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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The developmental polarity and morphogenesis of a single cell / Développement de la morphogenèse et de la polarité d’une cellule unique

Bonazzi, Daria 06 March 2015 (has links)
Comment les cellules établissent leurs formes et organisations internes est un problème biologique fondamental. Au cours de cette thèse, j’ai étudié le développement de la forme cellulaire et de la polarité chez la cellule de levure fissipare. Ces études sont fondées sur l’exploration de la façon dont les petites spores symétriques de levures se développent et s’organisent pour briser la symétrie pour la définition de leur tout premier axe de polarité. Dans une première partie, j’ai étudié les couplages entre la mécanique de surface de la paroi cellulaire des spores et la stabilité de domaines de polarité de Cdc42 qui contrôlent les aspects spatio-temporelles de la brisure de symétrie de ces spores. Dans une seconde partie, j’ai étudié les mécanismes par lesquels ces domaines de polarité contrôlent leur taille et l'adapte à la géométrie de la cellule, un processus vraisemblablement pertinents pour comprendre comment des domaines fonctionnels corticaux s’adaptent à la taille des cellules. Globalement, ces nouvelles recherches focalisant sur la façon dont les cellules développent dynamiquement leur forme et polarité de novo, permettent de mettre en évidence des couplages complexes dans la morphogenèse qui ne peuvent pas être testés en regardant les cellules à « l’état stationnaire» ou avec des outils génétiques. / How cells establish their proper shapes and organization is a fundamental biological problem. In this thesis, I investigated the dynamic development of cellular form and polarity in the rod-shape fission yeast cell. These studies are based on monitoring how small symmetric fission yeast spores grow and self-organize to break symmetry for the definition of their very first polarity axis. In a first part, I studied interplays between surface mechanics of the spore cell wall and the stability of Cdc42-based polarity domains which control spatio-temporal aspects of spore symmetry breaking. In a second part, I studied mechanisms by which these polarity domains control their width and adapt it to cell surface geometry, a process likely relevant to understand how functional cortical domains scale to cell size. Overall these novel investigations focusing on how cells dynamically develop their form and polarity de novo highlight complex feedbacks in morphogenesis that cannot be evidenced by looking at cells at “steady state” or with genetics.

Mathematical modelling approach to collective decision-making

Zabzina, Natalia January 2017 (has links)
In everyday situations individuals make decisions. For example, a tourist usually chooses a crowded or recommended restaurant to have dinner. Perhaps it is an individual decision, but the observed pattern of decision-making is a collective phenomenon. Collective behaviour emerges from the local interactions that give rise to a complex pattern at the group level. In our example, the recommendations or simple copying the choices of others make a crowded restaurant even more crowded. The rules of interaction between individuals are important to study. Such studies should be complemented by biological experiments. Recent studies of collective phenomena in animal groups help us to understand these rules and develop mathematical models of collective behaviour. The most important communication mechanism is positive feedback between group members, which we observe in our example. In this thesis, we use a generic experimentally validated model of positive feedback to study collective decision-making. The first part of the thesis is based on the modelling of decision-making associated to the selection of feeding sites. This has been extensively studied for ants and slime moulds. The main contribution of our research is to demonstrate how such aspects as "irrationality", speed and quality of decisions can be modelled using differential equations. We study bifurcation phenomena and describe collective patterns above critical values of a bifurcation points in mathematical and biological terms. In the second part, we demonstrate how the primitive unicellular slime mould Physarum Polycephalum provides an easy test-bed for theoretical assumptions and model predictions about decision-making. We study its searching strategies and model decision-making associated to the selection of food options. We also consider the aggregation model to investigate the fractal structure of Physarum Polycephalum plasmodia. / <p>Fel serie i tryckt bok /Wrong series in the printed book</p>

Désintégration du faux vide médiée par des kinks en 1+1 dimensions

Ung, Yvan 07 1900 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, on étudie la désintégration d’un faux vide, c’est-à-dire un vide qui est un minimum relatif d’un potentiel scalaire par effet tunnel. Des défauts topologiques en 1+1 dimension, appelés kinks, apparaissent lorsque le potentiel possède un minimum qui brise spontanément une symétrie discrète. En 3+1 dimensions, ces kinks deviennent des murs de domaine. Ils apparaissent par exemple dans les matériaux magnétiques en matière condensée. Un modèle à deux champs scalaires couplés sera étudié ainsi que les solutions aux équations du mouvement qui en découlent. Ce faisant, on analysera comment l’existence et l’énergie des solutions statiques dépend des paramètres du modèle. Un balayage numérique de l’espace des paramètres révèle que les solutions stables se trouvent entre les zones de dissociation, des régions dans l’espace des paramètres où les solutions stables n’existent plus. Le comportement des solutions instables dans les zones de dissociation peut être très différent selon la zone de dissociation dans laquelle une solution se trouve. Le potentiel consiste, dans un premier temps, en un polynôme d’ordre six, auquel on y rajoute, dans un deuxième temps, un polynôme quartique multiplié par un terme de couplage, et est choisi tel que les extrémités du kink soient à des faux vides distincts. Le taux de désintégration a été estimé par une approximation semi-classique pour montrer l’impact des défauts topologiques sur la stabilité du faux vide. Le projet consiste à déterminer les conditions qui permettent aux kinks de catalyser la désintégration du faux vide. Il appert qu’on a trouvé une expression pour déterminer la densité critique de kinks et qu’on comprend ce qui se passe avec la plupart des termes. / In this thesis, we study the tunneling decay of the false vacuum, that is, a vacuum that is a relative minimum of a scalar potential. Topological defects in 1+1 dimension, called kinks, appear when the potential possesses a minimum that spontaneously breaks a discrete symmetry. In 3+1 dimensions, these kinks become domain walls. For instance, they appear in magnetic materials in condensed matter. A model with two coupled scalar fields will be studied, as well as the solutions to the equations of motion that arise from it. We will then analyze how the energy of the static solutions depend on the parameters of the model. A numerical survey of parameter space reveals that the stable solutions are located between dissociation zones, areas in parameter space where stable solutions no longer exist. The behavior of the unstable solutions in the dissociation zones can be very different depending on which dissociation zone a solution is found near the dissociation zone. The potential first consists in a sixth-order polynomial, to which is added a quartic polynomial multiplied by a coupling term, and is chosen such that the extremities of the kink are at distinct false vacua. The decay rate has been estimated by a semiclassical approximation to show the impact of topological defects on the stability of the false vacuum. The project consists in determining the conditions that allow the kinks to catalyze false vacuum decay. It appears that we found an expression for the critical kink density and that we understand what happens with most terms.

Kvantové aspekty teorií velkého sjednocení / Quantum aspects of grand unified theories

Gráf, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis we focus on Grand Unified Theories based on the SO(10) gauge group and, in particular, on the viability of the minimal nonsupersymmetric SO(10) models. Technically, this amounts to a detailed assessment of their vac- uum stability and related (non-)tachyonicity of their scalar spectrum. It turns out that the one-loop scalar mass corrections are important for elimination of the tachyonic behaviour of certain pseudo-Goldstone bosons. In this work these issues are briefly reviewed and two distinct methods for the calculation of the critical radiative corrections are discussed. More specifically, besides the revision of the effective potential approach to the 45 ⊕ 16 Higgs model also the standard perturbative theory method is employed for this purpose. The latter approach is particularly suitable for the more realistic 45 ⊕ 126 Higgs model since it appears to be practically impossible to construct the corresponding effective potential in that case. Consequently, diagrammatic methods are used to calculate the SO(10)- invariant leading scalar quantum correction to the problematic pseudo-Goldstone masses in the 45 ⊕ 126 model. 1

Nonlinear Dynamics in III-V Semiconductor Photonic Crystal Nano-cavities / Dynamique Non-linéaire en Nano-cavités à Cristal Photonique en Semiconducteur III-V

Brunstein, Maia 08 June 2011 (has links)
L’optique non linéaire traite les modifications des propriétés optiques d'un matériau induites par la propagation de la lumière. Depuis ses débuts, il y a cinquante ans, des nombreuses applications ont été démontrées dans presque tous les domaines de la science. Dans le domaine de la micro et nano-photonique, les phénomènes non linéaires sont à la fois au cœur d’une physique fondamentale fascinante et des applications intéressantes: ils permettent d'adapter et de contrôler le flux de lumière à une échelle spatiale inferieure à la longueur d'onde. En effet, les effets non linéaires peuvent être amplifiés dans des systèmes qui confinent la lumière dans des espaces restreints et avec de faibles pertes optiques. Des bons candidats pour ce confinement sont les nanocavités à cristaux photoniques (CPs), qui ont été largement étudiées ces dernières années. Parmi la grande diversité des processus non linéaires en optique, les phénomènes dynamiques tels que la bistabilité et l'excitabilité font l’objet de nombreuses études. La bistabilité est bien connue pour ces applications potentielles pour les mémoires et les commutateurs optiques et pour les portes logiques. Une réponse excitable typique est celle subjacente dans le déclanchement du potentiel d'action dans les neurones. En optique, l'excitabilité a été observée il y a une quinzaine d’années. Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié les régimes bistables, auto-oscillants et excitables dans des nanocavités semiconductrices III-V à CP. Afin de coupler efficacement la lumière dans les nanocavités, nous avons développé une technique de couplage par onde évanescente en utilisant une microfibre optique étirée. Grâce à cette technique, nous avons démontré pour la première fois l’excitabilité dans une nanocavité à CP. En parallèle, nous avons accompli la première étape vers la dynamique non linéaire dans un réseau de cavités couplées en démontrant le couplage optique linéaire entre nanocavitités adjacentes. Ceci a été réalisé en utilisant de mesures de photoluminescence en champ lointain. Un ensemble de résonateurs non linéaires couplés ouvre la voie à une famille de phénomènes dynamiques non linéaires très riches, basés sur la rupture spontanée de symétrie. Nous avons démontré théoriquement ce phénomène dans deux cavités couplées par onde évanescente. Les premières études expérimentales de ce régime ont été menées, établissant ainsi les bases pour une future démonstration de la rupture spontanée de symétrie dans un réseau de nanocavités non linéaires couplées. / Nonlinear optics concerns the modifications of the optical properties of a material induced by the propagation of light. Since its beginnings, fifty years ago, it has already found applications in almost any field of science. In micro and nano-photonics, nonlinear phenomena are at the heart of both fascinating fundamental physics and interesting potential applications: they give a handle to tailor and control the flow of light within a sub-wavelength spatial scale. Indeed, the nonlinear effects can be enhanced in systems allowing tight light confinement and low optical loses. Good candidates for this are the Photonic Crystal (PhC) nanocavities, which have been extensively studied in recent years. Among the great diversity of nonlinear processes in optics, nonlinear dynamical phenomena such as bistability and excitability have recently received considerable attention. While bistability is well known as a building block for all-optical memories, switching and logic gates, excitability has been demonstrated in optics about fifteen years ago: coming from neuroscience, it is the mechanism underlying action potential firing in neurons. In this work, we have studied bistable, self-pulsing and excitable regimes in InP-based PhC nanocavities. In order to achieve efficient light coupling into the nanocavities, we have developed an evanescent coupling technique using tapered optical microfibers. As a result, we have demonstrated for the first time excitability in a PhC nanocavity. In addition, we have accomplished the first step towards nonlinear dynamics in arrays of coupled cavities by demonstrating optical linear coupling between adjacent nanocavitites. This was achieved using far field measurements of photoluminescence. A set of coupled nonlinear resonators opens the door to a rich family of nonlinear dynamical phenomena based on spontaneous symmetry breaking. We have theoretically demonstrated this phenomenon in two evanescently coupled cavities. The first experimental studies on this regime were carried out, which establish a basis for a future demonstration of spontaneous symmetry breaking in arrays of nonlinear coupled PhC nanocavities.

Mie and Finite-Element Simulations of the Optical and Plasmonic Properties of Micro- and Nanostructures

January 2012 (has links)
A Mie-based code is developed for multilayer concentric spheres. The code is used in conjunction with a finite-element package to investigate the plasmonic and optical properties of micro- and nanostructures. For plasmonic nanostructures, gold-silica-gold multilayer nanoshells are computationally investigated. A plasmon hybridization theory is used to interpret the optical tunability. The interaction between the plasmon modes on the inner core and the outer shell results in dual resonances. The low-energy dipole mode is red-shifted by reducing the spacing ( i.e. , the intermediate silica layer) between the core and the shell. This extra tunability allows the plasmon resonance of a multilayer nanoshell to be tuned to the near-infrared region from a visible silica-gold nanoshell whose gold shell cannot be further reduced in thickness. For multilayer nanoshells with reduced geometrical symmetry ( i.e. , the inner core is offset from the center), modes of different orders interact. The mixed interaction introduces the dipolar (bright) characteristic into the higher-order (dark) modes and improves their coupling efficiency to the excitation light. The excitation of the dark modes attenuates and red-shifts the dipole mode and gives it higher-order characteristics. For non-plasmonic structures, simulations have demonstrated that multilayered structures can either reduce or enhance the scattering of light. By adding an anti-reflection layer to as microsphere made of a high-index material, the scattering force can be dramatically reduced. The reduced scattering allows optical trapping of high-index particles. Additionally, the improved trapping is not largely sensitive to the refractive index or the thickness of the coating. The technique has the practical potential to lower the requirement on the numerical aperture of the microscope objectives, making possible the integration of the imaging and optical trapping systems. While the anti-reflection coating reduces scattering, the photothermal bubble (PTB) generated by gold nanoparticles by and large enhances the scattering of light. Transient PTBs are generated by super-heating gold nanoparticles with short laser pulses. Mie-based simulations predict that the scattering of PTBs strongly depends on the transient environment immediately surrounding the nanoparticles. A scattering enhancement of two-to-four orders of magnitude from PBT is demonstrated from both calculations and experiments. Lastly, the near-field coupling between different plasmonie structures for surface-enhanced Raman scattering is investigated. A gold-coated silicon-germanium nanocone substrate has been fabricated and characterized. Finite-element simulations reveal that individual nanocones generate strong tip enhancement with axially polarized light ( i.e. , light polarized along the vertical axis of the nanocone) while the enhancement from transversely polarized light ( i.e. , light polarized in the plane of the substrate) is relatively weak. By simply filling the valleys between nanocones with plasmonic gold nanoparticles, the performance of the substrate is improved with in-plane excitation. Simulations reveal strong coupling between nanoparticles and adjacent nanocones with transverse exactions. An over one order-of-magnitude improvement has been experimentally observed.

Measurement of the Partial Widths Ratio Gamma(Ds*+ -&amp;gt; Ds+ pi0) / Gamma(Ds*+ -&amp;gt; Ds+ gamma) at the BABAR Experiment / Messung des Partialbreitenverhältnisses Gamma(Ds*+ -&amp;gt; Ds+ pi0) / Gamma(Ds*+ -&amp;gt; Ds+ gamma) mit dem BABAR-Experiment

Dickopp, Martin 11 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Unter Benutzng von 90.4/fb Daten, die das BABAR-Experiment in den Jahren 1999 bis 2002 genommen hat, wurden die Zerfälle Ds*+ -&amp;gt; Ds+ pi0 und Ds*+ -&amp;gt; Ds+ gamma mit zwei verschiedenen Methoden rekonstruiert. Die Rekonstruktions-Effizienzen wurden mittels Signal-Monte Carlo-Ereignissen und D*0-Zerfällen ermittelt. Auf diese Weise wurde das Partialbreiten-Verhältnis Gamma(Ds*+ -&amp;gt; Ds+ pi0) / Gamma(Ds*+ -&amp;gt; Ds+ gamma) auf vier verschiedene Weisen gemessen. Zusätzlich wurde das Partialbreiten-Verhältnis Gamma(D*0 -&amp;gt; D0 pi0) / Gamma(D*0 -&amp;gt; D0 gamma) gemessen. / Using 90.4/fb of data taken at the BABAR experiment in the years 1999 to 2002, the decays Ds*+ -&amp;gt; Ds+ pi0 and Ds*+ -&amp;gt; Ds+ gamma have been reconstructed with two different methods. Signal Monte Carlo events as well as D*0 decays have been used to determine the reconstruction efficiencies. Thereby, the partial widths ratio Gamma(Ds*+ -&amp;gt; Ds+ pi0) / Gamma(Ds*+ -&amp;gt; Ds+ gamma) has been measured in four different ways. Additionally, the partial widths ratio Gamma(D*0 -&amp;gt; D0 pi0) / Gamma(D*0 -&amp;gt; D0 gamma) has been measured.

Symétrie et brisure de symétrie pour certains problèmes non linéaires / Symmetry and symmetry breaking for some nonlinear problems

Ricaud, Julien 08 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude mathématique de deux systèmes quantiques décrits par des modèles non linéaires : le polaron anisotrope et les électrons d'un cristal périodique. Après avoir prouvé l'existence de minimiseurs, nous nous intéressons à la question de l'unicité pour chacun des deux modèles. Dans une première partie, nous montrons l'unicité du minimiseur et sa non-dégénérescence pour le polaron décrit par l'équation de Choquard--Pekar anisotrope, sous la condition que la matrice diélectrique du milieu est presque isotrope. Dans le cas d'une forte anisotropie, nous laissons la question de l'unicité en suspens mais caractérisons précisément les symétries pouvant être dégénérées. Dans une seconde partie, nous étudions les électrons d'un cristal dans le modèle de Thomas--Fermi--Dirac--Von~Weizsäcker périodique, en faisant varier le paramètre devant le terme de Dirac. Nous montrons l'unicité et la non-dégénérescence du minimiseur lorsque ce paramètre est suffisamment petit et mettons en évidence une brisure de symétrie lorsque celui-ci est grand. / This thesis is devoted to the mathematical study of two quantum systems described by nonlinear models: the anisotropic polaron and the electrons in a periodic crystal. We first prove the existence of minimizers, and then discuss the question of uniqueness for both problems. In the first part, we show the uniqueness and nondegeneracy of the minimizer for the polaron, described by the Choquard--Pekar anisotropic equation, assuming that the dielectric matrix of the medium is almost isotropic. In the strong anisotropic setting, we leave the question of uniqueness open but identify the symmetry that can possibly be degenerate. In the second part, we study the electrons of a crystal in the periodic Thomas--Fermi--Dirac--Von~Weizsäcker model, varying the parameter in front of the Dirac term. We show uniqueness and nondegeneracy of the minimizer when this parameter is small enough et prove the occurrence of symmetry breaking when it is large.

Efeitos de desordem e localização eletrônica em bicamada de grafeno / Effects of disorder and electronic localization in bilayer graphene

Muñoz, William Armando 09 September 2010 (has links)
Orientadores: Peter Alexander Bleinroth Schulz, Ana Luiza Cardoso Pereira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T03:19:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Munoz_WilliamArmando_M.pdf: 8434738 bytes, checksum: d59e43facc73d2ca570f8291de7f22cc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Nós estudamos os efeitos da quebra de simetria e de desordem no espectro de energia de um elétron numa bicamada de grafeno. O problema foi abordado através de simulações numéricas considerando um Hamiltoniano tight-binding para uma rede retangular topologicamente equivalente à rede hexagonal do grafeno que nos permite incluir de forma simples os efeitos do campo magnético através da substituição de Peierls. O problema de quebra de simetria foi observado quando consideramos a aplicação de uma diferença de potencial entre as camadas. Neste contexto, é observada uma quebra completa na degenerescência do nível de Landau de energia zero devida à aplicação desta diferença de potencial entre as camadas. Acompanhamos este mecanismo de quebra de degenerescência para uma situação onde a diferença de potencial entre camadas é mantida fixa enquanto o campo magnético é aumentado. Isto mostra a possibilidade de controlar a abertura de gaps através da variação do campo magnético na bicamada de grafeno e está de acordo com o que foi recentemente observado experimentalmente. Observamos também um comportamento para a separação em energia desta quebra de degenerescência do tipo vB para valores do campo magnético B<60 Teslas, enquanto que para campos maiores é obtido um comportamento assintótico para energias próximas da separação (Vg) do desdobramento do nível de Landau central. Um mapeamento das funções de onda dos estados envolvidos nesta quebra de degenerescência, mostra um esquema diferente para regimes diferentes de campo magnético. Conseguimos verificar claramente como a quebra da degenerescência do nível de Landau central está relacionada com uma quebra da degenerêscencia entre as duas camadas da bicamada e também entre as duas sub-redes que formam o grafeno. O segundo problema abordado neste trabalho é relacionado à introdução de duas vacâncias acopladas na bicamada de grafeno. Em presença de um campo magnético perpendicular ao plano das camadas mostramos como estados localizados ao redor do defeito com energias entre os níveis de Landau são introduzidos pela presença das vacâncias acopladas. Estes estados para baixas energias formam uma molécula de vacâncias que pode ser facilmente polarizável pela aplicação de um potencial entre as camadas / Abstract: We studied the symmetry breaking and disorder effects on energy spectrum of an electron in a bilayer graphene. We used numerical calculation considering a 2D tight-binding model for a rectangular lattice which not changes the hexagonal lattice topology and where the magnetic field effects are easily calculated. The breaking symmetry problem was considered through the application of a potential difference between both layers in the bilayer graphene. In this case, we observe a complete degeneracy breaking of the energy-zero Landau level due to the application of this potential difference between the two layers. We followed this degeneracy breaking considering a potential difference constant while the magnetic field was increasing. That shows a possibility to control the opening of the gap by means of the magnetic fields in the bilayer graphene which is in agreement with recent experimental results. We also shown that this gap increases with a root of B for values of B<60T, while in the high magnetic field regime (B>60T) the energy dependency of the gap shows a asymptotic behavior with B, which tends to energy values close to Vg. We mapped the wave functions amplitudes of states related to the splitting of the zero-energy Landau level and we found that this electronic charge distribution is different depending on magnetic field regime. We verified clearly as this splitting is related to a layers degeneracy breaking as well as a sublattice (valley) degeneracy breaking. The second problem considered in this thesis is related to the introduction of two coupled vacancies in the bilayer graphene. In presence of a perpendicular magnetic field, we show that two coupled vacancies in the bilayer graphene introduce states with a charge-density distribution localized close to the defect and energies between consecutives Landau levels. These states for lowest energies form a vacancy molecule which can be easily polarized by applying of a potential between the two layers in bilayer graphene / Mestrado / Física da Matéria Condensada / Mestre em Física

Alguns resultados exatos a Temperatura Finita da Eletrodinâmica CPT-par do Modelo Padrão Estendido / Some exact results of the Finite Temperature Electrodynamics CPT-pair of the Standard Model Extended

Silva, Madson Rubem Oliveira 30 April 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-18T18:19:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Madson Rubem Oliveira Silva.pdf: 613668 bytes, checksum: d43028a364635c42a0fb7bf3474aba16 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-04-30 / Maxwell s electrodynamics is a field theory which contains in its structure three fundamental physical symmetries: The Lorentz symmetry, the CPT-symmetry and the local gauge symmetry. The Lorentz covariance and the CPT-symmetry are fundamental in the construction of any field theory describing elementary (or not elementary) particles. Both together with the local gauge symmetry are the cornerstones in the construction of the Standard Model and of others modern field theories. However, it is cogitate that as much the Lorentz covariance as the CPT-symmetry can be spontaneously broken at Planck energy scale (or in the very early Universe when energies are close to the Planck scale) due to quantum gravity effects. The possible residual effects of such spontaneous symmetry breaking are studied within the structure of the Standard Model Extension (SME). The U(1)-local gauge symmetry sector of the SME describes the effects produced in Maxwell s electrodynamics due to the Lorentz-covariance violation and the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the CPT-invariance. Here, we study the finite temperature properties of the CPT-even electrodynamics of SME, represented by the term (kF )ανρφFανFρφ. First, we construct a well-defined and gauge invariant partition function in the functional integration formalism for an arbitrary tensor (kF ). Then, we specialize for the leading-order-nonbirefringent coefficients of the tensor (kF ) and we study in separate the parityeven and the parity-odd sectors. Consequently, for both sectors, the partition function is exactly caculated by showing that it is a power of Maxwell s partition function. Such power is an explicit function of the respective parameters ruling the Lorentz-covariance violation. This way, Planck s radiation law retains its frequency dependence and the Stefan-Boltzmann law is maintained, except for a change in Stefan-Boltzmann s constant that is multiplied by a global factor containing all the LIV contributions. Nevertheless, in general, it is observed that the LIV coefficients induce an anisotropy in the angular distribution of the black body energy density. / A eletrodinâmica de Maxwell é uma teoria de campo que contém em sua estrutura três tipos de simetrias fundamentais na física: A simetria de Lorentz, a simetria CPT e a simetria de calibre local. A covariância de Lorentz e a simetria CPT são fundamentais na construção de qualquer teoria de campo que descreva partículas elementares e não elementares. Ambas simetrias juntamente com a simetria de calibre local são os pilares na construção do Modelo Padrão e de outras modernas teorias de campo. No entanto, cogita-se que ambas, a covariância de Lorentz e a simetria CPT, poderiam sofrer uma quebra espontânea de simetria na escala de energia de Planck (ou no Universo primordial quando as energias eram da ordem de magnitude) devido aos efeitos produzidos pelo gravidade quântica. Os possíveis efeitos residuais dessa quebra espontânea, tanto da covariância de Lorentz como da simetria CPT, são estudados dentro da estrutura do Modelo Padrão Estendido (MPE). Assim, o setor de simetria de calibre local U(1) do MPE descreve os efeitos sofridos pela eletrodinâmica de Maxwell devido à violação da covariância de Lorentz e da quebra espontânea da invariância CPT. O intuito da Dissertação é estudarmos as propriedades à temperatura finita da eletrodinãmica CPT-par do MPE representada pelo termo (kF )ανρφFανFρφ. O primeiro passo é construir uma função de partição, bem definida e invariante de gauge, para uma configuração arbitrária do tensor (kF )ανρφ. Como estamos interessados em conhecer efeitos não perturbativos ou exatos da quebra espontânea da simetria de Lorentz, concentramos nossa atenção nas componentes do tensor (kF ) cujas contribuições, em primeira ordem não nula, para as relações de dispersão da eletrodinâmica de Maxwell ainda as mantém não birrefringentes. Para uma maior clareza ou um melhor entendimento, estudamos separadamente esses coeficientes não birrefringentes pertencentes aos setores de paridadepar e de paridade-ímpar do tensor (kF ) . Consequentemente, para ambos os setores, mostramos que a função de partição é calculada exatamente e resulta ser uma potência da função de partição de Maxwell. Tal potência é uma função explícita somente dos respectivos parâmetros que controlam a violação da simetria de Lorentz (VSL). Esse resultado demonstra que as propriedades termodinâmicas, do setor não birrefringente da eletrodinâmica CPT-par do MPE, como densidade de energia, pressão, entropia, etc, sejam as mesmas da eletrodinâmica de Maxwell multiplicadas por uma função que depende somente nos respectivos coeficientes não birrefringentes. Desse modo, a lei de radiação de Planck mantém a mesma dependência funcional na freqüência e a lei de Stefan-Boltzmann conservasse proporcional a T4. Entretanto, a constante de Stefan-Boltzmann usual sofre uma mudança, pois resulta multiplicada justamente por um fator global que contém as contribuições da VSL. No entanto, observa-se que, em geral, os coeficientes do VSL induzem uma anisotropia na distribuição angular da densidade de energia emitida pelo corpo negro.

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