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Methode zur Verbesserung der Usability durch gezielte Förderung mentaler ModelleJenke, Marcus, Binder, Karoline, Maier, Thomas 19 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Das Potenzial mentaler Modelle zur Entwicklung benutzergerechter, technischer Systeme wurde bereits in zahlreichen Studien aufgezeigt. Jedoch existieren noch immer nur wenige konkrete Methoden zur Nutzung mentaler Modelle im Zuge der Produktentwicklung. Diese Arbeit stellt daher einen konkreten Methodenansatz vor, anhand dessen es Entwicklern ermöglicht werden kann, Optimierungspotenziale mit Hilfe der mentalen Modelle zu identifizieren und diese zu beeinflussen. Dazu werden verschiedene Werkzeuge definiert, die gezielt Einfluss auf die individuelle und kollektive Modellbildung der Nutzer nehmen. In einem Versuch wird der Einfluss dieser Werkzeuge bei visueller Informationsübertragung anhand eines Defibrillators untersucht. Mithilfe eines Interface-Mock-ups werden verschiedene Use Cases im Rahmen einer erweiterten User-Interface-Prototyping-Untersuchung durchlaufen. Die Auswertung der Antwortzeiten und Lösungsstrategien zeigt auf, dass die Werkzeuge einen Einfluss auf die Bildung individueller und kollektiver Modellstrukturen haben. Der Einfluss äußert sich in einem benutzergerechten Verhalten der Versuchspersonen, welches nachweisbar durch die gezielten Interfaceanpassungen gefördert wurde.
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Discourses of energy justice : the case of nuclear energyJenkins, Kirsten January 2017 (has links)
The energy sector faces sustainability challenges that are re-working the established patterns of energy supply, distribution and consumption (Anderson et al. 2008; Haas et al. 2008; Stern 2008; Shove and Walker 2010). Amidst these challenges, socio-technical energy transitions frameworks have evolved that focus on transitions towards decarbonised, sustainable energy systems (Bridge et al. 2013). However, the ‘socio-‘ or social is typically missing as we confront climate and energy risks in a moral vacuum (Sovacool et al. 2016). The energy justice framework provides a structure to think about such energy dilemmas. However, the full extent and diversity of justice implications within the energy system have been neglected. Thus, borrowing from and advancing the framework this research explores how energy justice is being articulated with attention to three emergent areas of growth, the themes of: (1) time, (2) systems component and (3) actor. It does so through a case study of nuclear energy, which was chosen because of its points of enquiry with regards to these three areas of growth, and its historical and on-going importance in the UK energy mix. Using results from 36 semi-structured interviews with non-governmental organisations and policy actors across two case studies representative of the nuclear energy stages of energy production and of waste storage, disposal and reprocessing – the Hinkley Point and Sellafield nuclear complexes – this research presents new insights within each of these previously identified areas of development. It offers the contributions of (1) facility lifecycles, (2) systems approaches and (3) the question of ‘justice by whom?' and concludes that the energy justice framework can aid energy decision-making in a way that not only mitigates the environmental impacts of energy via socio-technical change, but also does so in an ethically defensible, socially just, way.
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Är off-grid framtiden för det svenska elsystemet? : En analys utifrån Flernivå-perspektivet / Is off-grid the future for the Swedish electricity system? : An analysis from the Multi-Level PerspecitveHermansson, Caroline, Bergkvist, Karolina January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att studera om scenariot off-grid är en potentiell riktning i framtidens svenska energilandskap, samt undersöka vad som kan driva en sådan utveckling. För detta examensarbete har en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi tillämpats, genom ett abduktivt förhållningssätt till funnen empiri och teori. En empirisk datainsamling har genomförts i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med ett tiotal aktörer på den svenska elnätsmarknaden. Därefter har en tematisk analys utförts, där det empiriska materialet ställts mot teori. Studien påvisar att det idag finns flertalet faktorer som kan vara drivande för en utveckling mot ett off-grid elsystem. I studiens empiriska material går det att finna tecken på att flertalet informanter tror att en förändring av dagens svenska elsystem behövs. Dock hur troligt det är, att en sådan förändringsprocess sker, finner studien inga belägg eller grunder för. De faktorer som skulle driva utvecklingen mot ett elsystem som karaktäriseras som off-grid kan identifieras som prisutveckling, utveckling i andra sektorer, ändrad tariffsättning, decentralisering, lagstiftning, ökad popularitet samt exempel där off-grid har realiserats. / The purpose of this master thesis is to study whether the off- grid scenario is a potential direction in the Swedish energy landscape of the future, and to investigate what can drive such development. For this master thesis, a qualitative research strategy has been applied, through an abductive approach towards the found empirical material and theory. An empirical data collection has been carried out in the form of semi-structured interviews with ten actors in the Swedish electricity grid market. Subsequently, a thematic analysis has been carried out, in which the empirical material is set against the theory. The study shows that there today are several factors that can drive the development towards an off-grid electricity system in Sweden. In the study’s empirical material, it is possible to find signs that most informants believe that change in today’sSwedish electricity system is needed. However, how likely it is that such a change process will take place, the study finds no evidence for. The factors that would drive the development towards an electricity system characterized by off-grid can be identified as price development, development in other sectors, changed tariff set, decentralization, legislation, increased popularity and examples where off-grid has been realized.
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Undervisning om mobiltelefonsystemet i lågstadiet. : En interventionsstudie om tekniska system i årskurs 1-3. / Teaching about the mobile phone system in primary school. : An intervention study on technical systems in year 2-3.Gustafsson, Elinore January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine opportunities to teach about the mobile phone system for primary school pupils. This was explored by seeing if and how the students' understanding, perception and knowledge changed by taking part in an educational activity about the mobile phone system. Data were collected with the help of audio recording of the lesson itself, but also with the help of worksheets where the students first filled in their prerequisites and then what they had learned about the mobile phone system after the educational activity. The study was performed at three different schools and in three different classes in year 2–3 in the countryside, in an urban area and in a larger city. The last two schools are also multicultural with many second language students in the classes. The fact that three quite different schools were chosen was to increase the reliability of the results and see how well the educational activity works despite the students' differ-ent circumstances.The result show a major improvement in the students' knowledge of the mobile phone system as none of the students had any direct knowledge of how the mobile phone system works, for example, how to make a call or send a text message. The result also shows that the knowledge between the different schools did not differ much, but the difference that was seen was the students' different ways of describing the mobile phone system. / Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på möjligheter att undervisa om mobiltelefonsystemet för lågstadieelever. Detta undersöktes genom att se om och hur elevernas förståelse, uppfattning och kunskap förändrades av en pedagogisk aktivitet om mobiltelefonsystemet. Data om denna aktivitet samlades in med hjälp av ljudinspelning av själva lektionen men också med hjälp av arbetsblad där eleverna först fyllde i sina förkunskaper och sedan vad det lärt sig om mobiltelefonsystemet efter den pedagogiska aktiviteten. Studien utfördes på tre olika skolor och i tre olika klasser i årskurs 2–3 på landsbygden, en tätort och i en större stad. De två sistnämnda skolorna är även mångkulturella, de vill säga med mestadels andraspråkselever i klasserna. Resultateten visade på stora förbättringar av elevernas kunskap om mobiltelefonsystemet då ingen av eleverna hade något direkt förkunskap om hur det fungerar att exempelvis ringa ett samtal eller skicka ett sms. Resultatet visar även att kunskapen mellan de olika skolorna inte skiljde sig åt särskilt mycket men den skillnad som gick att se var elevernas olika sätt att beskriva mobiltelefonsystemet.
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Methode zur Verbesserung der Usability durch gezielte Förderung mentaler ModelleJenke, Marcus, Binder, Karoline, Maier, Thomas January 2016 (has links)
Das Potenzial mentaler Modelle zur Entwicklung benutzergerechter, technischer Systeme wurde bereits in zahlreichen Studien aufgezeigt. Jedoch existieren noch immer nur wenige konkrete Methoden zur Nutzung mentaler Modelle im Zuge der Produktentwicklung. Diese Arbeit stellt daher einen konkreten Methodenansatz vor, anhand dessen es Entwicklern ermöglicht werden kann, Optimierungspotenziale mit Hilfe der mentalen Modelle zu identifizieren und diese zu beeinflussen. Dazu werden verschiedene Werkzeuge definiert, die gezielt Einfluss auf die individuelle und kollektive Modellbildung der Nutzer nehmen. In einem Versuch wird der Einfluss dieser Werkzeuge bei visueller Informationsübertragung anhand eines Defibrillators untersucht. Mithilfe eines Interface-Mock-ups werden verschiedene Use Cases im Rahmen einer erweiterten User-Interface-Prototyping-Untersuchung durchlaufen. Die Auswertung der Antwortzeiten und Lösungsstrategien zeigt auf, dass die Werkzeuge einen Einfluss auf die Bildung individueller und kollektiver Modellstrukturen haben. Der Einfluss äußert sich in einem benutzergerechten Verhalten der Versuchspersonen, welches nachweisbar durch die gezielten Interfaceanpassungen gefördert wurde.
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Sustainable transitions in the Swedish agro-food sector : The case of the (the future) innovation system around Swedish legumes for protein-rich plant-based foodTarikere Sudarshan, Prajwal, Ramesh, Srikanth January 2022 (has links)
Background: The agro-food sector faces several sustainability challenges and is in clear need of transitions to become more sustainable. A transition in food production, consumption and supply chains that demand fewer resources and fewer animal products is required to attain sustainability in the agro-food sector. This transition can be done by consuming more plant-based food and providing an alternate option to animal protein by substituting it with plant protein. Purpose: This study aims to understand the technological innovation system shaping around the value chain of Swedish legumes. To investigate the above aim, this research intends to address the following questions: RQ1: How is the innovation system built up, and how do the functions of the innovation system perform around the value chain of Swedish legumes? RQ2: What are the barriers connected to the innovation system that hinders the development of the value chain of Swedish legumes? Method: The methodology used was a qualitative case study with an abductive approach. The data was collected from 8 semi-structured interviews and a literature review of relevant articles. The empirical findings were then analysed using a framework based on Technology Innovation System (TIS). Implications: This research study describes the structural causes that form functional barriers in the innovation system that hinders the development of a value chain for Swedish legumes. The findings of this study provides an excellent opportunity for government agencies and policymakers to guide plans and actions through policies to provide incentives for farmers and research projects in favour of a sustainable transition towards more plant-based food. Also, our study contributes to an understanding of sustainability transitions in the Swedish agro-food sector by analysing how the TIS functions perform around the value chain of Swedish legumes.
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Governance of Nature-based Solutions for stormwater management in Stockholm : A Social-Ecological-Technical Systems Perspective / Politisk styrning och planering av naturbaserade lösningar för dagvattenhantering i Stockholm : ett socio-ekologiskt-tekniskt systemperspektivRasmusson, Fredrika, Estreen, Toini January 2021 (has links)
Increased urbanisation and climate change are negatively affecting the water cycle and are increasing floods and creating concerns for the built environment and human wellbeing. This has created a need to research sustainable water management in cities. Nature-based solutions (NBS) can offer more sustainable ways of water management, but conventional systems are still favoured in governance. Hence, the aim of this thesis is to identify opportunities and challenges of implementing NBS at Årstafältet in Stockholm and the related governance processes from a Socio-Ecological-Technical system perspective in order to bring a holistic view on sustainable urban stormwater management. The methods used in triangulation for this case study are interviews, a site visit, and desktop study of associated planning documents. The collected data is analysed with an analytical framework that investigates the Social-Ecological-Technical System (SETS) dimensions, in relation to governance. The results show that the implementation of NBS at Årstafältet has been largely successful, due to contextual factors, as well as an adaptive and reflexive governance approach. However, identified system dynamics, interrelations and tensions have shown that there is room for improvements. By increasing transdisciplinarity in early stages of the process to overcome rigid governance structures and techno-centricity. The application of the SETS framework has proved to be successful in identifying dynamics, interrelations, and tensions but there are issues related to uncertainties in how to categorise system components. Nevertheless, the SETS perspective has been useful for identifying challenges and opportunities related to governance and planning processes of implementing NBS.
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Pricing Capabilities and Firm Performance: A Socio-Technical Framework for the Adoption of Pricing as a Transformational InnovationLiozu, Stephan M. 19 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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"När vi fick bygga ett vattentorn själva, förstod jag hur det fungerade" : Elevers förståelse för tekniska system stärks genom praktiskt arbete i grupp. / "When we got to build a water tower ourselves, I understood how it worked". : Pupils’ understanding of technical systems strengthened through practical work in groups.Håkansson, Linnea, Nilsson, Kristin January 2022 (has links)
According to The Swedish Schools Inspectorate’s (2014) quality review, technology subject is all too often characterized by practical work that does not illustrate the theory. In this study, the theory is used to describe the practical work in technology teaching. The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge of how practical problem solving together with oral interaction affects students’ understanding of the theory behind the water tower as a technical system. Previous research shows how oral interaction strengthens students’ learning through the zone of proximal development (ZPD). When Students work in groups they can use each other’s knowledge and together support each other to reach a new development zone. Through group collaboration, they also increase their skills in practical problem solving through oral interaction and exchange of knowledge. The methods in the study are design study, observation with observation schedule and observation with video analysis. The teaching approach in the design study is based on the students’ understanding of the theory behind the water tower as a technical system with the help of practical work in groups. The design of the design study is based on students in year six having to understand the theory behind the water tower by constructing a water tower themselves. The results of the study shows that students in year six through our approach to technology teaching are given the opportunity for a gradual increase of knowledge acquisition. The gradually increasing of understanding is based on the students developing from initially lacking knowledge of the water tower as a technical system in level one and in level four the students understanding how the different technical systems work together. The results shows that this way of working is a good addition to the existing technology teaching, with a focus on the theoretical knowledge in the technology subject.
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Internet för högstadiet : Utveckling av en lärarhandledning / Internet for upper primary school : The development of a teacher's guideWillborg, Mikael January 2023 (has links)
Arbetet som presenteras i rapporten beskriver utvecklingen av en lärarhandledning för undervisning om internet. Bakgrunden är kraven i grundskolans läroplan (Lgr22), och mer specifikt kursplanen i Teknik för årskurs 7-9, på att avhandla internet i undervisningen. Utöver detta utgår arbetet från en ambition att beakta internet som globalt socio-tekniskt system och ge användaren av handledningen stöd för att genomföra undervisningen med hänsyn tagen till rådande teoribildning avseende framgångsrik undervisning om tekniska system och systemtänkande. Designprocessen har varit inkrementell och iterativ. I steg redovisas hur lärarhandledningen växt fram från en ursprunglig intention om en kortare lektionssekvens, utan djupare förankring i lärandeteori eller med stöd för bedömningsaktiviteter, till en anpassningsbar och modulbaserad handledning med processorienterat och utforskande arbetssätt som ledstjärna. Under designprocessen har styrdokumentens krav länkats till uttalade lärandemål och relevanta bedömningsaktiviteter har formulerats. Systemperspektivet har adderats liksom didaktiskt motiverade principer och läraktiviteter/moduler. De senare utformade med hänsyn till bedömningsbarhet formativt och/eller summativt samt att ge förutsättningar till varierad redovisning av kunskaper och förmågor som sammantaget gynnar en likvärdig bedömning av elevprestationer. Särskild vikt har lagts vid att läraktiviteter också ska ha en viss redundans gentemot lärandemål för att lärarhandledningen ska vara robust mot genomföranden där vissa moduler av olika skäl väljs bort. En bärande idé för handledningen har i linje med styrdokumenten också varit att bidra till att intresse och lust att lära hos eleverna. Engagemang hos eleverna uppnås utöver det elevaktiva utforskande arbetssättet bland annat genom elevinflytande över delar av innehållet, i synnerhet de moment som handlar om bra och mindre bra sidor hos webben utifrån ett användarperspektiv. En rudimentär utvärdering av tre lärare i målgruppen visar på användbarhet och uppskattning i främst tre avseenden, i) en möjlighet till anpassning till olika förutsättningar genom moduluppbyggnad, ii) en tydlig konstruktiv länkning till lärandemål och bedömningskriterier samt iii) ett stöd för vilka konsekvenser en eventuell anpassning innebär i de sistnämnda avseendena. Avseende vidareutveckling av den föreliggande lärarhandledningen har två förslag identifierats. Dels i) en digitalisering av handledningen som gör den mer lättillgänglig och enklare att underhålla. Som webbaserad kan det modulbaserade upplägget konfigureras av lärare med de moment som hen finner lämpligt och omedelbart få återkoppling avseende konsekvenser i relation till lärandemål och bedömningskriterier. Dels ii) ett tillägg av en modul som säkrar en tydligare måluppfyllnad gentemot läroplanens skrivningar om risker och säkerhet i teknikanvändning. / The work presented in the report describes the development of a teacher’s guide for teaching about the Internet. The background is the requirements in the primary school curriculum (Lgr22), and more specifically the curriculum in Technology for grades 7-9, to deal with the internet in teaching. In addition to this, the work is based on an ambition to consider the internet as a global socio-technical system and to give the user of the tutorial support to carry out the teaching considering current theory formation regarding successful teaching about technical systems and systems thinking. The design process has been incremental and iterative. In stages, it is reported how the teacher’s tutorial grew from an original intention of a shorter lesson sequence without deeper anchoring in learning theory or with support for assessment activities to an adaptable and module-based guide with a process-oriented and exploratory working method as guidance. During the design process, the requirements of the governing documents have been linked to stated learning objectives and relevant assessment activities have been formulated. The systems perspective has been added as well as didactically motivated principles and learning activities/modules. The latter is designed regarding assessability formative and/or summative and provides conditions for varied reporting of knowledge and abilities which overall favours an equivalent assessment of student performance. Special emphasis has been placed on the fact that learning activities must also have a certain redundancy concerning learning objectives so that the teacher’s guidance must be robust against implementation where certain modules are selected for various reasons. A guiding idea for the tutorial, in line with the governing documents, has also been to contribute to students’ interest and desire to learn. Student engagement is achieved in addition to the student-active exploratory working method, among other things, through student influence over parts of the content, in particular the elements that deal with the front pages and dark alleys of the web, from a user perspective. A rudimentary evaluation of three teachers in the target group shows usability and appreciation in mainly three respects, i) an opportunity to adapt to different conditions through module structure, ii) a clear constructive link to learning goals and assessment criteria and, iii) a support for what consequences a possible adaptation means in the latter respects. Regarding the further development of the present teacher’s guide, two proposals have been identified. First i) a digitalization of the manual that makes it more easily accessible and easier to maintain. As web-based, the module-based approach can be configured by teachers with the elements they deem appropriate and receive feedback regarding consequences to learning goals and assessment criteria. Secondly ii) an additional module that ensures clearer goal fulfilment compared to the curriculum’s writings about risks and safety in the use of technology.
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