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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekstremaliųjų reikšmių skirstinių asimptotika / The asymptotic of the distribution of the extreme values

Bražėnaitė, Kristina 31 May 2006 (has links)
We analyse the estimates of the distribution of the extreme values. The results are shown for identically distributed random variables, nonidentically distributed random variables and many-dimentional random variabes. In this paper we prove the theorems, where analogical estimates for density of extreme values are obtained. We analyse them for identically distributed random variables (linear and non-linear normalization).

Taikomoji aplikacija „Transformacijos“ MAPLE sistema / The application of ‘’Transformation’’Maple system

Šimkevičienė, Renata 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiame darbe buvo analizuojami KMS grafinės vartotojo sąsajos elementai. Nagrinėjamos KMS suteikiamos galimybės spręsti transformacijos uždavinius. Tyrimui pasirinktos šios KMS: Maple 10 ir Mathematica 5.2. Šio darbo tikslas – sukurti aplikaciją „Transformacijos“ Maple 10 sistema. Darbo rezultatai parodė, kad KMS Maple 10 leidžia atlikti žymiai daugiau geometrinių objektų transformacijų, nei KMS Mathematica 5.2. Vykdant darbą buvo sukurta aplikacija „Transformacijos“ Maple 10 sistema, kuri leidžia transformuoti tašką, atkarpą ir trikampį. Iš transformacijų buvo panaudota simetrija taško arba tiesės atžvilgiu, lygiagretusis postūmis ir homotetija. Minėta aplikacija gali būti taikoma bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose kaip pagalbinė vaizdinė mokymo priemonė nagrinėjant simetriją, postūmį ir t. t. Kasmet tobulėjant KMS atsiranda vis daugiau galimybių jas plačiau panaudoti platesniam užduočių spektrui ne tik matematikoje, bet ir fizikoje, kitose mokslo srityse. / CMS(Computer Mathematics System) elements of graphical users’ connections were analyzed in this research.There were analyzed CMS using possibilities for doing transformation tasks. CMS: Maple10 and Mathematica 5.2 wre chosen for this research. The purpose of this research is the creating the application of transformation by Maple system. The results of this research showed, what CMS Maple lets doing more transformations of geometrical objects than CMS Mathematica. It was created the application of ‘’Transformation’’Maple system, which lets to transform a point, a range and a triangle. There were used symmetry in point of reflection, collateral translation and homotethy of transformation. The application, which were mentioned, can be applied for comprehensive schools as additional visual training aids in analyzing of symmetry or collateral translation. Every year the possibilities of CMS let to use it for various tasks and not only in Mathematics or Physics, but in other subjects too.

Taikomosios fizinės veiklos poveikis neįgaliųjų fizinės kompetencijos suvokimui / Influence of adapted physical activity on the disabled people’s perception about their physical competence

Kriščiokaitis, Mindaugas 08 June 2006 (has links)
Adapted physical activity has great influence on disabled people’s life quality. Participating in such activities the disabled become more integrated than those who don’t take part in such activities. Perception of physical competence of disabled people helps us improve social integration of those people. This survey should show the link between applied physical activity and the situation how disabled understands their physical competence. Definite and systematic physical activity has positive influence on the perception of the disabled physical competence. The aim of the survey is to define the influence of adapted physical activity on the disabled people’s perception about their physical competence. The objectives: 1. Define the real physical competence of the disabled; 2. Define the perception of physical competence; 3. Evaluate the influence of adapted physical activity on the perception of physical competence of the disabled. The survey was carried out from November, 2005 to April, 2006 in Siauliai Day Care and Activity Centre “Goda”. 30 clients from this institution took part in the experiment. In November, 2005 estimations according to the modified test for mentally handicapped individuals by Ulrich and Yun were carried out in order to define physical competence and how the mentally handicapped perceive it. During the survey the experimental group clients had some educational activity twice a week. The aim of the adapted physical activity was to increase... [to full text]

Taikomoji dailė kaip 6 – 7 klasių tarpdalykinės integracijos prielaida / Applied art as the 6-7 th forms intersubject integrations precondition

Žukaitė, Auksė 22 June 2006 (has links)
In this work applied art is the discussed integrational opportunities of the applied arts in 6-7th forms. There in the introduction the urgency of the theme is argued. As in nowadays culture the special role goes to the applied arts we collide with it not visiting neither exhibitions nor museums so it can be used as much as possible in the education as a subject with which students become acquainted in their own environment. In the introduction the problems of this work are formed, the hypothesis is raised and the methods adapted are indicated. In order to the integrational opportunities of the applied arts would be would be grounded theoretically, there in the work the survey of the history of the applied arts is presented, which shows how many areas- of ethics, customs, anatomy, geography etc. includes the applied arts. Here the most important stages of its development are reviewed in the Western Europe, and also the originalities of its development in Lithuania are described. Revealed that the very applied art was historically connected with very different sides of life and science progress, also the conditions to discuss its integrational development opportunities are formed. In the second part of this work the necessities of the integrated teaching are analyzed, the meaning of such teaching is revealed, grounding it with specific 6-7th forms students’ peculiarities. In this part it is grounded with more famous works of the psychology science representatives which let us... [to full text]

Taikomosios kūno kultūros reikšmė sutrikusio intelekto paauglių fiziniam išsivystymui bei laikysenai / The importance of applied physical education of disabled teenagers for their physical development and carriage

Bakševičius, Eduardas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Protiškai atsilikę paaugliai skiriasi nuo įgaliųjų bendraamžių savo fiziniais ir motoriniais ypatumais. Kuo sunkesnis protinis atsilikimas, tuo mažiau motorinės raidos pagrindinių etapų pasiekiama. Protiškai atsilikę jaunuoliai dažnai vaikšto ir kalba lėčiau, yra imlesni įvairioms infekcijoms. Šie vaikai yra silpni ir linkę į neaktyvų gyvenimo būdą, kas lemia atrofiją, kitas medicinos, fizines problemas – rigidiškumą, širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos ligas, judesių amplitudės mažėjimą. Dažnai vidutiniškai ir sunkiai protiškai atsilikę vaikai turi ir kompleksinę negalią, atsilieka jų neurodinaminė raida, įskaitant normalių, apsauginių refleksų nebuvimą ir negebėjimą įgyti pagrindinių motorinių įgūdžių. Judėjimas yra gyvybės, veiklumo ir aktyvumo požymis Judri fizinė veikla stimuliuoja normalų fizinį ir psichinį vaiko vystymąsi, gerina fizinį parengtumą ir funkcinį organizmo pajėgumą, atveria galimybę pažinti sveiko, stipraus, išlavinto kūno gerovę, fizinį ir psichinį komfortą, sudaro prielaidas vaiko saviraiškai, savirealizacijai ir aktyvios gyvenimo pozicijos formavimuisi. Tyrime pateikiami taikomosios kūno kultūros įtaka Gelgaudiškio specialios internatinės mokyklos sutrikusio intelekto paauglių fiziniam išsivystymui bei laikysenai. Tyrimu aiškintasi tiriamųjų fizinė veikla, mokinių požiūris į sveikatą, mokinių kūno laikysena ir mankštos įtaka laikysenos korekcijai. Tyrimo metu išsiaiškinta, kad taikant taikomosios kūno kultūros užsiėmimus sutrikusio intelekto paaugliams... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Teenagers, which are mentally handicapped, are differ from their contemporaries by their physical and motor abilities. The higher level of disability is, the lower stage of motor development he achieves. Youngsters, who are mentally handicapped, speak and walk slower and are very susceptible to infections. Such kids are very weak and inactive. These factors influence atrophy and other medical and physical problems – petrifaction, heart and blood vessel’s diseases, the decrease of movement’s amplitude. Very often children with moderate and severe learning difficulties have complex disability. Their neurodynamic process is not developed as it should be, including the absence of normal, protective reflexes and disability to gain basic motor skills. Movement is the sign of vitality and activity. Sportive physical activity stimulates child’s normal physical and psychical development, improves physical qualification and functional organism’s capability. Also it enables to know wellbeing of healthy, strong and educated body, psychical comfort. It forms backgrounds for child’s self-expression, self-realization and the development of active life position. In this research we present the influence of exact physical education upon mentally handicapped children from Gelgaudiškis special boarding-school for their physical development and carriage. It was trying to assert the physical activity of mentally handicapped children, their attitude toward health, children’s carriage and the... [to full text]

Taikomosios elgesio terapijos taikymo veiksmingumas autistiškų vaikų komunikacijai ir kalbai ugdyti / Effektiveness of applied behavioural analysis therapy developing autistic children‘s language and speech

Baltrukonytė, Laura 06 September 2010 (has links)
Bakalauro darbo tikslas buvo išsiaiškinti Taikomosios elgesio analizės (toliau – ABA) metodo taikymo veiksmingumą. Remiantis pedagoginės, psichologinės literatūros analize, atskleisti autizmo sindromo mokslinę sampratą; išnagrinėti vaikų, pasižyminčių autizmo sindromu, ugdymo(si) ypatumus. Pravedant vaikų, pasižyminčių autizmo sindromu, veiklos tyrimą, išanalizuoti komunikacijos ir kalbos įgūdžių įgijimo ypatumus, palyginti savarankiškumo lygmens kitimą, dirbant skirtingais metodais. Taip pat įrodyti naudojamų paskatinimų įtaką, dirbant ABA metodu, komunikacijos ir kalbos įgūdžių įgijimo spartai. Tyrime dalyvavo dvidešimt Kauno vaikų abilitacijos centro ugdytinių, pasižyminčių autizmo sindromu ar turinčių autizmo bruožų. Iš jų pagal lytį: keturios mergaitės ir šešiolika berniukų. Keturių tiriamųjų amžiaus vidurkis – 3,6 metai, šešių tiriamųjų – 4 metai, keturių tiriamųjų – 5 metai ir šešių tiriamųjų – 6 metai. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų, pasižyminčių autizmo sindromu ar turinčių autizmo bruožų, komunikacijos ir kalbos raida yra sudėtingas procesas, reikalaujantis nuodugnaus vaiko pažinimo, darbo pagal specialiąsias ugdymo programas, specialiųjų metodų ir priemonių taikymo. Rezultatų analizė leidžia teigti, kad, naudojant ABA metodą, komunikacijos ir kalbos įgūdžiai įgyjami sparčiau nei dirbant įprastiniais darbo metodais. ABA metodas lemia aukštesnį komunikacijos ir kalbos įgūdžių savarankiškumo lygmenį, paskatinimų įvairovė daro įtaką... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the paper is to find out the efficiency of the ABA method. Recently there have been more and more theories explaining autism, at the same time new ways and methods of intervention have been discussed and used. One of them – the ABA (Applied Behavioural Analysis) method, with the help of which specialists try to increase intelectual and academic capacity, social and emotional behaviour of children with autism. The teaching programme covers all areas of functioning, but is especially useful in developing speech and communication for autistic children. The tasks of the paper are to reveal the scientific meaning of an autism syndrom, referring to the analysis of pedagogical and psychological literature; also, to analyse the peculiarities of the development of autistic children. Another task is to analyse the peculiarities of acquiring speech and communication skills using the ABA method, to compare the change of independence level applying this method and usual methods working with autistic children. Moreover, we try to reveal the influence of different forms of stimulation on speech and communication.We propose the hypothesis that the application of the ABA method encourages more effective formation of speech and communication skills. 20 autistic children from Kaunas Abilitation Centre participated in the research: 4 girls and 16 boys – four children aged 3,5; six children - 4 years old, four participants aged 5 and six children - 6 years old. According to the age... [to full text]

Taikomosios fizinės veiklos poveikis autistų savarankiškumo įgūdžių ugdymui / Impact of adapted physical activities for training the Autists' self-sufficiency skills

Narvydė, Aurelija 20 June 2012 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – Nustatyti taikomosios fizinės veiklos poveikį autistų savarankiškumo įgūdžių ugdymui. Hipotezė – Autistiškų vaikų savarankiškumo įgūdžių pagerėjimas po taikomosios fizinės veiklos programos taikymo. Darbo objektas – Autistiškų vaikų savarankiškumo įgūdžiai. Tyrimo problema: Taikomoji fizinė veikla – ugdymo metodas, kurio poveikis autizmo sutrikimą turintiems vaikams, nepakankamai tiriamas ir aptariamas, nors teigiama, kad fizinė veikla autistams būtina lygiai taip pat kaip ir komunikavimo, bendravimo ugdymas, elgesio modifikavimas ir kt. Šiuo metu mes neturime pakankamai atliktų tyrimų ir informacijos, apie autizmo sutrikimą turinčių vaikų, fizinės veiklos įpročius ir unikalius poreikius, fizinei veiklai kylančius trukdžius ir skatinimo veiksnius, kuriai veiklai jie teikia pirmenybę ir būtent kokia fizinė veikla, geriausiai ugdo tokių vaikų funkcinius gebėjimus. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti autistų savarankiškumo įgūdžių pasireiškimo lygmenį, atsižvelgiant į amžiaus grupes. 2. Nustatyti ir palyginti, autistų savarankiškumo įgūdžių raidos ypatumus ir pokytį, tarp vertinimų, atsižvelgiant į amžiaus grupes. 3. Nustatyti taikomosios fizinės veiklos poveikį autistų savarankiškumo įgūdžių ugdymui. Atlikus tyrimą, galima daryti tokias išvadas: 1. Įvertinus, autistų savarankiškumo įgūdžius, atsižvelgiant į amžiaus grupes nustatyta, kad blogais savarankiškumo lygmens rodikliais pasižymėjo 5 – 7 metų vaikai autistai, kai tuo tarpu 4 metų ir jaunesni, bei 8 metų ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work goal – determine the impact of the adapted physical activities onto the training of the autists' skills. Hypothesis – improvement of autistic children's self-sufficiency skills after application of adapted physical activity programme. Work object – Autistic children's self-sufficiency skills. Research problem: Adapted physical activities - training method whose impact onto children with autism disorder has not been sufficiently researched and discussed, though it is claimed that physical activities to autists are equally mandatory as training of communication and interaction, behaviour modification and etc. Currently, we do not have sufficient researches made and information collected about the physical activity skills of the children with autism disorder and their unique needs, barriers arising for physical activities and promotion factors, which activities they prefer and which physical exercises mostly train such children's functional abilities. Research tasks: 1. Evaluate the level of demonstration for the autists' self-sufficiency skills referring to their age groups. 2. Determine and compare the development peculiarities of the autists' self-sufficiency skills and an alteration among assessments referring to the age groups. 3. Determine the impact of the adapted physical activities onto the training of the autists' selfsufficiency skills. After the research such conclusions may be made: 1. After assessing the autists' self-sufficiency skills referring to the age... [to full text]

III-IV dešimtmečio komercinė grafika Lietuvoje / Lithuanian Commercial Graphic Design of the 1920's and 1930's

Povilionytė, Rima 08 July 2004 (has links)
Lithuanian Commercial Graphic Design of the 1920's and 1930's The subject of this research study – examples of Lithuanian commercial graphic design from the 1920s and 30s gathered from museums and private collections. For my Bachelor’s thesis I gathered and provided structure to periodical advertisements from the 20s and 30s and attempted to illustrate how the Lithuanian public modernization process was reflected in the ever-changing mirror of advertising. My Master’s thesis presents a wider profile of applied graphic material in Lithuania during the interwar period – advertisements, packing, labels, commercial posters, letterhead, logos. In this thesis I attempted to discuss the conditions for creating and developing graphic design in Lithuania and named artists and their works that have the most experience in this field. The first part gives an outline focusing on the economic and cultural aspects of interwar period living conditions in Lithuania: development of the interwar period society, city growth, industrial development, cultural environment of the eras. The growing need for applied graphic art works is discussed throughout. People who commissioned most of the commercial graphic artwork during the 20s and 30s are also named in the thesis. The situation for educating applied graphic artist in Lithuania and the effect that their studies abroad have on the evolution of applied graphic art are considered as well. The second part gives examples of commercial graphic... [to full text]

Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų dėmesio stokos ir hiperaktyvumo sindromo raiškos mažinimas taikant taikomosios fizinės veiklos programą / Decrease of the Manifestation of Attention Deficiency and Hyperactivity Syndrome in Pre-schooling Age Children by Applying the Program of Applied Physical Activity

Masiulionienė, Giedrė 10 May 2006 (has links)
ADHD is a neuro-biological disorder which is characterized by the child’s levels of attention concentration, absentmindedness and impulsiveness inadequate to the natural development. This is one of the most frequently occurring psychical disorders among children (APA, 1994). Although doctors described ADHD many years ago, its wide spreading has been acknowledged only recently. There is no exact data, but it is considered that from 3 to 10 per cent of pre-schooling age children and from 4 to 5 per cent adults have ADHD. ADHD is frequently related to learning disorders in reading, writing and doing calculations; other behavioral disorders are also possible (Wender, 2000). In Lithuania, in almost any group of any kindergarten there are one or more impulsive or/and hyperactive children. It has been observed that such children are hard to teach, they do not react the way other children do and frequently disturb work. It is understandable that children with officially recognized attention disorders and hyperactivity (ADH) cause multiple problems to their parents and pedagogues. The available information on ADHD is not sufficient presently. Besides, it is frequently controversial (Sinkevičienė, 1998). Scientists exploring the area of applied physical activity face difficulties in planning explorations and analyses dealing with the motoric activity of children with ADHD. There is little information on proper exploration methods usable when analyzing the applied physical activity of... [to full text]

Fizinę negalią turinčių asmenų, dalyvaujančių sportinėje veikloje, gyvenimo kokybė / The quality of life of persons with physical disability who are involved in sports activities

Ivanauskas, Marius 28 August 2009 (has links)
Darbe atlikta fizinę negalią turinčių asmenų socializacijos sampratos analizė, identifikuotos neįgaliųjų įsitraukimo į taikomąją fizinę veiklą problemos, atskleistas taikomosios fizinės veiklos poveikis neįgaliųjų gyvenimo kokybei teoriniu aspektu. Iškelta hipotezė, kad neįgaliųjų dalyvaujančių sportinėje veikloje fizinio aktyvumo, pasitenkinimo gyvenimu ir požiūrio į savo negalią rodikliai yra geresni nei nedalyvaujančių neįgaliųjų. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas – palyginti sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių fiziškai neįgalių asmenų gyvenimo kokybės rodiklius. Tyrime dalyvavo 111 judėjimo negalią turinčių asmenų, patyrusių stuburo smegenų traumas. Empirinėje dalyje analizuojamas taikomosios fizinės ir sportinės veiklos poveikis judėjimo negalią turintiems asmenims psichosocialinių funkcijų aspektu. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Sportuojantys fizinę negalią turintys respondentai jaučia didesnį pasitenkinimą gyvenimu nei nesportuojantys. Fiziškai aktyvūs respondentai palankiau vertina savo psichinę sveikatą, be to sportuojančių apklaustųjų įtampą sukeliančių veiksnių rodikliai žemesni nei nesportuojančių. 2. Sportuojančių neįgaliųjų požiūris į savo negalią, kur kas palankesnis nei nesportuojančių. Fizine bei sportine veikla užsiimantys neįgalieji linkę labiau pasitikėti savo jėgomis, net ir tuomet kai jiems nesudarytos palankios sąlygos. Tuo tarpu nesportuojantiems respondentams nepritaikyta aplinka dažniau trukdo pasijusti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The analysis of socialization concept among persons having physical disability has been carried out in this work, in which the problems of the involvement of persons with physical disability into the applied physical activities have been identified, and the influence of applied physical activities on the quality of life of the disabled has been revealed in the theoretical aspect. The following hypothesis has been made: the index of quality of life of persons with physical disability and their approach towards their disability is better among the disabled who are involved in sports activities than among those who are not. Using the method of questionnaire survey the research has been carried out, where the main purpose was to compare the indexes of life quality among the disabled who were involved in sports activities than among those who were not. 111 persons who have the disability of movement have participated in this research. In the empirical part of this work the influence of the applied physical and sports activities for the disabled persons in the aspect of psychosocial functions has been analysed. The main findings of the empirical research are the following: 1. Respondents having the physical disability and involved in the sports activities feel the higher satisfaction in their life than those who are not. Physically active respondents evaluates their mental health more favourably; moreover, the indices of stress making factors are lower among those who are... [to full text]

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