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Rumslig socioekonomisk variation i Karlstad : En studie av vattnets roll för socioekonomisk fördelning i Karlstad tätort / Spatial socioeconomic variation in Karlstad : A study of the impact of blue spaces on socioeconomic distribution in the city of KarlstadGrund, Henrik, Andersson, Joel January 2018 (has links)
Where people choose to live is a consequence of a variety of factors, such as housing cost, design, localization and personal considerations. Urban blue spaces provide a range of perceived benefits to nearby inhabitants and is generally seen as attractive traits for an area, influencing housing cost and demographics amongst other things. This has implications for socioeconomic spatial distribution, and thus the city could also be viewed as a map of socioeconomic variation. This paper seeks to examine the socioeconomic spatial variation in the city of Karlstad in relation to urban blue spaces. Using publicly available statistics for 23 different areas of the city, this variation is visualised in a series of maps and tables. Two models, one using average income and one using a proposed local socioeconomic index, are devised and used to estimate the impact of blue spaces on socioeconomic spatial variation in Karlstad. Results show a significant socioeconomic variation between different areas. Certain areas score high and certain areas score low in every category of the socioeconomic index, painting the picture of a socioeconomically divided city. The models used are proven to be inaccurate. Although the four areas with the lowest average income are all located in zones furthest from blue spaces, no evidence indicate that high and medium high average income areas, nor areas with high socioeconomic index, generally are located in closer proximity to blue spaces. Findings imply that socioeconomic spatial variation in Karlstad cannot be reduced to blue spaces and is a complex area of further research.
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Associationen mellan socioekonomiska faktorer och övervikt/fetma bland barn mellan 0 - 12 år : En litteraturöversikt / Association between socioeconomic factors and overweight/obesity among children between 0 – 12 years : A literature reviewHungefält, Laura, Lager, Cecilia January 2018 (has links)
Inledning: Övervikt och fetma bland barn har de senaste 30 åren ökat över hela världen. Att barn utvecklar övervikt eller fetma har inte bara att göra med deras livsstil utan bakomliggande orsaker kan kopplas till föräldrars socioekonomiska status, SES (Folkhälsomyndigheten, 2017). SES kan beskrivas som ett samlingsbegrepp för utbildning, yrkesnivå och inkomst. Syftet med denna uppsats var att kartlägga associationen mellan socioekonomiska faktorer och övervikt/fetma bland barn mellan 0 – 12 år gamla. Metod: Tio vetenskapliga artiklar valdes ut för denna litteraturöversikt. Ur dessa artiklar utkristalliserades fem olika teman som litteraturöversikten baserades på. Resultat: Studien visade att det finns ett samband mellan SES och övervikt/fetma hos barn. Föräldrars utbildningsnivå, moderns vikt och tillgång till fysisk aktivitet och även Tv-vanor kan kopplas till SES som anses som riskfaktorer gällande övervikt/fetma. Diskussion: Resultaten från artiklarna visar att förekomsten av samhälleliga, ekonomiska och miljömässiga determinanter påverkar livsstil. Samhällets beslutsfattare har ett ansvar att underlätta individers beslutsprocesser kring hälsosamma val, då är det viktigt att samhällets olika aktörer är inblandade i den övergripande strävan att främja hälsan. / Introduction: Overweight and obesity among children have increased worldwide over the last 30 years. The fact that children develop overweight and obesity isn’t only related to lifestyle, but an underlying cause can be linked to parents’ socioeconomic status, SES (Folkhälsomyndigheten, 2017). SES can be described as a collective term for educational and occupational level as well as income. The purpose of this thesis was to map the relationship between socioeconomic factors and overweight/obesity among children between 0 – 12 years old. Method: Ten scientific articles were selected for this literature review. From these articles, five themes emerged which outlined the base for this literature review. Results: The studies showed that a connection between SES and overweight/obesity in children exists. The parents’ educational level, the weight of the mother, access to physical activity and also TV viewing habits can be linked to SES and considered as risk factors for overweight and obesity. Discussion: The results from the articles show that the existence of societal, economic and environmental determinants affect lifestyle. Society’s decision makers have a responsibility to facilitate individuals’ decision-making processes regarding health choices, therefore it’s important that society’s various actors are involved in the overall endeavor to promote health.
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Territórios de vulnerabilidade ao HIV : homossexualidades masculinas em São Paulo / Landscapes of HIV vulnerability : male homosexualities in São PauloMaria Cristina Antunes 21 March 2005 (has links)
Estudos têm demonstrado que homens que fazem sexo com homens (HSH) têm estilos de vida diferenciados e ocupam diferentes espaços sociais e culturais. Mapeando as redes sociométricas e as subculturas homoeróticas, é possível entender a disseminação do HIV e os fatores de vulnerabilidade. O objetivo desse trabalho é descrever como subculturas sexuais de homens que fazem sexo com homens que freqüentavam bares e boates em duas regiões de São Paulo ocupavam diferentes territórios, descrever suas subculturas e práticas sexuais. Foi realizado um mapeamento etnográfico em dois bairros de São Paulo, onde se localizam 58 bares e boates gays. Foram aplicados questionários em 500 homens (Centro e Jardins), sobre: dados sócio-demográficos, percepção de risco, práticas sexuais, prevenção de aids e uso de drogas. Durante 12 meses foram realizadas intervenções, com distribuição de preservativos, lubrificantes e folhetos informativos. Durante o mapeamento etnográfico observamos que a região do Centro tem bares mais antigos e tradicionais, com a presença mais explícita de travestis e garotos de programa, com imagens identitárias baseadas na divisão de papéis de gênero. O Jardins tem bares requintados, com a presença mais acentuada de imagens identitárias baseadas na identidade gay. A análise dos questionários mostrou que 52% tiveram prática sexual de risco com parceiros fixos e 42% com parceiros casuais. 71% fizeram o teste HIV, sendo que 5% afirmaram que eram soropositivos. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas nas respostas obtidas nas duas regiões, observando que maior proporção de homens que freqüentavam o Centro: eram pobres, menos escolarizados, negros; tinham uma menor percepção de risco e menos confiança nos métodos preventivos para aids; tinham mais práticas de risco; concordavam que não usavam preservativo porque estavam apaixonados e porque existiam medicamentos para tratar a aids. Observamos que diferentes subculturas sexuais de HSH, redes sociométricas, imagens identitárias e performances de papéis ocupam diferentes espaços na cidade de São Paulo, configurando territórios diferentes de vulnerabilidade ao HIV. O conceito de territórios de vulnerabilidade enfatiza a importância de intervenções para prevenção da aids com foco comunitário, atuando nos componentes individuais, sociais e programáticos. Pensando em termos de desenvolvimento de estratégias de prevenção que têm como horizonte a emancipação psicossocial além do incremento do uso de camisinha, devemos levar em consideração essas redes sociométricas, que ocupam territórios dentro da cidade, criando territórios de atualização/realização de desejos e vulnerabilidade. / Studies demonstrated that men who have sex with men (MSM) have different lifestyles and occupied different cultural and social spaces. It is possible to understand the HIV transmission and vulnerabilities factors through mapping sociometric networks and their subcultures. The main goal of this thesis is to describe how sexual subcultures of men that have sex with men, that attended bars and discos in two different districts of São Paulo, occupied different landscapes, and describe subcultures and sexual practices. An ethnographic mapping of two districts of São Paulo, with 58 gay bars and discos was done. Questionnaires were applied in 500 men (Centro and Jardins) about: demographic data, risk perception, sexual practices, aids prevention, and drug use. Interventions were applied during 12 months, with distribution of condom, lubricants, and informative material. Evidences on ethnographic mapping showed that Centro district has traditional and oldest bars, more hustlers men and travesties, with identity images based on gender roles. Jardins district has refined bars, with image identity based on gay identity. The questionnaire demonstrated that 52% had risk sexual practices with regular partners, and 42% with casual partners. 71% did the antibody test, and 5% were positive for HIV. We found significant differences between districts. Men who go to bars and discos at Centro: were poor, less educated, black; had lower risk perception; they where less confident of preventive methods for aids; they have more sexual risk practices; agree more that they dont use condom because passion and because there are medicines to aids. Different sexual subcultures of MSM, sociometric networks, identity images and role performances occupy different spaces at São Paulo city, formatting different landscapes of HIV vulnerability. The concept of vulnerability landscapes emphasizes importance of interventions for aids prevention with community focus, acting on individual, social and programmatic components. Thinking in terms of developing prevention strategies that has the psychosocial emancipation how horizon, beyond the condom use increment, we need consider sociometric networks that occupy landscapes at the city, creating landscapes of actualization/realization of desires and vulnerabilities.
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Desempenho em leitura de crianças do 4º ano do ensino fundamental : fatores neuropsicológicos e ambientais / Reading performance of 4th grade brazilian children : neuropsychological and environmental factorsLima, Melina January 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação é composta por dois estudos conduzidos a fim de compreender de maneira integrada os fatores cognitivos/neuropsicológicos e ambientais relacionados ao desempenho em leitura (precisão e fluência) de crianças. A amostra foi composta por 185 alunos, 78 (42,2%) meninos e 107 (57,8%) meninas, do 4º ano do Ensino Fundamental de escolas públicas de Porto Alegre e Belo Horizonte. No primeiro estudo, foram investigadas as variáveis cognitivas/neuropsicológicas e ambientais que melhor explicam o desempenho de leitura (precisão e fluência). Nas análises de regressão linear observou-se a consciência fonológica e a nomeação seriada rápida (NSR) como melhores preditores na precisão de leitura, apoiando a hipótese de que o processamento fonológico é um contribuinte fundamental para a leitura no nível lexical. As variáveis ambientais importantes para leitura de palavras irregulares e fluência em leitura foram o nível socioeconômico (NSE) e o índice de desempenho (IDEB) da escola de origem. No segundo estudo, comparou-se o desempenho neuropsicológico, características comportamentais e ambientais de 3 grupos de crianças provenientes do estudo 1: com dificuldades de leitura/escrita (DLE); com dificuldade combinada de leitura/escrita e aritmética (DC) e sem dificuldades de aprendizagem (SD). Os grupos DLE e DC apresentaram desempenho estatisticamente inferior ao das crianças sem dificuldades de aprendizagem em consciência fonológica, NSR e memória de trabalho fonológica. O grupo DC apresentou desempenho inferior ao do grupo com DLE apenas em fluência verbal ortográfica. As crianças com dificuldades acadêmicas (DLE e DC) apresentaram maior escore no questionário de características de desatenção e hiperatividade e menor NSE. Os resultados contribuem para a compreensão de modelos multifatoriais (cognitivo/neuropsicológico, comportamental e ambiental) no desempenho da leitura e nas dificuldades de aprendizagem. Ambos os estudos mostram que a leitura no nível da palavra está mais relacionada às habilidades de processamento fonológico do que as habilidades visuoespaciais ou funções executivas, nas crianças avaliadas no quarto ano. É importante considerar a inserção de atividades para promover estas habilidades no currículo no Ensino Infantil e Ensino Fundamental como medida preventiva (primária e secundária) de dificuldades de leitura. / This dissertation consists of two studies conducted to understand cognitive, neuropsychological and environmental factors related to children’s reading performance (accuracy and fluency) in an integrated way. The sample consisted of 185 4th grade students, 78 (42.2%) boys and 107 (57.8%) girls, from public elementary schools from Porto Alegre city and Belo Horizonte city. In the first study, we investigated the cognitive and environmental variables that best explain the reading performance (accuracy and fluency). In linear regression analyzes observed phonological awareness and rapid serial nomination as best predictors of the accuracy, supporting the hypothesis that phonological processing is a key contributor to the reading on the lexical level. Important environmental variables for reading irregular words and fluency in reading were the socioeconomic status (SES) and the index of Brazilian education. In the second study, we compared the neuropsychological performance, behavioral and environmental characteristics of 3 groups of children from the study 1: difficulties with reading / writing (DLE); combined with reading / writing and arithmetic (DC) and without difficulty (SD). DLE and DC groups had statistically lower performance than children without learning difficulties in phonological awareness, NSR and phonological working memory. The DC group had underperformed the group with DLE only orthographic verbal fluency. Children with academic difficulties (DLE and DC) had higher scores on the questionnaire of inattention and hyperactivity characteristics and were from lower SES families. The results contribute to the understanding of multifactorial models for reading performance and learning difficulties, given the performance results from the interaction among different factors (cognitive/neuropsychological, behavioral and environmental). Both studies showed that the word reading level is more consistent related to phonological processing skills than visuospatial abilities and executive functions in this 4th grade sample. It is important to consider the inclusion of these skills in the curriculum in Infant and Primary Education as a preventive measure (primary and secondary) of reading difficulties.
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Compreensão leitora : fatores neuropsicológicos e ambientais no desenvolvimento da habilidade e nas dificuldades específicas em compreensão / Reading comprehension – neuropsychological and environmental factors on the development of the skill and on reading comprehension difficultiesCorso, Helena Vellinho January 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa propôs-se a examinar a compreensão leitora de crianças, estabelecendo os seguintes objetivos: 1) discutir os modelos teóricos e experimentais da compreensão leitora; 2) elaborar um instrumento de avaliação de compreensão de texto; 3) investigar o desenvolvimento da habilidade entre a quarta e a sexta séries do Ensino Fundamental, analisando também o impacto de variáveis externas (nível socioeconômico e tipo de escola) sobre aquele desenvolvimento; 4) investigar na amostra as associações e dissociações entre o desempenho em leitura de palavras e em compreensão de textos; 5) verificar que funções neuropsicológicas relacionam-se à compreensão leitora; 6) e, finalmente, investigar a forma como aquelas funções neuropsicológicas se relacionam com o nível socioeconômico e a inteligência, em seus efeitos sobre a compreensão leitora. Para os estudos empíricos, alunos de quarta a sexta séries (n= 110; escolas públicas e privadas) foram avaliados em tarefas de leitura, tarefas neuropsicológicas, e quanto à inteligência. Testou-se a significância estatística da diferença entre os grupos em função da série e do tipo de escola. Da amostra total, apenas o grupo de maus compreendedores (leitura de palavra preservada/compreensão textual deficitária) e o de bons leitores (leitura de palavras e de texto adequadas), foram comparados quanto ao desempenho neuropsicológico. Usou-se regressão linear para verificar o efeito da variável grupo (maus compreendedores versus bons leitores) sobre os escores nas tarefas, controlando o efeito da série e tipo de escola. Modelagem de Equações Estruturais foi usada para testar 6 modelos que propunham diferentes relações entre nível socioeconômico, inteligência e funções executivas (variáveis independentes), sobre compreensão leitora. Os resultados mostraram que há efeito da série sobre leitura de palavras isoladas e sobre a compreensão (questionário), e que o desempenho das crianças de escola pública é inferior ao dos alunos de escolas privadas tanto na leitura de palavras, como na compreensão de textos (reconto). A variável grupo (maus compreendedores versus bons leitores) relacionou-se significativamente com quatro tarefas da bateria de avaliação neuropsicolinguística, destacando-se a memória de trabalho e as funções executivas. No modelo estrutural de melhor ajuste o efeito do nível socioeconômico sobre a compreensão leitora foi totalmente mediado pelas funções executivas (enquanto o fator que incluiu as medidas de funções executivas e de memória de trabalho), enquanto que a inteligência não teve efeito significativo sobre a compreensão leitora. Como desdobramento da pesquisa, acredita-se que funções executivas devem ser foco de ações clínicas junto a crianças com dificuldades de compreensão, e de ações escolares preventivas junto a crianças de nível socioeconômico baixo, como forma de prevenir dificuldades em compreensão leitora. / This research aimed to examine reading comprehension in children, establishing the following objectives: 1) discussing the experimental and theoretical models of reading comprehension; 2) developing an instrument to evaluate reading comprehension; 3) investigate the development of reading comprehension, also analyzing the effect of external variables (socioeconomic status and type of school) on this development; 4) investigating in the sample associations and dissociations between word reading and reading comprehension performances; 5) verifying which neuropsychological functions are related to reading comprehension; 6) and, finely, investigating how those neuropsychological functions relate to socioeconomic status and intelligence in their effect upon reading comprehension. For the empirical studies, 110 children, 4th to 6th grades, were assessed in reading, neuropsychological and intelligence measures. Statistical differences among the groups, in terms of grade and type of school, were tested. Poor comprehenders (high word reading and low reading comprehension) and good readers (high word reading and reading comprehension) were compared in relation to the neuropsychological measures. Linear regression tested the effect of the variable group (poor comprehenders versus good readers) upon neuropsychological scores, controlling for grade and type of school. Structural Equation Modeling was used to test six models proposing different relations among socioeconomic status, intelligence and executive functions (independent variables) in their effect upon reading comprehension. The results showed that grade has effect upon word reading and comprehension (questionnaire), and that students from public schools underscore the ones from private schools. Group variable (poor comprehenders versus good readers) were significantly related to performance on four tasks of the neuropsycolinguistic battery, highlighting executive functions and working memory. In the best-fitting structural model, effects of socioeconomic status on reading comprehension were fully mediated by executive functions. Furthermore, IQ had no effect on reading comprehension once the direct effect of executive function was included in the model. It is concluded that executive functions should be focused both on clinical actions among children with reading comprehension difficulties, and preventive actions with the school children from low socioeconomic level, in order to prevent difficulties in reading comprehension.
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Compreensão leitora : fatores neuropsicológicos e ambientais no desenvolvimento da habilidade e nas dificuldades específicas em compreensão / Reading comprehension – neuropsychological and environmental factors on the development of the skill and on reading comprehension difficultiesCorso, Helena Vellinho January 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa propôs-se a examinar a compreensão leitora de crianças, estabelecendo os seguintes objetivos: 1) discutir os modelos teóricos e experimentais da compreensão leitora; 2) elaborar um instrumento de avaliação de compreensão de texto; 3) investigar o desenvolvimento da habilidade entre a quarta e a sexta séries do Ensino Fundamental, analisando também o impacto de variáveis externas (nível socioeconômico e tipo de escola) sobre aquele desenvolvimento; 4) investigar na amostra as associações e dissociações entre o desempenho em leitura de palavras e em compreensão de textos; 5) verificar que funções neuropsicológicas relacionam-se à compreensão leitora; 6) e, finalmente, investigar a forma como aquelas funções neuropsicológicas se relacionam com o nível socioeconômico e a inteligência, em seus efeitos sobre a compreensão leitora. Para os estudos empíricos, alunos de quarta a sexta séries (n= 110; escolas públicas e privadas) foram avaliados em tarefas de leitura, tarefas neuropsicológicas, e quanto à inteligência. Testou-se a significância estatística da diferença entre os grupos em função da série e do tipo de escola. Da amostra total, apenas o grupo de maus compreendedores (leitura de palavra preservada/compreensão textual deficitária) e o de bons leitores (leitura de palavras e de texto adequadas), foram comparados quanto ao desempenho neuropsicológico. Usou-se regressão linear para verificar o efeito da variável grupo (maus compreendedores versus bons leitores) sobre os escores nas tarefas, controlando o efeito da série e tipo de escola. Modelagem de Equações Estruturais foi usada para testar 6 modelos que propunham diferentes relações entre nível socioeconômico, inteligência e funções executivas (variáveis independentes), sobre compreensão leitora. Os resultados mostraram que há efeito da série sobre leitura de palavras isoladas e sobre a compreensão (questionário), e que o desempenho das crianças de escola pública é inferior ao dos alunos de escolas privadas tanto na leitura de palavras, como na compreensão de textos (reconto). A variável grupo (maus compreendedores versus bons leitores) relacionou-se significativamente com quatro tarefas da bateria de avaliação neuropsicolinguística, destacando-se a memória de trabalho e as funções executivas. No modelo estrutural de melhor ajuste o efeito do nível socioeconômico sobre a compreensão leitora foi totalmente mediado pelas funções executivas (enquanto o fator que incluiu as medidas de funções executivas e de memória de trabalho), enquanto que a inteligência não teve efeito significativo sobre a compreensão leitora. Como desdobramento da pesquisa, acredita-se que funções executivas devem ser foco de ações clínicas junto a crianças com dificuldades de compreensão, e de ações escolares preventivas junto a crianças de nível socioeconômico baixo, como forma de prevenir dificuldades em compreensão leitora. / This research aimed to examine reading comprehension in children, establishing the following objectives: 1) discussing the experimental and theoretical models of reading comprehension; 2) developing an instrument to evaluate reading comprehension; 3) investigate the development of reading comprehension, also analyzing the effect of external variables (socioeconomic status and type of school) on this development; 4) investigating in the sample associations and dissociations between word reading and reading comprehension performances; 5) verifying which neuropsychological functions are related to reading comprehension; 6) and, finely, investigating how those neuropsychological functions relate to socioeconomic status and intelligence in their effect upon reading comprehension. For the empirical studies, 110 children, 4th to 6th grades, were assessed in reading, neuropsychological and intelligence measures. Statistical differences among the groups, in terms of grade and type of school, were tested. Poor comprehenders (high word reading and low reading comprehension) and good readers (high word reading and reading comprehension) were compared in relation to the neuropsychological measures. Linear regression tested the effect of the variable group (poor comprehenders versus good readers) upon neuropsychological scores, controlling for grade and type of school. Structural Equation Modeling was used to test six models proposing different relations among socioeconomic status, intelligence and executive functions (independent variables) in their effect upon reading comprehension. The results showed that grade has effect upon word reading and comprehension (questionnaire), and that students from public schools underscore the ones from private schools. Group variable (poor comprehenders versus good readers) were significantly related to performance on four tasks of the neuropsycolinguistic battery, highlighting executive functions and working memory. In the best-fitting structural model, effects of socioeconomic status on reading comprehension were fully mediated by executive functions. Furthermore, IQ had no effect on reading comprehension once the direct effect of executive function was included in the model. It is concluded that executive functions should be focused both on clinical actions among children with reading comprehension difficulties, and preventive actions with the school children from low socioeconomic level, in order to prevent difficulties in reading comprehension.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Background: Studies have suggested that subjective measures of oral health can be influenced by both individual and contextual factors. However, studies assessing the interaction of individual and contextual determinants of subjective measures of oral health are scarce. Objective: This study assessed the effect of individual and contextual variables on the oral health-related quality of life in preschool children (COHRQoL). Methods: We followed a cross-sectional design, with a multistage random sample of 478 preschool aged 1-5 years old, representative of Santa Maria, a southern city in Brazil. Caregivers completed a questionnaire validated in COHRQoL (ECOHIS) and answered questions about the socioeconomic status and social capital. The dental examination provided information on the prevalence of dental caries, dental trauma and occlusion of preschoolers. Data were analyzed using multilevel linear regression model. Results: The mean ECOHIS was 1.8 (SD:3.9) and the functional domain of the session was the most affected children (mean = 0.5, SD =1.4). The multivariable multilevel model identified dental caries, dental trauma, anterior open bite, low socioeconomic status and low feature of social capital as individuals determinants of poor self-perception and quality of life. At a contextual level, children who lived in areas without community cultural centers were more likely to have impacts on the quality of life. Conclusion: The areas with unfavorable social conditions and poor socioeconomic status and poor dental status have a negative impact on COHRQoL. / Justificativa: Estudos têm sugerido que as medidas subjetivas de saúde bucal podem ser influenciadas tanto por determinantes de ordem individual como por fatores relacionados ao contexto em que vivem os indivíduos. Entretanto, a utilização de abordagem multinível para refletir a complexa interação de tais fatores na população infantil ainda é escassa. Objetivo: Este estudo avaliou o efeito de variáveis individuais e contextuais na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal em pré-escolares utilizando análise multinível. Material e Métodos: O estudo apresentou desenho transversal, com uma amostra de 478 pré-escolares com idade entre 1-5 anos, moradores de Santa Maria-RS, Brasil. Dados a respeito da auto-percepção e qualidade de vida relacionada a saúde bucal foram coletados através do Early childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS). Informações a respeito de status socioeconômico foram obtidas mediante questionário semi-estruturado respondido pelos pais. O exame odontológico forneceu informações sobre a prevalência de cárie dental, trauma dental e oclusão de pré-escolares. Os dados foram analisados utilizando o modelo de regressão linear multinível. Resultados: A média do ECOHIS foi 1,8 (dp: 3,9) e o domínio funcional na sessão criança foi o mais afetado (média = 0,5; dp:1,4). A análise multinível demonstrou que as crianças com cárie dental, trauma dental, mordida aberta anterior, com renda familiar baixa e com pior capital social apresentaram maiores scores de ECOHIS. Após ajuste por variáveis contextuais, crianças que viviam em áreas sem centros comunitários culturais apresentaram maior impacto na qualidade de vida. Conclusão: Condições contextuais desfavoráveis e pior padrão de saúde bucal influenciam negativamente o modo como os pais relatam a saúde bucal das crianças.
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Household fuel and garbage combustion, street vending activities and adverse pregnancy outcomes:evidence from urban GhanaAmegah, A. K. (Adeladza Kofi) 04 November 2014 (has links)
Air pollution is a major concern in urban areas of developing countries as a result of industrial expansion and increased vehicular ownership, and in most households due to solid fuel use and garbage burning at home. Urban poverty is also widespread in developing countries, and besides perpetuating household air pollution (HAP), it has also meant hazardous occupational choices such as street vending by the urban poor. The epidemiologic evidence linking HAP exposure with adverse pregnancy outcomes is very limited. Research on the health effects of street vending is also scarce with its relationship with fetal growth still unexplored in spite of women dominating this venture.
This project assessed the effects of HAP practices and ambient air pollution exposure on fetal growth and gestational duration, and elaborated the role of environmental exposures in the influence of socioeconomic deprivation on pregnancy endpoints. The project comprised an epidemiologic study, and a qualitative and quantitative synthesis of evidence.
A cross-sectional study of 1,151 mothers-infant pairs accessing postnatal services at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra (n = 592), and the four main health facilities in Cape Coast (n = 559) was conducted. Information on socioeconomic characteristics and activity patterns of mothers, and characteristics of the indoor and outdoor environment were collected in a structured questionnaire. Birth weight and gestational age was retrieved from hospital records. PUBMED, Ovid MEDLINE, SCOPUS and CINAHL databases were searched for studies investigating HAP exposure and pregnancy outcomes for the review.
Multivariate modeling adjusting for confounders resulted in a 243g (95% CI: 496, 11) reduction in birth weight and 41% (risk ratio [RR] = 1.41; 95% CI: 0.62, 3.23) increased risk of low birth weight (LBW) for use of charcoal. Garbage burning was associated with a 195% (RR = 2.95; 95% CI: 1.10, 7.92) increased risk of LBW. The meta-analysis indicated an 86.43g (95% CI: 55.49, 117.37) reduction in birth weight and a 35% (summary-effect estimate [EE] = 1.35; 95% CI: 1.23, 1.48) increased risk of LBW for solid fuel use. Increased risk of other pregnancy endpoints with use of solid fuels was also noted in the meta-analysis. Moderate street vending activity and high traffic density in the vending area jointly resulted in 84% (RR = 1.84; 95% CI: 1.05, 3.24) and 29% (RR = 1.29; 95% CI: 0.68, 2.46) increased risk of LBW and preterm birth, respectively. Evidence of the effects of maternal socioeconomic disadvantage on pregnancy outcomes was noted, with HAP especially substantially mediating the observed effects.
Interventions for mitigating the effects of solid fuel use on health call for eliminating barriers to the adoption of cleaner fuels and educating women about behavioral changes required to minimize exposure. Government should also extend their social safety net programs to pregnant women engaged in hazardous occupations to enable them give up or minimize the number of hours in the work. / Tiivistelmä
Ilmansaasteet ovat merkittävä huolenaihe kehitysmaiden urbaaneilla alueilla teollisuuden ja ajoneuvoliikenteen lisäännyttyä sekä useimmissa kodeissa biomassan, hiilen ja jätteiden polttamisen takia. Urbaani köyhyys on kehitysmaissa laajamittaista, ja sisäilman saasteongelmien pahentamisen lisäksi se johtaa vaarallisiin ammatinvalintoihin, kuten kadulla tapahtuvaan myyntityöhön. sisäilman saasteiden ja sikiön kehityshäiriöiden välisistä yhteyksistä on kuitenkin vain vähän epidemiologisia todisteita. Katumyynnin terveysvaikutuksia on tutkittu hyvin vähän, eikä sen yhteyttä sikiön kasvuun ole tutkittu, vaikka naiset ovat vahvasti edustettuna kyseisellä alalla.
Tässä väitöskirjassa tarkasteltiin sisäilman saasteiden ja ympäristön ilmansaasteiden vaikutuksia sikiön kasvuun ja raskauden kestoon sekä tutkittiin ympäristöaltisteiden roolia sosioekonomisen vähäosaisuuden vaikutuksessa sikiön kehityshäiriöihin. Väitöskirja koostuu epidemiologisesta tutkimuksesta sekä määrällisestä ja laadullisesta aineiston yhdistelemisestä.
Poikittaistutkimukseen osallistui 1151 äiti-vauvaparia, jotka olivat käyneet synnytyksen jälkeen neuvolassa Korle Bu -opetussairaalassa Accrassa (n=592) tai jossain Cape Coastin neljästä pääsairaalasta (n=559). Kyselyllä kerättiin tietoa äitien sosioekonomisesta asemasta ja liikkuvuudesta sekä sisä- ja ulkoympäristön ominaisuuksista. Vauvojen syntymäpainot ja syntymähetken raskausviikot selvitettiin sairaaloiden rekistereistä. Sisäilman saasteille altistumista ja sikiön kehityshäiriöitä tarkastelevia tutkimuksia etsittiin katsausta varten PUBMED-, Ovid MEDLINE-, SCOPUS- ja CINAHL-tietokannoista.
Monimuuttujamallissa, jossa sekoittavat tekijät oli huomioitu, puuhiilen käyttö pienensi syntymäpainoa 243 grammaa (95 % luottamusväli: 496-11) ja lisäsi alhaisen syntymäpainon riskiä 41 % (riskisuhde [RR]=1.41; 95 % luottamusväli: 0.62-3.23). Roskien polttoon liittyi 195 % (RR=2.95; 95 % CI: 1.10-7.92) suurentunut alhaisen syntymäpainon riski. Meta-analyysissä biomassan ja hiilen poltto alensi syntymäpainoa 86.43 grammaa (95 % luottamusväli: 55.49-117.37) ja lisäsi alhaisen syntymäpainon riskiä 35 % (meta-analyysin riskisuhde =1.35; 95 % luottamusväli: 1.23-1.48). Meta-analyysissä havaittiin myös muita biomassan ja hiilen polttoon liittyviä kohonneita kehityshäiriöiden riskejä. Kohtalainen katumyyntiaktiivisuus ja korkea liikennetiheys myyntialueella yhdessä lisäsivät matalan syntymäpainon riskiä 84 % (RR=1.84; 95 % luottamusväli: 1.05-3.24) ja ennenaikaisen syntymän riskiä 29 % (RR=1.29; 95 % luottamusväli 0.68-2.46). Tutkimuksessa todettiin äidin matalan sosioekonomisen aseman vaikutus sikiön terveyteen ja havaittiin, että sisäilman saasteiden rooli havaittujen vaikutusten välittäjänä on merkittävä.
Biomassan ja hiilen polttamisesta aiheutuvien terveysuhkien ehkäisemiseksi puhtaampien polttoaineiden käyttöä tulisi edistää ja naisia tulisi valistaa siitä, kuinka ilmansaasteille altistumista voi vähentää. Hallituksen tulisi sosiaalitukien avulla mahdollistaa vaarallisissa ammateissa työskentelevien, raskaana olevien naisten työajan minimointi.
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The Effects of Socioeconomic Status on Growth Rates in Academic Achievement.Chow, Priscilla En-Yi 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine the differences in academic growth rates as demonstrated on the TAKS test among students based on those who received free lunches, those who received reduced-price lunches, and those not economically disadvantaged. Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) for reading and mathematics scale scores were obtained from five Texas public school districts for students who were in 3rd grade in 2003, 4th grade in 2004, 5th grade in 2005, and 6th grade in 2006. The sample included almost 10,000 students. The data were analyzed using SPSS and HLM. SPSS was used to identify descriptive statistics. Due to the nested nature of the data, HLM was used to compare data on three levels- the test level, student level, and district level. Not economically disadvantaged students scored the highest on both TAKS reading and mathematics exams with a mean scale score of 2357 and 2316 respectively in 2003. Compared to the not economically disadvantaged students, students receiving reduce-priced lunches scored approximately 100 points lower, and lowest were the students receiving free lunches, scoring another 50 points below students receiving reduced-price lunches. The results revealed that while gaps in achievement exist between SES levels, little difference exists in the growth rates of the SES subgroups. The results of this study support the need for continued effort to decrease the gap between students who are not economically disadvantaged and those receiving free or reduced-price meals.
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The Impact of Genetics, Socioeconomic Status, and Lifestyle Factors on Visual Health in an Adult PopulationMitzel, Gina Marie 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation was to understand how genetics, socioeconomic status (SES), and lifestyle factors influence the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy in an adult population in Dallas County. Two hundred fifty-three older adults participated in this study as the sample. Crosstabulation and binary logistic regression were utilized to analyze the data. Results indicated a disparity among participants' test scores, visual health status, and perceptions of their visual impairment and highlighted the fact that many seniors are not educated about age-related retinal disorders. Furthermore, variables reaching statistical significance were consistent with the literature included race/ethnicity, age, having a family history of both AMD and diabetes, frequency of eye exams, and level of education. The results not consistent with the literature as affecting visual health included health insurance, access to health care, body weight, and smoking status. Recommendations for future study included applied research focusing on determining risk factors, raising awareness, educating, and providing early detection of these diseases among low to middle income Caucasian, African American, and Hispanic older adults.
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