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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise espacial da distribuição dos casos de dengue e a relação com fatores entomológicos, ambientais e sócio-econômicos no município de São José do Rio Preto, SP , Brasil / Spatial analysis of the distribution of the cases of dengue and the relationship with entomologics, environmental and socioeconomics factors, in the municipal district of São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil

Sirle Abdo Salloum Scandar 28 March 2007 (has links)
Foram georreferenciados 14.554 casos de dengue. As maiores incidências observadas para o período, foram nas áreas 7 e 8 (regiões leste e centro respectivamente). Nessas áreas, a incidência variou de 381 a 432 casos por 100.000 habitantes. O índice de Moran estimado foi 0,2517 com a maioria dos aglomerados espaciais na região leste, seguido das regiões centro e norte. Observou-se que a região que apresentou o maior número de casos de dengue foi aquela com padrão de densidade demográfica, renda e grau de escolaridade médios. A incidência de dengue foi maior em indivíduos na faixa etária dos 15 aos 49 anos e 50 anos e mais, e menor na faixa etária de zero a 14 anos. Com relação à incidência por sexo, observa-se que houve variações pequenas, sendo ligeiramente maior no sexo feminino. Os resultados da análise de Correlação de Pearson para a incidência de dengue sugerem que a influência da precipitação pluviométrica e da temperatura não foram estatisticamente significativas, mas o foram com relação ao índice predial. Analisando-se a distribuição das formas imaturas do mosquito Aedes aegypti em diferentes recipientes, observa-se que o vaso mereceu maior destaque, seguido de lata, pote e frasco. A distribuição espacial da dengue não apresentou padrão uniforme, pois a taxa de incidência variou nas diversas áreas. Altas incidências de dengue foram observadas tanto em áreas com elevado padrão socioeconômico como naquelas com padrão mais baixo. O nível de infestação larvário, estimado pelo Índice Predial foi maior no período chuvoso. Os resultados deste estudo, em relação ao vetor confirmam a característica de espécie oportunista que já foi registrada para o Aedes aegypti em outras regiões. As formas imaturas do inseto, apesar de serem mais freqüentes em alguns tipos de recipientes, por exemplo, os vasos, podem ocupar outros, dependendo da disponibilidade dos mesmos. / It was georeferenced 14.554 cases of dengue. The largest incidences in the period were observed in the areas 7 and 8 (east and center areas respectively). In these areas, the incidence varied from 381 to 432 for 100.000 inhabitants. The index of Moran estimated was of 0,2517 with most of the spatial agglomerates in the east area, followed by the center and north areas. It was observed that the area that presented the largest number of cases of dengue was that with medium demographic density, income and education degree pattern. The dengue incidence was larger in individuals in the age group of the 15 to the 49 years and 50 years and older, and smaller in the age group zero to 14 years. Regarding to incidence for sex, it was observed that there were small variations, being slightly higher in the female gender. The results of the analysis of Correlation of Pearson for dengue incidence suggest that the precipitation and temperature influence were not statistically significant, but they were in relation to the Building Index (Índice Predial). In the analysis of the distribution of the immature stages of the Aedes aegypti in different recipients, it was observed that the vase deserved larger prominence, followed by can, pot and flask. The spatial distribution of the dengue did not present uniform pattern, because the incidence rate varied in the several areas. Dengue high incidences were observed as much in areas with high socioeconomic pattern as in those with lower pattern. The larval infestation level, estimated by the Building Index it was larger in the rainy period. The results of this study, in relation to the vector, confirmed the characteristic of opportunist species that was already registered for the Aedes aegypti in other areas. The immature stages of the insect, in spite of they be more frequent in some types of recipients, for instance, in vases, they can occupy other, depending on the readiness of the same ones.

Capital communautaire et organisation du travail des joueurs dans l'industrie du jeu vidéo / Communitarian capital : Organising players' labour in the video game industry

Cocq, Mathieu 02 December 2019 (has links)
La thèse porte sur le travail des joueurs dans l’industrie du jeu vidéo. S’appuyant sur des études de cas et un matériau empirique varié (enquêtes de terrain, entretiens, observation participante et non-participante, analyse de vidéo, données fournies par des entreprises du secteur), la thèse développe l’idée selon laquelle la rentabilité du secteur est liée à une forme particulière de capital intangible : le capital communautaire. La thèse décrit la manière dont le secteur est passé d’une industrie de produit à une industrie de service, qui met la relation entretenue entre l’entreprise et les joueurs et entre les joueurs eux-mêmes au cœur des stratégies de profit des firmes. La notion de communauté, omniprésente dans l’ensemble de l’enquête, est largement discutée. En nous appuyant sur les travaux autour du digital labor, et le retour de la question de l’exploitation par l’économie des conventions, l’hypothèse est formulée d’une mise au travail des joueurs. Puisque les différentes interactions des joueurs sont centrales dans la profitabilité des firmes, il nous semble qu’il faut intégrer ces actes comme faisant partie du processus de production de valeur. Nous observons ensuite à partir d’un travail de terrain de long-cours ces dispositifs de mise au travail au sein d’une entreprise leader du secteur. Enfin, à travers l’analyse du streaming sur la plateforme Twitch, nous montrons comment certains joueurs peuvent se professionnaliser et obtenir un revenu (parfois élevé), en gérant eux-aussi leur propre « communauté ». Le cadre d’analyse que nous proposons dépasse le seul cas du jeu vidéo, et nous espérons qu’il sera heuristique pour rendre compte des mutations que le numérique engendre, tant du côté du travail que du capital. / This thesis frames players' activities in the gaming industry as labor. Based on various qualitative date (field studies, observation, case studies, video analysis, sectoral data), the thesis proposes that firms profitability in the gaming industry is based on the constitution and exploitation of a specific form of intangible capital coined as communitarian capital. The shift from a product to a service industry is described, putting the relationship between the firm and its users and between users themselves at the forefront of firms profit. The concept of community is heavily discussed. Using a framework based on the digital labor theory as well as economics of conventions, the hypothesis of players' labor is formulated. Because players' interactions is so crucial to understanding contemporary business models in the gaming industry, the thesis integrates theses interactions as part of the value production process. The devices used by firms to extract value from players are thoroughly investigated during a long-term field study in a leading french firm of the sector. The thesis concludes by analyzing the case of the Twitch platform, on which some players professionaze and gain revenues by constituting and managing their own communities. The communitarian capital framework this thesis proposes can be applied beyond the case of the gaming industry, and aims at understanding mutations linked to the digital economy, both concerning labor and capital.

Differential Perception of Poverty and Upper Income Areas Within the City Limits of Dallas, Texas, by Students in Areas Identified as Poverty and Upper Income

Milam, Mary Justina 12 1900 (has links)
"The purpose of this study is to describe the differential perception of poverty and upper income areas in Dallas. Groups of students with contrasting socioeconomic backgrounds were included in the study. Their perceptions were analyzed as a function of their socieconomic backgrounds...A map of the city using postal zone divisions and some census tract divisions was constructed. Definitions of poverty and upper income areas were established on the basis of U.S. Census data and statistics from the State Welfare Department in Dallas. Students from a North Dallas prepatory school and a poverty area high school were asked to mark maps to show locations of areas of poverty and wealth...The study concludes that prep school students show both local and cosmopolitan orientations to the city of Dallas, while poverty area students are most aware of their own neighborhood."-- leaf [1].

A Comparative Study of the Personality of Freshman Women and Senior Women in North Texas State Teachers College

Odell, Anna Bonds 08 1900 (has links)
"The major purpose of this study as (1) to revel by means of comparison the extent to which the college freshman and college senior woman is adjusting to the problems and conditions which confront her and the extent to which she is developing a normal, happy, and socially effective personality; (2) to interpret rightly the data collected from the group studies in order that plans for personality improvements may be made, and to offer a working basis for guidance in personality development; and (3) to study the social and economic factors concerning their home background the year preceding their entrance into the college, and to discover the effect, if any, upon the personal and social adjustment of each group."--2.

The Social and Economic Implications of Education in the Civilian Conservation Corps

Williams, Sidney A. 06 1900 (has links)
"The purpose of this study will be to picture the three-fold aspect of the C.C.C. educational program. This will be done in five chapters. This, the first chapter, will describe the conditions leading up to the creation of the C.C.C. It will show how education became the prime motivation of the whole C.C.C. and it will show how the permanency of the C.C.C. depends on the type of education that is evolved. Then, chapters two, three and four will analyze the three phases of C.C.C. education. These chapters will be concerned with (1) leisure time activities, (2) vocational education, and (3) academic education. The final chapter will deal with the social and economic results of the three-fold educational program in the C.C.C. Through the entire study there will be a definite attempt to establish certain results and to evaluate them according to the gains that have been made in C.C.C. education since the beginning in 1933."-- leaves 1-2.

Fatores socioeconômicos da criminalidade no Estado de São Paulo: um enfoque da economia do crime

Mariano, Rodrigo Silva 06 May 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:48:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodrigo Silva Mariano.pdf: 1588021 bytes, checksum: 633fc3c3eec03b10da8018ca5d704103 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-05-06 / The present paper aims at to supply empiric evidences of the impact of the variables socioeconomics in the level of crimes against the patrimony (crimes against property of many individuals and corporations) in the cities of the State of São Paulo for the year of 2000. For so much an analysis is accomplished on the economical literature of the crime, based on Becker (1968) and Ehrlich (1973). This paper analysis, still, several studies accomplished in Brazil concerning the problem of the criminality, pointing the effects of the variations of the variables socioeconomics in the level of criminality of several types, among them, the crimes against the patrimony, objective of this paper. Of this it sorts things out, search to revise the several authors' contributions that study the problem of the criminality and empiric results that collaborate in the analysis of the determinant of the criminality for the several municipal districts of the State of São Paulo to appear. Through an analysis econometric adopting the Method of Ordinary Square Minimal (MQO) this work analyzed through some varied the behavior of the determinant of the criminality. The obtained results are suitable with the literature base of the economy of the crime and it points that the variables socioeconomics can explain the variation partly in the levels of crimes against the patrimony in the studied municipal districts / O presente trabalho objetiva fornecer evidências empíricas do impacto das variáveis socioeconômicas no nível de crimes contra o patrimônio (crimes praticados contra inúmeros bens patrimoniais de pessoas físicas e jurídicas) nas cidades do Estado de São Paulo para o ano de 2000. Para tanto é realizado uma análise sobre a literatura econômica do crime, baseada em Becker (1968) e Ehrlich (1973). Este trabalho analisa, ainda, diversos estudos realizados no Brasil acerca do problema da criminalidade, apontando os efeitos das variações das variáveis socioeconômicas no nível de criminalidade de diversos tipos, entre elas, os crimes contra o patrimônio, objetivo deste trabalho. Desta maneira, busca-se revisar as contribuições de diversos autores que estudam o problema da criminalidade e apontar resultados empíricos que colaborem na análise dos determinantes desta para os diversos municípios do Estado de São Paulo. Por meio de uma análise econométrica que adota o Método de Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários (MQO) este trabalho analisou, através de algumas variáveis o comportamento dos determinantes da criminalidade. Os resultados obtidos são condizentes com a literatura base da economia do crime e aponta que as variáveis socioeconômicas podem explicar em parte a variação nos níveis de crimes contra o patrimônio nos municípios estudados


Martins, Maria Aparecida Neves 13 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:44:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MARIA APARECIDA NEVES MARTINS.pdf: 4307124 bytes, checksum: be07d66e32182fcaf1ea21e98de01c3e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-13 / The water demand caused by cities urban growth and the unruly consumption of water resources caused shortages, at the same time compromised the availability of, it, which creates conflicting interests. Artificial water reservoirs or damming watercourses are chosen as a solution to the problem of water shortage and regardless of the purpose, they cause environmental, social and economic impacts in the region of its implantation, because they change the previously existing conditions. Idealized since the 1970s, the only purpose of the dam of Joao Leite river is to supply the public water to Goiania and the metropolitan region. The lake formed by this reservoir reaches the municipalities of Goiania, Neropolis , Goianapolis and Terezopolis and had flooded areas belonging to the State of Goias and to private owners with expropriation of 77 families who had total or partial loss of their property and or workplace. Before the reality afore mentioned, the research was carried out to investigate the consequences of the impacts of the dam of Joao Leite River on socioeconomics of the population affected from the region, through exploratory research and with data survey from the area of the project with verification of local reality. It was identified that the impacts were and still are quite important for the remaining people and neighbors, as well as for families who were forcibly displaced, and that will be essential work of giving Environmental Education in the region. / A demanda hídrica provocada pelo crescimento urbano das cidades e o consumo desregrado provocam a escassez dos recursos hídricos, paralelamente compromete a disponibilidade, o que gera conflitos de interesses. Os reservatórios artificiais de água ou barramento de cursos d água são escolhidos como solução para o problema de falta de água e independentemente de qualquer que seja a sua finalidade, causam impactos ambientais, sociais e econômicos na região de sua implantação, pois alteram as condições anteriormente existentes. Idealizada desde a década de 1970, a barragem do Ribeirão João Leite tem como único e exclusivo objetivo o abastecimento público de Goiânia e região metropolitana. O lago formado com seu reservatório atinge os municípios de Goiânia, Nerópolis, Goianápolis e Terezópolis e inundou áreas pertencentes ao Estado de Goiás e particulares com desapropriação de 77 famílias, que tiveram perda total ou parcial de suas propriedades e ou local de trabalho. Diante do contexto apresentado, a pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar os reflexos dos impactos da barragem do Ribeirão João Leite na socioeconomia da região para as populações atingidas, através de pesquisa exploratória, com levantamento de dados na área de abrangência do empreendimento, a partir de verificação da realidade local. Identificou-se que os impactos existem e, que foram e, ainda, são bastante pronunciados para os remanescentes e vizinhos, assim como para as famílias que foram deslocadas compulsoriamente e, que um trabalho de Educação Ambiental será essencial na região.

A escassez de água para abastecimento público e seus reflexos socioeconômicos no município de Itu-SP / The shortage of water for public supplyng and it socioeconomics reflections in the municipality of Itu-SP

Rodrigues, Murilo Rogério 06 October 2008 (has links)
O município de Itu-SP já foi um dos mais importantes da província de São Paulo, sobretudo entre meados do século XIX e início do século XX. Nesta época Itu tinha grande participação na economia do estado com o cultivo do café, e na vida política do país, pois foi nele que se deu a convenção republicana de 1873. Porém, da metade do século XX em diante, o município passou a enfrentar diversos problemas internos o que atrapalhou o seu desenvolvimento, e acarretou numa diminuição significativa de importância no cenário estadual e nacional. Um desses problemas foi a escassez de água para abastecimento público ao longo de séculos, mas que se intensificou durante o século passado trazendo prejuízos em diversos setores. Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar esta problemática, seus reflexos para o município e para população ituana ao longo das últimas décadas. Os resultados obtidos e aqui apresentados permitiram-nos conhecer a atual situação dos recursos hídricos e do serviço de abastecimento público de água municipal. Revelaram também características peculiares, mostraram a relação existente entre o problema do abastecimento público de água e o quadro socioeconômico ituano como, por exemplo, um aumento dos gastos com saúde e uma menor produção industrial em anos de racionamento. / The municipality of Itu-SP was already one of the most important districts of São Paulo province, above all between the nineteenth century and the turn of the twentieth century. At this time Itu had great participation in the state economy with the coffee cultivation, and the political life of the country, because it was in Itu that the republican convention of 1873 took place. However, from the mid twentieth century on, the municipality started facing several internal problems that hindered its development, and it brought about a significant decrease of importance in the state and national scenery. One of these problems was the water shortage for public supply along centuries, which was intensified during the last century resulting losses in several sectors. This case study had the objective to analyze this problem, its reflections on the municipality and on Itu population along the last decades. The obtained results and presented here allowed us to know todays situation of the hydric resources and the municipal water supply public service. They also revealed peculiar characteristics, they showed the existent relationship between the problem of the public water supply and Itus socioeconomic picture such as, for instance, an increase in health expenses and a smaller industrial production in years of rationing.

Le développement du système gérontologique chinois : étude sur l'arrondissement de Changping de la municipalité de Beijing / The development of the Chinese gerontological system : study on the Changping district of Beijing municipality

Dreyfuss, Julien 21 September 2017 (has links)
Le vieillissement de la population, couplé aux changements sociaux dus à l’urbanisation et à la modernisation de la Chine, entraine un besoin pressant de services et d’établissements pour personnes âgées. Le gouvernement doit adresser cette situation en développant un système gérontologique adapté aux besoins du pays. L’implication tardive du gouvernement entraine la nécessité de réformes importantes, et la mise en place d’un cadre législatif pour rediriger le développement qu’a pris le système gérontologique, en décalage avec les besoins de la population.Cette thèse a été mise en place en parallèle du lancement d’objectifs politiques ambitieux concernant une refonte du système gérontologique chinois. Cette situation a entrainé une nécessité de mettre en avant le travail de terrain. L’étude centrale, sur l’arrondissement de Changping de la municipalité de Beijing, analyse la manière dont les décideurs politiques formulent des décisions concernant le développement des services et établissements pour personnes âgées.Cela a été possible au travers d’un projet de recherche, réalisé par une équipe de chercheurs travaillant pour le gouvernement, équipe dans laquelle j’étais intégré. Cela me permet d’étudier les relations du gouvernement local avec les chercheurs, avec les directeurs des établissements, et avec le gouvernement municipal. Au travers de cette démarche, je vise à mettre à jour les processus décisionnels concernant le développement du système gérontologique, et d’expliquer quels phénomènes perturbent la mise en place de solutions fonctionnelles, pourtant bien identifiées par le gouvernement central. / Population ageing and social changes, due to urbanization and modernization of China, lead to a pressing need of services and facilities for the elderly. The government must address this situation by developing an elder care system answering the needs of the country. Late government involvement leads to the need for major reforms, and the establishment of a legislative framework to redirect the development that took the already existing elder care system, in order to put it in line with the needs of the population.This thesis has been set up in parallel with the launch of ambitious political goals for an overhaul of the Chinese elder care system. This has led to a need to emphasize fieldwork research. The main fieldwork study is on the Changping district of Beijing Municipality. It analyzes how policymakers take decisions regarding the development of services and facilities for the elderly, through a research project on this theme, realized by a team of researchers working for the government, team in which I was integrated. This allows me to study the relationship of the local government with researchers, with the directors of senior care institutions, and with the municipal government. Through this approach, I aim to reveal the decision making process regarding the development of the elder care system, and explain what phenomena disrupt the setup of functional solutions, however well identified by the central government.

A construção da memória do desenvolvimento socioeconômico nas revistas Carta Capital e Veja: uma análise de conteúdo das revistas Carta Capital e Veja / The construction of the memory about socioeconomic development in Carta Capital and Veja magazines: a content analysis of Veja and Carta Capital magazines

Jacobini, Maria Lucia de Paiva 05 May 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:17:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Lucia de Paiva Jacobini.pdf: 706633 bytes, checksum: 075f63dc6c64bbb460a0c8817ed8a652 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-05-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This paper intends to analyze how the memory about socioeconomic development is formed by Carta Capital and Veja magazines. From a explanation on the crisis of the modern science paradigm and the understanding of Latin America as a possible alternative, the objective is to discuss whether the content presented by each magazine is connected to the idea of socioeconomic development and the peculiarities of the Brazilian context and, from this, question the approach of themes specially related to already developed countries, such as consumption, economic growth and industrial modernization and technology. In order to achieve such objective and deepen the economical aspect, it is used the concept of socioeconomics as understood by Celso Furtado, accompanied by authors such as Boaventura Sousa Santos, Martín-Barbero and Edgard Morin that think about the relationship between communication and culture in Latin America and the conception of miscegenation as an alternative to the uniformity exported by developed countries. Culture Semiotics and the ideas of Iuri Lotman about how memory is formed and how it helps to understand the composition of news and its relation to the context in which it is inserted. Through this theoretical basis, both magazines are analyzed in a two-year period, between 1996 and 1998, focusing on the construction of national memory about socioeconomic development. The need to reflect about the construction of memory is important in order to understand and criticize Brazilian reality and is a step in the quest for national socioeconomic development, independent of important standards and more consistent with the internal situation and its specific features, not covered by certain exogenous ideas that are disseminated by Veja, in contrast to the critical postures of Carta Capital / Este trabalho faz uma análise da construção da memória do desenvolvimento socioeconômico realizada pelas revistas Carta Capital e Veja. A partir de uma discussão sobre a crise do paradigma da ciência moderna e do entendimento da América Latina como possível alternativa, o objetivo é discutir se os conteúdos veiculados pelas revistas fazem sentido de acordo com a ideia de desenvolvimento socioeconômico e com as especificidades do contexto brasileiro; e a partir disso, questionar a abordagem de temas relacionados ao desenvolvimento baseado nos paradigmas da modernidade ocidental característicos de países desenvolvidos, voltados para o consumo, crescimento econômico e modernização industrial e tecnológica. Para tanto, é utilizado o conceito de desenvolvimento socioeconômico, na perspectiva de Celso Furtado, para dar fundamento ao aspecto econômico da realidade brasileira tratado pela pesquisa, além de teóricos como Boaventura Sousa Santos, Martín-Barbero e Edgard Morin, que pensam a relação entre comunicação e cultura na América Latina e a concepção de mestiçagem como alternativa à uniformidade exportada pelos países desenvolvidos. A semiótica da cultura e o pensamento de Iuri Lotman sobre a formação da memória contribuem para o entendimento da composição da notícia e sua relação com o contexto no qual está inserida. Através dessa base teórica, as duas revistas são analisadas pelo período de dois anos, entre 1996 e 1998, com foco no processo de construção da memória nacional sobre o tema do desenvolvimento socioeconômico. A necessidade de uma reflexão sobre a construção dessa memória é significativa para a compreensão e crítica da realidade brasileira, e esse é um passo na busca do desenvolvimento socioeconômico nacional, independentemente de padrões importados e mais condizentes com a conjuntura interna e suas especificidades próprias, não abordadas por certas concepções exógenas difundidas pela Revista Veja, em contraposição à postura crítica da Carta Capital

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