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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Onderwys as emosionele arbeid: 'n Verkennende studie

Cheminais, Sonae 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd (Educational Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Schools, parents and learners have certain expectations of teachers, including their expectations regarding the emotional behaviour of teachers in the classroom. This implies that teachers are occasionally required to project emotions that they are not really experiencing, thereby affecting and influencing their own identity and integrity as teachers. It is with this phenomenon in mind that the influence of feeling rules that form part of emotional labour was researched: the experiences of teachers, and the support that schools provide in this regard, as well as the impact of emotional labour on different teachers. The problem studied is the role that emotional labour plays in the high school educator’s classroom. This problem was researched specifically in the context of the teachers’ personal experiences and opinions. The study focused on how teachers experience emotional labour in their classrooms and working environment, and the influence that it has on them. The primary objective of this research was to analyse and describe the teachers’ perceptions and experiences of emotional labour in the teaching environment. On the one hand, teachers must be aware of the role that emotional labour plays in the classroom. On the other hand, it is particularly important that the management of schools should provide teachers with the required recognition, support and development relevant to this important concept. The purpose of this study is therefore, to sensitise awareness of this concept and to contribute to improved insight into it, so that the feelings and perceptions of teachers regarding the effort that emotional labour demands from them can be better understood. This study has a generic qualitative perspective in the use of the research approach and methods that embrace a phenomenological point of view, where reality is based upon the perceptions of teachers –in the field – that participated in the study. The result is of a descriptive nature. A non-probability sampling technique was adopted, specifically the convenience sample, on the basis of which ten participants were selected according to their availability and willingness to participate in this study. Data was generated by means of semi-structured interviews with two focus groups and four individual interviews recorded on tape and transcribed verbatim. Data processing was done by means of the constant comparative method of analysis. The coding of data according to certain selection criteria led to the identification of themes, categories and sub-categories. The relationships between the themes were integrated into a conceptual model. These themes describe the possible elements that influence the role of emotional labour in the classroom of the educator. The results illustrate that teachers identify the elements that play a role in how the teachers in this group experience emotional labour in the classroom: their identity as teachers, their work context, the feeling rules, the support they receive or the lack thereof, the extent of their practical experience in education, the strategies they use in handling emotional labour, and lastly, the consequences of emotional labour. This implies that the ability of teachers to experience emotional labour positively in the education environment is largely dependent on the support, guidance and leadership that they receive from their schools.

A criança com câncer e o professor: contribuições psicanalíticas / The child with cancer and the teacher: psychoanalytic contributions

Carvalho, Maria Elisabeth Egydio de 29 October 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda a problemática do câncer infantil sob a perspectiva do professor de ensino fundamental que experiencia o adoecimento de um de seus alunos. O câncer infantil não é mais considerado uma doença fatal, a cura é uma possibilidade bem frequente e a ênfase, atualmente, tem se voltado sobretudo para a qualidade de vida dos sobreviventes do tratamento. A escola ocupa um lugar privilegiado, na medida em que é determinante para a aprendizagem mas, principalmente, para a manutenção dos laços sociais da criança. A despeito do que recomendam as sociedades de Oncologia Pediátrica, a criança com câncer continua a ser afastada da escola no período do tratamento e o professor é apontado na literatura especializada como um dos principais agentes da reinserção escolar dessas crianças O modelo de investigação utilizado é o da pesquisa em psicanálise e o trabalho está dividido em três momentos: revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema, fundamentação teórica e a pesquisa de campo através de entrevistas. A condução das entrevistas e a análise dos resultados foram orientadas pela psicanálise através do referencial teórico de Freud e de Lacan. Foram entrevistados sete professores da rede pública e particular de ensino de escolas da grande São Paulo. O conceito de imaginário trazido por Lacan nos permitiu investigar tanto o impacto que pode produzir no professor o anúncio de adoecimento de um de seus alunos, como o efeito que pode produzir na criança o modo como o professor é afetado. Para contribuir com um espaço de reflexão, discutimos a perspectiva inclusiva de educação como um instrumento auxiliar na reinserção da criança, entendendo que a escola constitui, desde a época moderna, um dos pilares da infância / This thesis addresses the issue of childhood cancer as perceived by the elementary school teacher who discovers and experiences the progression of the disease in one of his students. Childhood cancer is not considered a fatal disease any longer and a cure is now a more frequent outcome. Thus, the emphasis nowadays has turned towards improving the quality of life post-treatment. In this context, the school is in a privileged position, as it is not only determinant to the childs learning process, but also to the maintenance of a network of social interactions and skills. Irrespective of the recommendations of pediatric oncology organizations, the child patient with cancer is often kept away from school during treatment. According to the specialized literature in this topic, the teacher is one of the main agents responsible for the reinsertion of the child back to school. The investigatory model used here is based on psychoanalysis research. The work is divided in three parts: a literature review on the topic, the establishment of a theoretical foundation and field work conducted through interviews. The interview procedure and the analysis of the results were performed according to established practices in psychoanalysis and guided through the theory of Freud and Lacan. Eight teachers from the Great São Paulo public and private school systems were interviewed. The concept of the imaginary, introduced by Lacan, has allowed us to investigate both the outcome on the teacher upon receiving news of his pupils illness as well as the effect that his reactions have on the child himself. To contribute with a reflection, we further discuss the perspective of an inclusive education as an auxiliary tool in the reinsertion process, understanding that the school constitutes, since the beginning of modern times, one of the pillars of childhood

O aluno \"em inclusão\" no discurso docente / The student in inclusion on the teachers discourse

Aguiar, Sâmara Gurgel 16 September 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como proposta pensar os impactos da relação professor-aluno na inclusão escolar infantil. Com esse intuito, situamos esse encontro na dinâmica, cunhada pela psicanálise, quanto ao contato com a diferença. Considerando que algo desse funcionamento se expressa na linguagem, indagamo-nos: como o educador formula discursivamente sua interlocução com o educando? Qual lugar endereça à criança nesse discurso? Tomando essas perguntas como baliza, lançamos mão da realização de rodas de conversa em seis escolas, sendo uma privada e cinco públicas. Desses encontros participaram vinte educadoras: dezenove professoras e uma coordenadora, todas da Educação Infantil. Essa escuta nos permitiu, em primeiro lugar, atentar para um efeito de estranhamento causado pela criança inadaptada ao modelo escolar. Ademais, possibilitou percebermos haver, quanto a esse impacto, predominância de discursos delineados de modos a destinar o aluno ao lugar de objeto. Há, nesse sentido, resistência à inscrição da diferença na trama de registros que compõe o campo escolar, em função da manutenção de seu caráter ideal. Como consequência disso, encontramos que o sujeito é mantido à margem das significações escolares, ficando sua inclusão e, portanto, sua educação, comprometida. Por outro lado, deparamo-nos com dizeres que sinalizam dúvidas quanto ao modelo de ensino regular, que vislumbramos como brechas para sua revisão e consequente ressignificação. / This work has the purpose of thinking about the impacts of the teacher-student relationship in the infantile school inclusion. With that intent, we situate this meeting in the dynamics, created by psychoanalysis, as for the contact with the difference. Considering that something of this functioning is expressed in the language, we aks ourselves: how does the educator discursively formulates his interlocution with the student? Which place addresses to the child in this discourse? Taking those questions as a milestone, we make use of the realization of rounds of conversation in six schools, one of them being private and the other five communal. Twenty educators took part on those encounters: nineteen teachers and a coordinator, all of them from childrens education. This listening allowed us to, on the first place, pay attention to the strangeness caused by the child unadapted to the model of schooling. Moreover, it made possible to perceive, about this impact, a predominance of discourses outlined so that the student is destined to the place of object. There is, for that matter, resistance to the inscription of the difference on the weave of registers that composes the school field, due to the conservation of its ideal character. As a consequence of this, we found that the subject is maintained on the margins of schools significations, his inclusion and therefore his education, compromised. On the other hand, we come across sayings that point towards doubts regarding the regular model of education, that we envision as gaps to its revision and consequent redefinition.

O gênero crônica no Ensino Fundamental II e o sujeito-autor: relação dialógica e interativa / The chronicle genre in Elementary School II and the subject-author: dialogical and interactive relationship

Rochel, Gabriela de Camargo Moreira 22 November 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação relata uma experiência pedagógica de aplicação de sequência didática em duas salas de aula do Ensino Fundamental II de uma escola pública municipal de São Paulo. A atividade foi voltada ao estudo da crônica, com foco no aspecto narrativo, numa perspectiva dialógica e interativa de ensino e aprendizagem, segundo as concepções de Bahkthin (1997), que conceitua os gêneros do discurso como tipos relativamente estáveis de enunciados. Para o autor: Todas as esferas da atividade humana, por mais variadas que sejam, estão sempre relacionadas com a utilização da língua que efetua-se em forma de enunciados (orais e escritos), concretos e únicos que emanam dos integrantes duma ou doutra esfera da atividade humana.. A partir de atividades de leitura e interpretação de crônicas, pretendeu-se levar os alunos a reconhecer, além das características do gênero, os elementos de coesão e sua importância para a organização e clareza do texto, orientando, assim, o processo autoral de produção textual. Também foi feita a prática de retextualização. Pelo seu caráter híbrido e flexível, as crônicas exerceram um papel motivador importante. A opção pelo trabalho com sequência didática propicia aos estudantes a possibilidade de apropriar-se dos sentidos do gênero abordado e dos mecanismos de funcionamento da linguagem. A esse respeito, Dolz, Noverraz e Schneuwly (2011) afirmam que a sequência didática contribui para desenvolver a capacidade comunicativa dos envolvidos no processo de ensino e aprendizagem pelo fato de propiciarem a criação de contextos reais de produção. Vale ressaltar o papel do professor que, mais do que um mediador, precisa ter uma postura de agente de letramento que, segundo Kleiman(2006), (...) no caso da escola, seria um promotor das capacidades e recursos de seus alunos e suas redes comunicativas. Para o trabalho de retextualização, seguiu-se a proposta de Oliveira (2005), sobretudo nas operações de divisão do texto em unidades de comunicação, adequação das palavras ao sistema ortográfico oficial, eliminação das repetições, introdução da pontuação detalhada, retomada do texto pela leitura. O resultado do trabalho foi positivo, uma vez que houve a adesão de boa parte dos alunos e um aprimoramento da escrita de vários deles. No entanto, cabe ressaltar que as produções textuais, pelas dificuldades individuais, situam-se entre a crônica propriamente dita e narrativas simples, com poucas nuances de humor, de crítica ou de reflexão, como seria de se esperar em uma crônica. Dado que os gêneros são relativamente estáveis, há espaço, também, para a instabilidade que se manifestou na produção dos alunos. / This paper describes a pedagogical experience of the didactic sequence application in two classrooms of public school in São Paulo. The objective of the activity was the study of the chronicle genre, focusing on its narrative aspects, a dialogical and interactive approach to teaching and learning, according to the concepts of Bahkthin (1997), which conceptualizes the speech genres as relatively stable types of utterances. For the author, \"All spheres of human activity, however varied they may be, are always related to the use of language\" that \"is made in the form of statements (oral and written), concrete and unique emanating from members of a or another sphere of human activity. \".From reading and interpretation activities of chronicles, it is our intention that the students recognize not only the genres characteristics, but also the cohesive devices and their importance to the organization and clarity of the text, thus facilitating the authorship process of textual production. There was also the practice of rewriting. Due to its hybrid and flexible nature, the chronicle played an important motivating role. The choice for working with a didactic sequence provides the students with the opportunity to internalize the senses of the addressed genre. In this regard, Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2004) state that the didactic sequence helps in the development of the communication skills of those involved in the teaching and learning process, because it encourages the creation of real contexts of production.It is noteworthy that the teacher\'s role, rather than that of a mediator, must be that of a literacy agent, whom, according to Kleiman, \"(...) in the school context, would be a promoter of the capacities and resources of their students and their communication networks \"(Kleiman, 2006: 82-83).The task of rewriting followed the guidelines of Oliveira (2005), majorly in the procedures of \"text division in communication units, suitability of words to the official spelling system, eliminating repetitions, the detailed introduction of punctuation, and the recovering of the text by reading.\" The result of the study was very positive, given the adherence of most students and a writing improvement of several of them. Their textual productions, however, due to individual difficulties, resulted in simple narratives, lacking the comic, critical or reflexive nuances, which characterize chronicles. Since the genres are relatively stable, there is room also for instability manifested in the production of students.

A relação entre professor e aluno na busca pela superação do fracasso e exclusão escolar / The relationship between teacher and student in the quest to overcome failure and school exclusion

Nascimento, Maria Simplício 05 September 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:56:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Simplicio Nascimento.pdf: 253528 bytes, checksum: 9dd18908c3d7983d3deebc91b21de774 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-09-05 / The school, in the figure of its professionals, often unconsciously contributes to the maintenance of mutually exclusive actions, and assigns the student the responsibility for its failure. The contribution of some authors were essential for these reflections, including the work of Maria Helena de Souza Patto and Skinner. The work aims to show that some pedagogical practices are responsible for maintaining, or extinguish inappropriate behaviors of students and may thus contribute to a good learning. Relations between the teacher and a student were analyzed through field diary recounting the situations experienced by the teacher in a classroom in kindergarten. Been hoped, through this work, that further studies are carried out in this regard, and the reflection of some pedagogical practices intended to replace attitudes that reinforce the inappropriate behavior of students, for situations that foster changes in their behavior, making the classroom a nice and cozy, suitable for learning / A escola, na figura de seus profissionais, muitas vezes de forma inconsciente contribui com a manutenção das ações excludentes, e atribui ao aluno a responsabilidade por seu insucesso. A contribuição de alguns autores foi essencial para essas reflexões, entre eles os trabalhos de Maria Helena de Souza Patto e B. F. Skinner. O trabalho pretende mostrar que algumas praticas pedagógicas são responsáveis por manter ou extinguir comportamentos inadequados dos alunos, podendo assim contribuir para uma boa aprendizagem. Foram analisadas as relações entre a professora e um aluno, por meio de diário de campo que narrava as situações vivenciadas em uma sala de aula na educação infantil. Espera-se por meio desse trabalho, que outros estudos se realizem a esse respeito, e que o mesmo possa gerar reflexão sobre algumas práticas pedagógicas que visem substituir atitudes que reforçam o comportamento inadequado dos alunos, por situações que propiciem mudanças em seu comportamento, tornando a sala de aula um ambiente próprio para a aprendizagem

"Du vet bäst, bestäm du" Hur vårdlärare uppfattar sin överordning

Sallnäs, Jenny January 2007 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka hur vårdlärare uppfattar sin överordnade position i förhållande till de studerande och hur deras förhållningssätt påverkar deras arbete. En av frågeställningarna handlar om hur lärarnas tidigare yrkesutbildning påverkar deras sätt att förhålla sig till sin överordning. Undersökningen har en allmän kvalitativ ansats. Datainsamlingen har skett genom utforskande intervjuer med fyra vårdlärare, alla verksamma på en privat läroanstalt för vuxenstuderanden. Empirin har analyserats med hjälp av Michel Foucaults maktanalys. Resultatet av undersökningen ger vid handen att respondenterna uppfattar att de arbetar med att få till en demokratisk undervisning där de studerande ska vara delaktiga och att relationen mellan lärare och studerande ska präglas av jämlikhet. Studien påvisar att detta i praktiken är svårt att uppnå, i synnerhet i mötet med studerande som lärarna uppfattar som svaga. Dessa studerande tenderar att kräva en auktoritär lärare, vilket krockar med lärarnas vilja att uppträda som handledare och mentorer.</p><p>The purpose of this study was to investigate how teachers in health and care subjects perceive their superior position in relation to their students and how their attitudes affect their work. One of the issues is how teachers’ previous training affects their attitudes to their superior position. The study has a general qualitative approach. Data acquisition has been done through explorative interviews with four teachers in health and care subjects, all employed by the same private training college for adults. The empirical data is analyzed by using Foucault´s power analysis. The results of the investigation show that the respondents perceive that they are working to develop a democratic type of teaching, in which students are expected to take an active part and where relations between teachers and students should be characterized as egalitarian. This is difficult to achieve, particularly in interaction with students whom the teachers perceive as weak. These students tend to require an authoritarian teacher, which does not correspond to the teachers’ desire to be seen as instructors and mentors.</p>

"Du vet bäst, bestäm du" Hur vårdlärare uppfattar sin överordning

Sallnäs, Jenny January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka hur vårdlärare uppfattar sin överordnade position i förhållande till de studerande och hur deras förhållningssätt påverkar deras arbete. En av frågeställningarna handlar om hur lärarnas tidigare yrkesutbildning påverkar deras sätt att förhålla sig till sin överordning. Undersökningen har en allmän kvalitativ ansats. Datainsamlingen har skett genom utforskande intervjuer med fyra vårdlärare, alla verksamma på en privat läroanstalt för vuxenstuderanden. Empirin har analyserats med hjälp av Michel Foucaults maktanalys. Resultatet av undersökningen ger vid handen att respondenterna uppfattar att de arbetar med att få till en demokratisk undervisning där de studerande ska vara delaktiga och att relationen mellan lärare och studerande ska präglas av jämlikhet. Studien påvisar att detta i praktiken är svårt att uppnå, i synnerhet i mötet med studerande som lärarna uppfattar som svaga. Dessa studerande tenderar att kräva en auktoritär lärare, vilket krockar med lärarnas vilja att uppträda som handledare och mentorer. The purpose of this study was to investigate how teachers in health and care subjects perceive their superior position in relation to their students and how their attitudes affect their work. One of the issues is how teachers’ previous training affects their attitudes to their superior position. The study has a general qualitative approach. Data acquisition has been done through explorative interviews with four teachers in health and care subjects, all employed by the same private training college for adults. The empirical data is analyzed by using Foucault´s power analysis. The results of the investigation show that the respondents perceive that they are working to develop a democratic type of teaching, in which students are expected to take an active part and where relations between teachers and students should be characterized as egalitarian. This is difficult to achieve, particularly in interaction with students whom the teachers perceive as weak. These students tend to require an authoritarian teacher, which does not correspond to the teachers’ desire to be seen as instructors and mentors.

"She was a Bitch" : A Socio-Educational Perspective on Motivation for Learning English.

Skantz, Mona January 2007 (has links)
AbstractThis degree project focuses motivation for learning English among a group of Swedish uppersecondary school students. By employing a socio-educational perspective, some vital factorsbehind a strong motivation for learning English in school are investigated through individualinterviews. Components in the past, heralding either a high level of motivation for English or a low such, are primarily focused. Moreover, essential socio-educational factors behind managing to achieve grades in English despite a low level of motivation and various impediments, such as severe socio-psychological adversities, are looked into. While motivation for English is emphasized as a critical factor, in accordance with socio-educational motivation theory, the study also stresses the importance of a positive first encounter with the English language, a satisfying English teacher-student relationship, and a sense of success in the English classroom. But above all, the study stresses a need for early tests among young students for reading disabilities, which according to this study often go undetected and thus severely impede any kind of second language learning and motivation.

Exploring the construct of teacher self-disclosure and its connection to situational interest, intended effort, and the learning experience in a foreign language learning context

Sanders, Anke Julia 07 July 2014 (has links)
Educators are commonly concerned about how to trigger students' interest in the classroom, as well as how to create a learning experience in which students are engaged and motivated to invest effort and time. Similarly, researchers have explored these variables and aimed to establish a better understanding of how students' interest is developed. Yet, less attention has been paid to teacher self-disclosure as a factor in students' learning experiences and interest development. Although teacher self-disclosure has commonly been addressed in connection with the teacher-student relationship it has not been linked to interest development. Therefore, with the goal of exploring the construct of teacher self-disclosure, this study explored associations and interactions of perceptions of teacher self-disclosure and of students' individual and situational interest in a language learning context. In addition, students' ratings of the learning experience and intended effort were added to investigate associations between these student variables and their perceptions of teacher self-disclosure and interest. Data were collected in language classes of 16 different instructors. In total, 185 students participated in the qualitative part of the study, Phase 1, by filling out surveys at the beginning and end of the semester. For the main analysis, correlation and regression analyses were used in order to explore the relations between students' perceptions of teacher self-disclosure and initial individual interest, situational interest, the learning experience, and intended effort. Further, a total of nine instructors and eight students participated in the qualitative part, Phase 2, by agreeing to be observed and interviewed. Here, the focus was on describing and assessing the use of teacher self-disclosure in language classes. Results indicated that teachers were rated as varying in their self-disclosure, but that self-disclosure did not account for much of the variance in students' situational interest. Qualitative results showed that students perceived teacher self-disclosure to be an important communication strategy and one of the influential variables an instructor can bring into the learning experience. Overall, this study makes a contribution to understanding the complexity and interactions of student and teacher variables that are crucial to establish a functioning student-teacher relationship and subsequently healthy learning experience. / text

Les communications non verbales des enseignants d’Education Physique et Sportive : Formes et fonctions des CNV, croyances et réalisation effective des enseignants, ressenti des effets par les élèves / Nonverbal communications of physical education teachers

Barrière-Boizumault, Magali 19 November 2013 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objet de questionner l’utilisation des communications non verbales dans l'enseignement de l'Education Physique et Sportive. Les communications non verbales (CNV) diffusent des informations auprès des élèves, peuvent être contradictoires avec les communications verbales, les desservir, ou transmettre, à leur insu, les attentes des enseignants. Les communications seront abordées sous l’angle interactionniste. Chaque intervention verbale ou non verbale de l’enseignant crée une interaction avec les élèves dont l’objet peut être pédagogique ou didactique. Trois études ont été réalisées. La première étude exploratoire vise à questionner les croyances des étudiants en formation sur les communications ; afin de recenser leurs niveaux de connaissance et de prise de conscience de l’importance des communications dans l’enseignement, pour ensuitecomparer leurs réponses avec celles des enseignants en exercice, le tout permettant de comprendre l’évolution des croyances et éclairer les pratiques pédagogiques. La deuxième étude consiste, à partir d’une grille d’observation des CNV en classe, à confirmer l’exploitation d’une classification fonctionnelle des CNV. Une comparaison entre le dire, le faire et le dire sur le faire est réalisée à l’aide de différents entretiens. Les enseignants sont rarement conscients des communications qu’ilsexploitent en classe ; ils sont souvent surpris de la richesse des CNV exploitées, non consciemment. L’aspect affectif de la relation pédagogique est souvent valorisé lorsqu’ils se voient agir, contrairement aux premiers propos beaucoup plus réservés, et qui portent sur les apprentissages. L’accent est mis sur le rôle et la place du toucher et sur les routines en EPS. Les ressentis des élèves sont relevés pour les comparer avec les réponses des enseignants. La dernière étude se focalise sur l’aspect contextualisé des interactions non verbales à travers deux études de cas. Des variations semblent apparaître selon l’activité, les caractéristiques des élèves ou celles des enseignants. La recherche se conclut par des propositions d’enseignements supplémentaires pour la formation initiale et continue des enseignants. L’amélioration des pratiques pédagogiques quotidiennes des enseignants passe par une prise de conscience de leurs croyances et de leurs modes de fonctionnement in situ. / This study questions the use of non-verbal communication in the teaching of Physical Education. Non-verbal communication (NVC) sends information to students which sometimes contradicts verbal communication or unwittingly transmits teachers' expectations. Communication issues are addressed in this study under the interactionist’ perspective. Each verbal or non-verbal intervention of the teacher creates an interaction with students, whose purpose may be educational or didactic. Three studies were conducted. The first exploratory study aims at questioning the PE students beliefs about communication, in order to identify their level of knowledge, as well as their awareness of the importance of communication in teaching. Their answers are then compared with those of active teachers. This allows to understand the evolution of beliefs and to highlight teaching practices. The second study is based on the use of an observational grid on NVC during classes. It aims at confirmingthe operation of a functional classification of NVC. A comparison between explaining, doing, and explaining action is carried out using various interviews. Teachers are rarely aware of the types ofcommunication they use in the classroom. They are often surprised with the wide range of NVC they unconsciously use. They often highlight the emotional aspect of the pedagogical relationship, when watching themselves interacting with students in class, while they usually focus on teaching when first questioned about their educational methods. Emphasis is placed on the role and importance oftouching and routines in PE. What students say they feel is compared with what teachers describe. The last study draws attention on contextualized non verbal interactions, through two case studies. Changes seem to occur in the activity, according to the characteristics of students, or those of teachers. There search concludes with proposals both for initial and continuous training of teachers. Improving daily teaching practices can be facilitated through awareness of their beliefs and operational methods in situ.

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