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Características en la dinámica familiar ante la presencia de un miembro joven que tuvo ideación suicida / Characteristics on the family dynamics with the presence of a young member who had suicidal ideationCalderón Tejada, Maria Phia 12 October 2020 (has links)
Objetivo. La presente investigación busca conocer y describir las características en la dinámica familiar ante la presencia de un miembro joven que tuvo ideación suicida. Método. Se utilizó el método cualitativo, con un diseño fenomenológico; se aplicó el análisis de contenido y el instrumento de recolección de información fue la entrevista semiestructurada, aplicada en los familiares del miembro joven que tuvo ideación suicida. Resultados. Fueron agrupados en cuatro categorías: contexto familiar, grado de relación entre los familiares, maneras de adaptarse y comunicación. Conclusión. Se concluyó que la dinámica familiar evidencia características que permiten conocer y describir el contexto en el que se encontraba la familia antes de la ideación suicida de su miembro joven, tales como antecedentes familiares de suicidio, diagnóstico de trastorno mental en el miembro joven y los conflictos a nivel familiar. Así como, características que se presentan a partir de las maneras en las que los familiares se adaptan ante la ideación suicida, mediante el cambio en las funciones de los roles y los acuerdos que llegan a establecerse. Otras características son las que se presentan en el grado de relación entre los familiares, evidenciándose en algunas familias, como cercanas, mientras que en otras las relaciones se encuentran lejanas. Por último, las características en la comunicación se ven reflejadas en la apertura que tienen algunos miembros para comunicarse entre ellos sobre aspectos personales y emocionales y, por otro lado, algunos familiares solo consiguen hablar de temas superficiales. / Objective. The present research seeks to know and describe the characteristics on the family dynamics with the presence of a young member who had suicidal ideation. Method. The qualitative method was used, with a phenomenological design; content analysis was applied and the information collection instrument was the semi-structured interview, applied to the family of the young member who had suicidal ideation. Results. They were grouped into four categories: family context, degree of relationship between family members, ways of adapting and communication. Conclusion. It was concluded that family dynamics show characteristics that allow knowing and describing the family context in which the family was before the suicidal ideation of its young member, presenting characteristics such as a family history of suicide, diagnosis of mental disorder in the young member and conflicts at the family level. As well as, characteristics that arise from the ways in which family members adapted to the suicidal ideation, through the change in the functions of the roles and the agreements that they came to be established. Other characteristics are those that appear in the degree of relationship between family members, being evidenced in some as close, while in others the relationship are distant. Finally, the characteristics of communication are reflected in the openness that some members have to communicate with their relatives about personal and emotional aspects, and on the other hand, some relatives only manage to talk about superficial topics. / Tesis
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Adverse Childhood Experiences and Suicidality and Self-Harm in Persons in Secure Forensic CareStinson, Jill D., Gretak, Alyssa P., Carpenter, Rachel K., Quinn, Megan A. 01 December 2021 (has links)
Prior research suggests a greater degree of suicidality and self-harm behavior in those involved with criminal justice and forensic mental health systems. Such individuals also evidence increased exposure to early childhood adversity, which is often associated with suicide risk. Other significant predictors of suicidality have been noted within forensic populations, however, including indicators of specific psychopathology and situational and demographic factors. These populations present with overlapping risk factors that remain underexamined. In the current study, 182 persons residing in secure forensic psychiatric care following incidents of illegal and aggressive behavior were evaluated. Adverse childhood experiences and other empirically derived potential predictors of suicide attempts and self-harm were examined via binomial logistic regression. Findings indicate frequent experiences of early adversity across participants, and that a combination of race, individual adverse childhood experiences, number of biological children, and diagnoses of either posttraumatic stress disorder or borderline personality disorder were significant predictors of suicide attempts, self-harm behavior, and first hospitalization resulting from a suicide attempt. Clinical and research implications are discussed.
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La dépression, l’épuisement et la détresse psychologique chez les dentistes au Québec : une étude transversale dans le contexte de la pandémie de la COVID-19Akl, Aurélie 04 1900 (has links)
Contexte : À partir de la mi-mars 2020, la plupart des dentistes en pratique libérale se sont retrouvés sans emploi étant donné le confinement imposé par le département de la santé publique du Québec en raison de la COVID-19. La pandémie a induit de multiples changements ayant pu affecter la santé psychologique des dentistes québécois.
Objectif: Évaluer l’état de la santé psychologique des dentistes québécois dans le contexte de la pandémie de la COVID-19 lors du déconfinement à l’été 2020.
Méthodes: Le 10 juin 2020, suite à la réouverture des cliniques dentaires après l’état d’urgence sanitaire, un sondage en ligne a été envoyé par courriel aux 5001 dentistes possédant un permis de pratique au Québec. L’Association des chirurgiens-dentistes du Québec (ACDQ), l’Ordre des dentistes du Québec (ODQ) et la Fédération des dentistes spécialistes du Québec (FDSQ) ont participé au recrutement des participants. Le statut du travail et les données sociodémographiques ont été recueillis et la santé psychologique évaluée. L’évaluation de la santé psychologique comprenait trois outils de mesures validés : l’échelle de symptômes dépressifs Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), l’échelle d’épuisement personnel, professionnel et relié au patient Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) et l’échelle de détresse psychologique Kessler-10 (K-10). La prévalence d’idéations suicidaires et de tentative de suicide a également été documentée. Les données ont été analysées en utilisant des tests statistiques bivariés et des analyses multivariées de régression logistique.
Résultats: Le taux de réponse était de 18% (n=902) avec 835 répondants qui ont fourni complètement les données psychologiques inclues dans les analyses. Une prévalence élevée a été observée pour l’épuisement d’intensité modérée à sévère sur le plan personnel (49.7%, 95%CI=46.3-53.1), sur le plan professionnel (48.4%, 95%CI=44.9-51.8) et lié au patient (37.5%, 95%CI=34.2-40.9). Des symptômes dépressifs d’un niveau moyen à sévère ont été répertoriés chez 23.4% (95%CI=20.5-26.4) des participants et 39.5% (95%CI=36.2-42.9) des participants présentaient un niveau modéré à sévère de détresse psychologique. Les participants percevaient leur santé psychologique comme étant détériorée après le début de la pandémie comparativement à avant la pandémique (p<0.001). Des idéations suicidaires passées ont été relevées par 12.9% (95%CI=10.7-15.4) des participants, dont 1.7% (95%CI=0.9-2.8) qui rapportaient au moins une tentative de suicide. Être une femme était significativement associé au burnout personnel (aOR=1.90, p≤0.001), au burnout professionnel (aOR=1.56, p≤0.01) et à la détresse psychologique (aOR=1.47, p≤0.05). Les dentistes plus âgés (≥ 45 ans) étaient plus susceptibles d’avoir des idéations suicidaires dans les deux dernières semaines (OR= 1.57, p=0.055) comparativement aux dentistes moins âgés. Les dentistes vivant seuls ou étant propriétaires de clinique étaient significativement plus à risque de développer des idéations suicidaires dans les deux dernières semaines (aOR=2.52, p≤0.01, et aOR=2.09, p≤0.01, respectivement) et démontraient plus de troubles de santé psychologique. Faire de l’exercice régulièrement, minimiser la consommation d’alcool, un nombre augmenté d’heures de sommeil et un nombre augmenté de semaines de vacances étaient des marqueurs protecteurs contre un niveau modéré à sévère de troubles psychologiques pendant la pandémie de la COVID-19. L’anxiété d’attraper ou transmettre la COVID-19 aux patients ou les membres de la famille était positivement associée avec le burnout. Les trois stratégies de coping les plus populaires étaient les interactions sociales, le sport et l’écoute de la musique.
Conclusion: La santé psychologique des dentistes québécois présente plusieurs défis dans le contexte de la pandémie de la COVID-19. Il y a un besoin urgent d’apporter un soutien psychologique aux dentistes québécois. / Abstract
Context: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as of mid-March 2020, most Quebec dentists in private practice found themselves unemployed due to the confinement imposed by the Quebec public health department. The psychological health of Quebec dentists was challenged because of several sudden changes in their daily lives.
Objectives: To assess the state of the psychological health of Quebec dentists in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic during the summer of 2020.
Methods: An online questionnaire was sent to the 5001 licensed dentists in the province of Quebec, Canada on June 10, 2020. Working status, psychological health assessment, and sociodemographic data were evaluated. The validated psychological health measurement tools included the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) to evaluate depression, Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) to measure burnout, and Kessler-10 scale (K-10) to evaluate psychological distress. Suicidal ideation and past suicidal attempts were also assessed. Data were analyzed using bivariate statistical tests and multivariate logistic regression analysis.
Results: The response rate was 18% (n=902) with 835 participants providing complete data sets for psychological outcomes included in the analysis. Prevalence of moderate to severe level of personal (49.7%, 95%CI=46.3-53.1), professional (48.4%, 95%CI=44.9-51.8), and patient-related (37.5%, 95%CI=34.2-40.9) burnout was high. Moderate to severe depressive symptoms were found in 23.4% (95%CI=20.5-26.4) of participants and 39.5% (95%CI=36.2-42.9) had moderate to severe psychological distress. Participants perceived their psychological health as worse after the beginning of the pandemic compared to before the pandemic (p<0.001). Past suicidal ideation was reported by 12.9% (95%CI=10.7-15.4) of participants with 1.7% (95%CI=0.9-2.8) reporting at least one suicide attempt. Being a woman was significantly associated with personal burnout (aOR=1.90, p≤0.001), professional burnout (aOR=1.56, p≤0.01) and psychological distress (aOR=1.47, p≤0.05). Older dentists (≥ 45 years old) were more prone to have suicidal ideation over the past two weeks (OR= 1.57, p=0.055) compared to their younger counterparts. Dentists living alone and dental clinic owners were significantly more at risk to develop suicidal ideation over the last two weeks (aOR=2.52, p≤0.01, and aOR=2.09, p≤0.01, respectively) and had worst psychological outcomes. Regular physical exercise, minimizing alcohol consumption, an increased number of sleeping hours and an increased number of vacation weeks per year were found to be significant protective markers against moderate to severe psychological outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Anxiety of getting or transmitting the COVID-19 virus to patients or family members was positively associated with burnout. The three most popular coping strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic were social interactions, sports, and listening to music.
Conclusion: Psychological health among Quebec dentists presents several challenges in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. There is an urgent need to provide psychological support to dentists.
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Do Feelings of Defeat and Entrapment Change over Time? An Investigation of the Integrated Motivational—Volitional Model of Suicidal Behaviour Using Ecological Momentary AssessmentsStenzel, Jana-Sophie, Höller, Inken, Rath, Dajana, Hallensleben, Nina, Spangenberg, Lena, Glaesmer, Heide, Forkmann, Thomas 19 April 2023 (has links)
(1) Background. Defeat and entrapment have been highlighted as major risk factors of suicidal ideation and behavior. Nevertheless, little is known about their short-term variability and their longitudinal association in real-time. Therefore, this study aims to investigate whether defeat and entrapment change over time and whether defeat predicts entrapment as stated by the integrated motivational–volitional model of suicidal behavior. (2) Methods. Healthy participants (n = 61) underwent a 7-day smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment (EMA) on suicidal ideation/behavior and relevant risk factors, including defeat and entrapment and a comprehensive baseline (T0) and post (T2) assessment. (3) Results. Mean squared successive differences (MSSD) and intraclass correlations (ICC) support the temporal instability as well as within-person variability of defeat and entrapment. Multilevel analyses revealed that during EMA, defeat was positively associated with entrapment at the same measurement. However, defeat could not predict entrapment to the next measurement (approximately two hours later). (4) Conclusion. This study provides evidence on the short-term variability of defeat and entrapment highlighting that repeated measurement of defeat and entrapment—preferably in real time—is necessary in order to adequately capture the actual empirical relations of these variables and not to overlook significant within-person variability. Further research—especially within clinical samples—seems warranted.
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Cultivating Resilience in Adolescence: How Educational Environments Can Support Positive Youth Development During Identity ExplorationArndt, Heather I., Larin, Genesis G., Munguia, Gladis Abigail, Perez, Henry WIlliam, Preciado, Dianne 25 April 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Adolescence is a critical stage of human development, one that can be especially challenging for teens that are navigating certain vulnerabilities in their identity formation. With the World Health Organization stating that 14% of 10–19 year-olds experience mental health conditions, educational environments are increasingly needed to address mental concerns in their curriculums. This qualitative research project used a combination of art based inquiry and narrative analysis to answer the following question, “How can educational environments promote resilience and positive youth development during adolescent identity exploration?” Findings illuminated several emergent themes that culminated in the following four recommendations for educational environments; 1) Integrate opportunities for creative self-expression in general education spaces, 2) Professional development for educators to integrate Social Emotional Learning (SEL), 3) Create opportunities for social interactions between students and educators, 4) Create and support opportunities for social interactions between students, and 5) Ensure educational spaces include mental health support for students.
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SUICÍDIO NA ADOLESCÊNCIA.Faria, Ana Cristina Gomes Marques de 28 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T14:20:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-28 / PARTE I: Recent studies show that there was significant growth in the number of suicides among
teenagers. Firstly, literature review on the topic was held. Subsequently, we developed
an empirical study in a town in Goias, popularly known by the occurrence of suicides .
Participated in the empirical study of 371 adolescents aged between 12 and 18 years
living and studying in the city. Data were collected in two schools, one public and one
private. Its objective was to evaluate rates of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in
adolescents. According to the data it is observed that the total of 371 adolescents
surveyed 321 (86.5 %) reported never having attempted suicide. However, 47 (12.7%)
reported having attempted suicide in the past 12 months. Furthermore, while 301 (81.4
%) of teenagers have not submitted suicidal ideation, 67 or 18.2 % reported having
thought about suicide. Furthermore, we sought to evaluate the relationship between
suicidal ideation and suicide attempt with self-reported behavior problems. The
instrument used was the Youth Self Report (YSR) developed by Achenbach (1991).
This study showed that as much as suicidal ideation suicide attempts were associated
with behavior problems analyzed as anxiety and depression, social isolation and
depression, somatic problems, social problems, thought problems, attention problems,
rule-breaking behavior, aggressive, internalizing and externalizing problems. The
present study may be a subsidy to assist in the development of public policy and the
health care more geared to this population and the region, in view of the reports of
representative bodies from the municipality about the large number of attempts and
suicides in the past years.
PARTE II: This article aims to evaluate rates of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in
adolescents from an inner city of Goiás popularly known by the occurrence of suicides.
Furthermore, we sought to evaluate the relationship between suicidal ideation and
suicide attempt with self-reported behavior problems. The study included 371
adolescents from two schools, one private and one public. At the time of data collection,
participants were attending to the corresponding Secondary School (sixth to ninth year)
school years. Their ages ranged from 13 to 18 years old. Of these, 163 or 43.9% were
boys and 208 or 56.1 % were girls. The data indicate that the total of 371 adolescents
surveyed 321 (86.5 %) reported never having attempted suicide. However, 47 (12.7%)
reported having attempted suicide in the past 12 months. Moreover, while 301 (81.4 %)
of teenagers have not submitted suicidal ideation, 67 or 18.2% reported having thought
about suicide. Teens who think suicide attempt do so in the next 6 months. A significant
relationship between suicidal ideation and suicide attempt with behavior problems
analyzed . / PARTE I: Estudos recentes demonstram que houve um crescimento significativo no número de
suicídios entre Adolescentes. Em um primeiro momento, foi realizada revisão teórica
sobre o tema. Posteriormente, foi desenvolvido um estudo empírico em uma cidade do
interior de Goiás, popularmente conhecido pela ocorrência de suicídios. Participaram do
estudo empírico 371 adolescentes com faixa etária entre 12 e 18 anos que residem e
estudam no município. Os dados foram coletados em duas escolas, uma pública e outra
particular. Seu objetivo foi avaliar os índices de ideação e tentativa de suicídio dos
adolescentes. De acordo com os dados observa-se que do total dos 371 adolescentes
pesquisados 321 (86,5%) relataram nunca haver tentado suicídio. Contudo, 47 (12,7%)
relataram haver tentado suicídio nos últimos 12 meses. Além disso, embora 301
(81,4%) dos adolescentes não tenham apresentado ideação suicida, 67 ou 18,2%
relataram haver pensado em suicidar. Além disso, buscou-se avaliar a relação entre
ideação e tentativa de suicídio com o autorrelato de problemas de comportamento. O
instrumento utilizado foi o Youth Self Report (YSR) desenvolvido por Achenbach
(1991). Este estudo mostrou que, tanto a ideação suicida quanto tentativas de suicídio
tiveram relação com os problemas de comportamento analisados como: ansiedade e
depressão, isolamento social e depressão, problemas somáticos, problemas sociais,
problemas de pensamento, problemas de atenção, quebrar regras, comportamento
agressivo, problemas internalizantes e externalizantes. O presente estudo pode ser um
subsídio para auxiliar no desenvolvimento de políticas públicas e de atenção a saúde
mais voltadas a esta população e à região, tendo em vista os relatos de entidades
representativas do município estudado acerca do grande número de tentativas e
suicídios ocorridos nos últimos anos.
PARTE II: Este artigo tem como objetivo avaliar os índices de ideação e tentativa de suicídio em
adolescentes de uma cidade do interior de Goiás popularmente conhecida pela
ocorrência de suicídios. Além disso, buscou avaliar a relação entre ideação e tentativa
de suicídio com o autorrelato de problemas de comportamento. Participaram deste
estudo 371 adolescentes provenientes de duas escolas, sendo uma pública e a outra
particular. No momento da coleta de dados, os participantes cursavam os anos escolares
correspondentes ao Ensino Fundamental II (sexto ao nono ano). As idades variaram de
13 a 18 anos de idade. Destes, 163 ou 43,9% eram meninos e 208 ou 56,1% eram
meninas. Os dados indicam que do total dos 371 adolescentes pesquisados 321 (86,5%)
relataram nunca haver tentado suicídio. Contudo, 47 (12,7%) relataram haver tentado
suicídio nos últimos 12 meses. Além disso, embora 301 (81,4%) dos adolescentes não
tenham apresentado ideação suicida, 67 ou 18,2% relataram haver pensado em suicidar.
Adolescentes que pensam em suicídio tentam fazê-lo nos próximos 6 meses. Observouse
relação significativa entre ideação e tentativa de suicídio com os problemas de
comportamento analisados.
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Violência na gestação e saúde mental de mulheres que são vítimas de seus parceiros / Violence during pregnancy and the mental health of women victims of their partnersFonseca-Machado, Mariana de Oliveira 15 May 2014 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar as repercussões da violência por parceiro íntimo, ocorrida durante a atual gestação, na saúde mental de mulheres usuárias de um serviço de atendimento pré- natal. Trata-se de estudo observacional, com delineamento transversal, desenvolvido no Centro de Referência da Saúde da Mulher de Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brasil, com 358 gestantes, em acompanhamento pré-natal no serviço, entre maio de 2012 e maio de 2013. A coleta dos dados aconteceu no dia da primeira consulta de pré-natal das gestantes no serviço, por meio de sete instrumentos: i. instrumento de caracterização sociodemográfica, econômica e comportamental; ii. instrumento de caracterização obstétrica; iii. Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale; iv. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist - Civilian Version; v. Escala de Ideação Suicida de Beck; vi. Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado; vii. Instrumento de identificação e caracterização da violência. Os dados foram analisados no software Statistical Package for Social Sciences, versão 21.0. Utilizamos as análises univariada, bivariada e multivariada dos dados, por meio da distribuição de frequências absolutas e relativas, medidas de tendência central e de variabilidade, os testes estatísticos Qui- quadrado e Teste t, razões de prevalência, razões de chances de prevalência, regressão logística múltipla e regressão linear múltipla. No momento da coleta dos dados, as participantes tinham, em média, 25 anos de idade e 9,5 anos de escolaridade formal. A maioria considerou-se não branca, era solteira, coabitava com o parceiro íntimo, possuía alguma religião, não exercia atividade remunerada e possuía renda familiar mensal média de 2,6 salários-mínimos, sendo o parceiro o principal provedor da família. A maioria não fumou, não consumiu bebidas alcoólicas e não fez uso de drogas ilícitas, durante a atual gestação. A amostra caracterizou-se por mulheres multigestas e nulíparas que, em sua maioria, possuíam filhos vivos e não haviam abortado. A prevalência da violência por parceiro íntimo, durante a atual gestação, foi de 17,6%. As prevalências dos indicativos das presenças de transtorno depressivo, do diagnóstico de transtorno de estresse pós-traumático e de ideação suicida foram de 28,2%, 17,0% e 7,8%, respectivamente. Os escores médios das gestantes nas escalas ansiedade-traço e ansiedade- estado foram de 39,1 e 42,5 pontos, respectivamente. Após se ajustar aos modelos de regressão logística múltipla, a violência por parceiro íntimo, durante a gestação, associou-se com o indicativo da presença de transtorno depressivo, com o indicativo do diagnóstico de transtorno de estresse pós- traumático e com o indicativo da presença de ideação suicida. Os modelos de regressão linear múltipla ajustados evidenciaram que as mulheres em situação de violência por parceiro íntimo, na atual gestação, apresentaram maiores escores dos sintomas de ansiedade-traço e estado do que aquelas que não sofreram esse tipo de violência. Portanto, reconhecer a violência como um fator de risco clinicamente relevante e identificável para a ocorrência de transtornos mentais, durante a gestação, pode ser um primeiro passo na prevenção destes problemas. Idealmente, as respostas devem incluir os setores da saúde, assistência social e justiça, no sentido de cumprir a obrigação do Estado para eliminar a violência contra a mulher / The objective of this study was to verify the repercussions of violence by the intimate partner during the present pregnancy on the mental health of women users of a prenatal care service. This is an observational study, performed with a cross-sectional design, at the Reference Center for Women\'s Health of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil, with 358 pregnant women following prenatal care at the referred service between May 2012 and May 2013. Data collection was performed on the day of the women\'s first prenatal appointment at the service, using seven instruments: i. instrument for sociodemographic, economic and behavioral characteristics; ii. instrument for obstetrical characteristics; iii. Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale; iv. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist - Civilian Version; v. Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation; vi. State-Trait Anxiety Inventory; vii. instrument for violence identification and characterization. The data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 21.0. Furthermore, univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyses of the data were performed, by absolute and relative frequency distribution, central and variability tendency measures, the Chi-square and T-Test statistical tests, prevalence ratio, prevalence odds ratio, multiple logistic regression and multiple linear regression. At the moment of data collection, the participants\' mean age was 25 years, and they had a mean of 9.5 years of formal education. Most women reported having the following characteristics: skin color different from white; single; living with the intimate partner; having some kind of religion; unemployed; mean monthly family income of 2.6 Brazilian minimum wages; partner was the breadwinner. Most reported not having smoked, consumed alcohol or any illicit drugs during the present pregnancy. Moreover, the sample was characterized by multiparous and nulliparous women, most of whom had living children and without a history of miscarriages. The prevalence rate for intimate partner violence during the present pregnancy was 17.6%. The prevalence rates of probable antenatal depression, probable antenatal post-traumatic stress disorder and probable antenatal suicidal ideation were 28.2%, 17.0% and 7.8%, respectively. The women\'s mean scores on the trait-anxiety and state-anxiety scales were 39.1 and 42.5, respectively. After adjustment using multiple logistic regression models, associations were found between intimate partner violence during the pregnancy and probable antenatal depression, probable antenatal post-traumatic stress disorder and probable antenatal suicidal ideation. The adjusted multiple linear regression models showed that women victims of intimate partner violence in the present pregnancy had higher scores for trait-anxiety and state-anxiety symptoms compared to those who did not endure this type of violence. Therefore, recognizing violence as a clinically relevant and identifiable risk factor for the occurrence of mental disorders during pregnancy may be a first step to prevent these problems. Ideally, the answers should include the health, social work and justice domains so as to meet the duty of the Brazilian State of eliminating the violence against women
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Forgiveness as a Positive Psychotherapy for Addiction and Suicide: Theory, Research, and PracticeWebb, Jon R., Hirsch, Jameson K., Toussaint, Loren 01 July 2015 (has links)
Both substance abuse and suicidal behavior are global public health concerns. Much of the progress made in addressing problematic substance use and suicidal ideation and behavior stems from the notion of alleviating pathological factors. Positive psychological characteristics, such as forgiveness, have received much less attention from empirical investigators. We review the extant literature pertaining to the value and role of forgiveness as an effective resource for clinicians when treating individuals struggling with substance abuse and suicidal behavior. We discuss relevant theory and research (i.e., definitions, processes, and linkages) regarding similarities in models of forgiveness, substance abuse, and suicidal behavior and conclude with an overview of various means of using the process of forgiveness as a positive psychotherapy; whether through stand-alone forgiveness interventions, infusion with Twelve-Step Facilitation Therapy, or application through acceptance-based treatment modalities. In sum, forgiveness may be an important factor in the facilitation of change in the difficult often existangst-derived struggles (i.e., emotionally and philosophically driven psychological distress) inherent to substance abuse and suicidal behavior.
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Violência na gestação e saúde mental de mulheres que são vítimas de seus parceiros / Violence during pregnancy and the mental health of women victims of their partnersMariana de Oliveira Fonseca-Machado 15 May 2014 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar as repercussões da violência por parceiro íntimo, ocorrida durante a atual gestação, na saúde mental de mulheres usuárias de um serviço de atendimento pré- natal. Trata-se de estudo observacional, com delineamento transversal, desenvolvido no Centro de Referência da Saúde da Mulher de Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brasil, com 358 gestantes, em acompanhamento pré-natal no serviço, entre maio de 2012 e maio de 2013. A coleta dos dados aconteceu no dia da primeira consulta de pré-natal das gestantes no serviço, por meio de sete instrumentos: i. instrumento de caracterização sociodemográfica, econômica e comportamental; ii. instrumento de caracterização obstétrica; iii. Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale; iv. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist - Civilian Version; v. Escala de Ideação Suicida de Beck; vi. Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado; vii. Instrumento de identificação e caracterização da violência. Os dados foram analisados no software Statistical Package for Social Sciences, versão 21.0. Utilizamos as análises univariada, bivariada e multivariada dos dados, por meio da distribuição de frequências absolutas e relativas, medidas de tendência central e de variabilidade, os testes estatísticos Qui- quadrado e Teste t, razões de prevalência, razões de chances de prevalência, regressão logística múltipla e regressão linear múltipla. No momento da coleta dos dados, as participantes tinham, em média, 25 anos de idade e 9,5 anos de escolaridade formal. A maioria considerou-se não branca, era solteira, coabitava com o parceiro íntimo, possuía alguma religião, não exercia atividade remunerada e possuía renda familiar mensal média de 2,6 salários-mínimos, sendo o parceiro o principal provedor da família. A maioria não fumou, não consumiu bebidas alcoólicas e não fez uso de drogas ilícitas, durante a atual gestação. A amostra caracterizou-se por mulheres multigestas e nulíparas que, em sua maioria, possuíam filhos vivos e não haviam abortado. A prevalência da violência por parceiro íntimo, durante a atual gestação, foi de 17,6%. As prevalências dos indicativos das presenças de transtorno depressivo, do diagnóstico de transtorno de estresse pós-traumático e de ideação suicida foram de 28,2%, 17,0% e 7,8%, respectivamente. Os escores médios das gestantes nas escalas ansiedade-traço e ansiedade- estado foram de 39,1 e 42,5 pontos, respectivamente. Após se ajustar aos modelos de regressão logística múltipla, a violência por parceiro íntimo, durante a gestação, associou-se com o indicativo da presença de transtorno depressivo, com o indicativo do diagnóstico de transtorno de estresse pós- traumático e com o indicativo da presença de ideação suicida. Os modelos de regressão linear múltipla ajustados evidenciaram que as mulheres em situação de violência por parceiro íntimo, na atual gestação, apresentaram maiores escores dos sintomas de ansiedade-traço e estado do que aquelas que não sofreram esse tipo de violência. Portanto, reconhecer a violência como um fator de risco clinicamente relevante e identificável para a ocorrência de transtornos mentais, durante a gestação, pode ser um primeiro passo na prevenção destes problemas. Idealmente, as respostas devem incluir os setores da saúde, assistência social e justiça, no sentido de cumprir a obrigação do Estado para eliminar a violência contra a mulher / The objective of this study was to verify the repercussions of violence by the intimate partner during the present pregnancy on the mental health of women users of a prenatal care service. This is an observational study, performed with a cross-sectional design, at the Reference Center for Women\'s Health of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil, with 358 pregnant women following prenatal care at the referred service between May 2012 and May 2013. Data collection was performed on the day of the women\'s first prenatal appointment at the service, using seven instruments: i. instrument for sociodemographic, economic and behavioral characteristics; ii. instrument for obstetrical characteristics; iii. Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale; iv. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist - Civilian Version; v. Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation; vi. State-Trait Anxiety Inventory; vii. instrument for violence identification and characterization. The data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 21.0. Furthermore, univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyses of the data were performed, by absolute and relative frequency distribution, central and variability tendency measures, the Chi-square and T-Test statistical tests, prevalence ratio, prevalence odds ratio, multiple logistic regression and multiple linear regression. At the moment of data collection, the participants\' mean age was 25 years, and they had a mean of 9.5 years of formal education. Most women reported having the following characteristics: skin color different from white; single; living with the intimate partner; having some kind of religion; unemployed; mean monthly family income of 2.6 Brazilian minimum wages; partner was the breadwinner. Most reported not having smoked, consumed alcohol or any illicit drugs during the present pregnancy. Moreover, the sample was characterized by multiparous and nulliparous women, most of whom had living children and without a history of miscarriages. The prevalence rate for intimate partner violence during the present pregnancy was 17.6%. The prevalence rates of probable antenatal depression, probable antenatal post-traumatic stress disorder and probable antenatal suicidal ideation were 28.2%, 17.0% and 7.8%, respectively. The women\'s mean scores on the trait-anxiety and state-anxiety scales were 39.1 and 42.5, respectively. After adjustment using multiple logistic regression models, associations were found between intimate partner violence during the pregnancy and probable antenatal depression, probable antenatal post-traumatic stress disorder and probable antenatal suicidal ideation. The adjusted multiple linear regression models showed that women victims of intimate partner violence in the present pregnancy had higher scores for trait-anxiety and state-anxiety symptoms compared to those who did not endure this type of violence. Therefore, recognizing violence as a clinically relevant and identifiable risk factor for the occurrence of mental disorders during pregnancy may be a first step to prevent these problems. Ideally, the answers should include the health, social work and justice domains so as to meet the duty of the Brazilian State of eliminating the violence against women
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A Survey of Internship-eligible Health Service Psychology Graduate Students' Experience, Training, and Clinical Competence with SuicideKerr, Nathan A. 29 August 2019 (has links)
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