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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sociální exkluze ve školní třídě / Social exclusion in school classrooms

Jeništová, Darja January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is focused on social exclusion. Theoretical part is concerned with social exclusion - its definition, forms and consequences. The next topic is inklusion, that is relatively new phenomenon in czech education. The last part includes prevention, that means prevention programs and especially school psychologists. Practical part is composed of thematical analysis of semistructured interviews with school psychologists. These school psychologists work with children who attend primary and lower secondary education. My intention was to answer these three questions. How do school psychologists perceive children, who are getting on the margin of class group? How do the prevention programs, that are supposed to help socially excluded childer work, according to school psychologists? How do school psychologists co-work with other adults who take care of a child, that is socially excluded? All respondents (school psychologists) meet socially excluded children in their school. They pay special attention to the children. They also do comprehend short-term and long-term consequences of such environment, not only for the excluded child but for the whole group. Primary prevention programs are, according to interviewees, the more effective the sooner the first program starts. There are two groups of...

Integrace zdravotně postižených v ČR a zemích EU / Integration of disabled people in the Czech Republic and EU countries

Eitlerová, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with a concurrent trend in approach to the integration of disabled people. It reflects the common evolution of the social progress in attitude to disabled people, it expands this topic with a question how the legislation of selected European countries (United Kingdom, Sweden and Germany) mirrors the social progress on narrowly specified field of legal regulation of education. Integration of disabled people like effort to fight against social exclusion is on the other hand very broad and multidimensional problematic on that account this thesis is focused on inclusive education which represents the modern course not only for European legislation but also for international community. The next reason for this is that absolving of educational process or education itself creates essential assumptions for integration into the society. The aim of diploma thesis is to analyse the situation in the field of integration of disabled people in Czech Republic de lege lata as well, to gather the information about legal regulations of inclusive education of different social politics and to suggest the options of Czech legislation in future.

Challenging Social Exclusion Through Sport: A Case Study of Marginalized, Adolescent Girls in Bogotá, Colombia

Bland-Lasso, Laura 08 June 2018 (has links)
Background: Gender inequality is widespread throughout Latin America, in large part due to a ‘machista’ culture in which women tend to be regarded as inferior to men. In Colombia, especially in low-income areas, women and girls are consistently excluded and marginalized. As a result of this, adolescent girls are susceptible to gang recruitment, teen pregnancy, and substance abuse. In similar settings globally, sport has been shown to be an effective tool for development and for the socialization and inclusion of youth. Few studies have taken place in Latin America, however, and hardly any of them have focused specifically on marginalized girls. This study aims to address this gap in literature by exploring how sport can break down barriers of exclusion and promote inclusion of marginalized, adolescent girls in Colombia. Methods: This qualitative, multi-methods study involved the analysis of data collected from semi-structured and key informant interviews, as well as participant observation sessions. All data collection was conducted in Cazucá, Colombia with participants from local NGO Tiempo de Juego (TDJ). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with adolescent girls between the ages of 11-18 who were participating in at least 1 sport at TDJ. Key informant interviews were conducted with TDJ staff and a guardian of several girls who participate in TDJ. Interview transcripts and participant observation memos and reflections were reviewed and coded to identify themes through thematic analysis. Results: All participants interviewed indicated that sport had a positive impact on their day to day lives. Three main themes and two sub-themes were identified during data analysis: 1) ‘Machismo’ in Colombia with sub-themes: i) Gender Roles and ii) Gender Norms, 2) Exclusion and marginalization, and 3) Empowerment through sport. Most participants spoke about the prevalence of machismo in Colombian society and how gender roles and norms limit the types of opportunities that are available to them. Participants expressed how, although they are marginalized based on where they live, sport provided them with a healthy activity to engage in as an alternative to the negative behaviours that they are susceptible to in their neighbourhoods. Sport provided them with an outlet to escape from their daily problems, and they felt that through sport, they were able to realize their self-worth and gain confidence in themselves. Conclusion: These findings suggest that sport can become a useful tool for promoting the inclusion of marginalized girls through empowerment. While sport was shown to break down some barriers of exclusion, further work must be done to explore its potential role in breaking down gender stereotypes that remain prevalent in Colombian culture. These results highlight the need for more sport programs that focus on marginalized girls in Latin American countries where women and girls remain a neglected population.

Perceived Accessibility : Capturing the Traveller Perspective

Lättman, Katrin January 2016 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is introducing and proposing perceived accessibility as an important and so far overseen complement to conventional, objective accessibility in sustainable transport. Perceived accessibility is defined as the possibilities and ease of engaging in preferred activities using different transport modes. Implications for sustainable transport planning along with possible social outcomes related to perceived accessibility are also discussed.   The thesis comprises two empirical studies. In Study I a psychometric measure (PAC) that captures perceived accessibility was developed and validated in three different datasets by exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. All data was collected in Karlstad, Sweden in 2013 and 2014 with a total of 750 participants (bus travelers). Perceived accessibility is suggested as a complement to objective accessibility by contributing with the traveler perspective.  Study II aimed at examining determinants of perceived accessibility focusing on service quality aspects, feelings of safety, age, and trip frequency. Study II used the same data as Study I in a conditional process model to look at the relations between perceived accessibility and its proposed determinants. Service quality and feelings of safety were found important predictors of perceived accessibility, and safety also explains part of the effect of quality on perceived accessibility. These relationships were not dependent on trip frequency (as in how often one travels by public transport). Age also predicted perceived accessibility, and a follow-up cluster analysis showed that elderly and people in their thirties experience significantly lower perceived accessibility than other age groups. / Denna licentiatuppsats behandlar upplevd tillgänglighet, det vill säga resenärsperspektivet på tillgänglighet, som ett viktigt komplement till konventionell (objektiv) tillgänglighet inom hållbart resande. Uppsatsen introducerar upplevd tillgänglighet och dess nytta och plats i forskningen samt implikationer för planering och utvärdering av hållbara transporter. Vidare behandlas påverkansfaktorer för upplevd tillgänglighet samt relaterade individuella utfall som subjektivt välbefinnande och social exkludering/inkludering utifrån teori och empiri.   Uppsatsen innefattar två empiriska studier. Studie I utvecklar och testar ett psykometriskt mätinstrument för upplevd tillgänglighet med data från tre enkät-tillfällen (n= 750) i Karlstad. Dataset 1 analyserades med explorativ faktoranalys för att få fram ett instrument som fångar upplevd tillgänglighet (PAC) och validerades därefter i två dataset. Studie II avsåg att undersöka vad som bidrar till upplevd tillgänglighet med fokus på kvalitetsattribut i resan (service quality), resenärens upplevda trygghet, samt ålder och resvana. Samma data som i studie I användes i en conditional process model för att undersöka sambanden, samt i en klusteranalys för att ytterligare undersöka skillnader i resultatet mellan olika grupper av resenärer. Resultatet visar att upplevd tillgänglighet kan ha betydelse som komplement till befintliga mätningar och utvärderingar av tillgänglighet genom att bidra med resenärsperspektivet. Ett antal påverkansfaktorer för upplevd tillgänglighet kan konstateras, däribland kvalitet samt resenärens upplevda känsla av trygghet. Betydelsen av kvalitet för tillgänglighet är densamma oavsett hur ofta man reser, däremot upplever de som reser ofta en signifikant högre tillgänglighet än de som reser sällan. Äldre resenärer och resenärer i 30-årsåldern påvisar signifikant lägre upplevd tillgänglighet. / This thesis proposes perceived accessibility as a complement to conventional accessibility in sustainable transport planning and evaluation. Perceived accessibility is defined as the possibilities and ease of engaging in preferred activities using different transport modes and captures the traveller experience and perspective of accessibility. The thesis introduces an instrument for measuring perceived accessibility (PAC) along with determinants for perceived accessibility, such as feelings of safety, age, and perceived quality. Related social outcomes such as social inclusion and subjective well-being are discussed, along with possible implications for transport planning and suggestions for future research.

Undocumented immigrants in Sweden stonewalled from accessing services: Professionals’ perspective

Guillén, Ana, Kebede, Simret January 2021 (has links)
The social exclusion of undocumented immigrants is a global phenomenon that concerns the social work profession. Despite laws that protect human rights, undocumented immigrants in many countries are facing multiple challenges associated with a lack of legal status, including in Sweden. This study aims to examine how the legal and other associated barriers act as exclusion mechanisms against undocumented immigrants in Sweden when accessing services. Data collection through a qualitative method, involving semi-structured interviews with professionals engaged in supporting this group, was carried out. The results were analyzed by using a deductive thematic analysis, applying the social exclusion theory, as well as using earlier research on the subject. The findings revealed the existence of structural barriers that exclude undocumented immigrants regarding accessing services; where civil society has intervened to give support. The findings also reflect that it has been difficult for social workers to act on the situation.

”ATT MOTIVERA UNGDOMARNA ATTÖVERHUVUDTAGET GÖRA NÅGOT ANNAT ÄN DETDE GÖR IDAG” -En studie om nio kommuners arbete med det kommunalaaktivitetsansvaret

David, Rooth, Anna, Ågren, January 2021 (has links)
This essay is based on a societal problem related to the exclusion that arises when young peopledo not reach upper secondary school eligibility, and how low education can have consequencesfor society over time. The thesis focuses on the municipalities' work and responsibility towardsthe individuals who make up the current target group, 16-19 year olds who do not study or havean employment. The study is concretized by these issues: • How do the municipalities in question describe the problem of young people who do not have uppersecondary school qualifications? • What measures are the municipalities taking and do they have stated goals? • Do the municipalities use united actions with public actors and other municipalities in the region tofind common solutions? The results of the thesis are mainly based on a questionnaire answered by representativesworking with the target group from nine different municipalities, where they were asked toanswer questions related to the purpose of the study. The study also used a secondary empiricismin the form of documents to strengthen the answers in terms of goals and measures. Theconclusions we came to were that all municipalities believe that lack of upper secondary schoolqualification entails great future risks for individuals, which in turn has consequences for society.An overwhelming majority of the municipalities have goals and measures linked to the law theyneed to comply with, which includes trying to motivate young people to return to some form ofeducation. United actions occurs in all municipalities, and with an increased understanding of thecomplexity of united action as a theoretical concept, the conclusions are based on the fact thatvarious forms of united actions also imposes different requirements. It can therefore beexperienced both as an asset and a challenge among the participating actors.

The Social Exclusion of Homeless Menstruators within the Sanitary Dignity Framework and its Implementation

Ramafalo, Katleho 16 March 2022 (has links)
The Sanitary Dignity Framework (2019) is a policy that aims to preserve and maintain indigent girls' and women's dignity during menstruation. In South Africa, the term “sanitary dignity”, can be equated to what the rest of the world recognizes as menstrual hygiene management (MHM). Sanitary dignity or MHM is centred around the provision of menstrual health hygiene products (MHPs) such as tampons and sanitary pads to anyone who menstruates and cannot afford to purchase MHPs for themselves. Limited of access to MHPs, water and sanitation facilities, and privacy make it impossible for vulnerable menstruators to achieve sanitary dignity. This policy excludes street-based homeless menstruators as it only makes provisions for those who have access to state-funded institutions such as; quintile 1, 2, and 3 schools, mental institutions, hostels, places of care, and prisons. Street-based homeless menstruators are marginalized twofold; they reside on the streets and they menstruate. This dissertation discusses how the social exclusion of street-based homeless menstruators within the Sanitary Dignity Framework strips them of their fundamental right to dignity by denying them access to the sanitary dignity they are entitled to.

Osamění / Loneliness

Kalhousová Pernicová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
Theme of loneliness generates in most of us negative feelings of fear and emptiness, while rarely on Loneliness, is regarded as positive, life takes effect. The actual problem is a taboo, hides in the background of the more popular social topics, so we usually lack information that would allow us to approach him other than "emotional" attitude. However, it is linked to a number of fundamental questions, whether by death, the awareness of one's own being, and as a result, it is also about taking responsibility for himself and perception of normality, individuality and conformity. For this reason, I believe that the relationship that we create to loneliness, forms then our relationship to ourselves, our close relationship and subsequently the functioning of the whole society.

Social exclusion and intimate partner violence: The impact of belongingness needs on tolerance of abusive behaviors in a romantic relationship

Trujillo, Alejandro 19 November 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Fritidshemslärarens syn på, roll i och arbetssätt för att motverka socialt utanförskap : En kvalitativ studie baserat på fritidshemslärarnas erfarenheter och perspektiv av socialt utanförskap inom fritidshemmet / The perspective on, role in, and approach of after-school teachers to counter social exclusion : A qualitative study based on after-school teachers' experiences and perspectives on social exclusion within the after-school program

Kuzey, Mustafa, Yahia, Mattias January 2023 (has links)
Socialt utanförskap är ett stort problem som förekommer inom fritidsverksamheten där tidigare forskning betonar vikten av sociala relationer, grupporienterade aktiviteter och samspel mellan eleverna. Fritidshemsläraren bör vara lyhörd och finnas till stöd för eleverna. Syftet grundar sig i fritidshemslärarnas syn, roll och åtgärder i förhållande till socialt utanförskap. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten är relationell pedagogik. Studien är kvalitativ och utgår ifrån kvalitativa intervjuer och semi-strukturerade observationer. Resultatet presenteras genom tre olika huvudteman kopplat till de teoretiska begreppen där det empiriska materialet visar på olika synsätt och åtgärder som tas för att motverka socialt utanförskap. Diskussionen visar samband mellan resultaten från det insamlade materialet med tidigare forskning. / Social exclusion is a major problem that occurs within recreational activities where previous research emphasizes the importance of social relationships, group-oriented activities, and interaction between students. The recreational teacher should be attentive and provide support for the students. The purpose is based on the recreational teachers' views, roles, and actions in relation to social exclusion. The theoretical starting point is relational pedagogy. The study is qualitative and based on qualitative interviews and semi-structured observations. The results are presented through three main themes related to theoretical concepts, where the empirical material shows different views and actions taken to counteract social exclusion. The discussion shows connections between the results from the collected material and previous research.

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