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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

擴增實境與人機介面應用之研究-以醫療衛教為例 / A study of augmented reality and human-machine interface applications: A case study of health education

鄭邦堅 Unknown Date (has links)
一個進步的文明城市,公共區域建築物內皆設有無障礙空間設施以照顧社會弱勢的族群,使這些族群享有同等使用社會資源的權利。同樣的,在電腦科技日新月異的當下,某些人在享受科技帶來的資訊及便利,某些人則因使用介面的障礙而無法同等享受其便利,因而形成人機介面所造成的數位障礙。 電腦虛擬世界和現實世界本是涇渭分明,由於電腦科技的進步及人們的需要在現實世界中擴增虛擬訊息成為可能。憑藉擴增實境的應用及使用者互動方面的研究,來改善人機介面造成的數位障礙,讓更多不同族群的人享有資訊科技帶來的好處。 上述的數位障礙中,最普遍的族群是幼年與年長者,其通常亦是最需要醫療照護的族群;因此本研究以一個醫療衛教為主題實例,著重預防重於治療的前提,研究醫護人員如何讓一般民眾了解特定疾病或傷害的基本知識;用於在平時或治療前、治療後的醫病溝通,欲有助於減少特定疾病引發一連串成本較高的治療程序,進而減少醫療資源的使用,使全民健保預算有效運用。 人機介面是為溝通真實世界與電腦虛擬世界,因此在本研究中以實例運用目前主流的圖形使用者介面(Graphic Uesr Interface, GUI)的操作模式下,提供以有形使用者介面(Tangible User Interface, TUI),以一個腦部虛擬實境的衛教應用,加上擴增實境技術,將教材內容具象化、內容可視化、可操作化,建立一個數位弱勢族群(如老人、小孩)易於使用的互動介面環境。

Rozšířené uživatelské rozhraní / Augmented User Interface

Zahrádka, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
This thesis falls into a field of user interface design. It focuses on tangible user interfaces which utilize a camera and projector to augment physical objects with a digital information. It also includes description of calibration of those devices. The primary object of this thesis is the implementation of an augmented user interface for application windows management. The system consists of a stationary camera, overhead projector and movable tangible objects - boards. The boards are equipped with fiducial markers, in order to be tracked in a camera image. The projector displays the conventional desktop onto the table and the tangible objects. For example, application windows can be projected onto some boards, while the windows move and rotate simultaneously with the boards.

結合實體物件與行動載具之開發套件設計 / A Tangible UI Toolkit for Capacitive Touch Devices

黃奕誠 Unknown Date (has links)
過去,感知物件的互動方式大多發展於大型互動桌上,其技術主要是採用影像辨識來進行互動偵測,隨著平板的普及,我們希望能將大型互動桌的實體互動體驗帶到平板世界,然而現今平板使用之電容式觸控技術有別於大型互動桌之影像偵測技術,無法直接應用影像式的物件辨識方法,因此設計出一套結合平板電腦與感知物件的開發工具,目的是要讓互動設計的開發者能夠快速開發感知物件的互動模式。 而電容式實體互動物件設計較為複雜,對於互動設計的開發者而言,要去製作、開發這些互動物件不論是在電路或是實體物件都是有一定的難度,並不是所有的開發者都擁有相關的背景或是資源。而為了讓原型製作更加的簡單在軟體上我們設計了一套SDK,在硬體上結合了樂高積木和導電的膠帶,不僅製作快速、成本低,在組裝上也能擁有一致的規格以減少誤差的發生。藉由其底座組合方式的差異也就代表著不同的感知物件。因此開發者只需套用我們所設計的SDK就可以將原有的作品加上實體互動物件的互動模式。 / The Tangible User Interface (TUI) has been widely adopted on interactive tabletops by using optical sensing techniques and fiducial markers. With the huge growth of smartphone and tablet market, we hope to expand the tangible interaction experience to the off-the-shelf touch devices. However, most touch devices use capacitive sensing techniques that can only detect human fingers. We create a tangible hardware toolkit base on capacitive touch devices so developers can use it to build tangible interactions in a fast way. We put conductive adhesive tape on LEGO blocks to form an identifiable footprint. The footprint could be attached onto a tangible object. And the pattern of the footprint could be easily arranged to represent different identities. We also provide a flash SDK that can be quickly integrated into a developer’s project and then enable tangible interactions. We expect our hardware toolkit and software SDK can benefit more developers to create tangible UI applications on the capacitive touch devices.

A tangible programming environment model informed by principles of perception and meaning

Smith, Andrew Cyrus 09 1900 (has links)
It is a fundamental Human-Computer Interaction problem to design a tangible programming environment for use by multiple persons that can also be individualised. This problem has its origin in the phenomenon that the meaning an object holds can vary across individuals. The Semiotics Research Domain studies the meaning objects hold. This research investigated a solution based on the user designing aspects of the environment at a time after it has been made operational and when the development team is no longer available to implement the user’s design requirements. Also considered is how objects can be positioned so that the collection of objects is interpreted as a program. I therefore explored how some of the principles of relative positioning of objects, as researched in the domains of Psychology and Art, could be applied to tangible programming environments. This study applied the Gestalt principle of perceptual grouping by proximity to the design of tangible programming environments to determine if a tangible programming environment is possible in which the relative positions of personally meaningful objects define the program. I did this by applying the Design Science Research methodology with five iterations and evaluations involving children. The outcome is a model of a Tangible Programming Environment that includes Gestalt principles and Semiotic theory; Semiotic theory explains that the user can choose a physical representation of the program element that carries personal meaning whereas the Gestalt principle of grouping by proximity predicts that objects can be arranged to appear as if linked to each other. / School of Computing / Ph. D. (Computer Science)

Moving Mathematics : Exploring constructivist tools to enhance mathematics learning

Aljundi, Liam January 2021 (has links)
The challenges faced by mathematics education reflect the more immense difficulties of the schooling system as a whole. This thesis investigates such challenges in the light of an ethical learning foundation and aims for a transformation through the use of technologies as learning tools.  Interaction design methods are used to craft constructivist learning kits that aim to move mathematics students from passive receivers of knowledge to active learners. The proposed tools modify new technologies by adapting them to teachers’ and learners’ needs to be best suited for mathematics classroom adoption. Additionally, social, political, and economic issues that may hinder the adoption of constructivist learning are presented and critically discussed.  Finally, this thesis paves the way for future designers who aim to design mathematics educational kits by providing a design framework based on the learning theory and the design process presented in this thesis.

Connectedness : Designing interactive systems that foster togetherness as a form of resilience for people in social distancing during Covid-19 pandemic. Exploring novel user experiences in the intersection between light perception, tangible interactions and social interaction design (SxD).

Iezzi, Valeria January 2020 (has links)
This thesis project explores how interactive technologies can facilitate a sense of social connectedness with others whilst remotely located. While studying the way humans use rituals for emotional management, I focused my interest on the act of commensality because it is one of the oldest and most important rituals used to foster togetherness among families and groups of friends. Dining with people who do not belong to the same household is of course hard during a global pandemic, just like many of the other forms of social interactions that were forcibly replaced by the use of technological means such as video-chat apps, instant messaging and perhaps an excessive use of social networking websites. These ways of staying connected, however, lack the subtleties of real physical interaction, which I tried to replicate with my prototype system, which consists of two sets of a lamp and a coaster which enable to communicate through light and tactile cues. The use of such devices creates a new kind of ritual based on the simultaneous use of the devices by two people, thus enabling a new and original form of commensality that happens through a shared synchronized experience.

Space to Place : Effektivisera markutnyttjande både fysiskt och digitalt inom svensk stadsplanering / Space to Place : Improve land-use both physically and digitally in Swedish urban planning

Szymanska, Joanna January 2022 (has links)
Städer runt om i världen expanderar i allt snabbare takt för att möjliggöra morgondagens behov och efterfrågan, vilket sker inom ramen för hållbar utveckling i flera sammanhängande dimensioner. Samtidigt som digitaliseringen och nya postindustriella värdeskapande fortgår, vilket resulterar i en förskjutning av de fysiska resurserna. Många stadsmiljöer står därför inför paradoxen att ha för mycket utrymme men förlorat innehåll och bristande tillgänglighet. Stadens exponentiella dragningskraft måste därmed kunna förändras parallellt med samhället för att upprätthålla en kontinuerlig användning. En alternativ lösning är att effektivisera markutnyttjandet med hjälp av digitala verktyg för att möjliggöra multifunktionella byggnader och samutnyttjande av lokaler. Denna studie har därför som syfte att kartlägga effektivisering av markutnyttjande i form av samutnyttjande och multifunktionell svensk stadsplanering, därtill undersöka befintliga digitala verktyg för att främja detta. Genom en litteraturstudie samt en fallstudie erhålls information som blev utgångspunkterna för studiens analys och diskussion där slutsatser så småningom drogs. Litteraturstudien behandlar historia och definitioner kring multifunktionella byggnader och samutnyttjande av lokaler samt digitala verktyg inom stadsplanering i form av planeringsstöd system (PSS). Även deras förutsättningar och hållbara miljömål för att möjliggöra en mer yteffektiv markutnyttjande av svenska städer. Fallstudien inleds med en beskrivning och kartläggning av ett ledande PSS nämligen, Cityscope samt hur den fungerar. Därefter beskrivs förutsättningar och utmaningar gällande implementeringen av ett digitalt verktyg som Cityscope inom svensk stadsplanering, detta för att underlätta arbetet mot ett mer effektivt markutnyttjande. Med särskild inriktning på Boverkets arbete kring digitalisering av stadsplaneringen, vilket kompletterades med en intervju med planeringsarkitekten John Hellman på Boverket.  Studiens slutsats innefattar bland annat förståelsen för att uppnå positiv stadsutveckling genom att effektivisera markutnyttjande där flera faktorer måste samarbeta, däribland sambandet mellan offentligt och privat, analysering av klusterbildningar i städers flödessystem, medborgardeltagande och ett grundat förtroende mellan ingående parter. För en varaktig utveckling, governance och förtätning krävs det att fastighetsaktörer utvecklas mot att inkludera fler verksamheter i samma lokal och multifunktionellt byggande för att skapa goda förutsättningar för hållbara stadsdelar. Detta kan göras möjligt med hjälp av befintliga digitala verktyg som exempelvis Cityscope, men där fokus i framtiden ligger i att myndigheter inom stadsplanering måste sammanföra korrekt, konsekvent och opartisk stadsrelaterad data samt se över ingående lagstiftning för att möjliggöra mer yteffektiva städer. / Cities around the world are expanding at an ever faster pace to enable tomorrow's needs and demands, which takes place within the framework of sustainable development in several coherent dimensions. At the same time as digitalisation and new post-industrial values proceeds, this results in a shift in the physical resources. Many urban environments are therefore facing the paradox of having too much space but losing content and lack of accessibility. The city's exponential allurement thus needs to be able to change parallelly with society in order to maintain continuous use. An alternative planning solution is to streamline land-use with the help of digital tools to enable multifunctional buildings and shared use of premises. The purpose of this study is therefore to map the streamlining of land-use in the form of shared use and multifunctional Swedish urban planning, in addition, examine existing digital tools to promote this change. To achieve positive urban development by streamlining land-use, several different factors need to work together, including the connection between public and private, analysis of clusters in urban flow systems, citizen participation and a well-founded trust between parties. For lasting development, governance and densification, it is required that property actors develop towards including more businesses in the same premises and multifunctional construction in order to create good conditions for sustainable districts. This can be made possible with the help of existing digital tools such as Cityscope, but where the focus in the future is that authorities in urban planning must combine correct, consistent and impartial city data and review in-depth legislation to enable more space-efficient cities that could change in real time.

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