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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skolrutiner för elever med Asperger

Jonzon, Madeleine January 2008 (has links)
Mitt huvudsakliga syfte med denna studie är att få fram vilket stöd dessa elever erbjuds för att fungera i skolan samt hur rutinerna på några skolor ser ut idag för att kunna erbjuda elever med Aspergers syndrom en fungerande skolgång? Jag genomfört min undersökning i tre kommuner i Mellansverige, två mindre kommuner samt en lite större. I undersökningen har jag använt mig av kvalitativa intervjuer med enhetsansvariga för resursteamen samt specialpedagogerna som arbetar i resursteamen. Undersökningen visar att det ser olika ut i kommunerna för elever med Aspergers syndrom. I den större kommunen har de särskilda klasser för elever med Aspergers syndrom medan man i de båda mindre kommunerna är eleverna integrerade i den vanliga skolverksamheten. De båda mindre kommunerna har mindre grupper där eleverna med Asperger ofta går hela eller delar av dagen. I den större kommunen finns det en långsiktig planering för eleverna genom hela skolan, medan man i de två mindre kommunerna planerar kontinuerligt. Elever med Asperger behöver en tydlig struktur på sin skolgång, ofta behöver de specialanpassade scheman, mindre grupper för att de ska fundera i skolan och anpassning i miljön vilket alla tre kommunerna är medvetna om. Alla tre kommuner har haft elever som skrivits över till särskolan för att eleverna ska få komma till en liten grupp. Nyckelord: Skolrutiner för elever med Aspergers syndrom, Skolstruktur för elever med Aspergers syndrom.

Untersuchung zum Effekt der minimal invasiven Neurolyse mittels Epiduralkatheter in der Behandlung lumbaler Wurzelreiz-kompressionssyndrome sowie einer speziellen Form des pseudoradikulären Schmerzsyndroms Indikationen, Technik und Ergebnisse einer retrospektiven Patientenstudie /

Lessl, Wolf-Dieter. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
München, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2004.

Partnerské soužití po odchodu dětí ze společné domácnosti / Cohabitation of Partners after Their Children Leave Home

HASILOVÁ, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
Every relationship undergoes, during the partners{\crq} common life, a whole series of changes from living together through their children{\crq}s birth to the old age shared with each other. One of the major breaking points in the course of each relationship comes when their children gain independence and leave home. Partners, who were used to having a ``full house{\crqq}, are left alone. Their communication cannot focus on their children{\crq}s experience and problems regarding meaningful spending of their free time appear. In the situation, when only two people remain in the household, differences in their characters and opinions can emerge in full contrast. This new experience can disturb the established routines and order built for years and endanger the future continuation of the relationship. The goal of this work was to assess the changes which both partners undergo following their children{\crq}s departure. More specifically, it focused on the areas and aspects of communication, family rituals and ways of spending free time. The research was conducted through the use of a questionnaire circulated among the parents of students of the Faculty of Health and Social Studies of the South Bohemian University. Parents of students of all classes were addressed so that a comparative study focusing on their satisfaction with the partner cohabitation with regard to the time spent without children could be done. The research was performed in December 2008. The results of the research reveal what factors and in which way can endanger the relationship after the children leave home. In practice, this thesis can be used as a preventive overview of problems in partner life triggered by this dramatic change. In my opinion, the goal of this work, which was to asses the changes in a relationship after their children leave home, has been fulfilled and I managed to investigate and present the given topic in the way I chose at the outset. However, this issue still offers numerous directions and possibilities for further research. Very interesting insights could be brought by a longitudinal study which would analyze and present views of a sample set of respondents in a qualitative manner. A research of this type could further broaden our knowledge in this area.

Utredning av bindvävssjukdom hos patienter med aortaaneurysm och dissektion-en retrospektiv kohortstudie

Lindedahl, Fanny January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Aortaaneurysm och dissektioner kan ha olika etiologi och olika lokalisationer har olika samband med en viss etiologi. I denna studie har jag fokuserat på thorakala aortaaneurysm och dissektioner. Etiologierna kan grovt delas in i hypertoni/ ateroskleros-orsakad aortasjukdom eller ha bindvävssjukdom som grund. En bikuspid klaff kan påverka flödesdynamiken i aorta och föranleda aneurysm- och/eller dissektionsbildning.Syfte: Att undersöka hur många patienter (yngre än 65 år) med misstänkt bindvävssjukdom, som utreds för bindvävssjukdom efter aortasjukdom.Metod: En retrospektiv kohortstudie gjordes på patienter som genomgått operation för thorakalt aortaaneurysm och dissektioner vid Universitetssjukhuset Örebro, USÖ åren 2006–2017, uppdelat i tre tidsperioder. Totalt granskades och bedömdes 154 journaler samt DT thorax/ bukaorta. Skattning av aterosklerosgraden gjorde jag ett försök att göra på basis av DT-bilderna och sedan lade jag upp ett poängsystem för att kunna beräkna, ifall man skulle ha missänkt bindvävssjukdom eller om genesen var hypertoni och/eller ateroskleros.Resultat: Fler genetiska utredningar gjordes under tidsperiod 3 jämfört med tidsperiod 1. Medelåldern hos patienterna med bikuspid klaff var lägre än medelåldern hos dem med trikuspid klaff.Slutsats: I utredningsfrekvens för bindvävssjukdom ses en blygsam skillnad som orsak till aortaaneurysm och dissektion under åren 2006–2017 på Kärl-Thoraxkliniken USÖ. En ökad misstanke om bindvävssjukdom som möjlig orsak till aortaaneurysm eller dissektion är något som kunde ses.

Rizika zavádění supervize do výchovných ústavů / Potential Risk Faktors in the Implementation of Supervision in Juvenile Detention Centers

FIALOVÁ, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
ABSTRACT The objective of this Diploma Thesis is to map the attitudes of the school system?s employees working in behavioral establishments providing institutional and protective care to the practice of implementing supervision as support for their professional activities. The research endeavors to map the issues and risks arising from implementing supervision in such institutions. The theoretical part of the Diploma Thesis aims to explain the basic concepts related to implementation of supervision at educational institutions, namely, such terms as educational institution, professional educators in educational institutions, supervision, supervisor, supervised, etc. A combination qualitative and quantitative survey was used for the realization of this research project. The preliminary phase of the research started with questioning and technical processing of questionnaires. The questioning phase was followed by semi-structured interviews. The survey sample consisted of directors of the individual relevant institutions in the Vysočina Region, specifically, twelve specially qualified educators working in educational institutions of the Vysočina Region. The purpose of the survey was to find out what benefits these employees see in the implementation of supervision into their organization?s operation. Another issue of interest was to see how the management of these organizations acquainted their employees with the supervision?s implementation. Finally, we tried to find out what motivated the employees mainly to take part in supervisors? meetings. Subsequent analysis of the results of the research indicated clearly that the employees consider assistance with problem-solving in the area of relationships as being the greatest benefit of supervision. Furthermore, the research showed that the organizations? managements presented supervision as support and benefit for their respective organization. Finally, it was proved that obligation was the main reason for the workers? attendance at supervisors? meetings.

Rodinná péče o seniory z pohledu vybraných skupin obyvatelstva / Family care for seniors from the point of view of selected population groups

TOMKOVÁ, Hana January 2009 (has links)
With growing number of old and sick people, the demands on the economically active part of population are increasing from moral, financial and social points of view. Family care for old and sick people is not so self-evident as in former times any more; professionals speak about diversion from family. Family plays unsubstitutable role in every human's life. Since time out of mind, institutional care has been existing in the society, but it turns out that it is not the best solution for one{\crq}s declining years. The goal of the work was to ascertain the attitude to family care in 4 population groups; students of the Faculty of Health and Social Studies as future professionals on social issue, students of the Faculty of Economics as their counterparts, employees of a seniors{\crq} home who are in daily contact with the infirm, and a group of lay public in the age in which they will have to deal with the relevant issue participated in the questionnaire investigation. The work used the method of analysis of documents using the technique of secondary data analysis and the quantitative method of questioning using the questionnaire technique. The results of the investigation showed that the study of different fields at different faculties leads to different students{\crq} attitude to family care. They showed further that the employees of the seniors{\crq} home are not unambiguously convinced that institutional care is the best solution of care for seniors. The hypothesis of the research was the statement that the public inclines to family care from the point of view of life reality. This statement was confirmed. The attitude to family care was ascertained in all the groups questioned, so the goals of the work were met. Although the present society progresses very quickly and lays higher and higher demands on individuals, there are still a lot of such persons among us who do not shrink away from the demandingness of care in family circle, because it is normal in life to give care twice and to accept it twice.

Cannabis vid Epilepsi : Vad finns det för belägg för den alternativa behandlingsformen?

Nelin, Elisabeth January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Kvinnors erfarenheter och upplevelser av PMS och PMDS

Atterholm, Isabelle, Nilsson, Louise January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Premenstruellt syndrom (PMS) är något som drabbar cirka 20% - 40% av alla kvinnor. Symtomen uppkommer en till två veckor innan mens. De vanligaste upplevda symtomen är svullna bröst eller mage, irritation eller ångest. Premenstruellt dysforiskt syndrom (PMDS) som är den mer allvarliga formen än PMS, drabbar omkring 1,8% - 5,8%. Symtomen är mer kraftfulla och kan liknas vid djup depression. Tidigare studier har visat att kvinnor med PMS eller PMDS har sänkt hälsorelaterad livskvalitet. Syftet: Vårt syfte är att belysa kvinnors erfarenheter och upplevelser kring det dagliga livet vid PMS och PMDS, samt att uppmärksamma strategier som underlättar kvinnors vardag. Metod: Metoden var att sammanställa tio stycken vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats till en litteraturstudie. Resultat: Resultatet belyser till exempel de symtom som kvinnor upplever under PMS. Kvinnor upplevelser är även att samhället och sjukvården inte tar PMS och PMDS på allvar. Deras erfarenheter är att de inte får det stöd som de önskar och behöver. Mestadels saknar de stöd från sin partner. Kvinnor använder sig av olika copingstrategier för att hantera sina symtom. Kvinnorna tar pauser och avstånd från sin partner och den extra stress som de upplever under PMS. Konklusion: Kvinnorna saknar stöd, hjälp och förståelse från sin partner som de behöver för att hantera sin PMS och PMDS. Inte heller av sjukvården får de hjälp. Samhället har en felaktig bild av vad PMS och PMDS egentligen är. Olika copingstrategier används för att hantera syndromen, såsom att ta pauser från vardagen och alla krav. / Background: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is something that affects about 20% - 40% of all women. The symptoms occur one till two weeks before menstruation. The most experienced symptoms is swollen breast or stomach, irritation and anxiety. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is more severe than PMS and affect about 1,8% - 5,8%. The symptoms are more severe and may resemble a deep depression. Previous studies have proven that women with PMS or PMDD has lowered health-related quality of life. Aim: The aim was to enlighten women’s experiences of the everyday-life with PMS or PMDD, and bring attention to strategies that can facilitate women’s everyday-lives. Method: A literature study which was based on ten scientific articles with a qualitative approach was conducted. Results: The result highlights the symptoms that women experienced during PMS. The women also felt that society and their health care system did not take PMS and PMDD serious. Their experience was that they did not get the support they wanted and needed. Most of the time they lacked support from their partners. The result also found that women used different coping strategies to manage their symptoms. They took breaks and distanced themselves from their partners and the extra stress they experienced during PMS and PMDD. Conclusion: The women lack support, help and understanding that they need from their partner to manage their PMS and PMDD. Neither do they get help from the health cares system. Society has an incorrect picture of what PMS and PMDD really is. Different coping strategies are used to handle the syndrome, such as taking breaks from everyday life and all the requirements.

Hur effektiva är orala preventivmedel innehållande drospirenon i kombination med etinylöstradiol vid behandling av premenstruella symtom?

Lindahl, Charlotte January 2020 (has links)
Background: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) are common in more than 75 % of all women with menstruation. The prevalence of moderate to severe PMS is 20-40 % and the prevalence of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is 3-8 %. PMS occur in the form of physical and psychological symptoms a few weeks before menstruation and then disappears during the first days of menstruation. Common symptoms are anxiety, lack of energy, depressed mood, irritability, breast tension, headache, social withdrawal, bloating, sleep disturbances, affective lability and decreased concentration. PMDD is a more severe form of PMS where both affective and somatic symptoms are required as well as five out of eleven symptoms, of which one symptom must be of a more severe nature linked to the mood. In order to diagnose PMDD, the symptoms in accordance with the criteria in DSM-IV or DSM-V should have been present in most menstrual cycles during the past year. The etiology is unclear but sex hormones appear to play an important role in exacerbating the symptoms. There is a relationship between hormonal changes and premenstrual symptoms. Hormone levels change during the menstrual cycle. In PMS and PMDD the symptoms occur during the late luteal phase and disappear again the first days of menstruation. In the treatment of PMS and PMDD, treatment is used as SSRIs, combined oral contraceptives, diuretics such as spironolactone and GnRH-agonists. According to guidelines from RCOG the first-line treatment of moderate to severe PMS and PMDD is oral contraceptives containing drospirenone/ethinyl estradiol (EE) or SSRIs. Non-pharmacological treatment is recommended for mild symptoms. Combined oral contraceptives prevent ovulation and hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle. Aim: The aim of the literature study was to investigate the effect of an oral contraceptive containing the combination of drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol in the treatment of PMS and PMDD. Method: A literature study was conducted in which six scientific articles retrieved from PubMed were reviewed. Two of the studies were double-blind, randomized and placebo-controlled. Two studies were randomized comparative studies who compared drospirenone/EE with other progestins such as levonorgestrel and desogestrel combined with EE. The other two studies were uncontrolled clinical trials. All six studies investigated the effect of drospirenone/EE on premenstrual symptoms. Results: The result showed a decrease in premenstrual symptoms in all six studies included in this literature study. Drospirenone as a progestogen had a greater symptom improvement than levonorgestrel or desogestrel. Drospirenone/EE in the 24/4 regimen effectively reduced symptoms of PMDD. Drospirenone/EE in the 21/7 regimen significantly reduced water retention and negative effects. There was a placebo-response in two of the studies. Conclusion: Oral combined contraceptives containing drospirenone/EE may have good decreasing effect on premenstrual symptoms in women suffering from PMS or PMDD. Both affective and somatic symptoms can be significantly improved. / Bakgrund: Premenstruellt syndrom (PMS) förekommer hos fler än 75 % av alla kvinnor med menstruation. PMS förekommer i form av fysiska och psykologiska symtom ett par veckor före menstruation för att sedan försvinna under menstruationens första dagar. Vanliga symtom är nedstämdhet, ångest, bröstspänningar, svullnad främst över buk, humörsvängningar, irritabilitet, nedsatt koncentration, förändring i aptit, huvudvärk, sömnstörningar och brist på energi. Premenstruellt dysforiskt syndrom (PMDS) är en svårare form av PMS där både affektiva och somatiska symtom krävs samt fem av elva symtom, varav ett måste vara av svårare karaktär kopplat till humöret. Etiologin är oklar men könshormoner tycks spela en viktig roll vid förvärring av symtomen. Det finns ett samband mellan hormonförändringar och premenstruella symtom. Hormonnivåerna förändras under menstruationscykeln och vid PMS och PMDS uppträder symtom under lutealfasen och är som värst ett par dagar innan menstruationen ska börja. Kombinerade orala preventivmedel med drospirenon och etinylöstradiol (EE) används som farmakologisk behandling vid premenstruella symtom. Kombinerade orala preventivmedel förhindrar ägglossning och där med hormonfluktuationerna under menstruationscykeln. Drospirenon är en mineralkortikoid antagonist som även binder antagonistiskt till androgenreceptorn. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att undersöka effekten av ett oralt preventivmedel innehållande kombinationen drospirenon och etinylöstradiol vid behandling av PMS och PMDS. Metod: En litteraturstudie genomfördes där sex vetenskapliga artiklar hämtade från PubMed granskades. Två studier var dubbelblinda, randomiserade och placebokontrollerade. Två studier var randomiserade jämförelsestudier där drospirenon/EE jämfördes med andra gestagen kombinerat med EE. De andra två studierna var icke-kontrollerade kliniska prövningar. Samtliga sex studier undersökte effekten drospirenon/EE hade på premenstruella symtom. Resultat: Resultatet visade en minskning i premenstruella symtom i samtliga studier som inkluderades i litteraturstudien. Drospirenon som gestagen hade en större symtomförbättring än levonorgestrel och desogestrel. Drospirenon/EE i doseringsmönstret 24/4 minskade symtom vid PMDS effektivt. Drospirenon/EE i doseringsmönstret 21/7 minskade signifikant vattenretention och negativ påverkan hos kvinnor med PMS. Det fanns en väsentlig placeborespons. Slutsats: Orala kombinerade preventivmedel innehållande drospirenon/EE kan ha god effekt vad gäller minskning av premenstruella symtom hos kvinnor som lider av PMS och PMDS. Både affektiva och somatiska symtom kan signifikant förbättras.

Duševní hygiena manažera ve stavebnictví / Mental hygiene of the construction engineering manager

Kuncová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of mental hygiene of the construction engineering manager from various angles. The theoretical part defines and describes characteristics of management and mental hygiene. The practical part contains hypothesis related to mental hygiene. Based on the hypothesis, there was compiled and evaluated a questionnaire. That was the main basis for the evaluation of hypotheses. The result is a summary of findings about mental hygiene of the construction engineering managers.

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