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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tensions and Synergies Between Tactical Urbanism and Social Sustainability : A Case Study of the Sunset Triangle Plaza / Konflikter och synergier mellan Tactical urbanism och social hållbarhet : En fallstudie av Sunset Triangle Plaza

Bäckström, Klara January 2018 (has links)
For the past several years, the term social sustainability has gained a strong foothold within urban studies and has become a pervasive and trendy term that seems to be on everyone’s lips. Public space is widely acknowledged as an important urban feature, often in association with the social sustainability. As cities around the world are experiencing rapid population growth, creating meaningful and enjoyable public spaces is more important than ever. The heightened interest in social sustainability, public spaces and placemaking (as a physical manifestation of social sustainability) has led to the emergence of several urban intervention movements, such as Tactical Urbanism. In 2012, for the first time in Los Angeles’ history, this tactic was used to transform a car trafficked street in Silver Lake into a pedestrian friendly public space: the Sunset Triangle Plaza. The aim of this thesis is to, by studying the use and function of the plaza after the conversion, highlight how a broad concept such as social sustainability can be understood from a relatively small-scale public space intervention. The case study was conducted during the spring and summer of 2018, using a variety of data sources including interviews and observations of the plaza during February and March 2018. Two interviews were conducted with managers of the businesses directly adjacent to the plaza. Moreover, street surveys were conducted on two different occasions to ask the public about their use and opinions about the plaza. The results from the case study are presented to illustrate the real-life experience of the theories about social sustainability, public space and a discussion regarding “Whose Public Space?”, when applied at a local context. The findings were then further divided into three categories: usage (what type of activities did the installation enable?), users (for whom were they enabled?) and change (indicators of how the site has changed), reflecting the notions of Tactical Urbanism. While certain changes have been merely “tactical”, others were more substantial; businesses flourished, traffic safety increased, the space has become a meeting place and therefore, it has now got an identity. Immediate change was evident in the process of the physical change when the plaza was constructed, but what has also followed is a continuous change. Even though the plaza with its painted dots may not look like much, a new space for engagement and interaction has been created, both physically and mentally. In addition, converting a street for the cars into a plaza dedicated to pedestrians is especially symbolic in a city like Los Angeles, where the automobile has been the predominant mean of transport for the last 60 years and instrumental in shaping the city’s layout. However, the case study also showed that it is one thing to launch a Tactical Urbanism initiative and another thing to maintain it and achieve long-term social changes. The examined concepts and models to evaluate whether a public space can be considered successful are not always useful. The Sunset Triangle Plaza has certainly changed, but it has implied a continuous change – for better and for worse. Thus, this study also shows that it is evident that the idea of the “organically emerged” city can imply both opportunities and limitations.

Examining the Effects of AWGN Jamming on a Tactical Data Link Communication System

Schroen, Noor January 2023 (has links)
This master thesis investigates the jamming of Tactical Data Links (TDLs). The goal is to make a model that is capable of giving an overview of a communication system under jamming conditions, offering the user a suggestion for the best coding scheme and modulation to use in any given situation. Investigation is primarily focused on the High Frequency (HF) band and its accompanying Beyond Line Of Sight (BLOS) capabilities. With this model, time and resources can be saved by eliminating the need to test for these parameters. After this model is made, based on information found on jamming types, the question is asked whether Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) jamming can be approximated in a simpler way, specifically by looking at the results of an un-jammed system with a higher noise floor. Results show that for fast switching pulsed jammers this is possible, but there is a dependency on the modulation used. For slow switching jammers, this is not possible. The model presented can later be used as a basis to answer more operational questions. / Denna mastersarbete undersöker störningen av Tactical Data Links (TDL). Målet är att göra en modell som kan ge en överblick över ett kommunikationssystem under störningsförhållanden, och erbjuda användaren ett förslag på det bästa kodningsschemat och moduleringen att använda i en given situation. Undersökningen är främst inriktad på High Frequency (HF)-bandet och dess medföljande Beyond Line Of Sight (BLOS)-funktioner. Med denna modell kan tid och resurser sparas genom att eliminera behovet av att testa för dessa parametrar. Efter att denna modell har gjorts, baserat på information som hittats om störningstyper, ställs frågan om Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) störning kan approximeras på ett enklare sätt, specifikt genom att titta på resultaten av ett system som har ett högre brusgolv. Resultaten visar att detta är möjligt för snabbväxlande pulsade störsändare, men det finns ett beroende av den modulering som används. För långsamt växlande störsändare är detta inte möjligt. Den presenterade modellen kan senare användas som underlag för att svara på mer operativa frågor / Dit afstudeerverslag doet onderzoek naar het verstoren van Tactische Data Links (TDLs). Het doel is om een model te maken dat een overzicht geeft van een communicatiesysteem dat verstoord wordt, en vervolgens de gebruiker een suggestie doet over de beste combinatie voor codering en modulatie. Er wordt vooral gekeken naar communicatie in de HF band, die wordt gekenmerkt door zijn Beyond Line Of Sight (BLOS) capaciteiten. Met dit model worden tijd en andere middelen bespaard door het overbodig maken van testen op de juiste parameters. Met dit model, waarin relevante verstoringstechnieken zijn meegenomen, wordt de vraag gesteld of het mogelijk is om AWGN-verstoring op een simpelere manier te benaderen, namelijk door het te vergelijken met een systeem met een hogere ruis vloer. Uit de resultaten blijkt dat dit wel mogelijk is voor snel schakelende gepulseerde stoorzenders, maar dat er wel rekening gehouden moet worden met het type modulatie. Voor langzaam schakelende gepulseerde stoorzenders is dit niet mogelijk. Het model wat in dit verslag gepresenteerd wordt, kan gebruikt worden als basis voor het beantwoorden van operationele vraagstukken.

Modelagem das interações técnicas e táticas em atletas de judô: comparações entre categoria, nível competitivo e resultados de combates do circuito mundial de judô e dos jogos olímpicos de Londres / Modeling of Techniques and Tactics Interactions in Judo Athletes: Comparisons inter and intra-categories in world ranking circuit and London 2012 Olympic combats

Bianca Miarka 26 February 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho são propostos: a elaboração e a validação de um modelo técnico-tático de combate no judô e para caracterização dos atletas olímpicos de 2012 em competições do circuito mundial e nos Jogos Olímpicos de Londres. Para isso, a amostra foi composta por 1.411 performances em combates olímpicos e ranqueadores de atletas participantes dos Jogos Olímpicos de Londres (sete categorias de peso no masculino e feminino). A análise foi realizada pelo programa FRAMI® observando as fases do combate (aproximação, pegada, situação ataque/defesa, luta de solo e pausa), a partir das variáveis: i) tipos de aproximação; ii) configurações de pegada; iii) execução e orientação de golpes; iv) tipo de defesa; v) caracterização da luta de solo e vi) pontuação por punições e projeções. Para verificar a correlação entre as análises repetidas inter e intra-expert foi utilizado o Coeficiente Cohen s Kappa. Os modelos de probabilidade de combinação entre fases do combate foram feitos através de Processos de Markov. Para comparar as diferenças entre resultados, categorias de peso e combatesclassificatório e olímpico, utilizou-se análise de variância, seguida de post hoc, com p < 0,05 para todas as análises. Os resultados da validação revelaram índice de concordância para análise das fases e ações do combate, respectivamente de 0,94 e 0,91, classificadas como quase perfeita para as medidas de um mesmo avaliador e 0,72 e 0,73, classificadas como forte para as comparações entre diferentes observadores. Em relação ao modelo por processos markovianos da sequência de fases dos combates, foram encontradas fortes probabilidades de combinação das fases utilizadas no modelo de combate, sem efeitos de categoria de peso, resultado e nível competitivo para o modelo de probabilidade. As comparações revelaram que categorias mais pesadas apresentam menor número de ataques e projeções, com tempos mais prolongados de pegada e combate do que as categorias mais Leves durante os Jogos Olímpicos. No feminino, as atletas do Meio-leve apresentaram maior frequência de pegada em uma das mangas, menor número de projeções e tempos maiores de combate, aproximação e pegada quando comparada às outras categorias. Em relação à diferença entre níveis, os tempos de ações no combate em pé (fase de aproximação, pegada, ataque e defesa) dos Jogos Olímpicos foram significativamente maiores quando comparados ao circuito internacional. Por sua vez, os dados demonstram que atletas vitoriosos realizam maior número de ataques e projeções com técnicas de Alavanca Braço e Pé e defesas em esquivas para esquerda e para direita. Lutadores de categorias mais Leves demonstraram maior frequência de ataques com Alavanca Váriavel na Altura da Cintura e do Maléolo em comparação com a categoria Pesado. Ademais, a quantidade de punições aumentou significativamente conforme a categoria e o nível competitivo o que refletiu em diferenças entre ganhadores e perdedores, ou seja, atletas vitoriosos conquistaram maior número de pontos por punição que atletas com derrotas, tanto para homens quanto para mulheres / This work proposed developing and validating a technical-tactical model for judo combat, characterizing Olympic athletes in the 2012 international circuit and London Olympic Games. For this purpose, the sample was composed of 1.411 combat performances in the ranking system World Championships and London Olympic Games participants (seven weight categories, male and female). The analysis was performed with the aid of FRAMI-software® observing the combat phases (approximation, gripping, attack/defense situation, groundwork combat and pause), based on the following variables: i) types of approach, ii) gripping configurations, iii) execution and orientation of attacks iv) type of defense v) characterization of groundwork combat and vi) score by punishments and projections. In order to verify the correlation between inter-and intra-expert analyses, the Cohen\'s Kappa coefficient was used. The probability models for combinations between combat phases were made using Markov Processes. In order to compare differences in the results, weight categories and qualifying and Olympic combats, variance analysis was used, followed by a post hoc, p <0.05 for all analyses. The validation results showed concordance indexes for analysis of the phases and actions of combat of 0.94 and 0.91 respectively, classified as \"almost perfect\" for intra-expert measures, and 0.72 and 0.73, classified as \"strong\", for comparisons between different observers. Regarding the Markov processes model, a strong probability was observed between sequential phases, without effects between weight category, results and competitive Level. The comparisons revealed that heavier categories have fewer attacks and projections than others, with longer combat and gripping times than lighter weight classes during the Olympics. In females, the Middleweight mean division had a higher frequency of sleeve gripping type, fewer projections and longer combat, approach and gripping times than other categories. Regarding the difference between championship Levels, stand combat time (approach, gripping, attack and defense) in Olympics were significantly higher when compared to the international circuit. In turn, the data show that victorious athletes perform more attacks and projections with Arm and Leg Lever and defenses with left and right escapes. Athletes in the lighter weight classes showed higher frequency of attacks, which were classified as Variable Waist Lever and Variable Malleolus Lever compared with the Heavy category. Moreover, the amount of punishment increased significantly according to the category and competitive Level, which resulted in differences between winners and losers; i.e., victorious athletes won most scores by punishing athletes in male and female combats

Modelagem das interações técnicas e táticas em atletas de judô: comparações entre categoria, nível competitivo e resultados de combates do circuito mundial de judô e dos jogos olímpicos de Londres / Modeling of Techniques and Tactics Interactions in Judo Athletes: Comparisons inter and intra-categories in world ranking circuit and London 2012 Olympic combats

Miarka, Bianca 26 February 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho são propostos: a elaboração e a validação de um modelo técnico-tático de combate no judô e para caracterização dos atletas olímpicos de 2012 em competições do circuito mundial e nos Jogos Olímpicos de Londres. Para isso, a amostra foi composta por 1.411 performances em combates olímpicos e ranqueadores de atletas participantes dos Jogos Olímpicos de Londres (sete categorias de peso no masculino e feminino). A análise foi realizada pelo programa FRAMI® observando as fases do combate (aproximação, pegada, situação ataque/defesa, luta de solo e pausa), a partir das variáveis: i) tipos de aproximação; ii) configurações de pegada; iii) execução e orientação de golpes; iv) tipo de defesa; v) caracterização da luta de solo e vi) pontuação por punições e projeções. Para verificar a correlação entre as análises repetidas inter e intra-expert foi utilizado o Coeficiente Cohen s Kappa. Os modelos de probabilidade de combinação entre fases do combate foram feitos através de Processos de Markov. Para comparar as diferenças entre resultados, categorias de peso e combatesclassificatório e olímpico, utilizou-se análise de variância, seguida de post hoc, com p < 0,05 para todas as análises. Os resultados da validação revelaram índice de concordância para análise das fases e ações do combate, respectivamente de 0,94 e 0,91, classificadas como quase perfeita para as medidas de um mesmo avaliador e 0,72 e 0,73, classificadas como forte para as comparações entre diferentes observadores. Em relação ao modelo por processos markovianos da sequência de fases dos combates, foram encontradas fortes probabilidades de combinação das fases utilizadas no modelo de combate, sem efeitos de categoria de peso, resultado e nível competitivo para o modelo de probabilidade. As comparações revelaram que categorias mais pesadas apresentam menor número de ataques e projeções, com tempos mais prolongados de pegada e combate do que as categorias mais Leves durante os Jogos Olímpicos. No feminino, as atletas do Meio-leve apresentaram maior frequência de pegada em uma das mangas, menor número de projeções e tempos maiores de combate, aproximação e pegada quando comparada às outras categorias. Em relação à diferença entre níveis, os tempos de ações no combate em pé (fase de aproximação, pegada, ataque e defesa) dos Jogos Olímpicos foram significativamente maiores quando comparados ao circuito internacional. Por sua vez, os dados demonstram que atletas vitoriosos realizam maior número de ataques e projeções com técnicas de Alavanca Braço e Pé e defesas em esquivas para esquerda e para direita. Lutadores de categorias mais Leves demonstraram maior frequência de ataques com Alavanca Váriavel na Altura da Cintura e do Maléolo em comparação com a categoria Pesado. Ademais, a quantidade de punições aumentou significativamente conforme a categoria e o nível competitivo o que refletiu em diferenças entre ganhadores e perdedores, ou seja, atletas vitoriosos conquistaram maior número de pontos por punição que atletas com derrotas, tanto para homens quanto para mulheres / This work proposed developing and validating a technical-tactical model for judo combat, characterizing Olympic athletes in the 2012 international circuit and London Olympic Games. For this purpose, the sample was composed of 1.411 combat performances in the ranking system World Championships and London Olympic Games participants (seven weight categories, male and female). The analysis was performed with the aid of FRAMI-software® observing the combat phases (approximation, gripping, attack/defense situation, groundwork combat and pause), based on the following variables: i) types of approach, ii) gripping configurations, iii) execution and orientation of attacks iv) type of defense v) characterization of groundwork combat and vi) score by punishments and projections. In order to verify the correlation between inter-and intra-expert analyses, the Cohen\'s Kappa coefficient was used. The probability models for combinations between combat phases were made using Markov Processes. In order to compare differences in the results, weight categories and qualifying and Olympic combats, variance analysis was used, followed by a post hoc, p <0.05 for all analyses. The validation results showed concordance indexes for analysis of the phases and actions of combat of 0.94 and 0.91 respectively, classified as \"almost perfect\" for intra-expert measures, and 0.72 and 0.73, classified as \"strong\", for comparisons between different observers. Regarding the Markov processes model, a strong probability was observed between sequential phases, without effects between weight category, results and competitive Level. The comparisons revealed that heavier categories have fewer attacks and projections than others, with longer combat and gripping times than lighter weight classes during the Olympics. In females, the Middleweight mean division had a higher frequency of sleeve gripping type, fewer projections and longer combat, approach and gripping times than other categories. Regarding the difference between championship Levels, stand combat time (approach, gripping, attack and defense) in Olympics were significantly higher when compared to the international circuit. In turn, the data show that victorious athletes perform more attacks and projections with Arm and Leg Lever and defenses with left and right escapes. Athletes in the lighter weight classes showed higher frequency of attacks, which were classified as Variable Waist Lever and Variable Malleolus Lever compared with the Heavy category. Moreover, the amount of punishment increased significantly according to the category and competitive Level, which resulted in differences between winners and losers; i.e., victorious athletes won most scores by punishing athletes in male and female combats

Intralocus Tactical Conflict as a Constraint on the Evolution of Alternative ReproductiveTactics in Xiphophorus multilineatus (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae)

Liotta, Melissa Nena 23 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Låt medborgarna skapa staden : Om tactical urbanism och idéburen stadsförbättring samt medborgarnas rätt till staden / Let the citizens create the city : About tactical urbanism, idéburen stadsförbättring and the citizens' right to the city

Bretz, Martin January 2015 (has links)
I skapandet av staden har människan möjlighet att göra om sig själv och förverkliga sitt hjärtas önskan. Hur och för vem staden ska utformas för är troligtvis en diskussion vilken kommer att finnas lika länge som staden i sig. Genom historien har privat ägande och andra samhälleliga former av dominans kontrollerat dess rum, vilket ofta resulterat i olika former av proteströrelser.   Tactical urbanism har i flertalet städer världen över blivit en populär metod för att förbättra livskvaliteten i staden. Detta genom att lokala aktörer, främst medborgarna, förändrar sitt närområde med småskaliga förbättringar. Denna uppsats beskriver vad tactical urbanism är, teorin bakom metoden och vilka möjligheter och följder den kan medföra i stadsmiljön och i planeringen av staden. Ur ett svenskt perspektiv undersöks detta genom en fallstudie utav Stockholms stads riktlinjer för idéburen stadsförbättring.   Uppsatsen går in på den kritik som finns inom modern stadsutveckling, vilken menar att den nyliberala urbanismen skapar ojämlikhet i samhället. Dessutom behandlas begreppet ”rätten till staden” vilken genomsyrar tactical urbanisms metoder, synsätt och grundläggande teori. Uppsatsens bidrag är en sammanläsning av teorier kring ”rätten till staden” med tactical urbanisms praktiska användning. Därmed visas hur tactical urbanism kan utvecklas till att bättre möta medborgarnas behov, i synnerhet svaga grupper i samhället. Det finns tendenser till att tactical urbanism införlivats i neoliberalismens stadsutveckling och därmed riskerar att förlora sin röst för de svaga. Fallstudien om Stockholm visar att tanken på ifall en eventuell konsekvens om gentrifiering som följd av idéburen stadsförbättring saknas. Dock visar fallstudien att det finns en oro över att metoderna främst gynnar innerstadsborna. Stockholms stads riktlinjer för idéburen stadsförbättring ligger i linje, men sammanfaller inte helt med vad tactical urbanism i teorin står för. Studien visar att det finns ett behov av någon form av samordnare för idéburen stadsförbättring och en djupare förståelse för tactical urbanism.   Staden har genom historien varit och fortsätter vara en plats där rummets struktur skiljer människor åt. Det säger mycket om våra värderingar, och om symbolen människan. Att främja metoder vilka tillåter medborgaren att skapa staden blir en symbol för en rättvisare stad. Om tactical urbanism och idéburen stadsförbättring möjliggör det får framtiden utvisa. Min förhoppning är att denna uppsats ska ge en förståelse för vad tactical urbanism och idéburen stadsförbättring står för. Dessutom önskar jag inspirera till en fortsatt diskussion om hur och varför vi bygger våra städer, vilken påverkan det har på det offentliga rummet, samt hur nya riktlinjer tas fram. Jag vill även framhålla vikten av en syftesbaserad riktlinje som är enhetlig i kommunens hela organisation, från politiker till tjänstemän. / In the creation of the city man has the opportunity to remake himself and realize his heart's desire. How and for whom the city should be designed for is probably a discussion that will continue until eternity. Throughout history, private ownership and other social forms of domination has controlled urban space, which often has resulted in various forms of protest movements.   Tactical urbanism has in several cities around the world become a popular method for improving the livability in the city; local actors, mainly citizens, have remade their neighbourhood with small-scale improvements. This paper describes what tactical urbanism is, the theory behind the method and the opportunities and consequences it may bring in the urban environment and in the planning of the city. From a Swedish perspective this is explored through a case study of Stockholm's City guidelines for idéburen stadsförbättring.   This study examines the criticism in contemporary urban development, which argue that the neoliberal urbanism creates inequality in society, and the concept of "right to the city" which permeates tactical urbanisms actions, approaches and basic theory. The contribution of this essay is an interlacement of theoris concerning "right to the city" with tactical urbanism practical usage and how tactical urbanism can be developed to better fullfill the needs of the citizens, especially marginalised groups in society. The essay suggests that there is a tendency that tactical urbanism is incorporated into neoliberal urban development and therefore is losing its voice for the weak of society. The case study of Stockholm shows that the idea if a possible consequence of gentrification as a result of idéburen stadsförbättring is lacking. However, the study shows that there is a concern that the methods mainly benefit inner-city residents. Stockholm's guidelines for idéburen stadsförbättring is similar, but does not entirely coincide with what the tactical urbanism in theory stand for. The study shows that there is a need for a coordinator for idéburen stadsförbättring and a deeper understanding of tactical urbanism.   Through history, the city has been, and continues to be a place where spatial structure divides people, it says a lot about our values, and the symbol of man. To promote practices which allow the citizens to remake the city, is a symbol for the ”right to the city”, but time will tell if that is something tactical urbanism and idéburen stadsförbättring can enable. My hope is that this paper will provide an understanding of what tactical urbanism and idéburen stadsförbättring stands for and inspire for further discussion on how and why we build our cities, what impact it has on the public space, and how new urban guidelines are developed and the importance of a guideline is purpose-based and consentient in municipalities, from politicians to the official.

Design Of An Autopilot For Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Christiansen, Reed Siefert 23 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents the design of an autopilot capable of flying small unmanned aerial vehicles with wingspans less then 21 inches. The autopilot is extremely small and lightweight allowing it to fit in aircraft of this size. The autopilot features an advanced, highly autonomous flight control system with auto-launch and auto-landing algorithms. These features allow the autopilot to be operated by a wide spectrum of skilled and unskilled users. Innovative control techniques implemented in software, coupled with light weight, robust, and inexpensive hardware components were used in the design of the autopilot.

Casting Off the Shadow: Tactical Air Command from Air Force Independence to the Vietnam War

Johnson, Phillip M. 24 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Adjacent Channel Interference Criteria for Aeronautical Telemetry Operations with the Tactical Targeting Network Technology System

Temple, Kip 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2009 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Fifth Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 26-29, 2009 / Riviera Hotel & Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / This paper will provide recommended channel spacing requirements when the Tactical Targeting Network Technology (TTNT) System is utilized in conjunction with airborne telemetry systems at airborne test ranges. The recommendation will be in the form of an equation similar in form to the adjacent channel interference (ACI) equation currently in the Telemetry Standard IRIG-106. Test results will be presented to support this recommendation.


Durso, Christopher M. 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 20-23, 2003 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / Tactical unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV’s) can deliver real-time battlefield video directly to the soldier providing unprecedented situational awareness. The video communications system must be compact, lightweight, secure, and easy to deploy without a complicated ground station. Pacific Microwave Research, Inc. is developing a system capable of providing reliable and secure video communications to handheld terminals throughout the theater. PMR’s Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex (COFDM) video transmission system is designed for tactical video transmission in battlefield or Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) environments. Using digital modulation coding, the system provides a very robust link in the mobile environment.

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