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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulace revitalizace panelového domu se záměrem dosažení mezinárodního certifikátu pro výstavbu budov / Simulation of renovation of block-of-flats building with a focus on gaining an international certificate for building construction

Balúch, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to revitalize the selected type of panel house in the selected locality in order to meet the standards of international certification for the design and sustainable construction of buildings. First, the thesis analyzes the chronological development of the panel housing estates in Brno and compares the individual structural systems that were historically used for panel construction in Brno. Furthermore, the most used certification methodologies are compared and a specific certification is selected for next simulation. The chapter called solution is focused on performing a simulated certification process for design and sustainable construction of selected panel building, in three phases of its revitalization. The hypotheses describing the individual phases of revitalization are intended to confirm or disprove the achievement of this objective, moreover to say the extent of revitalization that has to be done in order to achieve our goals.

Sustainable Construction in the Transportation Infrastructure Industry– as a vision and in practice

Wallberg, Stefan, Lofgren, Karin January 2012 (has links)
This study has been conducted on behalf of Vectura Consulting AB with the purpose to examine how different actors perceive the dimensions of sustainability and sustainable construction. The purpose is also to provide an understanding of existing barriers and opportunities for sustainable construction within the industry and exemplify with different directions for the actors in order to develop sustainability. The study has approach the research problem by using systems theory, developed by Checkland, to identify the relevant system. Other systems theories has been used as an theoretical framework in order to identify barriers and opportunities, which in this study are based on Hughes’s theory about reverse salients and salients. Interviews with a selection of different actors in the industry and prior research have in this study served as empirics and the perspective of the systems theory defines the necessary tools to be used. The study shows that no consistency prevails regarding the definition of sustainability among the actors. Although, the environmental aspect of sustainability is prioritized by a majority of the actors oppose to social and economic aspects. Furthermore, for some of the actors economy is governing while for others it is decisive. Sustainable construction is characterized by a long-term parallel process with incentives such as branding, recruiting, and optimized operations. Moreover, the study indicates a willingness among the actors to define the concept of sustainability in order to achieve an industry wide definition. Such a definition would be of benefit for simplifying procurement and developing sustainable construction. The study identified two barriers and two opportunities. The actors agrees on that the procurement regulations of the Swedish infrastructure authority “Trafikverket” in combination with contracts defined by multiple products, and the objectives of Trafikverket,  are the two main barriers for holding back the development of sustainability in the industry. However, Trafikverket’s goal to increase the number of contracts based on function is seen as an opportunity as it enables creativity and innovation and a possible side effect of sustainable development. In addition, side bids from different actors are considered as a driver that will accelerate Trafikverket’s work regarding sustainability and especially sustainable construction. Finally, the authors give examples of directions for the industry to enhance sustainable construction and by doing so the authors connect vision with practice.

Sustainable Construction? : A Study on Errors, Damages and Complexity in Construction / Bygger vi hållbart? : En studie av fel, skador och komplexitet i byggandet

Larsson, Per January 2020 (has links)
Topics on the environment and sustainability attracts ever more attention today, especially in the construction sector. In Sweden, the building- and housing industry answers for a significant share of the total energy consumption, waste production and greenhouse gas emissions. The construction sector is often depicted as conservative with a low rate of productivity and innovation. Sweden’s National Board of Housing, Building and Planning suggests that errors and damages in construction causes expenses corresponding to tens of thousands new housing units each year in Sweden. In a time of climate action and pursuit of more circularity in resource use this issue becomes a burning question. There is no doubt that the industry has adopted the increasing awareness on sustainability issues. Carbon emission levels and renewable energy is being measured as any other key performance indicator. The strive for increased sustainability in construction becomes relevant for any actor who wants to remain relevant on the market. Considering recent studies emphasizing errors, damages, and inadequacies in construction a relevant question to ask would be if the reality lives up to the ambitions of a sustainable building industry. This study investigates underlying factors causing errors and damages in construction. Development on sustainability matters is plotted in relation to how it has affected the industry. Chosen literature covers sustainability development, building errors and damages as well as complexity matters unique for the construction industry. The study’s literature review is balanced by multiple interviews and a survey conducted with industry working professionals. The results suggest that the development of errors and damages in construction has been stable in recent years. However, data collection thru interviews and surveys declares that most participants has experienced an increase in errors and damages. The distribution of information and knowledge regarding errors and damages in construction has increased, which may have caused a perceived increase of errors and damages. Whether increased focus on sustainability matters has affected the occurrence of errors and damages depends on which time span is being considered. Sustainability related adaptions of work methods and materials may give rise to errors and damages in the short term. Hence, the heightened sustainability focus together with a rapid development pace calls for caution when designing buildings. The study’s data collection suggests an increasing lack of competence regarding the design of buildings and contract documents. Ambiguous and more demanding requirements together with lack of general liability and competence supply is described as the most urgent issues affecting errors, damages, and deficiencies in construction. / Frågor som berör miljö- och hållbarhet får allt mer uppmärksamhet i samhället, inte minst inom byggsektorn. I Sverige står bygg- och fastighetssektorn för en betydande andel av landets totala energianvändning, avfallsproduktion och utsläpp av växthusgaser. Byggsektorn beskrivs traditionellt som konservativ och beskylls ofta för att ha en låg produktivitetsutveckling och innovationsgrad. Boverket hävdar att fel, skador och brister i byggandet orsakar kostnader motsvarande ett produktionsbortfall på tiotusentals bostäder i Sverige varje år. I en tid av klimatomställningar och strävan mot ett mer cirkulärt användande av naturresurser blir denna fråga ytterst relevant. Att branschens aktörer tagit till sig det ökande hålbarhetsfokuset råder det inga tvivel om. Företags koldioxidutsläpp och andel förnybar energi är nyckeltal som deklareras i allt högre utsträckning. Att bygga hållbart är en självklarhet för vilken aktör som helst som vill behålla sin position på marknaden. Med bakgrund i de studier som lyfter fram fel, skador och brister inom byggandet är det relevant att fråga sig ifall verkligheten lever upp till ambitionen om det hållbara byggandet. Denna studie undersöker bakomliggande orsaker till att det uppstår fel och skador i byggandet. Branschens utveckling kopplat till hållbarhetsfrågan kartläggs i syfte att identifiera hur den påverkat byggandet. Den litteratur som studerats berör hållbarhetsutveckling, byggfel och byggskadorsamt den komplexitet som ofta är unik för byggbranschen. Genom intervjuer med tjänstemän samt en enkätstudie med yrkesarbetare ges en verklighetsanknytning och avstämning mot aktuell litteratur. Studiens resultat påvisar att utvecklingen av byggfel och byggskador varit oförändrad i närtid. Inom ramen för studiens datainsamling uppger majoriteten av de tillfrågade att de upplevt en ökning av fel och skador. Samtidigt har information och spridning av upptäckta fel och skador i byggandet ökat, vilket i sig kan ha föranlett en upplevd ökning. Huruvida det ökade hållbarhetsfokuset inom byggsektorn har påverkat förekomsten av byggfel och byggskador beror på vilken tidshorisont som beaktas. Hållbarhetsrelaterade omställningar av arbetsmetoder och material riskerar att ge upphov till fel och skador på kort sikt. Med ökat fokus på hållbarhetsfrågor och snabb utveckling ökar behovet av att kunna se den långsiktiga hållbarheten vid valet av byggtekniska lösningar. Studiens datainsamling pekar på ökande kompetensbrist i fråga om byggnaders och byggbeskrivningars utformning. Tvetydiga och mer omfattande kravställningar i kombination med bristande helhetsansvar och kompetensförsörjning beskrivs som de största riskfaktorerna i fråga om fel, skador och brister i byggandet.

Privata beställarorganisationer om sin roll och sitt arbete med hållbar utveckling inom den svenska byggbranschen - Incitament, barriärer och förbättringsmöjligheter / Private clientorganizations about their role and their work with sustainable development in the Swedish construction industry - Drivers, barriers andopportunities forimprovement

Nilsson, Daniel, Kärrström, Johan January 2020 (has links)
Tveklöst står byggbranschen inför stora utmaningar vad gäller att möta mål i det globala hållbarhetsarbetet. Beställaren har en central roll i att främja arbetet mot hållbar utveckling i branschen och har därför stor möjlighet till påverkan.Samtidigt visar forskningen att få studier har gjorts ur ett beställarperspektiv.Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur privata beställare i Sverige arbetar med hållbar utveckling och belysa incitament, hinder samt möjliga förbättringar. Genom att använda en kvalitativ metod har denna studie kommit fram till att privata beställarorganisationer själva ser sig som den viktigaste aktören för att driva hållbar utveckling, samt att deras syn på hållbar utveckling främst grundar sig i ekologisk hållbarhet såsom klimatpåverkan. Vidare tar denna studie fram ett antal incitament samt barriärer som hindrar/driver hållbar utveckling utifrån beställarens perspektiv samt en rad rekommenderade åtgärder för att driva hållbarhetsarbetet framåt inom organisationen och i branschen. Bland dessa åtgärder föreslås tre samarbetsområden för privata beställarorganisationer då det anses finnas stor potential att förbättra branschen till att arbeta mer hållbart om organisationerna skulle arbeta mer unisont. Även vikten av att förankra arbetet mot hållbar utveckling inom organisationen anser denna studie vara en nyckelfaktor för en lyckad implementering av exempelvis strategier, arbetssätt eller verktyg för att främja hållbar utveckling. / There is no doubt that the construction industry faces major challenges concerning the contribution to sustainability at a global level. The client has a keyrole in promoting the work towards sustainable development in the industry and therefore has a major opportunity for influence. However, there is a lack of research from the client perspective. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how private clients in Stockholm is addressing sustainable development and to highlight incentives, barriers and possible improvements. By using a qualitative method this paper concludes that private clients view themselves as the key actor to promote sustainable development in the construction industry and that their view of sustainable development mainly contains environmental sustainability aspects e.g. climate change. Furthermore, this study presents a number of incentives and barriers that hinder/drives sustainable development from the perspective of the client and a number of recommended actions to drive the sustainability work within the organizationand in the industry. Among these actions there are three proposed areas of collaboration among private client organizations since this study argues that there exists great potential to improve the industry to work more sustainable if the organizations work more unison. Also, the importance of establishing work towards sustainability within the organization is something this study consider tobe a key-factor for a successful implementation of e.g. strategies, practices ortools for promoting sustainable development.

Rainwater Collecting Roofs on Schools in Indonesia : Field Study for a self-sufficient school

Andersson, Sofia, Collin, Sophie, Eriksson, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
Denna rapport har delats in i två delar, där den första delen fokuserar på den praktiskatillämpningen av konstruktionen och den andra delen fokuserar på skolans design ochfunktion. Detta för att designen ska byggas på vetenskapliga grunder, där det är bevisat attprocessen är genomförbar och har ett syfte.Ett av världens största hälsoproblem idag är bristen på rent dricksvatten. Globalt saknar entredjedel av befolkningen tillgång till rent vatten. Ett av de 17 globala målen som FN arbetarmot i Agenda 2030 är mål nummer sex, att alla ska ha tillgång till rent vatten och sanitet.Denna studie belyser hur man kan arbeta för att uppnå detta mål.En stad där vattenkvaliteten är dålig är i Surabaya, Indonesien. Surabaya är en stad med nästantio miljoner invånare i stor-Surabaya, belägen i Östra Java. Trots att Indonesien har en avvärldens största tillgångar på färskvatten genom sjöar och floder i världen är Brantasfloden,som är huvudkällan till vattenförsörjningen för staden, långt ifrån drickbart. Förutom att tafärskvatten från sjöar och floder kan regnvatten vara en bra källa till säkert dricksvatten.Ett bra exempel är Bermuda som med flera hundra års erfarenhet samlar in och renar vattnetgenom deras vita kalkstensbelagda tak. Studien har fokuserat på möjligheterna attimplementera denna struktur i Surabaya, placerad på en skola, eftersom barnen är en prioritet.Denna konstruktion skulle kunna göra det möjligt att få rent dricksvatten rakt ur kran medhjälp av landets egna naturresurser. Nederbörd är inte det enda landet har att tillgå för att enskola ska kunna bli självförsörjande. Studierna för del ett visar att en skola kan blisjälvförsörjande på både el och vatten med hjälp av naturtillgångarna som finns. Det finnstillräckligt med soltimmar och nederbörd för att kunna täcka försörjningen av en skola. Genomatt studera miljön, tillgången på material, risker och möjligheter samt hanteringen avavloppsvatten och ytterligare filtreringsmetoder kan man dra slutsatsen att uppfinningen ävenkan användas i Surabaya.Del två visar att det går att utforma en skola med denna takkonstruktion i beaktande, förSurabayas kultur och förhållanden. / This report has been divided into two parts where the first one is focused on the practicalapplicability of the construction and the second part is focused on the design and function ofthe school. This is to ensure that the design is based on scientific principles, where it is proventhat the process is feasible and serves a purpose.One of the world's biggest health problems today is the lack of clean drinking water.Worldwide, a third of the population do not have access to clean water. It is on the UN agendato reach the goal of clean water and sanitation by the year 2030. This study highlightsstrategies and approaches to work towards achieving this goal.One city where the water quality is poor is Surabaya, Indonesia. Surabaya is a city with almostthree million people, located in East Java. Even though Indonesia has one of the biggest assetsof fresh water through lakes and rivers in the world, the Brantas river, which is the mainsource of water supply for the city, is far from drinkable. Aside from taking fresh water fromlakes and rivers, rainwater can be a great source for safe drinking water.A good example with hundred years of experience is Bermuda with their white limestoneroofs that collect and cleans the water. The focus of the report has been the possibilities toimplement this structure in Surabaya placed on a school, as the children are a priority.Studying the environment, access of materials, risks and possibilities as well as wastewaterhandling and additional filtration methods, it can be concluded that the invention can be usedin the proximity of Surabaya as well with some minor changes to the construction. Thecountry's precipitation is not the only resource available for a school to become self-sufficient.The results for part one indicate that a school can achieve self-sufficiency in both electricityand water by harnessing the existing natural resources. The country has an abundance ofsunlight hours and precipitation to sufficiently meet the needs of a school.Part two demonstrates that it is possible to design a school considering this roof structure,considering Surabaya's culture and conditions.

Evaluations of how carbon dioxide calculations can be integrated into 3D models at an early design stage for more efficient Life Cycle Assessments on buildings

Haugsbakk, Frida January 2018 (has links)
Life Cycle Assessments on buildings and various environmental certificates are starting to become customary for newbuilding projects in Sweden. Building materials play a big part in a building’s environmental impact. Earlier research indicates that Life Cycle Assessments is not a routine in today’s construction process and it may depend on uncertainties in the methods of quantifying carbon dioxide emissions. This master thesis focuses on how equivalent carbon dioxides, a standard unit to quantify greenhouse gas emissions, of building materials can be integrated with Building Information Modelling. Through meetings with experts in the field, data has been collected. A 3D model of a house was built in order to evaluate both an integration with a cost calculation tool and directly with the 3D model. The results showed how the cost calculation tool works for calculations of equivalent carbon dioxides, early in the pre-construction phase. Difficulties in finding corresponding materials in their database were found and issues with summarizing carbon dioxide data. The integration directly into the 3D model, with visual programming, proved an insert for each materials’ carbon dioxide emissions worked. This allows further updates throughout the building process. It was also possible to import material information to a carbon dioxide calculation tool. This evaluation opened up a possibility to change and update carbon dioxide emissions at an early design stage of a building process with Building Information Modelling along with a need of organizational change due to today's traditional building processes. / Livscykelanalyser på byggnader och olika typer av miljöbyggnads-certifieringar blir allt vanligare för nya byggprojekt i Sverige. Materialet i en byggnad spelar en stor roll av hela byggnadens miljöpåverkan. Tidigare forskning indikerar att livscykelanalyser inte är en rutin i dagens byggprocesser vilket kan bero på att osäkerheter i de olika metoderna bakom koldioxidberäkningar. Den här artikeln fokuserar på hur koldioxidekvivalenter av byggnadsmaterial kan bli integrerade med Byggnadsinformationsmodellering. Genom möten med experter i området har datainsamling gjorts för det ändamålet. För att undersöka integreringen byggdes en 3D-modell upp och som senare användes för beräkningar av koldioxidutsläpp i ett kostnads-kalkyleringsverktyg samt undersöka hur en införing av koldioxidekvivalenter direkt i 3D-modellen kunde göras. Resultaten visade hur kostnads-beräkningsverktyget fungerar för beräkningar av koldioxidekvivalenter, tidigt i byggprocessen. Svårigheter i att hitta motsvarande material i kalkyleringsverktygets databas upptäcktes under utvärderingen samt en sammanfattande rapport för beräkningarna. Integrationen direkt i 3D-modellen med visuell programmering visade att en inmatning av koldioxidutsläpp för varje material fungerade vilket möjliggör uppdateringar under hela byggprocessen. Det var också möjligt att importera materialinformation till ett koldioxidberäkningsverktyg. Det öppnar upp möjligheter att ändra och uppdatera koldioxidutsläpp för material tidigt i byggprocessen med hjälp av Byggnadsinformationsmodellering och visar behov av organisationsförändringar på grund av dagens traditionella byggprocess.

On Life Cycle Assessment in the Built Environment: from Conventional Sustainability to Regeneration and Glocal Architecture

Quintana Gallardo, Alberto 17 December 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La idea general de esta tesis es estudiar el papel que el Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) puede jugar como una herramienta para la toma de decisiones durante la fase de proyecto de una obra de construcción. El ACV es una metodología que permite el cálculo de los impactos ambientales de cualquier actividad humana. Este trabajo está construido en tres niveles, el estudio de materiales de construcción individualmente, las soluciones constructivas y por último el conjunto del edificio. A medida que los capítulos progresan, el foco del estudio se aleja desde las particularidades asociadas con los materiales hasta llegar al estudio del ciclo de vida de los edificios. El capítulo uno corresponde con el primer nivel. En este capítulo, varios biocomposites que contienen resina bio-epoxi se comparan con la placa de yeso laminado en términos de sus impactos medioambientales y sus propiedades mecánicas. En el caso de las soluciones constructivas, esta tesis analiza, además de los impactos ambientales, otros parámetros relevantes, tales como el comportamiento acústico y térmico. Sin un comportamiento adecuado en esos aspectos. las soluciones constructivas sostenibles no pueden considerarse una alternativa a las convencionales. En el caso del capítulo 2, se comparan varios tipos de particiones que combinan los biocomposites estudiados en el primer capítulo con absorbentes acústicos convencionales y no convencionales en términos de sus impactos medioambientales y su aislamiento a ruido aéreo. El tercer capítulo continúa tratando las soluciones constructivas. En este caso se analiza el uso de paneles de fachada formados a partir de residuo de paja de arroz generada en el parque natural de la Albufera. Una fachada compuesta por estos paneles se compara a una fachada de doble hoja de ladrillo. El estudio lidia con la comparación de sus impactos ambientales, su aislamiento a ruido aéreo y su transmitancia térmica. Además se analiza el comportamiento higrotérmico de la fachada de paja. El último capítulo compara los impactos ambientales de una casa de madera pensada para ser una referencia de la media europea en cinco ciudades diferentes. Las ciudades estudiadas son Munich, Ljubljana, Portorož, Madrid, and Valencia. El propósito es comprender como las barreras hacia la sostenibilidad regenerativa cambian dependiendo de la ubicación. En referencia a los resultados, el primer capítulo indica que los composites propuestos pueden ser una alternativa sostenible a la placa de yeso laminado al reducir un 50% su impacto ambiental. El segundo capítulo muestra que reemplazar la placa de yeso laminado y la lana mineral de las particiones por los biocomposites y con un material basado en residuo de lana de oveja puede reducir las emisiones de carbono un 60%. El tercer capítulo señala la importancia de encontrar manera de utilizar la paja de arroz de la albufera como materia prima. Además, la fachada de paja de arroz analizada demuestra no solo ser beneficiosa para el medio ambiente (evita la emisión de 52 kg de CO2 eq. por metro cuadrado), sino también demuestra ser una alternativa adecuada en términos de su comportamiento acústico, térmico e higrotérmico. Debido a los beneficios ambientales que el uso de los paneles de paja supone para el medio ambiente, la paja de arroz puede ser considerada como un material glocal. El último capítulo muestra que las medidas de sostenibilidad convencional, como el uso de la madera en la estructura y el aumento del aislamiento, no son suficientes para llegar a construir edificios regenerativos ni de emisiones de carbono neutras (NZED). El uso de materiales de base biológica, un correcto diseño y nuevas tecnologías enfocadas a la eficiencia energética son fundamentales para alcanzar el objetivo de la sostenibilidad regenerativa. En general los resultados enfatizan la necesidad de utilizar el ACV como una herramienta para la toma de decisiones en fase de proyecto de un edificio. El ACV es la única metodología capaz de ofrecer una representación fiable de la influencia que un edificio tiene sobre el medio ambiente / [CA] La idea general d'aquesta tesi es estudiar del paper que l'Anàlisi de Cicle de Vida (ACV) podria jugar com a ferramenta per a la pressa de decisions durant la fase de projecte d'una obra de construcció. El ACV és una metodologia que permet el càlcul dels impactes ambientals de qualsevol activitat humana. Aquest treball està construït en tres nivells, el estudi de materials de construcció de manera individual, les solucions constructives i per últim l'edifici com a conjunt. A mesura que els capítols progressen, el focus s'allunya des de les particularitats dels materials fins arribar a l'estudi del cicle de vida dels edificis. El capítol 1 es correspon amb el primer nivell. En aquest capítol. diversos biocomposites formats amb resina bio-epoxi es comparen amb la placa de guix laminat en termes dels seus impactes ambientals y les propietats mecàniques. En el cas de les solucions constructives, aquesta tesi analitza, a més dels impactes ambientals, uns altres paràmetres rellevants, com el comportament acústic i tèrmic. Sense un comportament adequat en eixos aspectes, una solució constructiva composada de materials sostenibles no pot ser considerada una alternativa al mètodes de construcció convencional. En el cas del segon capítol, diversos tipus de particions que combinen els biocomposites estudiats en el primer capítol amb absorbents acústics convencionals i no convencionals en termes dels seus impactes ambiental i el seu aïllament a soroll aeri. El tercer capítol continua analitzant solucions constructives. En aquest cas s'analitza l'ús de panels de façana composats de residu de palla d'arròs generada al parc natural de l'Albufera de València. Una façana composta d'aquestos panells es compara amb una façana de doble fulla de maó. L'estudi tracta la comparació dels seus impactes ambientals, el seu aïllament acústic i la transmitància tèrmica. A més s'analitza el comportament higrotèrmic de la façana de palla.L'últim capítol compara els impactes ambientals de una casa de fusta pensada com una referència de la mitjana europea en cinc ciutats diferents. Les ciutats estudiades són Múnich, Liubliana, Portorož, Madrid, and València. L'objectiu es comprendre com les barreres cap a la sostenibilitat regenerativa canvien depenent de la ubicació del edifici. En el referent als resultats, el primer capítol indica que els compòsits proposats poden ser una alternativa sostenible a la placa de guix laminat al reduir un 50% el seu impacte ambiental. El segon capítol mostra que reemplaçar la placa de guix laminat i la llana mineral de les particions amb els biocomposites i amb un material basat en residu de llana d'ovella pot reduir les emissions de carboni un 60%. El tercer capítol senyala la importància de trobar maneres d'emprar la palla d'arròs de l'Albufera com a matèria prima. A més, la façana de palla d'arròs analitzada demostra ser no sols beneficiosa per al medi ambient (evita la emissió de 52 kg de CO2 eq. per metre quadrat), sinó també demostra ser una alternativa adequada en termes del seu comportament acústic, tèrmic i higrotèrmic. L'últim capítol mostra que mesures de sostenibilitat convencional, com emprar estructura de fusta i augmentar l'aïllament, no son suficients per arribar a construir edificis d'emissions neutres de carboni (NZEB). L'ús de materials de base biològica, un correcte disseny i noves tecnologies enfocades a l'eficiència energètica són fonamentals per arribar a la sostenibilitat regenerativa. En general, els resultats emfatitzen la necessitat d'utilitzar el ACV com a una ferramenta per a la pressa de decisions en la fase de projecte d'un edifici. El ACV és l'única metodologia capaç d'oferir una representació fiable de la influència que un edifici te sobre el medi ambient. / [EN] The overarching idea of this thesis is to analyze the role of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as a project decision-making tool. LCA is a methodology to conduct a sustainability analysis of any human activity. This work is constructed in three levels, the study of building materials individually, the constructions, such as façades and partitions, and finally, the whole building. As the chapters progress, the focus of the study zooms out from the particularities associated with materials until arriving at the study of the life cycle of buildings. Chapter one corresponds with the first level. In this chapter, several composite boards with bio-epoxy resin and natural fibers are compared to plasterboard in terms of their environmental impact and mechanic characteristics. In the case of constructions, this thesis analyzes some important aspects related to their performance, such as acoustic and thermal insulation. Without at least a competent performance in those parameters, constructions composed of new sustainable materials cannot be considered alternatives to the conventional solutions. In chapter 2, several partition typologies combining the biocomposites and new and conventional acoustic absorbents are compared in terms of their environmental impacts and their airborne acoustic insulation. The third chapter, which also deals with constructions, analyzes the use of façade panels built using rice straw waste from the Albufera park in Valencia and compares it to the most common façade typology in Valencia, the double-layered brick wall. The study assesses the airborne acoustic insulation and the thermal transmittance of the straw construction experimentally. The hygrothermal performance of this material is also analyzed. The last chapter deals with the environmental impacts of buildings as a whole by comparing a European reference wood house in different locations in Europe. The environmental impacts of this house are studied over its whole life cycle in Munich, Ljubljana, Portorož, Madrid, and Valencia to understand how barriers towards regenerative sustainability change depending on location. When it comes to the results, the first chapter indicates that the bio-epoxy composites proposed can be a sustainable alternative to plasterboard by reducing the environmental impact by around 50%. The second chapter shows that replacing the plasterboard and the mineral wool in a drywall partition with the bio-composites and a sheep wool acoustic absorbent can reduce carbon emissions by almost 60%. The third chapter highlights the importance of finding ways of using the rice straw from the Albufera park as a raw material. Moreover, the rice straw façade analyzed demonstrated to be not only beneficial for the environment (avoids the emission of 52 kg of CO2e to the atmosphere per square meter), but also perfectly adequate to be a sustainable alternative to the most common façade typologies in Valencia in terms of acoustic, thermal and hygrothermal performance. Because of the environmental benefits of its use and the fact that it is a proximity material, the rice straw façade panels can be considered a glocal material. The last chapter shows that conventional sustainability measures, such as a wooden frame and high thermal insulation, are not enough to successfully build neither regenerative nor Nearly Zero Emissions Buildings (NZEB). The use of bio-based materials, designing towards passive efficiency, and new technologies are necessary to reach regenerative sustainability. Overall, the results emphasize the need to use LCA as a decision-making tool during the project stage of a building. LCA is the only tool that can provide an accurate representation of the influence a building will have on the environment over its lifespan. / The authors gratefully thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, for funding the project BIA2013-41537-R (BIAEFIREMAT ‘Development of new sustainable eco- materials and building systems for the building industry, based on the use of residues and renewable raw materials’). The project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and it is included in the R+D National Programme for Research Aimed at the Challenges of Society. Authors EMS, EPN, and MDB gratefully acknowledge the European Commission for funding InnoRenew CoE (grant agreement #739574), under the H2020 Widespread-Teaming programme and Republic of Slovenia (investment funding of the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund). Author AQG was supported in part by a STSM grant from COST Action CA16114 – Rethink Sustainability Towards a Regenerative Economy (RESTORE). / Quintana Gallardo, A. (2021). On Life Cycle Assessment in the Built Environment: from Conventional Sustainability to Regeneration and Glocal Architecture [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/180176 / Compendio

Use of Agricultural Wastes as Supplementary Cementitious Materials / Användning av jordbruksavfall som kompletterande cementmaterial

Marchetti, Ezio January 2020 (has links)
Global cement production is continuously increasing from 1990 till 2050 and growing particularly rapidly in developing countries, where it represents a crucial element for infrastructure development and industrialisation. Every tonne of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) produced releases, on average, about 800 kg of CO2 into the atmosphere, or, in total, the overall production of cement represents roughly 7% of all man-made carbon emissions. The present paper aims to deepen the re-use of agricultural solid waste materials as partial replacement of OPC, which can positively contribute to the sustainability of the concrete industry because of their availability and environmental friendliness. In particular, rice-husk ash (RHA) and oat-husk ash (OHA), burned under the right conditions, can have a high reactive silica content, representing very potential pozzolans. The mechanical and physical characteristics of both materials are investigated to evaluate the influence on concrete properties. Subsequently, using the environmental product declarations (EPDs) of the material used, a comparative environmental impact analysis between RHA concrete and ordinary concrete having the same resistance class, is presented. It is concluded that the use of RHA as supplementary cementitious material can serve a viable and sustainable partial replacement to OPC for the reduction of CO2 emissions and global warming potential. / Den globala cementproduktionen ökar från 1990 till 2050 och växer särskilt snabbt i utvecklingsländer, där den utgör en viktig del för infrastrukturutveckling och industrialisering. Varje ton vanligt portlandcement (OPC) släpper i genomsnitt ut cirka 800 kg koldioxid i atmosfären, och, totalt, representerar den totala cementproduktionen ungefär 7% av alla koldioxidutsläpp från mänsklig verksamhet. Det här examensarbetet syftar till att fördjupa kunskapen om och därmed i förlängningen återanvändningen av fasta avfallsmaterial från jordbruket som delvis ersättning av OPC, vilket kan bidra till hållbarheten i betongindustrin på grund av deras tillgänglighet och miljövänlighet. I synnerhet kan risskalaska (RHA) och havreskalaska (OHA), som bränns under rätt process, ha en hög reaktiv kiseldioxidhalt, vilket representerar mycket potentiella puzzolaner. De mekaniska och fysiska egenskaperna hos båda materialen har undersökts för att utvärdera deras inverkan på betongegenskaper. Därefter presenteras en jämförande miljökonsekvensanalys mellan RHA-betong och OPC-betong med samma motståndsklass med användning av miljövarudeklaration (EPD) för det använda materialet. Man drar slutsatsen att användningen av RHA som alternativt bindemedel (SCM) till OPC kan hjälpa till att minska koldioxidutsläppen och den globala uppvärmningspotentialen.

Diretrizes para a sustentabilidade de uma minirrede de sistemas solares fotovoltaicos em uma região isolada da Colômbia

Manrique, Ana Katherine Rodríguez 23 February 2015 (has links)
CAPES / Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um estudo técnico social para definir as diretrizes que garantam a sustentabilidade de uma minirrede baseada em sistemas solares fotovoltaicos, localizados nas Zonas Não Interconectadas (ZNI) da Colômbia. A literatura da pesquisa está baseada na importância da energia elétrica e das construções sustentáveis para o homem e nos princípios de energia solar e de minirredes baseadas em sistemas solares fotovoltaicos. Após este levantamento, aplicou-se o método de pesquisa documental para contextualizar o leitor com os aspectos mais importantes sobre a Colômbia e sua realidade hoje. A partir destes aspectos foi possível concentrar a pesquisa em uma região, selecionada a partir de critérios de recurso solar disponível, economia, segurança, saúde e educação. Uma vez escolhida a região, foi feita uma pesquisa de campo em que foram entrevistados os agentes que podem influenciar no funcionamento de uma minirrede. Também foram observados os aspectos técnicos relacionados com as construções e a eficiência energética desta região, constatando que a mesma já contou, em alguma ocasião, com sistemas solares fotovoltaicos, mas estes foram vendidos pela própria comunidade por não encontrarem utilidade nenhuma neles. A partir das respostas encontradas nas entrevistas foi feita uma proposta de gestão da minirrede baseada em sistemas solares fotovoltaicos. Concluiu-se que é primordial que os agentes técnicos e administrativos do sistema como um todo tenham contato contínuo com o usuário para entender as suas necessidades e conseguir satisfazê-las com a instalação da minirrede. Também se observou que é importante criar no usuário um sentido de posse pela minirrede, identificando os benefícios educativos, de saúde e econômicos que esta nova tecnologia traz para ele. Este estudo abre as portas para novas pesquisas de avaliação e descrição das diretrizes propostas. / This research presents the development of a social-technical study to define guidelines to ensure the sustainability of a mini-grid based on solar photovoltaic systems located in Non Interconnected Areas (NIA) of Colombia. The literature of this research is based on the importance of energy and sustainable buildings to people, the principles of solar PV, and mini-grid based on solar photovoltaic systems. After this firt part, was applied the method of documentary research to contextualize the reader with the main relevant aspects of Colombia related to the research. From these aspects, it was possible to focus the research to a region, which was chosen by criterias such as: solar resource, economy, security, health and education. When the area was chosen, it was made a field survey. In this survey the agents that influence the operation of a mini network were interviwed. Also, it was observed the technical aspects of buildings, and the energy efficiency in this region. As a result it was observed that in the past there were PV solar systems, but these were sold by the community because they did not find them useful. From the interview answers, it was made a proposal about the management of the mini-grid based on solar photovoltaic systems. In conclusion, it is essential that the technical and administrative agents that make part of this system have continuous contact with the user to understand their needs and satisfy them with the installation of mini-grid. It is also important to create a sense of belonging from the user to the mini-grid, identifying the benefits, educational, health and economic that this new technology brings to him. This study opens the door to new research about evaluations and descriptions about the proposed guidelines.

Environmentální porovnání dřevostavby a zděné stavby bytového domu / Environmental assessment of timbered house and brickwork block of flats

Ostrovský, Milan January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the evaluation of sustainable construction. It is a multi-criteria evaluation focused on building environmental, socio-cultural sphere, economics and management. The reviews I chose passive apartment house in two of designs. The purpose of this study is to compare the standard insulated brick buildings and in our non-traditional wood construction. At the beginning there will explain the basic concepts associated with the topic. After that, the problems of the sustainable construction and environmental impact assessment, which will describe the basic concepts, methodologies, criteria, description of evaluation. The last part will be made an example of evaluation SBToolCZ brick and wooden buildings passive residential Duma. Comparison of both results achieved certification and think about the advantages or disadvantages of both options. The aim of this thesis is dedicated readers and explain to them the issues of this topic.

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