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A novel approach to solvent screening for post-combustion carbon dioxide capture with chemical absorptionRetief, Frederik Jacobus Gideon 14 March 2012 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Carbon dioxide (CO2) is classified as the main greenhouse gas (GHG) contributing to global warming.
Estimates by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) suggest that CO2 emissions must be
reduced by between 50 to 85% by 2050 to avoid irreversible impacts. Carbon capture and storage (CCS)
strategies can be applied to de-carbonize the emissions from fossil-fueled power plants. Compared to
other CCS techniques, post-combustion capture (PCC) is most likely to be implemented effectively as a
retrofit option to existing power plants. At present however CCS is not yet commercially viable. The
main challenge with CCS is to reduce the inherent energy penalty of the CO2 separation stage on the
host plant.
Seventy-five to eighty percent of the total cost of CCS is associated with the separation stage. There are
several technologies available for separating CO2 from power plant flue gas streams. Reactive absorption
with aqueous amine solutions has the ability to treat low concentration, low pressure and large flux flue
gas streams in industrial-scale applications. It is most likely to be the first technology employed
commercially in the implementation of CCS. The energy required for solvent regeneration however, is
high for the standard solvent used in reactive absorption processes, i.e. MEA. This leads to a reduction in
thermal efficiency of the host plant of up to 15%. Alternative solvent formulations are being evaluated in
an attempt to reduce the energy intensity of the regeneration process.
The main objective of this study was to establish a novel, simplified thermodynamic method for solvent
screening. Partial solubility parameters (PSPs) were identified as the potential basis for such a method.
The major limitation of this approach is that the model doesn’t account for effects from chemical
reaction(s) between materials, e.g. CO2 reacting with aqueous alkanolamine solutions; considering only
the effects from dissolution. The EquiSolv software system was developed based on PSP theory. The
Hansen 3-set PSP approach was used to describe the equilibrium behaviour of CO2 absorbing in task
specific solvents. The Hansen theory was expanded to a 4-set approach to account for contributions
from electrostatic interactions between materials. The EquiSolv program was used successfully to screen
large sets of solvent data (up to 400 million formulations) in the search for suitable alternative solvent
formulations for CO2 absorption.
The secondary objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of the proposed PSP model to
accurately predict suitable alternative solvents for CO2 absorption through preliminary experimental
work. A series of CO2 absorption experiments were conducted to evaluate the absorption performance
of predicted alternative solvent formulations. The predicted alternative solvent formulations exhibited a
significant improvement in absorption performance (up to a 97% increase in the measured absorption
capacity) compared to conventional solvent formulations. Statistical analysis of the experimental results
has shown that there is a statistically significant concordant relationship between the predicted and
measured rankings for the absorption performance of the predicted solvent formulations. Based on this
it was concluded that PSP theory can be used to accurately predict the equilibrium behaviour of CO2
absorbing in task specific solvents.
Recently ionic liquids (ILs) have been identified as potential alternatives to alkanolamine solutions
conventionally used for CO2 absorption. Absorption experiments were conducted as a preliminary
assessment of the absorption performance of ILs. Results have shown ILs to have significantly improved
performance compared to conventional alkanolamine solvents; up to a 96% increase in the measured
absorption capacity compared to conventional solvents. Future work should focus on developing task
specific ionic liquids (TSILs) in an attempt to reduce the energy intensity of solvent regeneration in CO2
absorption processes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Koolsuurgas (CO2) word geklassifiseer as die vernaamste kweekhuis gas (GHG) wat bydra to globale
verwarming. Beramings deur die Interregeringspaneel oor Klimaatsverandering (IPKV) toon aan dat CO2
emissies teen 2050 verminder moet word met tussen 50 en 85% om onomkeerbare invloede te vermy.
Verskeie koolstof opvangs en bergings (KOB) strategieë kan toegepas word ten einde die koolstof
dioksied konsentrasie in die emissies van kragstasies wat fossielbrandstowwe gebruik, te verminder. Naverbranding
opvangs (NVO) is die mees aangewese KOB tegniek wat effektief toegepas kan word op
bestaande kragstasies. Tans is KOB egter nog nie kommersieël lewensvatbaarvatbaar nie. Die hoof
uitdaging wat KOB in die gesig staar is om die energie boete inherent aan die CO2 skeidingstap te
Tussen vyf-en-sewentig en tagtig persent van die totale koste van KOB is gekoppel aan die skeidingstap.
Daar is verskeie metodes beskikbaar vir die skeiding van CO2 uit die uitlaatgasse van kragstasies.
Reaktiewe absorpsie met waterige oplossings van amiene kan gebruik word om lae konsentrasie, lae
druk en hoë vloei uitlaatgasstrome in industriële toepassings te behandel. Dit is hoogs waarskynlik die
eerste tegnologie wat kommersieël aangewend sal word in die toepassing van KOB. Die oplosmiddel wat
normalweg vir reaktiewe absorpsie gebruik word (d.w.s. MEA) benodig egter ‘n groot hoeveelheid
energie vir regenerasie. Dit lei tot ‘n afname in die termiese doeltreffendheid van die voeder aanleg van
tot 15%. Alternatiewe oplosmiddelstelsels word tans ondersoek in ‘n poging om the energie intensiteit
van die regenerasieproses te verminder.
Die hoof doelwit van hierdie studie was om ‘n nuwe, ongekompliseerde termodinamiese metode te
vestig vir die keuring van alternatiewe oplosmiddels. Parsiële oplosbaarheidsparameters (POPs) is
geïdentifiseer as ‘n moontlike grondslag vir so ‘n metode. Die model beskryf egter slegs die ontbindings
gedrag van materiale. Die effekte van chemise reaksie(s) tussen materiale, bv. die tussen CO2 en
waterige oplossings van alkanolamiene, word nie in ag geneem nie. Die POP teorie het gedien as
grondslag vir die ontwerp van die EquiSolv sagteware stelsel. Die Hansen stel van drie POPs is gebruik
om die ewewigsgedrag te beskryf van CO2 wat absorbeer in doelgerig-ontwerpte oplosmiddels. Die
Hansen teorie is verder uitgebrei na ‘n stel van vier POPs om die bydrae van elektrostatiese wisselwerking tussen materiale in ag te neem. Die EquiSolv program is verskeie kere met groot sukses
gebruik vir die sifting van groot stelle data (soveel as 400 miljoen formulasies) in die soektog na
alternatiewe oplosmiddels vir CO2 absorpsie.
Die sekondêre doelwit van die studie was om die vermoë van die voorgestelde POP model om geskikte
alternatiewe oplosmiddels vir CO2 absorpsie akkuraat te voorspel, te ondersoek deur voorlopige
eksperimentele werk. ‘n Reeks CO2 absorpsie eksperimente is gedoen ten einde die absorpsie
werkverrigting van die voorspelde alternatiewe oplosmidels te ondersoek. ‘n Verbetering in absorpsie
werkverrigting van tot 97% is gevind vir die voorspelde oplosmiddels vergeleke met die van
oplosmiddels wat tipies in die industrie gebruik word. Statistiese ontleding van die eksperimentele
resultate het getoon dat daar ‘n beduidende ooreenstemming tussen die voorspelde en gemete
rangskikking van die voorspelde oplosmiddels se werkverrigting bestaan. Dus kan POP teorie gebruik
word om die absorpsie van CO2 in doelgerig-ontwerpte oplosmiddels akkuraat te beskryf.
Ioniese vloeistowwe (IVs) is onlangs geïdentifiseer as moontlike alternatiewe oplosmidels vir die
alkanolamien oplossings wat normaalweg gebruik word vir CO2 absorpsie. Absorpsie eksperimente is
gedoen ten einde ‘n voorlopige raming van die absorpsie werkverrigting van IVs te bekom. Daar is
bevind dat IVs ‘n beduidende verbetering in werkverrigting toon in vergelyking met die alkanolamien
oplosmiddels wat normaalweg gebruik word. ‘n Verbetering in absorpsie werkverrigting van tot 96% is
gevind vir die voorspelde IV-bevattende oplosmiddels vergeleke met die van oplosmiddels wat tipies in
die industrie gebruik word. Die fokus van toekomstige navorsing moet val op die ontwikkeling van
doelgemaakte ioniese vloeistowwe (DGIVs) in ‘n poging om die energie intensiteit van oplosmiddel
regenerasie in CO2 absorpsie prosesse te verminder.
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Étude de la précipitation du silicate de magnésium amorphe assistée par ultrasons : synthèse, caractérisation et modélisation / Study of amorphous magnesium silicate ultrasound-assisted precipitation : synthesis, characterization and modellingDietemann, Marie 13 December 2012 (has links)
Le talc naturel est utilisé en tant que charge de haute performance des matrices polymères, car il permet d'améliorer leurs propriétés mécaniques. Pour cela, la dispersion de la charge dans la matrice doit être de qualité, ce qui implique que les particules soient nanométriques. Or, obtenir des particules nanométriques par broyage s'avère coûteux énergétiquement et économiquement. L'étude d'une opération de précipitation a conduit à la synthèse de silicate de magnésium amorphe constitué de particules primaires nanométriques. L'analyse de surface du solide par chromatographie gazeuse inverse a été employée afin de prédire les interactions entre le solide et la matrice polymère. La constante d'équilibre du solide amorphe et les vitesses de cristallisation ont pu être identifiées après modélisation des équilibres chimiques. / Natural talc is used as an high performance filler in polymer matrices because it enables to improve mechanical properties. In order to improve these properties, a good-quality dispersion of the filler in the polymer matrix is necessary, that involves particles being nano-sized. However, getting nano-sized particles by milling processes is expensive and very energetic. The study of a precipitation operation has led to the synthesis of amorphous magnesium silicate whose primary particles are nano-sized. Solid surface analysis by inverse gas chromatography has been made in order to predict interactions between solid and polymer matrix. Equilibrium constant of amorphous solid and crystallization rates have been identified after modelling of chemical equilibria.
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Rozpustnost modelových karcinogenů a její modulace v přítomnosti biomolekul / Solubility of lipophilic model carcinogens in water environment and effect of biomoleculesŘeboun, Martin January 2013 (has links)
2-Nitrobenzanthron (2-NBA) and 3-nitrobenzanthron (3-NBA) are pollutants widely occurring in the environment. The main sources of benzanthrones are combustion products (i.e. diesel exhausts, wood and cigarette smoke ...). 3-NBA is proven strong mutagen and carcinogen for bacteria and mammals and it is probably mutagenic also to humans, while 2- NBA shows genotoxic properties lower by 3-4 orders of magnitude. Here we consider the possibility that large difference in the solubility, and consequently also the difference in bioavailability of these isomers could be the factor partially explaining this phenomenon. One goal was to determine solubility of 2-NBA in water and compare it with 3-NBA and also with other carcinogens studied in our laboratory (Sudan I, ellipticin). Another objective was to evaluate the effect of model proteins (bovine serum albumin, lysozyme) on solubility of Sudan I and ellipticine. The last aim was to determine extinction coefficients of these compounds in water and in methanol. Two different methods were employed to determine the solubility of the model compounds. The first method was based on spectrophotometric verification of the Lambert- Beer law. The results were than compared with other method measuring concentration of a compound in saturated solution (In Czech) Key...
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Metody stanovení rozpustnosti hydrofobních modelových karcinogenů ve vodném prostředí / Solubility of lipophilic model carcinogens in water environment and effect of biomoleculesŘeboun, Martin January 2013 (has links)
2-Nitrobenzanthron (2-NBA) and 3-nitrobenzanthron (3-NBA) are pollutants widely occurring in the environment. The main sources of benzanthrones are combustion products (i.e. diesel exhausts, wood and cigarette smoke ...). 3-NBA is proven strong mutagen and carcinogen for bacteria and mammals and it is probably mutagenic also to humans, while 2- NBA shows genotoxic properties lower by 3-4 orders of magnitude. Here we consider the possibility that large difference in the solubility, and consequently also the difference in bioavailability of these isomers could be the factor partially explaining this phenomenon. One of our goals was to determine the solubility of 2-NBA in water and compare it with 3-NBA and also with other carcinogens studied in our laboratory (Sudan I, ellipticin). The second aim was to determine extinction coefficients of these compounds in water and in methanol. Two different methods were employed to determine the solubility of the model compounds. The first method was based on spectrophotometric verification of the Lambert- Beer law. The results were than compared with other method utilizing determination of concentration of a compound in equilibrium with solid phase. (In Czech) Key words: solubility, UV-VIS spectroscopy, 3-nitrobenzanthrone, 2-nitrobenzanthrone, ellipticine, Sudan I
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Obtenção de micropartículas contendo dispersões sólidas de praziquantel por spray congealing / Obtain microparticles containing solid dispersions of praziquantel by spray congealingMachado, Marcela Olaia 18 April 2011 (has links)
MACHADO, M. O. Obtenção de micropartículas contendo dispersões sólidas de praziquantel por spray congealing. 2011. 120f. Dissertação (Mestrado). Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, 2011. A esquistossomose é uma verminose provocada pelo Schistosoma mansoni. Sua prevalência no Brasil é de aproximadamente 10 milhões de pessoas infectadas. O tratamento é feito com o praziquantel, um fármaco anti-helmíntico para uso tanto humano como veterinário. Está classificado no sistema de classificação biofarmacêutico como de classe II, dos fármacos que possuem baixa solubilidade e alta permeabilidade necessitando de um estudo para melhorar a sua solubilidade e consequentemente sua taxa de dissolução. Para isso, técnica escolhida nesse estudo foi a de obtenção de dispersões sólidas de praziquantel, microparticuladas, por spray congealing. Esta técnica prepara micropartículas atomizando-se a solução do fármaco em um carreador fundido, dispensando solventes orgânicos ou aquosos. Foram preparadas dispersões sólidas e misturas físicas com formulações de polietilenoglicol 6000:praziquantel nas proporções de 10, 15 e 20% de praziquantel e polietilenoglicol 6000:sorbitol:praziquantel nas proporções de 10, 15, 20 e 40% de praziquantel e determinou-se a sua solubilidade em todas as amostras. As dispersões sólidas preparadas obtiveram um aumento significativo na solubilidade do fármaco em relação ao praziquantel puro e as formulações com polietilenoglicol 6000 e sorbitol apresentaram uma melhoria significante de solubilidade em relação às que continham apenas polietilenoglicol, com p<0,05. Porém ao realizar a atomização no spray a formulação adquiriu características adesivas impossibilitando o sucesso da utilização da técnica de spray congealing. Com isso escolheu-se a formulação de polietilenoglicol 6000:praziquantel nas concentrações de 10, 15 e 20% de praziquantel e realizou-se um planejamento fatorial do tipo Box-Behnken, num total de 15 experimentos, estudando a vazão de atomização, a vazão de dispersão e a porcentagem de praziquantel. Para todas as amostras realizou-se as análises por calorimetria exploratória diferencial, termogravimetria, infravermelho e difração de raios-X. Estas análises mostraram que provavelmente não houve interações fármaco/polímero. Na análise das propriedades de escoabilidade as micropartículas apresentaram fluxo de excelente a tolerável. Estas tiveram um aumento da solubilidade do fármaco que variou de 62,6 a 79% em relação ao praziquantel puro. O diâmetro médio das partículas ficou entre 145 a 215µm. As micropartículas tiveram um aumento da taxa de dissolução de 3,18 vezes em comparação ao praziquantel puro, 2,3 vezes em relação mistura física de 10% e 2,14 vezes em relação à dispersão sólida de 10%. A análise morfológica mostrou partículas irregulares e com superfície rugosa apresentando pequenos cristais do fármaco. A técnica apresentou uma excelente eficiência de encapsulação que variou de 88 a 108%. Pela análise de variância dos dados tivemos que para a solubilidade quanto menor a porcentagem de praziquantel na amostra, maior o aumento da solubilidade e para o tamanho de partícula, quanto maior a vazão de dispersão, maior é a partícula. Com esses resultados pode-se concluir que a técnica de spray congealing apresentou resultados satisfatórios, sendo uma técnica eficiente, rápida e muito promissora para a preparação de dispersões sólidas. / Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease caused by the worm Schistosoma mansoni. Its prevalence in Brazil is around 10 million infected people. Treatment is done with praziquantel, an antihelmintic drug both for human and animal use. As it is a class II drug of low solubility and high permeability according to the Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS), it is highly valuable to perform a study to improve the solubility and dissolution rates of praziquantel. That is the aim of the present work. Spray congealing was the technique used to obtain solid dispersions of praziquantel. It consists of atomizing the solution or suspension containing the drug in a melting carrier without the need of organic or aqueous solvents. Solid dispersions and physical mixtures were prepared using polyethylene glycol 6000:praziquantel in proportions 10%, 15%, and 20% of praziquantel, and using polyethylene glycol 6000:sorbitol:praziquantel in proportions 10%, 15%, 20%, and 40% of praziquantel. Solubility tests were performed in each sample. Solid dispersions had a significant increase in solubility rate compared to pure praziquantel. The formulations containing polyethylene glycol 6000 and sorbitol had a significant improvement in solubility rate compared to the ones with polyethylene glycol only (p<0,05). However, during the atomization through spray congealing technique, the formulation acquired sticky characteristics, impairing the success of such technique. Thus, the formulation of polyethylene glycol 6000:praziquantel in concentrations 10%, 15% and 20% of praziquantel was chosen and a factorial design type Box-Behnken was planned, in a total of 15 experiments, to study the parameters: flow of the atomization, flow rate of the dispersion, and the percentage of praziquantel. It was carried out an analysis of the samples of physical mixtures, microparticles, and solid dispersions in each proportion through differential exploratory calorimetry, thermogravimetry, infrared ray and X-ray diffraction. The analysis showed that probably there were no interactions between the drug and the polymer. Flow rate analysis of microparticles presented a level from excellent to tolerable, showing an increase in solubility that ranged from 62.6% to 79% compared to pure praziquantel. The average diameter of the particles ranged from 145 to 215m, which is a reasonable size to improve solubility and properties of the flow. Microparticles had an increase in dissolution rate of 3.18 times compared to pure praziquantel, 2.3 times in relation to physical mixture of 10%, and 2.14 times in relation to solid dispersion of 10%. Morphological analysis revealed irregular particles with wrinkled surface with small crystals of the drug. Photomicrographs showed that there was agglomeration during spray congealing. The technique exhibited an excellent efficacy of encapsulation that ranged from 88% to 108%. Variance analysis for the studied factors showed that only solubility and particle size exhibited values with significant statistical difference. For solubility, the lower the percentage of praziquantel in the sample, the higher the increase in solubility. For particle size, the higher the flow of dispersion, the bigger the particle. From the study carried out, it can be concluded that spray congealing is an efficient, quick and promising technique for preparation of solid dispersions.
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Avaliação do impacto de diferentes variáveis no ensaio de dissolução intrínseca de metronidazol / Evaluation of the impact of different variables in the intrinsic dissolution test for metronidazoleIssa, Michéle Georges 30 March 2011 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o impacto de diferentes variáveis no ensaio de dissolução intrínseca de metronidazol. Inicialmente, as amostras, com diferentes graus de micronização, foram submetidas à caracterização físico-química, sendo realizados ensaios de solubilidade, tamanho de partícula, análise térmica (DSC/ TG), infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR), difratometria de raios X (DRX), análise de área superficial pelo método BET, microscopia óptica, densidade verdadeira e densidade compactada. Na sequência, foram realizados os ensaios de dissolução intrínseca segundo um planejamento experimental do tipo fatorial fracionado, sendo cada fator avaliado em três níveis. Para o delineamento, utilizou-se o programa Statistica 8.0. e os fatores estudados foram: velocidade de rotação, pressão utilizada na formação do compactado do fármaco, meio de dissolução e grau de micronização. Os resultados mostraram alteração nas propriedades reológicas do material conforme o aumento do grau de micronização, enquanto as demais propriedades não foram afetadas. Entre os fatores estudados no delineamento, a velocidade de rotação e o meio de dissolução, foram aqueles que exerceram influência significativa na dissolução intrínseca do metronidazol. Embora a solubilidade do fármaco não sofra influência do tamanho de partícula, valores superiores foram observados em HCl 0,1 M, meio em que também foram obtidas as mais elevadas velocidades de dissolução intrínseca (VDIs). / The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of different variables in the intrinsic dissolution test of metronidazol. Initially, the samples, with different levels of micronization, underwent physicochemical characterization, whereby they were tested for solubility, particle size, thermal analysis (DSC/TG), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, X-ray diffractometry (DRX), surface area analysis by the BET method, optical microscopy, true density and tapped density. Then, intrinsic dissolution tests were carried out according to fractional factorial experimental planning, with each factor being evaluated on three levels. The Statistica 8.0 software program was used for design, and the factors studied were: rotational velocity, pressure used in the formation of the compressed drug, dissolution medium and level of micronization. The results indicated alterations in the rheological properties of the material, as the level of micronization increased, while the remaining properties were unaffected. Among the factors studied in the design, the rotation speed and the dissolution medium were the factors that exercised the most significant influence on the intrinsic dissolution of metronidazol. Although the solubility of the drug is not influenced by particle size, higher values were observed in HCl 0.1 M, the medium in which the highest intrinsic dissolution rates (IDRs) were also obtained.
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Viabilidade técnica do emprego de solventes alcoólicos na extração de óleos vegetais: caracterização físico-química do óleo, funcionalidades da fração proteica e recuperação do solvente / Technical feasibility of the use of alcoholic solvents in vegetable oils extraction: physical-chemical characterization of oil, protein fraction functionalities and solvent recoveryCapellini, Maria Carolina 21 August 2017 (has links)
Durante o desenvolvimento da presente Tese de Doutorado buscou-se como objetivo principal o estudo da viabilidade técnica da substituição do solvente utilizado no processo industrial de extração de óleos vegetais, hexana, por álcoois de cadeia curta, etanol ou isopropanol, com diferentes graus de hidratação, sendo estes considerados mais seguros frente à alta toxicidade e inflamabilidade da hexana. Ainda, estes solventes alcoólicos podem ser parcialmente recuperados após o processo de extração devido apresentarem miscibilidade parcial com óleo à temperatura ambiente. Buscando-se aumentar o rendimento de extração de óleo e agregar valor ao material desengordurado rico em proteínas, a torta de sementes de gergelim foi submetida ao processo de extração alcoólica utilizando-se etanol ou isopropanol, absoluto ou azeotrópico, nas temperaturas de 50 a 90 °C. Resultados mostraram que a hidratação do solvente alcoólico afetou negativamente a eficiência de extração de óleo, enquanto o aumento da temperatura favoreceu este processo, com valores de rendimento de extração de aproximadamente 98 % sendo atingidos para solventes absolutos a 90 °C, considerando um único estágio de contato. O óleo de torta de sementes de gergelim obtido da extração alcoólica mostrou-se rico em sesamina, contendo aproximadamente 4 g/kg deste composto, independentemente do tipo de solvente e temperatura. Isopropanol absoluto exibiu a melhor capacidade de extração de tocoferóis, permitindo obter óleo de torta de sementes de gergelim com 177 mg/kg deste composto minoritário. Em adição, independentemente da condição de processo empregada, o óleo obtido da extração alcoólica apresentou composição típica de óleo de sementes de gergelim. Em relação à fração proteica, a utilização de temperaturas variando de 50 a 80 °C, para todos os solventes alcoólicos estudados, não afetou a solubilidade proteica e a estabilidade térmica dos sólidos desengordurados. Para o farelo de arroz, os baixos valores de índice de solubilidade obtidos, cerca de 10 %, inviabilizaram a produção de concentrados proteicos e, portanto, o impacto das condições de extração sobre as propriedades funcionais dos materiais desengordurados oriundos da extração alcoólica sequencial de óleo de farelo de arroz, a 60 e 80 °C, foi avaliado. Altos valores de capacidade de absorção de água (4 g/g amostra) e óleo (3 g/g amostra) foram obtidos, denotando a possibilidade da aplicação deste material em produtos de panificação e cárneos, respectivamente. Em adição, observou-se que o processo de extração alcoólica não interferiu na estabilidade das espumas produzidas, porém exerceu influência negativa na estabilidade das emulsões. Ademais, no estudo da recuperação do solvente, etapa subsequente ao processo de extração, dados de equilíbrio de fases determinados para sistemas lipídicos compostos por óleo bruto de sementes de gergelim, obtido da prensagem mecânica industrial, e solventes alcoólicos, entre 10 e 60 °C, mostraram que a temperatura influenciou fracamente a solubilidade mútua dos componentes do sistema, enquanto a hidratação do solvente causou uma diminuição desta solubilidade, com consequente redução do coeficiente de partição para o óleo e ácidos graxos livres. Parâmetros do modelo NRTL ajustados aos dados experimentais apresentaram adequada descrição do comportamento dos sistemas lipídicos, com desvios variando de 0,15 a 0,49 %. Em adição, buscando-se associar os resultados obtidos nos experimentos de extração alcoólica de óleo de torta de sementes de gergelim aos dados de equilíbrio líquido-líquido observou-se que os parâmetros estimados para os sistemas lipídicos contendo etanol e isopropanol conseguiram prever adequadamente os teores de sólidos solúveis contidos nas fases extrato oriundas dos experimentos de extração sólido-líquido nos quais Et0 e IPA12 foram utilizados como solventes. Ainda, os parâmetros de interação binários estimados foram utilizados para determinação da proporção mássica mínima de óleo:solvente no extrato que possibilitaria dessolventização parcial, devido à separação de fases com a redução da temperatura, sendo encontrados valores de 1:5 para Et0, 1:3 para IPA0 e 1:1 para os álcoois mais hidratados, Et6 e IPA12. / During the development of this Ph.D. Thesis, the main objective was to study the technical feasibility of replacing the solvent used in the industrial process of vegetable oils extraction, hexane, by short chain alcohols, ethanol or isopropanol, with different degrees of hydration, which are considered safer due to the hexane high toxicity and flammability. Also, these alcoholic solvents can be partially recovered after the extraction process due to partial miscibility with oil at room temperature. In order to increase the oil extraction yield and add value to the protein-rich defatted meal, sesame seed cake was submitted to the alcoholic extraction process using ethanol or isopropanol, absolute or azeotropic, at temperatures from 50 to 90 °C. Results showed that the hydration of the alcoholic solvent negatively affected the oil extraction efficiency, while the increase in temperature favored this process, with extraction yield values of approximately 98 % being reached for absolute solvents at 90 °C, considering a single stage of contact. The sesame seed cake oil obtained from alcoholic extraction was rich in sesamin, containing approximately 4 g/kg of this compound, regardless of the alcohol hydration and temperature. Absolute isopropanol exhibited the best tocopherol extraction capacity, enabling to obtain sesame seed cake oil with 177 mg/kg of this minor compound. In addition, regardless of the process condition employed, the oil obtained from the alcoholic extraction showed a typical composition of sesame seed oil. Regarding the protein fraction, the use of temperatures ranging from 50 to 80 °C, for all alcoholic solvents studied, did not affect the protein solubility and the thermal stability of the defatted meals. For the rice bran, the low values of solubility index obtained, about 10 %, made the production of protein concentrates unfeasible and, therefore, the impact of the extraction conditions on the functional properties of the defatted meals from the sequential alcoholic extraction of rice bran oil, at 60 and 80 °C, was evaluated. High values of water (4 g/g sample) and oil (3 g / g sample) absorption capacities were obtained, denoting the possibility of applying this material to bakery and meat products, respectively. In addition, it was observed that the alcoholic extraction process did not interfere in the stability of the foams produced, but had a negative influence on the stability of the emulsions. Furthermore, in the solvent recovery study, a subsequent step from the extraction process, phase equilibrium data determined for lipid systems composed of crude sesame seed oil, obtained from industrial mechanical pressing, and alcoholic solvents, at temperatures of 10 to 60 °C, showed that the temperature weakly influenced the mutual solubility of the system components, while the solvent hydration caused a decrease of this solubility, with consequent reduction of the partition coefficient for the oil and free fatty acids. NRTL model parameters adjusted to the experimental data presented an adequate description of the lipid systems behavior, with deviations varying from 0.15 to 0.49 %. In addition, looking for associate the results obtained in the alcoholic extraction of sesame seed cake oil with the liquid-liquid equilibrium data, it was observed that the parameters estimated for the lipid systems containing ethanol and isopropanol were able to adequately predict the contents of soluble solids in the extract phases from the solid-liquid extraction experiments in which Et0 and IPA12 were used as solvents. Moreover, the estimated binary interaction parameters were used to determine the minimum oil:solvent mass ratio in the extract that would allow partial desolventization, due to the phase separation with the reduction of temperature, with values of 1:5 being found for Et0, 1:3 for IPA0 and 1:1 for the more hydrated alcohols, Et6 and IPA12.
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Efeito do tratamento térmico sobre a sorção e solubilidade, tenacidade à fratura e grau de conversão de compósitos restauradores diretos / Effect of post-curing heat cured treatment in sorption and solubility, fracture toughness and degree of conversion of direct compositesSilva, Breno Mont'Alverne Haddade 01 December 2010 (has links)
O tratamento térmico em compósitos restauradores diretos foi realizado a fim de verificar a influência sobre algumas propriedades, tais como a sorção, solubilidade, tenacidade à fratura e grau de conversão. Foram utilizados três compósitos: um nanoparticulado, um microhíbrido e um microparticulado. Duas fontes de luz (Halógena e LED) e dois períodos (48h e 28dias) de armazenagem, com exceção da solubilidade. O tratamento térmico foi realizado em estufa convencional (170o C por 5min), sendo metade dos corpos de prova (cps) tratados e a outra, apenas fotoativada.Para sorção e solubilidade, foram confeccionados 60 cps de acordo com os fatores analisados (n=5) em uma matriz metálica circular de dimensões 15 mm x1 mm. Para o cálculo da sorção e solubilidade, os cps foram pesados em uma Balança Analítica,inicialmente após a confecção do cp, 1hora, 24h, 48h, 7d, 14, 21 e 28d, a fim de estabelecer Massa Inicial (Mi) Massa absorvida (Ma) e Massa dessecada (Md). Para a tenacidade à fratura, foram confeccionados 240 cps de acordo com os fatores analisados (n=10) em uma matriz metálica de dimensões internas 25 mm x 5mm x 2,8 mm. O método utilizado foi o Single Edge Notch-Beam(SENB), com um entalhe de 2,3 mm posicionado no centro da matriz. Os cps eram levados à máquina universal para o ensaio de flexão e, após a ruptura, as superfícies de fratura eram analisadas no estereomicroscópio, para, em seguida, obter as imagens e calcular as dimensões do cps para inserir naequação da tenacidade à fratura.Já para o grau de conversão foram confeccionados 36 cps em uma matriz de acetato circular de 15 mm x 1 mm, posicionados entre duas lâminas microscópicas (n=3). O cálculo do grau de conversão foi determinado por espectroscopia no infravermelho (FTIR).Em geral, os estudos apresentaram uma influência significante do tratamento térmico, Dos resultados para a sorção o compósito, em geral, diminuiu,comparado aos grupos somente fotoativados em ambos os períodos. Entre as interações analisadas (Fonte de Luz X Período) foi significante para todos os grupos. Para a solubilidade a interação (Fonte de luz X Tratamento térmico foi significante para todos os grupos. Quanto à tenacidade à fratura, apenas o fator tratamento foi significante para os compósitos nanoparticulado e microhíbrido. Já para os microparticulados, houve influência dos fatores principais e dasinterações(Fonte de Luz X Período) e Fonte de Luz X Tratamento Térmico). De maneira geral, houve um aumento dos valores de tenacidade para todos os grupos. Já para o grau de conversão, houve um aumento significativo com relação ao tratamento e os períodos analisados dos compósitos. O tratamento térmico, em geral, influenciou positivamente as propriedades estudadas. Sendo assim, a opção de realizar o tratamento térmico nos compósitos de acordo com as propriedades e fatores analisados, torna a técnica passível de ser recomendada. / The post-curing heat treatment in direct composite treatment was done to verify the influence on some properties like sorption, solubility, fracture toughness and the degree of conversion. During the referred study it was used three composites: nanoparticle, a microhybrid and a microfill. Two sources of light (Halogen and LED) and two periods (48 hours and 28 days) for each one, but not to solubility. The postcuringwas done in dry heat sterilizer of 170º C for five minutes for, half of the test samples (TS) were treated and the other half were only photoactivated. It was made 60 TS to sorption and solubility according to the analyzed factors (n=5) in a 15mm x 1mm round metal matrix. To calculate sorption and solubility the TS were weighted in a analytical balance, right after the beginning of the production in 1 hour, 24 hours, 7days, 14 days, 21 days and 28 days respectively in order to establish the initial absorbed mass (Mi), the absorbed mass (Ma) and the desiccated mass (Md ). It was produced 240 TS to the fracture toughness according to factors (n=10) in a 25mm x 5mm x 2,8mm in metallic matrix. The Single Edge Notch-Beam (SENB), was the used method during this study with a notch of 2,3mm placed in the center of the matrix. The TS were taken to a universal machine to flexural test so after the rupture referred surface fractures were analyzed in a stereomicroscope and then it was possible to get the images to calculate the size of the TS to insert the calculus of the fracture toughness. To degree conversion were made 36 TS in a 15mm x 1mm circular acetate matrix placed between two microscopes slides (n=3). The degree conversion was determined a infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). In general the study showed a significant influence in relation post-curing heat treatment. In both periods the sorption of the composites have decreased in general comparison to the photoactivated only. The interactions(light source versus period) was significant for all groups. To solubility the interaction (light source versus post-curing heat treatment) was significant for all groups. In reference to fracture toughnessonly post curing heat treatment factor was significant to the nanoparticle and microhybrid composites. In other hand the microfill composite were influenced by the main factors and by the interactions (light source X periods) and (llght source X heat cured). In general there was an increase of the fracture toughness value in all groups. In relation to the degree conversion there was an increase significant of the composite during heat cured and analyzed periods. The post-curing heat treatment influenced all the studied properties of the direct composite in a positive way. Therefore the option of doing the heat cured treatment in the composites according to the properties and the analyzed factor is technically possible to be done.
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Avaliação da solubilidade e da permeabilidade intestinal de fármacos antirretrovirais. Aplicações na classificação biofarmacêutica / Evaluation of solubility and intestinal permeability of antiretroviral drugs. Biopharmaceutical classificationPereira, Thaisa Marinho 08 March 2012 (has links)
A biodisponibilidade de um fármaco é o fator determinante da eficácia clínica e depende principalmente das seguintes etapas: liberação da substância ativa a partir da forma farmacêutica e absorção. Assim, o controle da extensão e da velocidade de absorção de um fármaco administrado por via oral depende basicamente de dois aspectos: solubilidade nos líquidos fisiológicos e permeabilidade através das membranas biológicas. Fundamentado nestas características, o Sistema de Classificação Biofarmacêutica (SCB) foi proposto como ferramenta que permite a classificação dos fármacos e tem como finalidade auxiliar nas bioisenções e na predição da biodisponibilidade in vivo. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a solubilidade da estavudina e a permeabilidade intestinal de fármacos antirretrovirais por meio do modelo de perfusão in situ. Os meios empregados nos estudos de solubilidade e dissolução intrínseca foram: água purificada, tampão pH 1,2, tampão pH 4,5, tampão pH 6,8 e tampão pH 7,5. Para a determinação da solubilidade pelo método do equilíbrio (técnica shake-flask), quantidades conhecidas do fármaco foram adicionadas em cada meio até atingir a saturação e esta mistura foi submetida à agitação de 150 rpm por 72 horas a 37°C. Para os ensaios de dissolução intrínseca, quantidade conhecida de estavudina foi compactada na matriz do aparato de Wood e submetida à dissolução em cada meio, sob agitação de 50 rpm a 37°C. A determinação da permeabilidade dos antirretrovirais foi realizada empregando o modelo de perfusão in situ em ratos machos Wistar. Uma porção do jejuno foi isolada e a solução de perfusão (pH 6,5) contendo o fármaco foi perfundida a um fluxo de 0,2 mL.min-1 a 37°C por 120 minutos. Os resultados obtidos referentes à solubilidade da estavudina pelo método do equilíbrio foram (em mg.mL-1): 146,49 (água), 149,22 (pH 4,5), 139,43 (pH 6,8) e 130,15 (pH 7,5). A determinação da razão dose:solubilidade (D:S) em cada meio permitiu a obtenção dos seguintes resultados (em mL): 0,27 (água), 0,27 (pH 4,5), 0,29 (pH 6,8) e 0,31 (pH 7,5). Tais dados indicaram que este fármaco apresenta alta solubilidade nos meios utilizados no estudo, exceto em meio pH 1,2, onde a estavudina apresentou instabilidade demonstrada pela presença de coloração e odor alterados, inviabilizando a determinação da solubilidade nestas condições. Os ensaios de dissolução intrínseca da estavudina permitiram a determinação das taxas de dissolução intrínseca (TDI), as quais foram (em mg/min/cm²): 2,3570 (água), 2,7389 (pH 1,2), 2,7590 (pH 4,5) e 2,5947 (pH 6,8), demonstrando que este fármaco apresenta alta velocidade de dissolução nos meios utilizados. Com relação ao estudo de permeabilidade por meio do modelo de perfusão in situ, nas condições experimentais empregadas, os resultados obtidos foram (em cm.s-1): 3,96 x 10-5 (estavudina), 3,08 x 10-5 (lamivudina) e 4,17 x 10-5 (zidovudina) sugerindo que os fármacos estavudina e zidovudina apresentam alta permeabilidade. Para a lamivudina não é descartada a possibilidade de ser considerada como fármaco de alta permeabilidade, mesmo apresentando resultado ligeiramente abaixo em relação aos outros dois antirretrovirais utilizados no estudo. / Drug\'s bioavaliability is a determinant factor of clinical efficacy and it depends on the following steps: release of active ingredient from the dosage form and absorption. Thus, control of extend and rate of absorption of a drug orally administered depends on two aspects: the drug solubility in physiological fluids and permeability across biological membranes. Based on these characteristics, the Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) was proposed as a tool that allows the drug\'s classification and it assists in biowaiver and in vivo bioavailability prediction. The aim of this study was to evaluate stavudine solubility and intestinal permeability of antiretroviral drugs through the in situ perfusion model. The means employed in the solubility studies and intrinsic dissolution were: purified water, buffer pH 1.2, buffer pH 4.5, buffer pH 6.8 and buffer pH 7.5. For solubility study by equilibrium method (shake-flask technique), known amounts of the drug were added in each media to reach saturation and the mixture was subjected to agitation of 150 rpm for 72 hours at 37°C. For intrinsic dissolution test, known amount of stavudine has been compressed in the matrix of Wood\'s apparatus and subjected to dissolution in each media with agitation of 50 rpm at 37°C. Permeability evaluation of antiretroviral drugs was performed using the in situ perfusion model in male Wistar rats. A portion of jejunum was isolated and perfusion solution (pH 6.5) with the drug was perfused at 0.2 mL/min at 37°C for 120 minutes. Results of stavudine solubility by equilibrium method were (in mg/mL): 146.49 (water), 149.22 (pH 4.5), 139.43 (pH 6.8) and 130.15 (pH 7.5). Dose:solubility (D:S) ratio determinations allowed to obtain the following results (in mL): 0.27 (water), 0.27 (pH 4.5), 0.29 (pH 6.8) and 0.31 (pH 7.5). These results indicate that stavudine has high solubility in the means employed in this study, except in buffer pH 1.2, where stavudine showed instability demonstrated by presence of stain and odor changed, which prevented the determination of solubility in these conditions. The intrinsic dissolution study allowed the determination of intrinsic dissolution rates (IDR), which were (in mg/min/cm²): 2.3570 (water), 2.7389 (pH 1.2), 2.7590 (pH 4.5) and 2.5947 (pH 6.8), demonstrating that this drug has a high dissolution rate in each media used. In permeability study through the in situ perfusion model, under experimental conditions adopted, the results obtained were (in cm/s): 3.96 x 10-5 (stavudine), 3.08 x 10-5 (lamivudine) and 4.17 x 10-5 (zidovudine), suggesting that stavudine and zidovudine have high permeability. It\'s possible that lamivudine might be considered high permeability drug, although its effective permeability result was slightly lower compared to effective permeability of stavudine and zidovudine.
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Previous issue date: 2009-06-25 / Many pharmaceutical products are in solid state for reasons of stability or ease of
handling during the stages of drug development. The polymorphism is the
crystallization of the same substance in different crystalline architectures. This
phenomenon is very common in pharmaceuticals and is associated with differences
in packing arrangements of crystalline. The presence of different crystalline forms for
the same drug can change some of its physicochemical properties such as solubility,
which can directly affect their bioavailability and therapeutic efficacy. In this context,
carbamazepine has served as a model compound for the study of polymorphism,
where an analysis of its structural diversity has sought to evaluate the susceptibility
polymorphic. Significant differences between the polymorphic forms of anhydrous
carbamazepine were characterized by spectroscopic methods and difratometria,
especially the X-ray diffraction, the important structural information provided. Where
Polymorphic susceptibility to the more stable form can be observed due to several
factors including the energy content is highlighted. / Muitos produtos farmacêuticos encontram-se no estado sólido por motivos de
estabilidade ou por facilidade no manuseio durante as etapas de desenvolvimento
da droga. O polimorfismo é a cristalização de uma mesma substância em diferentes
arquiteturas cristalinas. Este fenômeno é muito comum em produtos farmacêuticos e
está associado às diferenças nos arranjos da embalagem cristalina. A presença de
diferentes formas cristalinas para um mesmo fármaco pode alterar algumas das suas
propriedades físico-químicas, tais como a solubilidade, o que pode afetar
diretamente sua biodisponibilidade e sua eficácia terapêutica. Neste contexto, a
carbamazepina tem servido de composto modelo para o estudo do polimorfismo,
onde uma análise de sua multiplicidade estrutural tem buscado avaliar a
susceptibilidade polimórfica. Significantes diferenças entre as formas polimórficas
anidras da carbamazepina foram caracterizadas por métodos espectroscópicos e
difratométricos, em especial a difração de raios X, pelas importantes informações
estruturais fornecidas. Onde a suscetibilidade polimórfica para forma mais estável
pode ser observada em função de vários fatores entre eles se destaca o conteúdo
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