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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La crise argentine de 2001 et ses conséquences : un regard à travers la littérature et le cinéma argentin des années 2000 / The Argentine crisis of 2001 and its consequences, as seen through Argentine literature and cinema of the 2000s

Ponze, Adrian 06 March 2017 (has links)
Ce travail est le résultat d'une recherche pluridisciplinaire basée sur l'hypothèse suivante : il existe une certaine porosité entre récits fictionnels et productions scientifiques en sciences sociales. A partir d‘un cadre théorique et méthodologique qui comprend la sociologie de la culture et la théorie littéraire et cinématographique, nous avons fait l‘analyse critique d'un corpus de textes de fiction relevant de la NNA (Nouvelle Narration Argentine) et de films relevant du NCA (Nouveau Cinéma Argentin), c‘est-à-dire des deux principaux courants artistiques auxquels une nouvelle génération d'auteurs, émergée en Argentine au début du XXIe siècle, a donné forme.Le corpus, d‘une quinzaine de romans et d‘autant de films, a été constitué selon un critère qui caractérise les œuvres choisies : la description de la crise en général et la présence spécifique d‘exclus économiques, en particulier les migrants (le départ d‘Argentins et l‘arrivée d‘étrangers), les villas miseria et leurs habitants, ainsi que la présence de membres de la diversité sexuelle.Nos recherches se sont orientées, d‘une part, vers les transformations observées dans les champs littéraire et cinématographique, notamment vers les changements touchant aux modes de production et de distribution des œuvres, et, d‘autre part, vers la manière dont sont représentés, dans les médias et les œuvres artistiques, les secteurs de la société traditionnellement exclus.L'observation de ces changements et modes de représentation à travers des récits fictionnels permet de confirmer l‘hypothèse de départ, dans la mesure où certains romans et films ont une valeur documentaire pour la recherche en sciences sociales, notamment dans des disciplines telles que l'histoire ou la sociologie. / This work is the result of multidisciplinary research in which, using the theoretical and methodological framework of literary and film theory, and the sociology of culture, we have demonstrated that the boundaries between fiction and social science writing are porous. A corpus of fifteen fictional texts identified with the New Argentina Narrative (NAN) movement, and fifteen films made by the New Argentine Cinema (NAC) was analysed. New Argentina Narrative and NAC represent the production of a new generation of Argentine writers and filmmakers between 2000 and 2010. These works included the following topics: migrations from Argentina and immigration, poverty (the villas miseria inhabitants), and gender and sexual diversity in Argentina. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the transformations of Argentine society and how these were represented by a new generation of Argentine writers and filmmakers. Additionally, we have studied the influence of the socio-economic context on artistic expression. Thus, we have analysed not only the aesthetic dimension, but also the modes of production and distribution of Argentina literature and cinema, encompassing the processes of creation, editing and distribution. The observation of these processes through novels and films has allowed us to conclude that some literary and film fiction may have a documentary or testimonial value for research in social science disciplines such as history and sociology.

Míra chudoby a osamělosti generace 65 plus / Poverty and solitude ratio among generation 65+

NEJEDLÁ, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the life of people over sixty-five years, with special focus on financial security and loneliness. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the problems of aging and aging-related changes. Following chapters are devoted to the issues of poverty, gender inequalities in old age and social exclusion. Furthermore, according to the available scientific literature, i describe the themes of loneliness, the impact of loneliness on health and the importance of interpersonal relationships on the issue of loneliness. The thesis aims to better understand the impact of life events and life circumstances on poverty and loneliness in the lives of respondents, and how were these aspects perceived and experienced in the past. Also how do they perceive their current situation, especially in the area of the financial safety and loneliness. There was random selection of five respondents for the research with special objectives in mind equal participation both men and women and living alone after divorce or widowhood and marriage / partnership. These respondents retold their life stories with the help of extensive narrative interviews, which I later transcribed in detail and carefully read through, not to omit important milestones in their lives, which helped me to accomplish the aim of the thesis. For the practical part of the thesis I have chosen the strategy of qualitative research using narrative interviews. Narrative mode is based on a unique and compelling life story presentation with an emphasis on life experience. This technique is suitable for the older generation, which was also confirmed during the research. Two main questions were established for the research. 1.Did the experienced life events and life circumstances influence poverty and loneliness in their current lives? 2. How they perceived and experienced the poverty and loneliness during their lifetime? To answer these questions, it was necessary to keep the conversation arend relevant topics. The research resulted in the following conclusions. Surprisingly, respondents feel no poverty, although the level of their pension is often very near poverty area. Poverty is percieved as the situation of nothing to eat, nowhere to live and no means of subsistence. The explanation lies in the fact that all respondents lived in a time and place where you had to make do with less, and it is the source of their modesty and unpretentiousness. All respondents agree that the transition to retirement was an important milestone in their lives. Altough current pensions doesn't provide for that much activities they were accustomed to, they don't perceive their situation as feeling poor. You can say, that a modest life prepare respondents for life in retirement. In a similar way, respondents expressed the theme of loneliness. In all the interviews family was dominating factor. Respondents living in villages and small sized towns declare to maintain good neighbor relationships, often lasting from the time of childhood. Loneliness is most often associated with the loss of a partner. In the stories of two female respondents, there was loneliness occurance after the death of a partner. This period is stated as the worst in their life and they felt most alone then. Currently the loneliness is compensated by their children and grandchildren.

Zdravotní a sociální situace osob žijících v exkludované lokalitě "Stalingrad" / Health and Social Situation of People Living in the Excluded Location "Stalingrad"

ONDRÁŠEK, Stanislav January 2016 (has links)
The thesis titled "Health and social situation of people living in the excluded locality "Stalingrad", arose because nowadays they are socially excluded localities increasingly viewfinder researchers, scholars and not least the media. Residents of socially excluded localities get from their neighbors in most cases verbal abuse and an overall disinterest. Locations also receive various nicknames, such as "house of horror" or "gypsy ghetto". The theoretical part of the thesis describes and explains the basic concepts and phenomena that are the subject of the thesis. Such concepts and phenomena are eg. social exclusion and its effects on the lives of individuals affected, or causes of socially excluded localities and what people are at risk of social exclusion. Furthermore, the theoretical part describes the health situation of people living in socially excluded locality in general. There are presented the basic concepts that bind to a medical situation such as quality of life and determinants that affect health and condition. In the last part of the theoretical background is given governs employment and economic situation of the socially excluded locality, focusing on unemployment, work accidents and the impact of unemployment on health. The main aim of this thesis was to describe what health and social situation of people living in the excluded locality "Stalingrad" and the sub-objective was to determine what relationships are residents of the excluded localities "Stalingrad" with their neighbors who live near the site. Have been established two research questions were: VO1: What is the history of people living in the excluded locality "Stalingrad" in the health and social context? VO2: There is a relationship between social and health situation of people living in the Czech excluded locality "Stalingrad"? In the research part of the work is characterized by the research group, which consisted of two informants from socially excluded locality "Stalingrad" and three neighbors who live near that site. For data acquisition, qualitative and strategy to be exact, narrative interviews. Before beginning the interview informants were familiar to the interview and its course, and were satisfied that the talks are completely anonymous and will be used only for the purposes of this thesis. It was determined topic of conversation for people living in excluded locality "Stalingrad" I set the question "Tell me about your life in "Stalingrad" from the time you've moved up until now.". For people living close to the site was established topic question "Tell me about your relationship with the neighbors of "Stalingrad". Interviews were transcribed verbatim and then analyzed using open coding and axial coding. In the discussion of the information obtained is compared with the available literature and research. The results are that the health situation of these people of "Stalingrad" is hampered mainly because of the physically demanding work (work in the forest, in a construction company, car service). Health situation of the signed occupational injuries suffered by the informant and his friend. These injuries are undoubtedly permanently signed on the quality of life of these people. A potential threat to the health status of the moisture that gets into the homes destroyed because of the structure of the garage. The social situation is such that informant have due to high spending three jobs that have yet demanding working hours. Social situation affects the fact that residents of "Stalingrad" must commute to work, and that it must invest a larger sum of money to refurbishment of dwellings. In the past, there were some conflicts and problems with the adoption of the residents of "Stalingrad" in the village community. In the conclusion of thesis is mentioned possible use of this work. The work may be assisted by social workers or Roma coordinators in solving health and social situation of people living in the surveyed area.

A escravidão e a política racial no Brasil : a identidade dos afrodescendentes e as ações afirmativas / Slavery and racial politics in Brazil : the identity of afro Descendants and affirmative action

Fontoura, Sandra Isabel da Silva January 2006 (has links)
A presente dissertação focaliza os fundamentos da escravidão presentes na realidade brasileira, considerando os ideais liberais do projeto político de construção do Estado Nacional e a visão de políticos e intelectuais envolvidos no processo de discussão do escravismo, tendo o 1º Império (1822-1831) como um dos seus marcos temporais. Na atualização do tema o estudo aborda a questão dos afrodescendentes no Brasil Contemporâneo (2002-2006), visando a compreensão das políticas públicas de discriminação positiva: as cotas, cujo objetivo é constituir gradativamente a inclusão de negros e pardos em diferentes instâncias sociais; entre elas, as universidades públicas. Para tal, analisam-se as antíteses das propostas, discursos e práxis políticas, a partir da fundamentação teórica sobre liberalismo e escravidão, e de temas correlatos como “estado” e “liberdade”, enquanto dimensões constitutivas da vida política no despontar da sociedade moderna. Isso é feito pela ótica da Ciência Política e de forma complementar da Filosofia e da História Social do país. Para a realização do trabalho nos baseamos no método dialético, cujo suporte é a negação de uma realidade tida como estática. Tal procedimento nos permitiu trabalhar com as contradições ou antinomias sociais, através de bibliografias, artigos e pesquisas on-line. A partir desse material investigamos questões referentes às práticas atuais de racismo que desvendam o dilema da exclusão social e da ineficácia das políticas públicas de atendimento aos pobres e, de forma mais intensa, aos afrodescendentes. Também examinamos atividades de atendimento e assistência destinadas aos alunos cotistas nas universidades públicas que já aderiram o projeto de cotas raciais. Por meio da Ciência Política analisamos e problematizamos parte das categorias mediativas do processo de exclusão do negro que remontam ao Brasil-Colônia e se mantém até atualidade enquanto fato político, uma vez que a abolição não foi acompanhada de políticas públicas constituintes de cidadania afrodescendente. Assim, encontramos marcos importantes onde a negação sistemática do racismo contrasta com a sua existência velada, pautada pelo falso conceito de democracia racial. Experiência capaz de reproduzir uma realidade perversa nivelada apenas pelo conteúdo, mas sem consistência nas relações concretas nas quais, cotidianamente, os afrodescendentes são excluídos pela cor da pele. Por conseqüência, trata-se de necessidades que revelam e fundamentam a urgência da implantação de políticas de cotas em nível nacional. / This dissertation focuses on the basis of slavery present in Brazilian reality, considering the liberal ideals of the political project of the building of the National State and the vision of politicians and intellectuals involved the process of discussing slavery, having the First Empire (1822-1831) as the temporal landmark. In the development of this theme, this study addresses the issue of afro descendants in Contemporary Brazil (2002-2006) aiming the understanding of public politics of positive discrimination: the quotas, which attempts to gradually increase the number of afro-descendants, included in different social instances, among them, public universities. Thus, the antithesis of the proposals, speeches and political praxis will be analyzed from the theoretical framework of liberalism and slavery, as well as of correlate themes like “state” and “freedom”, while constituent dimensions of political life arise for modern society. This analysis is performed from the perspective of Political Science and of the Philosophy and Social History of the country as well. This research was based on the dialectic method which is the denial of a static reality. Such a procedure allowed us to work with the social contradictions or antinomies thorough bibliography, papers and on-line researches. From this material we investigated questions referring to actual practices of racism which reveal the dilemma of social exclusion and of the inefficacy of public politics serving the poor and more specifically to afro-descendants. We also examined services and assistance designated to “students selected by quota” of public universities that have already agreed to the project of racial quotas. Using Political Science we evaluated some of the categories that mediate the process of exclusion of the afro-descendants that date from the “Brazilian-Colonial” period and continue to the present as a political issue, since the abolition of slavery has not been accompanied by the success of public politics in creating afro- descendants as citizens. Thus, we find important indications where the systematic denial of racism contrasts with its evident existence, marked by the false concept of racial democracy. Experiences capable of reproducing a perverse reality, mediated only by the theoretical content of law, but with no consistency for the concrete relations in which, daily, the afro- descendants are excluded based on the color of their skin. Consequently, there are needs that reveal and underlie the urgency for the emergence of quota politics on the national level.

Estratégias sociais de resistência aos processos desterritorializantes : redes de solidariedade - o caso da rede industrial de confecção solidária (RICS)

Borges, Carolina Tavares Oliveira January 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação objetivou levantar alguns pontos para a discussão e reflexão do que entendemos como algumas estratégias sociais de resistência aos processos desterritorializantes entendidos, também como socioeconomicamente excludentes. Com aporte teórico, subsidiamos nossa pesquisa, desenvolvendo uma metodologia que envolveu, outrossim, levantamento bibliográfico, entrevistas e observações. Analisamos, especificamente, o caso da Rede Industrial de Confecção Solidária (RICS) e sua contribuição para a geração de trabalho, renda, que, neste caso, vai além de mera sobrevivência, pois se configura na participação efetiva dos envolvidos em todas as etapas do projeto, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento da qualidade de vida e fortalecendo valores como a dignidade dos indivíduos, que visam o benefício coletivo do grupo. Buscamos apreender de que forma o Estado, em suas esferas federal, estadual e municipal, favorece a criação e fomenta a reprodução das redes de solidariedade, para, posteriormente, abordar como o município de Porto Alegre comporta-se diante deste cenário. Assim, apesar de incipiente, tanto na prática e principalmente na teoria, a Economia Solidária vai trilhando o seu caminho, com o trabalho e da criatividade de quem a faz na esperança de sobreviver numa sociedade cada vez mais competitiva e excludente. / This dissertation objectified to raise some points for the quarrel and reflection of what we understand as some social strategies of resistance to the understood desterritorializantes processes, as also social and economically exculpatory. With it arrives in port theoretical, we subsidize our research, developing a methodology that involved, also, empirical survey of data. We analyze, specifically, the case of the Industrial Net of Solidary Confection (RICS) and its contribution for the work generation, income, that, in this in case that, goes beyond mere survival, therefore is configured in the participation accomplishes of involved in all the stages of the project, contributing for the development of the quality of life and fortifying values as the dignity of the individuals, that aim at the collective benefit of the group. We search to apprehend of that it forms the State, in its spheres federal, state and municipal, it favors the creation and it foments the reproduction of the solidarity nets, for, later, approaching as the city of Porto Alegre behaves ahead of this scene. Thus, although incipient, as much in the practical one and mainly in the theory, the Solidary Economy goes treading its way, with the work and of the creativity of which it makes it in the hope to survive in a society each more competitive and exculpatory time.

Vidas do meio fio: os moradores de rua de Fortaleza no contexto da formulação de uma política pública

LIMA, Silvana Garcia Andrade January 2008 (has links)
LIMA, Silvana Garcia Andrade. Vidas do meio fio: os moradores de rua de Fortaleza no contexto da formulação de uma política pública. 2008. 122f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Avaliação de Políticas Públicas) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Pro - Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Avaliação de Políticas Públicas, Fortaleza-Ce, 2008. / Submitted by Ana Paula Paula (mappufce@gmail.com) on 2012-04-10T12:50:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Silvana Garcia de Andrade Lima.pdf: 10611477 bytes, checksum: 28602a83ef4abeb547a4181c8981148d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-04-23T12:26:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Silvana Garcia de Andrade Lima.pdf: 10611477 bytes, checksum: 28602a83ef4abeb547a4181c8981148d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-04-23T12:26:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silvana Garcia de Andrade Lima.pdf: 10611477 bytes, checksum: 28602a83ef4abeb547a4181c8981148d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / In the present work, we have the purpose of discussing the social service politics and its confluence with the segment of street residents who makes the public space their residences and who makes their presence in city one of the expressions of social exclusion. We have proposed ourselves to dialogue, in the Social Service Politics area, with the rising of the public politics intersection of attention to the population in street situation of Fortaleza municipality evaluating the social care ways to the people who lives in street and survives upon it. We have investigated the main facing ways of these groups to survive in the streets, discussing the social circumstances that surround the fact and the effective demands of social care to this segment. In this way the investigative effort happens in a double versant: uncovering the street representations which leads and attracts these groups to the public space and ties them in it, as though as their aspirations to the public power; evaluating the answers that the public politics of social care is building in face to the peculiar reality of street population. This is the challenge to be won in our investigation ride. It is in this perspective that we throw each other in the task of “having eyes of seeing” and going beyond the visible, uncovering this new universe of the “street nomads”, throughout a deeper study of the articulations between the segment of street residents to the nowadays rising politics of care to the street population of Fortaleza / No presente trabalho, temos como objetivo discutir a política da assistência social e a sua confluência com o segmento de moradores de rua que faz do espaço público sua morada e da sua presença na cidade uma das expressões da exclusão social. Propusemo-nos a dialogar, no âmbito da Política da Assistência Social, com a então nascente política pública intersetorial de atenção à população em situação de rua do município de Fortaleza, avaliando os rumos da proteção social quanto ao povo que vive na rua e dela sobrevive. Investigamos as principais formas de enfrentamento desses grupos para sobreviver nas ruas, discutindo as circunstâncias sociais que permeiam o fato e as demandas efetivas de proteção social a este segmento. Assim, o esforço investigativo se faz numa dupla vertente: descortinar as representações da rua, aquilo que os leva e atrai tais grupos ao espaço público e nele os atrela, bem como suas aspirações quanto ao poder público; avaliar as respostas que a política pública da assistência social está a construir face à realidade peculiar das populações de rua. É este o desafio a ser vencido no percurso de nossa investigação. É nessa perspectiva que nos lançamos na empreitada de “ter olhos de ver” e ir além do aparente, desvendando esse universo novo dos “nômades da rua”, através de um estudo mais profundo das articulações entre o segmento de moradores de rua com a então emergente política de atenção à população de rua do município de Fortaleza

Mucuripe:verticalização, mutações e resistências no espaço habitado / Mucuripe: verticalization, mutations and resistências in the inhabited space

Ramos, Lidiane da Costa January 2003 (has links)
RAMOS, Lidiane da Costa. Mucuripe:verticalização, mutações e resistências no espaço habitado. 2003. 147 f. : Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação, Mestrado em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, Fortaleza-CE, 2003. / Submitted by guaracy araujo (guaraa3355@gmail.com) on 2016-05-10T19:56:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2003_dis_lcramos.pdf: 4153709 bytes, checksum: c7633ba0bf9642c4397db1b2bd889800 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by guaracy araujo (guaraa3355@gmail.com) on 2016-05-11T15:00:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2003_dis_lcramos.pdf: 4153709 bytes, checksum: c7633ba0bf9642c4397db1b2bd889800 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-11T15:00:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2003_dis_lcramos.pdf: 4153709 bytes, checksum: c7633ba0bf9642c4397db1b2bd889800 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003 / Mucuripe, one of the most ancient boroughs of Fortaleza is undergoing a process of urban reform in which the poor part of the population is being excluded. This borough is famous for its strong fishing tradition and it is loosing its characteristic as time goes by, due to the great property speculation in this area of the city, in which we can see that when they relocate people from their social area they fragment the social relationships, thus risking the identity of the place. In removing the poor people, as well as the fishermen, who are part of the ancient process of Mucuripe, provokes conflicts and resistance of the people. But with the verticalization, which is a product of property speculation in this borough, the conflict became more intense and the main goal of the study is to understand the process of production and appropriation of Mucuripe before the crescent verticalization of this area. And to understand this process it was necessary the seach of a theoretical-countersign concept able to provide a approach intersubjective. It was also worth the analyses of the cartographic material which information about the income of each property, as well as the population density and the numbers of apartment in the borough and the identification of the Mucuripe´s buildings, which the purpose of demonstrating a space concentration of this verticalization. The cartographyc material, on the other hand provides a notion of time, by showing the transformation in this space at the level of lansdcape. The verticalization of Mucuripe reveals a strong socialspecial segregation and it has contributed to aggravation of the problem of the environmental situation of this borough, The Caravelle building, which was built on the edge of the Teixeira´s hill, while the population of the Maceió´s brook demonstrated the terrible conditions of life of the population that lived in risky areas in Mucuripe demonstrating the enviromental degradation in this borough. We see verticalization in Mucuripe as part of a global process of production in the cities of a modern project, in which as turning into a more “modern city”, it also becomes more excluding. / O Mucuripe, um dos bairros mais antigos de Fortaleza, vem passando por um processo de renovação urbana do qual a população de baixa renda é excluída. O bairro, conhecido por sua forte tradição pesqueira, vem sendo descaracterizado ao longo dos anos em razão da grande especulação imobiliária nessa área da cidade, que, ao remover a população de origem, fragmenta as relações sociais, pondo em risco a identidade do lugar. A remoção dos moradores de baixa renda, dentre eles os pescadores, é um processo antigo no Mucuripe, o que provoca conflitos de uso e movimentos de resistência. Mas, foi com a verticalização, produto da especulação imobiliária no bairro, que os conflitos se tornaram mais intensos. Com efeito, o objetivo central desse estudo é compreender o processo de produção e apropriação do Mucuripe, ante a crescente verticalização da área. Para a compreensão desse processo, fez-se necessária a busca de um referencial teórico-conceitual capaz de proporcionar uma abordagem interdisciplinar. Também foi de fundamental importância a análise do material cartográfico com informações sobre a renda por domicílio, a densidade demográfica, o número de apartamentos no bairro e a identificação dos edifícios no Mucuripe, com a finalidade de demonstrar a concentração espacial da verticalização. O material cartográfico, por sua vez, proporciona uma noção de temporalidade, ao mostrar as transformações ocorridas nesse espaço ao nível da paisagem. A verticalização no Mucuripe revela forte segregação sócio-espacial, e tem contribuído para o agravamento das questões ambientais no bairro. O Edifício Caravelle, construído na encosta do morro do Teixeira, a poluição do riacho Maceió e a precária condição de vida das populações que habitam em áreas de risco no Mucuripe, demonstram o nível de degradação ambiental nesse bairro. Entendemos que a verticalização no Mucuripe, faz parte de um processo global de produção das cidades, de um projeto modernizador, em que, ao se tornar mais “moderna”, a cidade torna-se mais excludente.

Neromští obyvatelé sociálně vyloučených "romských" lokalit / Non-Romani inhabitants of socially excluded ?Romani? localities

HAVLÍKOVÁ, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis with the title ?Non-Romani inhabitants of socially excluded ?Romani? localities is divided into two parts: the theoretical and the empiric parts. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis deals mainly with defining the terms of social exclusion and socially excluded locality. At the same time, it describes the phenomenon of the poverty, underclass and white trash culture and ethnicity. The research part deals with the description of the actual research methodology, interpretation and the presentation of the research investigation results. The aim of the diploma thesis is to describe the perception of life in a socially excluded ?Romani? locality, by non-Romani inhabitants. With respect to the aim of the diploma thesis I chose the qualitative research strategy. The qualitative investigation was conducted by the method of questioning. The questioning technique was a semi-structured interview consisting of open questions. The target set consists of twelve respondents living in three excluded localities in the territory of the town of České Budějovice, who do not consider themselves, on the basis of self-identification, as members of the Romani ethnic group. The results of my research investigation shows what leads non-Romani inhabitants up to living in socially excluded localities, if they feel safely there and how they perceive coexistence with Romani ethnic group.

Stimulační mechanismy v systému pomoci v hmotné nouzi / Stimulation Mechanisms in the System of Assistance in Material Deprivation

TŮMOVÁ, Hana January 2012 (has links)
The system of assistance in material deprivation regulates aid to people in need, i.e., persons who finds themselves in a situation where they are unable to provide for themselves. At present, greater emphasis is being out on each citizen?s responsibility for themselves and their families, as well as their active role in the finding of solutions for social events that impact on them. The point to try to motivate people in need to improve personally and actively their income. The aim of the Diploma Thesis is to map the findings gathered in the process of applying selected mechanisms in the system of assistance to persons in need. Five basic questions have been formulated for our research: 1. How do the clients see the idea of selling property or other uses of property? 2. How can we prove a client?s endeavor to improve his income by working? 3. What requirements and demands do recipients of welfare benefits have when they improve their income by working? 4. Is the concept of positive effect of higher income earned by own work apparent more on the part of social workers than clients? 5. What options of controlling do the recipients of welfare benefits have when trying to prove their effort to improve their income by own work? The qualitative survey was conducted by questioning, using the technique of semi-structured interview. Data collection was done from July to October 2011 ad in March 2012. The survey sample consisted of 12 recipients of welfare benefits selected by random, 12 social workers from municipal offices, and 5 social workers from regional branches of the Labor Office. The collected data were processed by casuistry specialists. Other data were sorted by theme, mutually compared, and summarized in the form of tables. The research survey revealed that most of the questioned social workers do not consider the system of material assistance stimulating. They believe that the system forces clients to rely on the system, rather than seek employment actively.

Sociální vyloučení u bezdomovců a jeho vliv na zdraví / Social Exclusion Among The Homeless And Its Impact On Health

ZLATUŠKOVÁ, Vendula January 2013 (has links)
The thesis topic ?Social exclusion among the homeless and its subsequent impact on health" provides the deeper understanding of the problematic regarding homeless people who are without family/social connections and often suffer from lack of social and health care. The theoretical part of the thesis called ?Current Status? elaborates on the study of the fundamental ideas and concepts In addition the thesis defines the objective and subjective factors of homelessness, health problematic and its determinants, trying to provide an insight into somatic and psychological complications, which are linked to the system of health care provided towards the homeless people. The aim was to detect and define the elements of social exclusion among the homeless and find their conditionality in relation to subjective health perception Basic data for the research were based on the following research questions: V1: What causes played a significant role in respondents becoming homeless? V2: How homeless people evaluate their current health? V3: How the homeless people perceive assistance to improve their situation? The subject of research part is the link between environmental (social) situation of selected group of people and their subjectively perceived health status. To determine the necessary data the qualitative method, semi-controlled interview technique supplemented by observation were used. The research was conducted in the St. Pauls shelter in České Budejovice. The interviews were done with 10 respondents and the results of the research are summarized in form of case studies divided into categories and presented according to the similarities/differences in the respondent?s claims. This work can be used as a basis for further research to quantify the social determinants of health associated with homelessness. I, together with the social worker of the St. Paul shelter, perceive lack of linking health and social services for the homeless. This issue should be further strengthened, so that eventually could be used to influence public policy in shaping the environment affecting our health.

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