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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transformativ klimatanpassning inom Sveriges vattenförvaltning : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av styrdokument inom vattenförvaltningen. / Transformative climate adaptation within Sweden’s water management : A qualitative content analysis of documents on water regulation.

Johansson, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats behandlar ämnet klimatanpassning inom vattenförvaltningen i Sverige som härleds från Europeiska Unionens ramdirektiv för vatten. Sveriges vattenresursers utsätts för påfrestningar från klimatförändringar. Klimatanpassning behövs därför för att säkra vattenresurserna för nuvarande och kommande generationer och ett stort ansvar kring detta arbete vilar på lokal nivå i samhället. EU:s utvärdering av vattenförvaltningsarbetet konstaterar att det finns förbättringsmöjligheter gällande sociala och organisatoriska aspekterna kring klimatanpassning. Studiens fokus är på dessa aspekter med tillägg att de även är avgörande för att uppnå en transformativ klimatanpassning, den högsta av tre nivåer inom klimatanpassning där samhällsomvandling sker. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar klimatanpassningen på lokal nivå inom vattenförvaltningen i Sverige ur ett transformativt klimatanpassningsperspektiv. Detta undersöks genom att besvara frågeställningarna om vad som driver och begränsar klimatanpassning på lokal nivå inom vattenförvaltningen och hur dessa drivkrafter och begränsningar skulle kunna hanteras för att uppnå en transformativ klimatanpassning. Studien utförs genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av samrådsdokument från de fem vattendistrikten i Sverige. Analysen genomförs med en abduktiv inriktning där kontexten är ur ett klimatanpassnings- och riskperspektiv gentemot klimatförändringarnas påverkan på vattenresurserna. Resultatet visar att faktorer som engagemang, målkonflikter, organisation, ansvarsfördelning, samverkan, ekonomiska- och kompetensmässiga resursbrister, nonchalans, lagstiftning och samordning påverkar lokal klimatanpassning inom vattenförvaltningen. I diskussionen knyts resultatet till tidigare forskning och det teoretiska ramverket för att ge en djupare förståelse för faktorernas innebörd i relation till att uppnå en transformativ klimatanpassning och samt de är begränsande eller drivande. Teoretiska ramverket innehållande flernivåstyrning, miljörättvisa, strategiskt ledarskap och samskapande anknyter till hur drivkrafterna och begränsningarna kan hanteras. Slutsatserna för studien visar att implementering av strategiskt ledarskap och samskapande på lokal nivå inom vattenförvaltningen är ett arbetssätt för att uppnå transformativ klimatanpassning. / This paper addresses the topic of climate adaptation within water management in Sweden, based on the European Union's Water Framework Directive. Sweden's water resources being exposed to stress from climate change. Therefore, climate adaptation must be implemented to secure water resources for current and future generations and a great responsibility regarding this work rests at the local level in society. The EU evaluation of water management work notes that there is a need for improvement regarding social and organizational aspects of climate adaptation. The focus of the study is on the aforementioned aspects, additionally these aspects are also crucial for achieving a transformative climate adaptation, the highest of three levels in climate adaptation where social transformation takes place. Thus, the purpose of the study is to investigate what factors affect climate adaptation at the local level in water management in Sweden from a transformative climate adaptation perspective. The purpose is fulfilled by answering the questions about what drives and limits climate adaptation at the local level within water management and how these driving forces and constraints could be managed to achieve transformative climate adaptation. The study is conducted through a qualitative content analysis of consultation documents from the five water districts in Sweden. The analysis is conducted with an abductive approach where the context is from a climate adaptation and risk perspective vis-à-vis the effects of climate change on water resources. The results show that factors such as commitment, target conflicts, organization, division of responsibilities, collaboration, financial and skills shortages, non-balance, legislation and coordination affect local climate adaptation in water management. In the discussion, the result is linked to previous research and the theoretical framework to provide a deeper understanding of the significance of the factors in relation to achieving a transformative climate adaptation and if they act as driving forces or constraints. The theoretical framework consisting of multi-level governance, environmental justice, strategic leadership and co-creation links to how the driving forces and constraints can be managed. The conclusions of the study show that implementation of strategic leadership and collaboration at the local level in water management is a possible way of achieving transformative climate adaptation.

Strategies Church Financial Leaders Use for Financial Sustainability During Economic Crises

Jackson, Jessie Hyman 01 January 2018 (has links)
Church financial leaders were affected by the economic crisis after the 2008 recession. In a 2009 group study conducted nationwide with church financial leaders, 57% stated that the economy had a negative effect on their church budgets. The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore successful strategies that some church financial leaders used to ensure financial sustainability during economic crises. Resource dependence theory was the conceptual framework. Data were collected from 6 church financial leaders at 4 churches in the northeastern region in the United States; church financial leaders were selected through purposeful sampling to participate in semistructured interviews. Data were also collected from church documents, such as financial records and budget statements. These data were analyzed to identify emerging themes using Yin's 5-phase process: compiling, disassembling, reassembling (and arraying), interpreting, and concluding. The 3 themes that emerged from the data analysis were (a) provide strategies to acquire external resources, (b) specify plans to establish internal strategic factors, and (c) provide strategies to improve financial and strategic management. Findings and recommendations of the study could contribute to positive social change by providing church financial leaders with successful strategies to ensure financial sustainability during economic crises and by increasing church revenue and improving social programs, which help improve the needs of staff, members, and people in the community.

“JUST” Business and Often Personal: An Exploration Into the Incidents Social Entrepreneurs Identify as Critical to Leading Their Enterprises

Kalakay, Jerrid P. 14 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Critical competencies required by cybersecurity leaders in small fintech companies

Hassan, Syed Muhammad Waqar Ul January 2024 (has links)
Small fintech companies face significant cybersecurity challenges that require specialized leadership competencies. This study identifies the critical competencies needed by cybersecurity leaders in small Fintech companies, guided by the ISO 27021:2017 standard. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, the research includes semi-structured interviews and surveys with participants from eleven Fintech companies in Pakistan. Key findings highlight the importance of strategic leadership, particularly in aligning cybersecurity strategies with business objectives, ensuring regulatory compliance, and managing resources effectively. Incident response management is also crucial, emphasizing the need for developing and implementing response playbooks, leading teams effectively, and conducting thorough root cause analyses. Technological proficiency, including familiarity with emerging cybersecurity technologies and strong encryption standards, is essential for maintaining robust defenses. The study concludes with recommendations for training and development programs aimed at enhancing the competencies of cybersecurity leaders in the fintech sector, thereby improving the overall security posture and resilience of small fintech companies.

Principal's role in the implementation of curriculum effectiveness strategy in Zimbabwean polytechnics

Mazani, Wilfred 05 1900 (has links)
The central aim of this study was to investigatethe role of principals in the implementation of polytechnic curriculum effectiveness strategy (PCS) in Zimbabwe. The specific objectives of the study were to: determine and evaluate the role and strategic leadership skills of polytechnic principals in the development of PCS, understand the challenges faced by polytechnic principals in the development and implementation of PCS, investigate the extent to which principals provide lecturers with opportunities to enhance their teaching skills through professional development and derive a suitable model to be used in drafting and implementing PCS. The main research question which this study sought to answer was, „What is the role played by strategic leadership in the implementation of polytechnic curriculum effectiveness strategy?‟ In an attempt to realise that end, a mixed method research design was used to collect data, making use of questionnaires and interviews. The participants included 5 polytechnic principals, 123 lecturers, 77 students and 9 company training managers. The participants were selected through purposive, stratified and simple random sampling techniques drawn from five polytechnics selected for the study. The findings suggest that most polytechnic principals are rendered ineffective in implementing the PCS. Though the principals have a sound theoretical knowledge of their roles, they however experience a litany of practical impediments. These barriers include, inter alia, lack of curricula knowledge in the currere approach, action research, Basil Bernstein‟s and Paulo Freire‟s pedagogical discourses and reconceptualisation of curriculum, shortage of relevant instructional resources and poorly evaluated polytechnic curriculum, low level of staff incentive, training and development. Two systemic impediments in the principals‟ role of implementing PCS are: lack of autonomy in crafting and implementing PCS and lack consensus between Curriculum Research and Development Unit (CRADU) and National Manpower Advisory Council (NAMACO) in crafting policies on curriculum standards. / Educational Management and Leadership / D. Ed. (Education Management)

Första linjens chefers upplevda behov av stöd -En jämförelse av tre förvaltningar inom en regional organisation

Delgadillo, Giselle, Blom, Jenny January 2019 (has links)
Första linjens chefers position mellan arbetstagare och högre chefer innebär att det ställs höga krav både uppifrån och nedifrån på dessa chefer då de befinner sig mitt i mellan det operativa och det strategiska arbetet. Emellertid kan dessa krav variera i förhållande till verksamhetens komplexitet och de resurser som tillhandahålls av organisationen. För att säkerställa en balans mellan krav och resurser för cheferna måste organisationen tillhandahålla det organisatoriska stöd som behövs för att de ska få förutsättningar till att utöva sitt ledarskap. Vidare ska chefernas utvecklingsprocess gynnas genom en hanterbar arbetsbelastning. I denna uppsats fokuseras på hur eventuella brister på organisatoriskt stöd hos första linjens chefer kan påverka denna utvecklingsprocess.   Studien syftar till att undersöka och skapa kunskap kring hur eventuella brister av upplevda behov av organisatoriskt stöd kan vara ett hinder för utveckling hos första linjens chefer inom en offentlig verksamhet. Detta undersöks genom en jämförelse av tre olika förvaltningar inom organisationen, där samtliga är hälso- omsorgs- och serviceverksamheter. I studien har kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med tolv chefer på första linjens nivå.   Resultatet visade att utbildningar som organisationen tillhandahöll var användbara stöd i chefernas ledarskap. Dock prioriterades dessa tillfällen till lärande bort av en del chefer på grund av tidspress i arbetet, vilket skapar ett hinder för utveckling både hos individen och organisationen. Stödfunktionerna HR, IT och ekonomi framkom att upplevas bristfälliga av flera av de undersökta cheferna. En viss skillnad kunde ses avseende förvaltning, typ av verksamhet samt antal underställda medarbetare.    Slutsatsen är att organisationen gör insatser för lärande och utveckling vilka dock inte når samtliga chefer. De uttalade faktorerna var bland annat hög arbetsbelastning och brist på organisatoriskt stöd. / The position of the first line managers between employees and senior managers means that high demands are placed on these managers from the top and bottom, as they are in the middle of the operational and strategic work. However, these requirements may vary according to the complexity of the business and the resources provided by the organization. In order to ensure a balance between requirements and resources for the managers, the management must provide the support that is needed for them to have the conditions to exercise their leadership. Furthermore, the managers' development process must be promoted through a manageable workload. This paper focuses on how any deficiencies in support and resources at the first line managers can influence this development process.   The study aims to investigate and create knowledge about how any deficiencies of perceived need for support and resources can be an obstacle to the development of first-line managers within a public service. This is examined through a comparison of three different administrations within the organization, where all are health care and service activities. In the study, qualitative interviews were conducted with twelve managers at the first line level.   The result showed that training provided by the organization was useful support in the managers' leadership. However, these opportunities for learning were prioritized by some managers due to time pressure in the work, which creates an obstacle to development both at the individual and at the organization. The support functions HR, IT and finances emerged that many of the investigated managers found it to be deficient. A certain difference could be seen regarding management, type of business and number of subordinated employees.   The conclusion is that the organization makes efforts for learning and development which, however, do not reach all managers. The stated factors were, among other things, high workload and lack of organizational support and resources.

國民小學校長理想師傅校長特質與校長策略領導能力之研究 / A study on the ideal mentor’s traits for an elementary school principal and the strategic leadership ability of an elementary school principal in Taiwan

巫孟蓁, Wu, Men-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學校長理想師傅校長特質與校長策略領導能力的內涵。本研究方法為文獻分析、問卷調查、焦點團體法與專家訪談法。而問卷調查樣本為臺灣地區各縣市公立國民小學校長共1000人,可用問卷714份,可用率為71.4%。焦點團體座談對象為現職國民小學校長;專家訪談對象為國內辦理國民小學校長職前儲訓或培育相關機構的行政人員。研究工具包含自編之「國民小學校長理想師傅校長特質與校長策略領導能力之研究調查問卷」、「國民小學校長理想師傅校長特質與校長策略領導能力之研究座談大綱」、「國民小學校長理想師傅校長特質與校長策略領導能力之研究專家訪談大綱」。本研究統計方法為描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析與薛費法事後比較、皮爾森積差相關、線性結構關係分析(SEM),內容分析等方法。根據研究結果與分析後歸納之研究結論如下: 壹、國民小學校長理想師傅校長特質之內涵包括師傅教導態度、個人自我要求、人際關係技巧、主動學習意願與經營實務素養。 貳、國民小學校長策略領導能力之內涵包括訂定目標、轉化行動、整合資源、核心技術與領導智慧。 參、國民小學校長理想中的師傅校長特質,以「經營實務素養」向度得分最高,而「師傅教導態度」向度得分最低。 肆、國民小學校長策略領導能力的現況得分程度佳,並以「核心技術」能力表現最佳。 伍、校長背景變項中,年齡、年資、受訓地點對知覺理想師傅校長特質的差異達顯著水準,但性別、最高學歷、學校規模、學校區域未達顯著差異。 陸、校長背景變項中,年齡、年資、學校規模、學校區域,對知覺策略領導能力的差異達顯著水準,而性別、最高學歷、受訓地點未達顯著差異。 柒、國民小學校長對理想師傅校長特質得分程度高分組者,在校長策略領導能力的得分顯著優於中、低分組。 捌、理想師傅校長特質與校長策略領導能力間呈顯著正相關。 玖、理想師傅校長特質對校長策略領導能力的模式經驗證後適配度佳,具有顯著影響力。 最後,本研究依研究結果分別提出以下建議: 壹、對教育行政機關的建議 一、校長培訓課程中應嵌入師傅校長教導,並增加師徒相處的時間。 二、遴選師傅校長時,應先瞭解校長的期待與需求。 三、應重視師傅校長的選擇、訓練、配對與課程安排。 四、應將縣市遴選師傅校長的作法推廣至其他辦理校長儲訓之單位。 五、應建置「師傅校長網絡(mentor network)」,持續給予校長支持。 六、校長培訓課程應納入策略領導能力涵養,並加強轉化行動的能力。 七、應強化校長策略領導知能,鼓勵相關學術研究與舉辦研習活動。 貳、對國民小學校長的建議 一、校長參加校長遴選時,應以適合自身條件的學校為考量。 二、鼓勵退休與資深優秀校長擔任師傅校長。 三、鼓勵校長積極參與專業社群,以增進經驗交流、互動與成長。 四、校長應重視策略領導能力的培養,並加強轉化行動的能力。 / The main purpose of this research is to study the ideal mentor’s traits for an elementary school principal and the strategic leadership ability of an elementary school principal. The research methods used was literature review, questionnaires investigation, focus group sessions and interviews. The research instrument was distributed to 1000 elementary public school principals all over Taiwan and 714 valid samples were used in this study. The data obtained was interpreted using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriori comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, SEM through the use of LISREL 8.71, and content analysis. The conclusions drawn from the study were as follows: 1. An elementary school principal ideal mentor’s traits includes: positive attitude, self requirement, strong people and communication skills, life long learner, and good manager of time and resources. 2. Strategic leadership ability of an elementary school principal includes: goal setting, translate strategy into action, align people and organizations, develops core competencies, and has leadership wisdom. 3. The mentor’s trait “good manager of time and resources” ranks first and “positive attitude” ranks last. 4. All the elementary principal strategic leadership abilities received a positive outcome and “develops core competencies” rank the highest. 5. The elementary school principal’s background demography age, years in service, and training unit incurred a significant difference with all the ideal mentor’s traits. 6. The elementary school principal’s background demography age, years in service, school size, and school district incurred a significant difference with all the strategic leadership abilities. 7. Elementary school principals who got high score on the ideal mentor’s traits were gotten better score in the strategic leadership ability than low and middle ones. 8. The ideal mentor’s traits for an elementary school principal are positively correlated with the strategic leadership ability of an elementary school principal. 9. The ideal mentor’s traits for an elementary school principal could positively predict the strategic leadership ability of an elementary school principal, and its “model fit indices” is proper. In the last, based on the research results, the researcher propose some suggestions for “Educational Administrative Agencies” and “principal of elementary schools”, hoping to benefit the of the school principal preparation systems in the future.

國中校長策略領導、學校組織文化與學校創新經營效能關係之研究 / A study on relationships among principals' strategic leadership, organizational culture of school, and innovative management effectiveness in junior high schools

沈裕清 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市與苗栗縣國民中學校長策略領導、學校組織文化與學校創新經營效能之現況,並分別針對不同校長個人背景變項和學校環境變項在校長策略領導、學校組織文化與學校創新經營效能的差異加以探討;其次,分析三者之關係;最後則針對其預測力進行檢證。 本研究採問卷調查法,經分層比例抽樣選取桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市與苗栗縣國民中學之學校主任、組長、導師與專任教師為調查分析的對象,抽樣調查42所學校共500位教育人員,回收樣本495 位。以自編「國民中學校長策略領導、學校組織文化與學校創新經營效能調查問卷」為工具進行調查,調查所得的資料則以社會科學統計套裝軟體(SPSS for window 17.0 中文版)進行統計,調查所得的資料分別進行描述與推論統計,包括:描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Scheffé事後分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元逐步回歸分析等統計方法進行後續分析與討論後,獲致以下研究結論: 一、 桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市及苗栗縣國民中學教師對策略領導、學校 組織文化及學校創新經營效能之運作現況的 知覺屬於程度良好, 其中以「策略思維」、「科層型文化」及「學生活動創新效能」層 面的表現最佳,而「轉化願景」、「創新型文化」及「校園環境創 新能」層面較差。 二、 桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市及苗栗縣國民中學不同校長性別在校長策 略領導、學校組織文化與學校創新經營效能上具有顯著差異。 三、 不同校長年齡在校長學校組織文化具有顯著差異。而在校長策略領 導與學校創新經營效能上則無顯著差異。 四、 不同校長在校年資在校長策略領導整體及各層面具有顯著差異,而 學校組織文化與學校創新經營未具有顯著差異。 五、 不同校長總年資在校長策略領導、學校組織文化與學校創新經營效 能上具有顯著差異。 六、 不同學校所在地在校長策略領導、學校組織文化與學校創新經營效 能上具有顯著差異。 七、 不同學校歷史在校長策略領導、學校組織文化與學校創新經營效能 之「行政管理創新效能」、「校園環境創新效能」及「社會資源運用 創新效能」方面上具有顯著差異。 八、 不同學校規模在學校組織文化之「創新型文化」層面與學校創新經 營效能上具有顯著差異。而校長策略領導則無顯著差異。 九、 桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市及苗栗縣國民中學校長策略領導、學校組 織文化與學校創新經營效能三者之間有密切的正相關。 十、 校長策略領導與學校組織文化對學校創新經營效能整體具有預測力 其中以「創新型文化」、「轉化願景」、「引領變革」與層面最具 預測力。 十一、校長策略領導與學校組織文化各層面對整體學校創新經營效能各 層面具有預測力。 最後,依據研究結果,提出具體建議,俾供教育行政機關、校長以及後續研 究者之參考。 關鍵詞: 校長策略領導、學校組織文化、學校創新經營效能 / This research aims to study the current situations of school principals’ strategic leadership, organizational cultrue of the schools, and the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools, especially in the junior high schools in Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, and Maoli County. The school principals’ different personal backgroud and dissimilar environments of different schools are dissected while analyzing the relationship among the three. Moreover, the predictability of the three is examined respestively. The questionnaire investigation of this research adopts stratified random sampling method, and the subjects of the investigation are the school deans, section chiefs, homeroom teachers and subject teachers in the junior high schools in Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, and Maoli County. Questionnaires are distributed to 500 educational personnel in 42 schools, and 495 of which are collected. The questionnaire used in the investigation is self-designed and the collected data and statistics are compiled by exercising SPSS for window 17.0. The acquired data are described, analyzed and discussed by using descriptive statistic, t-Test, One-way ANOVA, Scheffé Method, Pearson product-moment correlation, multiple regression analysis, and the findings are as the following. I. The junior high school teachers in Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, and Maoli County are well aware of the situations of their school principals’ strategic leadership, organizational cultrue of the schools, and the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools, especially in the aspects of ‘Tactic Thinking’, ‘Bureaucratic Culture’, and ‘Efficacy of Innovative Student Activities.’ Yet, the teachers don’t realize much about the aspects of ‘Prospect of Transformation’, ‘Innovative Culture’ and ‘Efficacy of Innovative School Environment.’ II. The gender difference of the school principals leads to obvious differences in school principals’ strategic leadership, organizational cultrue of the schools, and the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools in Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, and Maoli County. III. The age difference of the school principals leads to obvious differences in the organizational cultrue of the schools. Rather, it makes no evidence differences in the school principals’ strategic leadership and the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools. IV. The difference in the years of working experence in the schools of the school principals leads to obvious differences in school principals’ strategic leadership. Rather, it makes no evidence differences in the organizational cultrue of the schools, and the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools. V. The difference in the total years of working experience of the school principals leads to obvious differences in school principals’ strategic leadership, organizational cultrue of the schools, and the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools. VI. The difference in the location of the schools leads to obvious differences in school principals’ strategic leadership, organizational cultrue of the schools, and the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools. VII. The difference in the history of the schools leads to obvious differences in school principals’ strategic leadership, organizational cultrue of the schools, and ‘Efficacy of Administrative Management’, ‘Efficacy of Innovative School Environment’ and ‘Efficacy of Application of Innovative Social Resources’ of the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools. VIII. The difference in the scale of the school leads to obvious differences in the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools, and ‘Innovative Culture’ in organizational cultrue of the schools. Rather, it makes no evidence difference in the school principals’ strategic leadership IX. There is a highly positive correlation among school principals’ strategic leadership, organizational cultrue of the schools, and the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools in Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, and Maoli County. X. School principals’ strategic leadership, and organizational cultrue of the schools have predictability in the overall efficacy of the innovative management in the schools, especially in the aspects of ‘Innovative Culture’, ‘Prospect of Transformation’, and ‘Leading Reformation.’ XI. School principals’ strategic leadership, and organizational culture of the schools have predictability in different perspectives of the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools. At last, accoring to the results of the research, I’ve made some suggestions, hoping to provide reference materials for educational administrative organizations, school principals and other researchers in this field.

Principal's role in the implementation of curriculum effectiveness strategy in Zimbabwean polytechnics

Mazani, Wilfred 05 1900 (has links)
The central aim of this study was to investigatethe role of principals in the implementation of polytechnic curriculum effectiveness strategy (PCS) in Zimbabwe. The specific objectives of the study were to: determine and evaluate the role and strategic leadership skills of polytechnic principals in the development of PCS, understand the challenges faced by polytechnic principals in the development and implementation of PCS, investigate the extent to which principals provide lecturers with opportunities to enhance their teaching skills through professional development and derive a suitable model to be used in drafting and implementing PCS. The main research question which this study sought to answer was, „What is the role played by strategic leadership in the implementation of polytechnic curriculum effectiveness strategy?‟ In an attempt to realise that end, a mixed method research design was used to collect data, making use of questionnaires and interviews. The participants included 5 polytechnic principals, 123 lecturers, 77 students and 9 company training managers. The participants were selected through purposive, stratified and simple random sampling techniques drawn from five polytechnics selected for the study. The findings suggest that most polytechnic principals are rendered ineffective in implementing the PCS. Though the principals have a sound theoretical knowledge of their roles, they however experience a litany of practical impediments. These barriers include, inter alia, lack of curricula knowledge in the currere approach, action research, Basil Bernstein‟s and Paulo Freire‟s pedagogical discourses and reconceptualisation of curriculum, shortage of relevant instructional resources and poorly evaluated polytechnic curriculum, low level of staff incentive, training and development. Two systemic impediments in the principals‟ role of implementing PCS are: lack of autonomy in crafting and implementing PCS and lack consensus between Curriculum Research and Development Unit (CRADU) and National Manpower Advisory Council (NAMACO) in crafting policies on curriculum standards. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

The relationship between strategic leadership and strategic alignment in high-performance companies in South Africa

Lear, Lorraine Wendy 02 1900 (has links)
In the global economy of the 21st century, competition is complex, challenging and fraught with competitive opportunities and threats. Strategic leadership is increasingly becoming the main focus for business and academics alike and is the key issue facing contemporary organisations. Without effective strategic leadership, the capability of a company to achieve or sustain a competitive advantage is greatly constrained. More than 30 years of Harvard Business School research have shown that aligned and integrated companies outperform their nearest competitors by every major financial measure. The organisational effectiveness emanating from alignment is a significant competitive advantage. Alignment is that optimal state in which strategy, employees, customers and key processes work in concert to propel growth and profits. Aligned organisations enjoy greater customer and employee satisfaction and produce superior results. Can leadership make a difference? Some leaders do, some do not - and many more could. Effective strategic leadership can thus help organisations enhance performance while competing in turbulent and unpredictable environments. However, there has been little empirical evidence of the effects of strategic level leadership on organisational processes that have distinctive strategic significance. A greater understanding of the criteria that influence success in organisations will enable organisations to take positive action to become more successful. iv This study examines the importance of critical leadership criteria and the degree of alignment in high-performing organisations. A quantitative research design was used in this study to assess the impact of strategic leadership on strategic alignment of business organisations in South Africa. The research instruments to test the research questions comprised two questionnaires. The first was used to establish the value top leadership place on selected critical leadership criteria, and the second to establish the level of alignment in the organisations under investigation. The population selected for this study consisted of the companies included in the 200 top-performing organisations which appeared in the 2007 Financial Mail. Six companies participated in the research. The data was electronically collated into a database and the results were then analysed using the statistical inferential techniques of correlation and linear regression analysis. The study proposes that strategic leadership will positively influence strategic alignment which, in turn, will have a beneficial effect on organisational performance. / Graduate School for Business Leadership / D. B. L.

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