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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Asymptotic Symmetries and Faddeev-Kulish states in QED and Gravity

Gaharia, David January 2019 (has links)
When calculating scattering amplitudes in gauge and gravitational theories one encounters infrared (IR) divergences associated with massless fields. These are known to be artifacts of constructing a quantum field theory starting with free fields, and the assumption that in the asymptotic limit (i.e. well before and after a scattering event) the incoming and outgoing states are non-interacting. In 1937, Bloch and Nordsieck provided a technical procedure eliminating the IR divergences in the cross-sections. However, this did not address the source of the problem: A detailed analysis reveals that, in quantum electrodynamics (QED) and in perturbative quantum gravity (PQG), the interactions cannot be ignored even in the asymptotic limit. This is due to the infinite range of the massless force-carrying bosons. By taking these asymptotic interactions into account, one can find a picture changing operator that transforms the free Fock states into asymptotically interacting Faddeev- Kulish (FK) states. These FK states are charged (massive) particles surrounded by a “cloud” of soft photons (gravitons) and will render all scattering processes infrared finite already at an S-matrix level. Recently it has been found that the FK states are closely related to asymptotic symmetries. In the case of QED the FK states are eigenstates of the large gauge transformations – U(1) transformations with a non-vanishing transformation parameter at infinity. For PQG the FK states are eigenstates of the Bondi-Metzner-Sachs (BMS) transformations – the asymptotic symmetry group of an asymptotically flat spacetime. It also appears that the FK states are related the Wilson lines in the Mandelstam quantization scheme. This would allow one to obtain the physical FK states through geometrical or symmetry arguments. We attempt to clarify this relation and present a derivation of the FK states in PQG from the gravitational Wilson line in the eikonal approximation, a result that is novel to this thesis.

AdS/CFT correspondence and c-extremization

Goranci, Roberto January 2017 (has links)
In this project we review the method of using c-extremization and computing anomalies to obtain AdS/CFT theories. We start with a quick introduction to CFT's and AdS/CFT correspondence which gives us the tools to later understand the 2D N= (2,0) SCFT and its gravity duals in particular AdS_5xS^5 and AdS_7xS^4 compactified on Riemann surfaces.

Predictions of Effective Models in Neutrino Physics

Bergström, Johannes January 2011 (has links)
Experiments on neutrino oscillations have confirmed that neutrinos have small, but non-zero masses, and that the interacting neutrino states do not have definite masses, but are mixtures of such states.The seesaw models make up a group of popular models describing the small neutrino masses and the corresponding mixing.In these models, new, heavy fields are introduced and the neutrino masses are suppressed by the ratio between the electroweak scale and the large masses of the new fields. Usually, the new fields introduced have masses far above the electroweak scale, outside the reach of any foreseeable experiments, making these versions of seesaw models essentially untestable. However, there are also so-called low-scale seesaw models, where the new particles have masses above the electroweak scale, but within the reach of future experiments, such as the LHC.In quantum field theories, quantum corrections generally introduce an energy-scale dependence on all their parameters, described by the renormalization group equations. In this thesis, the energy-scale dependence of the neutrino parameters in two low-scale seesaw models, the low-scale type I and inverse seesaw models, are considered. Also, the question of whether the neutrinos are Majorana particles, \ie , their own antiparticles, has not been decided experimentally. Future experiments on neutrinoless double beta decay could confirm the Majorana nature of neutrinos. However, there could also be additional contributions to the decay, which are not directly related to neutrino masses. We have investigated the possible future bounds on the strength of such additional contributions to neutrinoless double beta decay, depending on the outcome of ongoing and planned experiments related to neutrino masses. / QC 20110812

Manufacturing methods for (U-Zr)N-fuels

Hollmer, Tobias January 2011 (has links)
In this work a manufacturing method for UN, ZrN and (U,Zr)N pellets was established at the nuclear fuel laboratory at KTH Stockholm/Sweden, which consists of the production of nitride powders and their sintering into pellets by spark plasma sintering. The nitride powders were produced by the hydriding-nitriding route using pure metal as starting material. This synthesis was performed in a stream of the particular reaction gas. A synthesis control and monitoring system was developed, which can follow the reactions in real time by measuring the gas flow difference before and after the reaction chamber. With the help of this system the hydriding and nitriding reactions of uranium and zirconium were studied in detail. Fine nitride powders were obtained; however, the production of zirconium nitride involved one milling step of the brittle zirconium hydride. Additionally uranium and zirconium alloys with different zirconium contents were produced and synthesized to nitride powders. It was found that also the alloys could be reduced to fine powder, but only by cyclic hydriding-dehydriding. Pellets were sintered out of uranium nitrides, zirconium nitrides, mixed nitrides and alloy nitrides. These experiments showed that relative densities of more than 90% can easily be achieved for all those powders. Pellets sintered from mechanically mixed nitride powders were found to still consist of two separate nitride phases, while nitride produced from alloy was demonstrated to be a monophasic solid solution both as powder and as sintered pellets.

Charged particle distributions and robustness of the neural network pixel clustering in ATLAS

Sidebo, Edvin January 2016 (has links)
This thesis contains a study of the robustness of the artificial neural network used in the ATLAS track reconstruction algorithm as a tool to recover tracks in dense environments. Different variations, motivated by potential discrepancies between data and simulation, are performed to the neural network’s input while monitoring the corresponding change in the output. Within reasonable variation magnitudes, the neural networks prove to be robust to most variations. In addition, a measurement of charged particle distributions is summarised. This is one of the first such measurements carried out for proton-proton colli- sions at √s = 13 TeV, limited to a phase space defined by transverse momentum pT &gt; 100 MeV and absolute pseudorapidity |η| &lt; 2.5. Tracks are corrected for de- tector inefficiencies and unfolded to particle-level. The result is compared to the prediction of different models. Overall, the EPOS and Pythia 8 A2 models show the best agreement with the data. / Spår från elektriskt laddade partiklar rekonstrueras i ATLAS genom att kombinera mätningar från de innersta subdetektorerna. I de extrema miljöer som skapas i proton-proton-kollisionerna i Large Hadron Collider vid CERN är det av yttersta vikt att algoritmen för att rekonstruera spår är högpresterande. Uppgiften är särskilt svår i partikelrika miljöer där flera partiklar färdas nära varandra, åtskilda av avstånd jämförbara med storleken på detektorns utläsningselement. Ett artificiellt neuralt nätverk används i algoritmen för att klassificera mätdata från pixeldetektorn, belägen närmast interaktionspunkten, för att lyckas identifiera spår i partikelrika miljöer som annars hade gått förlorade. I denna avhandling utreds det neurala nätverkets stabilitet. Dess känslighet studeras genom att manuellt manipulera dess indata och därefter utvärdera dess resultat. Nätverket tränas med simulerad data. Variationerna i indata är utformade för att undersöka skillnader mellan data och simulering, orsakade av osäkerheter i simuleringsmodellen eller osäkerheter i pixeldetektorns kalibrering. Av de undersökta variationerna har en osäkerhet i skalan eller utläsningströskeln för pixeldetektorns kalibrering den största effekten på nätverkets resultat. Andra variationer har en betydligt mindre påverkan. Avhandlingen presenterar också en studie av distributioner av elektriskt laddade partiklar producerade i proton-proton-kollisioner. Det är en av de första studierna av partikeldistributioner för Large Hadron Colliders andra körning med mass-centrum-energi √s = 13 TeV. Mätningen är begränsad till fasrymden definierad av en transversell rörelsemängd pT &gt; 100 MeV, och absolut rapiditet |η| &lt; 2.5. Spår av partiklar rekonstrueras och korrigeras för detektorns ineffektiviteter för att presenteras på partikelnivå. Dessa jämförs sedan med förutsägelser från olika modeller. Modellerna EPOS och Pythia 8 A2 är generellt de som bäst överensstämmer med data. Författaren har undersökt partiklar som migrerar in och ut ur fasrymden. Andelen spår associerade till partiklar som migrerat utifrån uppskattas med simulerad data, till som mest 10% nära fasrymdens gränser. Osäkerheten på denna andel uppskattas till att vara som mest 4.5%, huvudsakligen orsakad av osäkerheten på mängden material i de innersta subdetektorerna. / <p>QC 20160817</p>

Astrophysical and Collider Signatures of Extra Dimensions

Melbéus, Henrik January 2010 (has links)
In recent years, there has been a large interest in the subject of extra dimensions in particle physics. In particular, a number of models have been suggested which provide solutions to some of the problems with the current Standard Model of particle physics, and which could be tested in the next generation of high-energy experiments. Among the most important of these models are the large extra dimensions model by Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, and Dvali, the universal extra dimensions model, and models allowing right-handed neutrinos to propagate in the extra dimensions. In this thesis, we study phenomenological aspects of these three models, or simple modifications of them.   The Arkani-Hamed-Dimopoulos-Dvali model attempts to solve the gauge hierarchy problem through a volume suppression of Newton's gravitational constant, lowering the fundamental Planck scale down to the electroweak scale. However, this solution is unsatisfactory in the sense that it introduces a new scale through the radius of the extra dimensions, which is unnaturally large compared to the electroweak scale. It has been suggested that a similar model, with a hyperbolic internal space, could provide a more satisfactory solution to the problem, and we consider the hadron collider phenomenology of such a model.   One of the main features of the universal extra dimensions model is the existence of a potential dark matter candidate, the lightest Kaluza-Klein particle. In the so-called minimal universal extra dimensions model, the identity of this particle is well defined, but in more general models, it could change. We consider the indirect neutrino detection signals for a number of different such dark matter candidates, in a five- as well as a six-dimensional model.   Finally, right-handed neutrinos propagating in extra dimensions could provide an alternative scenario to the seesaw mechanism for generating small masses for the left-handed neutrinos. Since extra-dimensional models are non-renormalizable, the Kaluza-Klein tower is expected to be cut off at some high-energy scale. We study a model where a Majorana neutrino at this cutoff scale is responsible for the generation of the light neutrino masses, while the lower modes of the tower could possibly be observed in the Large Hadron Collider. We investigate the bounds on the model from non-unitarity effects, as well as collider signatures of the model. / QC 20110324

Exotic Decays of a Vector-liketop Partner at the LHC

Skwarcan-Bidakowski, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
An evaluation of how sensitive some ATLAS searches for new physics are to a new beyond standard model (BSM) vector-like quark (VLQ) and a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson (pNGB) scalar. This was done by simulating a signal containing these new particles and making a recast of it onto existing verified ATLAS searches for new physics at center-of-mass (CM) energy of 13 TeV (Run 2) at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Signals for recasting were tailored such that their final states would be appropriate in relation to each respective ATLAS search in order to use the same selection criteria as applied in the existing searches. The results are summarized in the form of significances (Z) for each masspoint of the new top-partner and S particle. Significances did not show any expectiation of excluding any masspoint in the examined mass range for the recasts at 95% CL. This suggests that a dedicated search for these particles in the considered masspoints would be required.

Modeling The Temperature of a Calorimeter at Clab : Considering a Thermodynamic Model of The Temperature Evolution of The Calorimeter System 251

Ekman, Johannes January 2021 (has links)
It is important to know the heat generated due to nuclear decay in the final repository for spent nuclear fuel. In Sweden, the heating powers generated in spent nuclear fuels are currently measured in the calorimeter System 251 at the Clab facility, Oskarshamn. In order to better measure, and increase understanding, of the temperature measurements in the calorimeter, a simple thermodynamic model of its temperature evolution was developed. The model was described as a system of ordinary differential equations, which were solved, and the solution was applied to calibration measurements of the calorimeter. How precise the model is, how its parameters affect the model, et cetera, are addressed. How the temperature evolution of the system changes as the values of parameters in the model are changed is addressed. The mass correction of the calorimeter could be estimated from this model, which validated the established mass correction of the calorimeter. How the measurement results from the calorimeter would be affected if the volume of the calorimeter was changed was also considered. Additionally, gamma radiation escape from the calorimeter without being detected as heat in the calorimeter. The gamma escape energy fraction was estimated by SERPENT simulations of the calorimeter, as a function of the initial photon energy. The gamma escape was also estimated for different values of the radius of System 251.

Phase Unwrapping MRI Flow Measurements / Fasutvikning av MRT-flödesmätningar

Liljeblad, Mio January 2023 (has links)
Magnetic resonance images (MRI) are acquired by sampling the current of induced electromotiveforce (EMF). EMF is induced due to flux of the net magnetic field from coherent nuclear spins with intrinsic magnetic dipole moments. The spins are excited by (non-ionizing) radio frequency electromagnetic radiation in conjunction with stationary and gradient magnetic fields. These images reveal detailed internal morphological structures as well as enable functional assessment of the body that can help diagnose a wide range of medical conditions. The aim of this project was to unwrap phase contrast cine magnetic resonance images, targeting the great vessels. The maximum encoded velocity (venc) is limited to the angular phase range [-π, π] radians. This may result in aliasing if the venc is set too low by the MRI personnel. Aliased images yield inaccurate cardiac stroke volume measurements and therefore require acquisition retakes. The retakes might be avoided if the images could be unwrapped in post-processing instead. Using computer vision, the angular phase of flow measurements as well as the angular phase of retrospectively wrapped image sets were unwrapped. The performances of three algorithms were assessed, Laplacian algorithm, sequential tree-reweighted message passing and iterative graph cuts. The associated energy formulation was also evaluated. Iterative graph cuts was shown to be the most robust with respect to the number of wraps and the energies correlated with the errors. This thesis shows that there is potential to reduce the number of acquisition retakes, although the MRI personnel still need to verify that the unwrapping performances are satisfactory. Given the promising results of iterative graph cuts, next it would be valuable to investigate the performance of a globally optimal surface estimation algorithm.

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