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Možnosti identifikace ohrožení dítěte v mateřské škole / Possibilities of identification of child's endangering in kindergartenBělohradská, Tereza January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of early identification of a child's endangering in kindergarten, defining and explaining the concepts of primary prevention, endangered child, social exclusion. Furthermore, the work deals with the threat to the child due to social exclusion and in the end suggests how to address this issue. The main research goal of the work is to verify the functionality of the created detection tool for kindergarten teachers. The created detection tool provides kindergarten teachers with assistance in evaluating the child and his situation so that any problems can be detected in time. Areas that the detection tool deals with and how it has been evolved are described here. It also suggests possible procedures for solving problems based on the cooperation of the kindergarten teacher with a special pedagogue. With regard to the issue of social exclusion and early identification of child threats, the diploma thesis describes examples of good practice in preventing child threats from abroad and discussions about the possibilities of their implementation in our system. The research part of the diploma thesis is based on qualitative and quantitative methods, especially interviews and questionnaire surveys, and aims to verify the functionality of the created detection...
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”Jag vill vara självförsörjande” : - En kvalitativ studie om unga vuxnas upplevelser av arbetslöshetenEl-hessi, Tagred, Ismaili, Vildane January 2012 (has links)
This is a qualitative study with a hermeneutic and partially inductive approach. The study’s purpose is to enhance the understanding of young adults experiences of unemployment and the importance of being employed. In this study, eight young adults participate in the project Framtid Kronoberg. The youths are 19-25 years of age. A coach from the project was also involved and gave us his view of the project, its goals and objectives. Through all the interviewees statements regarding unemployment, it was confirmed that work has a significant impact on the identity of the elaboration and socialization. Knowing the community, to be useful to society and to earn their own money, are some of the important factors that can be accomplished by a employment. Young people experience work and activities as positive and developing. Being unemployed affects how individuals perceive themselves and their living situations. Young people who fall outside of the labor market has found difficulties to reengage themselves into work and society, and thus risking a life of alienation with bad economy and poor living conditions as a result.
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Metaphor in contemporary British social-policy : a cognitive critical study of governmental discourses on social exclusionPaul, Davidson January 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores the ideological role of metaphor in British governmental discourses on 'social exclusion'. A hybrid methodology, combining approaches from Corpus Linguistics, Critical Discourse Analysis and cognitive theories of metaphor, is used to address how social exclusion and other metaphors are deployed to create an ideologically vested representation of society. The data consists of linguistic metaphors identified from a 400,000+ word machine-readable corpus of British governmental texts on social exclusion covering a ten year period (1997- 2007). From these surface level features of text, underlying systematic and conceptual metaphors are then inferred. The analysis reveals how the interrelation between social exclusion and a range of other metaphors creates a dichotomous representation of society in which social problems are discursively placed outside society, glossing inequalities within the included mainstream and placing the blame for exclusion on the cultural deficiencies of the excluded. The solution to the problem of exclusion is implicit within the logic of its conceptual structure and involves moving the excluded across the 'boundary' to join the 'insiders'. The welfare state has a key role to play in this and is underpinned by a range of metaphors which anticipate movement on the part of the excluded away from a position of dependence on the state. This expectation of movement is itself metaphorically structured by the notion of a social contract in which the socially excluded have a responsibility to try and include themselves in society in return for the right of (temporary) state support. Key systematic metaphors are explained by reference to a discourse-historical view of ideological change in processes of political party transformation.
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Mutual benefit : Rethinking social inclusionMartinson, Lina January 2005 (has links)
<p>geography, where segregation and social exclusion of neighbourhoods and marginalised groups are mounting problems. Concurrently, globalisation and structural changes have altered the conditions for the national state and the public sector as well as for other actors. Previous efforts to decrease social inequalities have failed to achieve sufficient results. Today, promoting social inclusion and integration is a top priority on the political agenda and calls for innovative interventions.</p><p>These changes in society have resulted in new constellations of collaboration, crosscutting sectors and borders in which various actors work towards collective goals. Many of the issues and subsequent responsibility that once belonged to the public sector are now handled through interplay between private and public actors in so-called governance arrangements.</p><p>The thesis discusses if governance arrangements where new actors engage to promote social inclusion and integration can be more effective than traditional efforts. To reach satisfactory results, the relations between involved actors need to be solid and trustworthy, and the perspective of benefit must be long-term. In this respect, social capital is a central theory as it focuses on social relations between people, and emphasises networks, trust and reciprocal norms as important foundations for such relations. </p><p>The aim of the thesis is to rethink strategies to promote social inclusion and integration by providing a theoretical discussion about value-creation. An assumption analyzed is that in situations where power and other resources are unevenly distributed, all parties involved can benefit by trustful cooperation. The ambition is to critically examine the concepts of governance and social capital, and to discuss their possibilities and shortcomings related to the value-creating processes. The usefulness and capacity of the theoretical framework is tested by analysing two unconventional approaches to promote social inclusion and societal integration, carried out by a public housing company in Malmö. </p>
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Putting ostracism into perspectiveWhite, Lars O., Klein, Annette M., von Klitzing, Kai, Graneist, Alice, Otto, Yvonne, Hill, Jonathan, Over, Harriet, Fonagy, Peter, Crowley, Michael J. 25 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Much is known about when children acquire an understanding of mental states, but few, if any, experiments identify social contexts in which children tend to use this capacity and dispositions that influence its usage. Social exclusion is a common situation that compels us to reconnect with new parties, which may crucially involve attending to
those parties’ mental states. Across two studies, this line of inquiry was extended to typically developing preschoolers (Study 1) and young children with and without anxiety disorder (AD) (Study 2). Children played the virtual game of toss “Cyberball” ostensibly over the Internet with two peers who first played fair (inclusion), but eventually threw very few balls to the child (exclusion). Before and after Cyberball, children in both studies completed stories about peer-scenarios. For Study 1, 36 typically developing 5-year-olds were randomly assigned to regular exclusion (for no apparent reason) or accidental exclusion (due to an alleged computer malfunction). Compared to accidental exclusion, regular exclusion led children to portray story-characters more strongly as intentional agents (intentionality), with use of more mental state language (MSL), and more between-character affiliation in post-Cyberball stories. For Study 2, 20 clinically referred 4 to 8-year-olds with AD and 15 age- and gender-matched non-anxious controls completed stories before and after regular exclusion. While we replicated the post regular-exclusion increase of intentional and MSL portrayals of story-characters among non-anxious controls, anxious children exhibited a decline on both dimensions after regular exclusion. We conclude that exclusion typically induces young children to mentalize, enabling more effective reconnection with others. However, excessive anxiety may impair controlled mentalizing, which may, in turn, hamper effective reconnection with others after exclusion.
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Chudoba v současné české společnosti z pohledu studentů vybraných středních škol / Poverty in contemporary Czech society from the perspective of students in selected secondary schoolsMüllerová, Tamara January 2015 (has links)
The final thesis will tackle the issue of poverty inside the current czech society and how it is perceived by the students of several chosen high schools with an economic focus. The theoretical part of the thesis will describe the basic definitions and types of poverty, its causes, consequences and other indicators which are internationally comparable. It will focus on the Czech Republic and its current situation. Analyze the basic indicators that show how to describe poverty in the Czech Republic and what are the amounts set. How it defines help programmes for families and individuals paralized by poverty. The theoretical part will concern also non-profit organizations and their help in difficult life situations, international organizations and documents about poverty including the EU aswel as the iternational sphere. The practical part of the thesis will focus on students from economic schools (one is public, one is private; one in Prague one based in South Bohemia) where one can assume students have basic knowledge about financials and are able to evaluate the economical situation of the family. The aim of the thesis will be to determine the attitude of the students towards the points stated above and the output will be a understanding of the situation from the students' perspective, thei...
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Sociální program klienta s tělesným postižením / The social program of support for a client with physical handicapNešporová, Františka January 2016 (has links)
The thesis ,,The social program of support for a client with physical handicap" is devided into two parts. The theoretical part presents the filosofy of the spirit and body, the physicality, body dissability, cerebral palsy and the Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services. The empirical part consists of the case managment of the client with cerebral palsy. I describe the goal of the thesis here and the method of collecting data. I also introduce my respondent in this part and mention the tasks of the research. The chapter called ,,Data and it's interpretation" consists of the qualitative interview. The aim of the interview is to show in what extent my respondent use a social services. The interview is the part of the thesis.
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Systém sociálních služeb zaměřených na integraci Romů v Jihlavě / System of social services focused of on integration of Roma people in JihlavaSchrek, Vítězslav January 2013 (has links)
Annotation: This thesis concerns in detail with the system of social services which contribute to the process of social inclusion of the Roma minority in the area of Jihlava city. The thesis describes analytically particular services from a point of view of their needs, focus and range, and puts them in the context of theoretical knowledge of social work and its importance for integration. It specially focuses on the local excluded Roma urban localities, it maps their current status and analyses the general situation from a viewpoint of next development related to the housing of Jihlava's Roma people. Proposals for measures how to improve the living conditions of the Roma community in Jihlava and its coexistence with the majority are a part of this thesis.
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My a Oni v perspektivě společnosti a práva / We and They in the perspective of society and lawHájková, Anna January 2014 (has links)
Abstract- We and They in the perspective of society and law This work reflects the attitude and perception of a Czech majority towards two different minorities i.e. Vietnamese and Roma. The main goal of this thesis is to describe the cultural aspects and specific values of these two minorities, to present an overview of factors that influence the way the majority and minority interact and live together. These factors are based either on legislation or on social psychological or sociological phenomena of these interactions. This work also tries to offer an answer to the questions regarding the causes of differences between these two minorities in the living together with the majority and if it is similar to the situation somewhere else in the world. Attention is also given to the role of law in facing these issues and solving the problems that arise for these minorities and if it is desirable and realistic to regulate the attitudes of minorities and majority towards each other. The main conclusion is that Roma and Vietnamese differ from each other in many aspects and the factors influencing their relations with the majority are very complex. There exist huge differences in perception and attitudes towards these two minorities in Czech Republic. Roma and Vietnamese have a different history, differ by...
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Jovens em Marsilac: discussões e representações sociais sobre vulnerabilidade / Youngsters in Marsilac: discussions and social representations on vulnerabilitySilva Junior, Antonio Henrique Ribeiro da 03 May 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho focamos atenção nos jovens de Marsilac, um distrito localizado no extremo sul da cidade de São Paulo, predominantemente rural e marcado pela presença de indicadores sociais associados à baixa renda e grau de instrução populacional, pouca oferta de serviços públicos e violência. Contando com uma amostra de 36 participantes de ambos os sexos e com idades entre 12 e 17 anos, propusemos a realização de grupos focais para coleta de dados e uma subsequente análise do material e seu conteúdo, a fim de subsidiar uma discussão ampla sobre vulnerabilidade no contexto de suas vidas, tendo como referenciais os pressupostos do sociólogo Robert Castel - que a entende como central no processo de mobilidade social, que vai da inserção à desfiliação, e tem como eixos a precariedade nas relações interpessoais e de trabalho/produtividade. Neste sentido, resultados demonstraram a presença de alguns fatores precários responsáveis pela criação de uma situação vulnerável nos dois eixos, principalmente criadas pela falta de acesso pleno aos espaços sociais e de formação profissional ou empregabilidade propriamente, agravadas neste sentido por vivências de discriminação. Como um segundo objetivo e apoiados em Moscovici, nos propusemos a identificar eventuais representações sociais sobre esta vulnerabilidade no discurso dos participantes, buscando compreender de que maneira particular esses jovens traduziam suas vivências e percepções em um contexto de precariedades. Além de aprofundar o olhar teórico sobre um fenômeno social (vulnerabilidade) ou uma categoria (jovens), procuramos afirmar o espaço e apresentar aspectos de uma população pouco acessada e conhecida no município / The study focuses on the young people in Marsilac, a primarily rural district in São Paulos extreme south which is marked by the presence of social indicators associated with low income and poor education levels, along with scarce presence of public service and high violence. With a sample of 36 individuals of both sexes and ages ranging from 12 to 17, focus groups were assembled for data collection and analysis in order to provide a wide discussion about vulnerability in the context of their lives, having as referential basis the assumptions of sociologist Robert Castel who understands it as being central in the process of social mobility, from inception to disaffiliation, and whose axis are poor interpersonal dealings and precarious work/productivity relations. The results unveil the presence of certain factors responsible for vulnerable situations in both axis, generated mainly by the lack of access to social areas and professional formation or actual job opportunities, which are worsened by previous episodes of discrimination. As a secondary goal, supported by Moscovici, the intention was to identify possible social representations of this vulnerability on the speech of the participants, in an attempt to understand in what specific way these youngsters would translate their experiences and perceptions of this context of deficiency. Besides trying to deepen the theoretical perception of a social phenomenon (vulnerability) or category (youth), the goal was to shed light on aspects of a population of the city that is both little accessed and little known
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