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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chiral Rings of Two-dimensional Field Theories with (0,2) Supersymmetry

Guo, Jirui 26 April 2017 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to a thorough study of chiral rings in two-dimensional (0,2) theories. We first discuss properties of chiral operators in general two-dimensional (0,2) nonlinear sigma models, both in theories twistable to the A/2 or B/2 model, as well as in non-twistable theories. As a special case, we study the quantum sheaf cohomology of Grassmannians as a deformation of the usual quantum cohomology. The deformation corresponds to a (0,2) deformation of the nonabelian gauged linear sigma model whose geometric phase is associated with the Grassmannian. Combined with the classical result, the quantum ring structure is derived from the one-loop effective potential. Supersymmetric localization is also applicable in this case, which proves to be efficient in computing A/2 correlation functions. We then compute chiral operators in general (0,2) nonlinear sigma models, and apply them to the Gadde-Gukov-Putrov triality proposal, which says that certain triples of (0,2) GLSMs should RG flow to nontrivial IR fixed points. As another application, we extend previous works to construct (0,2) Toda-like mirrors to the sigma model engineering Grassmannians. / Ph. D.

Multi-Core Fiber and Optical Supersymmetry: Theory and Applications

Macho Ortiz, Andrés 02 September 2019 (has links)
[ES] A día de hoy, las redes de comunicaciones de fibra óptica están alcanzando su capacidad límite debido al rápido crecimiento de la demanda de datos en la última década, generado por el auge de los teléfonos inteligentes, las tabletas, las redes sociales, la provisión de servicios en la nube, las transmisiones en streaming y las comunicaciones máquina-a-máquina. Con el fin de solventar dicho problema, se ha propuesto incrementar la capacidad límite de las redes ópticas mediante el reemplazo de la fibra óptica clásica por la fibra óptica multinúcleo (MCF, acrónimo en inglés de multi-core fiber), la cual es capaz de integrar la capacidad de varias fibras ópticas clásicas en su estructura ocupando prácticamente la misma sección transversal que éstas. Sin embargo, explotar todo el potencial de una fibra MCF requiere entender en profundidad los fenómenos electromagnéticos que aparecen en este tipo de fibras cuando guiamos luz a travésde ellas. Así pues, en la primera parte de la tesis se analizan teóricamente estos fenómenos electromagnéticos y, posteriormente, se estudia la viabilidad de la tecnología MCF en distintos tipos de redes ópticas de transporte, específicamente, en aquellas que hacen uso de transmisiones radio-sobre-fibra. Estos resultados pueden ser de gran utilidad para las futuras generaciones móviles 5G y Beyond-5G en las próximas décadas. Adicionalmente, con el fin de expandir las funcionalidades básicas de las fibras MCF, esta tesis explora nuevas estrategias de diseño de las mismas utilizando la analogía existente entre las ecuaciones que rigen la mecánica cuántica y el electromagnetismo. Con esta idea en mente, en la segunda parte de la tesis se propone diseñar una nueva clase de fibras MCF usando las matemáticas de la supersimetría, surgida en el seno de la teoría de cuerdas y de la teoría cuántica de campos como un marco teórico de trabajo que permite unificar las interacciones fundamentales de la naturaleza (la nuclear fuerte, la nuclear débil, el electromagnetismo y la gravedad). Girando en torno a esta idea surgen las fibras MCF supersimétricas, las cuales nos permiten procesar la información de los usuarios durante la propia propagación de la luz a través de ellas, reduciendo así la complejidad del procesado de datos del usuario en recepción. Finalmente, esta tesis se completa introduciendo un cambio de paradigma que permite diseñar dispositivos fotónicos disruptivos. Demostramos que la supersimetría de mecánica cuántica no relativista, propuesta como una serie de transformaciones matemáticas restringidas al dominio espacial, se puede extender también al dominio del tiempo, al menos dentro del marco de trabajo de la fotónica. Como resultado de nuestras investigaciones, demostramos que la supersimetría temporal puede convertirse en una plataforma prometedora para la fotónica integrada ya que nos permite diseñar nuevos dispositivos ópticos versátiles y ultra-compactos que pueden jugar un papel clave en los procesadores del futuro. Asimismo, con el fin de hacer los resultados principales de esta tesis doctoral lo más generales posibles, se detalla cómo poder extrapolarlos a otros campos de la física como acústica y mecánica cuántica. / [CA] Avui en dia, les xarxes de comunicacions de fibra òptica estan aconseguint la seua capacitat límit a causa del ràpid creixement de la demanda de dades duante l'última dècada, generat per l'auge dels telèfons intel·ligents, les tablets, les xarxes socials, la provisió de servicis en la núvol, les transmissions en streaming i les comunicacions màquina-a-màquina. Per a resoldre el dit problema, s'ha proposat incrementar la capacitat límit de les xarxes òptiques per mitjà del reemplaçament de la fibra òptica clàssica per la fibra òptica multinúcleo (MCF, acrònim en anglés de multi-core fiber), la qual és capaç d'integrar la capacitat de diverses fibres òptiques clàssiques en la seua estructura ocupant pràcticament la mateixa secció transversal que estes. Tanmateix, explotar tot el potencial d'una fibra MCF requereix entendre en profunditat els fenòmens electromagnètics que apareixen en aquestes fibres quan guiem llum a través d'elles. Així, doncs, en la primera part de la tesi analitzem teòricament aquests fenòmens electromagnètics i, posteriorment, estudiem la viabilitat de la tecnologia MCF en distints tipus de xarxes òptiques de transport, específicament, en aquelles que fan ús de transmissions ràdio-sobre-fibra. Estos resultats poden ser de gran utilitat per a les futures generacions mòbils 5G i Beyond-5G en les pròximes dècades. Addicionalment, a fi d'expandir les funcionalitats bàsiques de les fibres MCF, esta tesi explora noves estratègies de disseny de les mateixes utilitzant l'analogia existent entre les equacions que regixen la mecànica quàntica i l'electromagnetisme. Amb aquesta idea en ment, en la segona part de la tesi proposem dissenyar una nova classe de fibres MCF usant les matemàtiques de la supersimetria, sorgida en el si de la teoria de cordes i de la teoria quàntica de camps com un marc teòric de treball que permet unificar les interaccions fonamentals de la natura (la nuclear forta, la nuclear feble, l'electromagnetisme i la gravetat). Al voltant d'aquesta idea sorgeixen les fibres MCF supersimètriques, les quals ens permeten processar la informació dels usuaris durant la pròpia propagació de la llum a través d'elles, reduint així la complexitat del processament de dades de l'usuari a recepció. Finalment, esta tesi es completa introduint un canvi de paradigma que permet dissenyar dispositius fotónicos disruptius. Demostrem que la supersimetria de mecànica quàntica no relativista, proposta com una sèrie de transformacions matemàtiques restringides al domini espacial, es pot estendre també al domini del temps, almenys dins del marc de treball de la fotónica. Com resultat de les nostres investigacions, demostrem que la supersimetria temporal pot convertir-se en una plataforma prometedora per a la fotònica integrada ja que ens permet dissenyar nous dispositius òptics versàtils i ultracompactes que poden jugar un paper clau en els processadors del futur. Per tal de fer els resultats principals d'aquesta tesi doctoral el més generals possibles, es detalla com poder extrapolar-los a altres camps de la física com ara la acústica i la mecànica quàntica. / [EN] To date, communication networks based on optical fibers are rapidly approaching their capacity limit as a direct consequence of the increment of the data traffic demand in the last decade due to the ubiquity of smartphones, tablets, social networks, cloud computing applications, streaming services including video and gaming, and machine-to-machine communications. In such a scenario, a new class of optical fiber which is able to integrate the capacity of several classical optical fibers approximately in the same transverse section as that of the original one, the multi-core fiber (MCF), has been recently proposed to overcome the capacity limits of current optical networks. However, the possibility of exploiting the full potential of an MCF requires to deeply understand the electromagnetic phenomena that can be observed when guiding light in this optical medium. In this vein, in the first part of this thesis, we analyze theoretically these phenomena and, next, we study the suitability of the MCF technology in optical transport networks using radio-over-fiber transmissions. These findings could be of great utility for 5G and Beyond-5G cellular technology in the next decades. In addition, the close connection between the mathematical framework of quantum mechanics and electromagnetism becomes a great opportunity to explore ground-breaking design strategies of these new fibers that allow us to expand their basic functionalities. Revolving around this idea, in the second part of this thesis we propose to design a new class of MCFs using the mathematics of supersymmetry (SUSY), emerged within the context of string and quantum field theory as a means to unify the basic interactions of nature (strong, electroweak, and gravitational interactions). Interestingly, a supersymmetric MCF will allow us, not only to propagate the light, but also to process the information of users during propagation. Finally, we conclude this thesis by introducing a paradigm shift that allows us to design disruptive optical devices. We demonstrate that the basic ideas of SUSY in non-relativistic quantum mechanics, restricted to the space domain to clarify unsolved questions about SUSY in string and quantum field theory, can also be extended to the time domain, at least within the framework of photonics. In this way, it is shown that temporal supersymmetry may serve as a key tool to judiciously design versatile and ultra-compact optical devices enabling a promising new platform for integrated photonics. For the sake of completeness, we indicate how to extrapolate the main results of this thesis to other fields of physics, such as acoustics and quantum mechanics. / Macho Ortiz, A. (2019). Multi-Core Fiber and Optical Supersymmetry: Theory and Applications [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/124964

Search for Gaugino Mediation Non-Universal Higgs Masses Model with Tau-Sneutrino NLSP withthe ATLAS Detector in Final States with Jets and Missing Transverse Momentum and 20.3 fb-1of sqrt(s) = 8 TeV Proton-Proton Collision Data

Mamužić, Judita 13 October 2016 (has links)
Supersymmetrie (SUSY) ist eine der am besten motivierten Erweiterungen des Standardmodells, und Suchen nach Hinweisen auf Supersymmetrie am LHC sind ein wichtiger Beitrag zum Verständnis von neuer Physik. Das Thema dieser Doktorarbeit ist die Analyse von zwei SUSY-Szenarien unter Verwendung von 20.3 fb−1 an ATLAS Daten, die bei einer Schwerpunktenergie von 8 TeV aufgezeichnet wurden. Den Hauptteil der Arbeit stellt eine Untersuchung des "Nicht-Universelle Higgs Massen Modells mit Gaugino Mediation" (NUHMG) mit Tau-Sneutrino als NLSP dar. Es wurde gezeigt, dass NUHMG unter Verwendung von Ereignissen ohne Leptonen, mit mehreren Jets, und fehlendem Transversalimpuls zu finden sein müsste. Eine neue Methode zur schnellen Optimierung unter Verwendung von multivariaten Methoden wurde entwickelt und in die Analyse eingebracht. Da kein signikanter Überschuss an Ereignissen in den untersuchten Daten beobachtet wurde, wurden experimentell ausgeschlossene Parameterbereiche des NUHMG-Modells bestimmt (bei einem Konfidenzniveau von 95 Prozent). Hierbei wurden Squark und Gluino Massen unterhalb von 1250 GeV bzw. 1400 GeV ausgeschlossen. Das zweite SUSY-Modell, das in dieser Doktorarbeit untersucht wird, ist das Nicht-Universelle Higgs Massen Modell (NUHM) mit Neutralino als LSP, welches innerhalb der Theorie der “Radiatively Driven Natural SUSY” (RNS) motiviert ist. Eine Datenanalyse mit einer statistischen Kombination von Ereignissen mit 2 bis 4 Leptonen wurde durchgeführt. Da kein signikanter Überschuss von Ereignissen beobachtet wurde, wurden ausgeschlossene Parameterbereiche des RNS-NUHM Modells bestimmt. Der größte Beitrag kommt hierbei von der Analyse mit 3 Leptonen, und es werden Werte von m1/2 / Supersymmetry (SUSY) is one of the best motivated extensions of the Standard Model. The subject of this thesis is the analysis of two SUSY scenarios using 20.3 fb-1 of ATLAS data at 8 TeV center of mass energy. The main topic is a study of the Non-Universal Higgs Masses model with Gaugino mediation and Tau-Sneutrino NLSP (NUHMG). A study showed that NUHMG can be found using Squark and Gluino production, using final states with zero leptons of transverse momenta higher than 10 GeV, multiple jets and missing transverse energy. A new method for fast optimisation using multivariate techniques was developed for the analysis with 2-6 jets and missing transverse momentum. No significant excess of data has been seen, and 95 percent CL exclusion limits have been set on the model, where Squark and Gluino masses are excluded up to 1250 and 1400 GeV respectively. Second SUSY model studied, is the Non-universal Higgs Masses model with Neutralino LSP (NUHM). It is well motivated in the framework of Radiatively Driven Natural Supersymmetry (RNS). A data analysis using a statistical combination of 2, 3 and 4 leptons has been performed. No significant excess of data has been observed, and 95 percent CL exclusion limits have been set. They reach up to 300 GeV in m1/2, and extend up to the highest tested value of μ = 500 GeV. In addition to physics analyses, a program developed for online monitoring of the ATLAS trigger, called Trigger Presenter (TriP), is described in this thesis.

Studies of fractional D-branes in the gauge/gravity correspondence & flavored Chern-Simons quivers for M2-branes

Closset, Cyril 11 June 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse intitulée « Studies of fractional D-branes in the gauge/gravity correspondence & Flavored Chern-Simons quivers for M2-branes » se place dans le cadre de la théorie des cordes, en physique théorique. Elle consiste en une introduction suivie de deux parties. Dans l'introduction sont résumés les différents outils de théorie des cordes qui seront utilisés. <p>\ / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Search for disappearing tracks in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV

Hart, Andrew Evan 18 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Signals for supersymmetry in photon photon scattering

Weston, Luke John Henry January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

R-parity violation searches with sfermions decaying to four-jets at LEP200

Vassilopoulos, Nikolaos January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Hydrodynamics : from effective field theory to holography

Grozdanov, Saso January 2014 (has links)
Hydrodynamics is an effective theory that is extremely successful in describing a wide range of physical phenomena in liquids, gases and plasmas. However, our understanding of the structure of the theory, its microscopic origins and its behaviour at strong coupling is far from complete. To understand how an effective theory of dissipative hydrodynamics could emerge from a closed microscopic system, we analyse the structure of effective Schwinger-Keldysh Closed-Time-Path theories. We use this structure and the action principle for open systems to derive the energy-momentum balance equation for a dissipative fluid from an effective CTP Goldstone action. Near hydrodynamical equilibrium, we construct the first-order dissipative stress-energy tensor and derive the Navier-Stokes equations. Shear viscosity is shown to vanish, while bulk viscosity and thermodynamical quantities are determined by the form of the effective action. The exploration of strongly interacting states of matter, particularly in the hydrodynamic regime, has been a major recent application of gauge/string duality. The strongly coupled theories involved are typically deformations of large-$N$ SUSY gauge theories with exotic matter that are unusual from a low-energy point of view. In order to better interpret holographic results, an understanding of the weak-coupling behaviour of such gauge theories is essential. We study the exact and SUSY-broken N=1 and N=2 super-QED with finite densities of electron number and R-charge, respectively. Despite the fact that fermionic fields couple to the chemical potentials, the strength of scalar-fermion interactions, fixed by SUSY, prevents a Fermi surface from forming. This is important for hydrodynamical excitations such as zero sound. Intriguingly, in the absence of a Fermi surface, the total charge need not be stored in the scalar condensates alone and fermions may contribute. Gauss-Bonnet gravity is a useful laboratory for non-perturbative studies of the higher derivative curvature effects on transport coefficients of conformal fluids with holographic duals. It was previously known that shear viscosity can be tuned to zero by adjusting the Gauss-Bonnet coupling, &lambda;<sub>GB</sub>, to its maximal critical value. To understand the behaviour of the fluid in this limit, we compute the second-order transport coefficients non-perturbatively in &lambda;<sub>GB</sub> and show that the fluid still produces entropy, while diffusion and sound attenuation are suppressed at all order in the hydrodynamic expansion. We also show that the theory violates a previously proposed universal relation between three of the second order transport coefficients. We further compute the only second-order coefficient thus far unknown, &lambda;<sub>2</sub>, in the N=4 super Yang-Mills theory with the leading-order 't Hooft coupling correction. Intriguingly, the universal relation is not violated by these leading-order perturbative corrections. Finally, by adding higher-derivative photon field terms to the action, we study charge diffusion and non-perturbative parameter regimes in which the charge diffusion constant vanishes.

Superintégrabilité avec intégrales d'ordre trois, algèbres polynomiales et mécanique quantique supersymétrique

Marquette, Ian January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Recherche de gluons scalaires avec le détecteur ATLAS auprès du LHC / Search for scalar gluons with the ATLAS detector at the LHC

Renaud, Adrien 30 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse décrit la recherche de nouvelles particules scalaires octets de couleur dans les données de l'expérience ATLAS auprès du Grand Collisionneur de Hadrons (LHC). Pour une large gamme de masse, la désintégration de ces scalaires en deux partons du MS domine. Cela motive la recherche de ces nouveaux scalaires dans des états finaux multijet, où ils se signaleraient comme des résonances dijet. Comme les nouveaux scalaires sont produits par paires, un état final contenant au moins quatre jets est utilisé comme environnement de recherche. Une méthode est développée pour extraire une possible résonance multijet scalaire du grand fond QCD et est utilisée pour chercher de tels scalaires dans les données de l'expérience ATLAS collectées en 2010 et 2011. Les données sont en accord avec l'estimation du fond et des limites sont posées sur la section efficace de production des scalaires en fonction de leur masse. En interprétant ces limites dans des modèles de supersymétrie, le gluon scalaire du MRSSM et du modèle hybride N=1/N=2 est exclu à 95 % CL entre 100 et 287 GeV. Les limites sont aussi interprétées dans un modèle de symétrie de jauge à la QCD, où le sgluon est remplacé par l'hyperpion qui est exclu dans une gamme de masse légèrement plus restreinte de part sa section efficace plus faible. / This thesis describes the search for new color-octet scalar particles in the ATLAS experiment data at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). For a wide range of mass, the decay of the scalar to two SM partons dominates. This motivates the search for these new scalars in multijet final states, where they would manifest as dijet resonances. As the new scalars are products in pairs, a final state containing at least four jets is used as a search environment. A method is developed to extract a possible scalar resonance from the multijet QCD background and is used to search for such scalar in the data from the ATLAS experiment collected in 2010 and 2011. The data are in agreement with the estimation of the background and limits are set on the scalar production cross section as a function of the scalar mass. Interpreting these limits in models of supersymmetry, the scalar gluon of the MRSSM and of the hybrid N=1/N=2 model is excluded at the 95 % CL between 100 and 287 GeV. Limits are also interpreted in a model of gauge symmetry à la QCD, where the sgluon is replaced by the hyperpion excluded in a mass range slightly smaller because of its smaller cross section.

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