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Odůvodnění soudních rozhodnutí evropských soudů / Reasoning in the judgements of European courtsVilímková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
This thesis concerns the topic of legal reasoning in the judgements of European courts. The first part of the paper presents the analysis of the theoretical aspects of legal reasoning, specifically the legal obligation for this practice, as well as an examination of the origins and arguments for the existence of this obligation. Furthermore, the way that the legal reasonings are embedded in the law of the Czech Republic, and in EU legislation, is discussed and examined in detail. The final part of the paper consists of a comparison of legal reasonings of the Czech courts and the European Court of Justice. The relevant aspects of the legal reasoning are explained with regard to the practice of two European courts: European Court of Justice and Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic, respectively.
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Náhrady při újmě na životě a zdraví s ohledem na rekodifikaci soukromého práva / Compensation for personal injury to life and health with regard to the recodification of private lawPavlová, Karolína January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the approximation of law of compensation for bodily harm and death, and evaluation of its development especially in connection with the recodification of private law. The main objective of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview with emphasis on the most significant changes that occurred in connection with the recodification, and its evaluation. The first chapter deals with theoretical basis of the duty to provide compensation for harm, since the formation of such a duty is a prerequisite for granting compensation. Besides the reasons that lead to the formation of the duty, individual pre-conditions of the duty are discussed as well. These pre-conditions are unlawful act, formation of the damage, causality and fault. The second chapter deals with the concept of harm which replaced the previously more often used term damage. In addition, the second chapter also includes a general introduction to the compensation for bodily harm and death, which is related to the following chapters. The third chapter is a key point of the whole thesis, as the recodification of private law influenced the most compensation of non-pecuniary damage for bodily harm and death. The principle of full compensation for suffered harm, hence the expiation of such harm according to the...
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Postavení a činnost státního zastupitelství v trestním řízení / The status and activities of the prosecution in criminal proceedingsZoufalá, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
This thesis on The Role and Activities of the Prosecuting Attorney in Criminal Proceedings attempts to comprehensively analyse the role and activities of the prosecuting attorney within the Czech legal regulations of prosecuting attorneys whereas the prosecuting attorney is a completely irreplaceable party within criminal proceedings. His role in criminal proceedings is highly significant and he is able to affect criminal proceedings through his activities more than anyone else. This thesis is mainly focused on the comparison of the actual Public Prosecutions Act and the legislative intention of a new Public Prosecutions Act. The thesis finds the positives and negatives of the prepared act and shows them in conclusion. This thesis is composed of four chapters, some of them further subdivided into parts and subparts. Chapter One is introductory and describes the historical progression of public prosecution in the Czech state as well as in other states of Europe. The Chapter is subdivided into four parts where every part illustrates a different historical period. Part Two consists of four subparts. Chapter Two deals with the constitutional definition of a prosecuting attorney. Chapter Two is not subdivided into parts. Chapter Three is subdivided into five parts and provides an outline of the main...
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Dovolání / Extraordinary AppealMarada, Radim January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to the issues associated with an extraordinary appeal in criminal proceedings. An extraordinary appeal is an extraordinary remedial measure by which final decision of the court may be contested if the court decided in the second instance and the law permits it. The chapter seventeen of the Rules of Criminal Procedure consists of 18 sections which represent the main source of law to this extraordinary remedial measure. The thesis focuses on their analysis while taking the literature and case law into account. Therefore, the paper aims to point out the problematic aspects of corresponding sections and case law that determine the conditions by which an extraordinary appeal may be lodged and processed. Naturally, the paper also seeks to convey the ideas of solving the particular problems in which its readers have been introduced in the thesis. Brief comparsion to the rest of the remedial measures contained in the Rules of Criminal Procedure is also presented. The thesis consists of the introduction, nine individual chapters and the conclusion. The individual chapters are divided into subsections to make the content of the paper easier to be oriented within. The first chapter deals with the conditions of admissibility of an extraordinary appeal. The term decision on the merits is...
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L'iconographie des divinités féminines hindoues au Bengale de la préhistoire au XIIᵉ siècle / The iconography of Hindu goddesses in Bengal from the prehistory period up to the 12th centuryChamoret, Suzanne 14 December 2017 (has links)
Les représentations des divinités féminines hindoues mises au jour au Bengale, stèles et statues de pierre ou de métal, ont été analysées à partir d'un corpus d'un peu plus de trois cents œuvres que nous avons collectées dans les musées indiens, bangladais et occidentaux, mais aussi dans les catalogues, études et publications diverses. L'étude iconographique sera faite par une mise en perspective des images, de l'épigraphie, de la littérature et des concepts théologiques exprimés dans les textes sacrés. La première partie de cette recherche est une étude chronologique consacrée (1) à l'étude des plaques de terre cuite produites au Bengale entre le IIIᵉ siècle av. notre ère et le IIᵉ après qui représentent divers personnages féminins portant déjà pour certains les caractéristiques iconographiques de la divinité telles qu'on les trouvera sur les images ultérieures, et (2) à l'apparition et au développement de la parèdre de Śiva dans son rôle d'épouse : à partir du IXᵉ siècle et jusqu'au XIIᵉ siècle, c'est en effet la Déesse, śakti du dieu, qui est omniprésente. Les déesses viṣṇuites n'occupent qu'une infime partie du corpus. Dans la deuxième partie, ce sont les formes redoutables de la Déesse śivaïte, Durgā siṃhavāhinī, Mahiṣāsuramardinī et Cāmuṇḍā/Kālī qui sont analysées. Les déesses serpents gardent leur spécificité malgré leur intégration dans le panthéon śivaïte. L'étude stylistique des images permet d'identifier le développement des différentes écoles de la région avec, à partir des XIᵉ et XIIᵉ siècles, une différence notable entre les stèles à la décoration foisonnante du nord-ouest du Bengale et celles dépouillées et empreintes de spiritualité de la région de Dhaka devenue le centre du pouvoir sous les Sena. Cette étude iconographique permet de constater que de la bhakti apparue à l'époque des Épopées, aux cultes tantriques ésotériques les plus transgressifs, le Bengale médiéval a beaucoup développé les cultes śākta en l'honneur de la Déesse Suprême rattachée au panthéon śivaïte : les courants orthodoxes, kaula et Trika non dualistes, et peut-être Nātha ont pu être identifiés. Mais quelle que soit la voie choisie, le but de l'adepte reste le même, la libération, mokṣa, et la fusion avec la Déesse Suprême. / The production in Bengal of stone stelae and stone and metal statues representing Hindu Goddesses, dated from prehistory up to the twelfth century was assembled in a collection of more than three hundred pieces from the museums in India, Bangladesh and Western countries, from catalogues and from other scholar research publications. The purpose of this doctoral dissertation is the analysis of the collection.The first part of this research is a chronological approach. Between the third century B.C. and the second century A.D., there was an important production of terracotta plaques with feminine figurines but it is difficult to say whether they were modeled for decoration or for cult purposes. Later, other than some beautiful terracotta statues representing Mahiṣāsuramardinī and snake goddesses dated around the fifth century, there is a paucity of images until the eighth century. The pieces dating from the ninth up to the twelfth century in the collection are quite all images of the Goddess, Śiva's śakti and wife, and the stelae are quite all narratives and dedicated to orthodox cults.The second part of the research is a more detailed analysis of the fearsome forms of the Goddess: Durgā siṃhavāhinī, Mahiṣāsuramardinī, Cāmuṇḍā; the snake goddesses, although being incorporated within the Śaiva pantheon, keep a specific role.Stylistic elements facilitate the identification of several schools of sculpture, with, by the eleventh and twelfth centuries, a substantial difference between the abundance of decorative elements on the stelae from North-West of Bengal and the bare style of those conceived in the area of Dhaka.From a religious point of view, an evolution from the narrative to the esoteric tantric images shows different types of beliefs and śākta cults: orthodox, non dualist kaula and Trika, and may be Nātha, being understood that whichever way is chosen, the goal remains the same: mokṣa and merge within the Supreme Goddess.
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Estratégias de captura de renda por sobrepreço e medidas corretivas na consolidação do assunto pelo Tribunal de Contas da União brasileiro / Overpricing rent-seeking strategies and corrective mesures for matter consolidation by the Brazilian Supreme Audit CourtTarsitano, Fernanda Anselmo 10 August 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa analisa um conjunto de 76 decisões proferidas pelo Tribunal de Contas da União Brasileiro, relativas às irregularidades de sobrepreço em contratos de obras publicas federais licitadas e executadas, com o objetivo de identificar estratégias de captura de renda e as respostas da Corte de contas. Estas decisões são denominadas de acórdãos e foram selecionadas pelo próprio Tribunal para servirem de paradigma para futuras decisões. A pesquisa identificou 4 diferentes estratégias de captura de renda envolvendo manipulação de índices referenciais de preço de itens unitários e verificou que as determinações contidas nos acórdãos analisados limitam-se a corrigir a irregularidade e a penalizar os responsáveis com multas previamente conhecidas. / The study analyzes 76 decisions made by the Brazilian Supreme Audit Court, regarding overpricing irregularities in public bidding contracting for federal construction and execution, in order to identify rent-seeking strategies and Court responses. These decisions are called \"acórdãos\" and they were selected by the Supreme Audit Court to guide future decision making. The study identified 4 different rent-seeking strategies involving the manipulation of price reference indexes for unit items and it also verified that the decisions are limited to correct the irregularity and to penalize the responsible ones with prior known fines.
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A judicialização da política: o poder judiciário e a definição de políticas nacionais / The judicialization of politics: the Judiciary in the national policy-makingVecchia Neto, Berardino Di 05 May 2014 (has links)
O papel desempenhado pelo Poder Judiciário nos mais diversos Estados passa por sensível evolução ao longo do século XX, à medida que se desenvolveram os sistemas de controle de constitucionalidade. De um lado, os atores políticos assumem especial importância nesse processo. Os modelos de revisão judicial foram reforçados, no mais das vezes, em paralelo à positivação, em âmbito constitucional, de um amplo rol de direitos fundamentais e de princípios balizadores e limitadores do poder estatal. Com isso, os elementos cotejados no processo legislativo de tomada de decisões políticas são revestidos de status constitucional e transportados para o discurso argumentativo do Direito, o que leva a um processo de judicialização da Política que permite que a atividade legiferante seja passível de confronto perante instâncias judiciárias. Os instrumentos de controle de constitucionalidade assumem, assim, novos contornos, permitindo que o Judiciário interfira no conteúdo das escolhas políticas feitas pela maioria governante. De outro lado, o Poder Judiciário particularmente as Cortes Constitucionais passa a assumir a corresponsabilidade na efetivação das metas e compromissos estatais, com o que desenvolve uma política institucional mais proativa e comprometida com a concretização substancial de valores democráticos, interferindo, assim, de maneira mais incisiva e rígida no controle do processo político. A definição de políticas fundamentais e o processo legiferante passam a contar com constante participação do Judiciário. Na realidade brasileira, a Constituição de 1988 amplia as competência do Supremo Tribunal Federal em sede de controle de constitucionalidade, inserindo o órgão de maneira efetiva nesse contexto de intervenção judicial na Política. A última década, por sua vez, marcou uma perceptível mudança em sua atividade e em sua interferência no processo de tomada de decisões políticas pelos demais Poderes. Valendo-se dos diversos instrumentos de controle que lhe são disponibilizados, assumiu o compromisso de participar na efetivação dos preceitos constitucionais pátrios mediante a revisão do conteúdo normativo decorrente das escolhas políticas tomadas em outras instâncias. Desse modo, tornou-se verdadeiro copartícipe do processo de definição de políticas legislativas nacionais, seja rechaçando normas que repute inconstitucionais, seja proferindo decisões com claros efeitos normativos que buscam readequar e conformar as escolhas dos atores políticos. Nesse processo decisório, entra em jogo a intensidade com que a Corte busca impor sua visão e suas concepções no tocante à efetivação e concretização dos compromissos constitucionais. A sobreposição de ponderações judiciais e legislativas acarreta, a seu turno, importantes efeitos sistêmicos ao diálogo interinstitucional que se desenvolve entre os Poderes, em especial no que concerne à distribuição das funções estatais dentro das premissas democráticas e ao dimensionamento do papel que compete a cada um dos Poderes no processo de efetivação e proteção da Constituição. / The role played by the Judiciary Branch in the several different States has undergone a sensible evolution throughout the 20th century to the extent that the judicial review systems develop. On the one side, the political actors assume special importance in this process. The models of judicial review have been reinforced, often times, in parallel with the enactment, in the constitutional level, of an ample list of fundamental rights and principles governing and limiting the state power. Therefore, the elements collated in the legislative process of taking political decisions are vested with constitutional status and transported to the argumentative discourse of Law, which leads to a process of judicialization of politics that allows the legislative activity to be subject to confrontation with judiciary instances. The instruments of judicial review assume, therefore, new contours allowing the Judiciary to interfere in the content of the political choices made by the governing majority. On the other side, the Judiciary Branch, and particularly the Constitutional Courts, begins to assume the co-responsibility in the effectiveness of the state goals and undertakings, resulting in the development of an institutional policy more proactive and committed to the substantial concretization of democratic values, thus interfering, in a more incisive and rigid manner, in the control of the political process. The definition of fundamental policies and the lawmaking process start to count with the participation of the Judiciary. In the Brazilian reality, the 1988 Constitution has enlarged the competence of the Brazilian Supreme Court in matters of judicial review, inserting this organ in an effective manner in the context of judicial intervention in politics. The last decade, in turn, has marked a perceptible change in its activity and in its interference in the process of decision-making political decisions by the remainder Branches of the State. By using the diverse instruments of control available to it, it has assumed the undertaking to participate in the effectiveness of the national constitutional principles by means of the review of the normative content arising from the political choices made in other instances. Therefore, it has become a true co-participant in the process of defining national legislative policy, be it by rejecting norms which it reputes unconstitutional, or by enacting decisions with clear normative effects that seek to realign and conform the choices of the political actors. In this decision-making process, comes into play the intensity with which the Court seeks to impose its view and its conceptions regarding the effectiveness and concretization of the constitutional undertakings. The overlap of judicial and legislative considerations triggers, in its turn, important systemic effects in the inter-institutions dialogue developing among the Branches, particularly with regard to the distribution of the state functions within the democratic premises and the dimension of the role played by each Branch in the effectiveness and protection of the Constitution.
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Metódica estruturante e ordem econômica: análise de argumentos da jurisdiprudência do STF / Structuring methodic and economic order: analysis of arguments from Brazilian Supreme Court decisionsMaluf Júnior, João 23 April 2013 (has links)
A chamada hermenêutica tradicional tem se mostrado impotente desde a Constituição de Weimar em acompanhar e explicar a transformação por que passaram as Constituições no século XX. Por outro lado, a moderna metodologia de interpretação da Constituição ampliou demasiadamente a importância do fator político, empobrecendo a consistência jurídica da Constituição, conduzindo a sua concretização a um estado de crise. Porém, não é possível desprezar as novas metodologias, especialmente naqueles países onde a democracia está longe de resolver as questões sociais. A Metódica Estruturante de Friedrich Müller, inserindo-se no rol das novas metodologias, intenta superar a deficiência verificada nas modernas teorias, assim como nas teorias tradicionais. Desenvolveu-se ela com base na experiência constitucional alemã e tratou de inúmeros temas da teoria jurídica, aproveitando o presente trabalho apenas o núcleo metodológico principal dessa teoria, a sua metódica jurídica, que consiste precisamente em uma particular concepção de estrutura da norma, que se revela num processo de concreção normativa. Pretende-se realizar o estudo dessa metódica, aplicando-a às decisões proferidas pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal no âmbito da ordem econômica, de modo a verificar conclusivamente a conformidade ou não dessa teoria com o modo como os magistrados da Corte Suprema estruturam seus votos. Assim, o objeto de trabalho da análise é a argumentação jurídica e a pergunta que se fará é, por um lado, em que medida a metódica estruturante descreve a organização argumentativa das decisões do STF e, de outro lado, em que medida apresenta-se estruturada a argumentação jurídica das decisões do STF à luz da metódica. Ao final, conclui-se que as decisões proferidas pelo Supremo não adotam um padrão de organização que siga um modelo estruturado como aquele erigido pela Metódica Estruturante / Since the Weimar Constitution, the so called Traditional Hermeneutics has been incapable of dealing with the changes occurred in the XX century constitutions. On the other hand, the modern theories have excessively enlarged the boundaries of interpretation, leading to a critical situation in this sector. Friedrich Müller theory, in spite of being a modern theory, intends to overcome these mentioned deficiencies. It was developed within the German constitutional experience and only the main core of it, the law methodic, will be important for the purposes of this work. Therefore, the objective of this work is to apply Müllers law methodic to the decisions taken by the Brazilian Supreme Court in the field of constitutional economic order. At the end, the work concluded that the Brazilian Supreme Court decisions, in the field of the constitutional economic order, do not comply with a structural model of decisions like the one developed by Friedrich Müller.
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O controle de constitucionalidade finalístico / Teleological constitutionality controlViana, Felipe Benedito 21 May 2010 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo o estudo do controle de constitucionalidade que envolve finalidades. Nesse âmbito, o trabalho pretende identificar e analisar quais as principais relações que as finalidades nutrem com as normas jurídicas e com outras finalidades; que fatores exercem influência sobre essas relações; qual a posição do legislador ordinário em face das finalidades da Constituição; e quais os tipos de raciocínio de que se vale o julgador ao lidar com fins. Para tanto, com arrimo na doutrina e na jurisprudência, a dissertação desenvolve certas distinções, tais como: finalidades contidas nas normas e finalidades justificantes das normas; normas-comando e normas-fim; valores e estados de coisas; relações conceituais e relações causais; promoção e restrição; oposição e divergência; interpretação e concretização, além de procurar estabelecer alguns critérios mínimos para a decisão no controle finalístico. Com base nos conceitos trabalhados, estuda-se o chamado desvio de poder legislativo. Com o fito de aplicar e exemplificar as ideias desenvolvidas, coletam-se manifestações de ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal em litígios submetidos a sua apreciação. Relaciona-se sucintamente, por fim, o tema principal com os temas: controle incidental, efeitos da decisão e natureza da inconstitucionalidade / This dissertation aims to study the constitutionality control that involves finalities. In this extent, the work intends to identify and analyze which are the main relationships that finalities maintain with juridical norms and other finalities; which factors influence these relationships; which is the position of ordinary legislator in view of Constitution; and what kinds of reasoning the judge apply when dealing with ends. To perform this task, with the support of doctrine and jurisprudence, the dissertation develops some distinctions as: finalities contained in norms and finalities that justify norms; command-norms and endnorms; values and states of affairs; conceptual relationships and causal relationships; promotion and restriction; opposition and divergence; interpretation and concretization, besides attempting to establish some minimum criteria to the decision in finalistic control. On the basis of these concepts, the work studies the so-called deviation of legislative power. In order to apply and exemplify the developed ideas, there are selected some manifestations of judges from Supreme Federal Court in disputes submitted to their appreciation. At last, the dissertation briefly relates the main theme to the following themes: incidental control, decision effects and nature of unconstitutionality.
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As \'ondas\' do discurso: um estudo crítico da representação da Ordem Social pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal / The waves of discourse: a study of Brazilian social order by its Federal Supreme CourtMedeiros, Breno Wilson Leite 05 November 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo geral amparar filosoficamente a Análise Crítica do Discurso de linha sociocognitiva proposta por van Dijk. Neste contexto, busca-se identificar a articulação do lógos através de metáforas geométricas do discurso, presentes na Teoria Multidisciplinar da Ideologia e na Teoria do Contexto desse autor, com a tradição filosófica da linguagem representada pela metáfora das ondas do discurso, presentes na obra a Vertente Grega da Gramática Tradicional, de Maria Helena de Moura Neves, e nas reflexões do Círculo de Bakhtin. Os objetivos específicos são a depreensão da representação da Ordem Social brasileira pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal e do éthos do STF através da análise do discurso de notícias publicadas por este ator social a respeito da ADPF 54. Entre os achados mais significativos, identificamos a articulação feita por van Dijk do triângulo para a instância social do discurso, o quadrado como a referência da instância do texto, e um movimento em círculos concêntricos para referir-se ao objeto do discurso. O STF refere-se ao movimento social como correntes e projetou um éthos conciliador no sentido de permitir que correntes contrarias entre si pudessem propagar as ondas do seu discurso dentro e fora do Supremo. / The present dissertation has the primary goal to philosophically support the socio-cognitive line of the Critical Discourse Analysis proposed by van Dijk. In this context, we seek to identify the lógos articulation through the discourses geometric metaphors, introduced on The Multidisciplinary approach of Ideology and Theory of Context by this author, and the philosophic tradition of language represented by the waves of discourse metaphor presented on the work Vertente Grega da Gramática Tradicional by Maria Helena de Moura Neves and theBakhtin Circles thoughts. The specific goals are to apprehend the Brazilian Social Order representation by its Federal Supreme Court (STF, from the portuguese) and the STFs éthos through the discourse analysis of news published by this social actor with respect to ADPF 54 process. Among the most significant findings, we identified the articulation done by van Dijk of the triangle by the social discourse instance, the square as the reference of the text instance, and a movement in concentric circles to refer to the object of discourse. The STF refers to the social movement as chains and projected a conciliatory éthos in the sense of allowing that chains opposed to each other could propagate their waves of discourse inside and outside the Brazilian Supreme Court.
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