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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

African American Parental Engagement in a Public Middle School: Contributing Factors

McGowan-Robinson, Laura J. 01 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Parental engagement with schools is often considered one of the major contributing factors to a child’s success in school. There is not, however, a definition of parental engagement that takes into account the social, historical, and cultural factors that shape a parent’s view of their own engagement. This qualitative case study examines how African American parents in a high poverty, urban, charter middle school, come to understand practices and beliefs at their child’s school, while building relationships with other parents and school staff. Through the lenses of critical race theory and cultural-historical activity theory, the researcher analyzes how the convergence of race, power, history, and culture frame perspectives of policy makers, those who work in schools, and parents. Through the voices of African American parents, in a socioeconomically disadvantaged school community, they define their own engagement.

Fysisk inaktivitet bland kvinnor i åldrarna 18–64 i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden i höginkomstländer : En systematisk litteraturöversikt / Physical inactivity among women aged 18-64 in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods in high-income countries : A systematic literature review

Ilesjö, Emma, Rosvall af Geijersstam, Lovisa January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Fysisk inaktivitet beskrivs idag som ett växande globalt folkhälsoproblem där en tredjedel av världens alla vuxna inte når upp till de internationella rekommendationerna för fysisk aktivitet. Fysisk inaktivitet fastställs även som en av de ledande riskfaktor för förtida död och förknippas ofta med sjukdomar som hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar, diabetes och cancer. Kvinnor i åldrarna 18–64 år boende i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden beskrivs vara i särskild risk för fysisk inaktivitet, framförallt då bristande möjligheter till att utöva fysisk aktivitet är ledande för denna befolkningsgrupp. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att beskriva vilka riskfaktorer som kan bidra till fysisk inaktivitet samt vilka skyddsfaktorer som kan bidra till fysisk aktivitet bland kvinnor i åldrarna 18–64 år i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden i höginkomstländer. Metod: Den metod som tillämpades var en systematisk litteraturöversikt där 20 vetenskapliga artiklar stod till grund för resultatet. De databaser som användes i studien var PubMed och Medline och de vetenskapliga artiklarna var publicerade mellan år 2005–2020. Vidare granskades och bearbetats dessa artiklar utifrån en tematisk innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet redovisades med utgångspunkt från tre huvudteman; socioekonomiska faktorer, psykosociala faktorer samt fysisk miljö. I resultatet framkom det att faktorer som låg utbildningsnivå, låg nivå av self-efficacy, avsaknad av socialt stöd samt bristande ekonomiska förutsättningar och fysisk miljö var påverkande orsaker till fysisk inaktivitet bland kvinnor i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden. Slutsats: Utifrån resultatet går det att dra slutsatsen att fysisk inaktivitet bland kvinnor i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden är ett synnerligen viktigt ämne som berör många perspektiv, både på individnivå och på samhällsnivå. Den fysiska inaktiviteten bland kvinnor i socioekonomiskt missgynnade stadsdelar handlar i stora delar om brist på de skyddsfaktorer som kan bidra till en ökad fysisk aktivitet. / Introduction: Physical inactivity is described as a growing global public health problem where one third of all the world’s adults do not achieve the international recommendations for physical activity. Physical inactivity is also identified as one of the leading risk factors for premature death and is often associated with diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. Women aged 18-64 living in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods are described as being at particular risk of physical inactivity, especially as lack of opportunitiesis common among this group of population when it comes to physical activity. Aim: The aim of this literature study is to describe the risk factors that can contribute to physical inactivity and the protective factors that can contribute to physical activity among women aged 18-64 living in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods in high-income countries. Methods: The method used was a systematic literature review based on 20 scientific articles.The databases that were used in the study were PubMed and Medline and the scientific articles were published between 2005–2020. Furthermore, these articles were reviewed and processed on the basis of a thematic content analysis. Results: The results were presented on the basis of three main themes; socioeconomic factors, psychosocial factors and physical environment. The results showed that factors such as low level of education, low level of self efficacy, lack of social support and lack of financial prerequisites and physical environment were influential causes of physical inactivity among women in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods. Conclusion: Based on the results, it can be concluded that physical inactivity among women in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods is a particularly important topic that affects many perspectives, both at the individual level and at the societal level. The physical inactivity among women in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods is largely due to a lack of the protective factors that can contribute to increased physical activity.

“Jag offrar mig själv för att kunna försvara mitt område eller mina grabbar” : en studie om den socioekonomiska eftersattheten och dess koppling till gatuvåldet bland unga män i Sverige / “I sacrifice myself in order to be able to defend my area or my boys” : a study about the neglected socioeconomic areas and their connection to street vio men in Sweden

Atilgan, Aslihan, Said, Nadia January 2022 (has links)
This study focuses on examining whether there is a link between crime/street violence and socioeconomically disadvantaged/neglected areas. The study was executed on the basis of professionals' perspective on the issue. The study analyzes young men but the result is based on empirical data from interviews with the professionals who are or have been in touch with young men whose lifestyle is characterized by criminality. The interviewees are professionals in different fields such as social services, leisure activities, politics, defector activities etcetera. Therefore, the study is similar to a casestudy. Our study is conducted with the help of semi-structured interviews since we have chosen a qualitative research method with an abductive approach. The results show that the connection between the issues surrounding street violence and the socioeconomically neglected areas is strong. The stigma around the area and the lack of meaningful leisure leads to risk factors for the young men, in terms of education with fewer resources, overcrowding in their homes, poverty and exclusion in society. These factors in turn lead individually or collectively to the young men being attracted to a lifestyle that is characterized by crime, violence, drug trafficking and so on. Labeling theory was a highly current theory which most of the interviewees pointed out. Bothstigma and labeling of people who live in the neglected areas can cause street violence. This in turn causes fragile social ties in society. Developmental psychopathology is another theory that helped us answer the results in this study. The collected data shows how development differs from one individual to the other, how one person who in general lives under the same circumstances manages to stay away from criminality while another individual doesn't. The conclusion that was drawn from this study, among others, is that a root cause of street violenceis the neglecting of these areas. There is a necessity for more resources and dedicated workers in school, workers in extracurricular functions and other adults that work in close connection to the young men. / Denna studie fokuserar på att undersöka om det finns en koppling mellan kriminalitet och socioekonomiskt eftersatta/utsatta områden. Detta undersöks med avstamp i de yrkesverksammas perspektiv på problematiken. Studien undersöker unga män men resultatet baseras på empirin från intervjuer med yrkesverksamma som är eller har varit i kontakt med unga män vars livsstil präglas av kriminalitet. Intervjupersonerna är yrkesverksamma inom olika fält såsom Socialtjänsten, fritidsverksamheter, politik, avhopparverksamhet med mera. I och med detta liknas undersökningen en fallstudie. Studien genomförs med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer då vi valt en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en abduktiv ansats. Resultatet visar att kopplingen mellan problematiken kring gatuvåldet och de socioekonomiskt eftersatta områdena är stark. Stigman kring områdena och avsaknaden av en meningsfull fritid orsakar riskfaktorer för unga män i form av bland annat bristfällig skolgång med få resurser, trångboddhet, fattigdom och utanförskap. Dessa faktorer leder i sin tur individuellt eller kollektivt till att unga mändras till en livsstil som präglas av bland annat kriminalitet, våld och droghandel med bristande tillit för de vuxna och ansvariga. Stämplingsteorin kom att bli en högst aktuell teori som merparten av intervjupersonerna beskrev. Både stigmatisering och stämpling av de människor som är bosatta i de eftersatta områdena kan komma att bli en direkt följd av gatuvåld i förhållande till den socioekonomiska eftersattheten. Detta i sin tur orsakar sköra sociala band i samhället. Utvecklingspsykopatologi var en annan teori som hjälpte oss besvara resultatet i studien. Empirin visade på hur utvecklingen skiljer sig från individ till individ när vissa av unga männen som levt under i princip samma förutsättningar lyckas undvika att hamna i en kriminell livsstil, medan andra inte lyckas undvika det. Studiens slutsatser påvisar bland annat att en grundorsak till gatuvåldet är den socioekonomiska eftersattheten. Det finns ett behov av starkare resurser och engagerad personal i skola, fritidsgårdar och andra platser där unga män vistas då dessa faktorer är avgörande för deras uppväxt och framtid.


Boffa, Joseph W 01 June 2014 (has links)
Many researchers have attempted to identify best practices, habits, and conditions of English Language Learners (ELs, ELLs) pertaining to school success. It is clear EL students pose unique and significant challenges, yet unclear what strategies and program models educators can implement to motivate learning, improve educational experiences, and appropriately acknowledge and reward these learners’ accomplishments. Few studies have attempted to determine the difficulties and challenges associated with academic success and probability of graduation for Late-entry English Learners (LEELs), defined as those entering the school system as eighth-through-twelfth grade students. Their test scores weigh heavily on high-stakes standardized testing accountability measures. Late-entry ELs are often shortchanged when it comes to resources and teachers. The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing reports nearly 7500 teachers currently teaching EL students without proper authorization as there simply are not enough teachers to meet the need. This study will give LEELs a voice to describe their educational experiences and perceptions of pertinent hurdles. They will share recommendations of best practices for Late-entry ELs and for the administrators and educators who serve them. The study draws attention to LEEL experiences, honoring them, while informing educational leaders regarding practices that may alleviate educational obstacles. Additionally, the study seeks to ascertain the best way to foster academic success for LEELs. This research is valuable as EL populations continue to grow in California and across the nation.

Trygghet genom förändring : Om hur stadsdelar med socioekonomiska utmaningar kan utvecklas och gestaltas för att öka tryggheten och säkerheten, för i synnerhet barn och unga.

Holmström, Elin, Renbjörk, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Segregation är ett samhällsproblem som är en av Sveriges största utmaningar, där stadsdelar med socioekonomiska utmaningar har ökat i Sverige och återfinns i de flesta av Sveriges kommuner. Stadsdelar med socioekonomiska utmaningar karaktäriseras inte sällan av faktorer som påverkar tryggheten, och en majoritet av invånarna i dessa stadsdelar tenderar att känna sig extra utsatta och otrygga i samhället, inte minst barn och unga. Ambitionen med detta examensarbete var att göra ett kombinerat arbete som undersöker hur samhällsplanerare genom fysisk planering kan arbeta med trygghet och säkerhet för i synnerhet barn och unga, i områden med socioekonomiska utmaningar.  Utifrån tidigare forskning och praktisk evidens inom ämnet, har ett åtgärdsprogram arbetats fram som belyser de mest bidragande åtgärderna och verktygen som kan användas på statlig-, kommunal- och kvarter- och stadsdelsnivå, för att bidra till en trygg och säker livsmiljö för barn och unga. Vidare har arbetets vetenskapliga bakgrund i form av åtgärdsprogrammet, samt arbetets platsspecifika analys av Lorensborg, satt ramarna för ett gestaltningsförslag som gjorts på Lorensborg i Malmö, som är en stadsdel med socioekonomiska utmaningar. Utifrån den vetenskapliga bakgrunden, tillsammans med analys av Lorensborgs förutsättningar, har planförslagets mål och strategier arbetats fram, vilka utgör länken mellan den vetenskapliga bakgrunden och gestaltningsförslaget. Analysen resulterade i de tre målen: Innehållsrik och varierad stadsdel Levande stadsdel Tydlig stadsdel med hög kollektiv förmåga Målen har sedan resulterat i strategier under tre teman, som berör ‘bebyggelse’, ‘trafikinfrastruktur’ och ‘funktioner och mötesplatser’. Arbetet har givit betydelsefull kunskap om hur trygghet och säkerhet, utifrån barn och ungas behov, kan hanteras i stadsdelar med socioekonomiska utmaningar med hjälp av konkreta verktyg och åtgärder. Vilket är viktigt med tanke på den utveckling som sker i dagens samhälle. / Segregation is a problem that Swedish society faces, and one of Sweden's biggest challenges. Neighborhoods facing socioeconomic challenges have increased in the country and can be found in most municipalities. Neighborhoods with socioeconomic challenges are often characterized by factors that affect security, and a majority of residents in these neighborhoods tend to feel particularly vulnerable and unsafe in society, especially children and young people.  The aim of this thesis was to create a combined study that explores how we can address security and safety, especially for children and young people, through physical planning in areas with socioeconomic challenges. Based on previous research and practical evidence in the field, an action program has been developed to highlight the most contributing design tools that can be used at the national, municipal, neighborhood, and district levels to promote security and safety. Furthermore, the scientific background of the work in the form of the action program, and the site analysis of Lorensborg has provided the framework for a design proposal carried out for the Lorensborg area of Malmö, which is a neighborhood facing socioeconomic challenges. Drawing on the scientific background together with an analysis of Lorensborg's conditions, the goals and strategies for the planning proposals have been developed, bridging the gap between analysis and design. The analysis resulted in three goals: A rich and diverse neighborhood A vibrant neighborhood A distinct neighborhood with a strong collective efficacy These goals resulted into strategies under three themes, addressing 'built environment,' 'traffic infrastructure,' and 'functions and meeting places.' The work has provided significant knowledge on how to address security and safety in neighborhoods with socioeconomic challenges, considering the needs of children, through the use of concrete tools and measures. This is important considering the developments taking place in today's society.

The Relationship among Select School Variables and 8th Grade African American Male Academic Achievement

Bowser, Jimmy Lee, Jr. 08 1900 (has links)
This study was designed to investigate the correlational relationship between four school elements listed on the Texas Academic Progress Report (TAPR) and the academic achievement of 8th grade African American male students. Data for this study was provided from the Texas Education Agency's (TEA) Office for Public Information Requests. The study included four independent variables: percent of socioeconomically disadvantaged students, average years of teachers' experience, attendance rate and average class size in mathematics. The dependent variable was the 8th grade African American males' performance on the mathematics STAAR exam. The study examined scores from the mathematics STAAR exam for the years 2012-2014. The sample population included 1,540 schools and 47,169 individual test results. The results of the correlational analysis indicate that none of the independent variables were correlated to each other, but each of the independent variables had a statistically significant correlation with the dependent variable at the p < .05 level. The study also sought to explore the variance in academic achievement that could be explained by the four independent variables when used as a model. The results of the simple multiple regression suggest that not only were the results statistically significant at the p < .01 level, but the model explained 32.4% of the variance in 8th grade African American males' performance on the STAAR mathematics exam in the years 2012-2014.

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