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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling av rekommendationer för verifiering av standariserade analysmetoder och undersökning av utbildning inom anlysmetodik : Med verifiering av jonkromatografisk analys av klorat som exempel / Developments of Recommendations regarding Verification of Standardized Analytical Methods and a Survey of Training in Analytical Methods : With verification of ionchromatographic analysis of chlorate as an example

Nordström, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Under produktionen av kartong vid det integrerade massa- och kartongbruket, som ägs av Holmen Iggesund Paperboard AB, bildas klorat som är giftigt för vattenlevande organismer. Därför är det väsentligt att utsläppet av klorat till havet, via avloppsvattnet från bruket, hålls under de gränsvärden som fastställts. För att övervaka kloratutsläppet analyseras prover på avloppsvattnet rutinmässigt, och en jonkromatograf ämnades tas i drift för ändamålet. Jonkromatografi är en standardiserad metod för analys av klorat, som måste verifieras innan den tas i bruk. Inga explicita krav fanns på hur omfattande verifieringen skulle vara. Ett syfte med studien var därför att utveckla generella rekommendationer för omfattningen av verifieringen av en standardiserad analysmetod. Litteratur angående verifiering eftersöktes och summerades, och utifrån den togs en verifieringsplan för jonkromatografisk analys av klorat fram. Mätresultat som erhölls utvärderades statistiskt. Slutsatserna var; att verifiering bör planeras på ett sätt så att kalibrering och underhåll av instrumentet sker i samma omfattning som är tänkt vid rutinanvändning av analysmetoden; selektivitet bör testas tidigt, och riktiga prover bör analyseras i ett tidigt skede; omfattningen av verifieringen med avseende på provmatriser och koncentrationsnivåer ska återspegla de provmatriser och koncentrationer som analysmetoden kommer att innefatta i rutinarbetet; antalet försök som bör inkluderas beror på kraven som ställs på de olika egenskaper som definierar prestandan. Minst 6 försök på varje provmaterial var ett riktmärke för precision och riktighet, medan ett försök räckte vid utvärdering av selektivitet och instrumentets mätområde. För att kunna säkerställa god analyskvalité, är utbildning i analysmetodik en viktig del. Ytterligare ett syfte med denna studie var att undersöka utbildningsverksamhetens lärandemål, samt vilka utmaningar som fanns inom utbildningen i analysmetodik. Genom fokusgruppintervjuer och observationer samlades information inom utbildningsverksamheten och dess utmaningar. Utifrån det teoretiska ramverket självstyrd inlärning utfördes en deduktiv tematisk analys av den insamlade datan. Slutsatserna av arbetet löd: Det övergripande syftet med upplärningen inom en analysmetod var att personen som genomgått utbildningen ska kunna ansvara för att tillämpa analysmetoden självständigt utifrån instruktionen, ha kunskap om rimliga mätresultat, kunna reflektera över sitt arbete, samt ha kunskap om syftet med analysmetoden. Ingen standardiserad mall för vad som ska ingå i utbildningen inom en analysmetod fanns, vilket bidrog till osäkerheter angående huruvida likvärdig kompetens uppnåddes för personer under utbildning; dagens utbildningsupplägg inbjöd inte till att personen under upplärning tog på sig ansvaret för uppfyllandet av lärandemålen i den utsträckning som önskades. För att möjliggöra detta föreslogs att ett förberedande moment skulle införas, samt att den lärande skulle få mer tid och möjlighet att genomföra delar av utbildningen självständigt. / During the production of paperboard at the integrated pulp and paperboard mill, owned by Holmen Iggesund Paperboard AB, chlorate is formed, which is a toxic compound for aquatic organisms. It is therefore essential that the chlorate levels in the wastewater from the mill, which is released to the ocean, are below the established limit. In order to monitor the effluent of chlorate, wastewater samples are routinely analyzed, and for this purpose an ion chromatograph was intended to be put to use. Ion chromatography is a standardized method for chlorate analysis, which needs to be verified before being used for routine analyses. No explicit requirements regarding the extent of the verification existed. One purpose of this study was therefore to develop general recommendations regarding the extent of verification of a standardized analytical method. Literature regarding verification was sought for and summarized. Based on the literature, a plan for verifying ion chromatographic analysis of chlorate was constructed. The measurement results obtained were evaluated statistically. Conclusions drawn were: calibration and maintenance of the instrument during the verification process should reflect the frequency of maintenance and calibration planned during the routine use; selectivity should be tested early on, as well as real samples; the extent of the verification with respect to matrices and concentration levels should reflect those that will be included in the routine use of the analytical method; the number of experiments included depends on the requirements imposed on the performance characteristics of the method. At least 6 experiments for each sample was a good aim for verifying precision and trueness, while one experiment was enough for verification of selectivity and the working range of the instrument. In order to ensure satisfactory analysis quality, training in analytical methods is an important aspect. Another purpose of this study was to investigate the learning objectives of the educational activities as well as what challenges could be identified with respect to training in analytical methods. Through focus group interviews and observations, data was collected about the educational activities and challenges. Based on the theoretical framework self-directed learning, a deductive thematic analysis was performed. Conclusions were: The overall purpose of the training in analytical methods was that the person who underwent training should be able to independently apply the analytic method, with the aid of the analytical instruction, have the necessary knowledge about reasonable results, be able to reflect about their work and have knowledge about the purpose of the analytical method. No standardized template regarding what should be included in the training existed, which contributed to uncertainties regarding if equivalent knowledge was achieved for persons under training. The educational approach of today did not encourage the person under training enough to take responsibility for fulfilling the learning objectives. To enable this, it was suggested that a preparation element should be included in the training, and also that the person under training should get more time and opportunities to complete some of the training independently.

A Case Study of an International Baccalaureate School within an Urban School District-University Partnership

Glass, Lindsey Heather 03 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

School Districts and Academic Achievement: Socio-Economic Structure and Social Reproduction in Ohio

Kilpatrick, Quentin K. 25 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

"But the national test is something else" : Teachers’ perceptions of how English teaching practices and learning behaviors are impacted by the oral subtest of the national test in ninth grade / "Men det nationella provet är något annat" : Lärares uppfattningar av hur undervisningspraktiker och elevbeteenden påverkas av muntliga delen av nationella provet i engelska i årskurs nio

Linde Svantesson, Melissa, Bahtiri, Atdhe January 2024 (has links)
This study offers insight into washback processes via interactions between the national test, teachers and students as well as raises questions about contemporary educational politics and standardized testing in EFL classrooms. Washback is a term for the effects a test has on teaching and learning. Standardized tests are given increased weight in Sweden and globally, risking an increase of washback. This development puts various properties of education at risk of being undermined. In Sweden, the national tests in ninth grade can be considered high-stake standardized tests since they should be particularly considered in grading. The oral subtest in English may involve specific issues due to socio-affective aspects and challenges of assessing foreign language speech. Through qualitative interviews with six English teachers in Sweden, this study explored their perceptions of washback effects of the oral subtest of English in the national tests in ninth grade. The results indicate substantial washback on teaching practices and learning behaviors, and that socio-affective aspects play a major role in teachers’ choices. Also, some teachers exhibit ambivalence to the content of the test and whether the test results should impact the grades.

Regulation of fixed-term contracts under the South African Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008

Lombard, Marianne 06 1900 (has links)
In this thesis the position of parties under a fixed-term agreement under section 14 of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 is analysed critically. The purpose of this thesis is first to establish whether parties to a fixed-term agreement are better protected in terms of section 14 of the CPA when the consumer needs to terminate the contract based on the material failure to perform by the supplier, than under the common law. Second, this thesis explores whether the maximum duration of fixed-term agreements should be limited by statute. Various aspects affecting parties to these agreements, for instance the freedom to contract, pacta servanda sunt, and standard-form agreements, are considered. The South African position is then compared to the position in Singapore under the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act, and to the United Kingdom under the Consumer Rights Act, to gain perspective and objectively evaluate the provisions of section 14 of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 to establish whether South Africa can benefit from lessons learnt from these jurisdictions. Finally, principle-based amendments to the provisions of the CPA are recommended to improve the position of the consumer under fixed-term agreements to effect best practice solutions and ensure adherence to the aims and purposes of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 and international guidelines. This thesis is based on the law as at 18 June 2020, found in sources available in South Africa, and Singaporean law available in the database of the National University of Singapore. / Hierdie proefskrif is ’n kritiese analise van die posisie van partye tot vastetermynkontrakte ingevolge artikel 14 van die Suid-Afrikaanse verbruikersbeskermingswetgewing, die Consumer Protection Act 68 van 2008 (CPA). Die doel van die analise is eerstens om vas te stel of partye tot ’n vastetermynkontrak ingevolge artikel 14 van die CPA beter beskerming geniet ingevolge die CPA wanneer die verbruiker die vastetermynkontrak moet beëindig weens die wesenlike wanprestasie deur die verskaffer, as ingevolge die gemenereg. Tweedens ondersoek die proefskrif of dit wenslik is dat die maksimum duur van vastetermynkontrakte deur wetgewing beperk word. Verskeie aspekte wat die posisie van partye tot vastetermynkontrakte beïnvloed word ondersoek, onder andere kontrakteervryheid, die leerstuk pacta servanda sunt en standaardkontrakte. Die Suid-Afrikaanse posisie word dan vergelyk met dié in Singapoer, ingevolge die Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act (CPFTA), en die Verenigde Koninkryk, ingevolge die Consumer Rights Act (CRA) om perspektief te kry op die studie, en ten einde die bepalings van artikel 14 objektief te oorweeg om vas te stel of Suid-Afrika kan kersopsteek by hierdie jurisdiksies. Laastens word voorstelle gemaak om die posisie van die verbruiker tot vastetermynkontrakte ingevolge die CPA te verbeter om beste gebruikspraktyke te implementeer, en te verseker dat die doelwitte van die CPA en internasionale verbruikersriglyne bereik word. Hierdie studie weerspieël die regsposisie soos op 18 Junie 2020 in bronne wat plaaslik beskikbaar is, asook in bronne aan my beskikbaar gestel deur die Nasionale Universiteit van Singapoer tydens ’n navorsingsbesoek daar. / Kule thesisi isimo sezinhlangano ezingaphansi kwesivumelwano sesikhathi esinqunyiwe, ngaphansi kwesigaba 14 koMthetho 68 ka 2008, uMthetho weZokuvikelwa koMthengi uhlaziywa ngendlela egxekayo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo ukusungula ukuthi mhlawumbe lezi zinhlangano ezingaphansi kwesivumelwano sesikhathi esinqunyiwe sivikeleke kangcono ngaphansi kwesigaba 14 se-CPA uma kunesidingo sabathengi sokuqedwa kwesivumelwano esencike phezu kokwehluleka ukwenza umsebenzi waloyo ongumthumeli wempahla, okwehlukile emthethweni owejwayelekile. Okwesibili, le thesis iphenya ukuthi mhlawumbe isikhathi isikhathi esinde sesivumelwano sesikhathi esinqunyiwe kufanele sincishiswe ngokomthetho oshayiwe. Izinto ezahlukahlukene ezithinta lezi zivumelwano, njengesibonelo, inkululeko yokungena esivumelwaneni pacta servanda sunt, kanye nesivumelwano ezingaguquki, kuyizinto ezibhekwayo. Isimo seNingizimu Afrika siqhathaniswa nesimo sezwe laseSingapore ngaphansi koMthetho wezokuVikelwa kwabaThengi (Fair Trading), kanye nasezweni laseUnited Kingdom ngaphansi koMthetho owaMalungelo abaThengi, ukuthola umqondo kanye nokuhlola izimiso ngaphansi kwesigaba 14 soMthetho 68 ka 2008, uMthetho oVikela abaThengi ukuthola ukuthi ngabe iNingizimu Afrika kukhona ekuzuzile kwizifundo ezifundwe kulezi zakhiwo zemithetho. Okokugcina, izichibiyelo ezisuselwe kwimigomo mayelana nalokho okushiwo yi-CPA inconywe ukuthi yenze ngcono isimo sezinhlangano ezingaphansi kwezivumelwano zesikhathi esinqunyiwe ukuletha izisombululo ezingcono kanye nokuqinisekisa ukuthi kulandelwa izinhloso kanye nemisebenzi yoMthetho 68 ka 2008, okunguMthetho oVikela abaThengi kanye nemihlahlandlela yezizwe zomhlaba. Lolu cwaningo lususelwe phezu komthetho kusukela mhla zi 18 uNhlangulana 2020, luyatholakala emithonjeni yaseNingizimu Afrika, kanye nomthetho waseSingapore uyatholakala emthonjeni yedatha yaseNational University of Singapore. / Mercantile Law / LL. D.

The concept ‘fairness’ in the regulation of contracts under the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008

Stoop, Philip N. 14 January 2013 (has links)
The thesis analyses the concept ‘fairness’ in consumer contracts regulated by the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008, mainly from the perspective of a freedom and fairness orientation. It discusses the evolution of ‘fairness’ as background to a more detailed discussion of the classification of fairness into substantive and procedural fairness. The thesis examines dimensions of fairness, factors which play a role in the determination of fairness, and fairness- oriented approaches in an attempt to formulate a framework for fairness in consumer contracts. The main aspects that should be taken into account to justify a finding of fairness, or to determine whether a contract is fair, are identified. This analysis addresses, too, the extent to which the fairness provisions of the Consumer Protection Act are appropriate (with reference to the law of South Africa, Europe, and England). / Mercantile Law / LL.D.

The Relationship Between District Concert Band Music Performance Assessment Participation and Student Achievement in Miami-Dade County Public Middle Schools

Scavella, Arthur J. N. 20 February 2018 (has links)
Since the implementation and achievement score pressures of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, elective course offerings such as music have been drastically reduced, especially in the middle school setting. A great deal of correlational research has shown a positive correlation between music education in school and students’ overall academic achievement. This study examined the correlation between those middle school students that participated in the District Concert Band Music Performance Assessment (MPA) versus those middle school students that did not regarding their achievement scores on the 2016 English language arts (ELA) and mathematics subtests of the Florida Standards Assessments (FSA). The theoretical framework of this study was undergirded by Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. The researcher used a non-experimental ex post facto research design for the collection of the study’s data. The results indicated that there was a positive, statistically significant difference between both the ELA and mathematics achievement scores of those students that participated in the MPA and those that did not. There was also a positive, statistically significant difference between both the ELA and mathematics achievement scores of those students that participated in the MPA and the level of music their band performed. However, there was not a statistically significant difference between both the ELA and mathematics achievement scores of those students that performed at the MPA and the final overall rating that their band received. School administrators are charged with the responsibility of ensuring that effective programs are instituted in their schools so their students can be successful. The results of this quantitative non-experimental ex post facto study could provide administrators additional research-based evidence suggesting that band on the middle-school level, which is a branch of music education, could be a program to include in the school’s curriculum because it might positively contribute to the school’s ELA and mathematics achievement and academic culture. Additional research can also be conducted to observe the effects of music study on student achievement for students of all grade levels and socioeconomics. This would lead school administrators to continue practicing the notion of educating the whole child while making administrative decisions, which should be the sine qua non of education.

The concept ‘fairness’ in the regulation of contracts under the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008

Stoop, Philip N. 14 January 2013 (has links)
The thesis analyses the concept ‘fairness’ in consumer contracts regulated by the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008, mainly from the perspective of a freedom and fairness orientation. It discusses the evolution of ‘fairness’ as background to a more detailed discussion of the classification of fairness into substantive and procedural fairness. The thesis examines dimensions of fairness, factors which play a role in the determination of fairness, and fairness- oriented approaches in an attempt to formulate a framework for fairness in consumer contracts. The main aspects that should be taken into account to justify a finding of fairness, or to determine whether a contract is fair, are identified. This analysis addresses, too, the extent to which the fairness provisions of the Consumer Protection Act are appropriate (with reference to the law of South Africa, Europe, and England). / Mercantile Law / LL.D.

Especificidade e sensibilidade do Questionário de Transtorno do Desenvolvimento da Coordenação - Brasil para crianças de 8 a 10 anos / Specificity and sensitivity of developmental coordination disorder questionnaire – Brazil for children 8 - 10 years

Souza, Thamires da Fonseca de 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Periotto (carol@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-19T20:42:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissTFS.pdf: 2160160 bytes, checksum: 83d7d7ac92f0a270750a6b42154b95df (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-20T18:08:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissTFS.pdf: 2160160 bytes, checksum: 83d7d7ac92f0a270750a6b42154b95df (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-20T18:08:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissTFS.pdf: 2160160 bytes, checksum: 83d7d7ac92f0a270750a6b42154b95df (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-20T18:08:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissTFS.pdf: 2160160 bytes, checksum: 83d7d7ac92f0a270750a6b42154b95df (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Different instruments meet the criteria of the Manual Diagnostic and Statistical of Mental Disorders (DSM) for the diagnosis of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) have been used by researchers. Among them, the most recognized and employed questionnaire today for screening is the Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire (DCDQ), a questionnaire for parents developed in Canada. This was translated and adapted to Brazilian culture, however its scoring system was not standardized for Brazilian children. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the questionnaire to a group of children aged 8, 9 and 10 years using as gold standard the Movement Assessment Battery for Children Test (Mabc-2) engine test also identify the cutoff point for each specific age and correlate the scores of both tests between gender and between economic classes. It is a descriptive study transversal - exploratory, with a quantitative approach. The participants were 100 children enrolled in the municipal school system of Rio Claro -SP, where had their motor skills evaluated using the DCDQ-Brazil and Mabc-2, and their socioeconomic conditions verified by Criterion Brazil. The data collected were subjected to statistical analysis of association and the cutoff set by the Youden index and Roc curve (Receiver Operator Characteristic). The results reveal the DCDQ-Brazil does not have satisfactory validity to the Brazilian context analyzed in the sample at the ages of 8 and 10 years the ages of 8 and 10 years, with its higher cutoff points the cutoff points defined in this study, in a proportion ranging 4-7 points. Also found, contrary to what area of the studies show, girls and boys do not have significant difference when evaluated in DCDQ-Brazil and Mabc-2, and no association between the results of the instruments and the socioeconomic classification of participants was detected, suggesting socioeconomic status does not imply engine performance and incidence of DCD. It was possible to ascertain the use of Mabc-2 instruments and DCDQ-Brazil together enables check for data favor the evaluation of the specificity and sensitivity of DCDQ-Brazil for a group of children aged 8 and 10 years. For future research it is suggested further data on the age of 9 years to use the Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire form adapted to Brazilian children between 8 to 10 years promoting the early identification process of the DCD. / Diferentes instrumentos que atendam aos critérios do Manual Diagnóstico e estatístico de Transtornos Mentais (DSM) para o diagnóstico do Transtorno do Desenvolvimento da Coordenação (TDC) vêm sido utilizados por pesquisadores da área. Dentre eles, o questionário mais reconhecido e empregado na atualidade para a triagem é o Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire (DCDQ), um questionário para pais desenvolvido no Canadá. Este foi traduzido e adaptado para a cultura brasileira, no entanto seu sistema de pontuação não foi padronizado para as crianças brasileiras. Diante disso, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo principal avaliar a sensibilidade e a especificidade do questionário para um grupo de crianças de 8, 9 e 10 anos utilizando como padrão ouro o teste motor Movement Assessment Battery for Children Test (Mabc-2), também identificar o ponto de corte para cada idade específica e correlacionar as pontuações de ambos os testes entre gênero e entre as classes econômicas. Trata-se de um estudo de caráter transversal descritivo - exploratório, com abordagem quantitativa. Participaram da pesquisa 100 escolares matriculados na rede de ensino municipal de Rio Claro-SP, os quais tiveram suas habilidades motoras avaliadas por meio do DCDQ-Brasil e Mabc-2, e suas condições socioeconômicas verificadas pelo Critério Brasil. Os dados coletados foram submetidos à análise estatística de associação e os pontos de corte definidos através do índice de Youden e curva Roc (Receiver Operator Characteristic). Os resultados revelam que o DCDQ-Brasil não possui validade satisfatória para o contexto brasileiro analisado na amostra nas idades de 8 e 10 anos, sendo seus pontos de corte mais altos que os pontos de corte definidos nessa pesquisa, numa proporção que varia de 4 a 7 pontos. Também verificou-se que, diferentemente do que estudos da área apontam, meninas e meninos não apresentaram diferença significativa quando avaliados no DCDQ-Brasil e Mabc- 2, e nenhuma associação entre os resultados dos instrumentos e a classificação socioeconômica dos participantes foi detectada, o que sugere que a condição socioeconômica não implica no desempenho motor e incidência do TDC. Foi possível averiguar que o uso dos instrumentos Mabc-2 e DCDQ-Brasil em conjunto possibilita verificar a presença de dados que favorecem a avaliação da especificidade e sensibilidade do DCDQ-Brasil para um grupo de crianças de 8 e 10 anos. Para futuras investigações sugere-se aprofundar os dados relativos à idade de 9 anos a fim de utilizar o Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire de forma adaptada às crianças brasileiras na faixa de 8 a 10 anos favorecendo o processo de identificação precoce do TDC.

Effects of forage-based diet on milk production and body reserves of dairy cows on smallholder farms in South Africa

Akinsola, Modupeoluwa Comfort 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English, Tswana / Low nutrient intake affects metabolism and growth in pregnant heifers and limits milk production in lactating cows on communal area smallholder dairy farms of the subtropics. Two studies were conducted during the current research. The first study evaluated effects of nutrient supply in standardized dairy diets on the growth and body reserves of pregnant Jersey heifers raised on communal area smallholder farms in a semi-arid zone of South Africa. Twenty-two farms with a total of 42 heifers, aged 22 to 28 months which were seven months pregnant at the beginning of the study were selected for the study. These represented the total number of farms with dairy cows in the area that were supported through a structured Dairy Development Program (DDP) of South Africa. Each farm had at least two pregnant Jersey heifers during the summer season of 2016. Each heifer was supplied 2.5 kg of a far-off (60-30 d prepartum) dry cow concentrate and increased to 3.3 kg of the same concentrate at close-up period (29-0 d prepartum). Feeding of concentrate was based on a standardized feeding program as recommended by DDP. During this study, no feeding treatment was imposed on the heifers. Eragrostis curvula hay was supplied by DDP. Daily intake of 7.2 and 5.4 kg; respectively for heifers at 60-30 d prepartum and 29-0 d prepartum was determined based on residual hay. Heifer diet (HD1) and heifer diet HD2 were therefore simulated respectively for cows at 60-30 d preparpartum and 29-0 d prepartum, respectively. Diets were assessed for nutrient composition using chemical analyses and in vitro ruminal degradation. Post ruminal nutrient absorption and animal responses were predicted using the Large Ruminant Nutrition System (LRNS) version 1.0.33 (level 1). Actual measurements of body weight (BW), body condition score (BCS) were done and blood was collected and analysed for proteins monthly. Heifers’ responses were validated against the model predicted values and comparative analysis of animal performance during pregnancy was done against the National Research Council (NRC, 2001) reference values. Relative to the minimum requirement for ruminants, both HD1 and HD2 diets had relative feed value (RFV) below 144. About 35% of HD1 dietary crude protein (CP) was within the slowly degrade neutral detergent fibre (NDF) fraction which is the neutral detergent fibre insoluble crude protein (NDFICP) while 32% was not available as the acid detergent insoluble crude protein (ADICP). Equally, HD2 diet had effectively 5.2% of CP as available protein and the fraction of the slowly degraded NDF constituted only 52.3% of the effective available protein. Energy density of HD1 and HD2 were 25% and 16% higher than expected at far-off and close-up period, respectively. The intake of metabolzable protein (MP) were 32 and 25% higher than predicted for the far-off and close-up period, respectively. Supply of MP was 37 % and was higher than NRC predictions of daily requirement in Jersey cow. This allowed BW gain of 29 kg and BCS of 0.33 which was within 25th percentile for pregnant heifers. Mean concentration of blood urea at both far-off and close-up periods deviated by 25% from NRC values. Creatinine (CR) concentration was 145 μmol /L at far-off and 155 μmol /L at close-up period. The second study assessed the adequacy of two lactation diets fed to 42 primiparous Jersey cows, aged 24 to 30 months during early (1-30 d postpartum) and peak (31-60 d postpartum) periods on the lactation performance of the cows. Cows received 4.5 and 5 kg of dairy concentrate at 1-30 d postpartum and peak milk (31-60 d postpartum) respectively. Eragrostis curvula hay was supplied ad libitum and dry matter intake (DMI) was estimated at 7.2 kg of hay/cow/day from residual hay. No feeding treatment was imposed except for the standardised diets typical to the production environment. Two simulated lactation diets (LD1 and LD2) were prepared based on dry matter intake (DMI) of grass hay and lactation concentrate. Diets were assessed for nutrient composition using wet chemistry and in vitro ruminal degradation. Nutrient supply of diets and absorption from the small intestines as well as cows’ responses were predicted using the Large Ruminant Nutrition System (LRNS) version 1.0.33 (level 1). Body weight and BCS were monitored, blood was collected and analysed for proteins monthly. A record of milk yield was taken daily, and milk was analysed for fat, protein, lactose and urea nitrogen weekly. Cows had DMI of 11.2 kg which was 12% higher than the expected at 1-30 d postpartum period and 11.6 kg which was 21% higher than the expected in 31-60 d postpartum cows. Diets had low available protein as % of dietary protein (LD1=46%; LD2=45%) and the slowly degraded NDF fraction (NDFICP) constituted 64% of the available protein. Intake of energy was 20% and 17% lower than the predicted value for the cows, respectively, at 1-30 d postpartum and 31-60 d postpartum period. Cows had negative energy balance of -6.5 and -5.6 Mcal respectively at 1-30 d postpartum and 31-60 d postpartum cows. Protein intake of lactating cows was low, which resulted in negative protein balance of 59% and 42% of cow’s daily requirement, respectively, at 1-30 d postpartum period and 31-60 d postpartum period. There was loss of BW and BCS, low milk yield, energy corrected milk (ECM: 9.50 kg/d) and feed efficiency (FE) of less than 1 (LD1= 0.85; LD2 =0.89) in cows at both periods. Composition of fat, protein and lactose in milk were negatively affected by the low level of dietary protein. Somatic cell count (SCC) in milk was 121 ± 13 x 103/ml and cows did not show signs of illness. Mean milk urea nitrogen (MUN) concentration was 12 ± 2.7 mg/dl reflecting the low protein status of the lactating cows. Cows had high creatinine concentration of 116 and 102 μmol /L at 1-30 d postpartum and 31-61 d postpartum period, respectively, which may indicate muscle breakdown due to heat stress relative to the hot production environment. Results showed that diets fed to dairy cows on communal area smallholder farms in Sekhukhune and Vhembe districts in Limpopo province had low feeding value and their low nutrient supply affected rumen fermentation, heifers’ ‘growth, body reserves and early lactation in Jersey dairy cows. In conclusion, diets supplied to dairy cows raised on smallholder farms are low in nutrients and do not support efficient growth in heifers and optimal milk production in early lactation. Development of a nutrition plan for improved dairy diets is required to maximise production and longevity in cows and enhance sustainability of dairy production on the smallholder farms in South Africa. / Go ja dijo tse di nang le dikotla tse di kwa tlase go ama metaboliseme le kgolo ya meroba e e dusang mme e ngotla tlhagiso ya mašwi ya dikgomo tse di tlhagisang mašwi mo dipolaseng tse dinnye tse di tlhakanetsweng mo mafelong a a mogote. Go dirilwe dithutopatlisiso di le pedi jaaka karolo ya patlisiso ya ga jaana. Thutopatlisiso ya ntlha e sekasekile ditlamorago tsa tlamelo ya dikotla mo dijong tsa teri tse di rulagantsweng mo kgolong le dirasefe tsa mmele tsa meroba ya Dijeresi e e dusang mo dipolaseng tse dinnye tse di tlhakanetsweng mo karolong e e batlileng e nna sekaka mo Aforika Borwa. Go tlhophilwe dipolase di le 22 tse di nang le meroba e le 42, e e bogolo jo bo magareng ga dikgwedi tse 22 le 28 mme e na le dikgwedi tse supa e ntse e dusa kwa tshimologong ya thutopatlisiso. Tsone di emetse palogotlhe ya dipolase tse di mo karolong eo tse di tshegediwang ke Lenaneo le le rulaganeng la Tlhabololo ya Teri (DDP). Polase nngwe le nngwe e ne e na le bonnye meroba ya Jeresi e le mebedi e e dusang ka paka ya selemo sa 2016. Moroba mongwe le mongwe o ne o fepiwa ka 2.5 kg ya dijo tse di omileng tsa dikgomo tsa fa go sa ntse go le kgakala (malatsi a le 60-30 pele ga go tsala) mme tsa okediwa go nna 3.3 kg fa malatsi a atamela (malatsi a le 29-0 pele ga go tsala). Dijo tseno di ne di di rulagantswe go ya ka lenaneo le le rulagantsweng la kotlo le le atlenegisitsweng ke DDP. Mo nakong ya thutopatlisiso eno, ga go na kalafi epe ya kotlo e e neng e patelediwa meroba. DDP e ne e tlamela ka furu ya eragrostis curvula. Go ja ga letsatsi le letsatsi ga meroba ga 7.2 le 5.4 kg ka nako ya malatsi a le 60-30 pele ga go tsala le malatsai a le 29-0 pele ga go tsala go ne go ikaegile ka furu e e setseng. Ka jalo go ne ga tlhagisiwa gape kotlo ya meroba ya 1 (HD1) le kotlo ya meroba ya 2 (HD2) mo dikgomong tse di mo malatsing a le 60-30 pele ga go tsala le malatsi a le 29-0 pele ga go tsala. Dikotlo tseno di ne tsa sekwasekwa go bona go nna gona ga dikotla mo go tsona go dirisiwa tshekatsheko ya dikhemikale mo mogodung. Go ne ga bonelwa pele monyelo ya dikotla morago ga go feta mo mpeng ya ntlha le tsibogo ya diphologolo go ya ka Thulaganyo ya Kotlo ya Diotli tse Dikgolo (LRNS) mofuta wa 1.0.33 (legato 1). Go dirilwe tekanyo ya boima jwa mmele (BW) le maduo a seemo sa mmele (BCS) mme go ne ga tsewa madi le go a sekaseka go bona diporoteini kgwedi le kgwedi. Tsibogo ya meroba e ne ya tlhomamisiwa ka dipalo tse di bonetsweng pele tsa sekao mme ga dirwa tshekatsheko e e tshwantshanyang ya tiragatso ya diphologolo ka nako ya go dusa go dirisiwa dipalo tsa Lekgotla la Bosetšhaba la Dipatlisiso (NRC, 2001). Malebana le ditlhokegopotlana tsa diotli, HD1 le HD2 di ne di na le boleng jo bo tshwantshanyegang jwa kotlo (RFV) jo bo kwa tlase ga 144. Poroteini e e tala (CP) ya dijo e e ka nnang 35% ya HD1 e ne e le mo karolwaneng ya tekanyetso ya faeba e e bolang ka iketlo (NDF) e leng poroteini e e tala ya faeba e e lekanyediwang (NDFICP), fa 32% di ne di seyo jaaka poroteini e tala e e sa monyelegeng ya esete (ADICP). Fela jalo, HD2 e na le 5.2% tsa CP e e dirang jaaka poroteini e e teng mme karolo ya NDF e e bolang ka iketlo e ntse fela 52.3% tsa poroteini e e dirang e e gona. Bogolo jwa maikatlapelo a HD1 le HD2 bo ne bo le kwa godimo ka 25% le 16% go na le jaaka go ne go solofetswe mo dipakeng tse di kgakala le tse di atamelang. Go jewa ga poroteini e e silegang (MP) go ne go le kwa godimo ka 32% le 25% go na le jaaka go ne go solofetswe mo dipakeng tse di kgakala le tse di atamelang. Tlamelo ya MP e ne e le 37%, e leng e e kgolwane go na le diponelopele tsa NRC tsa ditlhokego tsa letsatsi le letsatsi tsa dikgomo tsa Jeresi. Seno se letlile gore go nne le koketsego ya BW ya 29 kg le BCS ya 0.33 e leng se se neng se le mo diperesenteng tsa bo25 tsa meroba e e dusang. Go nna teng ga urea ya madi mo dipakeng tse dikgakala le tse di atamelang go ne go farologane ka 25% go tswa mo dipalong tsa NRC. Go nna teng ga kereitini (CR) e ne e le 145 μmol/L mo pakeng e e kgakala le 155 μmol/L mo pakeng e e atamelang. Thutopatlisiso ya bobedi e sekasekile ditlamorago tsa dijo tse pedi tsa tlhagiso ya mašwi mo tiragatsong ya tlhagiso ya mašwi ya dikgomo tsa Jeresi di le 42 tse e leng la ntlha di tsala tsa bogolo jwa dikgwedi tse di magareng ga 24 le 30 mo pakeng ya ntlha (malatsi a le 1-30 morago ga go tsala) le ya setlhoa (malatsi a le 31-60 morago ga go tsala). Dikgomo di amogetse 4,5 le 5 kg ya motswako wa teri mo dipakeng tsa mašwi tsa ntlha (malatsi a le 1-30 morago ga go tsala) le tsa setlhowa (malatsi a le 31-60 morago ga go tsala). Go ne go tlamelwa ka furu ya eragrostis curvula go ya ka tlhokego mme go ja dijo tse di omileng (DMI) go ne go lekanyediwa go 7.2 kg ya furu/ka kgomo/ka letsatsi go tswa mo furung e e neng e setse. Go ne go sa patelediwe kalafi epe ya phepo, kwa ntle fela ga dijo tse di rulagantsweng tse di tshwanetseng tikologo ya tlhagiso. Go ne ga baakanngwa dijo tsa tlhagiso ya mašwi tse di tlhagisitsweng gape (LD 1 le LD 2) di ikaegile ka go jewa ga tse di omileng (DMI) e leng furu ya tlhaga le metswako ya tlhagiso ya mašwi. Go nna teng ga dikotla ga dijo tseno go ne ga lekanyediwa go dirisiwa khemisitiri e e bongola le go bola mo mpeng ga in vitro. Go ne ga bonelwa pele tlamelo ya dikotla ya dijo, monyelo go tswa mo maleng a mannye mme go ne ga bonelwa pele tsibogo ya dikgomo go dirisiwa Thulaganyo ya Kotlo ya Diotli tse Dikgolo (LRNS) mofuta wa 1.0.33 (legato 1). Go ne ga elwa tlhoko boima jwa mmele le BCS, go ne ga tsewa madi mme a sekasekwa go bona diporoteini kgwedi le kgwedi. Go ne ga rekotiwa tlhagiso ya mašwi letsatsi le letsatsi mme mašwi a sekasekwa go bona mafura, poroteini, laketose le urea naeterojini beke le beke. Dikgomo di ne di na le DMI ya 11.2 kg, e e neng e le kwa godingwaga ka 12% go na le jaaka go ne go solofetswe mo pakeng ya malatsi a le 1-30 morago ga go tsala, le DMI ya 11.6 kg, e e neng e le kwa godingwana ka 12% go na le jaaka go ne go solofetswe mo dikgomong tse di nang le malatsi a le 31-60 di tsetse. Dijo di ne di na le poroteini e e gona e e kwa tlase jaaka peresente ya poroteini ya dijo (LD1=46% le LD2=45%) mme karolwana ya NDF e e bodileng ka bonya (NDFICP) e nnile 64% tsa poroteini e e gona. Go jewa ga maikatlapelo go ne go le kwa tlasenyana ka 20% le 17% go na le dipalo tse dineng di bonetswe pele mo dikgomong mo dipakeng tsa malatsi a le 1-30 morago ga go tsala le malatsi a le 31-60 morago ga go tsala. Go rekotilwe balanse ya maikatlapelo a a tlhaelang a dikgomo ya -6.5 le -5.6 Mcal mo malatsing a le 1-30 morago ga go tsala le 31-60 morago ga go tsala. Go jewa ga poroteini ke dikgomo tse di tlhagisang mašwi go ne go le kwa tlase, mme seo sa baka balanse e e tlhaelang ya poroteini ya 59% le 42% tsa ditlhokego tsa letsatsi le letsatsi tsa dikgomo mo pakeng ya malatsi a le 1-30 morago ga go tsala le malatsi a le 31-60 morago ga go tsala. Go rekotilwe tatlhegelo ya BW le BCS, tlhagiso e e kwa tlase ya mašwi, mašwi a a baakantsweng maikatlapelo (ECM: 9.50 kg/ka letsatsi) le bokgoni jwa furu (FE) jo bo kwa tlase ga 1 (LD1=0.85; LD2=0.89) mo dikgomong mo dipakeng tseo tsotlhe. Go nna teng ga mafura, poroteini le laketouse mo mašwing di amegile ka tsela e e sa siamang ka ntlha ya seelo se se kwa tlase sa poroteini e e kwa tlase. Tekanyetso ya disele tsa somatiki (SCC) mo mašwing e ne e le 121±13x10³/ml mme dikgomo ga di a bontsha matshwao ape a bolwetsi. Motswako wa urea naeterojini ya mašwi (MUN) e ne e le 12±2.7mg/dl, e leng se se bontshang seemo se se kwa tlase sa poroteini sa dikgomo tse di tlhagisang mašwi. Dikgomo tseno di ne di na le motswako wa kereitine wa 116 le 102 μmol/L mo dipakeng tsa malatsi a le 1-30 morago ga go tsala le malatsi a le 31-61 morago ga go tsala, mme seo se ka supa go fokotsega ga mesifa ka ntlha ya kgatelelo ya mogote e e bakwang ke tikologo e e mogote e go tlhagisiwang mo go yona. Dipholo di bontshitse gore dijo tsa dikgomo tsa teri mo dipolaseng tse dinnye tse di tlhakanetsweng mo dikgaolong tsa Sekhukhune le Vhembe kwa Porofenseng ya Limpopo di na le boleng jo bo kwa tlase jwa kotlo le gore dijo tse di nang le dikotla tse dinnye di amile titielo ya dijo, kgolo ya meroba, dirasefe tsa mmele le tlhagiso ya mašwi ka bonako mo dikgomong tsa teri tsa Jeresi. Kwa bokhutlong, dijo tsa dikgomo tsa teri tse di godisediwang mo dipolaseng tse dinnye di na le dikotla tse di kwa tlase mme ga di tshegetse kgolo e e mosola ya meroba le tlhagiso e e siameng ya mašwi mo nakong ya ntlha ya tlhagiso ya mašwi. Go tlhokega leano la dikotla go tokafatsa dijo tsa teri go tokafatsa tlhagiso le go tshela sebaka ga dikgomo le go tokafatsa go nnela leruri ga tlhagiso ya teri mo dipolaseng tse dinnye mo Aforika Borwa. / Agriculture and  Animal Health / Ph.D. (Agriculture)

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