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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Charity, homelessness, and the doctrine of creation

Pemberton, Charlie Samuel Christie January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores Gustavo Gutiérrez‟s and John Milbank‟s articulations of the doctrine of creation, with a view to developing a criterion that can be used to inform our understanding and evaluation of Christian charities that address homelessness and operate in contemporary British civil society. Milbank and Gutiérrez‟s works both ask questions of the peace or life that can be instituted through charitable practices. They also develop, from the doctrine of creation, their own theological accounts of social and political orders, normative anthropologies, and accounts of the interpersonal. For both Milbank and Gutiérrez, the doctrine of creation maintains a paradox: the internality and externality of the created world in relation to God. Part One of this thesis explores these respective accounts of charity and creation, noting the strengths and limitations of each position. Part One ends with a qualified endorsement of Gutiérrez‟s theology and defends the utility of the criterion he deploys in his work to judge the task of theology and praxis of the church: integral liberation. The second part of this thesis progresses in three steps. First, I put forward a theological methodology which is attentive to the logic of theo-political language and our current neoliberal socio-political order. I argue that it is prudent to think of political theology as a counter-hegemonic discourse, and in dialogue with Ernesto Laclau and Chantel Mouffe, Francis Schüssler Fiorenza and Gutiérrez, I explore and endorse political theology as spiral in character. I go on to extend Laclau and Mouffe‟s analysis of neoliberalism by developing and defending the hypothesis: 'charities are dual'. By engaging with the work of Frank Prochaska, this section argues that charities are both religious and political, as well as being both internal and external to the state apparatus. Furthermore, I contend that charities constitute and ameliorate the social exclusion attributed to homelessness, and that selfless giving, under the current circumstances, is internal to a process of volunteer self-making. By attending to the dualities of homelessness charities, this part of the thesis sets charities in their current context and proposes an elective affinity between current charitable practices and the hegemony of neoliberalism. At the end of the thesis, I return to the doctrine of creation and ask how attention to this doctrinal locus can help us to move homelessness charities beyond their dependence on the existence of homeless people, and their embeddedness in our current neoliberal arrangement. I argue that charities, and civil society more broadly, have an important role to play in envisioning and establishing a theo-politics of common life. To do so, I contend that we need to articulate a robust account of the role of the state, must defend human rights, nurture egalitarian and non-hierarchical charitable practices, be attentive to what the homeless can teach charities and volunteers about our current order, and reform aspects of charitable law. In each of these cases, I defend a paradoxical politics of integral liberation. In summary, this thesis aims to make an original contribution to the growing body of literature that explores homelessness and theology by coordinating the paradox of creation, the duality of charity, and the double truths of neoliberalism.

Smashing potatoes – challenging student agency as utterances

Lanas, M. (Maija) 06 December 2011 (has links)
Abstract The research investigates how student agency is inscribed as challenging or as misbehaviour in schools. The purpose is to open up and enable alternative ways of interpreting student agency. The empirical part of the research is based on reflexive ethnography and narrative methodology. The data is comprised of narrative and thematic interviews conducted during a period of 3 years (2006–2009), and 4 months of ethnographic fieldwork conducted in the autumn of 2008. The context for analyzing the meanings inscribed in student agency is a northern Finnish village school. In the villagers’ narrations, the research villages were presented as centres of the people’s lives, dynamic even in their quietude, and life in the villages was presented as an active choice. These stories challenge the national representations that tend to derive from the discourse of social exclusion. These societal discourses ‘other’ the life in northern villages and direct children, through education, concretely, socio-culturally, and emotionally away from their villages towards southern cities. Based on the fieldwork and applying Mihail Bakhtin’s dialogism and interactionist approach to emotions, I find that the meanings inscribed in student agency are determined dialogically. The meanings and emotions with which student agency is inscribed in a particular situation is, thereby, not determined by the students but come from the broader social, cultural, and political contexts, and the histories of those involved in the dialogue. Thereby, for instance “bad behaviour” cannot be improved simply by targeting the student or by changing student behaviour. This derives from the fact that any action, for example smashing potatoes, can end up carrying historical, political, social, and cultural meanings, and thus, any action can become inscribed as contesting behaviour. I conclude that contesting behaviour of a student does not cause as much as it performs challenging emotions that derive from broader societal, sociocultural, and political contexts. Thereby the problem is not that challenging emotions take place in school but the illusion that they should not. If challenging emotions in school are imagined to indicate failure, it is assumed that they must be excluded rather than endured and managed. / Tiivistelmä Tarkastelen tutkimuksessa, miten oppilaan toiminta saa merkityksen haastavana tai huonona käytöksenä koulussa. Tavoitteenani on avata ja mahdollistaa vaihtoehtoisten merkitysten näkeminen oppilaan toiminnalle. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osa nojautuu refleksiiviseen etnografiseen ja narratiiviseen metodologiaan, ja aineistona on käytetty haastatteluaineistoa 3 vuoden ajalta (2006–2009) sekä hieman yli neljän kuukauden mittaista kouluetnografiaa syksyllä 2008. Oppilaan toimijuuden tarkastelun kontekstina on pohjoinen pienkylän koulu. Kyläläisten omissa kertomuksissa kylät näyttäytyvät hiljetessäänkin dynaamisina elämän keskuksina, ja eläminen kylissä aktiivisena valintana. Nämä kertomukset haastavat valtakunnalliset representaatiot, jotka rakentuvat usein syrjäytymispuheelle. Syrjäytymispuhe toiseuttaa elämää pohjoisissa pienkylissä ja ohjaa koulutuksen kautta lapsia konkreettisesti, kulttuurisesti ja kokemuksellisesti pois kylästään, kohti etelää ja kaupunkeja. Mihail Bakhtinin dialogismia soveltaen ja kenttätyöhön pohjautuen totean, että oppilaan toiminnan saamat merkitykset ja siihen liittyvät tunteet määrittyvät dialogisesti. Toiminnan saamat merkitykset ja siihen liitetyt tunteet eivät siis ole oppilaan omassa hallinnassa vaan tulevat laajemmasta sosiaalisesta, poliittisesta, kulttuurisesta ja yhteiskunnallisesta kehyksestä sekä dialogin osapuolten erillisistä ja yhteisestä historiasta. Näin ollen, esimerkiksi ”huonoa käytöstä” ei voida parantaa yksinkertaisesti kohdistamalla toimenpiteitä oppilaaseen tai tämän käytökseen. Tämä johtuu siitä, että lähes mikä hyvänsä toiminta, tutkimuksessa muun muassa perunan soseuttaminen, voi päätyä kantamaan historiallisia, poliittisia, sosiaalisia ja kulttuurisia merkityksiä ja tulla siten merkityksi haastavaksi käytökseksi. Tutkimuksessa totean, että oppilaan haastava toiminta ei niinkään aiheuta vaan pikemminkin performoi haastavia tunteita, jotka juontuvat laajemmista yhteiskunnallisista, sosiokulttuurisista ja poliittisista konteksteista. Tällöin ongelma ei ole haastavien tunteiden esiintyminen koulussa vaan luulo, että niitä ei pitäisi esiintyä koulussa. Jos haastavat tunteet erehdytään koulussa kuvittelemaan jonkin tai jonkun epäonnistumiseksi, ne yritetään sulkea pois sen sijana että ne kestettäisiin ja käsiteltäisiin.

Výstavba obsahu internetového portálu pro děti a mládež v Jindřichově Hradci / The Formation of the Contents of the Internet Portal for Children and Youth in Jindřichův Hradec

Ježková, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
The theoretical framework of social policy work in relation to children and young people at risk of social exclusion. We will focus mainly on prevention of socially pathological phenomena in children and youth. In the practical part of the student filled a prototype web portal for children and youth from Jindřichův Hradec and its surroundings in order to provide this target group supplement information on leisure time activities in a specific area and any associated options (eg, chat, counseling, survey, photo gallery). Student at the same time, propose the concept of updating and data management for the portal.

Sociálne vylúčenie zdravotne postihnutých osôb v Českej republike / Social exclusion of the handicapped people in the Czech Republic

Mokáňová, Miroslava January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis treats of the social exclusion of the handicapped people in the Czech Republic which is significant group threatened by social exclusion. Other groups threatened by social exclusion are mentioned in diploma thesis as well. It includes youth, elder, Romanies, immigration, homeless and individuals leaving inpatient treatment or prison. Social exclusion means not only a lack of money for basic living needs but also an exclusion from labour market, social life, real estate market and health care. Poverty and unemployment are the main factors of social exclusion. Long-term unemployment is a serious problem which is important in the whole European Union. That is why we have to find solutions. Active employment policy brings one of the solutions in which reskilling and consultancy are the main instruments of help. Thanks to these instruments the unemployed can work again. The diploma thesis finds a solution in social economy and its subjects. Also non-profit organizations become involved in social area, they make new job opportunities for social excluded people and contribute to their social inclusion.

Museums and the digital public space : researching digital engagement practice at the Whitworth Art Gallery

Hartley, Julian Alex January 2015 (has links)
Since the 1990s, a trend in the UK museum sector for developing community partnerships has witnessed a ‘participatory drive’ that aims to embrace social diversity by engaging communities in the co-creation of exhibitions and other museum work. In this context, the Internet broadly, and social media in particular, are seen as complementary to museum processes of reciprocal exchange and public access. However, as this thesis stresses, treating the Internet and social media as complementary and convergent with the participatory drive in museums is assumptive and has been under-analysed, and its difficulties and complexities understated. In this context, this practice-based research carefully unpicks and critically analyses naturalised assumptions about online resources and social media practices in museums by tracing the cultural history through which the participatory museum has developed and contrasting it with the much later sociology of the Internet. The participatory drive is seen to be mediated through society’s agencies for local governance, healthcare and education services, as well as neighbourhood groups and families. These structures act then as a bridge organising people in space and time. In turn, museums’ digital practices often assume similar social organisation in their approach towards public engagement. However, the distributed architecture of the Internet has the effect of compressing time with space, enabling group organisation and public spaces to bypass society’s structures and instead place the individual at the centre of a network of relationships that self-organises according to the social capital displayed in online behaviour. Accordingly, the thesis argues, there is anapparent mis-match between museums on the Web and the online public, which affects negatively public engagement online. By bringing Bourdieu’s theories of social space and social capital into the realm of the Internet, drawing on cultural historical activity theory and reflecting on a research residency at the Whitworth Art Gallery, this thesis goes on to examine why museums find it challenging to engage with online publics. Its research practice aimed to ‘open’ the digital collections of the participating museum into the same time and space as the online public. This included triggering, following, documenting and critically reflecting upon processes, challenges and actions of digital engagement and the people involved in them. The thesis reflects on the research practice’s organisational and cultural challenges, which relate to the fact that it contradicted the museum’s existing departmental organisation and symbolic representation of public access and engagement. It goes on to argue that when digital practices of museums are attuned to the ecology and spatial structure of the online public, the outcomes are misrecognised as unrelated to museums’ core practices of social inclusivity. Instead, the argument continues, museums need to open up to emerging concepts of digital public space and publicness, in order for their digital practices to be relevant to online publics.

La discriminación racial, étnica y social en el Perú: balance crítico de la evidencia empírica reciente / Racial, ethnic and social discrimination in Peru. A critical assessment of recent empirical research

Santos, Martín 10 April 2018 (has links)
There is a growing interest in studying discrimination in Peruvian Social Science. Against this backdrop, this article seeks to assess critically recent empirical research on discrimination in Peru, with an emphasis on racial, ethnic and social discrimination in employment and income, firms, health organizations, education, relationship with public agencies and everyday life. After reviewing the relevant literature on discrimination, this article presents a critical appraisal, taking into consideration the research questions posed, the theoretical frameworks and analytical categories used, the ways in which the notion of «race» is measured, the questions asked to measure discrimination, the manners in which discrimination is detected, and the (debatable) ways researchers interpret their findings. The articleconcludes by highlighting gaps in the literature which should be addressed. / La discriminación, en tanto fenómeno social, constituye un tema de creciente interés en las ciencias sociales peruanas. En este contexto, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo principal realizar una evaluación crítica de esta literatura, poniendo énfasis en la discriminación racial, étnica y social. En la primera parte de este trabajo se presenta la literatura relevante en los siguientes ámbitos: empleo e ingresos, empresa, salud, educación, relación con entidades públicas y vida cotidiana. En la segunda parte se realiza una evaluación crítica, teniendo en cuenta los siguientes ejes: las preguntas de investigación, las perspectivas teóricas y las categorías conceptuales, la forma de medir el concepto de «raza», las preguntas que se plantean para medir el concepto de discriminación, las formas de identificar la existencia de discriminación y las interpretaciones (discutibles) que se hacen de los resultados obtenidos. El artículo concluye sugiriendo vacíos en la literatura, los cuales deben ser atendidos.

“Welcome to my unlikely existence” : En kvantitativ dataanalys av incel-forumet incels.net

Kjaer, Elvira, Fröberg, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att studera onlineforumet incels.net för att undersöka huruvida medlemmarna vid forumet har liknande bakgrund och/eller gemensamma erfarenheter. Detta undersöktes med hjälp av på förhand utvalda variabler baserade på risk- och skyddsfaktorer tagna från riktlinjer inom socialtjänsten. Tidigare forskning har kunnat kartlägga en specifik rådande diskurs bland incels och uttryck av psykisk ohälsa hos gruppen men inte kunnat visa på gemensamma erfarenheter på kvantitativ nivå. Studien använder sig av en kvantitativ dataanalys som metod. Den vetenskapsteoretiska utgångspunkten för studien är kritisk realism, social exkludering och stämplingsteori. I diskussion av resultaten har social exkludering och stämplingsteori använts. Studien utfördes genom granskning av totalt 12 700 inlägg på online-forumet incels.net. I studien ingick granskning av 111 medlemmar på onlineforumet incels.net. Dessa medlemmars inlägg granskades för att sedan föras in i ett statistiskt sammanställt ark för att se vilka variabler som uppfylldes av vardera medlem. Det insamlade materialet undersöktes sedan genom olika typer av statistiska analyser såsom korstabulering med Chi2-test och korstabeller för att kunna urskilja samband. Vid utförandet av de statistiska jämförelserna användes programmet Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Resultatet av studien visade på en förhöjd andel psykisk problematik hos medlemmarna på forumet vilket sedan diskuterades och jämfördes med övrig befolkning. Resultatet visade även på ett samband mellan dåliga familjeförhållanden och psykisk problematik hos medlemmarna på incels.net.

Social Innovation för Demokrati? - en kvalitativ studie om Dramalogens användning av kultur som redskap för inkludering

Kindblad, Fabiola January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to understand within the field of IMER the importance that cultural workers at Dramalogen suggest that the use of aestethic culture – and drama – may have for the inclusion of cultural and ethnic groups, which run the risk of becoming marginalized in society. The research question focuses on the use of drama to highlight social problems concerning particular groups in local society. The methods employed were qualitative interviews, three participant observations and collection of documents. The empirical result shows that Dramalogen identify social changes and problems, from the standpoint of inclusive and democratic values, and use aesthetic culture and drama as a tool in an attempt to include cultural and ethnic groups, which risk to become marginalized. The analytical concept social exclusion and the dramaturgical theory of Goffman, were used to analyse the empirical material. The analysis suggests that their use of drama works as a mirror that reflects social problems, and - based on values of inclusion and democracy - also triggers a change in the public, although it is not possible to affirm within the study that this actually happens. The study also evaluate whether Dramalogens way of using aesthetic culture – and drama pedagogy – can be seen as a social innovation, and address the relevance for questions of revitalizing democracy.


Franzén, Alexandra, Brandt, Ida January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur skolkuratorer upplever socialt utanförskap bland barn i åldrarna 7–12 år. Det empiriska materialet som ligger till grund för studiens resultat och analys är sex halvstrukturerade intervjuer med skolkuratorer. Materialet har sedan analyserats med hjälp av kodning. Det analyserade materialet har sedan analyserats med hjälp av tidigare forskning, begreppen KA-SAM samt risk- och skyddsfaktorer, Goffmans stigmateori och Bowlbys anknytningsteori. Resultatet visar att skolkuratorer aktivt arbetar med att främja socialt arbete genom att nå ut till barn och elever som kan befinna sig i socialt utanförskap i skolan. De flesta skolor som skolkuratorer arbetar på arbetar främst med rastaktiviteter, enskilda samtal och välbefinnande och jämställdhetsundersökningar.Skolkuratorerna försöker också aktivt förhindra att eleverna stigmatiseras i vuxenlivet genom att informera eleverna om vikten av att ha en fullföljd skolgång och sömn och matrutiner. Utöver detta arbetar skolkuratorerna och annan skolpersonal för att förhindra psykisk ohälsa bland eleverna, eftersom det är ett växande problem i Sverige. / This study aims to investigate how school counselors experience social exclusion among children aged 7-12. The empirical material that forms the basis of the study's results and analysis are six semi-structured interviews with school counselors. The material has then been analyzed using coding. The analyzed material has then been analyzed with the help of previous research, the concepts KASAM as well as risk and protection factors, Goffman's stigma theory and Bowlby's connection theory. The result shows that school counselors work actively with promoting social work through outreach of children who can be in social exclusion at school. Most of the schools that the school counselors work on primarily work with school breaks individual conversations and well-being and equal treatment surveys.The school counselors also try to actively prevent the pupils from being stigmatized in adulthood by informing the pupils about the importance of having completed schooling and sleep and food routines. In addition to this, the school counselors and other school staff work to prevent mental illness among the students, as this is a growing problem in Sweden.

Architektura sociálně vyloučených - vězení s ostrahou v Brně / Architecture of socially excluded - Higher security prison in Brno

Hirsch, Štěpán January 2013 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is to study architectural security prison in Brno. Prisons are devices filling the disqualification of persons who have committed anti-social acts of a society that considers freedom and freedom of movement for one of the highest values. The prison is located near the city center. It is divided into three buildings by function. The actual department are located in an unused cold tower.

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