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Proposta de modelo estratégico para consolidação de cluster industrial marítimo. / Proposal of strategic model for consolidation of industrial maritime cluster.Ricardo Aurelio Quinhões Pinto 22 June 2016 (has links)
Esta tese tem por fim facilitar o desenvolvimento da indústria marítima brasileira. Os clusters industriais são amplamente reconhecidos como fontes de promoção da evolução tecnológica e por impactar positivamente em muitos aspectos do desenvolvimento regional. Por outro lado, os estaleiros de construção e reparo naval são tidos como estratégicos a soberania de muitos países, função do largo emprego de mão-de-obra e por produzir bens que possibilitem o fortalecimento das relações comerciais entre estados e países. Sendo a convergência destas duas situações bastante promissoras, decidiu-se focar esforços em propor um modelo de referência que pudesse ser empregado para desenvolvimento de clusters de indústrias marítimas. Estudos empíricos sobre clusters de indústrias relatam algumas externalidades positivas características, observadas em clusters bem-sucedidos. Outros trabalhos desenvolveram estudos sobre alguns fatores que são fundamentais ao sucesso de clusters. Existem ainda aqueles que externam algumas ações que foram tomadas para o desenvolvimento de clusters diversos. Esta tese propõe confluir estes trabalhos, encontrando as relações entre as ações, os fatores que condicionam o sucesso de clusters de indústria marítima e suas externalidades positivas para estabelecer uma proposta de modelo de ações para o desenvolvimento e consolidação de clusters de indústria marítima. Neste trabalho foi feita também, a avaliação dos reflexos das externalidades destes fatores que são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento de clusters nos fatores críticos de sucesso das empresas individuais. Para materialização desta proposta, estudou-se diversos trabalhos teóricos e empíricos sobre clusters industriais, situados tanto em países desenvolvidos como nos ainda em desenvolvimento. A premissa básica do trabalho foi determinar que fatores são determinantes para o desenvolvimento de clusters e quais objetivos estratégicos deveriam ser seguidos para que se pudesse consegui-los. Os esforços de pesquisa resultaram na materialização de uma proposta de modelo estratégico genérico, que, com as devidas adequações as características e necessidades regionais específicas, pode ser empregado para o desenvolvimento de qualquer cluster de indústria marítima. Em uma segunda etapa do trabalho, foi proposta a aplicação do modelo de referência para o desenvolvimento do cluster marítimo da região de Itajaí e Navegantes, em Santa Catarina. Para tanto, foi feita pesquisa de campo em pouco mais de 40 atores regionais, com a finalidade de determinar o estágio de desenvolvimento do cluster e qual nível de evolução e presença dos fatores que levam um cluster a ser bem-sucedido. Após a aplicação hipotética da proposta do modelo, os resultados foram colocados para avaliação de 4 gestores de empresas da região que acenaram positivamente para identificação dos resultados com a realidade regional. O modelo estratégico proposto mostrou-se sólido e abrangente, com boas perspectivas de sucesso na aplicação para o desenvolvimento de clusters de indústrias marítimas. / This thesis aims to facilitate the Brazilian maritime industry development. Industrial clusters are widely recognized as a source of technological evolution promotion as well as for bringing positive impact over a range of aspects in the regional development. On the other hand, construction and repair boatyards are taken as strategic for many countries sovereignty, having the function of widespread hand labor and employment, and goods production that allow strengthening trade relations among states and countries. Considering the convergence of these two situations much promising, it was decided to focus efforts towards a reference model to be used for the development of maritime industries clusters. Industries clusters empirical studies report some characteristic positive externalities observed in successful clusters. Other studies discussed on some fundamental factors for clusters success. There are also those studies that point out some actions taken for the development of a variety of clusters. This thesis propose to converge these works, joining the actions relations, the conditioning factors for the maritime industries clusters and its positive externalities in order to establish an actions model proposal for the maritime industries clusters development and consolidation. This thesis includes also the assessment of the externalities consequences of these factors, which are essential for the clusters development in the critical success factor of individual companies. Several theoretical and empirical studies on industrial clusters, located in developed and underdeveloped countries were studied in order to achieve this proposal. The basic premise of the study was to determine decisive factors for clusters development and the strategic objectives that should be followed for their accomplishment. The research efforts resulted in the materialization of a generic strategic model proposal, which the appropriate adjustments to the specific regional needs and characteristics, can be used for the development of any marine industrial cluster. In a Second stage, it was proposed the reference model to be used to develop the maritime cluster in Itajaí and Navegantes region, state of Santa Catarina. Therefore, a field survey was conducted over a few more than 40 actors, in order to determine the cluster development stage and evaluate the evolution level and presence of the factors that may enable a cluster to be successful. After the hypothetical application of the proposed model, the results were placed for evaluation of 4 region companies\' managers who waved positively to identify the results to the regional reality. The proposed strategic model proved to be solid and comprehensive, with good prospects of application success for the maritime industrial clusters development.
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Implementering av informationssystem i verksamheter : Verksamhetsledningens syn på framgångsfaktorerGranbo, Jesper, Blomkvist, Adam January 2020 (has links)
The implementation of information systems creates risks foractivities, which means that it is a key element in the survivalof corporations. There are many studies on the very subjectof the implementation of information systems, which dealwith the same concepts such as the top management, visionsand objectives, team, communication, training and changemanagement. However, the problem that arises on thesubject is that a large number of these implementations arestill failing, either because the timetable is not met or becausethe financial expectations are exceeded. There is therefore aneed to examine whether the results of studies and the wayin which activities deal with implementation of informationsystems are consistent. The purpose of the study is thereforeto examine whether there is a convergence of existing studiesand the perspective of top management. The researchquestion is used to answer the purpose: What successfactorsdoes the top management perceive exist for animplementation, and how does it differ from previousresearch?To perform the investigation, six semi-structured interviewshave been conducted with people in the top managementwho are performing implementations in a qualitativecross-sectional study. The persons have been chosen by aselective method and they are working in different placesaround Sweden. All persons have a long experience inimplementation of information systems. 6 categories wereidentified from the theoretical framework of the study, andthey were used to carry out a deductive and inductivethematic analysis of collected data.The study presented a few anomalies that exist when itcomes to the knowledge of the information on the subjectand the previous research that exists on the subject. Thedifferences of previous research and the perception ofinformation related to the field of communication were thefield of communication. The information on means ofcommunication and communication plans is referred to agreat deal in the previous studies, while in the previousstudies it is widely communicated within the project, whereelements such as involvement, resistance and response areaddressed. A new finding was presented, a new underlyingfactor for every factor. In addition to the model a new factorwas added, agile. It showed that working agile wasbenefiting for the corporations. Rest of the factors werevalidated against the previous research and the importanceof having the rest of the factors in the development proved tobe important. / Vid implementering av informationssystem skapas risker förverksamheter, vilket betyder att genomförandet är enavgörande del för verksamhetens överlevnad. Det finnsmånga studier inom just ämnet implementering avinformationssystem, där några framgångsfaktorerförekommer oftare än andra, nämligen: ledning, visioner ochmål, team, kommunikation, utbildning ochförändringsledning. Problemet som dock uppstår inomämnet är att det fortfarande är en stor mängd avimplementeringar som misslyckas, antingen beroende på atttidsplaneringen inte uppfylls eller att budgetplaneröverskrids. Det finns behov av att undersöka om enöverensstämmelse av föregående studier och hurverksamheter behandlar implementeringar avinformationssystem. Syftet med studien handlar om attundersöka om det existerar en överensstämmelse hos debefintliga studierna och verksamhetsledningens perspektiv.För att sedan besvara syftet används forskningsfrågan: Vilkaframgångsfaktorer personer i verksamhetsledande rollerupplever som viktiga för implementationen avinformationssystem i sin verksamhet och vilka skillnadersamt likheter som finns hos tidigare forskning?För att undersöka området så har sex semistruktureradeintervjuer genomförts med personer i ledningen hosverksamheter som bedriver implementeringar avinformationssystem. Detta har sedan presenterats genom enkvalitativ tvärsnittsstudie. Personerna valdes ut genom enlämplig urvalsmetod och arbetar på olika platser runtom iSverige. Samtliga personer har lång erfarenhet inom ämnetimplementation. Sex kategorier togs fram utifrån studiensteoretiska ramverk, detta användes för att genomföra endeduktiv-induktiv tematisk analys av insamlad data.Studien presenterade ett fåtal avvikelser som existerar närdet kommer till informanternas vetskap kring ämnet och dentidigare forskningen som existerar inom ämnet. De olikhetersom tidigare forskning och informanternas uppfattningrelaterade till var kommunikationsområdet. Där benämnerinformanterna mycket kring kommunikationsmedel samtkommunikationsplaner medan inom tidigare studier går degenom kommunikationen allmänt inom projektet, där delarsom involvering, motstånd och bemötande behandlas. Samtatt ett nytt fynd presenterades, att varenda faktor har enunderliggande faktor. Dessutom så lades en ny faktor till:agilt tillvägagångssätt, då ett agilt tillvägagångssätt har visatsig främja arbetet. Resterande faktorer som presenteradesvaliderades mot den föregående forskningen, där vikten avatt faktorerna är med under en implementation är vital.
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Identification of the factors affecting KMS adoption and utilization for the technical training process : A single-case study within heavy industryBrandin, Jacob, Lundgren, Julia January 2020 (has links)
The intensifying value of learning, competence, and knowledge motivates decisions toward implementing knowledge management systems (KMS) to capitalize on the potential benefits of facilitating knowledge sharing, collecting, storing, and dissemination on a global scale. However, these systems frequently remain underutilized, and organizations encounter obstacles to achieve their proposed outcome. The case company experienced practical problems regarding a newly implemented KMS. The system was largely unused for a specific process. Therefore, this case study investigates the factors affecting KMS adoption and utilization for the technical training process by capturing the perspectives of the intended system users and management. A combination of KMS success factors and The Theory of Affordances were applied to generate knowledge regarding how factors affected the usage of the KMS. It was found that Management Involvement, Organizational Culture and Structure, Employee Commitment, Perceived Benefits, System Complexity, and Compatibility and Conformity influenced the users' KMS utilization outcomes. A conceptual framework was developed to show how these factors affected individuals' affordances process.
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Implementering av informationssystem i verksamheter : Verksamhetsledningens syn på framgångsfaktorerGranbo, Jesper, Blomkvist, Adam January 2020 (has links)
The implementation of information systems creates risks for activities, which means that it is a key element in the survival of corporations. There are many studies on the very subject of the implementation of information systems, which deal with the same concepts such as the top management, visions and objectives, team, communication, training and change management. However, the problem that arises on the subject is that a large number of these implementations are still failing, either because the timetable is not met or because the financial expectations are exceeded. There is therefore a need to examine whether the results of studies and the way in which activities deal with implementation of information systems are consistent. The purpose of the study is therefore to examine whether there is a convergence of existing studies and the perspective of top management. The research question is used to answer the purpose: What successfactors does the top management perceive exist for an implementation, and how does it differ from previous research? To perform the investigation, six semi-structured interviews have been conducted with people in the top management who are performing implementations in a qualitative cross-sectional study. The persons have been chosen by a selective method and they are working in different places around Sweden. All persons have a long experience in implementation of information systems. 6 categories were identified from the theoretical framework of the study, and they were used to carry out a deductive and inductive thematic analysis of collected data. The study presented a few anomalies that exist when it comes to the knowledge of the information on the subject and the previous research that exists on the subject. The differences of previous research and the perception of information related to the field of communication were the field of communication. The information on means of communication and communication plans is referred to a great deal in the previous studies, while in the previous studies it is widely communicated within the project, where elements such as involvement, resistance and response are addressed. A new finding was presented, a new underlying factor for every factor. In addition to the model a new factor was added, agile. It showed that working agile was benefiting for the corporations. Rest of the factors were validated against the previous research and the importance of having the rest of the factors in the development proved to be important. / Vid implementering av informationssystem skapas risker för verksamheter, vilket betyder att genomförandet är en avgörande del för verksamhetens överlevnad. Det finns många studier inom just ämnet implementering av informationssystem, där några framgångsfaktorer förekommer oftare än andra, nämligen: ledning, visioner och mål, team, kommunikation, utbildning och förändringsledning. Problemet som dock uppstår inom ämnet är att det fortfarande är en stor mängd av implementeringar som misslyckas, antingen beroende på att tidsplaneringen inte uppfylls eller att budgetplaner överskrids. Det finns behov av att undersöka om en överensstämmelse av föregående studier och hur verksamheter behandlar implementeringar av informationssystem. Syftet med studien handlar om att undersöka om det existerar en överensstämmelse hos de befintliga studierna och verksamhetsledningens perspektiv. För att sedan besvara syftet används forskningsfrågan: Vilka framgångsfaktorer personer i verksamhetsledande roller upplever som viktiga för implementationen av informationssystem i sin verksamhet och vilka skillnader samt likheter som finns hos tidigare forskning? För att undersöka området så har sex semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med personer i ledningen hos verksamheter som bedriver implementeringar av informationssystem. Detta har sedan presenterats genom en kvalitativ tvärsnittsstudie. Personerna valdes ut genom en lämplig urvalsmetod och arbetar på olika platser runtom i Sverige. Samtliga personer har lång erfarenhet inom ämnet implementation. Sex kategorier togs fram utifrån studiens teoretiska ramverk, detta användes för att genomföra en deduktiv-induktiv tematisk analys av insamlad data. Studien presenterade ett fåtal avvikelser som existerar när det kommer till informanternas vetskap kring ämnet och den tidigare forskningen som existerar inom ämnet. De olikheter som tidigare forskning och informanternas uppfattning relaterade till var kommunikationsområdet. Där benämner informanterna mycket kring kommunikationsmedel samt kommunikationsplaner medan inom tidigare studier går de genom kommunikationen allmänt inom projektet, där delar som involvering, motstånd och bemötande behandlas. Samt att ett nytt fynd presenterades, att varenda faktor har en underliggande faktor. Dessutom så lades en ny faktor till: agilt tillvägagångssätt, då ett agilt tillvägagångssätt har visat sig främja arbetet. Resterande faktorer som presenterades validerades mot den föregående forskningen, där vikten av att faktorerna är med under en implementation är vital.
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Investigating the success of E-learning in secondary schools : the case of the Kingdom of BahrainTaha, Madina January 2014 (has links)
As a result of the advances in information and communication technology, E-Learning has been integrated as an essential element in educational settings. Despite its successful implementation, a significant number of E-Learning projects fail to achieve their goals. This has motivated researchers and practitioners to study the reasons for failure and success and the factors that impact E-Learning. This research attempts to investigate the factors that influence the implementation and development of E-Learning and the most appropriate framework for secondary schools in Bahrain. The research adopted a quantitative approach to examine both teachers’ and students’ perceptions of critical factors in secondary schools in the Kingdom of Bahrain. A total of 540 respondents completed the survey-based questionnaire. The results revealed that there are four sets of factors which influence the success of E-Learning in the school education sector. These are: students’ characteristics (computers skills; motivation and attitudes); teachers’ characteristics (attitudes; control of technology and pedagogy and teaching style); technology (quality of technology and effectiveness of infrastructure) and design and content (perceived ease of use and quality of content). In addition, the findings show that there are some differences in perceptions amongst teachers according to gender, specialization, teaching experience and E-Learning experience. Similarly, the findings show that there are some differences in perceptions amongst students according to gender, specialization and level of study (years in school). The main contribution of this research is that it addresses the success of E-Learning in the schools sector in Bahrain and in the Arab region as this area of research lacks theoretical and empirical studies. In addition, the research proposes a conceptual framework that integrates the critical factors and demographic variables. The proposed conceptual framework contributes to the knowledge of E-Learning success by creating a guide for educational institutions and governments for better development and implementation, serving as a planning tool for new E-Learning projects and as an assessment mode for the efficacy of existing projects.
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新創生技公司個案分析 - 以Theranos公司為例 / A Case Study of Biotechnology Startup Companies - In Example of Theranos, Inc.曾哲揚, Tseng, Tse Yang Unknown Date (has links)
此案例分析結果可提供台灣新創生技廠商參考學習,除可藉此案例了解技術基礎與行銷活動的重要性外,亦可從中學習到:把握市場機會、運用優勢爭取合作機會、注重行銷的整合性、善用背書效果與媒體、注意法律規範風險、確保關鍵技術的可信度、注意危機溝通,及注意團隊成員選擇...等事項之重要性。 / Life sciences industry has been seen as the star industry in the future and has been selected as the centerpiece of Taiwan's industrial transformation policy. How can a biotechnology startup company develop successful is going to be an important issue we must concern about.
In this study, the most representative and controversial case in biotechnology startup companies in 2015 - Theranos, Inc. has been chosen as the research subject. "4C Framework of Strategic Marketing Analysis" and "Strategic Pattern Analysis" are used to analyze the company's strategic pattern and key success factors during the period before the critical incidents happened. The critical incidents' effects upon the company, the appropriateness of its crisis management actions, and its future development strategies are also discussed in this study. The purpose of this study is to provide information for Taiwan's biotechnology companies as a reference for strategy development, resource allocation and crisis management.
We found that before the critical incidents happened, the company's blood examination service had lower overall transaction cost due to its lower cost of utility. The company was highly vertically integrated, relied on endorsement effects, and owned unique partnership which contributed to its special distribution channels. In this period of time, its key success factors included: industry trend and market demand, research ability, examination ability, marketing ability, team member and business partner, and finance. After the critical incidents happened, the company's examination ability, marketing activities, and distribution channels have been adversely affected. And although we cannot make a final conclusion about the effects of its crisis management actions now, its deficiencies in communication has already resulted in huge damage to its reputation. Until today, some information about key factors which might affect the company's future development still remains unknown to the public. Depends on the actual status of the company, its possible development strategies include: go bankrupt, narrow down the scope of business, or keep expanding.
This case study shows the importance of both technology and marketing in biotechnology companies. And the study results provide some practical suggestions to Taiwan's biotechnology companies, which include: seize the market opportunities, use company's specialty to build up partnership, the importance of integrated marketing, usage of endorsement effect and media, beware of the legal risk, make sure of the reliability of company's key technology, the importance of crisis communication, and the importance of choose the team members.
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IT- och förvaltningsstyrning : En fallstudie om Sveriges mest använda förvaltningsstyrningmodell pm3Jonsson, Nathalie, Rydstedt, Matilda January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to provide recommendations to further develop and improvements of models which can be applied to IT governance models for system maintenance. The work investigates gaps in the implementation and using phase of the model pm3 and also models which are inspired in pm3. The aim of the present paper is to answer the research questions which are related to (1) which critical success factors that have an impact on the governance of system maintenance management and also for the model pm3 and (2) how maintenance management models can further be developed and improved. This qualitative study is a case study in which a questionnaire and interview in two steps have been completed. The sample of respondents have been made with a specific purpose that reflects the selected qualities and relevance of the study and also with a geographical distribution. The study resulted in a number of critical success factors for the model pm3 where some of these can be considered as general for all maintenance management models. The results shows the need of a maintenance management model that is designed for the agile working method and suitable for all types and sizes of organisations. It is an area where maintenance management models and pm3 need to develop within. / Syftet med denna studie är att kunna ge rekommendationer till utveckling och förbättringar av modeller som kan tillämpas vid IT-styrning av modeller för systemförvaltning. Arbetet undersöker brister i införandet och användandet av modellen pm3 samt modeller som är inspirerade av pm3. Studiens mål är att besvara frågeställningarna som behandlar (1) vilka kritiska framgångsfaktorer som har en påverkan för styrning av systemförvaltning samt för modellen pm3 och (2) hur förvaltningsstyrningsmodeller och pm3 kan utvecklas och förbättras. Den kvalitativa studien är en fallstudie där en enkätundersökning och två olika intervjusteg har utförts. Urvalet av respondenter har gjorts med ett specifikt syfte som speglar de utvaldas kvaliteter och relevans för studien samt med en geografisk spridning. Studien resulterade i en mängd kritiska framgångsfaktorer för modellen pm3 där en del av dessa kan anses som generella för alla förvaltningsstyrningsmodeller. Resultatet påvisar även behovet av en förvaltningsstyrningsmodell som är anpassad för det agila arbetssättet samt behovet av en modell anpassad för olika storlekar av organisationer. Vilket är ett område som förvaltningsstyrningsmodeller och pm3 bör utvecklas inom.
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Business incubators : Knowledge transfer and networks creation as key success factorsVillarroel Rojas, Mayra Veronica January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this research is to analyze business incubators and the relevant factors that take place inside these organizations.</p><p>The methodology used was a case study approach, which investigates a real environment, in this case: NeoEmpresa, a business incubator located in La Paz, Bolivia. The explanatory approach is also considered in this research since the purpose is to explain the business incubation characteristics as well as understand the importance of knowledge transfer and network creation inside business incubators.</p><p>The findings propose that the most adequate incubation model strongly depends on the incubator’s main purpose and that the learning practices that take place inside an incubator involve knowledge transfer, more considered experience transfer, and networking as relevant factors.</p>
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Enterprise system implementation projects : a study of the impact of contextual factors on critical success factorsVan Scoter, Diane J. 24 October 2011 (has links)
Critical success factors (CSFs) are those things that must be done correctly for a project to be successful; however, CSFs are not sufficient by themselves to guarantee success. CSFs, as identified in the literature, vary from study to study. In addition, previous studies have not typically included contextual details for the projects studied. As a result, it is difficult to know how the particulars of a project impact (or not) CSFs. Researchers have suggested that CSFs can be affected by contextual details. Knowledge about the effect of contextual factors on CSFs would allow organizational leaders and project managers to more effectively use resources to achieve project success.
Enterprise system implementation projects have exhibited high failure rates. Both Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Electronic Health Record (EHR) system
implementations have proven to be challenging for organizations. For enterprise system implementation projects, a variety of contextual factors may be important. Examples of contextual factors include the number of software modules implemented, the number of sites undergoing implementation, the geographic dispersion of the sites, the number of people in the organization, and the percentage of personnel in the organization whose daily tasks are disrupted by the new enterprise system.
This research was designed to shed light on the role of contextual factors on CSFs for enterprise system implementation projects. A survey was created to evaluate the effects of contextual factors on CSF ratings. The survey included questions related to 17 CSFs, 14 of the CSFs included in the study have been well-cited in the project management literature. Three additional CSFs were also included in the study to capture important elements of change management, which more recent studies have shown to be relevant to enterprise system implementations. The survey included questions related to eight contextual variables for ERP projects and 11 contextual variables for EHR system projects.
The research focused on small to medium-size organizations, which have been less studied than larger organizations. The target respondents for the survey were enterprise system (ERP or EHR) project managers from software companies or consulting firms and government project managers whose implementation projects were within six months
of completion. Data were collected on 17 ERP projects and 26 EHR system implementation projects in 43 different organizations.
The survey data and subsequent analyses provided evidence that EHR system implementation projects are impacted by contextual factors. The results for the ERP implementations are not conclusive. The results suggest that contextual factors should be taken into consideration when determining how best to manage enterprise system implementations. In addition, the results of this research did not support previous research findings, which indicated that similar CSFs exist for ERP and EHR system projects. CSFs were found to vary substantially in a number of key areas, especially with respect to training. The User Training and Support CSF for the ERP projects included in this study was rated less important than prior research results suggest (Finney & Corbett, 2007). One of two CSFs included in the survey to capture change management requirements, Early Adopter/Super-user, was found to be an important CSF for the ERP projects included in this study.
The EHR system projects were found to be affected by contextual factors, with nine different instances of significant relationships identified between individual CSFs and one or more contextual factor. Eight of the 17 CSFs for the EHR system implementation projects in this study were affected by contextual factors. Contextual factors impacted the ERP and EHR system implementations quite differently, suggesting that more research is needed to better understand the phenomenon leading to these differences.
The findings from this research can be used by organizational leaders and project managers to more effectively achieve project success. These results provide project managers and organizational leaders in small and medium-size organizations with a much deeper and relevant understanding of the factors that are most important to manage in successfully implementing either ERP or EHR system projects. As this study focused on small and medium-size organizations and both ERP and EHR system implementation projects, the findings are relevant across a wide range of organizations. As smaller organizations have not typically been the focus of CSF research, this study makes an important contribution to the understanding of CSFs for both ERP and EHR system implementation projects.
More generally, this research also expands the broader body of knowledge on the identification of CSFs, as this study has provided empirical evidence for the important role played by contextual factors. Every project is carried out within a broader organizational setting. This broader organizational setting appears, based on the results of this study, to have a strong effect on the importance of CSFs for each specific project and as such, may explain some of the seemingly contradictory findings related to CSFs in the existing literature. While further research is needed to understand the means by which contextual factors impact CSFs, this study has provided a significant contribution in validating the relationship between contextual factors and CSFs for a broad range of enterprise system projects in a wide range of industries. / Graduation date: 2012
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併購關鍵成功因素之研究─以明基西門子為例 / Research on Key Success Factors for Mergers and Acquisitions - A Case Study of BenQ-Siemens鄭凱元 Unknown Date (has links)
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