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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Colored Bodies Matter: The Relationships Between Our Bodies & Power

Olurin, Olayemi 15 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.

La place du procès équitable dans la justice pénale marocaine / Fair trial in the Moroccan criminal justice

Dalil Essakali, Moulay Abdeljalil 16 September 2014 (has links)
Actuellement, au Maroc, les conditions d’un procès pénal équitable semblent réunies. Pour aller vers sa protection effective, l’article 1er du Code de procédure pénale de 2002 stipule que « Toute personne accusée ou suspectée d’avoir commis une infraction est présumée innocente jusqu’à ce que sa culpabilité ait été juridiquement établie par une décision ayant acquis la force de la chose jugée, à l’issue d’un procès équitable où toutes les garanties légales sont réunies. Le doute profite à l’accusée ». Seulement, ces principes sont remises en cause par les procès-verbaux faisant foi jusqu’à inscription de faux ou vérification d’écriture. Ils sont enfin par toutes les dispositions procédurales qui excluent tout effet de l’intime conviction du juge soit en accordant une force probante particulière à certains modes de preuve soit en précisant à l’avance le moyen de preuve qui seul permet d’établir l’existence d’une infraction donnée. Certes, il n’est pas toujours facile pour un juge de déterminer l’authenticité et la loyauté des procès-verbaux. Mais les normes internationales sont une source de conseils sur la façon d’apprécier la loyauté des preuves. Pour éviter que de telles pratiques ne soient légalement autorisées, les juges marocains doivent accomplir leur mission aux yeux de la loi et exclure toute preuve arrachée par la contrainte ou la violence. Tout acte de procédure accompli en dehors de la loi ou en violation des modalités qu’elle précise doit pouvoir être sanctionné et exclu de la suite du procès (perquisitions irrégulières, interrogatoires sous contrainte, arrestations illégales, arbitraires ou secrètes…). Les atteintes inévitables aux droits de l’individu pendant l’enquête, la poursuite et l’instruction (privation de liberté, violation du secret de la correspondance et des communications, perquisitions au domicile et sur le lieu de travail, saisie des pièces à conviction...) doivent être limitées par la loi, scrupuleusement définies dans leurs conditions ainsi que dans les effets qu’ils produisent et doivent pouvoir faire l’objet d’une contestation devant un juge. Si les juges marocains prenaient ce devoir et ces principes au sérieux, les juges marocains porteraient un grand coup non seulement en faveur de l’équité des procès, mais aussi contre la torture et les mauvais traitements. / Currently, in Morocco, the conditions of an equitable criminal trial seem joined together. To go towards its effective protection, the article 1st of the Criminal procedure code of 2002 stipulates that: “Any person marked or suspected to have made an infringement is supposed innocent until its culpability was legally established by a decision having acquired the force of the judged thing, at the conclusion of a fair trial where all the legal warranties are joined together. The doubt benefits the defendant". Only, these principles are reconsiderations by the official reports being taken until registration of forgery or checking of writing. They are finally by all the procedural provisions which exclude any effect of the inward conviction from the judge is by granting a conclusive force particular to certain modes of proof is by specifying in advance the means of proof which only makes it possible to establish the existence of a given infringement. Admittedly, it is not always easy for a judge to determine the authenticity and the honesty of the official reports. But the international standards are a source of advices on the way of appreciating the honesty of the evidence. To prevent that such practices are not legally authorized. The Moroccan judges must achieve their mission with the eyes of the law and exclude any proof torn off by the constraint or violence. Any procedural document achieved apart from the law or in violation of the methods which it specifies must be able to (irregular searches, interrogations under constraint, illegal, arbitrary or secret arrests…). Inevitable infringements of the rights of the individual during the investigation, the continuation and the instruction (loss of liberty, violation of the secrecy of the correspondence and the communications, searches in the residence and on the workplace, seizure of the incriminating evidences…) must be limited by the law, scrupulously defined under their conditions as in the effects which they produce and must be able to be the object of a dispute in front of a judge. If the Moroccan judges took this duty and these principles with the serious one, the Moroccan judges would deal a great blow not only in favour of equity of the lawsuits, but also against torture and the ill-treatments.

L'impact du Nouveau Roman sur la Littérature Persane, étude sur la nouveauté romanesque chez Houshang Golshiri / The Influence of New Novel on Persian Literature. A Survey on the issue of newness in novel in Houshang Golshiri’s works

Kalbassi, Elahe 23 February 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde, sous un angle comparatif, l’impact du Nouveau Roman français sur la littérature persane. Nous circonscrirons notre étude à la période contemporaine, les années 1340-1350 (1960-1970), en nous penchant sur l'apport des médias comme Djong-e Esfahan, en 1344 (1965) et de la traduction, qui contribuent à transmettre les nouveautés littéraires aux nouveaux romanciers de la Perse. Cette étude se penche sur l’apparition du Nouveau Roman comme bouleversement des codes et conventions traditionnelles littéraires. Dorénavant, le refus du pastiche et de l'imitation encourage les nouveaux romanciers à développer, dans le champ romanesque, une nouvelle esthétique de l’écriture. Nous nous concentrerons principalement sur le parallèle entre l'écriture de Golshiri, et celle de Robbe-Grillet, dont le premier s'est relativement inspiré.A cet égard, nous considérons quelques pistes romanesques de ces pionniers du Nouveau Roman, comme support à notre étude comparative. Leur transformation de la lecture passive traditionnelle, en une activité plus dynamique que jamais, nous mène à évaluer le nouveau statut du lecteur contemporain, piégé dans l’aventure de l’écriture. Les œuvres littéraires étudiées dans cette thèse se situent à la croisée d’une étude esthétique sur la forme narrative du texte et la prédominance de l’écriture sur le sens. Nous analyserons les procédés de mise en valeur du langage utilisés, et les modifications subies par ces nouveaux apports techniques du texte littéraire. Grâce à l’étude des œuvres du corpus, nous analyserons, de manière comparative, les enjeux qui existent entre les notions de réel et de fictif, d’Ancien et de Moderne, de genre et de mouvement littéraire. / This thesis aims to study, through a comparative approach, the impact of New French Novel on Persian literature. This study is circumscribed to a contemporary period, from 1340 until 1350 (1960-1970), and underscores the relationship between the Iranian media such as Djong-e Esfahan produced in 1344 (1965) and translation, which contributed to the transfer of the literary novelties to the new Persian novelists. This research will demonstrate the existing contrast between the traditional conventions of the literary genres and their subversion provoked by literary movements such as New Novel. From now on, the refusal of pastiche and mimesis encourages the new novelists to develop, in the field of fiction, a new aesthetic of writing. The major problematic of this study concentrates on drawing the parallels between the works of Golshiri and those of Robbe-Grillet, which was a real source of inspiration for the first one. In this regard, selected fictions of the pioneers of the New Novel are considered in order to support our comparative study. The dramatic change from a traditionally passive reading to an active reading leads us to assess the new status of the contemporary reader, tripped in the adventure of writing. The literary works studied in this thesis are situated in the crossroad of an aesthetic study on narrative form of the text and the superiority of writing over meaning. We will analyse the process of the development of language, the modifications it has undergone through the new technological relationship of the literary text. Thanks to the study of these works, we will analyse, from a comparative point of view, the existing challenges between the notions of real and fictive, of ancient and modern, of literary genre and literary movement.


Priyanka Tiwari (9187496) 30 July 2020 (has links)
<p>Security breaches nowadays are not limited to technological orientation. Research in the information security domain is gradually shifting towards human behavioral orientation toward breaches that target weaknesses arising from human behaviors (Workman et al., 2007). Currently, social engineering breaches are more effective than many technical attacks. In fact, the majority of cyber assaults have a social engineering component. Social Engineering is the art of manipulating human flaws towards a malicious objective (Breda et al., 2017). In the likely future, social engineering will be the most predominant attack vector within cyber security (Breda et al., 2017). Human failures, persuasion and social influences are key elements to understand when considering security behaviors. With the increasing concerns for social engineering and advancements in human factors-based technology, phishing emails are becoming more prevalent in exploiting human factors and external factors. Such factors have been researched upon in pairs, not overall. Till date, there is not much research done to identify the collaborative links between authority, urgency, risk perception and human factors such as personality traits, and knowledge. This study investigates about phishing email characters, external influences, human factors influences, and their collaborative effects. </p>

Les banques et la mise en oeuvre du dispositif de lutte contre le blanchiment des capitaux au Cameroun et en France / Banks and the implementation of preventive device against money-laundering in Cameroon and France

Tsobgni Djoumetio, Nathalie Laure 20 January 2015 (has links)
La préservation de la bonne santé du secteur bancaire a toujours été au cœur des préoccupations de la profession bancaire mondiale. La lutte contre le blanchiment des capitaux constitue un moyen pour les banquiers de préserver cette santé. En effet, les banques camerounaises et françaises bien qu’assujetties à la lutte contre le blanchiment des capitaux, ont plus d’un intérêt à mettre en œuvre le dispositif préventif anti-blanchiment. D’une part, au niveau organisationnel, les banques camerounaises et françaises se sont dotées d’un service anti-blanchiment et de dispositifs informatiques qui veillent à stopper leur utilisation à des fins de blanchiment de capitaux. Au plan fonctionnel, les obligations de vigilance imposées aux banques au titre de la lutte contre le blanchiment des capitaux rejoignent et renforcent les règles bancaires déjà instaurées en vue d’une saine pratique des activités bancaires. Cependant, le dispositif préventif anti-blanchiment n’a pas été bien accueilli au sein de la profession bancaire. Pour cause, celui-ci s’attaquait à des principes chers à la profession bancaire notamment, le secret bancaire et le devoir de non-ingérence. De même, la mise en œuvre du dispositif a fait naître de nouvelles obligations dont la violation fait l’objet de sanctions. / The preservation of the good health of the banking sector has always been at the heart of the concerns of the world banking community. The fight against money-laundering is a way for bankers to preserve this health. Indeed, French and Cameroonian banks though assujetties subject to the fight against money-laundering have more than one interest to implement operative preventive anti-money laundering. Firstly, at the organizational level, Cameroon and French banks have an anti-money laundering service and computer devices that shall stop their use for the purpose of money-laundering. Functionally, the vigilance obligations imposed on banks in respect of the fight against money-laundering join and strengthen banking rules already implemented in practical with a healthy level of banking activities. However, operative preventive anti-money laundering is not well-received within the banking profession. For cause, it was attacking principles dear to the banking profession in particular, secrecy and the duty of non-intervention. Similarly, the implementation of operative has brought new obligations whose violation is the subject of sanctions.

Estimation de la macrosomie fœtale chez les populations Cris de l’Est de la Baie-James

Jean-Baptiste, Elisa 08 1900 (has links)
Objectifs : Évaluer l’incidence de la macrosomie fœtale en fonction des différentes définitions (poids de naissance >4000g, >4500g, ≥90ième percentile de Kramer) en vigueur et comparer la prévalence de la morbidité maternelle et périnatale associée à la macrosomie entre les populations Cris et les populations du Québec. Des courbes postnatales spécifiques aux Cris de l’Est de la Baie-James seront proposées. Devis : Comparaison de deux cohortes prospectives Cris et Québec. La cohorte des populations Cris de l’Est de la Baie-James, comporte 2546 femmes recrutées de 2000-2010, au cours de l’étude sur la macrosomie fœtale chez les Cris de l’Est de la Baie James. La cohorte du Québec est composée de 97475 femmes et provient de l’essai clinique randomisé multicentrique QUARISMA, 2008-2010, cette étude promulguant la réduction du taux d’accouchement par  césarienne. Méthodes : Les risques de macrosomie fœtale et de la morbidité maternelle et périnatale sont évalués par des modèles de régression logistique d’équations d'estimation généralisées (EEG) ajustés et comparés selon l’ethnicité, Cris et Québec. GEE. Le groupe de référence étant les femmes du Québec. Les courbes de croissance spécifiques aux Cris sont construites par régression quantile. Résultats : Plus du tiers, soit 36,76%, des Cris et 9,329% des nouveau-nés du Québec, ont un poids de naissance >4000g. Les résultats attestent montrent que 10,92% des Cris de l’Est de la Baie-James ont un poids de naissance de plus de 4500g, ce taux est de 1,23% au Québec. La définition de la macrosomie fœtale, par un poids néonatal ≥90ième percentile de Kramer, identifie 40,02% des bébés Cris, pour 8,83% des nourrissons du  Québec, comme macrosomes. Les Cris sont plus à risque de macrosomie fœtale, comparativement à la population générale du Québec, ces associations sont statistiquement significatives : RC=5,22; 95% IC (4,66-6,05,98), pour un poids de naissance >4000g, RC=8,10; 95% IC (6,22-10,77), pour un poids de naissance >4500g et RC=6,22; 95% IC (5,77-6,72), pour un poids de naissance ≥90ième percentile de Kramer. Le risque de la morbidité périnatale majeure, de la macrosomie fœtale, est généralement moins important pour les Cris que pour la population générale du Québec : 0,76; 95% IC 0,62-0,94. La macrosomie fœtale devrait être décrite par un poids de naissance≥95ième percentile de Kramer, pour les Cris, mais préférablement au 90ième percentile des courbes postnatales spécifiques aux Cris de l’Est de la Baie-James. Les poids de naissance diagnostique spécifiques aux Cris de l’Est de la Baie-James, au 90ième percentile de la 40ième semaine d’aménorrhée, sont de 4 417g pour les filles et 4 488g pour les garçons. Conclusions : Les courbes de Kramer diagnostiquent systématiquement plus de macrosomes chez les Cris que dans la population du Québec. Par contre, le risque de morbidité périnatale majeure est inférieur pour ces communautés autochtones, aux différents seuils décrivant la macrosomie fœtale, ce qui suggère l’utilisation de courbes spécifiques aux Cris et permettrait de diminuer les interventions obstétricales non nécessaires chez les gros bébés Cris, donc non-macrosomes. / Objective: Assess the impact of fetal macrosomia based on definitions (birth weight> 4000 g,> 4500g, ≥90ième percentile Kramer) currently used in Quebec and compare the prevalence of maternal and perinatal morbidity associated with macrosomia between the Cree populations of Eastern James Bay and the general population of Quebec. Specific postnatal curves for the Cree will be constructed. Design: Comparison of two prospective cohort Cree and Quebec. Cohort of Cree populations of eastern James Bay, has recruited 2546 women from 2000 to 2010, during the study of fetal macrosomia in the Cree of eastern James Bay. Quebec cohort consisted of 97,475 women and comes from the multicenter randomized clinical trial QUARISMA 2008-2010, this study promulgates the reduction of caesarean delivery rate. Methods: The risk of fetal macrosomia, maternal and perinatal morbidity, by ethnicity, Cree and Quebec, are evaluated by generalized estimating equations models (GEE). GEE models were adjusted to control for potentially confounding factors. The reference group is Quebec women. The specific growth curves of the Cree are built by quantile regression. Results: More than a third, 36.8%, of Cree populations of Eastern James Bay and 9.3% of newborns in Quebec have a birth weight> 4000g. For a birth weight> 4500g, the results show that 10.9% of the Cree, have a birth weight of more than 4500g, the rate is 1.2% in Quebec. The definition of fetal macrosomia by neonatal birth weight≥90th percentile of Kramer identifies 40.02% Cree’s for 8.8% of infants of Quebec as macrosomic. The Cree population are more at risk of fetal macrosomia, compared to the general population of Quebec, these associations were statistically significant: OR = 5.2; 95% CI (4.6 to 6.0) for birth weight> 4000g, OR = 8.1; 95% CI (6.2 to 10.7) for birth weight> 4500g and OR = 6.2; 95% CI (5.7 to 6.7) for birth weight percentile ≥90th Kramer. The risk of major perinatal morbidity associated with fetal macrosomia, is generally less important for the Cree than for the general population of Quebec: 0.76; 95% CI 0.62-0.94. Fetal macrosomia should be described by birth weight ≥95th percentile of Kramer, for the Cree, but preferably at the 90th percentile of the specific postnatal curves of Cree populations of Eastern James Bay. The specific Cree birth weight thresholds for diagnosing fetal macrosomia, at the 90th percentile of the 40th week of gestation, are 4 417g for the girls and 4 488g for the boys. Conclusion: Kramer’s curves diagnose systematically too much macrosomic Cree babies compare to the general population of Quebec. Futhermore, the risk of major maternal and perinatal morbidity is lower for these indigenous communities, at the different definitions of fetal macrosomia, suggesting the use of specific curves for the Cree, to reduce obstetrics interventions not required in large, but non macrosomic, Cree babies.

Psaný hlas: Whitmanovy Listy trávy (1855) a Millerův Obratník Raka / Written Voice: Whitman's Leaves of Grass (1855) and Miller's Tropic of Cancer

Skovajsa, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
The PhD. dissertation Written Voice examines how Walt Whitman and Henry Miller through books, confined textual products of modernity, strive to awaken the reader to a more perceptive and courageous life, provided that the reader is willing to suspend hermeneutics of suspicion and approach Leaves of Grass and Tropic of Cancer with hermeneutics of hunger. This is examined from linguistic, anthropological and theological vantage point of oral theory (M. Jousse, M. Parry, A. Lord, W. Ong, E. Havelock, J. Assmann, D. Abram, C. Geertz, T. Pettitt, J. Nohrnberg, D. Sölle, etc.). This work thus compares Leaves (1855) and Tropic of Cancer examining their paratextual, stylistic features, their genesis, the phenomenology of their I's, their ethos and story across the compositions. By "voluntary" usage of means of oral mnemonics such as parallelism/bilateralism (Jousse) - along with present tense, imitatio Christi and pedagogical usage of obscenity - both authors in their compositions attack the textual modern discourse, the posteriority, nostalgia and confinement of literature, restore the body, and aim for futurality of biblical kinetics. It is the reader's task, then, to hermeneutically resurrect the dead printed words of the compositions into their own "flesh" and action. The third part of the thesis...

The roles of commitment and attributions on uninvolved partner responses to imagined sexual infidelity

Johnson, Courtney Beth 06 August 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This study examined the roles of commitment and attributions in uninvolved partner responses to imagined sexual infidelity. Undergraduate students (N = 298) in dating relationships participated in a hypothetical sexual infidelity scenario in which they imagined their romantic partner engaged in sexual intercourse with someone else. Measured-variable path analysis was used to evaluate the predictive ability of commitment and attributions on negative emotional responses and predicted relationship continuation. The hypothesized conceptual model demonstrated poor fit to sample data. Through exploratory model building, an alternative model was generated that demonstrated good fit to sample data. A subset of commitment, investment, predicted negative affect. In addition, attributions predicted predictions of relationship continuation. Negative emotional responses were highly endorsed on a validated measure for emotional responses, the PANAS-X (Watson & Clark, 1994). Further, study findings highlight the importance of the use of a compliance check in assessing successful participant completion of imagined infidelity scenario. Unique study contributions include directions for further conceptual model development for this area of research as well as support for the use of compliance checks and careful selection of infidelity scenario.

Aspekte van deursoeking en beslaglegging in Suid Afrikaanse openbare skole : n Vergelykende studie

Van Rensburg, Angelique Gene Janse 06 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / The Canadian and South African legal systems established equivalent constitutional values and principles pertaining to searches conducted with or without a valid search warrant. It creates the basis for a comparative study on this particular aspect. The Supreme Court of Canada held in R v A. M 2008 S.C.C 19 random sniffer dog searches conducted without neither a reasonable suspicion nor any legislative authority on learners enrolled in public schools, is unconstitutional due to its infringement of a learner's reasonable expectation to privacy, as protected in section 8 of the Canadian Charter of rights and Freedoms. South African learners are randomly search by law enforcement officers by using sniffer dogs for purposes of detecting the possession of illegal drugs in instances without neither a reasonable suspicion nor statutory authority. The search is subsequently conducted in terms of the common law. The common law is not regarded as law of general application to limit a fundamental right in terms of the limitation clause. By taking into consideration the ratio in R v A. M (supra) the conclusion is subsequently that random sniffer dog searches conducted on learners in South African public schools, without neither a reasonable suspicion nor statutory authority, is unconstitutional which infringes section 14 of the Constitution of South Africa of 1996. / Die basis vir hierdie studie is ontleen aan die ooreenstemmende vereistes en beginsels in die Kanadese en Suid Afrikaanse reg ten aansien van deursoekings met of sonder 'n wettige lasbrief uitgevoer. In die Kanadese beslissing van R v A.M 2008 SCC 19 is die grondwetlikheid van ewekansige deursoekings met behuip van snuffelhonde op leerders sonder statutere magtiging uitgevoer, deur die Supreme Court of Canada as ongrondwetlik bevind aangesien 'n leerder wel oor 'n redelike verwagting op privaatheid beskik. Indien leerders sonder 'n redelike vermoede en statutere magtiging met behuip van snuffelhonde deursoek word, geskied dit ingevolge die gemenereg en dit word nie beskou as 'n algemeen geldende reg om 'n fundamentele reg kragtens die beperkingsklousule te beperk nie. Met inagneming van die ratio in R v A.M (supra) kan daar dus tot die gevolgtrekking gekom word dat ewekansige deursoekings met behulp van snuffelhonde op Suid Afrikanse leerders in die afwesigheid van 'n redelike vermoede asook sonder statutere magtiging uitgevoer, tans ongrondwetlike optrede daarstel wat op artikel 14 van die Grondwet van 1996 inbreuk maak. / Law (College) / LL.M.

Aspekte van deursoeking en beslaglegging in Suid Afrikaanse openbare skole : n Vergelykende studie

Van Rensburg, Angelique Gene Janse 06 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / The Canadian and South African legal systems established equivalent constitutional values and principles pertaining to searches conducted with or without a valid search warrant. It creates the basis for a comparative study on this particular aspect. The Supreme Court of Canada held in R v A. M 2008 S.C.C 19 random sniffer dog searches conducted without neither a reasonable suspicion nor any legislative authority on learners enrolled in public schools, is unconstitutional due to its infringement of a learner's reasonable expectation to privacy, as protected in section 8 of the Canadian Charter of rights and Freedoms. South African learners are randomly search by law enforcement officers by using sniffer dogs for purposes of detecting the possession of illegal drugs in instances without neither a reasonable suspicion nor statutory authority. The search is subsequently conducted in terms of the common law. The common law is not regarded as law of general application to limit a fundamental right in terms of the limitation clause. By taking into consideration the ratio in R v A. M (supra) the conclusion is subsequently that random sniffer dog searches conducted on learners in South African public schools, without neither a reasonable suspicion nor statutory authority, is unconstitutional which infringes section 14 of the Constitution of South Africa of 1996. / Die basis vir hierdie studie is ontleen aan die ooreenstemmende vereistes en beginsels in die Kanadese en Suid Afrikaanse reg ten aansien van deursoekings met of sonder 'n wettige lasbrief uitgevoer. In die Kanadese beslissing van R v A.M 2008 SCC 19 is die grondwetlikheid van ewekansige deursoekings met behuip van snuffelhonde op leerders sonder statutere magtiging uitgevoer, deur die Supreme Court of Canada as ongrondwetlik bevind aangesien 'n leerder wel oor 'n redelike verwagting op privaatheid beskik. Indien leerders sonder 'n redelike vermoede en statutere magtiging met behuip van snuffelhonde deursoek word, geskied dit ingevolge die gemenereg en dit word nie beskou as 'n algemeen geldende reg om 'n fundamentele reg kragtens die beperkingsklousule te beperk nie. Met inagneming van die ratio in R v A.M (supra) kan daar dus tot die gevolgtrekking gekom word dat ewekansige deursoekings met behulp van snuffelhonde op Suid Afrikanse leerders in die afwesigheid van 'n redelike vermoede asook sonder statutere magtiging uitgevoer, tans ongrondwetlike optrede daarstel wat op artikel 14 van die Grondwet van 1996 inbreuk maak. / Law (College) / LL.M.

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