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Vadovavimas socialinio pedagogo veiklai / Management of social pedagogue workŠarapajevienė, Redita 08 June 2004 (has links)
The graduation paper Cooperation of preschool education institution managers with teachers as a recondition of democratic relations by Irena Padkauskienė, a student of MA programme at the Department of Social Pedagogy of the Pedagogy and Psychology Faculty of Vilnius Pedagogical University has been written under the guidance of dr.habil.professor Marija Barkauskaitė after the study of pedagogical, psychological and managerial works on the issue concerned and the analysis of questionnaires completed by the pedagogue of pre-school educational institutions.
The main task of perfection in the preschool education institution is to create the culture of communication as an essential condition in purpose to get better results and as a possibility to organize the work more swimmingly. To achieve the fact that the relation of cooperation would dominate in the institution is not an easy task, because the tolerance of the community, care about each other, the positive assessment of us, and the harmony of the community is necessary. It asserts by responsibility and democratically accepted solutions. The dialog, intended for the alternation of preschool education institution, planning activities, looking for its model, is going on permanently. The groups of community members (teams) are created not for the office but for all accepted idea. They seek for the common purpose, solve particular problems and collaborate between each other. In this way all the members become... [to full text]
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Socialinis pedagogas - socialinės pedagoginės pagalbos koordinatorius / Social-pedagogic help in educational institution is more effective when intermediate communication between social institutions existsVysocka, Jadvyga Aleksandra 08 June 2005 (has links)
The role of social pedagogue is highly important in term of reform of our educational system, because social pedagogues seek to help children and teenagers to adapt in society, community or in shelter. They use all acceptable forms of upbringing, they also communicate with others pedagogues, parents and social institutions, which guarantee security of children and teenagers, their rights and responsibilities, physical and psychological needs. Social pedagogues assist organizing educational process, help to understand, how goes on psychosocial development of children or teenagers and what influence on educational process family, community and culture have.
Reorganizing society, entering free market system and democratic society, social pedagogue becomes a coordinator of social-pedagogic help. Aims of the work are to help to fulfill the right of pupil to study. Other goal of social pedagogues is to ensure effective education and upbringing at school and to create conditions for positive socialization and civic ripeness of child.
Hypothesis of the research: social-pedagogic help in educational institution is more effective when intermediate communication between social institutions exists.
Goal of the research: seeking intermediate communication between social institutions, reveal the role of social pedagogue in nowadays educational and upbringing system.
Work task: formation of social-pedagogic system in Lithuania; to show, that social pedagogue is important helper upbringing... [to full text]
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Mokyklos bendruomenės narių (mokytojų ir socialinių pedagogų) požiūris į socialinio pedagogo funkcijas / The members of school community (teachers and social pedagogues) attitude to the functions of the social pedagogueSrėbalienė, Dovilė 03 September 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbo tikslas - analizuoti mokytojų ir socialinių pedagogų požiūrį į socialinio pedagogo funkcijas ir atlikti šių požiūrių lyginamąją analizę. Tyrime dalyvavo 198 respondentai: 59 socialiniai pedagogai ir 139 mokytojai. Tyrimas buvo atliktas Telšių apskrityje. Anketinės apklausos metodu (anketa sudaryta Andriuškevičienės (2005)) tirta mokytojų ir socialinių pedagogų požiūris į socialinio pedagogo funkcijas.
Tyrimo hipotezė: tikėtina, jog mokytojai socialinio pedagogo funkcijas vertina mažiau palankiai nei patys socialiniai pedagogai.
Atlikus tyrimą nustatyta, jog mokytojai socialinio pedagogo funkcijas vertina teigiamai, tačiau 40,83 proc. socialinio pedagogo funkcijų vertinamos kaip nelabai svarbios ar nesvarbios. Pastebėta, jog socialiniai pedagogai savo atliekamas funkcijas vertina teigiamai, tačiau nemažą dalį sudaro neutralus ir neigiamas vertinimai.
Išanalizavus duomenis pagal pasirinktą kintamąjį – darbas ugdymo klasėse – nustatyta, jog mokytojai teigiamai vertina socialinio pedagogo funkciją – individualų darbą su mokiniu, o bendradarbiavimą su institucijomis bei darbą su pedagogais, mokyklos administracija vertina nepalankiai.
Nustatyta, jog nepriklausomai nuo darbo stažo, tiek mokytojai, tiek socialiniai pedagogai neigiamai vertina darbo su pedagogais, mokyklos administracija bei bendradarbiavimo su institucijomis funkcijas. Taip pat atskleista, jog mokytojai darbo su pedagogais ir mokyklos administracija funkciją laiko svarbesne (10 proc. daugiau), nei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim – to analyze the approach to the functions of teachers and social pedagogues and to carry out the comparative analysis. The study included 198 respondents: 59 social pedagogues and 139 teachers. The study was carried out in Telsiai district. The approach of teachers and social pedagogues to the functions of social pedagogue was investigated by questionnaires (questionnaires made by Andriuskeviciene (2005)).
Hypothesis: it is likely that teachers are less favourable of the social pedagogues functions than social pedagogues themselves.
The study found that teachers assess the functions of social pedagogue positively, however, 40,83 percent of social pedagogue‘s functions were assessed as not very essential or insignificant. It was noted that social pedagogues assess their own functions positively, but there was a fair part of neutral and negative evaluations.
After the analysis of selected variable – work in training classes – it was found that teachers are positive with the function of social pedagogue – individual work with a student, and the collaboration with institutions and work with teachers, school administration evaluate adversely.
It was found that, regardless of seniority, teachers and social pedagogues assess working functions with teachers, school administration and co-operation with institutions. It also revealed that teachers work with teachers and school administration is more important (10 percent more) that the co-operation with the authorities... [to full text]
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Socialinio pedagogo bendradarbiavimo ypatumų gimnazijoje analizė:pedagogų ir tėvų požiūrio aspektas / The analysis of communication peculiarities of a social pedagogue at gymnasium focusing on the aspect of the attitude of pedagogues and parents has been carried out in the thesisMusvicienė, Žydra 04 August 2011 (has links)
Darbe atlikta socialinio pedagogo bendradarbiavimo ypatumų gimnazijoje analizė: pedagogų ir tėvų požiūrio aspektu.
Literatūros apžvalgoje nagrinėjama socialinio pedagogo bendradarbiavimo samprata, ypatumai, problemos bei socialinio pedagogo kompetencijos sprendžiant socioedukacines problemas.
Tyrime dalyvavo 176 pedagogai ir 15 mokinių tėvų.
Anketinės apklausos metodu ir pusiau struktūruoto interviu metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - atskleisti socialinio pedagogo ir gimnazijos bendruomenės bendradarbiavimo ypatumus sprendžiant mokinių socioedukacines problemas. Uždaviniai: išanalizuoti tėvų, pedagogų bei socialinių pedagogų požiūrį į bendradarbiavimą bei jo galimybes gimnazijoje, nustatyti bendradarbiavimo plėtotę skatinančius bei trukdančius veiksnius, atskleisti tinkamiausias bendradarbiavimo formas sprendžiant mokinių socioedukacines problemas, sukurti bendradarbiavimo modelį socioedukacinių problemų sprendimui.
Darbe keliama hipotezė: tikėtina, kad socialinio pedagogo bendradarbiavimas su ugdymo institucijos bendruomene yra viena iš svarbių jo veiklos krypčių, pasitvirtino.
Atlikta kokybinė ir statistinė duomenų analizė. Keletas pagrindinių išvadų:
1.Bendradarbiavimas būtinas ir reikšmingas sprendžiant patyčių, motyvacijos, mokyklos nelankymo, elgesio, mokytojų ir mokinių tarpusavio bendravimo problemas, remiantis tėvų nuomone.
2.Sėkmingą bendradarbiavimą skatinantys veiksniai išreiškiami kaip savalaikė ir reikalinga informacija, individualios asmeninės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The literature review deals with communication conception of a social pedagogue, peculiarities, problems and competences of a social pedagogue solving socio-educational questions.
176 pedagogues and 15 parents have taken part in the research.
The research has been conducted using a questionaire and semi-structured interview method. The aim of this research is to reveal communication peculiarities between a social pedagogue and a school community solving pupils‘ socio-educational problems. Objectives: to make analysis of the attitude of parents, pedagogues and social pedagogues towards the communication and its possibilities at gymnasium, to define factors which stimulate or hinder the development of communication, to identify the most appropriate forms of communication in solving pupils‘ socio-educational problems, to establish a communication pattern for achieving a solution to socio-educational problems.
In the sudy the hypothesis: it is likely, that communication of a social pedagogue with a community of an educational institution is one of the most important aspects of his work, has been confirmed.
The research methodology has been based on the qualitative and statistical analysis. There are several key findings:
1.According to the parents‘ opinion communication is both essential and significant in solving such problems as bullying, lack of motivation, poor school attendance, bad behaviour, communication problems between teachers and pupils,
2.Factors, which... [to full text]
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Socialinio pedagogo vieta mokyklos bendruomenėje / Social pedagogue's place in school societyPranckietytė, Virginija 07 June 2004 (has links)
Purpose with this work is to investigate social pedagogue’s actions functions and identify his place in school society. To achieve this purpose there are those goals: to analyze societies notion and to show its singularities; to mark social pedagogue actions functions’ strategies in school society, to determine functions, which lead towards concentration of this society (cooperation with VTAT, NRP, NVO and others) *; to show importance of functions of social pedagogue; to determine place in school’s society of social pedagogue; to establish theoretical model of social pedagogue’s activities in school society. Investigation object was social pedagogue’s activities in school society.
On the strength of theoreticians’ investigations and practical experience, we established model of social pedagogue��s activities in school society, which can be implemented as follows: 1. Permanent implementation (continuous, constant); 2. Transformational implementation (variable implementation, conditioned by specific factors, which decide implementation of inadequate model or it works, but not in full force, that’s why it is not sporadic implementation.); 3. Sporadic implementation (single, occasional). With investigation we identified, that there is transformational implementation in the work of social pedagogue’s in the secondary schools of Vilnius.
The hypothesis, that “social pedagogue in concentrated school society executes challenges, which society brings up, by... [to full text]
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Bakalauro darbe analizuojami socialinio pedagogo vaidmenys realizuojami profesinėje veikloje. Darbo tikslas - išsiaiškinti socialinio pedagogo realizuojamus vaidmenis profesinėje veikloje, atskleidžiant jų turinį.
Tyrime dalyvavo šimtas socialinių pedagogų, dirbančių įvairaus tipo bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose (gimnazijose, vidurinėse ir pagrindinėse mokyklose) bei iš įvairių vietovių (miesto, miestelio, kaimo vietovės).
Analizuojant mokslinę literatūrą apibrėžta vaidmens samprata ir jo turinys, išanalizuota socialinės pedagoginės veiklos specifika bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje, išskirti ir apibrėžti socialinio pedagogo vaidmenys, kurie sąlygiškai gali būti suklasifikuoti į 4 pagrindines grupes: nukreipti į veiklą su vaiku, jo tėvais, į veiklą mokyklos bendruomenėje ir į save patį, kaip į specialistą. Atliekant apklausą raštu naudojant uždaro tipo klausimyną, apklausti socialiniai pedagogai, siekiant nustatyti realizuojamus socialinio pedagogo vaidmenis profesinėje veikloje. Analizuojant tyrimo duomenis, nustatyta, kokius vaidmenis dauguma socialinių pedagogų realizuoja savo profesinėje veikloje.
Dauguma socialinių pedagogų savo profesinėje veikloje realizuoja vaidmenis, nukreiptus į veiklą su vaikais. Vykdant veiklą, nukreiptą į vaikus, siekiama nustatyti, įvertinti bei padėti vaikams išspręsti susidariusias situacijas ir dėl to kylančias problemas. Siekiant padėti vaikams, socialinis pedagogas taip pat realizuoja vaidmenis, nukreiptus į veiklą su tėvais ir į veiklą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The bachelor work analysis the roles realized by a social pedagogue in professional activity. The aim of work - to see and reveal content of the roles realized by a social pedagogue in professional activity.
Hundred social pedagoguge from different schoool types (gymnasium, secondary and primary schools) and different residential area (city, town and village) participated in this investigation.
The role and its content was defined by analysis of scientific literature. Work analysis of social pedagogue in general education school, roles of social pedagogue distinguished and defined by analysis of scientific literature too. Roles of social pedagogue can be qualified to 4 main groups: roles directed to activity with children, their parents, activity in school community and to himself how to a specialist.
Social pedagogues were investigated by tests to know which roles they realized in professional acitvity. Data of tests were analysed and fixed, which roles the most social pedagogue realized in professional activity.
The most social pedagogues realized roles directed to activity with children. Social pedagogue in activity with children determined, assess and help childrens to tackle a problems. Social pedagogue help childrens to tackle a problems, realized roles directed to activity with parents and school community too. At least, social pedagogue realized roles directed to activity to himself how a specialist.
The aim of investigation was reached to see and reveal... [to full text]
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Jakten på den femte kompetensen : En studie om behovet och betydelsen av socialpedagogisk kompetens / The hunt for the fifth competence : A study of the need and importance of social pedagogical skillsLindblom, Jerker January 2014 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka och analysera kompetensbehov inom olika kommunala human service-organisationer, där bland annat socialpedagoger är verksamma i Västerviks kommun. Min studie vill även undersöka inom vilka verksamheter högskoleutbildade socialpedagoger arbetar idag samt vilka kompetenser de har och vilka kompetenser lämpar sig för att arbeta inom human service-organisationer i Västerviks kommun. Denna studie strävar efter att vara ett stöd för att förbereda human service-organisationer i Västerviks kommun inför eventuella utmaningar vid framtida rekrytering av befintlig och ny kompetens. Samtidigt vill jag med min studie stärka kunskapen kring socialpedagoger. Studien består av både en kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning. Det empiriska materialet har insamlats via en enkätundersökning och en gruppintervju med personer som har medarbetar- och verksamhetsansvar inom olika human service-organisationer i Västerviks kommun. Resultatet av min studie påvisar att det finns ett kompetensbehov inom human service-organisationer i Västerviks kommun som främst präglas av intellektuella och sociala kompetenser. De intellektuella kompetenser som personalen behöver för att behärska arbetsmoment och situationer i det dagliga arbetet var formell utbildning och olika specialkompetenser i relation till sitt yrkesområde. Sociala kompetenser om hur personal agerar i relation till andra. Bemötande är andra framträdande kompetenser som nämns. Framtida behov av kompetens följer dagens framställningar dock betonas behoven att påverkas av personal bortfall samt lag- och uppdragsförändringar. I studien framkommer det att högskoleutbildade socialpedagoger är mest förekommande inom verksamheter som främst bedriver förändringsarbete med arbetsuppgifter som handläggning och utbildning. Det visar sig att socialpedagoger och socialpedagogiken har en plats inom human service-organisationer eftersom socialpedagogiken i sig är till för att anpassas efter behovet som efterfrågas i samhället inom socialt arbete. / The study aims to investigate and analyze skills required within the various municipal human service organizations, including social pedagogues working in Västervik. My study would also examine the activities within college-educated social pedagogues working today and what skills they have and what skills are suitable for working in human service organizations in Västervik. This study strives to be a support to prepare human service organizations in Västervik facing any challenges in future recruitment of existing and new skills. At the same time, I want to strengthen the knowledge of social pedagogues. The study consists of both a quantitative and qualitative study. The empirical data were collected through a questionnaire and group interviews with people who have employee and operational responsibilities within various human service organizations in Västervik. The results of my study indicate that there is a skills needs in human service organizations in Västervik mainly characterized by intellectual and social skills. The intellectual skills that staff need to master tasks and situations in the daily work were formal education and various special competences in relation to their professional field. Social skills of how personnel act in relation to others. Responding is the second prominent competencies mentioned. Future skills demand follows today's petition, however, emphasized the need to be affected by staff losses and legal and mission changes. The study shows that college-educated social pedagogues are most abundant in activities primarily engaged in change management with duties in the management and training. It turns out that social pedagogues and social pedagogy has a place in human service organizations as social pedagogy in itself is to be adapted to the needs that society demands of social work.
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Socialinio pedagogo veiklos tobulinimas panaudojant informacijos ir komunikacijos technologijas / Improvement in the Activity of a Social Pedagogue with the Application of Information and Communication TechnologiesGulbinas, Rokas 13 June 2005 (has links)
In the epoch of the modern global changes, a new form of society is being formed. The individual knowledge of a person is becoming a still more important basis of the quality of economic and social life. The reform of education in Lithuania is taking place for more than a decade, and within this period many essential changes occurred. Lithuania is oriented towards the aims of the European Union, it seeks to become the competitive member of the European Union, is open to various novelties and aims to strengthen its education system, so that it would educate the full-fledged members of modern society.
The present-day changes also conditioned the emergence of social problems, which had a strong effect on the whole social life, including school life. The necessity came forth to take all necessary measures for the improvement of social situation. Social pedagogues, whose position has been introduced in the educational establishments from 2001, may help to solve these problems.
One of the priority trends in the development of modern society is the rapid implementation of communication technologies in all the fields of activities. In implementing information and communication technologies at school it is also necessary to integrate in this process the functions performed by a social pedagogue.
The objective of this work is to study the opportunities of a social pedagogue, to use information and communication technologies in his activities. A social pedagogue, when performing the... [to full text]
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Galių santykiai ir jų valdymas psichopedagoginio vertinimo procese / Power relations and it’s management in psychopedagogical assesment processMikelevičiūtė, Jurgita, Kalinauskaitė, Jūratė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė galių santykių kaip socialinės pedagogikos objekto pedagoginio psichologinio vertinimo kontekste analizė
Iškelta hipotezė, kad psichopedagoginio vertinimo procese vyraujantys galių santykiai yra nelygiaverčiai, kur priimant sprendimus dominuoja specialistų pozicija, o tėvai lieka tik jų vykdytojai.
Tyrime, kurio tikslas- atskleisti ugdymo dalyvių (PPT, mokyklų specialistų, tėvų,) galių santykių ypatumus, psichopedagoginiame vertinimo procese bei socialinio pedagogo vaidmenį galių santykių valdyme, duomenys buvo renkami naudojantis pusiau struktūruotu kokybiniu interviu ir struktūruota kiekybine apklausa (anketa). Kokybiniai duomenys buvo apdoroti taikant aprašomosios analizės metodą, o kiekybiniai – naudojant neparametrinį Kruskal-Wallis testą bei aprašomąją statistiką (procentus) .
Tyrime dalyvavo PPT specialistai, vidurinių, pagrindinių bei pradinių mokyklų specialistai, pedagogai ir tėvai iš visos Lietuvos.
Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjami galių santykiai psichopedagoginiame vertinimo procese
Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados:
1. Galių santykiai visuomet egzistuoja tarpasmeniniuose santykiuose ir žalingi tampa, kai yra nelygiaverčiai. Tokia situacija išryškėja psichopedagoginiame vaiko vertinime, kur vyrauja specialisto-kliento santykių tipas.
2. Labiausiai galių santykiai atsiskleidžia kategorijose: vertinimas kaip situacijos ir dalyvių poreikių analizė; vertinimas kaip vaiko savybių analizė; PPT teikiamos pagalbos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The paper deals with the theoretical analysis of the power relations as an object of the social pedagogic in the context of psychopedagogical assessment.
Hypothesis: power relations in the process of psychopedagogical assessment are unequal where the position of specialist is described as prevailing and parents remain passive hand of decision realization.
The purpose of the paper is to reveal peculiarities of power relations in process of psychopedagogical assessment from positions of education participants (parents, school specialists and psychological pedagogical service (PPS) specialists) and also to define the role of social pedagogue as a power relation’s manager in this process.
Data was collected by using semi structured qualitative interview and structured quantitative inquiry (questionnaire). Qualitative data were worked up by structured content analysis and described by using narrative research method. Quantitative data were worked up by using non-parameter Kruskal-Wallis test and descriptive statistics (percents).
The participants of research were specialists from pedagogical psychological service (N= 171), specialists and pedagogues from mainstream schools (N=429) and parents from all Lithuania whose children were clients of PPS and went through psychopedagogical assessment (N=109). There were school specialists (N=40) and parents (N=40) who took part qualitative interview.
The most important empirical conclusions that were drawn are:
q Power relations... [to full text]
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Gimnazistų požiūris į gimnazijos socialinį pedagogą ir jo darbą mokykloje / The attitude of gymnasist's to gymnasium social pedagogue and his duties at schoolGrinkevičius, Kazimieras 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe atskleistas dviejų Vilniaus miesto gimnazijų gimnazistų požiūris į gimnazijų socialinius pedagogus, jų darbą gimnazijose. Pateiktos rekomendacijos socialinio pedagogo darbo tobulinimui. / A concluding thesis by Kazimieras Grinkevičius postgraduate of Vilnius Pedagogical University, Institute of Social Communication, Department of Social Pedagogy, named “The attitude of gymnasist's to gymnasium social pedagogue and his duties at school”, supervisor dr. Romas Prakapas, is written after a thorough analysis of pedagogical and psychological literature, legal documents. The aim of his papers is to evaluate attitude of gymnasist's to social pedagogue and his duties at school. It was assumed, that part of gymnasist's don't know who is a social pedagogue and what his daily duties at school, how he could help them. Analysis of literature and inquiry of gymnasist's were made. Investigative's were selected from two gymnasium city of Vilnius. 409 students take part in the survey. Statistical data has been analyzed with Statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS 14.0 for Windows).Quantitative analysis were made. Two statistical procedures to analyzed statistical data – computation of percentile frequency of the answers, mean of estimations – were made. The results have reveled, that part of gymnasist's didn't know who is a social pedagogue and what his daily do at school.
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