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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utsläppsfritt : En fallstudie om en elektrifierad byggarbetsplats

Thelenius Dünesius, Pontus January 2024 (has links)
Studien Utsläppsfritt – En fallstudie om en elektrifierad byggarbetsplats riktar sig till personer och företag som intresserar sig för hållbart byggande. Vi befinner oss i en allvarlig klimatsituation till följd av bland annat global uppvärmning och byggbranschen bidrar i allra högsta grad till utsläpp av fossila gaser. I samarbete med Skanska så är denna kandidatuppsats skriven med syftet att undersöka hur elektrifierad byggproduktion i norra Sverige fungerar och vilka för- och nackdelar det har. Med den informationen är förhoppningen att studien ska bidra till ökad kunskap om ämnet. I huvudsak har kvalitativa metoder använts för att finna svar. Intervjuer med nyckelpersoner i projektet har genomförts och tillsammans med en dokumentstudie har ett resultat om arbetssättets hållbarhet vuxit fram. Resultatet visar att det finns stora fördelar med att bygga elektrifierat men också vissa utmaningar. Positiva effekter på arbetsmiljö är en viktig del samt minskningen av fossila utsläpp. Studien visar också att det i dagsläget inte är hållbart ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv och att det även finns miljömässiga aspekter som kan förbättras. Slutsatsen är ändå att detta varit ett lyckat projekt som är viktigt för framtiden och omställningen mot ett mer hållbart byggande. / This study, called Emission free – A case study about an electrified construction site is aimed at people and companies interested in sustainable building and construction. The planet is in a serious climate situation as a result of, among other things, global warming and the construction industry contributes to the highest degree to the emission of fossil gases. In collaboration with Skanska, this essay was written with the aim of investigating how an emission-free construction project in northern Sweden works and what advantages and disadvantages it has. With that information, it is hoped that the study will contribute to increased knowledge of the subject. In the main, qualitative methods have been used to find answers. Interviews with key people in the project have been carried out and, together with a narrow document study, a result about the sustainability of the working method has emerged. The result shows that there are great advantages to building electrified, but also certain challenges. Positive effects on the work environment are an important part as well as the reduction of fossil emissions. The study also shows that it is currently not sustainable from an economic perspective and that there are also environmental aspects that can be improved. The conclusion is nevertheless that this was a successful project that is important for the future and the transition towards more sustainable construction

Determining the construction cost gradient for Green Star-rated office buildings in the Western Cape

De Villiers, Meyer 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / The aim of this research study is to determine the cost gradient for Green Star SA-rated office buildings in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Very little work has been done on this subject, due to the fact that the „green‟ building movement is still in its infancy in South Africa. The Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA) has developed a Green Star SA building rating mechanism based on the Australian green star-rating system. This rating system provides the building environment with an objective tool to evaluate how green a building actually is. This report includes a review of international literature, supplemented by a case study of two designed „green‟ buildings. The key objective was to determine if there is a cost premium to a Green Star-rated office building in the Western Cape. The case study subjects were two office buildings planned for an office development at Paardevlei, Somerset West in the Western Cape province of South Africa. The findings of this case study have confirmed first indications that South Africa, and specifically the Western Cape, should be no different to the rest of the world and specifically the United States and Australia when it comes to the first costs of constructing „green‟ buildings. The case study showed that there should be no cost premium for a „green‟ building that conforms to the minimum standard of 4 Star Green Star SA Office Version 1 and that a one to three per cent premium could be expected for a 5 Star Green Star SA Office Version 1 rating. It was found that the best way to calculate if a premium was paid for a „green‟ building is to compare the cost per area of the final „green‟ product with the cost per area of the original budget. Adding costs while adding „green‟ attributes proved to be an effective and convenient way of arriving at a theoretical premium for a progressively „greener‟ building and thus calculating the cost gradient for Green Star SA-rated office buildings. The conclusion is that „green‟ attributes must be incorporated into the design at the earliest possible stage and then managed in order to keep within the original budget with a clear goal of which categories are to be targeted and what rating would like to be achieved, in order to achieve a „green‟ building at no additional cost.

Caractérisation expérimentale et modélisation du panneau composite bois-ciment / Experimental characterization and modelling of wood-cement composite panel

Li, Mengya 11 December 2018 (has links)
Les bétons légers, formés des fibres de bois et d’une pâte de ciment Portland, constituent une nouvelle alternative à explorer pour réduire l’impact environnemental des bâtiments. Ils sont utilisés dans la construction durable, comme des éléments secondaires, pour leurs performances thermiques, hydriques et mécaniques. Cependant, la généralisation de leur utilisation dans le bâtiment ne sera rendue possible sans résoudre certains verrous scientifiques liés à leur caractérisation et à leur formulation. Le présent travail s’inscrit dans cet objectif. Il s’agit de contribuer à la caractérisation de ces bétons légers à base des fibres de bois à travers l’expérience et la modélisation. Le module d’Young et la résistance à la rupture ont été mesurés par des tests de flexion et de compression. Un modèle numérique a été également développé pour prédire le comportement des éprouvettes en flexion et la réponse structurale des systèmes de coffrage permanent. La méthodologie numérique permet ainsi d’aider dans le choix des paramètres optimums pour une meilleure conception des panneaux de coffrage destinés à la construction. L’étude du comportement hygrothermique du matériau de construction bois-ciment a été abordée en s’appuyant sur l’expérience et la simulation. Les équations des transferts couplés de chaleur et d’humidité d’un milieu poreux ont été implémentées dans le logiciel Comsol Multiphysics®. En dernier, le modèle développé a été appliqué et validé sur plusieurs réponses dynamiques issues des tests hygrothermiques réalisés en interne. Les mesures des propriétés physico-thermique du matériau composite bois-ciment ont été ensuite intégrées dans le code Abaqus via une routine utilisateur Umatht dans l’objectif de simuler le comportement thermique à hautes températures des panneaux composites bois-ciment. Les profils des températures sont évalués et comparés à ceux des tests de carbonisation réalisés, à l’aide d’un panneau rayonnant, sur des échantillons exposés à un flux de chaleur uniforme de 6kW/m2. Les simulations montrent que le modèle développé est capable de prédire les profils de températures, la zone et la profondeur de la couche du charbon durant l’exposition au feu / Lightweight concretes made from wood fibres and Portland cement paste are a new alternative for the reduction of the environmental impact of buildings. They are used in sustainable constructions as secondary elements for their thermal, hydric and mechanical performance. However, the generalisation of their use is not possible without resolving certain scientific obstacles related to their characterisation. Hence the aim of the present work, which is to contribute towards their characterisation through experimentation and numerical simulation. The Young's modulus and tensile strength were measured through flexural and compression tests. A numerical model has also been developed to predict the behaviour of specimens under bending test as well as their structural response when used as permanent formwork. In particular, the model helps to choose the optimum parameters for a better design of the formwork system. The study of the hygrothermal behaviour of the wood-cement material was carried out using both experimental work and simulation. The equations of coupled heat and moisture transfers for a porous medium have been implemented in the Comsol Multiphysics® software. The developed model has been applied and validated on several dynamic responses resulting from hygro-thermal tests carried out in the laboratory. The obtained physico-thermal properties of the wood-cement composite material were then incorporated into the Abaqus code via a Umatht user subroutine to simulate its high temperature behavior. The temperature profiles are evaluated and compared with the charring tests performed using a radiant panel on samples exposed to a uniform heat flux of 6kW/m². The simulations show that the developed model is able to predict the temperature profiles, the area and the depth of the charred layer during fire exposure

Formação Profissional na construção civil: experiências em busca da \'desalienação\' do trabalho. / Vocational Education in civil construction: experiences in search of work \'disalienation\'.

Diederichsen, Francisco Toledo Barros 05 July 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado registra as atividades de pesquisa aplicada em três experiências de formação profissional da Construção Civil em diferentes escolas. Os trabalhos de pesquisa visam contribuir com as ações pedagógicas dialógicas inseridas nos três processos formativos. O objetivo dessas ações é a contribuição com a ampliação da autonomia, a emancipação coletiva e a liberdade dos educandos, no sentido da busca pela \'desalienação\' do trabalho que realizam. As ações pedagógicas dialógicas abordadas inserem-se nas: 1. Atividades de Formação Integral do Ser, e Organização da Produção da Construção Civil - experiências de elaboração de desenhos e projetos de construção e a problematização das condições de desigualdade social e exploração do trabalho - nos cursos de pintura, alvenaria, instalações elétricas e hidráulicas e decoração, da Escola Municipal de Ensino Profissional em Construção Civil / Madre Celina Polci, Prefeitura de São Bernardo do Campo, SP. 2. Atividades de aproximação do processo de produção da arquitetura - experiências de elaboração coletiva de projeto executivo de arquitetura e sua construção, com as próprias mãos, como parte do futuro espaço de apoio do Canteiro Experimental da escola - como exercícios da disciplina optativa \'Técnicas Alternativas de Construção\' do curso de graduação da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo, SP. 3. Atividades de re-união e re-integração dos trabalhos de projeto e construção por meio da \'assembleia de obra\', como contribuição a formação dos integrantes da brigada de construção - composta por educandos da Escola Nacional Florestan Fernandes (ENFF), brigadistas permanentes e coordenadores da ENFF, profissionais assentados convidados e coletivo de estudantes e profissionais de arquitetura e urbanismo da USP - para a reforma da casa da brigada permanente, \'casa do teto verde\' da Escola Nacional Florestan Fernandes - Guararema, SP. As ações pedagógicas dialógicas demonstraram efetividade ao passo que, ao mesmo tempo em que eram apreendidas as diversas atividades profissionais da construção, ampliava-se, em graus variados, a compreensão dos educandos e egressos sobre os limites e barreiras impostas pelo Capital sobre a classe trabalhadora. Nesse sentido, é que se mantém a busca pela \'desalienação\' do trabalho, já que sua realização plena só será possível por meio de transformações sociais de ampla e irrestrita democratização dos direitos de acesso à apropriação, pela sociedade como um todo, dos produtos, dos processos e da fruição social resultantes do trabalho coletivo. / This master thesis describes the activities of research applied to three experiences of professional learning of Civil Construction in different schools. The research work is expected to contribute to the pedagogical actions dialogicaly inserted in the three formative processes. The purpose of these actions and contributions are the expansion of autonomy, collective emancipation and the freedom of the students, in the sense of a search for \'desalienation\' of the work they carry out. The pedagogical actions dialogical addressed are as: 1. Activities for \'integral formation of being\', and \'organization of production of Civil Construction\' - experiments in preparation of drawings and construction projects and the questioning of the conditions of social inequality and exploitation of labor - in courses in painting, masonry, electrical, hydraulic installations and decoration, at the Municipal School of Vocational Education in Civil Construction / Madre Celina Polci, Prefecture of São Bernardo do Campo, SP. 2. Activities of approximation of the production process of architecture - experiences of drawing up collective of executive project of architecture and construction, with their own hands, as part of the future area of support of Experimental Construction from the school - as exercises of optional discipline \'Alternative techniques of construction\" of the Graduate School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo, SP. 3. Activities of re-union and re-integration of the work of project and construction by means of \'house of work\', as a contribution to the training of members of the brigade of construction - composed by students of the National School Florestan Fernandes (ENFF), permanent brigadiers and coordinators from ENFF, professionals guests and collective of students and professionals from the architecture and urbanism school, USP - for the reform of the house of permanent brigade, \'house of green roof\' of the National School Florestan Fernandes - Guararema, SP. The pedagogical actions dialogical demonstrated effectiveness to the step that, at the same time that were seized the various professional activities of construction, it broadened, to varying degrees, the understanding of students and alumni on the limits and barriers imposed by capital on the working class. In this sense, and that remains the search for work \'disalienation\', now that its full realization is possible only by means of social transformation of broad and wide and unrestricted democratization of access rights to ownership, by the society as a whole of products, processes and social enjoyment resulting from the collective work.

Avaliação da aplicação de princípios da construção sustentável em construtoras de micro e pequeno porte na região do Vale do Caí, RS

Patzlaff, Jeferson Ost 15 April 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Mariana Dornelles Vargas (marianadv) on 2015-03-16T18:07:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 avaliacao_aplicacao.pdf: 1758677 bytes, checksum: 4e1e58da6988b4acbfea4d902b529b92 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-16T18:07:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 avaliacao_aplicacao.pdf: 1758677 bytes, checksum: 4e1e58da6988b4acbfea4d902b529b92 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-04 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / PROSUP - Programa de Suporte à Pós-Gradução de Instituições de Ensino Particulares / Este trabalho enquadra-se na área de estudo da construção sustentável e visa contribuir para a redução do impacto ambiental provocado pela atuação do setor de construção civil. Nos últimos anos ocorreram grandes transformações no planejamento e na gestão de empreendimentos da construção de civil, incluindo mais recentemente a ênfase para a perspectiva ambiental do setor. Têm sido desenvolvidos alguns estudos referentes à sustentabilidade na construção, mas a aplicação de inovações em empresas de micro e pequeno porte tem ocorrido de forma mais lenta. É importante avaliar a aplicação de conceitos da construção sustentável para este nicho de mercado, porque estas empresas representam a maioria das empresas no setor. Diante disso, foi investigada a aplicação desses conceitos em construtoras de micro e pequeno porte, em especial frente às características regionais do Vale do Caí, RS. Foram propostos instrumentos de avaliação do grau de sustentabilidade, os quais foram aplicados em três empreendimentos típicos na região, incluindo a avaliação do comportamento dos agentes envolvidos com estes empreendimentos e o desempenho de projetos e obras. Os resultados indicam que ainda há um relativo desconhecimento sobre o assunto e que o grau de sustentabilidade dos empreendimentos é médio, existindo um grande potencial para o aperfeiçoamento / This research work is classified as a study about sustainable construction, and it aims at contributing to reduce the environmental impact provoked by civil construction sector. In recent years occurred great transformations in planning and management of building firms, and more recently these transformations includes the emphasis for the environmental perspective of the sector. Some studies about sustainable construction have been developed, but the application of innovations in micro and small building companies has occurred slowly, especially on small cities. It is important to study the application of concepts of sustainable construction for this niche, because these segments represent the majority of the companies in the sector. The application of concepts of sustainable construction in micro and small building companies, was investigated in special regarding to the regional characteristics of Vale do Caí, RS, region located in southern Brazil. Instruments of evaluation of sustainability were considered, which were applied in three typical enterprises, including the evaluation of the behavior of the involved agents and the performance of projects and building sites. The results indicate that still there is a relative unfamiliarity with the subject and that the degree of sustainability of the enterprises is medium, indicating a great potential for the improvement of this sector

Formação Profissional na construção civil: experiências em busca da \'desalienação\' do trabalho. / Vocational Education in civil construction: experiences in search of work \'disalienation\'.

Francisco Toledo Barros Diederichsen 05 July 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado registra as atividades de pesquisa aplicada em três experiências de formação profissional da Construção Civil em diferentes escolas. Os trabalhos de pesquisa visam contribuir com as ações pedagógicas dialógicas inseridas nos três processos formativos. O objetivo dessas ações é a contribuição com a ampliação da autonomia, a emancipação coletiva e a liberdade dos educandos, no sentido da busca pela \'desalienação\' do trabalho que realizam. As ações pedagógicas dialógicas abordadas inserem-se nas: 1. Atividades de Formação Integral do Ser, e Organização da Produção da Construção Civil - experiências de elaboração de desenhos e projetos de construção e a problematização das condições de desigualdade social e exploração do trabalho - nos cursos de pintura, alvenaria, instalações elétricas e hidráulicas e decoração, da Escola Municipal de Ensino Profissional em Construção Civil / Madre Celina Polci, Prefeitura de São Bernardo do Campo, SP. 2. Atividades de aproximação do processo de produção da arquitetura - experiências de elaboração coletiva de projeto executivo de arquitetura e sua construção, com as próprias mãos, como parte do futuro espaço de apoio do Canteiro Experimental da escola - como exercícios da disciplina optativa \'Técnicas Alternativas de Construção\' do curso de graduação da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo, SP. 3. Atividades de re-união e re-integração dos trabalhos de projeto e construção por meio da \'assembleia de obra\', como contribuição a formação dos integrantes da brigada de construção - composta por educandos da Escola Nacional Florestan Fernandes (ENFF), brigadistas permanentes e coordenadores da ENFF, profissionais assentados convidados e coletivo de estudantes e profissionais de arquitetura e urbanismo da USP - para a reforma da casa da brigada permanente, \'casa do teto verde\' da Escola Nacional Florestan Fernandes - Guararema, SP. As ações pedagógicas dialógicas demonstraram efetividade ao passo que, ao mesmo tempo em que eram apreendidas as diversas atividades profissionais da construção, ampliava-se, em graus variados, a compreensão dos educandos e egressos sobre os limites e barreiras impostas pelo Capital sobre a classe trabalhadora. Nesse sentido, é que se mantém a busca pela \'desalienação\' do trabalho, já que sua realização plena só será possível por meio de transformações sociais de ampla e irrestrita democratização dos direitos de acesso à apropriação, pela sociedade como um todo, dos produtos, dos processos e da fruição social resultantes do trabalho coletivo. / This master thesis describes the activities of research applied to three experiences of professional learning of Civil Construction in different schools. The research work is expected to contribute to the pedagogical actions dialogicaly inserted in the three formative processes. The purpose of these actions and contributions are the expansion of autonomy, collective emancipation and the freedom of the students, in the sense of a search for \'desalienation\' of the work they carry out. The pedagogical actions dialogical addressed are as: 1. Activities for \'integral formation of being\', and \'organization of production of Civil Construction\' - experiments in preparation of drawings and construction projects and the questioning of the conditions of social inequality and exploitation of labor - in courses in painting, masonry, electrical, hydraulic installations and decoration, at the Municipal School of Vocational Education in Civil Construction / Madre Celina Polci, Prefecture of São Bernardo do Campo, SP. 2. Activities of approximation of the production process of architecture - experiences of drawing up collective of executive project of architecture and construction, with their own hands, as part of the future area of support of Experimental Construction from the school - as exercises of optional discipline \'Alternative techniques of construction\" of the Graduate School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo, SP. 3. Activities of re-union and re-integration of the work of project and construction by means of \'house of work\', as a contribution to the training of members of the brigade of construction - composed by students of the National School Florestan Fernandes (ENFF), permanent brigadiers and coordinators from ENFF, professionals guests and collective of students and professionals from the architecture and urbanism school, USP - for the reform of the house of permanent brigade, \'house of green roof\' of the National School Florestan Fernandes - Guararema, SP. The pedagogical actions dialogical demonstrated effectiveness to the step that, at the same time that were seized the various professional activities of construction, it broadened, to varying degrees, the understanding of students and alumni on the limits and barriers imposed by capital on the working class. In this sense, and that remains the search for work \'disalienation\', now that its full realization is possible only by means of social transformation of broad and wide and unrestricted democratization of access rights to ownership, by the society as a whole of products, processes and social enjoyment resulting from the collective work.


[pt] O Rio de Janeiro é uma cidade de alta densidade demográfica em uma situação geográfica excepcional, entre o mar, as montanhas e diversas lagoas. Uma parcela de sua população, de aproximadamente 6 milhões de habitantes, vive em edifícios de apartamentos. Em muitos bairros não há mais terrenos disponíveis para novas edificações. A construção sustentável é necessária para redução de consumos e desperdícios, assim como a fundamental atenção a aspectos de conforto ambiental e sociais (o morador). Visando a melhoria da qualidade de vida e para atingir um estágio de sustentabilidade será necessário pensar em como aperfeiçoar os edifícios e quadras existentes. Na cidade do Rio de Janeiro há diversos proprietários e locatários, sendo importante elaborar uma estratégia específica para desenvolver uma renovação do parque construído. A presente tese aborda: os edifícios residenciais no Rio de Janeiro (e a legislação), a construção sustentável, a renovação de edifícios e quadras, recomendações para projetos de acordo com as características climáticas e verificações sobre as condições existentes (físicas, ambientais e sociais). Foi desenvolvido um estudo de caso em uma quadra típica no famoso e de alta densidade demográfica bairro de Copacabana (96 porcento de seus moradores vivem em apartamentos, sendo 1/3 com mais de 60 anos) que teve praticamente todos os seus prédios e quadras construídos entre 1940 e 1960 com características semelhantes como: estrutura em concreto, edifícios de 10 e 12 pavimentos e com pouco ou nenhum afastamento entre si. / [en] Rio de Janeiro is a very dense city in an exceptional geography situation between the sea, the mountains and some lakes. The population of six million inhabitants only in the municipality area lives mainly in apartments buildings. In some neighborhoods there are no empty sites for new constructions. Sustainable construction is a necessary step to reduce the consumption and the waste, and also the focus in the comfort conditions and social aspects (the dwellers). To improve the quality of living and achieve the environmental goals it is necessary to think how to upgrade the quality of existing buildings and blocks. In Rio de Janeiro each building has different owners and dwellers, and it will be important to work in a specific strategy to develop the building stock renovation. This thesis involves: apartment buildings in Rio de Janeiro (including the legislation), sustainable construction, renovation (refurbishment) of buildings and blocks, design recommendations according to the climatic conditions in Rio de Janeiro, and the verification of apartment building conditions (physical, environmental and social). One case study in a regular block of a very dense and famous neighborhood named Copacabana (96 percent of dwellers in this neighborhood live in apartments and 1/3 is older than 60 years old) was developed. Copacabana has almost all the buildings and blocks built during the 1940 and 1960 decades with common features like: concrete structure, buildings with 10 to 12 floors, and no distance between them.

En pedagogisk byggnad för hållbar utveckling : Utformning av en programhandling för ett kretsloppshus med fokus på social och ekologisk hållbarhet / Program for an eco-cycle building with focus on social and ecological sustainability

Bergkvist, Johanna, Strandberg, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet syftar till att upprätta ett funktionsprogram för ett kretsloppshus där stadens invånare kan nås med kunskap om hållbar utveckling. Bakgrunden till detta är att Borlänge kommun 2017 godkände ett planprogram med visionen att skapa en ny, klimatneutral stadsdel och därmed bli en föregångare för hållbar stadsutveckling i regionen. Arbetet med programhandlingen innebar bland annat att undersöka den bakgrund och de förutsättningar som fanns för ett uppförande av byggnaden. I kommunens planprogram beskrivs byggnaden ha en pedagogisk funktion i stadsdelen och i Borlänge; en plats med fokus på praktisk demonstration och utbildning av elever och boende i kretsloppsfrågor för energi, vatten och avfall/material i en fattbar och intresseväckande skala. Kretsloppshuset planeras att uppföras i anslutning till en ny skola årkurs 6-9 för samverkan i detta syfte. Kommunens tanke är att kretsloppshuset ska fungera som ett nav i stadsdelen, men också att byggnaden ska bli ett besöksmål och sätta Borlänge på kartan vad gäller hållbart byggande. Ett hållbart byggande innefattar bland annat resurshushållning, minimerad energianvändning och förnybara energikällor, men också att resurser som energi, avfall och vatten cirkulerar i kretslopp. Teori har inhämtats ur litteratur som fokuserat på hur vi ska bygga våra hus och städer om vi vill vara med och skapa ett hållbart samhälle. En del av syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka hur man på ett pedagogiskt vis kan sprida information om miljö- och kretsloppsfrågor. Examensarbetet teoretiska del fokuserar därför delvis på utvalda delar av pedagogik som inhämtats från tidigare forskning inom barn och ungdomars lärande för hållbar utveckling, eftersom att studier visar att det är viktigt att barn lär sig tidigt om dessa frågor. Utbildning för hållbar utveckling är en viktig förutsättning för att nå de hållbarhetsmål som FN tagit fram till 2030. Kommande generationer måste lära sig ett hållbart levnadssätt redan från start samtidigt som den befintliga befolkningen drastiskt måste förändra sin livsstil. För att samla empiri gjordes intervjuer med personer som är eller har varit inblandade i planeringsarbetet med den nya stadsdelen. Det visade sig att det funnits eldsjälar som tidigt introducerat idén om kretsloppshuset, men att det i nuläget inte får någon större prioritet bland det pågående arbetet med ny skola och bostäder. Att involvera brukarna i ett tidigt skede ger bättre förutsättningar för att nå ett resultat som är effektivt och tillfredställande för alla parter. Teori gällande designdialoger har därför studerats, för att visa på vikten av en god dialog för att snabbt identifiera behov och utveckla idéer i designarbetet. Resultatet av examensarbetet, funktionsprogrammet, kan ses som ett förslag på konceptuell nivå med funktioner och uttryck som kan tillämpas på en byggnad av detta slag, och en inspiration till fortsatt arbete. I funktionsprogrammet gestaltar våra tolkningar hur kretsloppshuset skulle uppfylla de önskemål och funktioner som efterfrågas i planprogrammet, för att i största möjliga mån kunna vara till nytta i kommunens kommande arbete med byggnaden. Slutsatser som togs är att rena föregångare till Jakobsgårdarnas Kretsloppshus som koncept saknas. Trots ett stort antal inspirationskällor ur olika aspekter hittades inget exempel som förenar alla de aspekter som vi har ambitionen att utveckla i den aktuella byggnaden. Kretsloppshuset som koncept kan bli en viktig pusselbit för att hantera hållbarhetsfrågor i en stadsdel eller en hel stad. Ett vidare arbete krävs dock för att undersöka hur byggnaden ska komma att drivas och förvaltas, och en mer omfattande undersökning av vilka tekniska lösningar som ska appliceras. Vidare arbete krävs också för att optimera byggnaden för den framtida platsen, och hur stora ytor som är lämpliga. Det finns ett stort intresse för byggnaden från diverse aktörer i Borlänge, men för att idén om kretsloppshuset ska kunna förverkligas krävs en eller flera personer axlar det engagemang för projektet som fanns när planprogrammet upprättades. / The purpose of this thesis is to establish a functional program for an eco-cycle building where people can be reached with knowledge of sustainable development. The background to this is that the municipality of Borlänge approved a plan program with the vision of creating a new, climate neutral district and thereby become a precursor for sustainable construction in the region. For instance, the functional program is meant to investigate the background and the prerequisites that existed. In the municipality’s plan program, the building is described to have an educational function for the district and for Borlänge; a place which focuses on practical demonstrations and education for students and residents in recycling issues for energy, water and waste/material in a comprehensible and compelling way. The eco-cycle building is planned to be established near the new school, with classes from 6 to 9, to make a cooperation possible. Requests from the municipality is that the eco-cycle building can work like a hub in the new district, but also become a new place of interest and put Borlänge on the map for sustainable construction. Sustainable construction includes resource management, minimized energy use and renewable energy sources, but also that resources like energy, waste and water circulate in an eco-cycle. Theory has been obtained from literature focusing on how we should build our houses and cities if we want to join and create a sustainable society. Part of the purpose of this thesis was to explore how to disseminate information on environmental and circular issues in an educational way. The theoretical part of the thesis is therefore focusing on selected parts of education obtained from previous research in children and youth learning for sustainable development, since studies show that it is important that children learn about these issues early in life. Education for Sustainable Development is an important prerequisite for achieving the sustainability goals set by the UN until 2030. Upcoming generations must learn a sustainable way of life right from the start while the existing population must drastically change their lifestyle. In order to gather empiricism, interviews were held with people who have been involved in the planning work with the new district. It turned out that there were former driving spirits who introduced the idea of the eco-cycle building, but that it doesn’t currently are the major priority in the ongoing work with the new school and housing. Engaging the users at an early stage provides better conditions for achieving a result that is effective and satisfying for all parties. The theory of design dialogues has therefore been studied to demonstrate the importance of a good dialogue to quickly identify needs and develop ideas in design work. The result of the thesis, the functional program, can be seen as a draft on conceptual level with features and expressions that can be applied to a building of this kind, and an inspiration for continued work. In the functional program, our interpretations form how the eco-cycle building would meet the requests and functions that’s been requested in the plan program, in order to benefit as much as possible in the municipality's future work with the building. Conclusions are that there are no precursors of the eco-cycle building as a concept. Despite a large number of sources of inspiration from various aspects, no example was found that combines all the aspects we have the ambition to develop for this building. The eco-cycle building as a concept could play an important role for how to handle sustainable issues in a district or in a whole city. However, further work is required to investigate how the building should be run and managed, as well as more extensive studies of which technical solutions to apply. Further work is also required to optimize the building for the future location, and the size of the building that are appropriate. There is a great interest in the building from various participants in Borlänge, but to implement the idea of the eco-cycle building, one or more people need to embrace the project with the commitment that previously existed in the organization.

En pedagogisk byggnad för hållbar utveckling : Utformning av en programhandling för ett kretsloppshus med fokus på social och ekologisk hållbarhet / : Program for an eco-cycle building with focus on social and ecological sustainability

Bergkvist, Johanna, Strandberg, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet syftar till att upprätta ett funktionsprogram för ett kretsloppshus där stadensinvånare kan nås med kunskap om hållbar utveckling. Bakgrunden till detta är att Borlänge kommun 2017godkände ett planprogram med visionen att skapa en ny, klimatneutral stadsdel och därmed bli enföregångare för hållbar stadsutveckling i regionen. Arbetet med programhandlingen innebar bland annat attundersöka den bakgrund och de förutsättningar som fanns för ett uppförande av byggnaden.I kommunens planprogram beskrivs byggnaden ha en pedagogisk funktion i stadsdelen och i Borlänge; enplats med fokus på praktisk demonstration och utbildning av elever och boende i kretsloppsfrågor för energi,vatten och avfall/material i en fattbar och intresseväckande skala. Kretsloppshuset planeras att uppföras ianslutning till en ny skola årkurs 6-9 för samverkan i detta syfte.Kommunens tanke är att kretsloppshuset ska fungera som ett nav i stadsdelen, men också att byggnaden skabli ett besöksmål och sätta Borlänge på kartan vad gäller hållbart byggande. Ett hållbart byggande innefattarbland annat resurshushållning, minimerad energianvändning och förnybara energikällor, men också attresurser som energi, avfall och vatten cirkulerar i kretslopp. Teori har inhämtats ur litteratur som fokuseratpå hur vi ska bygga våra hus och städer om vi vill vara med och skapa ett hållbart samhälle.En del av syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka hur man på ett pedagogiskt vis kan spridainformation om miljö- och kretsloppsfrågor. Examensarbetet teoretiska del fokuserar därför delvis påutvalda delar av pedagogik som inhämtats från tidigare forskning inom barn och ungdomars lärande förhållbar utveckling, eftersom att studier visar att det är viktigt att barn lär sig tidigt om dessa frågor.Utbildning för hållbar utveckling är en viktig förutsättning för att nå de hållbarhetsmål som FN tagit fram till2030. Kommande generationer måste lära sig ett hållbart levnadssätt redan från start samtidigt som denbefintliga befolkningen drastiskt måste förändra sin livsstil.För att samla empiri gjordes intervjuer med personer som är eller har varit inblandade i planeringsarbetetmed den nya stadsdelen. Det visade sig att det funnits eldsjälar som tidigt introducerat idén omkretsloppshuset, men att det i nuläget inte får någon större prioritet bland det pågående arbetet med ny skolaoch bostäder.Att involvera brukarna i ett tidigt skede ger bättre förutsättningar för att nå ett resultat som är effektivt ochtillfredställande för alla parter. Teori gällande designdialoger har därför studerats, för att visa på vikten av engod dialog för att snabbt identifiera behov och utveckla idéer i designarbetet.Resultatet av examensarbetet, funktionsprogrammet, kan ses som ett förslag på konceptuell nivå medfunktioner och uttryck som kan tillämpas på en byggnad av detta slag, och en inspiration till fortsatt arbete.I funktionsprogrammet gestaltar våra tolkningar hur kretsloppshuset skulle uppfylla de önskemål ochfunktioner som efterfrågas i planprogrammet, för att i största möjliga mån kunna vara till nytta i kommunenskommande arbete med byggnaden.Slutsatser som togs är att rena föregångare till Jakobsgårdarnas Kretsloppshus som koncept saknas. Trots ettstort antal inspirationskällor ur olika aspekter hittades inget exempel som förenar alla de aspekter som vi harambitionen att utveckla i den aktuella byggnaden. Kretsloppshuset som koncept kan bli en viktig pusselbitför att hantera hållbarhetsfrågor i en stadsdel eller en hel stad. Ett vidare arbete krävs dock för att undersökahur byggnaden ska komma att drivas och förvaltas, och en mer omfattande undersökning av vilka tekniskalösningar som ska appliceras. Vidare arbete krävs också för att optimera byggnaden för den framtida platsen,och hur stora ytor som är lämpliga.Det finns ett stort intresse för byggnaden från diverse aktörer i Borlänge, men för att idén omkretsloppshuset ska kunna förverkligas krävs en eller flera personer axlar det engagemang för projektet somfanns när planprogrammet upprättades. / The purpose of this thesis is to establish a functional program for an eco-cycle building where people can bereached with knowledge of sustainable development. The background to this is that the municipality ofBorlänge approved a plan program with the vision of creating a new, climate neutral district and therebybecome a precursor for sustainable construction in the region. For instance, the functional program is meantto investigate the background and the prerequisites that existed. In the municipality’s plan program, thebuilding is described to have an educational function for the district and for Borlänge; a place which focuseson practical demonstrations and education for students and residents in recycling issues for energy, waterand waste/material in a comprehensible and compelling way. The eco-cycle building is planned to beestablished near the new school, with classes from 6 to 9, to make a cooperation possible.Requests from the municipality is that the eco-cycle building can work like a hub in the new district, butalso become a new place of interest and put Borlänge on the map for sustainable construction. Sustainableconstruction includes resource management, minimized energy use and renewable energy sources, but alsothat resources like energy, waste and water circulate in an eco-cycle. Theory has been obtained fromliterature focusing on how we should build our houses and cities if we want to join and create a sustainablesociety.Part of the purpose of this thesis was to explore how to disseminate information on environmental andcircular issues in an educational way. The theoretical part of the thesis is therefore focusing on selected partsof education obtained from previous research in children and youth learning for sustainable development,since studies show that it is important that children learn about these issues early in life. Education forSustainable Development is an important prerequisite for achieving the sustainability goals set by the UNuntil 2030. Upcoming generations must learn a sustainable way of life right from the start while the existingpopulation must drastically change their lifestyle.In order to gather empiricism, interviews were held with people who have been involved in the planningwork with the new district. It turned out that there were former driving spirits who introduced the idea of theeco-cycle building, but that it doesn’t currently are the major priority in the ongoing work with the newschool and housing.Engaging the users at an early stage provides better conditions for achieving a result that is effective andsatisfying for all parties. The theory of design dialogues has therefore been studied to demonstrate theimportance of a good dialogue to quickly identify needs and develop ideas in design work.The result of the thesis, the functional program, can be seen as a draft on conceptual level with features andexpressions that can be applied to a building of this kind, and an inspiration for continued work. In thefunctional program, our interpretations form how the eco-cycle building would meet the requests andfunctions that’s been requested in the plan program, in order to benefit as much as possible in themunicipality's future work with the building.Conclusions are that there are no precursors of the eco-cycle building as a concept. Despite a large numberof sources of inspiration from various aspects, no example was found that combines all the aspects we havethe ambition to develop for this building. The eco-cycle building as a concept could play an important rolefor how to handle sustainable issues in a district or in a whole city. However, further work is required toinvestigate how the building should be run and managed, as well as more extensive studies of whichtechnical solutions to apply. Further work is also required to optimize the building for the future location,and the size of the building that are appropriate. There is a great interest in the building from variousparticipants in Borlänge, but to implement the idea of the eco-cycle building, one or more people need toembrace the project with the commitment that previously existed in the organization.

Análise documental das linhas prioritárias propostas por organizações articuladas com a construção sustentável brasileira

Bassetto, Luci Ines 10 May 2016 (has links)
O tema central deste estudo refere-se à Construção Sustentável sob a ótica da preservação dos recursos naturais, perpassando pelos temas do papel da Construção Civil como agente transformador e regenerativo de seus impactos ecológicos na sociedade. Apesar dos já identificados limites planetários, no Brasil, a forma de entender a construção civil como agente de transformação social e econômica ainda não é favorável à manutenção do equilíbrio da natureza. Com características diferenciadas, o país apresenta prioridades de ação sobre o saneamento, a água, a exploração das florestas e a produção de alimentos que devem ser incorporadas em suas estratégias. Apesar do termo “construção sustentável” referir-se à preocupação ambiental no setor, a base comum do debate ainda é iniciante. Assim, objetivou-se analisar documentos publicados sobre as linhas prioritárias dos debates entre os agentes representativos do setor da construção civil brasileira para examinar os enfoques da Sustentabilidade Ecológica como base de sustentação para a vida no Planeta. Foram consideradas as contribuições das políticas públicas de “construção sustentável” para estimular a cadeia produtiva para ampliar a sustentabilidade. Acredita-se que este estudo pode promover uma análise da importância da Sustentabilidade Ecológica na “construção sustentável” por meio de produção de inovações, saberes e conhecimentos. A metodologia do estudo tem uma abordagem qualitativa, de natureza teórico-conceitual tendo como objeto de análise documentos públicos e privados. Identificou-se convergências e divergências nos debates relevantes para introduzir avanços na discussão. O conteúdo identificado nos documentos limita-se à importância da construção civil no desenvolvimento urbano e ao suprimento do consequente déficit habitacional sem referência aos grupos privilegiados, a exemplo do declarado na Agenda 21 para a construção sustentável em países em desenvolvimento. Quando se referem às ações alinhadas com o desenvolvimento sustentável, os textos abstêm-se de referências ao tema da inclusão social na habitação. As particularidades dos três documentos apresentam-se como verdadeiras e pertinentes para o setor da construção civil. Considerando o conteúdo dos documentos, as empresas que cuidarem da água, energia e do meio ambiente, podem ser mais competitivas e melhorar a sua produtividade e rentabilidade. Concluiu-se que os documentos são iniciativas de reflexões sobre o tema da Sustentabilidade Ecológica e fornecem orientações para o equilíbrio do desenvolvimento sustentável, o que pode ser alcançado mediante os princípios da economia circular aplicada à Construção Sustentável. Como sugestões para trabalhos futuros, esta Tese destacou a importância da economia circular como uma alternativa para aliar os interesses do desenvolvimento econômico e o desenvolvimento sustentável por meio da Construção Sustentável. / The central theme of this study refers to Sustainable Construction from the perspective of Ecological Sustainability, passing by themes of the role of Civil Construction as a transforming and regenerative agent of their ecological impacts in society. It is perceived a conflict between Ecological Sustainability and Sustainable Development due the later suggest economic growth with care for environment and social issues. Despite already identified planetary boundaries, in Brazil, the way to understand the Civil Construction as social and economic transformation agent is still not in favor of maintaining the nature balance. With different characteristics, the country presents action priorities on sanitation, water, forest exploration and food production that should be incorporated into their strategies. Although the term "sustainable construction" refer to environmental concern in the sector, the common basis of debate is still beginner. The objective was to analyze published documents on priority lines of discussions among representative agents of Brazilian Civil Construction sector to examine the focus of Ecological Sustainability as a support basis for life on the planet. It were considered contributions from public policies of "sustainable construction" to stimulate the production chain to increase sustainability. It is believed that this study can promote an analysis of the importance of ecological sustainability in "sustainable construction" through production of innovation, knowledge and expertise. The study methodology has a qualitative approach, theoretical and conceptual nature having as object of analysis public and private documents. It was identified convergences and divergences in debates relevant to introduce advances in the discussion. The content identified in documents is limited to the importance of civil construction in urban development and to supply resulting habitation shortage without reference to privileged groups, such as stated in Agenda 21 for sustainable development in developing countries. When referring to actions aligned with sustainable development, the texts abstain of references to the issue of social inclusion in habitation. The particularities of the three documents are presented as true and relevant to the construction sector. Considering documents content, companies that take care of water, energy and the environment, can be more competitive and improve their productivity and profitability. It was concluded that the documents are initiatives of reflections on the theme of Ecological Sustainability and provide guidance for the balance of sustainable development, which can be achieved by the principles of circular economy applied to Sustainable Construction. As suggestions for future works, this thesis emphasized the importance of circular economy as an alternative to align interests of economic development and sustainable development through Sustainable Construction.

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