Spelling suggestions: "subject:"socioeconomic.""
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Alla har rätt till en jämlik hälsa : En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan socioekonomi, kostvanor och den fysiska hälsan hos ungdomarFröman, Tove, Widstrand, Karin January 2017 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om det fanns något samband mellan socioekonomi, kostvanor och den fysiska hälsan hos ungdomar i olika skolor i Stockholms län. Detta besvarades genom följande frågeställningar: Finns det något samband mellan socioekonomi och den fysiska hälsan hos ungdomar i årskurs 9? Finns det något samband mellan socioekonomi och kostvanor hos ungdomar i årskurs 9? Skiljer sig sambandet mellan socioekonomi, kostvanor och den fysiska hälsan beroende på bostadsområde? Metod: Studien var en kvantitativ enkätstudie. Enkäten innehöll frågor gällande socioekonomi, kostvanor samt fysisk hälsa. Urvalsgruppen bestod av flickor och pojkar i årskurs nio från tre skolor i en kommun i södra Stockholm. Enkäten delades ut i respektive skola och klass. Totalt gick det 308 elever i de deltagande klasserna varav 237 besvarade enkäten. Deskriptiv statistik samt analytisk statistik i form av korrelationsanalys användes för att redovisa resultatet. Resultat: Ett signifikant samband kunde ses mellan ”materiell välfärd” och ”fysisk aktivitetsnivå” (r = 0.14, p = 0.03). Detta kunde även noteras mellan ”materiell välfärd” och de enskilda frågorna ”fysiskt aktiv 1 timme” (r = 0.15, p = 0.02), ”svettig/andfådd” (r = 0.22, p = 0,001), ”upplevd fysisk hälsa” (r = 0.14, p = 0.03) samt ”rökning” (r = 0.18, p = 0.006). Ett signifikant samband kunde ses mellan ”upplevd socioekonomi” och de enskilda frågorna ”fysiskt aktiv 1 timme” (r = 0.17, p = 0.009), ”svettig/andfådd” (r = 0.20, p = 0.003) samt ”upplevd fysisk hälsa” (r = 0.23, p = 0.001). Inget signifikant samband noterades mellan ”materiell välfärd” och ”kostvanor” (r = -0.06 och p = 0.38) eller ”upplevd socioekonomi” och ”kostvanor” (r = 0.09 och p = 0.21). Ingen analys kunde genomföras på sista frågeställningen och denna kunde på grund av detta inte besvaras. Slutsats: Det fanns vissa signifikanta samband mellan socioekonomi och fysisk hälsa. Socioekonomi kan således ha en viss samvariation med den fysiska hälsan men tillsynes inte med kostvanor. Då tvärsnittsdata användes kan dock uttalanden om orsakssamband inte ske. Resultatet kan inte generaliseras till andra grupper då bekvämlighetsurval användes samt för att majoriteten av deltagarna kom från samma område.
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Gender mainstreaming - from policy to management : An analysis on Swedish reform cooperation in Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding issues of gender equality linked to air pollution, within the framework of gender mainstreaming and Sweden’s Feminist Foreign PolicyAhlqvist Lyzwinski, Josefin January 2022 (has links)
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) recognized a need for external help to implement a gender perspective in their project on improving air quality in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) extending from 2018-2022, which this thesis is a contribution to. To collect empirical material for the analysis, a cluster interview was conducted on site in Sarajevo with female representatives from ten CSOs working with gender equality nationally, in addition to a household survey targeted at six different cities in BiH through social media with the help of SEPA’s partnering ad agency network. The empirical findings of this study hence consist of local representations of problems regarding gender equality and its links to environmental issues, which were subsequently used to put the goals and problem representations present in the Swedish Foreign Service action plan for feminist foreign policy 2019-2022 and the Strategy for Sweden’s reform cooperation in the Western Balkans and Turkey 2021-2027 in context. This was specifically done with the help of Carol Bacchi’s policy analysis approach “What’s the Problem (Represented to be). Throughout the analysis, it became evident that there was a gap between the discourse of gender equality problems on site in BiH versus how gender equality problems were represented in the analysed Swedish policies steering the project. It also became evident that there was a gap between the horizontal goals of gender equality in these policies, and the resources available at SEPA for the actual implementation. The conclusion of the analysis implicates the occurrence of shortcomings in Swedish reform cooperation when mainstreaming gender into environmental policies, and that this could potentially lead to efforts reproducing and entrenching gendered and socio-economic inequity. By exemplifying the relevance of implementing a context-based gender perspective in this specific case, this thesis is hoped to encourage improving the prerequisites for mainstreaming gender into all international reform cooperation projects and applying the Swedish Feminist Foreign Policy accurately.
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Fear of influenza vaccination in the event of an epidemic : Perceptions of threat and trust in two socioeconomically different areas of StockholmJansson Öhlén, Linn January 2019 (has links)
In recent history, four influenza pandemics have occurred causing worldwide suffering. It is only a matter of time when a fifth pandemic will emerge. The willingness of the public to perform recommended precautionary actions is central for successful outbreak management, where the most important measure is vaccination. Trust in the health care system as well as personal perceptions of the threat of a pandemic can influence the publics willingness to perform precautionary actions. Aims: This study seeks to analyze how the public in two socioeconomically different areas of Stockholm perceive the threat of a possible future epidemic, their level of trust in the health system and what precautionary actions they are willing to perform. Methods: questioners with respondents from two socioeconomically different areas in Stockholm (Tensta and Danderyd) were gathered and have been statistically analyzed and interpreted using the health belief model and theories about trust. Results: The study showed that a higher level of perceived benefits of precautionary actions and a higher level of worriedness to get seriously ill if infected during an influenza epidemic were correlated with a higher level of willingness to follow precautionary actions. A significant association between unwillingness to vaccinate and perceived barriers to vaccination (that it can be harmful to the health) was also found. Trust in the health system was significantly lower in Tensta compared to Danderyd and higher trust in the health system was found to lead to higher perceived benefits of precautionary actions. Additionally, respondents with higher trust in information from the health care were generally more willing to vaccinate. Finally, no demographic determinants except age was shown to influence perceptions about precautionary actions and threat. Conclutions: Willingness to perform precautionary actions were influenced by worriedness, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, age and trust in the health care. Efforts might thus be needed to increase the trust in the health system in socioeconomically weak areas, as well as to increase the trust in influenza vaccination in general.
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Análise espacial da distribuição dos casos de dengue e a relação com fatores entomológicos, ambientais e sócio-econômicos no município de São José do Rio Preto, SP , Brasil / Spatial analysis of the distribution of the cases of dengue and the relationship with entomologics, environmental and socioeconomics factors, in the municipal district of São José do Rio Preto, SP, BrazilScandar, Sirle Abdo Salloum 28 March 2007 (has links)
Foram georreferenciados 14.554 casos de dengue. As maiores incidências observadas para o período, foram nas áreas 7 e 8 (regiões leste e centro respectivamente). Nessas áreas, a incidência variou de 381 a 432 casos por 100.000 habitantes. O índice de Moran estimado foi 0,2517 com a maioria dos aglomerados espaciais na região leste, seguido das regiões centro e norte. Observou-se que a região que apresentou o maior número de casos de dengue foi aquela com padrão de densidade demográfica, renda e grau de escolaridade médios. A incidência de dengue foi maior em indivíduos na faixa etária dos 15 aos 49 anos e 50 anos e mais, e menor na faixa etária de zero a 14 anos. Com relação à incidência por sexo, observa-se que houve variações pequenas, sendo ligeiramente maior no sexo feminino. Os resultados da análise de Correlação de Pearson para a incidência de dengue sugerem que a influência da precipitação pluviométrica e da temperatura não foram estatisticamente significativas, mas o foram com relação ao índice predial. Analisando-se a distribuição das formas imaturas do mosquito Aedes aegypti em diferentes recipientes, observa-se que o vaso mereceu maior destaque, seguido de lata, pote e frasco. A distribuição espacial da dengue não apresentou padrão uniforme, pois a taxa de incidência variou nas diversas áreas. Altas incidências de dengue foram observadas tanto em áreas com elevado padrão socioeconômico como naquelas com padrão mais baixo. O nível de infestação larvário, estimado pelo Índice Predial foi maior no período chuvoso. Os resultados deste estudo, em relação ao vetor confirmam a característica de espécie oportunista que já foi registrada para o Aedes aegypti em outras regiões. As formas imaturas do inseto, apesar de serem mais freqüentes em alguns tipos de recipientes, por exemplo, os vasos, podem ocupar outros, dependendo da disponibilidade dos mesmos. / It was georeferenced 14.554 cases of dengue. The largest incidences in the period were observed in the areas 7 and 8 (east and center areas respectively). In these areas, the incidence varied from 381 to 432 for 100.000 inhabitants. The index of Moran estimated was of 0,2517 with most of the spatial agglomerates in the east area, followed by the center and north areas. It was observed that the area that presented the largest number of cases of dengue was that with medium demographic density, income and education degree pattern. The dengue incidence was larger in individuals in the age group of the 15 to the 49 years and 50 years and older, and smaller in the age group zero to 14 years. Regarding to incidence for sex, it was observed that there were small variations, being slightly higher in the female gender. The results of the analysis of Correlation of Pearson for dengue incidence suggest that the precipitation and temperature influence were not statistically significant, but they were in relation to the Building Index (Índice Predial). In the analysis of the distribution of the immature stages of the Aedes aegypti in different recipients, it was observed that the vase deserved larger prominence, followed by can, pot and flask. The spatial distribution of the dengue did not present uniform pattern, because the incidence rate varied in the several areas. Dengue high incidences were observed as much in areas with high socioeconomic pattern as in those with lower pattern. The larval infestation level, estimated by the Building Index it was larger in the rainy period. The results of this study, in relation to the vector, confirmed the characteristic of opportunist species that was already registered for the Aedes aegypti in other areas. The immature stages of the insect, in spite of they be more frequent in some types of recipients, for instance, in vases, they can occupy other, depending on the readiness of the same ones.
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The goal of this research was to examine the potential predictive ability of socioeconomic and demographic data for drivers on Kentucky crash occurrence. Identifying unique background characteristics of at-fault drivers that contribute to crash rates and crash severity may lead to improved and more specific interventions to reduce the negative impacts of motor vehicle crashes. The driver-residence zip code was used as a spatial unit to connect five years of Kentucky crash data with socioeconomic factors from the U.S. Census, such as income, employment, education, age, and others, along with terrain and vehicle age. At-fault driver crash counts, normalized over the driving population, were used as the dependent variable in a multivariate linear regression to model socioeconomic variables and their relationship with motor vehicle crashes. The final model consisted of nine socioeconomic and demographic variables and resulted in a R-square of 0.279, which indicates linear correlation but a lack of strong predicting power. The model resulted in both positive and negative correlations of socioeconomic variables with crash rates. Positive associations were found with the terrain index (a composite measure of road curviness), travel time, high school graduation and vehicle age. Negative associations were found with younger drivers, unemployment, college education, and terrain difference, which considers the terrain index at the driver residence and crash location. Further research seems to be warranted to fully understand the role that socioeconomic and demographic characteristics play in driving behavior and crash risk.
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Skillnader i barns kostvanor beroende på socioekonomisk status / Differences in children’s diet due to socioeconomic differencesPentikäinen, Linnéa, Fagerström, Sarah January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Låg socioekonomisk status ökar risken för osunda beteendemönster, bland annat vad gäller matvanorna. Barns levnadsvanor är av stor vikt, då grunden för deras framtida vanor läggs under barndomen.Syfte: Att beskriva skillnaderna i barns kostvanor beroende på vilken socioekonomisk grupp de tillhör.Metod: Litteraturstudie. Resultatet i tio vetenskapliga artiklar sammanfattades genom att söka återkommande ämnen, av vilka teman skapades.Resultat: Socioekonomiska faktorer, föräldrars inkomst och utbildningsnivå påverkar barns matvanor och måltidsmönster. Det framkom att låg socioekonomisk status vanligtvis innebär mer osund och mindre sund mat, samt mer oregelbundna måltidsmönster.Slutsats: Fler undersökningar av barns matvanor beroende på socioekonomisk status bör genomföras för att få bättre insikt i anledningarna till dessa. Detta för att kunna sätta in riktade interventioner i syfte att minska ojämlikheterna i kostvanor mellan barn. / Background: Socioeconomic differences influence the risk of unhealthy behavior, like the diet, among other things. Children’s habits are of extra importance, since future habits are established during childhood.Aim: To describe the differences in children’s diet due to socioeconomic background. Method: Integrative literature review. The results of ten scientific articles were summarized by searching for recurring topics, which were turned into themes.Results: Socioeconomic background, the parents’ income and the parents’ education affected the children’s diet and meal patterns. Low socioeconomic status were usually connected to more unhealthy foods, smaller amounts of healthy foods and irregular meal patterns. Conclusion: More studies of children’s diets due to socioeconomic background should be conducted to get better insight into the reasons for these differences. This should be done so that interventions aimed at closing the gaps of inequity between children in different socioeconomic groups can be implemented.
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Promoting the social and emotional wellbeing of West Kimberley Aboriginal children and youthOmari, Melinda Claire January 2008 (has links)
Aboriginal young people experience a high rate of family violence, alcohol and drug misuse, suicide, sexual abuse, and socioeconomic disadvantage (Gordon, Hallahan & Henry, 2002; Hunter, 1990, 1991c; Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Council, 1999; Memmott, Stacy, Chambers & Keys, 2001; Swan & Raphael, 1995). Over the last decade a burgeoning array of policy, services and programs have been developed to combat the social and emotional problems in Aboriginal communities. Despite some successes, Aboriginal children and youth consistently demonstrate poorer outcomes than non-Aboriginal youngsters across most domains of living, including health, mental health, education and vocation (Zubrick et al., 2005). While the evidence-base related to problems in Aboriginal communities has expanded, there is a deficit in knowledge about practical and sustainable interventions to build strengths in remote young Aboriginal people and families, to promote youth and community wellbeing. Even less has been done on the ground to assist remote Aboriginal communities to take action in tackling the problems they face (Atkinson, Bridge & Gray, 1999; Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Council & Westerman, 2002; National Aboriginal Health Strategy Working Party, 1989). / This qualitative participatory action research project conducted in the West Kimberley Western Australia from 2001 to 2004 was in collaboration with agencies based in Broome and the Bardi people of Ardyaloon Community, One Arm Point. The investigation aimed to (1) identify and explain the mental health and social and emotional problems affecting Aboriginal young people and families living in remote communities in the West Kimberley; and (2) identify and describe goals and methods for intervention to promote social and emotional wellbeing and build resilience in young people and communities. The third aim was to feed back and culturally validate the research findings. The overarching goal of this project was to work in partnership with Ardyaloon Community in prioritising community-based solutions to youth problems. An Aboriginal Project Advisory Group was formed to guide the research and several local project assistants were employed to assist with the field work. The project involved three studies. Overall, 32 Broome-based youth, parents and service providers, and 59 Elders, parents, youth and service providers from One Arm Point were involved in interviews and discussion groups. The findings were discussed and validated by 101 agency and community people. The results indicate a number of risk and resilience factors operating across the individual, family, community and socio-political sphere, including cultural and historical factors influencing youth wellbeing. From the findings, a model for community-based mental health promotion intervention was developed to address youth problems and build strengths prioritised by Ardyaloon Community.
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Questões ambientais, socioeconômicas e histórias de vida de assentados/as rurais do assentamento Estrela da Ilha no município de Ilha Solteira - SP / Environmental, socio-economic questions and life history of rural settlers from the settlement of Estrela da Ilha, in the city of Ilha Solteira - SPSimonato, Danitielle Cineli 09 August 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-09 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / The present study aimed to know the socioeconomic, environmental profile and life history of the rural settlers of the Estrela da Ilha settlement, in the municipality of Ilha Solteira, located in the State of São Paulo. The settlement has 209 land lots and the research was performed with 35 families. For data collection was used a questionnaire containing 50 questions about the socioeconomic and environmental profile of the settled families and, also, the collection of oral statements about the settlers' life history. The data analysis was made in a qualitative and quantitative way: the open questions were analyzed using the discursive textual analysis and the closed questions through simple statistics. The results pointed that the settlement profile in relation to age 37% are between 40-50 years, being 60% from male gender, the source of income of 54% of the families comes from their own property, the family income of 51% of the settlers is two minimum wages monthly, 68% has only uncompleted primary education, the home conditions indicated that 94% of the settlers have masonry dwellings and 89% of them are unfinished, 71% of the settlers claim to consume industrialized food frequently, the settlement production is characterized by dairy farming in most lots, followed by horticulture, the commercialization is done through cooperatives and associations, as well as sales in the city fairs. Was also researched, the environmental questions like the forest reserve area, water supply in 94% of the lots comes from wells, sanitary sewage 71% of the lots have septic tank, 74% of them use pesticide, was also researched about the solid waste management. The life histories highlighted the difficulties faced by the settlers to conquer the land, since the camp to the establishment on the lot. Denoted on the statements dreams, joys, settlers faith, it also disclosed the difficulties and problems of the Estrela da Ilha settlement. We conclude that in the community studied the biggest problems are related to socioeconomic issues, like income and education, and the worst environmental problems are the indiscriminate use of pesticides, the improper disposal of solid waste and the sanitary sewage. Therefore, these weaknesses need to be worked through public policies of access to education in rural areas, infrastructure, production and commercialization strategies and technical assistance for achieving sustainable rural development, emphasizing the quality of harmoniously living with the environment and social justice. / O presente estudo teve por objetivo conhecer o perfil socioeconômico, ambiental e as histórias de vida dos assentados/as rurais do Assentamento Estrela da Ilha no município de Ilha Solteira, Estado de São Paulo. O assentamento possui 209 lotes e a pesquisa foi realizada com 35 famílias. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário contendo 50 questões versando sobre o perfil socioeconômico e ambiental das famílias assentadas e, também, a coleta de depoimentos orais sobre a história de vida dos assentados/as. Os dados foram analisados quantitativamente e qualitativamente, as questões abertas foram analisadas utilizando a técnica de analise textual discursiva e as questões fechadas através de estatística simples. Os resultados apontaram o perfil do assentamento em relação à idade 37% estão entre 40-50 anos, sendo 60% do sexo masculino, a fonte de renda de 54% das famílias advém da própria propriedade, a renda familiar de 51% dos assentados/as é de dois salários mínimos mensais, 68% possuem apenas Ensino Fundamental Incompleto, as condições de moradia indicaram que 94% dos assentados/as possuem moradias de alvenaria e 89% delas são inacabadas, 71% dos assentados/as afirma consumir alimentos industrializados com frequência, a produção do assentamento é marcada pela pecuária leiteira na maioria dos lotes, seguida pela horticultura, a comercialização é feita via cooperativas, e associações, além de vendas nas feiras do município. Pesquisou-se também, as questões ambientais como área de reserva florestal, o abastecimento de água de 94% dos lotes vem de poços, sobre o esgotamento sanitário 71% dos lotes possui fossa séptica, 74 % utilizam agrotóxicos, pesquisou-se também sobre o gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos. As histórias de vida evidenciaram a luta pela terra enfrentada pelos assentados/as desde o acampamento até o estabelecimento no lote. Denotaram-se nos depoimentos os sonhos, as alegrias, a fé dos assentados/as, revelou-se também as dificuldades, e problemas do assentamento Estrela da Ilha. Conclui-se que, na comunidade estudada os maiores problemas enfrentados estão relacionados às questões socioeconômicas, como renda e educação, e os problemas ambientais graves são o uso indiscriminado de agrotóxicos, a disposição inadequada de resíduos sólidos e o esgotamento sanitário. Assim sendo, essas fragilidades necessitam ser trabalhadas através de políticas públicas de acesso a educação em áreas rurais, infraestrutura, estratégias de produção e comercialização e assistência técnica para que se alcance o desenvolvimento rural sustentável, enfatizando a qualidade de vida de maneira harmoniosa com o meio ambiente e a justiça social.
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Implica??es socioecon?micas e ambientais da pesca artesanal de lagosta em Touros/RNCastro, Francker Duarte de 19 February 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-02-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / As sociedades humanas sempre se utilizaram dos recursos naturais marinhos como aporte
seguro para diversas finalidades, dentre elas, a aquisi??o de alimentos e a gera??o de renda
para garantir sua sobreviv?ncia e reprodu??o social. Na conjuntura atual, a pesca artesanal de
lagostas espinhosas das esp?cies Panulirus argus (lagosta-vermelha) e Panulirus laevicauda
(lagosta-verde) representa uma das principais atividades econ?micas do estado Rio Grande do
Norte, constituindo-se na principal fonte de renda de muitas comunidades pesqueiras. No
estado, o munic?pio de Touros desponta como o segundo maior produtor do crust?ceo.
Contudo, a introdu??o de instrumentos e de t?cnicas predat?rias de pesca, aliada a ado??o da
mentalidade capitalista, veem causando transforma??es que se repercutem diretamente na
socioeconomia e no meio ambiente dessas comunidades, a exemplo da sobrepesca dos
estoques pesqueiros. Assim, o presente estudo possui como objetivo principal analisar a pesca
artesanal de lagosta no munic?pio de Touros/RN, considerando os efeitos e as transforma??es
decorrentes do uso das t?cnicas de captura sobre a socioeconomia e o meio ambiente. Como
objetivos espec?ficos buscaram-se: caracterizar socioeconomicamente a pesca e os pescadores
artesanais de lagosta da ?rea em estudo; identificar as pr?ticas e t?cnicas mais utilizadas para a
pesca de lagosta correlacionando-as com a sobrepesca e as transforma??es socioecon?micas;
determinar os fatores ou mecanismos que vem impulsionando os pescadores artesanais a
utilizarem t?cnicas predat?rias na pesca de lagosta, bem como seus efeitos sobre o meio
ambiente; identificar as formas de adapta??o dos pescadores artesanais quanto ?s novas
condi??es ambientais e socioecon?micas. Para tanto, fez-se uso da pesquisa bibliogr?fica, da
observa??o de campo, do registro fotogr?fico, da aplica??o de 86 entrevistas estruturadas e da
an?lise de conte?do. Os resultados apontam que os pescadores de lagostas s?o homens de
idade avan?ada, casados, com baixo grau de escolaridade e de rendimento financeiro, bem
como demonstram o car?ter inst?vel e predat?rio dessa modalidade de pesca. Verificou-se
tamb?m que a marginaliza??o social dos pescadores, aliada ?s dificuldades de sobreviv?ncia
impostas pelo capitalismo e a ineficiente fiscaliza??o governamental, constituem os fatores
preponderantes para o uso das t?cnicas ilegais apontadas. Al?m disso, os resultados mostram
que as adapta??es ?s novas condi??es ambientais podem ser positivas no que tange ao
aumento da renda e negativas no que se refere ao meio ambiente. Logo, para mitigar os
problemas sociais e ambientais ? necess?rio que o Estado priorize o desenvolvimento de
pol?ticas direcionadas aos pescadores e a pesca que abarquem tanto as dimens?es de
assist?ncia financeira e profissional, quanto uma maior rigidez no que concerne ao sistema de
fiscaliza??o e gerenciamento
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Consumo de alimentos processados e ultraprocessados por crianças de 13 a 35 meses e fatores associados / Processed and Ultra-processed food consumption among children aged 13 to 35 months and associated factorsBatalha, Mônica Araujo 29 February 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / INTRODUCTION: Healthy eating habits started from the earliest years of life are critical to growth and development of children. However, the ultra-processed products are being introduced early on children's diets and little is known about the determinants of this consumption. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the consumption of processed and ultra-processed foods (PUP) among children of 13-35 months and associated factors. METHODS: We studied 1185 children, participants following the BRISA cohort in São Luís, Maranhão. Food consumption was investigated using the Food Survey Recall 24h and the percentage of daily caloric intake and nutrients were estimated by groups of food, classify according with the type of processing used in their fabrication. We used Poisson regression model with robust variance estimation and hierarchical approach to estimate the prevalence ratios (PR) of variables associated with high consumption of processed and ultra-processed foods. RESULTS: Mean energy consumption were 1226 kcal/day. After the adjusted analysis, there was a higher proportion of high consumption of PUP among children whose mothers had less than or equal to 8 years of study (PR 1.32; 95% CI: 1.05-1.67), 9 to 11 years of study (PR 1.24; 95% CI: 1.02-1.51) and among those who had more than 18 months of life (PR 1.29; 95% CI: 1.09-1.52). CONCLUSIONS: The knowledge of the factors related to high consumption of PUP in childhood is critical to the direction of intervention and prevention actions, targeting both mothers and children, in order to strengthen the acquisition of healthy habits early. / INTRODUÇÃO: A alimentação adequada desde os primeiros anos de vida é fundamental para o crescimento e desenvolvimento infantil. Entretanto, a introdução dos alimentos ultraprocessados vem ocorrendo de forma precoce na dieta das crianças e pouco se conhece sobre os determinantes deste consumo. OBJETIVO: Investigar o consumo de alimentos processados e ultraprocessados (PUP) em crianças de 13 a 35 meses e fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas 1185 crianças, participantes da coorte de nascimento BRISA em São Luís, Maranhão. Para a avaliação do consumo alimentar utilizou-se o recordatório de 24 horas e foram estimadas as contribuições no total de calorias e nutrientes ingeridos dos grupos de alimentos quanto ao tipo de processamento utilizado em sua fabricação. Utilizou-se o modelo de regressão de Poisson com estimativa robusta da variância e abordagem hierarquizada para estimar as razões de prevalências das variáveis associadas ao elevado consumo de alimentos processados e ultraprocessados. RESULTADOS: A média de energia ingerida foi de 1226 kcal/dia. Após análise ajustada, observou-se maior proporção de elevado consumo de PUP entre as crianças cujas mães tinham até 8 anos (RP 1,32; IC 95%: 1,05-1,67) e de 9 a 11 anos (RP 1,24; IC 95%: 1,02-1,51) de estudo e entre as crianças que tinham mais de 18 meses (RP 1,29; IC 95%: 1,09-1,52). CONCLUSÕES: O conhecimento dos fatores relacionados ao consumo de PUP na infância é fundamental para o direcionamento das ações de intervenção e prevenção, voltadas tanto para as mães quanto para as crianças, a fim de fortalecer a aquisição de hábitos saudáveis precocemente.
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