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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O percurso do pensamento de Rudolf Steiner e seu possível lugar no espaço psicológico / The path of Rudolf Steiner´s thought and its possible place in the field of psychology

Paula Franciulli 12 August 2015 (has links)
A psicologia é uma atividade cultural humana de construção do conhecimento (Simão, 2004) e, assim sendo, sabemos da importância de estudar os aspectos históricos e filosóficos que envolvem sua construção. Acompanhamos, portanto, o seu fazer-se ciência, nos colocando diante de uma psicologia que se contextualiza em uma teia de teorias ora conexas ora desconexas, segundo critérios de cientificidade. Esse espaço psicológico se sustenta em dinâmicas tanto de rupturas - devido à diversidade teórica que pode resultar em um campo de dispersão, conforme propõe Figueiredo (2012) - como de unificação da psicologia. Ciente da pluralidade teórica e metodológica existente na psicologia, vejo, portanto, a necessidade de refletir sobre as escolhas do psicólogo por certas correntes, que, como veremos nesta pesquisa, estão intimamente relacionadas às suas experiências cognitiva-emocionais. A proposta neste trabalho foi analisar as bases do pensamento do filósofo Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), - criador de uma proposta filosófica, a antroposofia, que trata de temas centrais abordados pela psicologia. Para isso, buscou-se a interlocução entre alguns aspectos histórico-culturais da própria construção de conhecimento desse pensador e o fazer da psicologia, procurando situar o espaço ocupado por Steiner dentro daquilo que se compreende como espaço psicológico, segundo Figueiredo (2007). Foram analisados os relatos autobiográficos de Steiner, chamados nesta pesquisa de experiências cognitivo-emocionais, e como tais aspectos podem ter modulado o percurso do seu pensamento. Entre essas experiências está seu diálogo muito próximo com as ideias do poeta e romancista J.W. Goethe, que também recebeu destaque nesta pesquisa, visto que há um interesse na retomada ao pensamento goethiano na atualidade, principalmente no que toca a importância da intuição no desenvolvimento do ser humano. O processo desta pesquisa requereu movimentos de aproximação e distanciamento em especial em relação ao envolvimento da autora com seu objeto de pesquisa (os pensamentos de Steiner), para que se atingisse uma melhor compreensão dos aspectos envolvidos tanto na configuração do psicológico (no sentido de Figueiredo, 2007) como no percurso de Steiner. Tal análise proporcionou à pesquisadora um aprofundamento a respeito de alguns aspectos relativos à escolha por certas correntes de pensamento em psicologia - neste caso, às matrizes compreensivas de inspiração românticas e pós-românticas - e, que são reflexos das experiências histórico-culturais do profissional, orientando-o no espaço contemporâneo tanto para sua prática em consultório como em pesquisa / Psychology is a human activity of knowledge construction (Simão, 2004) and saying that we become aware of how important it is to study the historical and philosophical aspects which permeate its construction. We follow thus, its self-making process, putting ourselves before a psychology which contains a variety of theories either connected or disconnected to it regarding to scientific criteria This psychological dimension holds itself in a dynamic of ruptures which Figueiredo (2012) calls as dispersion field or sometimes even into the idea of the unifying psychology. Knowing that theoretical and methodological plurality I see the necessity for a deeper thinking regarding the psychologist´s choice or empathy towards a certain theory or stream. I believe that such choices are intrinsically connected to his or her cognitive-emotional experiences through life. The proposal of this work was to analyze the fundamental thoughts of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), who was the founder of anthroposophy philosophy which deals with some core themes of psychology. A dialogue was sought between some historical-cultural aspects which involved his own path of knowledge construction and the psychology-making. The proposal of this work was to make an attempt to place Steiner´s thoughts into the so called psychology space according to Figueiredo (2007). Steiner´s self- reported episodes were analyzed from his autobiography which I referred here as cognitive-emotional experiences and how those aspects may have shaped his way of thinking. One of those aspects is his very close dialogue with J. W. Goethe´s ideas which also deserved prominence in this research. Nowadays there is a new light upon Goethe´s thinking, mainly in regards to his conception of intuition, so, that is why psychology is also interested and concerned with how intuition can influence human development. Perhaps this will be the contemporaneity of this paper. It was required approximation and distancing movements from the researcher in special to her previous knowledge about Steiner, and in doing so, it has given her a better comprehension about both: psychology construction and Steiner path. As a result, there was a better understanding on how the process of making choice takes place when a psychologist decides on one or the other stream to conduct his professional approach, noticing that there are historical-cultural aspects which lead the psychologists to choose, guiding them either to counseling practice or in the research field

Optimization of multimedia flows over data networks : the core location problem and the peakedness characterization/Optimisation des flux multimédias sur les réseaux de données : le problème de sélection du noeud central et la caractérisation par peakedness

Macq, Jean-François 19 May 2005 (has links)
In the first part of the thesis, we address the optimization of multimedia applications such as videoconferences or multi-player games in which user-dependent information has to be sent from the users to a core node to be chosen, and then global information has to be multicast back from the core node to all users. For a given communication network, this optimization seeks a core node under two potentially competing criteria, one being the sum of the distances to a set of user terminals, the other being the cost of connecting this core node and the terminals with a multicast (or Steiner) tree. We first consider the problem of minimizing a weighted sum of the two criteria and propose a heuristic which rapidly computes a solution guaranteed to be within a few percent of the optimum. Then we characterize the worst-case trade-offs between approximation ratios for the two criteria. To state our result informally, we show that there always exists a core location for which each criterion is close to its minimum value (if we were to disregard the other criterion). In the second part, we focus on the protection of multimedia streaming applications against packet losses. Because of real-time constraints, error recovery is often achieved by Forward Error Correction (FEC) techniques which consist of partitioning the packet stream into blocks of consecutive packets and adding redundant data packets to each block. If the number of packets lost within a block is at most the number of redundant packets added, the receiver is able to recover the original data packets. Otherwise some data is irrecoverably lost. In communication networks, FEC techniques are typically impaired by the fact that packet losses are not evenly distributed among blocks but rather occur in long bursts of consecutive losses. However it has been observed that splitting the transmission of a FEC block onto several paths typically decreases the probability of an irrecoverable loss. Whereas current approaches rely on an exact computation of the probability and are consequently restricted to very small network instances, we propose to approximate this probability by measuring the impact of the chosen routing on the peakedness of the received packet stream. The peakedness of a stream may be seen as a measure of how packets are spread over time within the stream. Numerical experiments are presented and show that our method yields good approximations of the probability of irrecoverable loss./La première partie de cette thèse concerne l'optimisation d'applications multimédias, telles que des vidéoconférences ou des jeux en groupes, pour lesquels l'information propre à chaque utilisateur doit être envoyée vers un noeud central à sélectionner. L'information globale est ensuite diffusée en retour de ce noeud central vers chacun des utilisateurs. Pour un réseau de communication donné, cette optimisation consiste à choisir le noeud central selon deux critères potentiellement concurrents, le premier étant la somme des distances vers les utilisateurs, le second étant le coût de connecter ce noeud central et les utilisateurs avec un arbre multicast (ou arbre de Steiner). Nous considérons tout d'abord le problème de la minimisation d'une somme pondérée des deux critères et proposons une heuristique qui calcule rapidement une solution garantie d'être éloignée de l'optimum d'au plus quelques pour cent. Ensuite nous caractérisons les pires cas du compromis existant entre les rapports d'approximation pour les deux critères. De façon informelle, notre résultat peut se formuler comme suit : nous montrons qu'il est toujours possible de sélectionner le noeud central de telle sorte que chaque critère soit proche de sa valeur minimum (obtenue sans considérer l'autre critère). Dans la seconde partie, nous nous concentrons sur la protection des applications de diffusion multimédia (streaming) contre les pertes de paquets. A cause de contraintes temps réel, la récupération des erreurs pour ces applications est typiquement réalisée par des techniques de corrections d'erreurs dites "en avant" (Forward Error Correction ou FEC) qui consistent à partitionner le flux de paquets en blocs de paquets consécutifs et à ajouter des paquets de données redondantes à chacun de ces blocs. Si le nombre de paquets perdus au sein d'un bloc est inférieur ou égal au nombre de paquets ajoutés, le récepteur est capable de récupérer les paquets de données originaux. Dans le cas contraire, des données sont perdues de façon irrécupérable. Dans les réseaux de communication, l'efficacité des techniques FEC est typiquement dégradée par le fait que les pertes de paquets ne sont pas distribuées uniformément parmi les blocs de paquets mais apparaissent plutôt groupées par en rafales de pertes consécutives. Cependant il a été récemment observé que répartir la transmission d'un bloc FEC sur plusieurs chemins permet généralement de diminuer la probabilité de perte irrécupérable. Alors que les approches existantes se basent sur un calcul exact de cette probabilité et se limitent donc à des réseaux de très petite taille, nous proposons d'en calculer une approximation en mesurant l'impact du routage choisi sur la "peakedness" du flux de paquets. La peakedness d'un flux peut être vue comme un mesure de la répartition temporelle des paquets au sein de ce flux. Des résultats numériques sont présentés et montrent que notre méthode permet de calculer une bonne approximation de la probabilité de perte irrécupérable..

Complexity and Approximation of the Rectilinear Steiner Tree Problem

Mussafi, Noor Saif Muhammad 05 August 2009 (has links)
Given a finite set K of terminals in the plane. A rectilinear Steiner minimum tree for K (RST) is a tree which interconnects among these terminals using only horizontal and vertical lines of shortest possible length containing Steiner point. We show the complexity of RST i.e. belongs to NP-complete. Moreover we present an approximative method of determining the solution of RST problem proposed by Sanjeev Arora in 1996, Arora's Approximation Scheme. This algorithm has time complexity polynomial in the number of terminals for a fixed performance ratio 1 + Epsilon.

Approximation de l'arborescence de Steiner / Approximation of the Directed Steiner Tree Problem

Watel, Dimitri 26 November 2014 (has links)
Dans un graphe orienté contenant un nœud appelé racine, un sous ensemble de nœuds appelés terminaux et une pondération sur les arcs, le problème de l’arborescence de Steiner (DST) consiste en la recherche d’une arborescence de poids minimum contenant pour chaque terminal un chemin de la racine vers ce terminal. Ce problème est NP-Complet. Cette thèse se penche sur l’étude de l’approximabilité de ce problème. Sauf si P=NP, il n’existe pas pour ce problème d’approximation de rapport constant ou logarithmique en k, oú k est le nombre de terminaux. Le plus petit rapport d’approximation connu est O (k") où " est un réel strictement positif. Dans la première partie, nous donnons trois algorithmes d’approximation : un algorithme glouton efficace qui associe deux techniques d’approximations connues pour DST, un algorithme dans le cas des graphes structurés en paliers qui étudie l’approximabilité du problème quand les terminaux sont éloignés de la racine, et un algorithme exponentiel qui combine un algorithme d’approximation et un algorithme exact, dont le rapport d’approximation et la complexité temporelle sont paramétrés par le nombre de terminaux couverts par l’algorithme exact. Dans la seconde partie, nous étudions deux problèmes issus de DST auquel est ajoutée une contrainte sur les nœuds de branchement. Cette contrainte réduit le nombre de solutions réalisables et peut faciliter la recherche d’une solution optimale parmi ce sous-ensemble de solutions. En fonction de la contrainte, nous étudions la possibilité de la trouver en temps polynomial et quel est le rapport d’approximation entre cette solution et la solution du problème non contraint / The directed Steiner tree problem (DST) asks, considering a directed weighted graph, a node r called root and a set of nodes X called terminals, for a minimum cost directed tree rooted in r spanning X. DST is an NP-complete problem. We are interested in the search for polynomial approximations for DST. Unless P = NP, DST can not be approximated neither within a constant ratio nor a logarithmic ratio with respected to k, where k is the number of terminals. The smallest known approximation ratio is O(kԑ)$ where ԑ is a positive real.In the first part, we provide three new approximation algorithms : a practical greedy algorithm merging two of the main approximation techniques for DST, an algorithm for the case where the graph is layered and where the distance between the terminals and the root is high, and an exponential approximation algorithm combining an approximation algorithm and an exact algorithm, parameterized with the number of terminals the exact algorithm must cover.In the last part we study DST with two branching constraints. With this technique, we are able to reduce the number of feasible solutions, and possibly facilitate the search for an optimal solution of the constraint problem. We study how it is possible to build such a solution in polynomial time and if this solution is a good approximation of an optimal solution of the non-constraint problem

The local Steiner problem in Minkowski spaces

Swanepoel, Konrad Johann 06 May 2010 (has links)
The subject of this monograph can be described as the local properties of geometric Steiner minimal trees in finite-dimensional normed spaces. A Steiner minimal tree of a finite set of points is a shortest connected set interconnecting the points. For a quick introduction to this topic and an overview of all the results presented in this work, see Chapter 1. The relevant mathematical background knowledge needed to understand the results and their proofs are collected in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3 we introduce the Fermat-Torricelli problem, which is that of finding a point that minimizes the sum of distances to a finite set of given points. We only develop that part of the theory of Fermat-Torricelli points that is needed in later chapters. Steiner minimal trees in finite-dimensional normed spaces are introduced in Chapter 4, where the local Steiner problem is given an exact formulation. In Chapter 5 we solve the local Steiner problem for all two-dimensional spaces, and generalize this solution to a certain class of higher-dimensional spaces (CL spaces). The twodimensional solution is then applied to many specific norms in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 contains an abstract solution valid in any dimension, based on the subdifferential calculus. This solution is applied to two specific high-dimensional spaces in Chapter 8. In Chapter 9 we introduce an alternative approach to bounding the maximum degree of Steiner minimal trees from above, based on the illumination problem from combinatorial convexity. Finally, in Chapter 10 we consider the related k-Steiner minimal trees, which are shortest Steiner trees in which the number of Steiner points is restricted to be at most k. / Das Thema dieser Habilitationsschrift kann als die lokalen Eigenschaften der geometrischen minimalen Steiner-Bäume in endlich-dimensionalen normierten Räumen beschrieben werden. Ein minimaler Steiner-Baum einer endlichen Punktmenge ist eine kürzeste zusammenhängende Menge die die Punktmenge verbindet. Kapitel 1 enthält eine kurze Einführung zu diesem Thema und einen Überblick über alle Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit. Die entsprechenden mathematischen Vorkenntnisse mit ihren Beweisen, die erforderlich sind die Ergebnisse zu verstehen, erscheinen in Kapitel 2. In Kapitel 3 führen wir das Fermat-Torricelli-Problem ein, das heißt, die Suche nach einem Punkt, der die Summe der Entfernungen der Punkte einer endlichen Punktmenge minimiert. Wir entwickeln nur den Teil der Theorie der Fermat-Torricelli-Punkte, der in späteren Kapiteln benötigt wird. Minimale Steiner-Bäume in endlich-dimensionalen normierten Räumen werden in Kapitel 4 eingeführt, und eine exakte Formulierung wird für das lokale Steiner-Problem gegeben. In Kapitel 5 lösen wir das lokale Steiner-Problem für alle zwei-dimensionalen Räume, und diese Lösung wird für eine bestimmte Klasse von höher-dimensionalen Räumen (den sog. CL-Räumen) verallgemeinert. Die zweidimensionale Lösung wird dann auf mehrere bestimmte Normen in Kapitel 6 angewandt. Kapitel 7 enthält eine abstrakte Lösung die in jeder Dimension gilt, die auf der Analysis von Subdifferentialen basiert. Diese Lösung wird auf zwei bestimmte höher-dimensionale Räume in Kapitel 8 angewandt. In Kapitel 9 führen wir einen alternativen Ansatz zur oberen Schranke des maximalen Grads eines minimalen Steiner-Baums ein, der auf dem Beleuchtungsproblem der kombinatorischen Konvexität basiert ist. Schließlich betrachten wir in Kapitel 10 die verwandten minimalen k-Steiner-Bäume. Diese sind die kürzesten Steiner-Bäume, in denen die Anzahl der Steiner-Punkte auf höchstens k beschränkt wird.

On the use of network coding and multicast for enhancing performance in wired networks / Sur l'utilisation du codage réseau et du multicast pour améliorer la performance dans les réseaux filaires

Wang, Yuhui 17 May 2013 (has links)
La popularité de la grande variété de l'utilisation d'Internet entraîne une croissance significative du trafic de données dans les réseaux de télécommunications. L'efficacité de la transmission de données sera contestée en vertu du principe de la capacité actuelle du réseau et des mécanismes de contrôle de flux de données. En plus d'augmenter l'investissement financier pour étendre la capacité du réseau, améliorer les techniques existantes est plus rationnel et éconmique.Diverses recherches de pointe pour faire face aux besoins en évolution des réseaux ont vu le jour, et l'une d'elles est appelée codage de réseau. Comme une extension naturelle dans la théorie du codage, il permet le mélange de différents flux réseau sur les noeuds intermédiaires, ce qui modifie la façon d'éviter les collisions de flux de données. Il a été appliqué pour obtenir un meilleur débit, fiabilité, sécurité et robustesse dans différents environnements et applications réseau. Cette thèse porte sur l'utilisation du réseau de codage pour le multicast dans les réseaux maillés fixes et systèmes de stockage distribués. Nous avons d'abord des modèles de différentes stratégies de routage multicast dans un cadre d'optimisation, y compris de multicast à base d'arbres et de codage de réseau; nous résolvons les modèles avec des algorithmes efficaces et comparons l'avantage de codage, en termes de gain de débit de taille moyenne graphique généré aléatoirement. Basé sur l'analyse numérique obtenue à partir des expériences précédentes, nous proposons un cadre révisé de routage multicast, appelé codage de réseau stratégique, qui combine transmission muticast standard et fonctions de codage de réseau afin d'obtenir le maximum de bénéfice de codage réseau au moindre coût lorsque ces coûts dépendent à la fois sur le nombre de noeuds à exécuter un codage et le volume de trafic qui est codé. Enfin, nous étudions le problème révisé de transport qui est capable de calculer un système de routage statique entre les serveurs et les clients dans les systèmes de stockage distribués où nous appliquons le codage pour soutenir le stockage de contenu. Nous étendons l'application à un problème d'optimisation général, nommé problème de transport avec des contraintes de degré, qui peut être largement utilisé dans divers domaines industriels, y compris les télécommunications, mais n'a pas été étudié très souvent. Pour ce problème, nous obtenons quelques résultats théoriques préliminaires et nous proposons une approche de décomposition Lagrange raisonnable / The popularity of the great variety of Internet usage brings about a significant growth of the data traffic in telecommunication network. Data transmission efficiency will be challenged under the premise of current network capacity and data flow control mechanisms. In addition to increasing financial investment to expand the network capacity, improving the existing techniques are more rational and economical. Various cutting-edge researches to cope with future network requirement have emerged, and one of them is called network coding. As a natural extension in coding theory, it allows mixing different network flows on the intermediate nodes, which changes the way of avoiding collisions of data flows. It has been applied to achieve better throughput and reliability, security, and robustness in various network environments and applications. This dissertation focuses on the use of network coding for multicast in fixed mesh networks and distributed storage systems. We first model various multicast routing strategies within an optimization framework, including tree-based multicast and network coding; we solve the models with efficient algorithms, and compare the coding advantage, in terms of throughput gain in medium size randomly generated graphs. Based on the numerical analysis obtained from previous experiments, we propose a revised multicast routing framework, called strategic network coding, which combines standard multicast forwarding and network coding features in order to obtain the most benefit from network coding at lowest cost where such costs depend both on the number of nodes performing coding and the volume of traffic that is coded. Finally, we investigate a revised transportation problem which is capable of calculating a static routing scheme between servers and clients in distributed storage systems where we apply coding to support the storage of contents. We extend the application to a general optimization problem, named transportation problem with degree constraints, which can be widely used in different industrial fields, including telecommunication, but has not been studied very often. For this problem, we derive some preliminary theoretical results and propose a reasonable Lagrangian decomposition approach

Výuka angličtiny ve školách waldorfského typu / English language teaching in Waldorf schools

Kellerová, Alena January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the methodology of ELT in Waldorf lower secondary schools. The theoretical part focuses on the historical background and the philosophical premises of Waldorf pedagogy, as well as a general outline of this alternative educational approach. The subsequent chapters are dedicated to the anthroposophical concept of language and the Waldorf methodology of teaching both native and foreign languages. The goal of the practical part is to examine the distinctive features of ELT in this type of schools. The research study is based on the evaluation of the data obtained with the qualitative methods of lesson observation, namely in the 6th and the 8th forms, and interviews with the teachers. The thesis contains a survey of the Waldorf pupils' attitude towards English and the sources of their learning motivation.

A educação estética através da Música no segundo setênio: aproximações entre Rudolf Steiner e Émile Jaques-Dalcroze / The aesthetic education through Music at the second period of child (from 7 to 14 years old): approach between Rudolf Steiner and Émile Jaques-Dalcroze

Nicoletti, Daniela Amaral Rodrigues 12 December 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa discute as contribuições do pensamento filosófico-estético e pedagógico de Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) e da Rítmica de Émile Jaques-Dalcroze (1865-1950) para os processos de ensino-aprendizagem em Música no contexto escolar, especialmente no período compreendido entre 7 e 14 anos de idade. A partir da pesquisa bibliográfica dos textos de ambos os autores, abarcando conferências, publicações e artigos, o trabalho consistiu, primeiramente, em sintetizar alguns conceitos fundamentais para a Antroposofia, ciência do espírito que Rudolf Steiner elaborou no início do século XX, como ampliação do campo de conhecimento das ciências naturais. Steiner adota a cosmovisão de Goethe e Schiller, bem como seu método cognitivo contemplativo, como alternativa ao materialismo mecanicista do pensamento cartesiano. O estudo revela a correspondência entre os pensamentos de Rudolf Steiner e Émile Jaques-Dalcroze em muitos aspectos, comprovando a hipótese da possibilidade de um fecundo diálogo e mútua complementação entre os dois contemporâneos. Dalcroze, em sentido inverso ao de Steiner, parte da observação e da intuição sobre sua experiência prática como docente de Música, compositor e intérprete, para a elaboração de uma filosofia estético-pedagógica. Dalcroze criou a Rítmica como um método ou um caminho para o desenvolvimento de uma escuta criativa, com o corpo inteiro, encontrando a musicalidade na expressão gestual e no movimento corporal. Ambos os autores apresentam uma concepção expandida de ritmo como princípio que urde toda a vida e toda arte, essencial a todo o processo educativo. Eles ainda trazem múltiplas contribuições importantes para a reflexão sobre a prática pedagógica em Música na atualidade, especialmente no tangente à arte de educar pelo ritmo, em que a improvisação e o aspecto lúdico potencializam a expressão criativa em aula. A dialética entre liberdade e estrutura, integrando escuta e corpo pela respiração e o movimento, e a concepção integrada das artes, como processos estésicos e poiéticos complexos, estendem a sua importância à apreciação dos repertórios modernos e pós-modernos na Educação Musical contemporânea. / This research discusses the contributions of Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner\'s (1861-1925) philosophical, aesthetic and pedagogical thought and of Austrian-Swiss musician, composer and music educator Émile Jaques-Dalcroze\'s (1865-1950) Eurythmics to the Music teaching-learning process in elementary and secondary school, especially concerning children between 7 and 14 years of age. Based on bibliographical research comprehending original texts - papers and books - and conferences, this work aims at, first of all, providing a synthesis of some concepts that are fundamental to Anthroposophy - a spiritual science founded by Rudolf Steiner at the beginning of the XXth. century and intended to be an expansion of natural science\'s scope of knowledge. Steiner adopts Goethe\'s and Schiller\'s artistic cosmovision and their cognition method, founded on contemplative observation of nature, as an alternative for the mechanical philosophy of Cartesian materialism. The study shows the many matching aspects of Steiner\'s and Dalcroze\'s thoughts, showing that it is possible to establish a prolific and mutual complementary dialogue between these two contemporaries, given that the latter followed the inverse path of the former toward his aesthetic and pedagogical philosophy, taking as starting point an intuitive approach of his own practical experience as Music teacher, composer and performer. Dalcroze created the Eurhytmics as a method or way to develop creative listening with the whole body, finding musicality in gestural expression and body movement. Both authors present an expanded conception of rhythm as the essence of life, that which unites all the arts and should be a component of every educational process. They also bring great contributions to the consciousness about pedagogical practices in Music at present, specially concerning the art of education through rhythm, taking improvisation and its playful nature as resources to enhance the creative expression in class. The dialectics between freedom and structure, integrating listening to the body as a whole through breathing and movement, as well as their integrated conception of Arts as a complex aesthetic and poetic process expand its importance toward the appreciation of modern and postmodern repertoires in the contemporary Musical Education.

O querer, o sentir e o pensar de Rudolf Steiner na literatura para crianças e jovens: os atos da vontade / Rudolf Steiners willing,feeling and thinking in the literature for childrenand youngsters: the acts of will

Mutarelli, Sandra Regina Kuka 04 December 2014 (has links)
Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) foi um filósofo, jornalista e educador. Atualmente seu nome está associado ao movimento Camphill de educação curativa, sua arquitetura, vários estudos sobre religião, à agricultura biodinâmica, à medicina antroposófica e à pedagogia Waldorf. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é investigar a contribuição e validade das concepções sobre o querer, o sentir e o pensar de Rudolf Steiner para os estudos literários. Espera-se contribuir para a ressignificação do papel da literatura como força impulsora na mediação entre o sentimento e a razão para o desenvolvimento e constituição do pensar conceitual e formação do ser harmônico e integral. Esta tese contém uma introdução e seis capítulos. O capítulo 1 dá uma ideia geral do contexto de Rudolf Steiner e trata de sua formação, carreira, interesses profissionais, bem como sobre algumas possíveis influências sobre seu pensamento. O capítulo 2 apresenta as concepções do homem, do querer, do sentir e do pensar que aparecem na obra Filosofia da Liberdade e suas relações com outros estudos do autor. Discute também a importância da arte e das narrativas para a formação do ser humano integral, harmônico e espiritualmente livre. O capítulo 3 compara as ideias de Steiner acerca do pensar, da criança, das narrativas com as concepções de Edgar Morin e Walter Benjamin. Também apresenta indicações de narrativas propostas por seguidores de Steiner. O capítulo 4 apresenta a metodologia e as obras utilizadas na experiência estética de recepção de leitura desenvolvida com ex-alunos formados pela pedagogia Waldorf e ex-alunos formados por outras pedagogias. O capítulo 5 discute os resultados da pesquisa. O capítulo 6 apresenta algumas considerações finais sobre o assunto. / Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) was a philosopher, journalist and educator. Nowadays his name is usually associated with the Camphill moviment of curative education, architecture, biodynamical agriculture, the anthroposophical medicine, several studies on religion and the Waldorf education. The aim of this research is to examine the contribution and validity of Rudolf Steiners concepts of willing, feeling and thinking that may be seen in literary studies. This work is expected to render some contrtibution to resignifying the role of literature as a thrust in mediating feelings and reason in order to develop and constitute conceptual thinking as well as in forming a harmonious and wholesome being. This thesis contains an introduction and six chapters. Chapter 1 provides a general overlook of Steiners context and deals with his background, career, professional interests as well as some of the possible influences he received. Chapter 2 studies Steiners concepts of man, willing, feeling and thinking presented in his work The Philosophy of Freedom as well as in other works by Steiner. It also discusses the importance of Art and the importance of narrative to form a wholesome and harmonious being who is also spiritually free. Chapter 3 compares Steiner\'s ideas about thinking, about the child and about the narratives that follow conceptions by Edgar Morin and Walter Benjamin. It also presents indications of narrative proposed by Steiners followers. Chapter 4 presents the methodology and the works used in the aesthetic experience of reading reception, which was developed with alumni graduated in Waldorf and alumni graduated in other pedagogies. Chapter 5 discusses the results of the research. Chapter 6 presents some final thoughts on the subject.

Heurística aplicada ao problema árvore de Steiner Euclidiano com representação nó-profundidade-grau / Heuristic applied to the Euclidean Steiner tree problem with no-dedepth- degree encoding

Oliveira, Marcos Antônio Almeida de 03 September 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Luanna Matias (lua_matias@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-02-06T19:23:12Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Marcos Antônio Almeida de Oliveira - 2014..pdf: 1092566 bytes, checksum: 55edbdaf5b3ac84fe3f6835682fe2a13 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2015-02-19T14:34:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Marcos Antônio Almeida de Oliveira - 2014..pdf: 1092566 bytes, checksum: 55edbdaf5b3ac84fe3f6835682fe2a13 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-02-19T14:34:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Marcos Antônio Almeida de Oliveira - 2014..pdf: 1092566 bytes, checksum: 55edbdaf5b3ac84fe3f6835682fe2a13 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-09-03 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / A variation of the Beasley (1992) algorithm for the Euclidean Steiner tree problem is presented. This variation uses the Node-Depth-Degree Encoding, which requires an average time of O(n) in operations to generate and manipulate spanning forests. For spanning tree problems, this representation has linear time complexity when applied to network design problems with evolutionary algorithms. Computational results are given for test cases involving instances up to 500 vertices. These results demonstrate the use of the Node-Depth-Degree in an exact heuristic, and this suggests the possibility of using this representation in other techniques besides evolutionary algorithms. An empirical comparative and complexity analysis between the proposed algorithm and a conventional representation indicates the efficiency advantages of the solution found. / É apresentada uma variação do algoritmo de Beasley (1992) para o Problema árvore de Steiner Euclidiano. Essa variação utiliza a Representação Nó-Profundidade-Grau que requer, em média, tempo O(n) em operações para gerar e manipular florestas geradoras. Para problemas de árvore geradora essa representação possui complexidade de tempo linear sendo aplicada em problemas de projeto de redes com algoritmos evolutivos. Resultados computacionais são dados para casos de teste envolvendo instâncias de até 500 vértices. Esses resultados demonstram a utilização da representação Nó-Profundidade-Grau em uma heurística exata, e isso sugere a possibilidade de utilização dessa representação em outras técnicas além de algoritmos evolutivos. Um comparativo empírico e da análise de complexidade entre o algoritmo proposto e uma representação convencional indica vantagens na eficiência da solução encontrada.

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