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Emigranterna från Sunnerbo härad : Emigrationen från Sunnerbo härads socknar under åren 1880-1889. / The emigrants from Sunnerbo district : The emigration from Sunnerbo district during the 1880sBergsjö, Ronja January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate the emigration from Sunnerbo district, whichis located in western Kronoberg county, during the 1880s. The goal is to find out whothe emigrants were and how and where they planned to emigrate. This is accomplishedby looking at the emigrants' gender, age, title or professional title as well as familyrelationship and country of destination. Information has been found in digital archives,relocation books have been read in the Digital Archive and population reports have beenread in the National Archives' digital research hall. From this material it can be deducedthat 7432 people emigrated in the 1880s, corresponded to 17.6% of Sunnerbo's averagepopulation and that 49% of the emigrants were women. The majority were in the agerange 20-29 years with a profession linked to agriculture. One third emigrated with theirfamilies and 85.8% emigrated to North America. The results of the empirical study arediscussed with previous research and theories related to migration. An analysis of themigration within Sunnerbo district will also be carried out to discuss differences betweenthe 23 parishes within the district. / Denna uppsats syfte är att undersöka emigrationen från Sunnerbo härad, som ligger ivästra Kronobergs län, under 1880-talet. Målet är att ta reda på vilka emigranterna varsamt hur och vart de planerade att emigrera. Detta görs genom att kartläggaemigranternas kön, ålder, titel eller yrkestitel samt familjeförhållande ochdestinationsland. Informationen har funnits i digitala arkiv. Utflyttningsböcker harhämtats ur Arkiv digital och folkmängdsredogörelser är lästa i Riksarkivets digitalaforskarsal. Från detta material kan det utläsas att 7432 människor emigrerade under1880-talet, motsvarade 17,6% av Sunnerbos genomsnittliga befolkning och att 49% avemigranterna var kvinnor. Majoriteten var i åldersintervallet 20-29 år med ett yrkekopplat till jordbruk. En tredjedel emigrerade ihop med sin familj och 85,8% emigreradetill Nordamerika. Resultaten av den empiriska undersökningen diskuteras med tidigareforskning och teorier kopplade till migration. En analys av migrationen inom Sunnerbohärad kommer även att genomföras för att diskutera skillnader mellan de 23 socknarnainom häradet.
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La Plume et le Lys : carrière, publication et service de la politique royale chez Blaise de Vigenère (1523-1596) / The secretary and the lily : Blaise de Vigenère’s career, publication and service of monarchy (1523-1596)Desarbres, Paul-Victor 08 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de la carrière politique et du « service de plume » de Blaise de Vigenère (1523-1596), agent du roi et voyageur, puis traducteur et commentateur érudit dans le dernier tiers de sa vie. À travers une étude biographique et contextuelle, elle met en évidence une figure sociale trop méconnue du champ des lettres et de l’histoire : celle du secrétaire. Elle interroge ensuite du point de vue de la poétique le statut d’observateur que Vigenère se donne dans ses écrits : le sens de la merveille et l'analyse de la raison technique y vont de pair. La riche expérience de serviteur de l'ombre théorisée dans les traités italiens, et surtout les pratiques d’écritures qui rejoignent l’humanisme constituent un héritage que Vigenère dépasse cependant. L’entreprise de publication, abondante et efficace, est remise en contexte et peut être comprise comme une prudente tentative de courtiser et de conseiller le pouvoir par l’image ou l’allusion. Dans les dernières œuvres où l’allusion le cède au symbole, Vigenère manie le plan littéral et le plan symbolique. Il se montre kabbalisant catholique et pré-nationaliste. En « Politique » de la fin des guerres de religion, il défend alors l’institution monarchique contre la Ligue catholique. Mais les images du Discours sur l’histoire du roy Charles VII (1594) sont les derniers feux d’une herméneutique inquiète. / This study deals with the career and the service to the monarchy of the penman Blaise de Vigenère (1523-1596), who was an agent to the king and was travelling through Europe. He became a translator and scholarly annotator during the last period of his life. I study biography, historical and sociological context, in order to highlight an essential yet overlooked figure : the secretary. I try to show that the personal point of view in his writings is double : while he admires wonders and signs in nature, he is also a sceptical analyst looking for technical explanations. He inherits the experience of those shadowy figures, awarely described in italian trattati, and their practices of writing – those of humanists. But he goes over. Publishing a lot of manuscripts in a short time, he tries to have an effect on the monarch and to court him. His last works are more explicit. Vigenère combines litteral meaning and symbolic interpretation : he uses a kind of catholic kabbalah in a pre-nationalist purpose. As a « Politique », at the end of the Civil Wars, he is a partisan of the monarchy against the Catholic League. But the images of the Discours sur l’histoire du roy Charles VII (1594) might be the swansong of the Renaissance hermetic symbolism.
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Le Jeu dans l'oeuvre de Henry de Montherlant / The game in Henry de Montherlant's worksSorel, Marie 05 December 2013 (has links)
Le jeu a joué bien des tours à Montherlant, si l’on en croit les jugements proférés à l’encontre d’un auteur accusé de cacher son jeu et de duper son lectorat. Le personnage Montherlant continue à éclipser une œuvre multiforme, s’étalant sur une cinquantaine d’années. Mais la part du jeu dans l’élaboration de l’image de l’écrivain ne peut être envisagée indépendamment de la vision des pratiques ludiques qui émane de ses écrits. L’étude du jeu dans l’ensemble de l’œuvre, y compris dans le paratexte envahissant qui l’accompagne, offre un angle d’approche privilégié pour dépassionner notre rapport à l’auteur et interroger l’inactualité supposée de son œuvre. Ce travail de contextualisation, qui invite à faire dialoguer les écrits de ce polygraphe avec ceux d’autres auteurs, mobilise des outils historiques et sociologiques, à même d’éclairer la conception du jeu de l’écrivain. Notion malléable que l’auteur interprète à l’aune de ses expériences sportives et tauromachiques, le jeu se présente comme un espace initiatique. Revendiquant son appartenance au milieu nobiliaire, Montherlant s’érige en arbitre du goût. S’ils se conforment pour une part à une logique aristocratique, les choix de cet homme de loisir déjouent parfois les attentes du lecteur. Le ludisme existentiel qu’affiche l’auteur informe non seulement ses pratiques d’écriture mais aussi sa conception du rôle de l’écrivain, laquelle révèle toute sa fragilité durant la période de l’Occupation. Rendre compte de l’impact du jeu sur la réception de l’œuvre conduit ainsi à faire apparaître les failles des stratégies adoptées par l’auteur, failles dans lesquelles s’engouffrent parfois la critique et les lecteurs. / Many a time has play fooled Montherlant if we are to believe comments accusing the author of hiding his hand and deceiving his readers. Montherlant’s character continues to overshadow his protean works which span approximately fifty years. However, the playful construction of the writer’s image cannot be separated from the aspect of play stemming from his texts. Studying the element of play in his works as a whole, including the overwhelming paratext which accompanies them, offers a privileged point of view and allows us to take the heat out of our relationship to the author and question the assumed obsolescence of his works. This effort of contextualisation, which invites us to put the texts of this versatile writer in relation to those of other authors, draws on historical and sociological tools allowing us to shed light on the writer’s conception of play. Play, a malleable term which the author construes in the light of his own athletic and bullfighting experiences, presents itself as an initiatory space. Montherlant asserts his aristocratic background and sets himself up as an arbiter of taste. If his choices are partly induced by an aristocratic logic, they sometimes deceive the reader’s expectations. The existential playfulness asserted by the author not only influences his way of writing but his conception of the writer’s role as well, a role whose weakness has been revealed to the full during the Occupation. Studying the impact of play on the reception of his works hereby leads us to unveil the flaws of the strategies adopted by the author, flaws in which critics and readers are sometimes swallowed up.
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Le sujet lyrique dans la poésie du Chat Noir (1882-1897) / The lyric subject in the poems published in Le Chat Noir (1882-1897)Crepiat, Caroline 27 June 2016 (has links)
La fin du XIXe siècle voit éclore un grand nombre de « petites » revues littéraires et artistiques, liées aux avant-gardes et à la bohème. Parmi elles, Le Chat Noir (1882-1897), créée par Rodolphe Salis et Émile Goudeau pour assurer la promotion du désormais célèbre cabaret éponyme. On y publie des contes, des histoires drôles et sans paroles, mais aussi de la poésie. Le présent travail entend étudier de plus près ces poèmes, à la lumière de la crise qui agite alors la production littéraire. Il s’agit plus précisément d’analyser le traitement qui est fait de la notion de sujet lyrique, « principe structurel » (Käte Hamburger) du lyrisme. Dire " je" semble en effet perdre tout sens aux yeux de ces poètes, non seulement du fait du poids de la tradition qu’il est de bon ton de subvertir au nom de l’esprit fumiste dont ils se réclament, mais encore du régime collectif au sein duquel ils s’expriment. Toutefois, les multiples provocations à son encontre permettent aussi à ces artistes de disséquer et de questionner cette notion, et même de se la réapproprier, tant collectivement qu’individuellement. Une réflexion croisée, à la fois poétique, esthétique et sociopoétique, nous amènera à définir les logiques, enjeux et stratégies d’un tel positionnement. / The end of the 19th Century is a key period for the « little » literary and artistic journals, produced by avant-garde and bohemian groups. One of them, Le Chat Noir (1882-1897), created by Rodolphe Salis and Émile Goudeau to promote the famous and eponymous cabaret. Tales, humoristic texts, illustrations or poetry appear in its columns. The present thesis aims for a closer study of these poems, in the light of the crisis which troubles the literary production. It is more precisely to analyse how the notion of the lyric subject, which is considered as the « structural principle » (Käte Hamburger) of lyricism, is treated. Indeed, saying « I » seems to lose sense for these poets, not only because of a tradition that is to subvert for the « fumiste » spirit’s sake which they claim, but also because of the collective context in which they find a space of expression. However, those provocations against the lyrical « I » is also for these artists a way to question and dissect it, and even to reappropriate it, for the collective as much as the individual distinction. A mixed reflexion, based on poetic, esthetic and « sociopoétique » analysis, will lead us to define the logics, stakes and strategies of such a position.
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Discurso do sujeito surdo sobre sua educação : contribuições da abordagem sociológica e comunicacional do discursoBrito, Maiane Vasconcelos de 27 February 2018 (has links)
The education of the deaf students currently faces a difficult definition regarding the model that best fits the educational needs of the student with deafness in Brazil. The relevance of the research resides in evidencing the discussions about the subject carried out by the deaf subjects according to the modality of education that contemplates better their community. To that end, we aim to analyze the discourses of the deaf about the role of the special, inclusive and bilingual school within the broader context of inclusive educational policy and the influence of this conjuncture of social transformation for the constitution of subjects and their identities. This research is situated in the field of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) (FAIRCLOUGH, 2003, 2016), more specifically in the Sociological and Speech Discourse Approach (PEDROSA, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016). This approach strongly dialogues with Sociology for Social Change - SMS - (BAJOIT, 2006). In order to do the linguistic analysis, a prerequisite for an ACD analysis, we focus on the Systemic-Functional Linguistics (ALMEIDA 2010) and in its system of evaluation work with its subsystems of attitude and gradation, observing in the speeches of the deaf as they evaluate the educational processes through the discussion of the theme. From SMS, we will classify the identities and types of subjects that constitute themselves through the work of relational management of themselves. The type of our research is qualitative-interpretative; with the purpose of collecting the data, we used videos of deaf people in the YouTube channel. The corpus of this research is constituted by 7 videos that resulted in 17 discursive cuts to be analyzed, in which the deaf stand in front of the special school, the inclusive school and the bilingual school for the deaf. The research raises a discussion about the modalities of education for deaf people and of which parameter should be followed so that the learning process for these communities is full. The results revealed that between the inclusion advocated by law and by many experts and bilingualism, the second method is unanimously defended by the deaf, for actually providing a social and political inclusion of the community. It is inferred that the deaf do not feel represented within the special model and the inclusive model, since their needs have not been fully met, although we have identified some attenuating positions, the subjects manifest without care in their difference. We conclude that through the position of the deaf on their education it was possible to identify the evaluation made by them and how this evaluation is favorable to bilingual school, in addition the deaf studies enabled us to know how each model is configured and how important each one to the context of change of discursive and social practices of the deaf subjects and in the educational scope to which it is inserted. / A educação do surdo, atualmente, enfrenta uma difícil definição no que diz respeito ao modelo que melhor atenda às necessidades educacionais do aluno com surdez no Brasil. A relevância da pesquisa reside em evidenciar as discussões acerca do assunto protagonizadas pelos sujeitos surdos no que diz respeito à modalidade de ensino que contemplasse melhor sua comunidade. Para isso, objetivamos refletir sobre a análise dos discursos dos surdos acerca do papel da escola especial, da inclusiva e da bilíngue, dentro do contexto mais amplo da política educacional inclusiva e da influência dessa conjuntura de transformação social para a constituição dos sujeitos e suas identidades. Esta investigação está situada na Análise Crítica do Discurso (ACD) (FAIRCLOUGH, 2003; 2016), mais especificamente na Abordagem Sociológica e Comunicacional do Discurso (ASCD) (PEDROSA, 2012; 2013; 2014; 2016). A referida abordagem dialoga fortemente com a Sociologia para a Mudança Social – SMS - (BAJOIT, 2006). Para darmos conta da análise linguística, pré-requisito para uma análise em ACD, nos debruçamos sobre a Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (ALMEIDA, 2010) e em seu sistema de avaliatividade trabalharmos com seus subsistemas de atitude e gradação, visualizando nos discursos dos surdos como eles avaliam os processos educacionais por meio da discussão da temática. Da SMS, classificamos as identidades e os tipos de sujeitos que se constituem através do trabalho de gestão relacional de si. Nossa pesquisa é caracterizada pelo tipo qualitativa-interpretativa, utilizando vídeos de surdos no canal YouTube para a constituição dos dados. O corpus constitui-se por 7 vídeos que resultaram em 17 recortes discursivos a serem analisados, nos quais os surdos se posicionam frente à escola especial, à inclusiva e à escola bilíngue para surdos. A pesquisa levanta uma discussão em torno das modalidades de ensino para surdos e de qual parâmetro deve ser seguido para que o processo de aprendizagem para essas comunidades seja pleno. Os resultados revelaram que, entre a inclusão defendida pela lei e por muitos especialistas e o bilinguismo, o segundo método é defendido unanimemente pelos surdos, por proporcionar de fato uma inclusão social e política dessa comunidade. Assim, inferimos que os surdos não se sentem representados dentro do modelo especial e do modelo inclusivo, tendo em vista que as necessidades deles não vêm sendo atendidas plenamente, e, embora tenhamos identificado alguns posicionamentos atenuantes, os sujeitos manifestam-se sem atendimento em sua diferença. Concluímos que, por meio do posicionamento dos surdos sobre sua educação, foi possível identificar a avaliação feita por eles e como essa avaliação é favorável à escola bilíngue; além disso, os estudos surdos nos possibilitaram conhecer como cada modelo se configura e qual a importância de cada um para o contexto de mudança de práticas discursivas e sociais dos sujeitos surdos e no âmbito educacional em que se inserem. / São Cristóvão, SE
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Die materiële produksie van Afrikaanse fiksie (1990-2005) : ‘n empiriese ondersoek na die produksieprofiel en uitgeweryprofiel binne die uitgeesisteem (Afrikaans)Venter, Marthinus Rudolph 04 August 2008 (has links)
This study lays a foundation for the empirical mapping of the material production of Afrikaans fiction from 1990 to 2005. The primary research question, namely, how to map Afrikaans fiction production during this period, has been answered through both descriptive-qualitative and statistical-quantitative empirical research. In the first, contextual descriptive component, qualitative research is used to describe the context within which Afrikaans fiction production takes place. The impact of transformation shifts on the production and producer landscapes are mapped through a description of the publishing system. Within this system, book production is regarded as an institution that has inter-systemic relationships with other sub-systems, including institutional contexts (such as media, cultural, literary, educational and library sub-systems), as well as broader societal contexts (such as political, economic and technological contexts). Transformation shifts in the producer landscape (including the establishment, conglomeration, mergers, take-overs and closures of publishing houses) are described through profiling the relevant producers (including publishing houses and other kinds of producers) who contribute to this landscape. In the second, statistical empirical component, quantitative research is used to sketch the contours of Afrikaans fiction production through the construction of production and producer profiles. On a theoretical level, the study follows a sociological and institutional approach to empirical literary studies. This study has been positioned within the developing field of book and publishing studies, specifically within the parameters of the epistemology of production statistics. Itamar Even-Zohar’s poly-system theory and Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of the field of cultural production form the theoretical framework. Several methodological instruments were developed for the purpose of this study, including a new model of the publishing system, a database of production statistics (the Production Database of Afrikaans Fiction – PDAF), and two typologies of kinds of producers and fiction publications according to which both producer and production categories can be distinguished. The publishing system, the PDAF and the two typologies have been proven useful instruments for the mapping of book production. These instruments will contribute to the fields of book and publishing studies through their application to research on other production categories. The PDAF is a useful resource for measuring the growth and diversity of Afrikaans fiction production. The study concludes that Afrikaans fiction production between 1990 and 2005 was incisively influenced by transformation shifts. Publishing in this field became more challenging in that Afrikaans fiction production had to wean itself from the artificial institutional privilege and substantial state support it had enjoyed and was forced to become economically independent. By 2005, there were far fewer significant producers of Afrikaans fiction in the producer landscape than in 1990. In some production categories, fiction production has shrunk, while, in others, it has grown. Overall, the production profile of Afrikaans fiction has greatly diversified, with Afrikaans fiction appearing in a wide variety of production categories. Afrikaans fiction remains the most diverse and best-developed indigenous tradition of fiction production. The challenge for future case studies is to investigate the relationships between production patterns and specific transformation shifts in the publishing system in terms of specific production categories. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Information Science / unrestricted
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