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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The development of the rural water supply and sanitation sector in Zimbabwe between 1974 and 1987 : the design and impact of donor supported projects

Boydell, Robert Arthur January 1990 (has links)
Although the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade has generated great interest from foreign aid donors, its impact. in terms of increased service levels has been poor. These disappointing results have been explained by the UN and other donors in terms of inadequate funding and lack of cost recovery, poor operations and maintenance, lack of personnel, unacceptable technology, poor logistics and non involvement of the beneficiaries. However, an alternative explanation revolves around factors contributing to poor project design. These include the lack of understanding of the development process, donor bias and self interest, and poor coordination and commitment by the recipient government. A review of the development and trends of contemporary aid philosophy and its translation in to rural development and water and sanitation projects, which led to the launch of the IDWSSD, provides a number of lessons that can be used to formulate a hybrid model for project design and the sector development process, that defines the relative roles of donors, recipient governments and people themselves. The model is based on coordinated development, community participation, and sector growth from pilot projects to large scale programmes. The developments in the rural water and sanitation sector that took place in Zimbabwe from 1974 to 1987, provide a unique opportunity to test this model using a systems analysis approach. After gaining Independence in 1980, Zimbabwe's development assistance funding grew tenfold with the influx of foreign donors, and major commitments were made by the new Government to rural development and the goals of the IDWSSD. However, the large investments in water and sanitation which included the preparation of a national master plan with external technical assistance, had both positive and negative impacts on the continuing development of the sector, the start of which can be traced back, well before Independence, to small pilot projects sponsored by non government organizations that used appropriate technology developed by the Rhodesian Government. This development process and the changing approach to project design is illustrated by a series of case studies of projects supported by multilateral and bilateral donors, and non government organizations, that were milestones during this period. Finally the project and sector development model is modified based on the practical lessons from Zimbabwe and recommendations for future practice are made together with suggestions for areas of further research.

A knowledge-oriented, context-sensitive architectural framework for service deployment in marginalized rural communities

Thinyane, Mamello P January 2009 (has links)
The notion of a global knowledge society is somewhat of a misnomer due to the fact that large portions of the global community are not participants in this global knowledge society which is driven, shaped by and socio-technically biased towards a small fraction of the global population. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is culture-sensitive and this is a dynamic that is largely ignored in the majority of ICT for Development (ICT4D) interventions, leading to the technological determinism flaw and ultimately a failure of the undertaken projects. The deployment of ICT solutions, in particular in the context of ICT4D, must be informed by the cultural and socio-technical profile of the deployment environments and solutions themselves must be developed with a focus towards context-sensitivity and ethnocentricity. In this thesis, we investigate the viability of a software architectural framework for the development of ICT solutions that are context-sensitive and ethnocentric1, and so aligned with the cultural and social dynamics within the environment of deployment. The conceptual framework, named PIASK, defines five tiers (presentation, interaction, access, social networking, and knowledge base) which allow for: behavioural completeness of the layer components; a modular and functionally decoupled architecture; and the flexibility to situate and contextualize the developed applications along the dimensions of the User Interface (UI), interaction modalities, usage metaphors, underlying Indigenous Knowledge (IK), and access protocols. We have developed a proof-of-concept service platform, called KnowNet, based on the PIASK architecture. KnowNet is built around the knowledge base layer, which consists of domain ontologies that encapsulate the knowledge in the platform, with an intrinsic flexibility to access secondary knowledge repositories. The domain ontologies constructed (as examples) are for the provisioning of eServices to support societal activities (e.g. commerce, health, agriculture, medicine) within a rural and marginalized area of Dwesa, in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. The social networking layer allows for situating the platform within the local social systems. Heterogeneity of user profiles and multiplicity of end-user devices are handled through the access and the presentation components, and the service logic is implemented by the interaction components. This services platform validates the PIASK architecture for end-to-end provisioning of multi-modal, heterogeneous, ontology-based services. The development of KnowNet was informed on one hand by the latest trends within service architectures, semantic web technologies and social applications, and on the other hand by the context consideration based on the profile (IK systems dynamics, infrastructure, usability requirements) of the Dwesa community. The realization of the service platform is based on the JADE Multi-Agent System (MAS), and this shows the applicability and adequacy of MAS’s for service deployment in a rural context, at the same time providing key advantages such as platform fault-tolerance, robustness and flexibility. While the context of conceptualization of PIASK and the implementation of KnowNet is that of rurality and of ICT4D, the applicability of the architecture extends to other similarly heterogeneous and context-sensitive domains. KnowNet has been validated for functional and technical adequacy, and we have also undertaken an initial prevalidation for social context sensitivity. We observe that the five tier PIASK architecture provides an adequate framework for developing context-sensitive and ethnocentric software: by functionally separating and making explicit the social networking and access tier components, while still maintaining the traditional separation of presentation, business logic and data components.

WTO a rozvojové země / WTO and developing countries

Bartoňová, Eva January 2008 (has links)
The thesis deals with a role of developing countries within the WTO and examines whether the developing countries are sufficiently involved in WTO negotiations in order not to play only a marginal role in the multilateral trade system. Thesis contains a historical overview of special and differential treatments for developing countries and the least developed countries. Thesis deals in addition with an issue of the implementation of special and differential treatments and describes the main WTO bodies concerned with implementation. Trade-related technical assistance programs are described in the last part of the thesis. These programs are JITAP, IF and the initiative Aid for Trade.

Sustainable knowledge sharing : An analysis of learning and management of knowledge in a water supply project in the Syrdarya region in Uzbekistan

Rydberg, Henrik January 2015 (has links)
This Master thesis in Science of Engineering and of Education at KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) in Stockholm is conducted on the basis of a Minor Field Study financed by the Swedish International Development Agency, SIDA. The thesis aims to describe and analyze the process of learning and the knowledge exchange that occurs in a technical assistance project. The studied project is a water supply project in Syrdarya region in Uzbekistan. In every project of this kind, as well as projects of domestic character, the concept of knowledge sharing and management is essential for the success of the project. In the case of technical assistance projects and human aid projects, there is a discussion whether the projects help developing the country or if they rather make the countries weaker as regards to their own abilities. This study analyzes the transposition of learning and management of knowledge components incorporated in the goals of the World Bank and the interaction between international consultants and local engineers. Previous research has highlighted the importance of this interaction and of the informal roles taken by participants. The result of this study concurs this and indicates proof of a reality with high proficiency of, and conversance with, technical skills and theories. However, the result also indicates a lack of awareness of knowledge sharing and the question of how it could be integrated within the project on a daily work basis. The conclusion is that the “signal”, that is, the goals and visions of the World Bank concerning knowledge transfer, is successfully received and transposed at project design level as well as successfully received at local level. However, responsibility and active measures for final implementation almost solely depend on the will and engagement of each individual consultant. Eventually, the study underlines the importance of a project community of practice and of tacit knowledge. Because of the difficulties regarding conscious, continuous learning and management of knowledge when executing technical assistance projects there is a need for further research on the implementation of sustainable knowledge sharing, focusing on the incentives’ of the international engineers working in development projects and on the process of recruitment. Universities of technology have an important role to play when preparing engineers working with development projects. Keywords: Knowledge sharing, community of practice, technical assistance project, water supply project, sustainable development, sustainable learning. / Som grund för denna masteruppsats inom civilingenjör- och lärarprogrammet vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan i Stockholm ligger en SIDA-finansierad Minor Field Study. Uppsatsen syftar till att beskriva och analysera processen av lärande och kunskapsutbyte inom ett tekniskt utvecklingsprojekt. Projektet som studerats är ett vattenförsörjningsprojekt i Syrdaryaregionen i Uzbekistan. Begreppen kunskapsdelning och kunskapshantering är väsentliga för den slutliga framgången hos varje projekt av detta slag och även i inhemska projekt. När det gäller tekniska utvecklingsprojekt och biståndsprojekt finns en diskussion gällande huruvida projekten hjälper landet ifråga eller om de snarare försvagar landet och dess egna resurser. Studien analyserar hur Världsbankens mål kring lärande och kunskapshantering överförs till internationella konsulter och lokala ingenjörer och hur samspelet mellan dessa ser ut. Tidigare forskning har pekat på betydelsen av detta samspel och på de informella roller som deltagarna tar på sig. Resultaten från denna studie understöder dessa slutsatser. Studien visar också på en teknisk verklighet som utmärks av yrkesskicklighet och förtrogenhet med tekniska teorier. Emellertid tyder resultaten även på att det finns en bristande medvetenhet kring kunskapsspridningen och kring hur denna skulle kunna integreras på daglig basis i projektet. Slutsatsen i uppsatsen är att ”signalen”, d.v.s. Världsbankens mål och visioner om kunskapsförmedling, överförs framgångsrikt till den nivå där projektet utformas konkret och även framgångsrikt förs över till den lokala nivå där projektet ska genomföras. Ansvaret och åtgärderna för det slutliga genomförandet är dock helt och hållet avhängigt den enskilde konsultens vilja och engagemang. I studien understryks slutligen vikten av en egen professionell arbetsgemenskap inom projektet och betydelsen av att ”se” även tyst kunskap. Svårigheterna kring medvetet och kontinuerligt lärande och kunskapshantering i samband med genomförandet av tekniska utvecklingsprojekt medför att ett behov av fortsatt forskning uppstår rörande hur en hållbar kunskapsspridning kan förverkligas, detta med fokus på de internationella ingenjörernas drivkrafter i utvecklingsprojekt och på rekryteringsprocessen. Tekniska universitet och högskolor har en viktig roll att spela i formandet av de ingenjörer som ska arbeta med utvecklingsprojekt.

Spilling The Tea On Electoral Violence Prevention : Can technical election assistance prevent electoral violence?

Cronholm, Agnes January 2021 (has links)
The international community has long sent democracy aid, and technical election assistance (TEA) has become increasingly popular in the last three decades. Despite these investments, little is known about the effects of TEA. This master thesis focuses on how TEA affects violence during elections and asks if and how does technical election assistance prevent electoral violence in some contexts and not in others? I argue the TEA that is provided to both state and non-state actors in combination can reduce electoral violence. I argue that this can make elections credible and that credible elections are less probable to turn violent. By conducting case studies on Kenya, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe using Structured Focused Comparison, this thesis finds that the hypothesis when a state receives comprehensive technical election assistance, it will experience a reduction in electoral violence gets limited support. The findings show that TEA can help reduce violence since violence was reduced in all three cases, but only two of them received comprehensive TEA.

Proyecto tecniclick

Barinotto León, Giovanni Fabrizzio, Porras Pizarro, Allison Brigitte, Raza Cueva, Alexandra Ximena, Velasco Castañeyra, Olenk’ Stefany, Vivanco Quispe, Bryssa Denisse 29 October 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo la presentación del plan de negocios de Tecniclick, el cual ha sido trabajado a lo largo de los cursos de Emprendimiento de Negocios Sostenibles: Formulación y Emprendimiento de Negocios Sostenibles: Implementación. Para empezar, se validó el principal problema que tienen los usuarios al buscar asistencia técnica, el cual es la falta de confianza. A partir de ello, se realizaron diversos experimentos para validar el modelo de negocio y la solución más efectiva al problema dado. Esto se complementa con los planes de ejecución del Concierge, Marketing y Financiero. / The present research work has as its purpose the presentation of the business plan of Tecniclick, which has been worked throughout the courses Emprendimiento de Negocios Sostenibles: Formulación y Emprendimiento de Negocios Sostenibles: Implementación. First, the main problem that users have when looking for technical assistance was validated, obtaining as a result that it is the lack of trust. From it, some experiments were realized to validate the business model and the most effective solution for the problem. This is complemented with the execution of the Concierge, Marketing and Financial plan. / Trabajo de investigación

Evaluación de la Asistencia Técnica y su impacto tributario en las empresas inmobiliarias en el distrito de Surquillo, año 2019 / Evaluation of Technical Assistance and its tax impact on real estate companies in the district of Surquillo, year 2019

Barreto Ullón, Violeta Karina, Cornejo Silva, Darwin Davian 27 August 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal determinar como la evaluación de la asistencia técnica impacta tributariamente en las empresas inmobiliarias del distrito de Surquillo, año 2019.Por otro lado, se ha considerado conveniente el sector inmobiliario porque engloba diferentes etapas en las cuales se aplica dicho servicio, la adquisición de información de dicho sector abarca características principales, situación actual del sector, datos estadísticos del servicio de asistencia técnica. El trabajo de investigación se encuentra dividido en 5 capítulos: Capítulo I: Marco Teórico, se exponen definiciones que corresponden al tema principal de la investigación, en el Capítulo II: Plan de Investigación, se expone el problema, los objetivos e hipótesis generales y específicas, en Capítulo III: Metodología de Investigación, se detalla el tipo, nivel, método y diseño de la investigación y el tamaño de la muestra para un posterior análisis aplicando técnicas e instrumentos de recolección de datos tantos como cuantitativos y cualitativos, el Capítulo IV: Desarrollo de la Investigación, se aplican los instrumentos de investigación a la muestra determinada en la investigación y además se plantea un caso práctico para evaluar la asistencia técnica y su influencia en el impuesto a la renta. Finalmente, en el Capítulo V: Análisis de los Resultados, se observa los resultados obtenidos brindando las respectivas conclusiones y recomendaciones en relación con todo lo investigado. / The main objective of this research work is to determine how the evaluation of technical assistance has a fiscal impact on real estate companies in the district of Surquillo, year 2019. On the other hand, the real estate sector has been considered appropriate because it encompasses different stages in which this service is applied, the acquisition of information on this sector includes main characteristics, current situation of the sector, statistical data of the technical assistance service. The research work is divided into 5 chapters: Chapter I: Theoretical Framework, it presents definitions that correspond to the main topic of the research, in Chapter II: Research Plan, the problem, objectives and general and specific hypotheses are presented, in Chapter III: Research Methodology, it details the type, level, method and design of the research and the size of the sample for a later analysis applying techniques and instruments for data collection, both quantitative and qualitative, Chapter IV: Development of the Research, the research instruments are applied to the sample determined in the research and a practical case is also presented to evaluate technical assistance and its influence on income tax. Finally, in Chapter V: Analysis of the Results, the results obtained are observed, providing the respective conclusions and recommendations in relation to everything investigated. / Tesis

A case study of the Mombasa / Kenya / Dawson staff development project /

Joyner, Charles W. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

Transnational science and technology co-operation in Africa : an evaluation of selected institutions and programmes

Teng-Zeng, Frank Kannigenye 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the aftermath of the Second World War, the development challenges facing Third World countries - those that were independent, those emerging from colonialism and those still under colonialism - led to the proliferation of bilateral and multilateral development institutions. These institutions were intended to assist the developing countries in terms of the provision of both human (technical) skills and material resources as well as to formulate programmes that would promote co-operation for socio-economic development and transformation. If the enormous development problems facing Africa including poverty, hunger, disease can be alleviated, then multilateral institutions have a major role to play in its scientific and technological development as well as in helping to create the appropriate institutional mechanisms for regional and sub-regional co-operation in science and technology (S&T) in Africa. The United Nations system, including UN-affiliated institutions, has therefore come to represent the best hope of realising the dream of most developing countries in their quest for development, due to its institutional capacity to provide development assistance as well as influence the international development agenda which affects Africa. For example, among the institutions in this study, the World Bank Group remains the biggest donor organisation in terms of the funding of development projects and programmes. UNESCO has a leading role as the UN agency whose mandate relates directly to S&T development and peace. The ECA is the representative body of the UN in Africa and therefore able to influence the direction of development policy and programmes. Similarly, the need to develop also led African countries to establish their own regional and sub-regional institutions for co-operation to draw together both human and material resources. However, the development issues discussed and promoted in the developing world over the years have focused more on national income, terms of trade, market access and in recent times on structural adjustment and poverty reduction strategy programmes. But the most important aspect of the development process - the knowledge capability gap (in terms of S&T) - has been much neglected especially at the regional and sub-regional levels. Therefore, in using regional and sub-regional levels of analyses, the research project looks at the programmes supported by the following institutions: the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), the World Bank, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Organisation of African Unity (OAU), the African Development Bank (AIDB), the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Thus the study uses a theorydriven evaluation based on INEXSK (INfrastructure, EXperience and Skills, and Knowledge) approach broadly, to investigate the extent to which these multilateral institutions live up to their stated goals of improving the knowledge base for development in the African continent. An important aspect of the study also entails a historical review of science, technology and institutional co-operation in Africa. Furthermore, an important outcome of the study reveals the lack of functional regional and sub-regional organisational frameworks to promote rigorous scientific and technological research and development in the African continent, except for a few centres and programmes supported by some multilateral and bilateral institutions including NGOs. In spite of many years of structural adjustment the World Bank's lending for S&T has marginalised African countries; while the AIDB support for S&T and regional programmes is woefully inadequate. This is a momentous task it has to address if the NEP AD Initiative is to be successful in the years ahead. To guide future initiatives the study draws on the lessons and experiences of the European Union's and the Association of South East Asian Nations' (ASEAN) regional scientific and technology co-operation programmes. The study advocates a knowledge-based development paradigm, which is transnational in approach, and it makes specific recommendations for regional and sub-regional programmes and strategies to promote the socio-economic development and transformation of Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: OPSOMMING Ná afloop van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog het Derde Wêreldlande - dié reeds onafhanklik, óf besig om kolonialisme af te skud, óf nog steeds onder 'n koloniale moondheid se bewind - sekere ontwikkelingstruikelblokke en -uitdagings in die gesig gestaar. Dit het gelei tot die totstandkoming van verskeie bilaterale en multilaterale ontwikkelingsinstellings. Die doel met sulke instellings se hulpverlening aan ontwikkelende lande was drieledig: om tegniese vaardighede aan te bied; om materiële hulpmiddele te verskaf; en om programme, wat samewerking vir sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling en transformasie sou bevorder, te formuleer. Indien die las van die geweldige ontwikkelingsprobleme in Afrika (insluitend armoede, hongersnood en siektes) verlig sou kon word, het multilaterale instellings 'n belangrike rol om te vervul: om te help met, enersyds, die wetenskaplike en tegnologiese ontwikkeling van die kontinent, en andersyds die ontwikkeling van toepaslike institusionele meganismes vir streek- en sub-streeksamewerking in wetenskap en tegnologie (W&T). As gevolg van die Verenigde Nasies se institusionele kapasiteit om ontwikkelingshulp te verskaf, asook om die internasionale ontwikkelingsagenda te beïnvloed, verteenwoordig dié stelsel die beste hoop van die meeste ontwikkelende lande om hulle ontwikkelingsdrome te verwesenlik. Van die instellings wat by die VN geaffillieer is, en wat in hierdie ondersoek geëvalueer word, is die Wêreldbankgroep, die grootste skenkerorganisasie vir die befondsing van ontwikkelingsprogramme en -projekte. So ook het UNESCO 'n leiersrol as die VN agentskap van wie die mandaat direk betrekking het op die ontwikkeling van W&T. Die EKA is die liggaam wat Afrika verteenwoordig by die VN, en beïnvloed daarom die koers van ontwikkelingsbeleid en -programme. Die noodsaak om die kontinent te ontwikkel het ook gelei daartoe dat Afrikalande hulle eie streek- en sub-streekliggame, wat menslike en materiële hulpbronne bymekaar bring, begin stig het. Die ontwikkelingskwessies wat oor die jare in die ontwikkelende wêreld bespreek en aangemoedig is, het egter meer en meer gefokus op nasionale inkomste, handelsvoorwaardes, toegang tot markte en, in die afgelope tyd, strukturele aanpassings en armoede verligtingstrategie programme. Die belangrikste deel van die ontwikkelingsproses - die vernouing van die kennisgaping in W&T - is gevolglik afgeskeep, veral op streek- en substreekvlak. Hierdie navorsingsprojek analiseer dus, op streek- en sub-streekvlak, ontwikkelingsprogramme wat deur die volgende instansies ondersteun word: die Verenigde Nasies se Opvoedkundige, Wetenskaplike en Kulturele Organisasie (UNESCO), die Wêreldbank, die Verenigde Nasies se Ekonomiese Kommissie vir Afrika (EKA), die Organisasie vir Afrika-eenheid (OAE), die Ontwikkelingsbank van Afrika, die Suider- Afrikaanse Ontwikkelingsgemeenskap en die Ekonomiese Gemeenskap van Wes-Afrikaanse State. Die navorsing gebruik 'n teorie-gedrewe evaluering gebaseer op 'n INEXSK ("INfrastructure, EXperience and Skills, and Knowlege") benadering, om te bepaal in watter mate hierdie multilaterale instellings hulle doelwitte, met betrekking tot die verbetering van die kennisbasis vir ontwikkeling van die Afrika-kontinent, bereik. 'n Historiese oorsig van die wetenskaplike, tegnologiese en institusionele samewerking in Afrika vorm 'n belangrike deel van die navorsingsverslag. Die navorsing dui ook op 'n gebrek aan funksionele organisatoriese raamwerke om op streek en sub-streekvlak streng wetenskaplike en tegnologiese navorsing en ontwikkeling aan te wakker en te bevorder. (Daar is darem 'n paar noemenswaardige uitsonderings van sentra en programme wat deur party van die bilaterale en multilaterale instellings ondersteun word.) Ten spyte van strukturele aanpassings wat oor baie jare plaasgevind het, het die Wêreldbank se lenings vir W&T Afrikalande gemarginaliseer; en die Ontwikkelingsbank van Afrika se ondersteuning vir W&T en streeksprogramme is heeltemal ontoereikend. Daar is 'n geweldige taak wat in die toekoms aangespreek moet word indien die NEPAD inisiatief hoop om suksesvol te wees. Die verslag gebruik die lesse en ervarings van die Europese Unie en die Vereniging van Suid- Asiatiese Lande se streeksamewerkingsprogramme vir wetenskap en tegnologie as rigtingwyser vir toekomstige inisiatiewe. Die verslag beveel 'n transnasionale kennisgebaseerde ontwikkelingsparadigma aan, en maak spesifieke aanbevelings vir streek en sub-streekprogramme en strategieë om die sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling en transformasie van Afrika te bevorder.

Educação alimentar e nutricional  no contexto do desenvolvimento rural: estudo de caso do Rio Grande do Sul / Food and nutrition education in the context of rural development: a case study of Rio Grande do Sul

Oliveira, Nádia Rosana Fernandes de 11 August 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A educação alimentar e nutricional (EAN) é campo de prática e reflexão de diversos atores sociais envolvidos na promoção da saúde, entre eles, os serviços de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural, que se relacionam com ações de desenvolvimento local e promoção da alimentação adequada e saudável e de segurança alimentar e nutricional das populações rurais. Objetivo: Analisar percepções e práticas sobre o processo de educação alimentar e nutricional no contexto do Desenvolvimento Rural no RS. Metodologia: Artigo 1: Realizou-se análise do texto do Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira, discutindo-se os temas previstos e os temas emergentes a partir da intersecção dos conceitos de promoção da saúde e de desenvolvimento rural sustentável. Artigo 2: Investigaramse normas estabelecidas nos documentos de âmbito nacional e estadual e práticas executadas pelos extensionistas rurais a partir de busca em Sistema de Registros Administrativos que continham a descrição das atividades realizadas. Os dados foram tabulados e processados por meio da estatística descritiva, com o apoio do programa Microsoft Office Excel, versão 2007, em relação à produção e análise qualitativa dos dados; investigaram-se, na periodicidade histórica, rupturas e permanências contidas no material, com apoio do software NVivo 10 for Windows. Artigo 3: Realizaram-se 18 entrevistas individuais para produção de narrativas com os diferentes atores sociais envolvidos na Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural no RS. Foi realizada a análise das narrativas a partir da perspectiva teórica e das categorias analíticas emergentes, sendo os dados interpretados, sistematizados e analisados em seu conjunto, com apoio do software NVivo 10 for Windows. Resultados: Artigo 1: Identificou 13 temas relacionados a quatro dimensões explicativas da interseção dos conceitos, os quais foram identificados a partir dos elementos constitutivos dos itens princípios e diretrizes do Guia Alimentar, dez passos para uma alimentação saudável; superação de obstáculos para realização dos dez passos. Artigo 2: Oito documentos e 212.502 atividades foram analisadas, sendo 11,13 por cento relacionadas à EAN. As normas determinaram número mínimo de atividades a serem realizadas por meio de metas estabelecidas nos contratos de serviços, em contrapartida, as práticas derivaram, majoritariamente, das demandas das famílias assessoradas ligados aos temas da Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional, Produção de Cuidados em Saúde, e Alimentação Adequada e Saudável. Artigo 3: A compreensão e a estrutura de significações da EAN foram visualizadas sob três eixos: reconhecimento e não reconhecimento da EAN na ATES; a EAN como um dos temas da dimensão social; a EAN como sinônimo de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional. Conclusão: Existe uma polissemia de percepções sobre a educação alimentar e nutricional e um espaço permanente de tensões entre as normas e as práticas. Existe uma orientação normativa para a promoção da alimentação adequada e saudável, principalmente na perspectiva de relação com os sistemas alimentares locais. As práticas em educação alimentar e nutricional e as percepções sobre elas se estruturam em um conjunto de valores, signos e sentidos nos quais o alimento é visto como elemento aglutinador-compreensivo de um modelo de extensão rural que é reivindicado. / Introduction: Food and nutrition education (FNE) is a field of practice and reflection of various social actors involved in health promotion, including the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Services, which relate to local development actions and to the promotion of adequate and healthy food, as well as to food and nutrition security of rural populations. Objective: To analyze perceptions and practices about the process of food and nutrition education in the context of Rural Development in RS. Methodology: Article 1: We analyzed the text of the Food Guide for the Brazilian population, discussing the intended and the emerging themes from the intersection of the concepts of health promotion and sustainable rural development. Article 2: We investigated the rules established in the national and state level documents and practices implemented by rural extension agents from a search in Administrative Records System containing the description of activities. The data were compiled and processed through descriptive statistics, with the support of Microsoft Office Excel 2007 concerning the production and qualitative analysis; we investigated, in the historical basis, ruptures and continuities contained in the material, with the support of the software NVivo 10 for Windows. Article 3: We conducted 18 individual interviews to produce narratives with the different social actors involved in the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension in RS. The analysis of the narratives was performed from the theoretical perspective and emerging analytical categories; the data were interpreted, systematized and analyzed as a whole with the support of NVivo 10 for Windows. Results: Article 1: We identified 13 themes related to four explanatory dimensions of the intersection of the concepts, which were identified from the constituent elements of the items principles and guidelines of the Food Guide, ten steps to a healthy diet; overcoming obstacles to achieving the ten steps. Article 2: Eight documents and 212,502 activities were analyzed, being 11.13 per cent related to FNE. The rules determined minimum number of activities to be performed by goals established in service contracts, in contrast, the practices mainly come from the demands of advised families linked to the themes of Food and Nutritional Security, Care Production in Health, and Adequate and Healthy Food. Article 3: The understanding and the structure of meanings of FNE were viewed under three axes: recognition and non-recognition of FNE in TSEA; EAN as one of the themes of the social dimension; FNE as a synonym for Food and Nutrition Security. Conclusion: There is a polysemic perception about food and nutrition education and a permanent space of tensions between rules and practices. There is a normative guidance to promote adequate and healthy food, especially from the perspective of relationship with local food systems. The practices in food and nutrition education and the perceptions about them are structured in a set of values, signs and meanings in which food is seen as a unifying-understanding element of a claimed rural extension model.

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