The purpose of this research will be the thoughts and concerns of the related employees. Due to the fact that it’s been 5 years since Taipei City Bus Office reorganized to Metropolitan Transport Corporation, through which no protest ever occurred, this research will try to gain more understanding of the perceptions, reactions, emotions, influences on career development and social adaptation of the related Taipei City Bus Office employees, through methods of visiting and interviewing. The findings are as followed: 1. Privatization is the best strategy: The reason why the Taipei City Bus Office underwent privatization is because lack of efficiency, over-staffing, and huge amount of debts problems. Reorganizing it to Metropolitan Transport Corporation had resulted in many positive results. 2. The Union’s mediation achieved great results: The staff of the Union had played an important role on smoothing out the privatization process as there was no protest during the privatization process. 3. Appropriate settlements for the employees were obviously insufficient: During the privatization process of the Taipei City Bus Office, appropriate settlements for the employees according to the individual needs of different types of employees were obviously insufficient, for example, labor workers, employees protected by the law, and managers in charge of the privatization have different types of job settlements needs. 4. Personal welfare was the main concern: The privatization process of the Taipei City Bus Office involved major changes of job arrangements, personal rights and interests of the related employees; and the personal welfare was the main concern of the employees. 5. Transferring to other Public Corporations was the first consideration: After the privatization process, because the benefits of working for the Public Corporations were superior than the private companies, transferring to other Public Corporations was the first consideration of most employees. 6. As the situations worsened, disappointments ensued: After the privatization process, public corporation reorganized to private company. The original welfare while as the public corporation employees no longer exist, the burden of livelihood and psychological pressure of the remaining employees grew. 7. Most employees adapted well: The related employees were inactive right after the privatization, but once settled in the new organization, positive attitudes were taken, and they adapted well.    Base on the findings of this research, the suggestions for the related government organizations and public corporation employees are as followed: 1. Better understandings of the privatization policies should be created: The propagations of the privatization policies by the government were insufficient, the related employees were unknowledgeable of the related policies; the government should create better understandings through policy propagation methods. 2. More training for the transferred new job should be provided: During the privatization process of the Taipei City Bus Office, only a few of the employees received limited training. More training courses should be provided. 3. The welfare of education subsidy should remain: What the employees feared most is that their rights and interests being deprived, and the one causing most concern is that the education subsidy for their children being taken away. Therefore the welfare of education subsidy should remain. 4. More job openings should be created for settling the employees: Appropriate settlements for the employees were obviously insufficient, the government should coordinate more job openings from other public organizations, and the ratio of different level of job openings should be coordinated accordingly, so that the employees of the privatized corporation could transfer to the same level of job as the original one. 5. Actions should not start before everything’s prepared: Most employees were not ready for the Taipei City Bus Office privatization process. The government should make the related employees well prepared before the privatization process, and all related measures should be ready. 6. Keeping positive attitudes while facing the incident: This research shows that most employees did not accept the privatization process well. The public organization employees should get rid of the negative emotions, keep positive attitudes, and seize the available opportunities. 7. One more job related skill can be helpful: This research shows that the main reason of panicking by the employees is because they are afraid of not being skillful enough to handle the demand of the society, and that they may lose their job. The public corporation employees should learn more job related skills or expertise.

Sportinės karjeros baigtis: jos priežastys ir sportinio identiteto reikšmė buvusių sportininkų prisitaikymui prie gyvenimo kaitos / The termination of sport's career:reasons and the importance ofsporting identitation in former sportsmen adaptation to their life's changes

Vonžodienė, Edita 17 May 2006 (has links)
This postgraduate study helps to explore the problems in Lithuania of sportsmen’ career, the reasons of their termination, social adaptation and integration in the fluctuation of life, the difficulties which sportsmen have had after the termination of career and which have had the influence on the quality of the succeeding years. Purpose of this work – to estimate the reasons of termination of sportsmen’ career and the sense of sporting identification for the former sportsmen peculiarities of adaptation to the fluctuations of life. In this research was taken the questionnaire, in which participants were 52 Lithuanian sportsmen after 25 years age, which have major skills. The results have shown that the career of sportsmen is often determined for the health, psychological distress, an age, a change of pursuit, and other not so important reasons. The sportsmen, had terminated the active practice of sport, must to adapt and integrate to the fluctuation of life, therefore they generally pass trough the mill. The set identification of sport helps to get out of difficulties, makes an influence on the formation of acceptable values and the selection of professional career, which is determined the quality of life. Keywords: career of sport, career of sportsman, identification of sport, social adaptation.

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