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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Äldres perspektiv på stillasittande : En kvalitativ intervjustudie bland äldre inom särskilt boende

Svejderud, Helene January 2022 (has links)
Abstract Background: The population has become more sedentary. Studies among the elderly in care homes have a sedentary lifestyle and move too little. Sedentary behavior is associated with unhealthy and a risk factor for disease and mortality. There is not enough knowledge and understanding of sedentary behavior. Aim: To highlight the elderly’s experience of sedentary, in care homes. Methods: A qualitative method was used. Seven semi-structured interviews were conducted by one interviewer. The study participants consisted with men and women over the age of 85. Four care homes in Central Sweden have participated. Data were analyzed with qualitative content analysis, yielding two themes and five categories. Results: Experience of sedentary was positive related to enjoyment and balance between rest and activity. Experience of sedentary was negative related to not being busy and consequences of sedentary lifestyle and aging. Maintaining functional ability and a sense of meaning, using strategies and adapting to sedentary lifestyle, access to social interaction and health-promoting environment influenced the experience of sedentary.  Conclusions: Sedentary behavior was naturally related to age and the experience of sedentary varied. It is necessary to account for differences in values and expectations towards sedentary behavior. The result may contribute with increased understanding and knowledge of the elderly’s experience of sedentary during the time in care homes. It would be interesting to follow how the experience of sedentary changes before and after moving into care homes. The result can contribute to future research by highlighting the positive health effects of sedentary behavior even for those who cannot be physically active. / Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Befolkningen har blivit alltmer stillasittande. Studier påvisar att äldre inom särskilt boende har en mer stillasittande livsstil och rör på sig för lite. Stillasittande beteende är förknippat med ohälsa och ökad risk att drabbas av sjukdom och dödlighet. Det finns otillräcklig kunskap och förståelse för stillasittande. Syfte: Att belysa äldres upplevelse av stillasittande, inom särskilt boende.  Metod: Metoden har en kvalitativ ansats. Sju semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts av en intervjuare. Studiedeltagarna bestod av män och kvinnor över 85 år. Fyra kommunala särskilda boende i Mellansverige har medverkat. Data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys, vilket gav två teman och fem kategorier. Resultat: Positiv upplevelse av stillasittande var relaterat till att njuta och balans mellan vila och aktivitet. Negativ upplevelse av stillasittande var relaterad till att inte vara upptagen och konsekvenser som uppstod till följd av stillasittande och åldrande. Att bibehålla funktionsförmågan och känsla av meningsfullhet, använda strategier och anpassa sig till stillasittande livsstil, tillgång till social interaktion och hälsofrämjande omgivning påverkade upplevelsen av stillasittande. Slutsats: Stillasittande var naturligt relaterat till åldern och upplevelsen av stillasittande varierade. Skillnader i värderingar och förväntningar gentemot stillasittande förekommer. Studien anses bidra med ökad förståelse och kunskap för äldres upplevelse av stillasittande under tiden de bor på särskilt boende. Det vore intressant att studera och följa hur upplevelsen av stillasittande förändras innan och efter inflytt till särskilt boende. Resultatet kan bidra till kommande forskning genom att belysa positiva hälsoeffekter av stillasittande för de som inte kan vara fysiskt aktiva.

Att förebygga barnfetma : En litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskans preventiva arbete mot fetma hos barn / To prevent pediatric obesity : A literature study about nurses' preventive work against childhood obesity

Meyer, Oscar, Sterup, Carl-Johan January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Barnfetma är ett växande samhällsproblem vars utveckling grundar sig ibland annat matvanor, minskad fysisk aktivitet och digitalisering av vardagen. Fetmaökar risken för diverse följdsjukdomar och sänker livskvaliten hos drabbade.Prevention av barnfetma är komplicerat och ställer höga krav på individ, familj,vårdgivare och samhälle. Syfte: Att undersöka prevention av fetma hos barn iåldrarna 6-18 år utifrån sjuksköterskans profession. Metod: Studien är en allmänlitteraturstudie som grundades i sammanställning och analys av nio artiklar urdatabaserna CINAHL, PubMed och PsycINFO. Resultat: Sjuksköterskans arbete iprevention av barnfetma är beroende av diverse faktorer. God och öppenkommunikation med såväl barn som föräldrar är av stor vikt. I kommunikationen ärordval och beaktande av autonomi och integritet centralt. Multiprofessionelltsamarbete underlättar det preventiva arbetet. Interventioner och behandlingsprogrambehöver fokusera på att öka motivation och inkludera kontinuerliga träffar medsjuksköterskan. Konklusion: Litteraturstudien lyfter fram olika faktorer förbehandling och betonar vikten av ett preventivt arbete mot fetma redan från låg ålder.Ämnet är komplext och flera faktorer spelar roll i det slutgiltiga resultatet av detpreventiva arbetet. Det krävs ett fortsatt förebyggande och behandlande arbete avsjukdomen där fokus på utbildning och vidare forskning är av största vikt. / Background: Pediatric obesity is a societal problem which is caused by unhealthyeating habits, reduced physical activity and the digitalization of everyday life. Obesityincreases the risk for many secondary diseases and impaired quality of life.Prevention of childhood obesity is complicated and places high demands onindividuals, families, caregivers and society. Purpose: To examine prevention ofobesity in children ages 6-18 years based on the nurse profession. Method: Thislitterature study was based on compilation and analysis of nine articles fromCINAHL, PubMed and PsycINFO. Results: The role of the nurse in prevention ofpediatric obesity is dependent on various factors. Open communication with childrenand parents is of great importance. Vocabulary adaptation and consideration ofautonomy and integrity are fundamental factors in communication. Multiprofessionalcollaboration facilitates preventive. Interventions and treatment programs demandfocus on increasing motivation among participants and include continuous contactbetween participant and nurse. Conclusion: This study highlights various factors fortreatment, and emphasizes the importance of preventive work against obesity from anearly age. Pediatric obesity is a cause for impaired quality of life among affected.Continued preventive care and treatment is required, where focus on education andfurther research is of utmost importance.

Kvotflyktingars möte med digital hälso- och sjukvård : En kvalitativ studie av kommunala tjänstemäns erfarenhet av kvotflyktingars möte med den svenska hälso- och sjukvården / Quota refugees' meeting with digital health care : A qualitative study of municipal officials' experience of quota refugees' encounters with the Swedish health service

Olofsson, Sandra January 2022 (has links)
Sverige tar sedan 2018 emot 5 000 kvotflyktingar om året. De kommer direkt från tredje land och mottages av Sveriges kommuner direkt på flygplatsen. Mycket är annorlunda, inte minst den digitala nivån som möter dem i det nya samhället. Sverige siktar på att bli bäst i världen på digitalisering genom Vision e-hälsa 2025 med målsättningen om en god och jämlik hälsa. WHO understryker att digitalisering är avgörande för hälsolitteracitet. Folkhälsomyndigheten lyfter att utrikesfödda personer generellt har sämre hälsa och trycker på att det finns behov av att hitta vägar för att nå fler individer med hälsoinformation. 2020 publicerades en svensk intervjustudie som betonar behov av språk och kulturmedvetenhet. Digital hälso-sjukvård belyses inte närmare. Den här studiens syfte är att undersöka kommunala tjänstemäns erfarenheter av att arbeta med kvotflyktingar med avseende på kvotflyktingars kontakter med den svenska digitala hälso- och sjukvården. Den aktuella undersökningen är en kvalitativ studie med induktiv ansats. Analysmetod är innehållsanalys och semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts. Urvalet är strategiskt, sex kommunala tjänstemän från mindre och mellanstora kommuner i Västra Götaland har deltagit. Resultaten kopplas till tillgänglighet, empowerment och hälsolitteracitet samt digital literacy. I den här studien har det framkommit att kommunala tjänstemäns erfarenhet av kvotflyktingars kontakt med den digitala hälso- och sjukvården i Sverige består av både svårigheter och utmaningar liksom att det ses möjligheter och lösningar. Studiens forskningsfrågor har besvarats och sex kategorier presenteras; otillräcklig ansvarsfördelning, begränsad tillgänglighet, kvotflyktingars förutsättningar beaktas inte tillräckligt, kommunikation är avgörande, förståelse för lärprocess och avvägda stödfunktioner. / Since 2018, Sweden has received 5,000 quota refugees a year. They come directly from third countries and are received by Sweden's municipalities at the airport. Much is different, not least the digital level that meets them in the new society. Sweden aims to become the best country in the world at digitization through Vision e-health 2025 with the goal of good and equal health. The WHO emphasizes that digitization is crucial for health literacy. The Public Health Authority highlights that people born abroad generally have poorer health and stresses that there is a need to find ways to reach more individuals with health information. In 2020, a Swedish interview study was published that emphasizes the need for language and cultural awareness. Digital healthcare is not elucidated in more detail. The purpose of this study is to investigate municipal officials' experiences of working with quota refugees with respect to quota refugees' contacts with the Swedish digital health care.The current thesis is a qualitative study with an inductive approach. Analysis method is content analysis and semi-structured interviews have been used. The selection is strategic, six municipal officials from small and medium-sized municipalities in Västra Götaland have participated. The results are linked to enablement, empowerment, and health literacy as well as digital literacy. In this study, it has emerged that municipal officials' experience of quota refugees' contact with digital healthcare in Sweden consists of both difficulties and challenges, as well as opportunities and solutions being seen. The study's research questions have been answered and six categories are presented; insufficient division of responsibilities, limited availability, the conditions of quota refugees are not sufficiently considered, communication is crucial, understanding of the learning process and balanced support functions.

Jämlik, kvalitativ vård för barn med autismspektrumtillstånd? : - En intervjustudie om föräldrars definitioner och upplevelser av vårdkvalitet inom Barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin samt Barn- och ungdomshabiliteringen. / Equal, Quality Care for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder? : - A interview study on parents' perceptions and experiences of quality of care within two Swedish care units.

Hagström Larsson, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin (BUP) och Barn- och ungdomshabiliteringen (HAB) är två specialistvårdsenheter i Sverige som båda ger vård till barn med autismspektrumtillstånd (AST). De nämnda vårdenheterna har skilda målgrupper och uppdrag vilket skulle kunna leda till varierande vårdkvalitet för barn med AST utifrån vårdenhet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur föräldrar till barn med AST definierar och upplever vårdkvaliteten inom vårdenheterna BUP och HAB samt att synliggöra eventuella likheter och skillnader mellan enheterna. Totalt 12 kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes och analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Som teoretiskt ramverk användes Donabedians modell för att mäta vårdkvalitet utifrån struktur, process och utfall. Föräldrarna i studien beskrev vårdens kvalitet utifrån Donabedians tre kvalitetsmått. Studien identifierade tre viktiga processfaktorer av vikt för vårdkvalitet: Kontinuitet, bemötande och tillgänglighet. Föräldrarna beskrev stora brister inom de tre processkategorierna, som de upplevde bero på strukturella faktorer inom hälso- och sjukvårdsorganisationen. Föräldrars egna förmågor upplevdes vara av stor vikt för den givna vårdens kvalitet. Skillnader i vårdkvalitet mellan BUP och HAB beskrevs gällande bemötande och tillgänglighet till insatser. Studiens resultat kan användas i förbättringsarbeten inom vården för barn med AST.

Health in Crisis : An Integrative Review of Sexual and Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings

Amran, Mohammad Yosuf January 2023 (has links)
Background: Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) is a cornerstone of overall health, particularly in fragile humanitarian contexts. Despite being recognized as a fundamental human right, access to quality SRH services is often significantly restricted in crisis situations. This limitation can lead to damaging health outcomes for women, children, and marginalized groups. Given this reality, there is an urgent need for an enriched understanding of SRH in area simpacted by conflicts, disasters, and population displacements. With global trends such as increasing forced migration and escalating crises, a thorough re evaluation of the challenges and potential solutions associated with SRH in these contexts is crucial. Aim: The aim of the integrative review is to describe the current status of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services and interventions in humanitarian settings and explore key challenges in sexual and reproductive health services in these settings. Methodology: This integrative literature review analyzed and synthesized 22 research papers through inductive methodology by Elo and Kyngäs (2008). Results: This in-depth review of studies from a wide range of humanitarian environments worldwide, has unveiled critical insights into the hurdles surrounding Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services. Firstly, barriers to accessibility and awareness prevent individuals from acquiring vital SRH knowledge and services, and this prevention is often intensified by sociocultural stigmas. Educational and language obstacles further amplify these challenges, particularly for migrants. This review also underscores the severe impact of gender-based violence (GBV) and early or forced marriages on SRH outcomes. Conclusions: This analysis reveals key obstacles that obstruct the provision of SRH services in humanitarian settings. Acknowledging these issues enables decision-makers to plan effectivestrategies and interventions to address the SRH needs in these settings. Exploration of each barrier and seeking holistic solutions to overcome these challenges is suggested.

The impact of Covid-19 on malaria healthcare delivery services, treatment and prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa / Effekten av Covid-19 påtillhandahållande av malariahälsovårdstjänster, behandling och förebyggande insatser i subsahariska Afrika

Fundi, Caroline January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Covid-19-pandemin och dess förebyggande åtgärder har fått många länder i subsahariska Afrika att kämpa för att tillhandahålla grundläggande hälso- och sjukvårdstjänster till sina befolkningar i redan ansträngda hälsosystem. På grund av pandemin har störningar i rutinmässiga grundläggande hälso- och sjukvårdstjänster som malariakontroll i subsahariska Afrika rapporterats som utbredda med allvarliga konsekvenser såsom ökad dödlighet. Syfte: Denna studie syftar därför till att undersöka hur Covid-19-pandemin och dess förebyggande åtgärder har påverkat tillhandahållande av viktiga malariahälsovårdstjänster, behandling- och förebyggande insatser i subsahariska Afrika. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie där en induktiv tematisk analys var utfört på 22 vetenskapliga artiklar som hade erhållits från databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och SCOPUS. Resultat: Det rapporterades en minskning av konsultationer och totala besök till sjukvårdsinrättningar, förseningar och störningar i snabb diagnos och behandling av malaria, förändrat hälsosökandebeteende, förseningar i genomförandet av nyckelinterventioner mot malaria samt nedläggning av malariaprogram. Det fanns också mindre information till befolkningen om andra sjukdomar och vikten av att söka hälso- och sjukvård snabbt. Slutsats: Det behövs mer innovativa strategier för att utbilda och göra befolkningar medvetna om olika hälsoproblem och vikten av att söka hälso- och sjukvård snabbt. Det behövs mer forskning som fokuserar på att analysera olika länders strategier i hantering av en pandemi samt andra utmanande sjukdomar eftersom detta kan vara användbart i framtiden vid en liknande kris. / Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic and its mitigation measures has left many countries in sub-Saharan Africa struggling to provide essential health services to their populations in already crippled health systems. Due to the panemic, disruptions of routine essential health services such as malaria control in sub-Saharan Africa have been reported as being widespread with dire consequencies such as increased mortality. Aim: This study therefore aims to investigate how the Covid-19 pandemic and its prevention measures has affected delivery of essential malaria health care services, treatment and prevention in sub-Saharan Africa countries. Method: This is a systematic literature review that involved an inductive thematic analysis of 22 scientific articles obtained from the databases of PubMed, CINAHL and SCOPUS. Results: There was a decrease in consultations and overall visits to health facilities, delays and disruptions in prompt diagnos and treatment of malaria, altered health-seeking behavior, delays in implementing key malaria interventions as well as closure of malaria programs. There was also less information to populations about other diseases and importance of seeking health care. Conclusion: There is need for more innovative strategies to educate and sensitize populations on different health issues and the importance of seeking prompt health care. There is need for more research that focus on analysing different countries’ strategies in dealing with a pandemic as well as other challenging diseases as this could be useful in the future in times of a similar crisis.

Going Smokeless, But Not Risk-Free: Analysing Socio-Environmental Factors of Female Adolescents’ White Snus Consumption : A qualitative study

Rostang, Linnéa January 2023 (has links)
The number of female snus users in Sweden has doubled since 2007, which can partially be a consequence of the introduction of white snus, a type of nicotine pouch. This carries significant implications for public health, particularly because a substantial proportion of young individuals who consume white snus had no prior exposure to other tobacco or nicotine products. Consequently, white snus has the potential to attract and introduce new young users to nicotine consumption. This qualitative study aimed to investigate the socio-environmental factors contributing to the consumption of white snus among female adolescents aged between 15 to 18. The data consists of 10 interviews. Guided by the Reciprocal Determinism Model, the study employed thematic analysis to explore the reasons for snus initiation, the continued use of white snus, and the circumstances that could lead to quitting its consumption. Three main themes emerged from the analysis: (1) desirability, (2) exploration and experimentation, and (3) hindrances. The findings elaborated on the socio-environmental factors behind white snus consumption. The marketing and advertisement strategies used by manufacturers were found to reinforce the continued use of white snus among female adolescents. Additionally, economic barriers were identified as the primary motivator for quitting consumption. Peer influence was consistently identified as the trigger for snus initiation. The study also highlighted the ineffectiveness of current regulations in Sweden, as they were easily bypassed, indicating a need for stronger measures to restrict access and limit advertising exposure. As white snus is expanding to countries outside of Sweden, the insights gained from this study can inform the development of early interventions and preventive measures by governments to reduce the likelihood of adolescent nicotine use.

Gestational diabetes mellitus among foreign-born women in Sweden: A register-based study on the role of income.

Sharmin, Shayla, Usama, Muhammad January 2023 (has links)
Aim:  The present study aimed to determine if foreign-born women from different countries of birth have a greater risk of GDM compared to Swedish-born women and to what extent income might mediate this relationship. Methods: This cross-sectional type study included 835279 women, of which 151,642 were foreign-born and 683637 were Swedish-born women who gave birth to their first singleton child in Sweden between 1997 to 2016. Register data from the Swedish Medical Birth Register, the Swedish Total Population Register, and the Longitudinal Integrated Database for Health Insurance and Labour Market Studies was used. Multiple Logistic Regression analysis and the Karlson-Holm-Breen methods were used to explore the relationship between GDM and country of birth and to estimate the proportion of the association explained by income. Results:  Foreign-born women demonstrated higher odds ratios for developing GDM than Swedish-born women. South East Asian women showed the highest risk of GDM (OR: 4.40, CI: 4.01-4.81) followed by Africa (OR: 3.42, CI: 3.07-3.81) and Middle East & North Africa (OR: 2.92, CI: 2.67-3.20) respectively. Income partially explained the risk of GDM differences between foreign-born and Swedish-born women, accounting for 26% of the association. However, the proportion explained by income varies from 8.9% to 23.0% by country of birth. Conclusions:  A disparity exists in the risk of GDM based on country of birth, and Foreign-born women are more likely to have GDM and need additional support, including prenatal care and treatment. Since income only partially explains this association, other factors that may explain the association need to be explored.

Weight status and psychosomatic complaints in Swedish adolescent boys and girls: examining the buffering role of family support.

Venäläinen, Jasmin January 2023 (has links)
Introduction: Psychosomatic complaints have increased among adolescents in recent decades, as well as overweight and obesity rates, which have become a public health issue. The associations between weight status and psychosomatic complaints are not clear, therefore further research is needed. The aim of this study was to explore the associations between weight status and psychosomatic complaints among Swedish adolescents, and the possible buffering effect of family support. Methods: This study was based on cross-sectional data of the Swedish Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC) of 2017/18, that included 3,133 boys and girls aged 11, 13 and 15 years. Weight status was based on self-reported information on weight and height, which was used to calculate body mass index (BMI) and construct the categories “non-overweight”, “overweight” and “obese”. Psychosomatic complaints were based on information on the frequency of eight different complaints, that was summed to an index. Family support was measured by three items that described the received support. An index was constructed which was dichotomized into two categories, low and high family support. Gender, age and family affluence were included as covariates. Linear regression analyses were performed to investigate the associations between weight status and psychosomatic complaints. Interaction analyses were used to see whether family support moderates the main association. Additional family support- and sex-stratified analyses were conducted. Results: The results revealed that obesity is associated with higher levels of psychosomatic complaints. Being non-overweight or overweight did not show any significant associations with the outcome. Girls reported higher levels of psychosomatic complaints compared to boys. Family support could buffer against obese girls’ psychosomatic complaints. Conclusions: The findings of this study highlight the importance of public health actions to prevent childhood obesity and additionally the significant role of family support in decreasing obese adolescents’ psychosomatic complaints. Furthermore, more research is needed for better understanding of these associations.

Systemic Primary Healthcare Access Inequities : A Cross Sectional Analysis Of Marginalised And Non-Marginalised Populations’ Experiences With Primary Healthcare Services In Sweden And The Nordic Countries

Hassan, Ahmed January 2023 (has links)
Introduction The differential accessibility of healthcare services in the Nordic region can be drawn along socioeconomic and sociodemographic lines. Previous literature has established the association between the processes of marginalisation and inequitable healthcare access outcomes. This study contributes to existing knowledge by exploring the association with regard to primary healthcare service accessibility.     Methods Logistic regression assessed the association between perceived marginalisation and medical consultation barriers. A multinomial regression further analysed the specific type of systemic primary healthcare barriers marginalised respondents were more likely to encounter in comparison to non-marginalised respondents. This analysis used data from 5,689 respondents residing in the Nordic region from the 7th round of the European Social Survey.   Results After adjusting for health problems, socioeconomic, sociodemographic, and sociocultural factors, respondents who reported perceived marginalisation were more likely to face healthcare access barriers (OR = 2.87, 95 % CI = 2.28 – 3.64, p < 0.001). Additionally, marginalised respondents were more likely to report facing systemic access barriers pertaining to long wait times in comparison to non-marginalised respondents (RRR = 3.69, 95% CI = 2.52– 5.40, p < 0.001).    Conclusion This thesis observes that individuals who see themselves as marginalised invariably encounter amplified systemic obstacles when seeking primary healthcare services. Public health policies in the Nordics aimed at increasing accessibility have not conclusively resulted in an improved accessibility among marginalised communities. Thus, a re-evaluation of policies aimed at improving primary healthcare access is necessary.

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