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The Pattern And Process Of Urban Social Exclusion In IstanbulCelik, Ozlem 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The main aim of the thesis is to analyse the recent socio-spatial patterns of Istanbul, in which squatter areas on publicly-owned land (gecekondu) and old historical centre of the city are subjected to regeneration projects, under the impact of making Istanbul a purified place for the significant
social classes via exclusion of the others. The formulations of Henri Lefebvre for analysing the production of (social) space are used as the conceptual framework of the thesis. To reveal the case study, the recent urban regeneration projects in Istanbul, a wide range of qualitative data collection techniques and methodology, documentary analysis, in-depth
interviews, participant observations, which will pave a way to understand the complex relations among social and spatial formations, are used. According to the analysis on the acceleration of urban regeneration projects in the city of Istanbul, the thesis argues two main points: Firstly,
the specificity of urbanisation period in Istanbul after 2000 is characterised with the strong role of the central state, mainly MHA. Secondly, the people, who are living in the gecekondu areas and old historical centres in the inner city are not only evicted from their living spaces, they are also socially and spatially excluded from the city centres.
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Contrasting Policies And Experiences Of Asylum Seekers In TurkeyManap-kirmizigul, Cigdem 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this thesis is to describe the asylum seekers that reside in Turkey temporarily, from their own standpoint and from the viewpoint of workers and representatives working in the agencies and institutes involved in the field. This work focuses on the inconveniences experienced by asylum seekers and refugees during their stay in Turkey and the reasons of these inconveniences, in the context of social exclusion. The research for this thesis is based on the analysis of the in-depth interviews that were done with the asylum seekers, representatives and workers in UNHCR, government and in several NGOs. Relevant report by the UNHCR, and the scholarly literatures on migration and asylum and on transit migration and asylum seeking through Turkey was examined. The results of the study can be sorted as follows: Firstly, there is an increasing and visible reluctance to accept refugees in the world. Secondly, it is seen that Turkey does not have an effective asylum policy and legal arrangements on this issue. Thirdly, not only the asylum seekers but also the officers who are dealing with them face some problems. Lastly, it had been observed during the interviews asylum seekers are being excluded different ways during the period of living in Turkey.
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Citizenship Rights Of Gypsies In Turkey:cases Of Roma And Dom CommunitiesOnen, Selin 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims to compare Roma community in Edirne and Dom
community in Diyarbakir with regard to their integration levels to different majorities (respectively Turks in Edirne and Kurds in Diyarbakir) and belonging to the political body (state), access to citizenship rights (civil, social, political and cultural) and the affect of transnational citizenship on Roma and Dom communities. The main argument of this study asserts that Roma community can have more access to citizenship rights than Dom community. This is related with the fact that Roma community lives with Turks, who are the ethnic majority in Edirne and in Turkey, whereas Dom community lives mostly with Kurds, who are the majority in Diyarbakir but minority in Turkey. Foremost, Roma community
has closer connections with state and transnational space than Dom community. The study has found that ethnicity appears as a common barrier for both communities in benefiting from full citizenship. However, it is noted that they experienced different historical, social and economic transformations. Social exclusion is observed at different levels for the two communities. Hence, the study tries to explain why the equality principle of citizenship is ruptured for both communities. While forced migration in 1990s and the gradual loss of musician craft were key factors for the exclusion of Dom community in the labor market,Roma community with affect of agricultural modernization, has repositioned themselves in terms of ethnicity and class formation in last 40-50 years owing mainly to urbanization and modernization. The study has found that Dom community has very limited citizenship rights compared to Roma community. The differences can be obviously seen with regard to impact of poverty and their integration levels to the majority.
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"Jag kan inte bli mätt när mina föräldrar går hungriga" : En kvalitativ studie om ekonomiska remmitteringars betydelse för migranters livssituationerAxelsson, Amy, Benabdullatek, Saini January 2015 (has links)
Economic remittances are money transfers worldwide from migrants to their country of origin. This study aimed to examine which significance the remittance has for the sender. How do the senders describe their experiences of remittances, what strategies are used in the process of remitting and how has the migrants’ social and economic situation in the host country been affected by remitting? The issues were answered through six semi-structured interviews with remitting migrants. The theoretical approach consisted of the concepts transnational social space, reciprocity and social exclusion. The findings were that remittances had great value to the senders with both negative and positive outcomes. Strategies formed to live up to expectations to remit were group wise, long-term and practical. Remittances had an impact on choices regarding recreational activities, housing and employment. Our conclusion is that remitting is an important act to maintain the bond to the country of origin, despite economic and social sacrifices. Being a participant in dual social worlds in which social and economic conditions differ shapes the experienced requirement to remitt. Remittance cannot be seen as a sole factor for placing senders in social exclusion, though it can limit the sender economically and socially.
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Real bad girls : the origins and nature of offending by girls and young women involved with a county youth offending team and systemic responses to themWilliams, Jeanette Deborah January 2009 (has links)
Amidst growing concerns about a rise in girls entering the Youth Justice System and official data highlighting increases in girls violent offending this doctoral thesis focuses on girls in the Youth Justice System. Drawing on case files and in depth interviews with a cohort of girls supervised by a Home Counties Youth Offending Team (YOT), and interviews with YOT practitioners it explores their needs and offending patterns and examines contemporary system responses to them. It aims to contribute to practice knowledge and understanding about girls offending, and to identify approaches and interventions most likely to be effective with them. Findings point to girls having multiple and interrelated needs and troubled backgrounds. Exclusion from school and non attendance, experience of severe family conflict and violence, heavy alcohol use and poverty and disadvantage are all cited as key risk factors for girls’ involvement in offending and other types of behaviour which can lead to social exclusion. Minor assault and the influence of alcohol emerge as key features in girls offending patterns. Assaults commonly arise from disputes with friends or family members, or occur whilst girls are in a mixed peer group where assaults are perpetrated against another young person or a Police Officer. The impact of more formal responses by Police and YOTS are evident and show that the highly regulated and male oriented Youth Justice System hampers the likelihood of successful interventions with girls. This study cites the importance of gender specific responses and interventions which are holistic, informal and flexible to meet the distinct needs and offending patterns of girls in the Youth Justice System. More widely early identification of girls at risk, information sharing across children, health and adult services, and the provision of a range of support and positive opportunities to girls which extend beyond the life of a Court Order are identified as key aspects of strategies aimed at improving future outcomes for girls.
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Möjlighet till lika möjligheter : En kvalitativ studie om resursskillnader bland barn på förskolanChamoun, Marleine, Utter, Ilona January 2013 (has links)
Child poverty in Sweden as a social phenomenon has been highlighted in various debates and in poverty research during the recent years. Children's economic vulnerability has gotten more place in research. An interest to highlight child poverty awakened and this study highlights child poverty through a resource perspective among children in preschools. This study aims to examine how preschool teachers perceive the child's assets to various resources as well as how preschool teachers perceive the impact of the preschool where they work on children's access to these resources. The study is qualitative and has used interviews as a tool. The respondents' answers were analyzed using previous research, and Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical concepts capital, field and habitus as analytical tools. Four preschool teachers in two different preschools in the area Norsborg were interviewed. The results show that preschool teachers perceive that there are differences between children in access to different resources. Some lacks in resource assets has proven to be clearer than others, such as children's clothing. However, the causes of children's access to various resources have been harder to understand. Another result of this study is that preschools in various ways contribute to children's different resource assets by example that all activities that kids do with preschools will be free for children and their parents. Another way for preschools that affect children's access to resources is the way preschools informs the children’s parents about different activities. But there are also differences between the preschools where one of the preschools in this study allows kids to bring their own toys from home, which can contribute to resource differences between the children in the preschool. / Barnfattigdom i Sverige som ett samhällsfenomen har på senare år lyfts fram i olika debatter. Inom fattigdomsforskning har studier om just barns ekonomiska utsatthet fått allt större plats. Utifrån detta väcktes ett intresse att belysa barnfattigdom bland barn på förskolor genom ett resursperspektiv. Denna studies syfte är att undersöka hur förskolepedagoger uppfattar barns tillgångar till olika resurser samt om förskolepedagogerna uppfattar om den förskola de arbetar på påverkar barns tillgång till dessa resurser. Studien har använt sig av kvalitativa intervjuer där respondenternas svar har analyserats med hjälp av tidigare forskning och Pierre Bourdieus teoretiska begrepp fält, habitus och kapital som analysverktyg. Fyra förskolepedagoger på två olika förskolor i området Norsborg har intervjuats. Resultaten visar att förskolepedagogerna uppfattar att det finns skillnader mellan barn avseende tillgång till olika resurser. Några bestämda brister i resurstillgångar har visat sig vara tydligare än andra så som barns kläder. Däremot har det varit svårare att kartlägga orsakerna till barns olika tillgångar. Ett annat resultat av denna studie är att förskolorna på olika sätt bidrar till barns olika resurstillgångar genom exempelvis att alla aktiviteter som barnen gör med förskolorna är kostnadsfria för barn och deras föräldrar. Ett annat sätt för förskolorna att påverka barns tillgång till resurser är att förskolorna sprider information om olika fritidsaktiviter till barnens föräldrar. Men det finns även skillnader mellan förskolorna där en av förskolorna för denna studie tillåter barn att ta med egna leksaker hemifrån, vilket kan bidra till resursskillnader mellan barnen på förskolan.
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Mokinių iš socialinės atskirties rizikos šeimų adaptacijos mokykloje problemos ir sprendimo būdai (Vilkaviškio rajono atvejis) / The problems and solutions in the adaptation of pupils from the social exclusion risk families at school (Vilkaviškis district case)Čižeikaitė, Edita 07 July 2010 (has links)
Darbo tema: Mokinių iš socialinės atskirties rizikos šeimų adaptacijos mokykloje problemos ir sprendimo būdai (Vilkaviškio rajono atvejis).
Problema. Keičiantis socialinėms ekonominėms sąlygoms, tam tikros grupės žmonių jaučiasi socialiai nesaugios, jiems sunku prisitaikyti prie šiuolaikinio gyvenimo tempo, adaptuotis prie socialinių ekonominių ir politinių pokyčių. Dėl to kai kurie žmonės jaučiasi nesą arba iš tikrųjų nėra visuomenės, kurioje gyvena, dalis, todėl socialinės atskirties fenomenas sparčiai plinta Lietuvoje. Pastaruoju metu šalyje dėl prastų materialinio ir socialinio gyvenimo sąlygų smunka dalies šeimų dorovė, prastėja emocinis vaikų saugumas. Mokinių iš socialinės atskirties rizikos šeimų adaptacija mokykloje yra aktuali, nes mokinys, sunkiai adaptuodamasis mokykloje, patiria nesėkmę, dažnai netenka noro mokytis, silpnėja jo mokymosi motyvacija – tai daro neigiamą įtaką jo tolimesniam gyvenimui.
Šio darbo tikslas – paanalizuoti mokinių iš socialinės atskirties rizikos šeimų adaptacijos kaimo ir miesto tipo mokyklose ypatumus.
Darbo hipotezės:
• Pastebimi adaptacijos skirtumai tarp kaimo ir miesto mokyklų. Adaptacija sėkmingiau vyksta kaime. Čia pastebimas atsiskyrimo adaptacijos tipas. Mieste adaptacija ne tokia sėkminga, čia tarp socialinės atskirties rizikos mokinių dažniausiai pastebimas atsiskyrimo ir maišto socialinės adaptacijos tipai.
• Nesėkmingą adaptaciją mokykloje daugiausia lemia stigmatizuotas neigiamas požiūris į rizikos grupės vaikus (etiketės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Thesis: The problems and solutions in the adaptation of pupils from the social exclusion risk families at school (Vilkaviškis district case).
Problem. While changing socio-economical conditions, certain groups of people feel insecure socially, they feel difficulties to adapt to the pace of modern life, socio-economical and political changes. As a result, some people do not feel themselves, or they really are not, the part of society in which they live; therefore a phenomenon of social exclusion is growing rapidly in Lithuania. Recently in the country, due to poor material and social living conditions, morality of families and emotional safety of children is deteriorating. The adaptation of pupils from the social exclusion of risk families at school is relevant, as students, while hard adaptation, experience failure, often lose interest in learning, weakening in motivation for learning and this has a negative impact on their future life.
The aim of this work is to analyze the peculiarities of the adaptation of students from the social exclusion risk families in rural and urban-type schools.
• There are significant differences noticed in adaptation between students in rural and urban schools. Adaptation is more successful in rural areas. There the separation of the adaptation type is noticeable. The adaptation in the urban schools is not so successful, because the separation and insurrection of the adaptation types are noticeable among the students of the social... [to full text]
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Socialinė pagalba socialinės atskirties rizikoje esantiems mokiniams / Social assistance for students at risk of social exclusionBataitienė, Daiva 28 July 2009 (has links)
Šiandien dažna politikų diskusijų, žiniasklaidos pranešimų tema yra augantis vaikų agresyvumas, žiaurumas savo bendraamžių, mokytojų atžvilgiu, socialinė atskirtis. Pažymima, kad mokinių dvasiniam augimui ir lavinimuisi, socialinei integracijai neužtenka modernių mokymo(si) priemonių, naujų mokymo(si) programų ar socialinių projektų. Greta visų šių dalykų jiems taip pat reikalingas rūpestingas suaugusiojo palaikymas, geras jo pavyzdys, teikiama pagalba sunkiais gyvenimo etapais. Dažniausiai patekimą į socialinės atskirties rizikos grupę vaikai pajunta mokykloje, nors neretai tai lemia ir šeimos statusas visuomenėje ar pačios šeimos narių tarpusavio santykiai. Dažnai mokiniai, kurie praleidinėja pamokas ar jiems nesiseka, yra iš kitokios šeimos nei kiti mokiniai, neturi tam tikrų socialinių įgūdžių, greitai užklijuojama etiketė ir toks mokinys sulaukia socialinio pasmerkimo, atskyrimo. Socialinės atskirties rizikos grupėje esantiems mokiniams būdingos elgesio, emocinės ir mokymosi problemos, bendraamžių atstūmimas, socialinių įgūdžių trūkumas. Atsiranda poreikis tirti mokinių atskirties grupių mažinimo galimybes, teikiamą pagalbą ar jos galimybes mokiniams, esantiems socialinės atskirties rizikos grupėje.
Tyrimo tikslas – identifikuoti socialinę pagalbą, teikiamą socialinės atskirties rizikoje esantiems mokiniams.
Tikslui pasiekti pasirinktas kiekybinis tyrimas. Duomenų rinkimo metodas – anketinė apklausa. Apklausti 105 mokytojai, dirbantys gimnazijoje, vidurinėse ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Growing aggression of children, violence against peers and teachers and social exclusion are nowadays an important issue of political discussions and media reports. It is noticed that modern learning and teaching means, new learning and teaching programmes or social projects are not enough for spiritual growth and development of students and social integration. Together with these things students need attentive support from adults, their good example and assistance at difficult periods in life. Most often students face the risk of social exclusion at school although it also depends on the status of their family in the society or the relationship of their family members in the family. Often students who are absent from school or do not very well at school are from a different family than other students; they do not have particular social skills, are often given labels and can expect only exclusion and being branded. Behavioural, emotional and learning problems, peer alienation and lack of social skills are characteristic for students at risk of social exclusion. Therefore, there is an urgent need to analyse opportunities of reduction of social exclusion groups of students, provided assistance or its opportunities for students at risk of social exclusion.
The aim of the research is to identify social assistance provided to students at risk of social exclusion.
A qualitative research was carried out to achieve the aim. The method for data collection – a questionnaire. 105... [to full text]
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Nuteistųjų socialinės reintegracijos prielaidos / The presumption of social integration for the convictsVoitiukevič, Ana 08 August 2013 (has links)
Darbe pateikiama nuteistųjų socialinės reintegracijos samprata, apibrėžiami šio proceso objektai ir jų tarpusavio sąveika. Pateikiama su kokiais sunkumais susiduria nuteistieji po laisvės atėmimo bausmės atlikimo ir kokios institucijos padeda iškilusias problemas spręsti. Analizuojama kaip patys nuteistieji vertina savo galimybes sėkmingai socialiai reintegruotis, kokios pagalbos tikisi sulaukti ir kokiais būdais siekia tapti pilnaverčiais visuomenės piliečiais. Atskleidžiama kokie veiksniai anot jų suteikia jiems stiprybės šiame procese, o kokie veiksniai slopina sėkmę. / This paper presents the concept of social reintegration of prisoners and define the process objects and their interactions. Since there still exists a high number of crimes in Lithuania and the return of convicts to society is a relatively new topic, the need to examine, what is the role of institutions in helping persons, who served imprisonment sentences, to reintegrate into society, arouse. The paper showed that the reintegration of convicts into society is not an easy process that requires a lot of efforts not only from the convict, but also from institutions, operating in this field, as well as from the society. The paper examines the factors that give strength for prisoners in this process and what factors inhibit success of social reintegration.
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Existens och temporalitet : om det samtida flyktingskapets komplexitet / Existence and temporality : the complexity of contemporary refugee statusSlavnic, Zoran January 2000 (has links)
In the beginning of the 1990's Swedish immigration policy, which bad been considered liberal and generous, became increasingly restrictive. A number of domestic as well as international factors led to new restrictions that particularly affected Bosnians with Croatian passports who applied for asylum. They were the first refugee group subject to new policy regulations and practices called 'temporary protection' (TUT). They also became the object of experimentation with diverse ideas concerning the development of a new immigration policy that emphasized the notion of 'repatriation' as opposed to 'integration'. This study consists of five articles that analyse these complex social processes from different methodological angles, trying to connect micro issues with macro ones, global issues with national issues, and local phenomena with practices affecting the individual. The introductory article deals with the experience of leaving one's country though the narrative of a single woman. During her period of immigration, she had been exposed to different national interests, discriminatory legislation and a variety of refugee experiences. These experiences included persecution, flight and emigration that were related to conditions of immigration, refuge and exclusion. The second article shows how the refugees coped with the labyrinth of temporality caused by the new Swedish refugee and immigration policy. This policy had been developed against the backdrop of EU harmonisation and insisted on temporary protection and repatriation. The third article is a comparative analysis of immigration processes in two different municipalities: Malmö and Karlskrona. This article shows that such different institutional contexts create different coping strategies among refugees. For example, Malmö as a large municipality with a long history of immigration is different from Karlskrona, which is a smaller town without such experiences with foreigners. Also, in Malmö there was no specific refugee camp whereas there was one in Karlskrona. The fourth article deals with the impact of the Swedish welfare state's austerity policy on the reception of local refugees. As a consequence of these changes, special relationships among refugees developed. These included both friendship and animosity as well as conflict and solidarity. Such relationships challenge the conventional wisdom that assumes that differences in ethnicity will only lead to conflicts among different groups. The fifth article examines the limits of this conventional wisdom. For example, while conflicts among different ethnic groups from the former Yugoslavia persist, solidarity among these groups has also developed as they respond to the difficulties of immigration and social exclusion. In order to analyse the complexity of a process that includes the global, local and individual levels, I developed a multifaceted theoretical approach. This thesis addresses four aspects of a refugee's status: essentialization, thera- peutization, 'problem' that refugees cause for international state system and exclusion. In this connection, my main conclusion is that the social position of being a refugee in particular, as well as processes of social inclusion in general, can only be understood if we move beyond essential and biological explanations and beyond culturalization and therapeutization. Instead, we must focus on social and structural explanations. / digitalisering@umu
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