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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stakeholder Analysis in Sustainable Forest Management in Sabah, Malaysia

Lintangah, Walter 22 April 2014 (has links)
The Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) was first introduced in all commercial forest reserves in Sabah in 1997. This policy gives hope to the state government to manage the forests in a sustainable manner following the forest development phase of revenue oriented timber exploitation, which has contributed to the decline in forest resources; the increase in forest degradation and the decrease in state income earned from the forestry sector. Under the SFM concept, the forest of the state was divided into Forest Management Units (FMUs) managed by FMU holders under different institutional arrangements of state, state enterprise and private sector. This study was conducted to investigate the corporate-stakeholder interrelation under the SFM concept implemented by the FMU holder in Sabah, Malaysia. The research was based on the ‘Triple Typology Perspective of Stakeholder Theory’, which encapsulates three different perspectives of ‘conceptual’, ‘corporate’ and ‘stakeholder’ centric. The ‘conceptual’ perspective explores the overall SFM concept and its relation to the FMU holder – stakeholder interaction. The ‘corporate’ view investigates how the FMU holders as the corporate part of the SFM concept deals with their stakeholders; and the ‘stakeholder’ perspective analyses the relation between stakeholders, the FMU holders and SFM implementation. Stakeholder analysis was used to gather information with the application of methods incorporating literature reviews, expert interviews, focus groups, meetings and discussion, questionnaire surveys and Q methodology. Four FMUs were selected as study areas, which managed by the state, state enterprise and private sector. The respondents were encompassed personal of Sabah Forestry Department (SFD), FMU managers and FMU workers, various governmental and non-governmental agencies, and local communities of eight villages located within and in the fringe of FMU areas involved in the study. Under the ‘conceptual centric’, different groups of stakeholders were identified based on SFM documentation, which also provide the normative basis for the SFM concept. The contemporary implementation of SFM was assessed based on stakeholders’ perspective, which indicated that the overall SFM contribution entailed mainly on satisfaction of environment objectives, followed by economic and, to a lesser degree, social objectives. Different categories of stakeholders were identified based on their perceptions of various issues under SFM implementation. These include the level of cooperation or conflict; degree of stakeholder participation; views of specific individuals and a thorough comparison of individual subjectivity. There is, however, an agreement to the statements on the influential factors towards effective SFM implementation, which include the administration and leadership of SFD, and good collaboration between SFD and the FMU holders. Other consensuses were related to the roles of participation in promoting learning about synergy and the importance of various forest uses, and that it should be able to influence the decision-making during the consultation process. The implementation of SFM was agreed in influencing towards investment in the forestry sector and the development of the rural area in the state. The ‘corporate centric’ indicates the different approaches of stakeholder management under the different arrangements of FMU holders. The SFM operations with a high level of stakeholder involvement were identified as community forestry programme followed by forest conservation, forest protection, development and preparation of plans, administration, human resource development, and research and development. The important stakeholders, according to their degree of involvement in SFM operations were the internal stakeholders of FMU workers, followed by external stakeholders of the staff of SFD, contractors, local communities, local authorities, consultants, businessmen/traders and researchers/scientists. Other stakeholders were various state government agencies, manufacturers, shareholders, NGOs (local), international agencies, NGOs (international), donors, federal government agencies and other FMU holders. The ‘stakeholder centric’ identifies the various stakeholders interests and claims associated with SFM implementation that depend on stakeholder affiliation. The main groups in this study were multi-interest stakeholder groups (n=104) and the local community groups of the selected villages (n=332). The interests and claims of the multi-interest stakeholder group were related to SFM objectives such as good management of the forest, protection and conservation of environment and biodiversity, and protection of water catchment areas. The local community groups, on the other hand, were mainly concerned with the importance of the forest as a source for foods, land for agriculture and other livelihood purposes. There are various approaches for stakeholder relation management (SRM) that are employed by the FMU holders and stakeholders. These may consist of management quality system, CSR program, the community forest development project; inter agency meetings and dialogue; and collaboration and cooperation with other agencies and institutions. SRM can assist in balancing conflicts that arise, promoting cooperation, and advancing the knowledge and understanding on the SFM concept among the stakeholders. The SRM approaches under the SFM implementation can augment participation by the stakeholders, which in turn will promote effective and efficient implementation of SFM. The mutual relation of the SFM concept and SRM is advancing stakeholder participation in promoting effective implementation of SFM at the FMU level. The inter-relation of the ‘triple perspective typology of stakeholder theory’ was integrated as new contexts to achieve objectives for sustainability under SFM policy, with the business case of corporate sustainability, and the wider scope of the ecosystem approach and the sustainable development. / Das Konzept Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) wurde erstmals in allen kommerziellen Waldreservaten in Sabah, Malaysia, im Jahr 1997 eingeführt. Mit dieser Politik verbindet die Landesregierung die Hoffnung, dass die Wälder nun in einer nachhaltigen Art und Weise bewirtschaftet werden können, nachdem die fast ausschließlich auf Einnahmen orientierte Holznutzung zum Rückgang der Waldbestände, zur Zunahme der Waldzerstörung und damit letztendlich auch zum Rückgang der Staatseinnahmen aus der Forstwirtschaft beigetragen hat. Zur Umsetzung des SFM-Konzepts wurde der Staatswald in Forest Management Units (FMU) unterteilt, die von FMU Haltern aus verschiedenen Staatsinstitutionen, Staatsunternehmen und der Privatwirtschaft verwaltet werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht das Verhältnis zwischen Unternehmen als FMU-Bewirtschaftern und Stakeholdern im Konzept nachhaltiger Waldbewirtschaftung, das von FMUs in Sabah, Malaysia implementiert wurde. Die Arbeit basiert auf der „Triple-Typology Perspective of Stakeholder Theory“, welche drei verschiedene Perspektiven beinhaltet, die konzeptionell, unternehmensbezogen oder Stakeholder-zentriert sind. Dabei untersucht die konzeptionelle Perspektive SFM-Konzepte und die daraus resultierenden Beziehungen zwischen FMU-Bewirtschafter und ihren jeweiligen Stakeholdern. Die unternehmenszentrierte Sicht legt den Schwerpunkt darauf, wie FMU-Bewirtschafter als Teil des SFM-Konzeptes mit Stakeholdern interagieren. Die Stakeholder-Perspektive analysiert das Verhältnis zwischen Stakeholdern, FMU-Bewirtschafter und der SFM-Implementierung. Die Daten wurden mit Hilfe der Stakeholder-Theorie unter Anwendung quantitativer und qualitativer Methoden wie Literaturrecherche, Experteninterviews, Fokusgruppen, informellen Treffen und Diskussionsrunden, schriftlichen Befragungen und der Q-Methodologie erhoben. Als Untersuchungseinheiten wurden vier FMUs ausgewählt, die durch den Staat, den staatlichen Forstbetrieb und den privatem Sektor bewirtschaftet werden. Die Befragungsteilnehmer setzten sich aus Personal der Forstverwaltung Sabah (Sabah Forestry Department, SFD), den FMU-Bewirtschaftern und –Mitarbeitern, verschiedenen Regierungs- und Nicht-Regierungsorganisationen und lokalen Gemeinschaften in acht Dörfern innerhalb sowie im Randgebiet der FMUs zusammen. In Bezug auf die konzeptionelle Perspektive wurden, basierend auf der SFM-Dokumentation, verschiedene Stakeholder-Gruppen identifiziert, die die normative Basis für das SFM-Konzept liefern. Dessen Implementation wurde aus Sicht der Stakeholder analysiert. Es zeigte sich, dass der gesamte Beitrag zum SFM vornehmlich umweltbezogene Zielsetzungen erfüllt, gefolgt von ökonomischen und, zu einem noch geringeren Grad, sozialen Zielen. Mehrere Kategorien von Stakeholdern wurden auf Grundlage ihrer Wahrnehmung verschiedener Aspekte im Zuge der SFM-Implementation identifiziert. Diese umfassen die Kooperations- oder Konfliktebene, den Grad der Stakeholder-Beteiligung sowie individuelle Betrachtungen. Es gibt eine Übereinstimmung zu Äußerungen, welche Einflussfaktoren hinsichtlich effektiver SFM-Implementierung entscheidend sind. Dabei wurden vor allem das Management und die Führung der, der SFD sowie gute Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem SFD und den FMU-Bewirtschaftern genannt. Weitere Übereinstimmung besteht darin, die Weiterbildung über die Bedeutung unterschiedlicher Waldnutzungen und deren Ausbalancierung zu stärken, um die Entscheidungsfindung im Konsultationsprozess beeinflussen zu können. Auch herrschte Einigkeit darin, durch Investition in den Forstsektor und Entwicklung ländlicher Regionen die Implementation von SFM zu stärken. Der unternehmensbezogene Fokus konzentriert sich auf die verschiedenen Ansätze des Stakeholder-Managements unter unterschiedlichen Charakteristika der FMU-Bewirtschafter. SFM-Maßnahmen mit einem hohen Grad an Stakeholder-Beteiligung sind Gemeinschaftsforstprogramme (community forestry programmes), gefolgt von Waldnaturschutz, Waldschutz, Entwicklung und Vorbereitung von Plänen, Verwaltung, die Entwicklung von Humanressourcen sowie Forschung und Entwicklung. Die wichtigsten Stakeholder, bezogen auf ihren Beteiligungsgrad in SFM-Maßnahmen, waren intern die Mitarbeiter der FMUs und extern die Mitarbeiter der SFD, Vertragsnehmer, lokale Gemeinschaftsgruppen und Verwaltungen, Berater, Geschäftsleute/Händler und Forscher/Wissenschaftler. Weitere Stakeholder waren verschiedene Regierungsorganisationen, Produzenten, Aktionäre, internationale Behörden, lokale und internationale NGOs, Behörden der föderalen Regierung und andere FMU-Bewirtschafter. Die Stakeholder Perspektive identifiziert verschiedene Interessen und Forderungen der Stakeholder, die sich auf die SFM-Implementation beziehen und von der Stakeholder-Zugehörigkeit abhängen. Die Hauptgruppen in dieser Studie waren sogenannte Mehrinteressen-Stakeholder-Gruppen (n=104) und lokale Gemeinschaftsgruppen (n=332). Die Interessen und Forderungen der Mehrinteressen-Stakeholder-Gruppen waren bezogen auf SFM-Ziele wie gute Waldbewirtschaftung, Schutz und Erhaltung der Umwelt und Biodiversität sowie Schutz von Wassereinzugsgebieten. Andererseits stand der Wald als Quelle für Nahrung, landwirtschaftliche Flächen und andere Aspekte des Lebensunterhaltes im Mittelpunkt des Interesses lokaler Gemeinschaftsgruppen. Es gibt zahlreiche Ansätze für das Management von Stakeholder-Beziehungen (Stakeholder Relation Management, SRM), welches durch FMU-Bewirtschafter und Stakeholder genutzt wird. Der SRM-Ansatz besteht aus dem Bewirtschaftungsqualitätssystem, CSR-Programm, dem Gemeinschaftswaldentwicklungsprojekt, multilateralen Treffen und Dialog zwischen den Behörden, und Zusammenarbeit und Kooperation mit anderen Behörden und Organisationen. SRM kann dazu dienen, mögliche Konflikte auszubalancieren, Kooperation zu begünstigen sowie das Wissen und Verständnis von SFM zu fördern. Die Einbindung von SRM in die Implementation von SFM erweitert die Beteiligung der Stakeholder, was wiederum zu einer effektiveren und effizienteren Implementation von SFM auf FMU-Ebene führen kann. Die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen der „Triple-Perspective Typology of Stakeholder Theory“ und dem Ökosystemansatz, der unternehmensbezogenen Nachhaltigkeit und dem Konzept des Sustainable Forest Management bilden die Grundlage, um das Ziel einer umfassenden Nachhaltigkeit zu erreichen.

Sociala kontroverser och dess påverkan på den sociala dimensionen av ESG : En kvantitativ studie

Karlsson, Ann-Kristin, Korhonen, Nina January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka om sociala kontroverser förklarar eventuella förändringar i ESG-betygets sociala dimension, samt om involvering i kontroverser leder till förbättrade CSR-strategier. Tidigare forskning har påvisat diverse problem gällande tillförlitligheten i ESG-bedömningar och olika kontroverser har medfört en negativ påverkan på ESG-betyget. Hållbarhetsrisker har därmed inte beaktats på ett korrekt sätt i bedömningen, vilket är av vikt då risken annars är stor att kapital placeras felaktigt. ESG-betyget består av tre dimensioner (E, S och G), den sociala dimensionen är tämligen outforskad i förhållande till övriga dimensioner. Denna studie fokuserar därav på den sociala dimensionen och sociala kontroverser.  Metod: Studien grundar sig i den positivistiska forskningsfilosofin med en kvantitativ metod och en hypotetisk-deduktiv forskningsansats. En longitudinell studie av 559 publika bolag under tidsperioden 2010-2019, med sekundärdata från databasen Thomson Reuters Datastream. Datamaterialet analyseras i statistikprogrammet IBM SPSS.   Resultat och slutsats: Studiens resultat visar inte på något samband mellan sociala kontroverser och det totala sociala betyget. Däremot uppträder både positiva och negativa samband mellan sociala kontroverser och policybetyg, som är några få utvalda bland många indikatorer, som bygger upp det sociala betyget. De positiva sambanden tyder på att företag anstränger sig för att förbättra sina CSR-strategier och visa sig legitima efter en social kontrovers. Utifrån resultaten dras en slutsats att sociala kontroverser medför förändringar inom den sociala dimensionen, trots att inget direkt samband till det totala sociala betyget kan bekräftas. Examensarbetets bidrag: Avsikten med studien är att bidra till den företagsekonomiska forskningen gällande ESG-betygens relevans och reliabilitet, med fokus på existerande forskningsgap gällande den sociala dimensionen. Studien tillför också en ökad inblick i företags agerande efter att de involverats i en social kontrovers.  Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Ett förslag är att studera fler indikatorer inom det sociala ESG-betyget för en djupare förståelse för effekterna av sociala kontroverser. Det vore också intressant att ytterligare studera hur företag agerar inom CSR ett flertal år efter en social kontrovers, förslagsvis genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Vidare föreslås att en liknande studie genomförs, där företag i specifika länder eller branscher väljs ut för att identifiera eventuella skillnader i effekterna av kontroverser, med avseende på såväl bransch som land. Detta då det bland annat råder internationella skillnader i redovisningssammanhang. / Aim: The purpose of this study is to examine whether social controversies can explain changes in the social dimension of the ESG rating and if controversies leads to improved CSR strategies. Previous research has shown problems regarding the reliability of ESG assessments, various controversies have had a negative impact on the ESG rating. Which means that sustainability risks has not been taken into account in a correct way during the assessment. A correct assessment is important as the risk is otherwise that a large amount of capital is invested incorrectly. The ESG rating consists of three dimensions (E, S and G), the social dimension is rather unexplored in comparison with the environmental dimension. This study therefore focuses on the social dimension and social controversies.  Method: This study adopts a positivist quantitative method with a hypothetico-deductive research approach. The research design is a longitudinal study with data of 559 worldwide public companies during the period 2010-2019. The study is based on data of secondary art, collected from the Thomson Reuters Datastream. The data material is analyzed in the statistical program IBM SPSS. Results and conclusions: The results do not show any significant correlation between social controversies and the overall social score. On the other hand, there are both positive and negative connections between social controversies and policy score. Policy score are a few of many data points which the social score is based on. The positive relationships indicate that companies are making efforts to improve their CSR strategies and prove their legitimacy after a social controversy. Based on the results, it is concluded that social controversies lead to changes in the social dimension, even though no direct connection to the overall social score can be confirmed. Contribution of the thesis: This study intends to contribute to the business economics research regarding the ESG ratings relevance and reliability, with focus on existing research gaps regarding the social dimension. The study also provides an increased insight how companies react after they have been involved in a social controversy.  Future research avenues: This research could be extended in a way that takes more data points within the social score into account, to obtain a deeper understanding of the consequences and effects of a social controversy. It would also be interesting to further study how companies act within CSR several years after a social controversy, preferably through a qualitative research method. Furthermore, it is suggested that a similar study can be done, where companies in specific countries or industries are selected, to identify if there’s any differences in the effects of controversies. This would be interesting because, among other things, there are international differences in accounting contexts.

Hållbarhetsnyheters påverkan på börsbolag beroende på storlek : en kvantitativ studie om hur ESG-nyheter påverkar avkastningen för svenska bolag listade på Large- och Mid cap / The impact of sustainability news on listed companies depending on size : a quantitative study on how ESG news affects the stock return for Swedish companies listed on Large- and Mid cap

Vibreg, Martin, Björk, Jakob January 2020 (has links)
Efter att lagen gällande hur upprättandet av en separat hållbarhetsrapportering infördes år 2016, av den svenska regeringen, har hållbarhet blivit en allt viktigare del ur bolagens verksamhet. Vidare har intresset för hållbarhet fått en bredare samsyn inom finanssektorn, där målet är att nå en hållbar utveckling för landet genom att styra mot investeringar som är hållbara på sikt. Studiens syfte är att analysera hur marknaden reagerar vid offentliggörandet av hållbarhetsnyheter och om det föreligger en skillnad beroende på bolagets storlek. För att undersöka marknadsreaktionen har en eventstudie genomförts med utgångspunkt ur publicering av hållbarhetsnyheter mellan åren 2010–2020. Vidare har multipla regressioner tillämpats för att kunna urskilja signifikanta skillnader och besvara studiens hypoteser och slutligen forskningsfrågan. Resultatet för studiens hypotesprövningar visar att det inte föreligger några signifikanta skillnader i marknadsreaktion gällande hur svenska bolag, listade på Large- och Mid cap, påverkas vid publicering av hållbarhetsnyheter. Slutsatsen av analysen väcker därmed frågan om hållbarhetsnyheter har en påverkan på ett bolags aktieavkastning, eller om intressenter i stället värderar andra faktorer som exempelvis värdemaximering. Begränsningar för studien grundar sig delvis i de få antal nyheter som har studerats. En annan begränsadande faktor ur ett storleksperspektiv är att studien har bortsett från Small cap. En rekommendation för vidare forskning är därmed att ha ett större urval av nyheter samt inkludera Small Cap för att få ett helhetsperspektiv av den svenska börsmarknaden. / Since the law on how the preparation of a separate sustainability report was introduced by the Swedish government in 2016, sustainability has become an increasingly important part of the companies operations. Furthermore, the interest in sustainability has gained a broader consensus in the financial sector, where the goal is to achieve sustainable development for the country by steering towards investments that are sustainable in the long term. The purpose of the study is to analyze how the market responds when publishing sustainability news and whether there is a difference depending on the size of the company. In order to investigate the market reaction, an event study was conducted based on the publication of sustainability news between the years 2010-2020. Furthermore, multiple regressions have been applied to be able do discern significant differences and answer the study ́s hypotheses and finally the research question. The results of the study ́s hypothesis tests show that there are no significant differences in market reaction regarding how Swedish companies, listed on Large- and Mid cap, are affected when publishing sustainability news. The conclusion of the analysis therefore raises the issue of whether sustainability news has an impact on a company ́s stock return, or whether stakeholders instead value other factors such as value maximization. Limitations of the study are partly based on the few news items that have been studied. Another limiting factor from a size perspective is that the study has excluded Small cap. A recommendation for further research is thus to have a wider selection of news and to include Small cap to get a holistic perspective of the Swedish stock market.

The non- straightforward link between anti-corruption and CSR-reporting : A study assessing the quality of CSR disclosure regarding anti-corruption of four Swedish banks

Blom, Elin, Larsson, Alexandra January 2020 (has links)
In 2019, the two Swedish banks Swedbank and SEB was involved in what has been called one of the largest money laundry scandals. Money laundering is a critical sustainability issue for banks since their operations enable money from corrupt activities to be laundered into the financial system, hence diverts resources from education and health services. Corruption is a difficult topic to manage due to its invisible nature, making it hard to detect and measure compared to emissions or compliance with human rights. In the last decades, there has been an increasing demand for organizations to communicate their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) considerations. However, the flexibility allowed by standards and regulation in this area regarding what to disclose have been argued to undermine the reliability of CSR information. There have been discussions whether the banks had informed stakeholders about the anticorruption risks sufficiently, information that primarily should be communicated through sustainability and annual reports. Previous studies examining CSR reporting quality have found that companies present information in different ways, complicating a comparison of information. They have also found that such disclosure has been used as a strategy to highlight only the good work of a company and omit negative disclosures. This study examines the quality of CSR information that is communicated in annual and sustainability reports of the four largest banks operating in Sweden; Nordea, Handelsbanken, Swedbank, and SEB. Our focus is limited to disclosure about anti-corruption for which the Global reporting initiative (GRI) provides principles in terms of what they asses to be good content and quality. We will use these principles when structuring our categories in our qualitative content analysis with quantitative elements and when we analyse and make conclusions of our results regarding the quality. We use a content analysis model called the Consolidated Narrative Interrogation Model (CONI) which integrate both qualitative and quantitative measures of CSR reporting quality. Our result show that anti-corruption disclosure differs in terms of presentation structure, which requirements from GRI that are applied and how much information that is disclosed. The overall conclusion regarding its quality is that it does not meet the reporting quality principles stated in GRI 101: foundation. We find indications of strategic legitimacy in terms of how banks disclose anti-corruption activities which is critical for the overall reporting practise since its purpose it to constitute an accurate and reliable source of information to stakeholders.

Sustainability Performance and Capital Structure : An analysis of the relationship between ESG rating and debt ratio

Lindkvist, Lovisa, Saric, Olle January 2020 (has links)
This thesis investigates the relationship between sustainability performance and capital structure, measured using the ESG (environmental, social and governance) rating and the debt ratio. In the pursuit of analysing the relationship between the ESG rating and the debt ratio, this study investigates publicly listed companies within the EU/EEA due to its mutual legislative framework on sustainable finance. This research has the intention of shedding light upon if a company can use sustainability ratings to alter their optimal debt levels, operate at higher efficiency with access to cheaper capital, and help the manager maximize firm value. This could help them in decision making processes of financing their business through receiving a better understanding of how the ESG rating affects the capital structure. This knowledge would allow management to better understand how the investments necessary in acquiring the ESG rating affect firm value as well as how they affect the dynamics of financing the firm. This is a deductive and quantitative research based on secondary data, gathered using Thomson Reuters (Eikon) database. Furthermore, this research is a cross-sectional study analysing companies in year 2019. No clear relationship between the two concepts has been found, arriving at the conclusion that the optimal capital structure is not influenced by sustainability initiatives. However, sustainability initiatives should always be encouraged since these generate other beneficial effects. Finally, this research contributes to the current field of knowledge on the topic through analysing the results using the Trade-off Theory, Pecking Order Theory, Agency Theory, Legitimacy Theory and Stakeholder Theory. The results are somewhat aligned with the Trade-off Theory of capital structure and the Pecking Order Theory as well as other more traditional financial theories. One can conclude that sustainability performance is not of importance when it comes to the firm's ability to raise capital or the firm’s capital structure. This tells us that there is still a long way to go and that action needs to be taken before sustainability becomes an essential and well-integrated factor considered in investment decisions. The results may be undesirable, but they also give a fair picture of the financial sector’s priorities as of now and highlight the need for sustainable objectives to align with financial profitability.

INVESTMENT ADVICE FROM INSIDERS : The impact of Insider Trading on Long-Term IPO Stock Performance in Sweden

Leth, Anton, Vikström, Jakob January 2020 (has links)
This thesis analyzes and evaluates the relationship between insider trading and the long-term stock performance of Initial Public Offerings (IPO) in Sweden. The study looks at firms that recently conducted an IPO and how the stock performance of the firm is impacted by insiders making transactions in their own stock. An IPO is known to generate high returns on its first day on the public stock market, but to underperform the market in the long term. The characteristics of an IPO are deviant from the rest of the stock market, and with less information available to the public compared to other firms, the IPO market is hard to navigate for investors. Transactions made by insiders in the share of their own company is usually seen as guidance in public companies. An insider purchase is usually followed by a positive stock return, and insiders selling shares have the opposite impact. The aim of this thesis is to investigate if the information provided by insider transactions can be used to create a potential trading strategy for IPOs. Through statistical analysis, a negative relationship is found between the insider trading and IPO long-term stock performance, indicating that insider buying shares are connected to lesser stock performance. This contradicts previous research regarding insider trading in seasoned firms and opens up for discussion. By implementing a theoretical framework, a deeper analysis of the proposed relationship is be made. This study concludes that the negative relationship between insider trading and long-term IPO stock performance is not directly caused by insider trading itself. Instead, it is a result of insiders making poor investment decisions due to outside pressure and behavioral factors.

Sociala kontroverser och finansiell prestation med det sociala ESG-betyget som moderator : En kvantitativ studie på 487 publika bolag under en sexårsperiod / Social Controversies and Financial Performance and the Moderating Role of the Social ESG-score : A quantitative study of 487 public companies over a six-year period

Sjöberg, Linn, Westerlund, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Hållbarhet är ett ämne som vuxit och företags ageranden granskas i allt större utsträckning. För företag som går emot omvärldens krav och förväntningar höjs kritiska röster, ofta i media, vilket kan påverka företaget i fråga. Tidigare forskning har funnit tvetydiga resultat gällande effekten av kontroverser där såväl positiva, negativa eller inga effekter alls kunnat urskiljas. Det finns indikationer på att ESG-betygets olika dimensioner (E, S och G) har olika effekter varpå en separation av dessa är befogad. Studiens syfte är att undersöka om sociala kontroverser har någon effekt på företags finansiella prestation och om ESG-betygets sociala dimension har någon modererande roll i interaktionen mellan dessa. Forskningsfrågorna som studien ställer är huruvida företagskontroverser har en negativ effekt på företags finansiella prestation och om ESG-betygets sociala dimension modererar konsekvensen av en sådan effekt.    Metod: Studien utgår från den positivistiska forskningstraditionen med en hypotetiskdeduktiv ansats.  Studien har en kvantitativ metod med en longitudinell forskningsdesign där sekundärdata för 487 publika bolag för åren 2015–2020 använts. Data hämtades från Refinitiv Eikons databas och analyserades i statistikprogrammet IBM SPSS.      Resultat & slutsats: Studiens resultat visar på ett negativ samband mellan sociala kontroverser och studiens mått på finansiell prestation samt att denna effekt modereras av det sociala ESG-betyget. Studien finner således att sociala kontroverser påverkar företags finansiella prestation negativt men att denna negativa effekt mildras genom ett högre socialt ESG-betyg.    Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien bidrar till att föra forskningen på området framåt avseende den sociala dimensionen av ESG-betyg med hänsyn till sociala kontroverser.   Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Som förslag till fortsatt forskning kan nämnas att rikta sig till de övriga delarna av ESG-betyget samt de övriga kategorierna av kontroverser, alternativt ett annat tidsperspektiv. / Aim: Sustainability is a topic that has grown and companies’ actions are being examined to an increasing extent. For companies that go against the demands and expectations of its stakeholders, critical voices are raised, often in the media, which can affect the company in question. Previous research has found ambiguous results regarding the effect of controversies where both positive, negative or no effects could be discerned. There are indicators that the different dimensions of the ESG-score (E, S and G) have different effects, after which a separation of these is justified. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether social controversies have any effect on companies’ financial performance and whether the social dimension of the ESG-score has any moderating role in the interaction between them. The research questions posed by the study are whether corporate controversies have a negative effect on companies’ financial performance and whether the social dimension of the ESG-score moderates the consequences of such an effect.    Method: The study is based on a positivist quantitative method with a hypotheticaldeductive research approach. The study adopts a longitudinal research design where secondary data for 487 public companies for the years 2015–2020 were used. The secondary data were collected from the Refinitiv Eikon’s database and analyzed in the IBM SPSS statistics program.   Result & Conclusions: The results of the study show a negative correlation between social controversies and the study's measures of financial performance and that this effect is moderated by the social ESG-score. The study finds that social controversies affect companies' financial performance negatively, but that this negative effect is mitigated by a higher social ESG-score.   Contribution of the thesis: The study helps to advance research in the field regarding the social dimension of the ESG-score and social controversies.   Suggestions for future research: As a proposal for further research, a different time perspective or other parts of the ESG-score as well as the other categories of controversies could be examined.

From Impoverished Beneficiaries to Empowered Stakeholders— a case study of H&M Foundation Multi-Sectoral Sustainable Initiative for female Bangladeshi RMG workers

xie, zhuohan, Ahmed, Areeba January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Intressentengagemang i hållbarhetsredovisningar : en studie av fyra företag i den svenska banksektorn / Stakeholder engagement in sustainability reports : a study of four companies in the Swedish banking sector

Harrysson, Ebba, Husic, Enesa January 2021 (has links)
I och med det ökade fokuset på hållbarhet ställer intressenterna ökade krav på information. Freemans (1984, s. 25) definition av begreppet intressent ligger till grund för utveckling av tidigare forskning inom ämnet. Begreppet intressent är brett, vilket har lett till att begreppet problematiserats. Majoriteten av företag väljer idag att tillämpa en hållbarhetsredovisning i syfte att visa transparens och bemöta väsentliga intressenters förväntningar.  Hållbarhetsredovisning har traditionellt sett varit frivilligt i Sverige och tillämpats genom självreglering. Från och med den 1 juli 2016 är det krav på att de största företagen i Sverige ska hållbarhetsredovisa. Lagkravet grundar sig i att regeringen ansåg att intressenter idag finner hållbarhetsfrågor alltmer aktuella och att investering i företag även grundar sig i detta. Det finns flertalet organisationer som tagit fram principer och riktlinjer för hur hållbarhet ska redovisas. Global Reporing Initiative (GRI) är ett av de större internationella ramverk som kan användas av företag för att upprätta en hållbarhetsredovisning.  Syftet med studien är att lyfta fram huruvida de fyra största bankkoncernerna i Sverige väljer att engagera sina intressenter i sina hållbarhetsredovisningar och huruvida engagemanget har förändrats över tid. Studiens resultat ska bidra till ökad kunskap om bankernas sätt att engagera sina intressenter i arbetet med hållbarhetsredovisning. För att kunna besvara syftet och forskningsfrågorna har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys på respektive banks hållbarhetsredovisningar samt en ordanalys med kvantitativa drag, för samtliga undersökta år. De årtal som behandlas i studien är år 2010, 2012, 2017 och 2020. De valda åren möjliggör en kartläggning av förändringar i bankernas hållbarhetsredovisningar under en längre period. Samtliga analyserade banker upprättar sina hållbarhetsredovisningar i enlighet GRI:s riktlinjer.  Studiens resultat gör det möjligt att dra slutsatsen att samtliga banker som studerats har enlikartad syn och kategorisering av sina intressenter. En andra slutsats är att majoriteten avbankerna har valt att identifiera och engagera sina intressenter och deras förväntningar främstgenom väsentlighetsanalyser och intressentdialoger. Detta förklaras och uppges ligga till grundför utformningen av hållbarhetsredovisningen. Den sista slutsatsen är att tre av fyra analyseradebankkoncerner har utökat sitt intressentengagemang över de analyserade åren. Förändringengör sig tydlig genom de antal gånger de mest väsentliga intressentgrupperna förekommer iordanalysen som presenteras i studiens resultat. / Due to the increased focus on sustainability, stakeholders place increased demands on information. Freeman's (1984, s. 25) definition of the term stakeholder is the basis for the development of previous research in the subject. The concept of stakeholder is wide, which has led to the concept being problematized. The majority of companies today choose to apply a sustainability report in order to show transparency and meet the expectations of key stakeholders. Sustainability reporting has traditionally been voluntary in Sweden and applied through self-regulation. As of 1 July 2016, the largest companies in Sweden are required to report sustainability. The legal requirement is based on the fact that the government considered that stakeholders today find sustainability issues increasingly relevant and that investment in companies is also based on this. There are several organizations that have developed principles and guidelines for how sustainability should be reported. The Global Reporing Initiative (GRI) is one of the major international frameworks that can be used by companies to prepare a sustainability report. The purpose of this study is to highlight how the four largest banking groups in Sweden choose to engage their stakeholders in their sustainability reports, and how the commitment has changed over time. The results of this study will contribute to increased knowledge of the banks' ways of engaging their stakeholders in the work with sustainability reporting. In order to be able to answer the purpose and research questions, we have used a qualitative content analysis of each bank's sustainability reports and a word analysis with quantitative features, for all surveyed years. The years covered in this study are 2010, 2012, 2017 and 2020. The selected years enable a mapping of changes in the banks' sustainability reports over a longer period. All analyzed banks prepare their sustainability reports in accordance with GRI's guidelines. The results of this study make it possible to conclude that all banks studied have a similar view and categorization of their stakeholders. A second conclusion is that the majority of banks have chosen to identify and engage their stakeholders and their expectations primarily through materiality analyzes and stakeholder dialogues. This is explained and stated to form the basis for the design of the sustainability report. The final conclusion is that three out of four analyzed banking groups have increased their stakeholder involvement over the years analyzed. The change is made clear by the number of times the most significant stakeholder groups appear in the word analysis presented in the study results.This study is written in Swedish.

Hållbarhetsredovisning - En studie utifrån ett intressentperepektiv / Sustainability Reporting – A review from a stakeholder perspective

Jarlfors, Elvira, Eryd, Mathilda January 2021 (has links)
AbstractThroughout the world today, there is unquestionably, an increasing interest surrounding issuesconcerning sustainability, and this has in turn led to new discussions regarding the developmentof sustainability reporting. It is mandatory in Sweden for example, for companies which meetcertain criteria set by the ÅRL, to prepare reports on sustainability, including a compulsoryannual summary. But currently there exists no global guidelines for these reports, andcompanies worldwide have been making such reports in different ways and with differentmethods with no clear standards, which in turn can create confusion and ambiguity forstakeholders and investors. Therefore, IASB along with IFRS Foundation as a frontrunnerpresented a Consultation Paper with proposals for developing and streamlining globalsustainability reporting. They requested company stakeholders to respond to these ideas via CLwhich were designed with carefully targeted questions to best conclude what they thought ofthe proposals. The culmination of completed CL provides empirical and invaluable evidencewhich can then be used to accelerate and thus make it easier to establish the aforementionedproposals.The purpose of the study is to examine the attitudes regarding the suggested sustainabilityreporting proposals, and to analyze the ways in which the attitudes vary between the differentgroups of stakeholders. The study is also to clarify where organizations stand regardingsustainability in relation to their stakeholders and investors, as well as globally, and if patternsin their attitudes can be discovered.The result of the study shows that most of the represented stakeholders show a positive responseto the IFRS Foundations propositions regarding an update of the reporting on sustainability.However, it has also highlighted some negative responses to each question, but on the wholethose opinions were underrepresented. To summarize, most of the CL analyzed show apredominantly favorable response to a global standard concerning sustainability reporting andthe majority have agreed that its right that the IFRS Foundation have the leading role in thismatter. It also stands clear after analysis that several stakeholders think that it is advisable thatthe main focus should be on the financial reports within sustainability and that it should bepublic.The study concludes that several patterns can be found within the stakeholder’s attitudes.Including the consensus that developing better sustainability reporting is an urgent matter thatdemands more attention. These empirical findings lead to the conclusion that the majority feelthat sustainability reporting should take a wider perspective and not only focus on the financialrisks within sustainability. Although they collectively accept that the financial implications area good place to start discussions regarding interests globally. Several stakeholders also pointout that without increased guidelines and rules for generic reporting, that information can bemanipulated or used disingenuously to embellish a company’s actions regarding sustainability.They therefore suggest that the reporting should be made public to alleviate the risk of problemssuch as greenwashing.To summarize, the stakeholder’s interests can both be united or divided, regardless of whichindustry they operate in. But what does, without question, unite them the most in this study, isthe understanding and willingness to make changes for the future with regard to sustainabilityin both social, economic and environment matters. / SammanfattningI takt med konsumenter och intressenters stigande intresse för hållbarhet i stort, harhållbarhetsredovisningens ramverk och utveckling diskuterats. Det är idag obligatoriskt förföretag i Sverige som uppfyller minst två av tre krav som finns i ÅRL att upprätta enhållbarhetsredovisning i samband med publicering av sin årsredovisning. Det finns ett flertalramverk att följa och företag världen över gör på olika sätt, vilket kan skapa förvirring ochotydlighet hos intressenter och investerare. IASB har därför, med IFRS Foundation som aktör,sammanställt ett Consultation Paper där de ger förslag på hur hållbarhetsredovisningen vidarekan utvecklas. Till detta uppmanas intressenter att skicka in så kallade CL där de besvararsammanlagt 10 olika frågor och därmed bidrar med sina åsikter i ämnet. De insamlade CL utgörstudiens empiri och bildar tillsammans med bland annat den modifierade intressentmodellengrunden för att besvara frågeställningarna.Syftet med studien är således att undersöka vilka attityder som framkommer av de inskickadeCL gällande IASB:s föreslagna arbete och utveckling av hållbarhetsredovisning, samt på vilketsätt attityderna skiljer sig åt beroende på vilken intressentgrupp som avses. Studien ska hjälpatill att klargöra hur olika företag och organisationer ställer sig till utveckling avhållbarhetsredovisning. Studien ska vidare presentera hur betydelsefullt hållbarhet är för såvälintressenter och investerare som världen i stort och om det finns mönster i intressenternasattityder.Resultatet av studien visar att majoriteten av de intressenter som presenterats i studien ärpositiva till IFRS Foundations förslag gällande utveckling av hållbarhetsredovisning. Detframkom dock negativa och ifrågasättande kommentarer till varje fråga men dessa var i detstora hela underrepresenterade. Sammanfattningsvis är merparten av de CL som bearbetatspositiva till ett globalt ramverk inom hållbarhetsredovisning och att IFRS Foundation bör varaden aktör som leder arbetet. Vidare anser flera intressenter att det är en god idé att fokus främstska ligga på de finansiella rapporterna inom hållbarhet samt att hållbarhetsredovisningen skavara publik.En av studiens två slutsatser efter bearbetning av empirin är att det uppstår ett flertal mönsterbland intressenternas attityder som både enar och skiljer dem åt. Däribland åsikten om attutvecklingen av hållbarhetsredovisning är ett brådskande ärende som bör prioriteras, därsamtliga intressenter instämmer. Den andra slutsats som framkommer är att majoritet uppleveratt hållbarhetsredovisningen bör ta ett bredare perspektiv och inte bara representera definansiella riskerna inom hållbarhet. Denna åsikt presenteras även om flertal också tillägger attdet är en bra start för en global standard att anta ett främsta fokus först. Ett flertal intressenterpåpekar också risken för att informationen kan missleda eller vinklas för att presentera företageti bättre ljus. Sammanfattningsvis visar det sig att intressenternas intressen kan både krocka medvarandra och förenas oavsett vilken intressentgrupp de verkar inom. Det som enarrespondenterna främst i denna studie är medvetenheten och viljan att skapa förändring inomhållbarhet i socialt, ekonomiskt och miljömässigt perspektiv.

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