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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les cadres sociaux de l'ethnicité. : analyse des conditions d'émergence et de transmission de l'ethnicité par le cas des Sereer (Sénégal). / The social frameworks of ethnicity. : an analysis of the conditions of emergence and transmission of ethnicity : the case of the Sereer (Senegal)

Ndour, Rebecca 25 June 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse est partie d'une interrogation sur les modalités de transmission en milieu urbain de l’ethnicité sereer, associée par excellence à la ruralité dans le paradigme ethnique sénégalais et réputée menacée de disparition. L’approche déconstructiviste de l’ethnicité, essentielle en particulier dans l’étude des « ethnies » africaines, s’est avérée insuffisante pour une compréhension adéquate de l’expérience d’appartenance vécue par les enquêtés. Il a donc semblé pertinent de remobiliser la notion weberienne de croyance en une origine commune, qui ouvre la possibilité de réintégrer la dimension subjective de l’ethnicité vécue comme lien de filiation entre les membres du groupe et, dans un mouvement complémentaire inspiré par la théorie des liens sociaux et des régimes d’attachement, d’envisager ce lien de filiation dans sa relation avec d’autres liens caractéristiques de la vie sociale. Ainsi repositionnée, l’ethnicité peut être analysée à travers les cadres sociaux de sa formation, de sa mise en œuvre et de sa transmission, et apparaît comme un fait social à part entière s’imposant au regard du sociologue. L'enquête, menée de manière inductive auprès de personnes se disant sereer installées à Dakar et à Paris, a mené au constat d'une forte diversité dans les rapports revendiqués par les intéressés à l’ethnicité sereer. Il est apparu que ces rapports s’organisent sur le fond de la représentation idéale dominante d’une modernisation linéaire, opposant schématiquement tradition et modernité, à laquelle l'approche théorique de l'ethnicité elle-même est encore partiellement soumise. L'analyse du matériau d’enquête a ainsi conduit à la construction d'une typologie des rapports idéalisés aux origines et des modalités de transmission associées. Il en ressort qu’au niveau du groupe, l’ethnicité sereer, réinterprétée selon le cadre relationnel, international ou national, mobilise différemment les personnes s’en réclamant. A un niveau plus individuel et familial, la confrontation des discours et pratiques des enquêtés à la typologie a permis d’éclairer la manière dont les rapports aux origines, travaillés par des réalités de socialisation et de positionnement social différentes pour les membres du groupe, influencent leurs pratiques familiales de transmission et le sentiment d’appartenance ethnique des descendants. Il apparaît finalement que loin de les soustraire à la machine sociale, l’expérience ethnique met le groupe et son projet de reproduction à l’épreuve des facteurs sociaux, dans le temps et l’espace, et pose en réalité la question de ce qu’est faire société. / This thesis is part of a query on the modes of transmission in urban environment of Sereer ethnicity, associated par excellence with rurality in the Senegalese ethnic paradigm and deemed threatened of disappearance. The deconstructivist approach to ethnicity, essential in particular in the study of African "ethnic groups", proved to be insufficient for an adequate understanding of the experience of belonging lived by the respondents. It therefore seemed appropriate to remobilize the Weber notion of belief in a common origin, which opens up the possibility of reintegrating the subjective dimension of ethnicity experienced as a link of filiation between the members of the group and, in a complementary move inspired by the theory of social links and attachment regimes, of considering this link of filiation in its relation with other characteristic links of social life. Thus repositioned, ethnicity can be analyzed through the social frameworks of its formation, performance and transmission, and appears as a social fact in its own right which imposes itself to the sociologist. The field survey, conducted using the inductive method among people considering themselves as Sereer and living in Dakar and Paris, led to the finding of a strong diversity in the relation of those concerned to Sereer ethnicity. It appears that this relation is organized on the basis of the dominant ideal representation of a linear modernization, schematically opposing tradition and modernity, to which the theoretical approach of ethnicity itself is still partially subject. The analysis of the field survey material thus led to the construction of a typology of idealized relations with the origins and associated transmission modes. It appears that at the level of the group, Sereer ethnicity, reinterpreted according to the relational framework, at the international or national level, mobilizes differently the people claiming it. At a more individual and family level, the comparison of the words and the practices of the respondents with the typology made it possible to enlighten the way in which the relations with the origins, reshaped by social realities and a social positioning that are different for the members of the group, influence their family practices of transmission and the feeling of ethnic belonging of the descendants. Finally, it appears that, far from removing them from the social machine, ethnic experience puts the group and its reproduction plan to the test of various social factors in time and space, and poses in fact the question of what the social construct is about.

Liens familiaux et socialisation de l’adolescent trisomique 21 scolarisé : Etude clinique à partir de l’écoute des adolescents et des parents / Family bounds and socialization of adolescents with Down’s syndrome are they sent to school : A clinical research operated from the speech of these adolescents and of their parents

Ferrère, Nathalie 29 November 2012 (has links)
Avec une démarche clinique et à l’aide d’outils originaux, cette thèse explore et analyse les mouvements psychiques et sociaux que provoque l’adolescence chez les jeunes trisomiques 21 et leurs parents. Le vécu des adolescents est apprécié grâce à une méthodologie croisée (entretien, supports projectifs, observations, groupe de parole). Des entretiens semi-directifs ont permis d’explorer le vécu des parents. Les transformations liées à l’adolescence ont eu des répercussions sur l’évolution du rapport à soi et aux autres de l’adolescent trisomique 21 et sur l’expérience des parents. Au cours de cette période marquée par le changement, les blessures psychiques et affectives causées par les effets traumatiques du handicap sont réactivées. L’adolescent et le parent sont retraversés par un vécu de violence (en lien avec l’émergence de la sexualité, les limites et les formes de rejet qu’imposent le handicap) qui les fragilisent sur le plan narcissique. Chacun développe des stratégies défensives, pour y faire face. Dans ce contexte, il apparaît que l’investissement de la sphère sociale par le parent et l’adolescent, l’acceptation d’un Tiers dans la relation puissent offrir des voies de dégagement au jeune pour poursuivre sa construction. Les réflexions méthodologiques permettent de souligner l’importance de donner la parole à ces jeunes, qui traduisent un grand désir de se raconter. Elles montrent aussi les limites de l’utilisation des outils cliniques classiques auprès de cette population, et de la nécessaire adaptation des supports / With a clinical approach and by means of original implement, this thesis explores and analyses the psychological and social movements which adolescence engenders for the Down's syndrome young persons and their parents. The adolescent's living experience is appreciated thanks to a mixed methodology (interviews, projective tests, observations, group talks). Semi-direct interviews enabled to explore the parent's personal experience. The transformations related to adolescence had repercussions on the evolution of the Down's syndrome adolescent's relation to the self and the others and on the parents' experience. During this period of time marked by changing, the psychological and affective wounds caused by the handicap's trauma effects are reactivated. The adolescent and the parent go again through a living experience of violence (linked to the emergence of sexuality, the limits and forms of reject imposed by the handicap) which weaken themselves on the narcissistic point of view. To confront it, each of them develops defensive strategies. In that context, it appears that the adolescent's and the parents' investment in the social sphere, the acceptance of a third party in the relationship, would offer ways to liberation so that the adolescent is able to pursue their construction. The methodological reflexions enable to underline how important it is to talk for these young persons, who reveal a great desire to tell about themselves. These reflexions also show the limits in the use of standard clinical implement with this population, as well as the back-ups' required adjustment

Socialiniai ryšiai emigracijos procese: sociologinė interpretacija / Social links in the process of emigration: sociological interpretation

Surblytė, Renata 29 June 2009 (has links)
Šiais laikais mes dažnai susiduriame su emigracijos klausimu. Tirtos emigracijos priežastys, galimi problemų sprendimo būdai. Yra atlikta daugybė šitų priežasčių tyrimų. Jų pagrindu yra sukurta keletas teorijų, bandančių išsiaiškinti socialinio reiškinio esmę, priežastis ir kitus aspektus. Turi būti svarbios priežastys, kad žmogus pasiryžtų palikti savo šalį, nutraukti ryšius su šeima, giminėmis, draugais, prarasti savo turimą socialinį statusą. Socialiniai ryšiai vaidina labai svarbią rolę žmogaus gyvenime. Šio tyrimo tikslas yra ištirti emigravusių asmenų tarpasmeninius ir institucionalizuotus ryšius. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Atskleisti teorines migracijos prielaidas šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje; 2. Išanalizuoti emigraciją Lietuvoje ir jos situaciją išskiriant emigracijos iššūkius Lietuvai; 3. Ištirti socialinių ryšių (socialinio kapitalo) teorines prielaidas; 4. Atlikti sociologinį tyrimą, kuris leistų ištirti emigrantų socialinius ryšius tarpasmeniniu ir institucionalizuotu diskursu. Darbo metodai: 1. Mokslinės literatūros studijavimas 2. Anketinė apklausa: kiekybinis asmenų, gyvenančių Lietuvoje (VPU studentų), nuomonės tyrimas 3. Interviu su emigrantais Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados: 1. Atlikus tyrimą paaiškėjo, kad emigrantai linkę emigraciją vertinti kaip natūralų reiškinį, būdingą visoms valstybėms. Tyrimo informantai teigė, kad jie yra emigravę dėl nepakankamo valdžios dėmesio darbo srityje, prastos ekonominės situacijos valstybėje, siekiant pagerinti savo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In nowadays we frequently meet with the question about emigration.The causes of the emigration have been examined and the possible ways of solution these problems.There are a lot of such investigations done. On the ground of them there are created some theories that try to ascertain the essence of the social phenomenon, causes and other aspects. There must be significant reasons for person to leave his country, to break their connections with family, kinsfolk, friends, to lose the social status they have. The social connections play a really important role in the person‘s life. The purpose of the investigation is to analyse the interpersonal and institutionalised relations of emigrants’. The tasks of the work: 1. To disclose the theoretical assumptions of the migration in modern society; 2. To analyse the emigration in Lithuania and its situation, separating the challenges of emigration to Lithuania; 3. To analyse the theoretical assumptions of the social connections (the social capital). 4. To perform the sociological investigation that would let to examine to social connections of the emigrants’ in the interpersonal and institutionalised discourses. The hypotheses of the investigation: 1. The main cause of the emigration from Lithuania in nowadays is indicated the insufficient government’s attention to the person in social economical aspect (the most often there are emigrated reaching financial and material wellbeing). 2. The network of the interpersonal contacts of... [to full text]

Bienestar psicológico y satisfacción marital en adultos de la ciudad de Lima Metropolitana / Psychological well-being and marital satisfaction in adults in the city of Metropolitan Lima

Escobar Mendez, Jacqueline Lucia, Montoya Vera, Janeth Sthephany 24 October 2019 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo estudiar la relación entre el bienestar psicológico y la satisfacción marital en adultos de la ciudad de Lima Metropolitana, del mismo modo, en el Perú, se ha encontrado poca evidencia científica sobre la relación de las variables de estudio. Para este trabajo se utilizó un diseño descriptivo correlacional, se evaluó en total 193 personas que se encontraban casados o conviviendo, de los cuales 50.3% fueron mujeres y 49.7% varones. Las edades de la muestra fluctuaron entre los 20 y 50 años. Se utilizó la escala de Bienestar Psicológico para Adultos (BIEPS-A) (Domínguez, 2014) y Satisfacción Marital (ESM) de Pick y Andrade (Vera, 2010); se halló que ambos instrumentos cuentan con validez y confiabilidad. Se concluye que ambas variables correlacionaron de manera significativa y positiva, se identificó qué Vínculos sociales y Autorrealización presentaron una correlación moderada con la Satisfacción Marital; no obstante, la correlación de Autonomía con Satisfacción Marital fue baja. Se interpreta entonces que a mayor percepción de satisfacción marital se tiene una asociación positiva con los vínculos sociales, y la autorrealización. / The objective of the present investigation was to study the relationship between psychological well-being and marital satisfaction in adults in the city of Metropolitan Lima. In the same way, in Peru, little scientific evidence has been found on the relationship between both variables. A correlational descriptive design was used, and a total of 193 people who were married or living together were evaluated, 50.3% were women and 49.7% were men. The ages of the students were 20 to 50 years. We used the scale of Psychological Wellbeing for Adults (BIEPS-A) (Dominguez, 2014) and Marital Satisfaction (ESM) of Pick and Andrade (Vera, 2010). It was found that both instruments have validity and reliability. We conclude that the variables correlated significantly and positively, identified as Social Links and Self-realization presented a moderate correlation with Marital Satisfaction; nevertheless, the correlation of Autonomy with Marital Satisfaction was low. It is interpreted  that a greater perception of satisfaction has a positive association with social bonds, and self-realization. / Tesis

O sujeito e o gozo escópico na sociedade contemporânea conectada / The subject and the scopic in contemporary connected society

Lemos, Patrícia do Prado Ferreira 07 June 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:31:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Patricia do Prado Ferreira Lemos.pdf: 1866085 bytes, checksum: 7f9a240c8898565ab118a99d27f7c3f2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-06-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research proposes to interface psychoanalysis and society, focusing on the contingencies of late capitalism which cross social linkings and are reflected on the subjects. In view of this situation, we understand the internet takes a notable role, when regarding social networking, by displaying the constitutions of social linkings and some aspects of the structure of these subjects. Thus, the thesis we have seeked to defend is that in the present conjuncture, especially in light of its technological apparatuses, the subjects are more significantly captured by a distinctive modality of gaze, one we apprehend being the "scopic", which in face of its features, exposes the peculiarities of the subjects structures and their interface with other subjects and objects. For such a task, we have divided our research into three complementary chapters: in the first, we investigate different readings about contemporary culture, contrasting between modern and post-modern conceptions and shedding some light on the society in which the subjects are taking part; in the second chapter, we highlight some theoretical differences introduced by Psychoanalysis, presenting the peculiarities of the structure of the subjects, along with some contributions by psychoanalytic authors, regarding the debates around subjects in our society; Finally, in the third chapter, we contemplate our objectives and examine the notion of "scopic field", highlighting the implications on subjects by this modality of gaze, especially in light of social networks. We chose Facebook site as the main social network under investigation, taking it as a device which represents some of contemporary cultural constitutions. We finally stress how subject's structures and language's transhistoricism relate to the forms of gaze implementation and the discursive diversity of social linkings, showing that historical shifts do affect the subjects, but not in its structure / Esta pesquisa propôs articular psicanálise e sociedade, atentando-se para as contingências do capitalismo tardio que atravessam os laços sociais e repercutem nos sujeitos. Diante deste cenário, entendemos que a internet assume notório papel, especialmente em suas redes sociais, ao evidenciar a composição dos laços, assim como aspectos da estrutura dos sujeitos. Deste modo, a tese que se buscou defender é a de que na conjuntura atual, sobretudo a partir dos aparatos tecnológicos, os sujeitos são capturados mais notadamente por uma modalidade de gozo, a qual apreendemos ser o escópico, que diante de suas especialidades indica particularidades da estrutura dos sujeitos e também de suas articulações com os outros e os objetos. Para tanto, dividimos o trabalho em 03 (três) capítulos que se complementam: no primeiro investigamos diferentes leituras da cultura contemporânea, contrapondo concepções modernas às pós-modernas e elucidando a sociedade na qual os sujeitos estão inseridos; no segundo marcamos diferenças teóricas introduzidas pela psicanálise, apresentando peculiaridades da estrutura do sujeito e as colaborações de autores da psicanálise para a discussão sobre sujeito na atualidade e, posteriormente, no terceiro capítulo, contemplamos nosso objetivo e discorremos sobre o campo escópico, destacando as implicações e a captura do sujeito por esta modalidade de gozo, sobretudo a partir das redes sociais. Para tanto, elegemos o site Facebook como rede social para investigação, tomando-o como um dispositivo que representa algumas das composições contemporâneas da cultura. Destacamos, por fim, o modo como a estrutura do sujeito e a transistoricidade da linguagem no âmbito da humanidade se relacionam com as formas de aparelhamento do gozo e com a diversidade histórica discursiva dos laços sociais

Juan Bautista Alberdi : un discours entre culture juridictionnelle et culture étatique / Juan Bautista Alberdi : a speech between jurisdictional and state cultures

Sadler, Mélanie 21 October 2015 (has links)
Étatique.Cette thèse se propose d’étudier la pensée d’Alberdi et de démontrer qu’elle est, fondamentalement, une pensée de la complexité des catégories fondée sur la conscience du caractère hybride de l’ordre sociopolitique qui lui est contemporain. Alberdi est héritier de deux cultures, une culture traditionnelle d’Ancien Régime et une culture révolutionnaire dont le langage s’est également imposé avec l’Indépendance. La grande question qui se pose à lui est celle de l’ordre à redonner au corps social qui a perdu la légitimité de l’ordre transcendant d’Ancien Régime. L’historiographie traditionnelle a souvent récupéré la figure et les discours du publiciste pour en faire l’éminent précurseur ou représentant de diverses tendances, parfois contradictoires, et notamment, pour l’ériger en figure de proue de la « modernité », du libéralisme contemporain ou encore de l’« État argentin » contemporain. Alberdi est au contraire, encore pleinement imprégné de la culture juridique traditionnelle et il cherche à adapter les langages dont il dispose à la réalité qui est la sienne, dans un aller-retour constant entre réalité et discours, puisque l’une modèle les autres et vice versa. Des catégories comme celles d’« individu », « Liberté », « administration » se sont imposées avec la Révolution, mais le publiciste les resémantise en fonction de son contexte, encore traversé de dynamiques très traditionnelles. L’individu, ainsi, recoupera globalement la catégorie excluante du « vecino ». L’« administration » apparaîtra souvent sous sa plume dans son sens ancien d’« administration de justice » et non pas dans son sens moderne. Par ailleurs, la « modernité » du Tucuman est toute relative puisqu’il laisse un rôle fondamental aux sources de droit traditionnelles et ne s’inscrit dans un volontarisme juridique qu’occasionnellement, et avec précaution. Jouant sur plusieurs échelles, il parle le langage de la modernité politique au niveau national et celui du droit traditionnel au niveau local lequel demeure le socle de stabilité du corps social. Ma thèse est que ce socle traditionnel d’une part, et les catégorie de « commerce » (prise dans sa polysémie) et d’économie politique d’autre part, seront les deux instruments fondamentaux permettant à l’auteur de repenser le lien, de créer une société à partir du corps social traditionnel. Loin de considérer l’ordre au seul niveau national, sa démarche s’inscrit en outre dans une perspective internationale : ce n’est que par l’échange pacifié entre nations que l’on pourra clore le cycle des révolutions atlantiques et retrouver un ordre ; celui-ci sera immanent certes, mais il devra nécessairement transcender le cadre de la nation. / This thesis points to study Alberdi’s thought and to demonstrate that it’s fundamentally a thought of the complexity of the categories founded on the hybrid character of the order which is contemporary to him. Alberdi inherited the legacy of two cultures, the traditional culture of Ancien Régime and a revolutionary culture whose language also imposed itself with the independance. The major question for Alberdi is which order to give back to the social body since it lost the legitimacy of the Ancien Régime’s transcendent order. The traditional historiography often pick up Alberdi’s figure and speeches to convert him in the eminent precursor or representative of distinct tendencies, sometimes contradictories, and especially to promote him as the « modernity »’s, the contemporary liberalism’s and the contemporary Argentinian State’s figurehead. Quite the contrary, Alberdi is still rather immerged in the traditional legal culture, and he tries to adapt the availables languages to his reality, in permanent backs and forths between reality and speeches since the first models the seconds and viceversa. Some categories like « individual », « Liberty », « administration » imposed themselves with the Revolution but the publicist gives them another significations (je ne sais pas comment traduire “resémantiser”?) according to his context considerably penetrated with traditional dynamics. The « individual », so, intersects the excluding category of the « vecino » overall. In the same way, Alberdi preferentially uses the term of « administration » in its old meaning of « justice’s administration », not in its modern acceptation. Besides, the publicist’s « modernity » is to be reconsiderated seeing as he leaves a fundamental role to the traditional legal sources and doesn’t fall into legal voluntarism but occasionally and cautiously. He actually plays on different scales : he speaks the political modernity’s language on the national scale and the traditional legal’s one on the local level (local level which remains the stability base of the social body). My thesis is that this traditional base on one hand and the categories of « trade » (understood in his polysemic acceptations) and « political economics » on the other hand will be the two fundamental instruments which enable the autor to rethink the link, to create a society based on the traditional social body. Far from considerating the order on the very national level, his approach also fits into an international perspective : the pacified exchanges between the nations would be the only way to end the atlantic revolutions’s cycle and to recover an order : this order will admittedly be immanent, but it necessarily will transcend the national frame.

Strategie harmonizace pracovního a rodinného života vysokoškolsky vzdělaných žen v počátcích jejich kariéry. / A strategy for harmonization of professional and family life of women with university degree at the beginning of their professional career.

Dvořáček, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on harmonisation of work and family life of female university graduates at beginning of their careers and at the time when they were taking care of babies up to five years of age. I have chosen this topic not only because it is rather an actual topic but also because I'm personally attached to it. My feminist research analysis is based on the theory of power and knowledge as is it described by Foucault and Butler. I was interested in original families of my communication partners where they grew up and where they adopted their social habits and behaviour. In the light of this social process, I have analysed what powers they had to face in their original families in terms of usage of gender stereotypes based on patriarchal layout of our society and preferential existence of one gender over the other. I have also focused on current families of my communication partners and on power relationships on the basis of which the process of harmonisation of professional and family life of my communication partners takes place, both in their private and public space. I have also analysed how social habits and behaviour gained during their childhood are implemented. It was very important for the interviews and for my feminist research to approach my communication partners as subjects, and...

Condições de acesso e permanência das mulheres no movimento sindical

Santos, Verônica de Barros 27 February 2018 (has links)
This study is an analysis of the conditions of access and permanence of women in the trade union movement. The issue is framed in the discussions on the political participation of women and the cut is the trade union movement. Considering that the political and trade union fields have traditionally been dominated by men, and considering the increasing participation of women, we aim to investigate the constraints of their insertion in these spaces. To that end, we selected as a reality to be observed the category of Technical-Administrative in Education - TAE, formed by professionals that make up the administrative sphere of Brazilian public higher education institutions. The representation tables, previously composed predominantly by men, gradually changed with the presence of women. Because of these changes, we propose to think the mechanisms that justify them and frame the analysis from two perspectives. In the first, we place the category of TAE in front of the institution that represents it nationally, the Federation of Trade Unions of Technical-Administrative Workers in Public Higher Education Institutions of Brazil - FASUBRA Sindical. In this regard, we analyze the composition of the national leadership and the directorates/coordinations of the affiliated unions, taking into account the percentages and places occupied by men and women. In the second, we selected one of the affiliated unions, the Syndicate of Technical-Administrative Workers in Education of the Federal University of Sergipe - SINTUFS. We seek to understand the conditions of access and permanence of women with the focus on the relational aspects around the engagement of the militants. The study was guided by the sociology of militancy and the gender approach, and the main concepts and notions employed were: trajectories, careers, sexual division of labor, militant engagement and social bonds. We use different methodological strategies, such as document consultation, questionnaire application, participant observation and biographical interview. We have identified the presence of many women in the directorates/coordinations of FASUBRA's basic institutions. However, differences were also observed in the number of places occupied by men and women. The social ties and some experiences found in women's itineraries have emerged as a mechanism to explain their entry and stay in union leadership. Among the types of links, the personalities were more relevant, and educational experiences were the most significant resources for engagement. We find that, in general, the increase of women in the trade union movement is associated with their participation in the labor market and the cultural and social transformations that affect the role of women in society. The unionists justified that the awareness of the need to occupy political spaces by women and, especially, the commitment to the working class were the reasons for their militant engagement. / Este estudo é uma análise das condições de acesso e permanência das mulheres no movimento sindical. A temática está enquadrada nas discussões sobre a participação política das mulheres e o recorte é o movimento sindical. Considerando que os campos político e sindical foram tradicionalmente dominados pelos homens, e considerando a crescente participação de mulheres, objetivamos investigar os condicionantes da inserção delas nesses espaços. Para tanto, selecionamos como realidade a ser observada a categoria dos Técnico-Administrativos em Educação - TAE, formada pelos profissionais que compõem a esfera administrativa das instituições de ensino superior público brasileiro. Os quadros de representação, antes compostos predominantemente por homens, aos poucos sofreram modificações com a presença das mulheres. Em razão dessas mudanças, propomos pensar os mecanismos que as justificam e enquadramos a análise sob duas perspectivas. Na primeira, situamos a categoria dos TAE frente à instituição que a representa nacionalmente, a Federação de Sindicatos de Trabalhadores Técnico-Administrativos em Instituições de Ensino Superior Públicas do Brasil - FASUBRA Sindical. Nesse aspecto, analisamos a composição da direção nacional e das direções/coordenações dos sindicatos filiados, levando em consideração os percentuais e os lugares ocupados por homens e mulheres. Na segunda, selecionamos um dos sindicatos filiados, o Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Técnico-Administrativos em Educação da Universidade Federal de Sergipe – SINTUFS. Buscamos apreender as condições de acesso e permanência das mulheres com o enfoque nos aspectos relacionais em torno do engajamento das militantes. O estudo foi norteado a partir da sociologia da militância e da abordagem de gênero, e os principais conceitos e as noções empregados foram: trajetórias, carreiras, divisão sexual do trabalho, engajamento militante e vínculos sociais. Utilizamos diferentes estratégias metodológicas, tais como, a consulta a documentos, a aplicação de questionário, a observação participante e a entrevista biográfica. Identificamos a presença de muitas mulheres nas direções/coordenações das instituições de base da FASUBRA. Contudo, também foi observado diferenças em relação aos lugares ocupados por homens e por mulheres. Os vínculos sociais e algumas experiências encontradas nos itinerários das mulheres emergiram como mecanismo que servem para explicar a entrada e a permanência delas na liderança sindical. Entre os tipos de vínculos, os pessoais tiveram maior relevância, e as experiências educacionais foram os recursos mais significativos para o engajamento. Constatamos que, de modo geral, o aumento de mulheres no movimento sindical está associado à participação delas no mercado de trabalho e às transformações culturais e sociais que envolvem o papel da mulher na sociedade. As sindicalistas justificaram que, a conscientização da necessidade de ocupação dos espaços políticos pelas mulheres e, principalmente, o compromisso com a classe trabalhadora foram os motivos do seu engajamento militante. / São Cristóvão, SE

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