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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prenatal zinc and vitamin A supplementation : a study on the impact of prenatal micronutrient supplementation in rural Indonesia

Prawirohartono, Endy January 2012 (has links)
Objectives: To study the effects of prenatal zinc and vitamin A supplementation on birthsize, neonatal morbidity, infant mortality, and growth in children up to two years of age. Subjects and Methods: From September 1995 to December 1999 pregnant women inPurworejo District, Central Java, Indonesia with gestational age <17 weeks (n=2173) wererecruited to and participated in a community-based, individually randomized, placebo controlled,double blinded study aiming to evaluate the impact of supplementation (vitamin A,zinc, vitamin A + zinc) during pregnancy on maternal morbidity and pregnancy outcomes. Weanalyzed secondary data from that study regarding birth size, neonatal morbidity and infantmortality of the 1956 infants born alive. A subsample of infants (n=343) was followed until 2years of age concerning growth, feeding practices and morbidity. Outcomes were tested usingthe chi-square test, ANOVA, ANCOVA, and Cox’s proportional hazard function. Results: Birth weights in the zinc [mean ±Standard deviation (SD): 3.16 ± 0.52 kg], vitaminA (3.08 ± 0.46 kg) or the combined vitamin A and zinc (3.10 ± 0.59) groups did not differ fromplacebo (3.09 ± 0.50 kg) after adjustment for maternal pre-pregnancy weight, weight gainduring pregnancy, and parity (P=0.70). Birth lengths of infants born to mothers supplementedwith zinc or vitamin A were in average 0.3 cm and 0.2 cm longer than those in the placebogroup after adjustment for maternal height, pre-pregnancy weight, weight gain during pregnancy,and parity (P=0.04). The impact of prenatal supplementation on infant mortality andneonatal morbidity was not significant. There was a small effect of prenatal vitamin A supplementationon postnatal growth in height-for-age z-score (HAZ). The absolute differencesbetween the vitamin A only and vitamin A + zinc groups at 3 and 9 months were 0.34 SD and0.37 SD, respectively, and the absolute difference between the vitamin A only and zinc onlygroups at 18 months was 0.31 SD. Defining growth faltering as downward crossing of ≥2 majorpercentile lines, 50-75% of the children were faltering within 9 months of age, whereas 17%and 8% were <-2 SD for growth in weight-for-age z-score (WAZ) and HAZ, respectively.Prenatal supplementation did not reduce the prevalence of growth faltering. Conclusions: Prenatal vitamin A and zinc demonstrates a small but significant impact onbirth length, but it does not have any protective effect on infant mortality and neonatal morbidity.Prenatal vitamin A supplementation had a small but significant effect on postnatallength growth until 18 months of age, but no effect on weight gain, growth rate and it did notreduce the prevalence of growth faltering. / Tujuan: meneliti pengaruh suplementasi zink dan vitamin A pada masa prenatal terhadapukuran tubuh bayi baru lahir, morbiditas neonatal, kematian bayi, dan pertumbuhan anaksampai dengan umur dua tahun Subjek dan Metode: Dari bulan September 1995 sampai dengan Desember 1999 ibu hamildi Kabupaten Purworejo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia dengan umur kehamilan <17 minggu(n=2173) diikutsertakan ke dalam penelitian berbasis komunitas, teracak, menggunakankontrol plasebo dan buta ganda yang bertujuan mengevaluasi pengaruh suplementasi vitaminA, zink, dan kombinasi vitamin A dan zink selama kehamilan terhadap morbididitas ibu danhasil kehamilan. Kami menganalisis data sekunder dari penelitian ini dan mengevaluasi ukurantubuh bayi waktu lahir, morbiditas neonatal, dan kematian bayi dari 1956 bayi yang lahirhidup. Sebagian dari subjek (n=343) diikuti sampai dengan umur dua tahun untuk mengetahuipertumbuhan, cara pemberian makan, dan morbiditasnya. Data dianalisis dengan chi-squaretest, ANOVA, ANCOVA, dan Cox’s proportional hazard function. Hasil: Berat badan lahir pada kelompok zink [mean ±standar deviasi (SD): 3.16 ± 0.52 kg],vitamin A (3.08 ± 0.46 kg) atau kombinasi vitamin A dan zink (3.10 ± 0.59) tidak berbedasecara bermakna dibandingkan dengan plasebo (3.09 ± 0.50 kg) setelah dikontrol oleh beratbadan ibu sebelum hamil, pertambahan berat badan selama hamil, dan paritas (P=0,70).Panjang lahir dari kelompok ibu yang disuplementasi dengan vitamin A atau zink 0,2 cm danrata-rata 0,3 cm lebih panjang dibanding kelompok plasebo setelah dikontrol oleh tinggi badanibu, berat badan ibu sebelum hamil, pertambahan berat selama hamil, dan paritas (P=0,04). Pengaruh suplementasi selama masa prenatal terhadap kematian bayi dan morbiditas neonataltidak bermakna. Suplementasi masa prenatal mempunyai efek yang lemah terhadap pertumbuhanyang diukur dengan indikator tinggi badan menurut umur (HAZ). Perbedaan absolutpanjang badan anak antara kelompok vitamin A dan kombinasi vitamin A dan zink pada umur3 dan 9 bulan adalah 0,34 SD dan 0,37 SD; dan perbedaan absolut antara kelompok vitaminA dengan zink pada umur 18 bulan adalah 0,31 SD. Dengan menggunakan kriteria growthfaltering sebagai penurunan garis pertumbuhan memotong ≥ 2 persentil major, 50-75% anakmengalami growth faltering pada umur 9 bulan, dan hanya 17% dan 8% yang terdeksi mengalamigrowth faltering bila digunakan kriteria WAZ dan HAZ <- 2SD. Suplementasi vitaminA dan zink pada masa prenatal tidak menurunkan prevalensi growth faltering. Kesimpulan: Suplementasi vitamin A dan zink pada masa prenatal menunjukkan adanyapengaruh lemah tetapi bermakna terhadap panjang lahir, tetapi tidak menunjukkan efekprotektif terhadap kematian bayi dan morbiditas neonatal. Suplementasi vitamin A pada masaprenatal mempunyai efek lemah tetapi bermakna terhadap pertumbuhan panjang badansampai dengan umur 18 bulan, tetapi tidak disertai pengaruh terhadap kenaikan berat badan,laju pertumbuhan dan tidak menurunkan prevalensi growth faltering.


Griffin T Nicholls (8581524), Ronald P. Lemenager (5236994), Kara Stewart (5236979), Bethany Funnell (5236985), Elizabeth Karcher (19206850) 27 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Nulliparous replacement beef heifers represent an opportunity to improve both genetic potential and lifetime production within the herd. However, advances in reproductive efficiency and synchrony in the herd require heifers to conceive earlier than multiparous cows in order to account for the extended postpartum interval following first-time parturition. Further, those heifers that achieve early calving dates continue to calve early throughout their lifetime. This early calving results in increased weaning weights and better synchrony in subsequent years. One obstacle producers face when breeding nulliparous heifers is the ability to identify which animals have reached puberty at the initiation of the breeding season. This results in the variation observed in synchronization success within a group of heifers. In Chapter 2 our laboratory formulated a study to analyze the efficacy of the 7-d CO-synch + CIDR protocol when utilizing short-term exposure to a progestin (melengestrol acetate, MGA) as a pre-synchronization protocol. Our hypothesis was that the heifers may respond more efficiently to an orally fed progestin as the increase in serum progesterone is less pronounced, when compared to the CIDR. This first study resulted in a protocol application error, in which MGA was fed an extra day (8 vs. 7). This additional day of treatment with MGA following the administration of a prostaglandin eliminated our laboratory’s opportunity to collect meaningful data from this first attempt. Thus, it was pertinent to restart the experiment in an attempt to obtain data for analysis. In order to avoid confounding data, half of the heifers in each treatment received a new treatment, while the other half remained on the treatment assigned during the first attempt. After completing the second round of experiments it was observed that at the first pregnancy check (study day 30), the heifers that were originally assigned to MGA, but were switched to a CIDR for the second attempt numerically outperformed their counterparts in the other three formulated treatment groups. In an attempt to replicate these results, a second study was formulated (Chapter 3), to mimic the timeline from the preliminary study. This resulted in a pre-synchronization treatment protocol prior to the initiation of the breeding season synchronization protocol. Previous studies that have been conducted with similar protocols were designed to provide heifers with a pre-synchronization period that would aid in the attainment of puberty prior to their first attempt at breeding through exposure to progesterone. The purpose of the Chapter 3 experiment was to evaluate the effects of feeding melengestrol acetate (MGA®) as a pre-synchronization for 10 days immediately prior to estrous synchronization and fixed-timed artificial insemination (FTAI). The ten days were chosen as this was a novel protocol that was the result of the preliminary study and the subsequent restart. Ninety-three crossbred heifers (395.67 ± 5.37 kg) were blocked by BW, genetics, and reproductive tract scores and allotted to 3 treatments. The 3 treatment groups were: 7-day CO-synch + CIDR without pre-synchronization (CON, n=31); 25 mg PGF2α (Lutalyse®) followed immediately by MGA feeding for 7 d prior to the start of the 7-day CO-synch + CIDR program (PRE, n=31); and 25 mg PGF2α followed immediately by MGA feeding for 7d followed 10 d later by the start of the 7-day CO-synch + CIDR program (PRE+10, n=31). The 7-day Co-synch + CIDR protocol in all three treatments was initiated on d 0 by administering a 2 cc IM injection of GnRH (Cystorelin®) and placing a CIDR into the vagina. The CIDRs were removed 7 days later and accompanied by 25 mg IM injection of PGF2α. An injection of GnRH occurred 60-66 hours following PGF2α at FTAI with frozen semen from a single bull. Ten days after FTAI, heifers were exposed to a bull. Estrotect® patches were applied throughout the study to assess estrous behavior. Ovaries were visualized by transrectal ultrasonography 24 hours post-FTAI to determine whether ovulation occurred. Pregnancy was determined on days 40, 64, and 109 post-FTAI via transrectal ultrasonography. Blood was collected via jugular venipuncture (d -19 and -12, MGA initiation and termination, days 0, 7, and 9) and serum progesterone determined. Performance data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure and conception data were analyzed using the GLIMMIX procedure of SAS. Heifers in the PRE+10 treatment group had higher levels of progesterone (P=0.04) at d 0 compared to PRE heifers. At d 7 (CIDR removal) there was a tendency (P=0.07) for PRE+10 heifers to have higher levels of progesterone than PRE, but did not differ by d 9 (FTAI, P=0.36). FTAI conception rates in heifers in the PRE treatment group (63%) tended (P = 0.09) to be higher compared to the controls (35%), but not different from PRE+10 (43%), with no differences in season-long pregnancy rates (P > 0.15). Pre-synchronization with MGA immediately prior to FTAI synchronization appears to increase conception rates early in the breeding season in beef heifers. In Chapter 4, our laboratory analyzed the efficacy of supplementation strategies post-insemination. Unlike the first two experiments, the third study focused on reproductive failure that occurs after insemination. The overarching goal remained the same, increasing the reproductive efficiency within our nulliparous heifer herd. A common practice for beef producers in the United States is to use estrous synchronization, and immediately turn heifers out to lush spring pasture immediately following FTAI. The fresh forage is high in water content which lowers dry matter intake (DMI) and creates a negative energy balance. Ultimately, this reduced energy intake can result in a reduction in reproductive performance. In the Chapter 4 our laboratory formulated a supplementation strategy utilizing the SmartFeed™ technology to deliver soybean hulls to our treatment group following insemination for 45 days. The utilization of the SmartFeed® technology provided the opportunity to analyze the efficacy of the supplementation strategy using each individual animal as an experimental unit. Sixty-two nulliparous crossbred heifers were fed in drylot to obtain moderate body condition prior to breeding at d 0 via FTAI and trained to utilize the SmartFeed™ system.Heifers were blocked by weight and body condition score to either the soybean hull supplementation group (SOY) or the non-supplemented control group (CON). . Heifers in the treatment group received their supplementation by entering the SmartFeed™ system, allowing for RFID controlled release of 2.27 kg. per head each day for 45 days. Scales located beneath each feed pan sent real time weight data for regulation and analysis on individual animal feeding behavior. On study d 6, a subset of the nulliparous crossbred heifers (n = 12; n = 6/ treatment) were transported by trailer from the Feldun Purdue Agricultural Center to Purdue West Lafayette main campus (approximately 217.74 km.). The subset of heifers had embryos flushed and evaluated for embryo quality and number of live/dead cells. Ultrasonography was utilized to monitor ovarian activity throughout the duration of the study and to determine pregnancy status 30 days after FTAI and 30 days after the 45-day breeding season. Though conception rates were not statistically (P=0.17) different (SOY 16/25; 64% vs. CON 11/25; 44%) when comparing treatment groups, the numerical differences suggest there is potential in pursuing a similar supplementation strategy following breeding in nulliparous beef heifers. The supplementation of SBH resulted in greater weight gain over time (P = 0.04), potentially explaining the numeric improvement in conception rate. The two pre-synchronization studies from Chapters 2 and 3 resulted in numerical improvements in conception rate as a result of exposing replacement heifers to a source of progestin prior to the initiation of their synchronization protocol. The implementation of progesterone priming mitigates the occurrence of short cycles and immature oocyte maturation at the time of ovulation. Based on results from previous studies conducted by our laboratory, the source of progestin greatly determines the timing and concentration of P4 circulating in replacement heifers immediately following treatment. Additionally, the 7 & 7 estrous synchronization protocol has grown in popularity and implementation. This protocol when broken down is very similar to the pre-synchronization protocol our laboratory utilized for the first two studies. Several studies have been conducted to analyze the efficacy of the 7 & 7 and the conception data was comparable to the MGA derived protocol. Thus, one potential direction for the future would be to formulate a research study that compares the two protocols. Since the conception rates were similar, it may be hypothesized that the MGA protocol could be more widely accepted as there is a reduction number of times animals are handled.</p>

Forage quality, animal performance, and carcass traits of steers finished on winter annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) pasture with varying levels of corn supplementation

Roberts, Sean David, Kerth, Christopher R. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis(M.S.)--Auburn University, 2005. / Abstract. Vita. Includes bibliographic references.

Assessment of community health volunteers' knowledge regarding infant and young child feeding in Tewor District, Grand Cape Mount County, Liberia

Demissie, Shiferaw Dechasa 12 March 2013 (has links)
The objectives of the study were to determine infant and young child feeding (IYCF) knowledge of Household Health Promoters (HHPs) and examine its relationship with demographic characteristics. Quantitative, non-experimental descriptive design was used. Seventy-one randomly selected HHPs participated in the study. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. The results showed that the mean IYCF knowledge score was 77.8% (N=71). The knowledge of the respondents was not uniform across the components of IYCF which ranged between 19.72% for duration of breastfeeding to 100% for colostrums feeding. None of the socio-demographic characteristic was significantly associated to the mean knowledge score. The study identified that refresher training should be provided to the HHPs on IYCF with emphasis on the aspects of IYCF with scores below the mean / Health Studies

Efeito da suplementação com castanha-do-brasil (Bertholletia excelsa, H.B.K.) no estado nutricional de praticantes de capoeira em relação ao selênio / Effect of supplementation with Brazilian nuts (Bertholletia excelsa, H.B.K.) in the nutritional status of Selenium and it\'s activity in young adult capoeira players

Coutinho, Vanessa Fernandes 10 September 2003 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi estabelecer uma correlação entre o efeito da suplementação por meio da ingestão de castanhas-do-brasil (CS) com o estado nutricional de praticantes de capoeira em relação ao selênio (Se). A importância deste micronutriente foi evidenciada pela sua participação no sistema de proteção antioxidante, justificada pela incorporação de Se na glutationa peroxidase (E. C. Esta enzima catalisa a redução de hidroperóxidos e facilita a conversão de H2O2, protegendo o organismo contra o dano oxidativo, e outros efeitos prejudiciais das espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS). A atividade física proporciona um aumento no consumo de O2 e consequentemente maior produção de ROS, provocando estresse oxidativo. A pesquisa foi composta por 29 capoeiristas, residentes em São Paulo, com idade média de 21 anos para mulheres, e 24 para homens. O período médio de treinamento foi de 3,51 por semana e a duração de cada treinamento em média, foi de 109 minutes. O consumo médio de oxigênio (VO2 Máx.) foi de 41 ml/kg/min para as mulheres, e 48mllkg/min para os homens. A classificação do estado nutricional dos capoeiristas, de acordo com seu IMC foi normal (Organização Mundial de Saúde, 1995). Antes da suplementação, a ingestão usual de Se dos capoeiristas foi insatisfatória de acordo com a EAR e RDA. A concentração de Se no plasma e eritrócito aumentou depois da suplementação com CS (p<0,05), mas não houve correlação com o sexo dos participantes. A atividade enzimática da GPx também aumentou após a suplementação (p<0,05), demonstrando que a enzima é um sensível indicador do estado nutricional de Se, e não houve correlação em relação ao sexo dos participantes. Os resultados sugerem uma correlação positiva entre o efeito da suplementacão com CS e a concentração de Se e da atividade da enzima GPx (p< 0,05; R=0,72 para o plasma and R=85 para o eritrócito). / The purpose of this study was to establish a correlation between the effect of supplementation with Brazilian nuts (BN) with the nutritional status of Se and it\'s activity in young adult capoeira players. The biological importance of this oligoelement was evident by the participation in the \"antioxidant protection system\". It\'s antioxidant role is justified by its incorporation, as selenium, in the peroxidase glutathione (E.C. This enzyme catalyzes the reduction of organic hidroperoxides and facilitates the conversion of H2O2 protecting the organism against the oxidative damage, and other harmful effects of \"reactive oxygen species\" (ROS). The physical activity causes an increase in consumption of O2 and consequently high production of ROS, causing oxidative stress. The population has composed of 29 capoeira players resident in São Paulo, with a mean age of 21 women and 24 for men. The average training period was 3,51 per week and the duration of each training period was 109,46 minutes. The average oxygen consumption (VO2 Máx., ml/kg/min) was 41 for women and 48 for men. Nutritional status classification of the capoeira players (cap) according with World Health Organization (WHO): IMC (1995) was normal. Before supplementation the usual diet was unsatisfactory for selenium according to EAR and RDA (2000). The Se concentration of the plasma and erythrocyte increased after supplementation with Brazilian nuts (p< 0,05), but didn\'t correlated with the sex of the participants. GSH-Px enzymatic activity also increased after this supplementation (p< 0,05), showing that this enzyme is a sensitive marker of nutritional status of Se. Also we didn\'t found correlation with the sex of the participants. The results suggest a positive correlation between the effect of supplementation with BN and Se concentrations and the activity of the GSH-Px enzyme (p< 0,05; R=0,72 for the plasma and R=85 for the erythrocyte).

Efeito da suplementação de &#946;-caroteno sintético no DNA e no metabolismo de células hepáticas de ratos recebendo etanol / Effect of synthetic (&#946;-carotene supplementattion in the DNA and metabolism of hepatic cells of rats receiving ethanol

Zanuto, Marcia Elena 03 May 2005 (has links)
A suplementação de &#946;-caroteno em fumantes e alcoólatras pode promover efeitos indesejáveis, manifestando a característica pró-oxidante deste carotenóide. Sabendo que o fígado é o principal órgão de armazenamento de vitamina A e (&#946;-caroteno, e local de oxidação do etanol, o presente estudo buscou investigar no fígado de ratos, a influência da suplementação de (&#946;-caroteno isolado ou associado ao etanol, sobre o metabolismo celular, danos no DNA, proliferação celular e função da proteína p53. Os ratos receberam dietas líquidas contendo (&#946;-caroteno (24mg/L dieta) com (GAB) ou sem (GBC) a adição de etanol (36% da calorias totais da dieta) e dieta líquida normal (isenta de &#946;-caroteno e etanol) (GDN), durante seis semanas de período experimental. Após este período, os animais foram sacrificados para determinações hepáticas e plasmáticas de (&#946;-caroteno, retinol, palmitato de retinila, presença de esteatose, determinações hepáticas de SRATB e GSH, danos no DNA de hepatócitos e expressão do PCNA e da proteína p53. Os resultados mostraram diferenças (p<0,05) entre os grupos quanto as concentrações hepáticas de retinol (&#181;g/g) (GAB: 2,49 ± 0,25; GBC: 4,22 ± 0,24; GDN: 2,83 ± 0,21) e palmitato de retinila (&#181;g/g) (GAB: 40,87 ± 3,98; GBC: 83,72 ± 6,00; GDN: 46,33 ± 3,60), concentração plasmática de retinol (llmol/L) (GAB: 1,42 ± 0,12; GBC: 0,69 ± 0,06; GDN: 2,37 ± 0,28), presença de esteatose (GAB: 2,30 ± 0,21; GBC: 1,00 ± 0,00; GDN: 1,00 ± 0,00), danos no DNA de hepatócitos (danos DNA/100 hepatócitos) (GAB: 285,90 ± 15,20; GBC: 273,83 ± 13,39; GDN: 138,00 ± 4,04) e expressão do PCNA (%0) (GAB: 7,12 ± 1,46; GBC: 1,47 ± 0,27; GDN: 2,04 ± 0,31). As concentrações hepáticas e plasmáticas de &#946;-caroteno, SRATB e GSH hepáticos, não apresentaram diferença (p>0,05) entre os grupos. A proteína p53 não foi expressa em nenhum dos grupos estudados. Estes resultados mostraram que o (&#946;-caroteno isolado e em associação com o etanol não influenciaram na peroxidação lipídica e na expressão da proteína p53. A associação &#946;-caroteno + etanol foi mais prejudicial ao fígado, promovendo alterações no metabolismo celular dos hepatócitos, esteatose, danos no DNA e proliferação celular, considerando que o &#946;-caroteno isolado foi genotóxico ao hepatócito. / &#946;-carotene, when supplemented in smokers and alcohol drinkers may act as prooxidant, resulting in undesirable effects. The liver is the &#946;-carotene and vitamin A main storage organ and where ethanol oxidation takes place. This study investigated in rats\' liver, the influence of &#946;-carotene supplementation either alone or associated with ethanol in cellular metabolism, DNA damage, cellular proliferation and p53 protein function. Three groups of 12 rats received liquid diets containing &#946;-carotene (24mg/L diet) with (BAG) or without (CBG) ethanol (36% of total energy intake). Control animals received liquid diet free of ethanol and &#946;-carotene (NDG). After 6 weeks the animals were sacrificed for hepatic and plasma concentrations of &#946;-carotene, retinol, palmitate retinyl, steatosis, GSH and TBARS, DNA damage, PCNA and p53 expression were evaluated in the liver. Differences were significant for hepatic (BAG: 2.49 ± 0.25; CBG: 4.22 ± 0.24; NDG: 2.83 ± 0.21 mg/g) and plasmatic (BAG: 1.42 ± 0.12; CBG: 0.69 ± 0.06; NDG: 2,37 ± 0,28mmol/L) retinol and hepatic palmitate retinyl (BAG: 40.87 ± 3.98; CBG: 83.72 ± 6.00; NDG: 46.33 ± 3.60), steatosis (BAG: 2.30 ± 0.21; CBG: 1.00 ± 0.00; NDG: 1.00 ± 0.00), DNA damage (BAG: 285.90 ± 15.20; CBG: 273.83 ± 13.39; NDG: 138.00 ±4.04 DNA damages/100 hepatocytes) and PCNA expression (BAG: 7.12 ± 1.46; CBG: 1.47 ± 0.27; NDG: 2.04 ± 0.31) among the groups (p<0.05). Hepatic and plasmatic concentrations of &#946;carotene, TBARS and GSH were not statistically different. p53 staining was not detected in any group. This suggests that &#946;-carotene alone or with ethanol association does not influence lipid peroxidation and p53 expression. &#946;-carotene+ethanol caused metabolic alteration, steatosis, DNA damage and cellular proliferation in hepatocytes. Furthermore, supplementation with &#946;-carotene alone had genotoxic effects in the liver.

Avaliação da efetividade de programas de suplementação alimentar sobre o incremento ponderal de crianças em municípios do semi-árido baiano

D'Innocenzo, Silvana January 2006 (has links)
p. 1-102 / Submitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2013-05-09T17:13:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 11111.pdf: 667464 bytes, checksum: 7eeb7f3fec3fb2d8fd10e2ec52afe3fa (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Creuza Silva(mariakreuza@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-05-13T13:44:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 11111.pdf: 667464 bytes, checksum: 7eeb7f3fec3fb2d8fd10e2ec52afe3fa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-13T13:44:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 11111.pdf: 667464 bytes, checksum: 7eeb7f3fec3fb2d8fd10e2ec52afe3fa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / A desnutrição na infância é um importante problema de saúde em países em desenvolvimento. A suplementação alimentar tem sido adotada por esses países como estratégia de combate à desnutrição. Objetivo: Comparar o incremento ponderal de crianças desnutridas e em risco nutricional expostas a um programa (Incentivo ao Combate às Carências Nutricionais - ICCN) e a dois programas de suplementação alimentar (Incentivo ao Combate às Carências Nutricionais - ICCN + o Projeto Emergencial de Atendimento às Crianças Desnutridas - PEAD). Método: desenvolveu-se um estudo quase experimental em município do semi-árido baiano, envolvendo 454 crianças de 6 a 23 meses de idade ao ingressar no programa, acompanhadas entre julho de 1998 a dezembro de 1999. Construiu-se dois grupos de investigação: um composto de 235 crianças expostas exclusivamente ao Incentivo ao ICCN e o outro integrado por 219 crianças expostas aos dois programas se suplementação alimentar (ICCN+PEAD) e comparou-se o incremento ponderal do grupo duplamente suplementado com aquele do grupo beneficiado por apenas uma suplementação. Utilizou-se o indicador peso/idade, na forma continua, expresso em escore z, na avaliação do incremento ponderal. Na análise exploratória, a prevalência e a média com seus respectivos testes de associação, quiquadrado e teste T, foram empregados para caracterizar a população do estudo. Na análise multivariada, empregou-se a Equação de Estimação Generalizada para avaliar o incremento ponderal, utilizando-se as medições no 1º, 6º e 12º mês de acompanhamento. Aceitou-se como significante os coeficientes com p<0,05. Resultados: O valor médio do indicador peso/idade em um ano de acompanhamento foi negativo (-1,73) e significante (p<0,001). O incremento ponderal do grupo duplamente suplementado foi de 0,03 (p=0,689) z score (p=0,689). Conclusão: A inclusão da criança, simultaneamente, em dois programas de suplementação alimentar não resultou efetivamente na melhoria nutricional dos beneficiários não sendo, portanto, efetivo para conferir mudanças significantes no incremento ponderal. / Salvador

Assessment of community health volunteers' knowledge regarding infant and young child feeding in Tewor District, Grand Cape Mount County, Liberia

Demissie, Shiferaw Dechasa 12 March 2013 (has links)
The objectives of the study were to determine infant and young child feeding (IYCF) knowledge of Household Health Promoters (HHPs) and examine its relationship with demographic characteristics. Quantitative, non-experimental descriptive design was used. Seventy-one randomly selected HHPs participated in the study. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. The results showed that the mean IYCF knowledge score was 77.8% (N=71). The knowledge of the respondents was not uniform across the components of IYCF which ranged between 19.72% for duration of breastfeeding to 100% for colostrums feeding. None of the socio-demographic characteristic was significantly associated to the mean knowledge score. The study identified that refresher training should be provided to the HHPs on IYCF with emphasis on the aspects of IYCF with scores below the mean / Health Studies

Estudo meta-analítico do desempenho de bovinos de corte em pastagens tropicais / Meta-analytical study of the performance of beef cattle on tropical pastures

Tambara, Antônio Augusto Cortiana 02 March 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Animal performance was evaluated in bovine cattle livestock systems using tropical pasture based diets through a meta-analysis process, which included a database of scientific articles, dissertations and theses. Data was tabulated and categorized identifying the scientific work, the experiment, animals, animal performance, pasture, supplements and grazing. The conversion efficiency of supplement use was evaluated in the studies containing control (no supplementation), and calculated as the change in average daily gain of individual weight (CoEfADGan) or area (ha, CoEfADGha) per kg of supplement offered. Data distribution from a general database was assessed. To analyze the factors affecting animal performance variables the general database was sub-divided into two sub-bases, rainy and dry season. To evaluate the factors affecting animal performance variables data was weighted by n treatments and analysis of variance and covariance was used. The average daily gain of body weight per animal (ADGan, 0.870 vs. 0.611 kg / animal / day) and per hectare (ADGha vs. 5.76. 4.59 kg / ha / day), as well as daily animal load per hectare (DALha, 1483 vs. 1211 kg / ha / day) were higher (P <0.05) during the rainy season than during the dry season. During the rainy season, ADGan was lower in the genus Brachiaria and superior in the Panicum (P <0.05), but the DALha and ADGha were higher (P <0.05) in Cynodon. In dry season, ADGan was lower (P <0.05) in the Brachiaria than in Cynodon and Panicum, and ADGha was higher (P <0.05) in Panicum. In both dry and rainy seasons, ADGan, ADGha and DALha increased linearly (P <0.01) with increasing levels of supplementation, which ranged from zero to 1.6% of live weight (LW). The ADGan increased linearly (P <0.05) and DALha decreased linearly (P <0.05), while ADGha was quadratically (P <0.05) related to the increased availability of herbage. Animal performance was linear and positively correlated with leaf: stem proportion from pastures (P <0.05), both in the rainy and dry seasons. During the rainy season the best responses in ADGan and ADGha were obtained from the use of protein supplement compared with supplemental energy or proteinated salt (P <0.05), while the use of energy supplement enabled a higher DALha (P <0,05). During the dry season, ADGha was not affected by supplement type, but the best responses were obtained for ADGan with energy supplement (P <0.05) while protein supplementation, either through proteinated salt or protein supplement, was associated with a higher DALha (P <0.05). During the rainy season animal performance was quadratically (P <0.05) related to live weight (LW) of animals, and ADGan maximized in animals weighing about 380 kg and ADGha maximized in animals weighting about 400 kg. In the dry season, ADGan and ADGha were linearly and positively related animal LW (P <0.05). Pasture neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content ranged from 46 to 82% in dry matter (DM) and was quadratically related to ADGan (P <0.05) being that maximum gain was obtained with NDF content around 66%. Crude protein (CP) of pasture ranged from 1.9 to 21.6% in DM and was linear and positively correlated with ADGan (P <0.05). The ADGan was linear and negatively associated with the value obtained by the ratio between the content (% DM) of total digestible nutrients (TDN) and CP of pasture (P <0.05). Nitrogen fertilizer was linearly (P <0.05) associated with increased DALha, both in the rainy and dry seasons. The CoEfADGan and the CoEfADGha decreased lineally (P <0.05) with increasing animal LW during the rainy season, becoming negative from around 360 kg. In the rainy season as well as in the dry season, both efficiencies were also negatively (P <0.05) related to the CP content of pasture, being also negative from 10% CP, and positive and quadratically (P <0.05) related to the leaf: stem ratio of the pastures. Highest efficiencies were observed with leaf: stem ratio 3.7:1. During the dry season EfCoGMD and EfCoGAD decreased (P < 0.05) with the increasing the value obtained by the TDN: CP supplement ratio, becoming negative from 4,3:1. In conclusion, the meta-analysis enabled the identification of beef cattle performance in tropical pastures showing that it is influenced in an integrated manner by factors associated with several features such as climate, pasture, animal, handling and supplementation. However, the degree to which each factor influences animal performance could be more accuratelly assessed if publications were standardized and contained essential information regarding more detailed methodological descriptions and basic statistical information. / Foi avaliado o desempenho animal em sistemas pecuários bovinos utilizando dietas à base de pastagens tropicais através de processo meta-analítico, que incluiu na base de dados artigos científicos, dissertações e teses. Foram tabulados e categorizados dados de identificação do trabalho científico, do experimento, dos animais, do desempenho animal, da pastagem, dos suplementos e do método de pastejo. A eficiência de conversão do uso do suplemento foi avaliada nos estudos contendo tratamento testemunha (sem suplementação), e calculada como a variação do ganho médio diário de peso individual (EfCoGMD) ou por área (EfCoGAD) por kg de suplemento ofertado. Foi avaliada a distribuição dos dados da base geral e, para analisar os fatores que afetam as variáveis de desempenho animal, a base geral foi subdividida nas sub-bases águas e secas. Para avaliação dos fatores que afetam as variáveis de desempenho animal os dados foram ponderados pelo n dos tratamentos e utilizado análise de variância e covariância. O ganho médio de peso individual (GMD, 0,870 vs. 0,611 kg/animal/dia) e o ganho por área (GAD, 5,76 vs. 4,59 kg/ha/dia), assim como a carga animal (CAD, 1483 vs. 1211 kg/ha/dia) foram maiores (P<0,05) no período das águas que no período das secas. No período das águas o GMD foi menor na Brachiaria e superior no gênero Panicum (P<0,05), mas a CAD e GAD foram superiores (P<0,05) no Cynodon. Nas secas, o GMD foi menor (P<0,05) na Brachiaria que no Cynodon ou Panicum, e o GAD foi maior (P<0,05) no Panicum. Independentemente do período do ano, o GMD, o GAD e a CAD aumentaram linearmente (P<0,01) com o aumento do nível de suplementação, o qual variou de zero a 1,6% do peso vivo (PV). O GMD aumentou linearmente (P<0,05) e a CAD diminuiu linearmente (P<0,05), enquanto o GAD foi quadraticamente (P<0,05) relacionado com o aumento da oferta de forragem total. O desempenho animal foi linear e positivamente relacionado com proporção folha:colmo das pastagens (P<0,05), tanto no período das águas quanto no período das secas. No período das águas as melhores respostas em GMD e GAD foram obtidas com o uso de suplemento protéico quando comparado com suplemento energético ou sal proteinado (P<0,05), enquanto o uso de suplemento energético possibilitou maior CAD (P<0,05). No período das secas o GAD não foi afetado pelo tipo de suplemento, mas as melhores respostas para GMD foram obtidas com suplemento energético (P<0,05) enquanto que a suplementação proteica, seja através de sal proteinado ou suplemento proteico, foi relacionada com maior CAD (P<0,05). No período das águas o desempenho animal foi quadraticamente (P<0,05) relacionado com o peso vivo (PV) dos animais, sendo o GMD maximizado com animais pesando em torno de 380 kg e o GAD maximizado com animais de 400 kg. Nas secas o GMD e o GAD foram linear e positivamente relacionados com o PV dos animais (P<0,05). O teor de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) da pastagem variou de 46 a 82 % na matéria seca (MS) e foi quadraticamente relacionado com o GMD (P<0,05) sendo que o máximo GMD foi obtido com teor de FDN em torno de 66%. O teor de proteína bruta (PB) da pastagem variou de 1,9 a 21,6 % na MS e foi linear e positivamente relacionado com GMD (P<0,05). O GMD foi linear e negativamente associado com o valor obtido pela razão (relação) entre o teor (% na MS) de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT) e PB da pastagem (P<0,05). A adubação nitrogenada foi linearmente (P<0,05) relacionada com aumento da CAD tanto no período das águas como no período das secas. A EfCoGMD e a EfCoGAD diminuíram linearmente (P<0,05) com o aumento do PV dos animais no período das águas, passando a serem negativas a partir de em torno de 360 kg. Tanto nas águas como nas secas, ambas as eficiências também foram negativamente (P<0,05) relacionadas com o teor de PB da pastagem, passando a serem negativas a partir de 10% de PB, e positiva e quadraticamente (P<0,05) relacionadas com a relação folha:colmo das pastagens. Máximas eficiências foram observadas com relação folha:colmo em torno de 3,7:1. No período das secas a EfCoGMD e a EfCoGAD diminuíram linearmente (P<0,05) com o aumento do valor observado na relação NDT:PB do suplemento, passando a serem negativas a partir de 4,3:1. Em conclusão, a meta-análise possibilitou identificar que o desempenho de bovinos de corte em pastagens tropicais é influenciado de forma integrada por fatores associados às características do clima, das pastagens, dos animais, do manejo e da suplementação. Contudo, o grau de influência de cada fator seria melhor definido se as publicações nessa área de conhecimento fossem padronizadas e contivessem informações mínimas tanto em relação à descrição da metodologia como em relação à presença de informações estatísticas básicas.

Uso de Salinomicina e Virginiamicina na Alimentação de Bovinos de Corte à Pasto no Verão e no Inverno / Use of salinomycin and virginiamycin in feed for beef cattle raised on pasture in summer and winter

Ferreira, Sérgio Fernandes 21 June 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2014-10-30T19:03:54Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Sérgio Fernandes Ferreira - 2013.pdf: 1474988 bytes, checksum: cf686adb295132f42034584da756c318 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2014-10-31T12:06:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Sérgio Fernandes Ferreira - 2013.pdf: 1474988 bytes, checksum: cf686adb295132f42034584da756c318 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-31T12:06:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Sérgio Fernandes Ferreira - 2013.pdf: 1474988 bytes, checksum: cf686adb295132f42034584da756c318 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-21 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / The aimed was to include virginiamycin and salinomycin to supplement beef cattle growth in atropical grass base diet during rainy season. Experiment 1: A total of 45 animals, grouping on 15 maleNelore of the same contemporary group, in RBD distribution; rotational grazing system handled (Panicum maximum cv. Massai). Variables analyzed were SMC, DWG, biometric measurements, BCS and economic assessment. Experiment 2: 6 fistulated animals were used, Nellore males of the same contemporary group, distributed in LSD 3x3 replicated; rotational grazing system handled (Brachiariadecumbens) from 14h to 10h hours and the MS. Variables analyzed were MSC, rumen pH, ammonia, DM, NDF and ADF in siturumen degradability. For both experiments, three treatmentswereconsisted: control, mineral supplement by COMIGO - Cria61 - F2 (MS); virginiamycin: MS + virginiamycin (Phigrow ®) 100 mg / animal / day; salinomycin: MS + salinomycin (Posistac ®) 108 mg / animal / day. The results were analyzed by varianceanalysis and means were compared by Tukey test (P>05). The group control showed greater MSC (P <0.05), the virginiamycin group increased 25.4% in DWG (P <0.05), 0.583 kg / animal / day, compared to control (0.465 kg / animal / day), and 9.79% in relation to salinomycin (0.531 kg / animal / day) and that higher than the control14.2%. There was a reduction of 18.7% in the CSM to virginiamycin and salinomycin to 29.0% when comparing with the control. The virginiamycin was handling better financial efficiency: 26% higher than the control and 8.6% higher than salinomycin, and this, 16% higher than the control. There was no significant difference (P> 0.05) for MSC on rumen pH average(6.66, 6.61 and 6.56) and ammonia concentration (4,207, 4,238 and 3,892 mg N-NH3 / dL ) respectively for control, virginiamycin and salinomycin. The results for DM degradability and ADF, showed no significant difference (P <0.05) for analyzed variables. There was statistical differencesin NDF degradability (P> 0.05), virginiamycin had the highest degradability in 2 and 5% of passage rates, similar to control and greater than salinomycinin the 8% / hourrate. The virginiamycin and salinomycin can be linked toSM, however do not promote significant effects on ruminal pH, ammonia nitrogen values on DM e ADF degradability. But virginiamycin promoted greater effective degradability of NDF. The aimed was to include virginiamycin (VM) in two levels to energy-protein supplement (EPS) for beef cattle growth on a basic diet of tropical grass in the dry season. Experiment 1: A total of 45 animals were used, in groups of 15 maleNellore of the same contemporary group, randomly distributed in RB; in rotational grazing system handled (Tifton 85). Experiment 2: A total of 6 fistulatedNellore males of the same contemporary group, distributed in LSD 3x3 replicated. Animals were handled in a rotational grazing system (Brachiariadecumbens) in the dry season. Distributed into three treatments: control, COMIGO Mineral Supplement - Production - F.10 protein-energy (PES); VM 100: PES + VM (Phigrow ®) 108 mg / animal / day; VM 200: PES + VM (Phigrow® ) 216 mg / animal / day. Variables analyzed in in experiment 1 were PESC, DGW, biometric measurements and BCS and in experiment 2, PESC, rumen pH, ammonia, DM, NDF and ADF, in situ degradability. Results were analyzed by variance analysis and means were compared by Tukey test (P>0.05). There was no difference in ADG, PESC and biometric measurements (P <0.05), ADG for VM 200, 0,431, 0,391 and 100 VM control 0.398 kg / animal / day. There was no significant difference (P> 0.05) for PESC, in the overall rumen pHaverage (7.02, 7.04 and 7.06) and ammonia concentration (3,961, 3,876 and 4,147 mg N-NH3 / dL) respectively for control, VM 100 and VM 200 (P> 0.05). There was no significant difference (P <0.05) for any variables in DM, NDF and ADF degradability analyses. Virginiamycin inclusion caused greater supplementreduction on cattle on grazing pasture, and did not affect rumen pH, in rumen ammonia, dry matter and neutral detergent fiber and aciddegradability values. / A virgianamicina é um antibiótico não ionóforo e a salinomicina um antibiótico carboxílico poliéster ou simplesmente ionóforo, que têm sido usados como manipuladores ruminais para obtenção de melhores índices zootécnicos. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos no GMD, no consumo de suplemento, nas medidas biométricas, ECC e na eficiência econômica para 45 bovinos machos inteiros, Nelore criados em pasto de Panicum maximum CV. Massai no verão e Cynodon spp. no inverno; no pH ruminal, na concentração de nitrogênio amoniacal, no consumo de suplemento, na DISMS, DISFDN e DISFDA por 6 bovinos machos Nelore fistulados no rúmen criados em pasto de Brachiaria decumbens, com a inclusão de virginiamicina ou salinomicina veiculadas no suplemento mineral no período das águas e no suplemento proteico-energético no período seco do ano. Os tratamentos no período das águas foram constituidos: controle, apenas Suplemento Mineral COMIGO – CRIA 61 – F.2 (SM); virginiamicina = SM + virginiamicina (PhiGrow®) 100 mg/animal/dia; salinomicina = SM + salinomicina (Posistac®) 108 mg/animal/dia; e os tratamentos no período seco foram constituidos: controle, apenas Suplemento Mineral COMIGO Produção F.10 protéico-energético (SPE); VM 100 = SPE + 108 mg/animal/dia de virginiamicina; VM 200 = SPE + 216 mg/animal/dia de virginiamicina. No período das águas o grupo controle apresentou maior CSM (P>0,05), o grupo virginiamicina maior (P>0,05) GMD (0,583), seguido por salinomicina (0,531) e o grupo controle (0,465 kg/animal/dia). As medidas biométricas não apresentaram diferenças (P>0,05), sugerindo que haja uma mudança na composição do GMD entre os diferentes tecidos. A virginiamicina foi o tratamento de melhor eficiência financeira: 26% superior ao controle e 8,6% superior ao salinomicina, e este, 16% superior ao controle. Para os animais fistulados não houve diferença (P<0,05) para CSM, mas houve redução para os 3 tratamentos. Não houve diferença significativa na média global do pH ruminal e nitrogênio amoniacal (mg NNH3/ dL). Os resultados para DISMS e DISFDA, não apresentaram diferenças (P<0,05) para nenhuma das variáveis analisadas. Na degradabilidade da FDN houve diferenças estatísticas (P>0,05), a virginiamicina apresentou as maiores degradabilidade efetiva nas taxas de passagem de 2 e 5%, e semelhante ao controle e maior que salinomicina na taxa de 8%/hora. Para o período seco não houve diferenças para GMD, CSPE e para medidas biométricas (P<0,05), GMD para VM 200 de 0,431; VM 100 de 0,391 e controle de 0,398 kg/animal/dia. O uso de VM ao nível de 216 mg/ animal/ dia promoveu aumento da eficiência econômica. Para os animais fistulados não houve diferença (P>0,05) para CSPE, na média global do pH ruminal, 7,02 para controle, 7,04 para VM 100 e 7,06 para VM 200, e nitrogênio amoniacal (mg N-NH3/ dL), 3,961 para controle, 3,876 para VM 100 e 4,147 para VM 200 (P>0,05. Não houve diferença significativa (P>0,05) para nenhuma das variáveis analisadas na degradabilidade da MS, da FDN e da FDA, os valores observados sugerem que é necessário maior número de repetições para situações similares às realizadas nesta experimentação. Objetivou-se incluir a virginiamicina e a salinomicina ao suplemento para bovinos de corte em crescimento com dieta base de gramínea tropical no período das águas. Experimento 1: foram utilizados 45 animais, grupos de 15 animais machos Nelore de mesmo grupo contemporâneo, distribuídos em DBC; manejados em sistema de lotação rotacionada (Panicum maximum cv. Massai). As variáveis analisadas foram o CSM, GMD, medidas biométricas, ECC e apreciação econômica. Experimento 2: foram utilizados 6 animais fistulados no rúmen, machos Nelore de mesmo grupo contemporâneo, distribuídos em DQL 3x3 replicado; manejados em sistema de lotação rotacionada (Brachiaria decumbens) das 14 às 10 horas e ao SM. As variáveis analisadas foram o CSM, pH ruminal, nitrogênio amoniacal, degradabilidade ruminal in situ da MS, FDN e FDA. Para ambos os experimentos, foram constituídos três tratamentos: controle, apenas suplemento mineral COMIGO – Cria 61 – F2 (SM); virginiamicina: SM + virginiamicina (Phigrow®) 100 mg/animal/dia; salinomicina: SM + salinomicina (Posistac®) 108 mg/animal/dia. Os resultados foram interpretados por meio de análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (P>0,05). O grupo controle apresentou maior CSM (P<0,05), o grupo virginiamicina acréscimo de 25,4% no GMD (P<0,05), 0,583 kg/ animal/ dia, em relação ao controle (0,465 kg/ animal/ dia), e 9,79% em relação ao salinomicina (0,531 kg/animal/dia), e este 14,2% superior ao controle. Houve redução de 18,7% no CSM para virginiamicina e 29,0% para salinomicina ao comparar com o controle. A virginiamicina foi o tratamento de melhor eficiência financeira: 26% superior ao controle e 8,6% superior ao salinomicina, e este, 16% superior ao controle. Não houve diferença significativa (P>0,05) para CSM, na média do pH ruminal (6,66, 6,61 e 6,56) e da concentração de nitrogênio amoniacal (4,207, 4,238 e 3,892 mg N-NH3/ dL) respectivamente para controle, virginiamicina e salinomicina. Os resultados para a degradabilidade da MS e FDA, não apresentaram diferença significativa (P<0,05) para as variáveis analisadas. Na degradabilidade da FDN houve diferenças estatísticas (P>0,05), a virginiamicina apresentou as maiores degradabilidade efetiva nas taxas de passagem de 2 e 5%, e semelhante ao controle e maior que salinomicina na taxa de 8%/hora. A virginiamicina e a salinomicina, podem ser veiculados ao SM, contudo não promovem efeitos significativos nos valores do pH ruminal, do nitrogênio amoniacal, na degradabilidade da MS e da FDA. Mas a virginiamicina promoveu maior degradabilidade efetiva da FDN. Objetivou-se incluir em dois níveis a virginiamicina (VM), ao suplemento proteicoenergético (SPE) para bovinos de corte em crescimento com dieta base de gramínea tropical no período seco do ano. Experimento 1: Foram utilizados 45 animais, grupos de 15 animais machos Nelore de mesmo grupo contemporâneo, distribuídos aleatoriamente em DBC; manejados em sistema de lotação rotacionada (Tifton 85). Experimento 2: Foram utilizados 6 animais fistulados no rúmen, machos Nelore de mesmo grupo contemporâneo, distribuídos em DQL 3x3 replicado. Os animais foram manejados em sistema de lotação rotacionada (Brachiaria decumbens) diferida no período seco do ano. Foram constituídos três tratamentos: controle: apenas Suplemento Mineral COMIGO – Produção – F.10 proteico-energético (SPE); VM 100: SPE + VM (Phigrow®) 108 mg/animal/dia; VM 200: SPE + VM (Phigrow®) 216 mg/animal/dia. As variáveis analisadas foram o CSPE, GMD, medidas biométricas e ECC no experimento 1 e o CSM, pH ruminal, nitrogênio amoniacal, degradabilidade ruminal in situ da MS, FDN e FDA no experimento 2. Os resultados foram interpretados por meio de análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (P>0,05). Não houve diferença para GMD, CSPE e para medidas biométricas (P<0,05), GMD para VM 200 de 0,431; VM 100 de 0,391 e controle de 0,398 kg/animal/dia. Não houve diferença significativa (P>0,05) para CSPE, na média global do pH ruminal (7,02, 7,04 e 7,06) e da concentração de nitrogênio amoniacal (3,961; 3,876 e 4,147 mg NNH3/ dL) respectivamente para controle, VM 100 e VM 200 (P>0,05). Não houve diferença significativa (P<0,05) para nenhuma das variáveis analisadas na degradabilidade da MS, da FDN e da FDA. A inclusão de virginiamicina promoveu acentuada redução no consumo do suplemento em bovinos sob pastejo diferido e não influenciou os valores do pH ruminal, nas concentrações de nitrogênio amoniacal no rúmen, na degradabilidade da matéria seca e das fibras em detergente neutro ou ácido.

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