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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Krašto muziejaus edukacinė veikla kaip regiono kultūros veiksnys / Land museum’s educational activity as regional culture factor

Povilionienė, Vitutė 05 June 2005 (has links)
There is analyzed relevant area of the educational activity in the modern museum science in the master‘s work “Land museum’s educational activity as regional culture factor”, because museums implement main cultural functions: socialization’s, integration’s, creational, cognitive, communicational, informational, value’s and others. The objective of the survey is land museum’s educational activity. The goal is to detect features of the land museum’s educational activity and to define significance of this activity for the regional culture. The work consists of the introduction, three sections, references and annexes. Museum’s place in the regional cultural environment, conception of the museum, its description, content, historical aspects, regional museums abroad, contemporary status and legal basis is analyzed in the section one. Section two is dedicated for the land museum’s educational activity; there is analyzed mission of the museum meeting cultural needs of the inhabitants, museum’s possibilities as an educational institution, forms of the museum’s educational activity, themes, methods and means of its realization, purpose of the educational programs. Survey results are presented and summarized in the section three. Accomplished analysis shows that land museum’s educational activity became one of the main areas of the museum’s work; the popularity of the educational activity is constantly increasing in the society, variety of forms and themes of the educational work... [to full text]

Lazdijų krašto muziejaus edukacinių programų poveikis rajono gyventojų bendrųjų kompetencijų plėtrai / The impact of education programmes of Lazdijai region museum to the common abilities development of district residents

Mikalauskienė, Daiva 02 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro darbe „Lazdijų krašto muziejaus edukacinių programų poveikis rajono gyventojų bendrųjų kompetencijų plėtrai“, kuriame analizuojama šiuolaikinėje muziejininkystėje aktuali edukacinės veiklos sritis, padedanti mąstyti ir suvokti bendrųjų kompetencijų plėtrą rajono visuomenei. Lazdijų krašto muziejuje rengiamos edukacinės pamokos skirtos įvairaus amžiaus ir išsilavinimo žmonėms, tenkinančios jų mokomuosius, lavinamuosius, profesinius, praktinius poreikius ir kuriančios naują mokymosi aplinką. Tyrimo tema – Lazdijų krašto muziejaus edukacinių programų poveikis rajono gyventojų bendrųjų kompetencijų plėtrai. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti, ar Lazdijų krašto muziejaus teikiamos edukacinės programos padeda plėtoti mokinių, mokytojų bei suaugusiųjų poreikius. Siekiant šio tikslo, numatyti uždaviniai: teoriškai pagrįsti edukacinės veiklos plėtotės galimybes muziejuje, atskleisti Lazdijų krašto muziejaus edukacinių programų esmę, apibūdinti muziejaus edukacinių programų reikšmę bendrųjų kompetencijų ugdymui, išryškinti, kaip Lazdijų krašto muziejaus edukacinė veikla tenkina moksleivių bei kitų lankytojų poreikius. Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, anketinė apklausa, programų analizė ir nuomonės apie jų efektyvumą tyrimas. Tyrimo dalyviai – 35 moksleiviai, 17 mokytojų, 15 suaugusiųjų. Atlikti tyrimai rodo, kad Lazdijų krašto muziejaus edukacinė veikla tapo viena pagrindinių muziejinio darbo sričių, edukacinės veiklos populiarumas nuolat auga visuomenėje. Lazdijų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In master‘s thesis „The impact of education programmes of Lazdijai region museum to the common abilities development of district residents“, there is analyzed the range of education activity which is relevant to a modern museology, which helps contemplate and realize the development of common abilities to region‘s society. In Lazdijai region museum there are organized educational lessons to people of various age and education, these lessons satisfy their educational, educable, vocational, practical demands and also it creates the new learning setting. The topic of research – The impact of education programmes of Lazdijai region museum to the common abilities development of district residents. The aim of this study – ascertain whether educational programmes, which are provided by Lazdijai region museum, help to develop the demands os pupils, teachers and adults. For this purpose, the following tasks have been established: to justify in a theoretical way the opportunities of educational activity development in museum, to define the point of educational programmes of museum to the general competences education, to highlight in which way educational programmes of Lazdijai region museum satisfy the demands of students, teachers and adults. Methods of analysis: the analysis of scientific literature, questionnaire, the analysis of programmes and the opinion research about its effectiveness. The particiants of research – 35 pupils, 17 teachers, 15 adults. The analysis shows... [to full text]

Pedagogisk ledning för en pedagogisk verksamhet? : Om den kommunala förskolans ledningsstruktur

Styf, Maria January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is a total coverage survey of the municipal preschool management structure. In the late 90's the preschool in Sweden became the first step in the overall educational system. It became a pedagogical activity similar to school with respect to form and content. Although the focus was on education, political voices reclaimed the unique nature of preschool i.e. educare. It became a preschool in transition between its own tradition and modernization. The idea is that the educational management structure should support a pedagogical leadership that directs the pedagogical activity towards preschool objectives. The local authority sets the structure for management in pre-school; a municipality that in itself is an institution with its own goals and objectives. These objectives can place the municipalities in the cross pressure between their own objectives and the ones for preschool. The question in this respect is; How is the management structure formed and why? Is it a structure formed with the intention of creating educational management for the local preschool or are there other factors that guide the design? A framework based on the historical background of the preschools and theoretical terms such as steering, leading, management, pedagogical leadership, educational activity, etc. was constructed. Results are based on an online questionnaire survey. 180 municipalities out of 290 answered the questionnaire, which gives a response rate at 62 %. The response rate is evenly distributed across municipal categories, categories that the municipalities were aggregated into, formed by The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions. The categories were handled as survey units, to support a part of the analysis and to allow a comparison between the municipalities by municipality size, both demographic and geographic. The material was analysed using the SPSS statistical program and compiled and reported with descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics were used to demonstrate the material's characteristics and the central tendency. The results show that the municipalities’ structure of management is varied. Different municipal categories do not change this varied picture of the management landscape significantly. Although the management structure varies regarding how many levels with formal titles and which positions and functions they should have, there is a consistency in which title that the formal leader for the preschool have. The municipalities primarily utilisea principalship with mixed responsibility for both preschool and school. In light of these results, do municipalities mould a structure for the educational management for the pedagogical activities in preschool? Yes and no: the municipalities do not form a structure for preschool alone. Results show that the municipalities' main purpose is not to create a line of management specifically for the preschool. The municipalities form a management structure for educational purposes dealing with an educational activity from preschool to elementary school. The new Education Act (2010:800), is a step toward distinguishing preschool leadership from school leadership and turns the leadership of preschools into a title solely for the position and function of preschool educational activities.

MOKOMOSIOS VEIKLOS EFEKTYVINIMAS PAGRINDINĖJE MOKYKLOJE / Increase of Efficiency of Educational Activity in a Basic School

Vaitkus, Tomas 29 September 2008 (has links)
Santrauka Mokymo organizavimo formoms, kaip pedagogų ugdomajai veiklai, dėmesys buvo skiriamas visais žmonijos vystymosi laikotarpiais, tačiau mokinių motyvacijai didesnis dėmesys pradėtas skirti prasidėjus švietimo reformai, tad ši tema tampa vis aktualesnė. Pedagogas, siekdamas organizuotai, planingai ir nuosekliai įgyvendinti mokymo procesą, privalo gerai išmanyti mokymo organizavimo formas, kad galėtų tinkamai mokinius motyvuoti veiklai. Problemiška tai, kad pastaruoju metu sumažėjo mokymo organizavimo formoms skiriamas dėmesys, pedagogai mokymo procese dažniausiai apsiriboja pagrindinės mokymo organizavimo formos - pamokos taikymu, kitos formos tarsi lieka užmirštos. Sudėtingos mokymo programos, jų keliami didžiuliai reikalavimai mokymo procesui dažnai nepalieka pedagogams laiko tinkamai motyvuoti mokinius veiklai, tad prasminga ir įdomu patyrinėti pedagogų ugdomosios veiklos organizavimo specifiką ir ypatumus šiandieninėje mokykloje bei mokinių motyvaciją šiai veiklai plačiau. / SUMMARY At all periods of human evolution, the attention was given to the forms of organization as an educational activity of pedagogues, although the greater attention to motivation of schoolchildren was begun to draw only after the beginning of educational reform, thus this theme becomes increasingly relevant. A pedagogue, on purpose to perform the educational process orderly, methodically and coherently, has to know forms of education organization well in order he/she could properly motivate pupils for activity. The problem is such that currently, the attention given to forms of education organization has decreased, pedagogues usually stop short at applying of the main form of education organization – lesson, other forms sort of remain unremembered in the teaching process. Sophisticated educational programs, their high requirements for educational process generally leave no time for pedagogues to motivate properly the pupils for the activity, thus it is meaningful and interesting to investigate more widely the particularity and peculiarities of organization of pedagogues’ educational activity in today’s school and motivation of pupils for that activity.

Senųjų fotografinių procesų panaudojimas mokant fotografijos / Using the alternative photographic processes in photography teaching

Kavoliūnas, Gintas 01 August 2013 (has links)
Kintant fotografijos technologijoms, kito ir fotografijos mokymas, fotografinės išraiškos priemonės bei uždaviniai, keliami fotografiniam vaizdui. Dabar galima rinktis daugelį fotografinės raiškos variantų. Senieji fotografijniai procesai praplečia ribas ir sudaro galimybes kūrėjui pasirinkti savitą fotografinės raiškos būdą. Todėl svarbu atskleisti kaip galima senuosius fotografijos procesus integruoti į ugdymo procesą, plėtojant mokinių meninės raiškos priemonių pažinimą. Remiantis fotografijos ir fototechnikos istorinės literatūros, kitos temai aktualios literatūros bei mokymo programų analizė, darbe keliamas tikslas ištirti senųjų fotografijnių procesų panaudojimą mokant fotografijos. Siekiant tikslo buvo suformuluoti trys uždaviniai: atskleisti senųjų fotografijnių procesų sampratą ir pateikti fotografijos procesų istorinės raidos apžvalgą bei foto techninės raiškos tendencijas; išanalizuoti fotografijos mokymo raidą, fotografijos mokytojų rengimą Lietuvoje ir fotografijos programą; atlikti senųjų fotografijnių procesų edukacinio užsiėmimo tyrimą. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje analizuojama senųjų fotografijnių procesų samprata ir istorinės raidos apžvalga. Išryškėjo fotografinės terminologijos problematika ir specifinių terminų trūkumas lietuvių kalba. Apžvelgta senųjų fotografinių procesų padėtis šiandienos fotografijos kontekste ir išanalizuotos dabartinės foto techninės raiškos tendencijos. Antrojoje darbo dalyje apžvelgiamas fotografijos mokymas Lietuvoje, nuo ankstyvojo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / While the technologies of photography were changing, the photography teaching, means of expression and aims that pose the challenges for photographic view, were changing as well. Nowadays, it is possible to choose many variants of photographic expression. The old photographic processes expand limits and make possibilities for a creator to choose his own way of photographic expression. Therefore, it is important to reveal the possibilities to integrate the old processes of photography into the teaching process in order to develop the cognition of artistic means of expression of students. On the basis of historic literature for photography and photographic technology, other literature that is relevant to the topic and analysis of teaching programme, the aim of this final thesis is to research the appliance of the old photographic processes in photography teaching. For this purpose three goals were formulated: to reveal the conception of old processes of photography, to present a review of timeline of photographic processes and to introduce the tendencies of photo technical definition; to analyze the development of photography teaching, training of photography teachers and teaching programme in Lithuania; to accomplish a research of educational activity on old processes of photography. The first part of this final thesis analyzes the conception of old processes of photography and surveys the timeline. There revealed problems of terminology of photography and deficiency of... [to full text]


Jokūbauskaitė, Rasa 07 September 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe Mokyklos bendruomenės ryšių modeliavimas per socioedukacines veiklas aptariama mokyklos bendruomenės ryšių stiprinimo klausimai. Darbe tiriama, kaip socioedukacinės veiklos gali padėti stiprinti mokyklos bendruomenės tarpusavio santykius. Norint, kad mokyklos bendruomenės gyvenimas būtų pilnavertis ir įvairiapusis, būtinas visų mokyklos bendruomenės grupių bendravimas, tarpusavio pasitikėjimas, pagalba. Todėl svarbu iš anksto formuoti socialinius mokinių, mokytojų, mokyklos vadovų bei mokinių tėvų ryšius. Magistro darbo tikslas – socioedukacinių veiklų pagalba nustatyti mokyklos bendruomenės socialinių ryšių stiprinimo galimybes. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti tarpusavio ryšių plėtotės institucinėje aplinkoje teorines prielaidas. 2. Remiantis atlikto tyrimo duomenimis, išanalizuoti mokyklos bendruomenės narių (mokyklos vadovų, mokytojų, kitų mokyklos darbuotojų, mokinių ir mokinių tėvų) veiklos bruožus ir socioedukacines veiklas, plėtojančias mokyklos bendruomenės tarpusavio ryšius. 3. Naudojant tyrimo duomenų apibendrinimo metodą, nustatyti mokyklos bendruomenės tarpusavio ryšių stiprinimo galimybes per socioedukacines veiklas tiriamųjų lyties, amžiaus, išsilavinimo aspektais. 4. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais, mokyklos bendruomenės nariams pateikti rekomendacijas tarpusavio ryšių stiprinimo klausimais. Tiriamojoje magistro darbo dalyje aprašomas empirinis tyrimas. Tyrimas atliktas 2010 m. balandžio mėn. Šilalės rajono bendrojo lavinimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Modeling of school’s society relationship while doing social-educational activities and questions how to strengthen school’s society relationship are analyzed in this master’s paper. It is necessary to have communication, trust and help of all groups of school society in order their life would be diverse and significant. Therefore, it is important to form social relationship between students, teachers, head teachers and parents. Master’s paper objective: Using social-educational activities to ascertain consolidation facilities of school society social relationship. Master’s paper goals: 1. To analyze theoretical assumption of relationship development in institute setting. 2. Using information of research to analyze school’s society members (head teachers, teachers, students and parents) points of social-educational activities which develop their relationship. 3. Using generalization method of information to ascertain consolidation facilities of relationship while doing social-educational activities using aspects of their gender, age and education. 4. To give recommendation about consolidation of relationship to members of school society. It is written about empirical research in this paper. The research was accomplished in April 2010 in basic, secondary schools and gymnasium of Šilale. 50 head teachers, 54 teachers, 52 students and 54 parents took part in this survey, who answered the questions of anonymous questionnaire. The answers were computerized by excel program... [to full text]

Εκπαιδευτικές δραστηριότητες με χρήση ΤΠΕ στη διδασκαλία των μαθηματικών: αναγκαιότητα, είδη και αξιολόγηση

Οικονομοπούλου, Βασιλική 07 October 2011 (has links)
Στην παρούσα εργασία παρουσιάζεται μια ιστορική μελέτη της εξέλιξης των θεωριών για το πώς ο μαθητής κατακτά το στόχο της μάθησης, αναπτύσσεται η χρησιμότητα των Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνιών στην Εκπαίδευση καθώς και ο ρόλος του εκπαιδευτικού σεναρίου και της εκπαιδευτικής δραστηριότητας στην οργάνωση της διδασκαλίας. Επίσης, επιχειρείται η αξιολόγηση εκπαιδευτικών δρασατηριοτήτων που οργανώθηκαν από εκπαιδευτικούς της Πρωτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης για την υποστήριξη της διδασκαλίας των Μαθηματικών. / This paper presents a historical study of the evolution of theories about how the student wins the goal of learning, growing usefulness of ICT in Education and the role of the educational scenario and educational activity in the organization of teaching. Also, attempts to evaluate educational drasatiriotiton organized by teachers of Primary Education to support the teaching of mathematics.

Proposta de aprendizagem de bebês em atividades aquáticas

Vinagre, Nelson Alexandre Campos January 2002 (has links)
Este estudo teve como propósito refletir acerca dos efeitos motores e comportamentais que as Vivências Aquáticas para Bebês poderiam provocar em seus participantes. As publicações sobre a primeira infância apresentam uma tendência a tratar o desenvolvimento infantil predominantemente sobre aspectos biológicos, desconsiderando a relevância das relações intra e interpessoais e com o meio. Pouco se tem publicado sobre os processos pedagógicos lúdicos na água, onde se intenciona trazer a tona os prazeres e desprazeres dos participantes. O propósito inicial era saber dos efeitos motivacionais que poderiam ser trabalhados no meio aquático, através de estratégias de intervenção pedagógica. Foi um desafio encontrar um caminho para organizar as informações que o estudo se propunha, por entender-se que o tema é polêmico e requer investigação científica na construção deste conhecimento, já que há um aumento na prática de atividades aquáticas com bebês que gera em alguns casos expectativa de se iniciar cada vez mais cedo. A metodologia utilizada configurou-se como qualitativa, optando-se pela pesquisa descritiva, considerada como o método que melhor se ajustava ao estudo em questão. Contou com seis participantes, formados pelo bebê e seu(s) cuidador(es), que em todos os casos tratava-se do pai ou da mãe (pais-bebê). Os instrumentos utilizados na coleta de informações foram: a observação; registro fotográfico; registro em video-tape; a análise de documentários gravados em vídeo; e a entrevista. A análise e interpretação das informações foram realizadas a partir de cinco categorias que surgiram das entrevistas e depoimentos cedidos pelos pais. São elas: “A motivação de buscar as Vivências Aquáticas para Bebês”; “O Meio e as Atividades Aquáticas”; “Reações Comportamentais e Motoras”; “Processo de Aprendizagem”; “Relações de Dependência e Autonomia”. O estudo põe em evidência que esta estratégia pedagógica de intervenção pela via corporal no meio aquático, que utilizou como âncora pedagógica atividades lúdicas e de sensibilização, serviu de alavanca para desencadear o processo de maturação biológica e comportamental dos participantes do estudo, demonstrando que a idade cronológica não é fator limitador no processo de desenvolvimento dos bebês no meio aquático. / This study aimed at evaluating the motor and behavioral effects of aquatic experiences over its participants. The available literature about early infancy tends to focus on biological aspects and neglects the relevance of personal interaction among group members as well as the interaction between the group and the water environment. Very little material has been published on ludic, pedagogic procedures in the water which analyzes likes and dislikes of participants. The basic purpose was to investigate the motivational effects that could be used in the water environment by means of pedagogic intervenience strategies. Finding a way to organize all the information collected was a challenging task since this is an issue which raises controversy and requires scientific investigation in order to build such know-how, not to mention the increased demand in aquatic activities with babies which sometimes leads to the expectation of getting started earlier and earlier. A qualitative methodology and descriptive approach were judged to be the most appropriate for this study. Six babies with their respective keepers took part in the experiment. For each baby the keeper was always a parent. In order to collect information the following were used: observation; photographic record; video-tape recording; analysis of video-taped documentaries; and an interview. The analysis and interpretation of information were performed with basis on five categories defined by the interview and parents’ statements. Namely: “Motivation to pursue aquatic experiences for babies”; “The environment and aquatic activities”; “Behavioral and motor reactions”; “Learning process”; “Dependence and autonomy relations”. The study makes evident the fact that this pedagogical strategy, based on physical activity in the water environment which used ludic and sensitivity development activities as a pedagogical approach, triggers the process of biological and behavioral maturation of participants and demonstrates that chronological age is not a limiting factor in the process of development of babies in the water environment.

Organizácia detského letného tábora so zameraním na prvú pomoc a ochranu obyvateľstva / Organization of children's summer camp with a focus on first aid and protection of the population

MINÁRIK, Matej January 2018 (has links)
The key aim of this thesis was to create a complex and detailed guide for organization of a children's camp focusing on the first aid and population protection. Based on the guide, a lay reader will be able to create their own camp and that without any experience with the issue. Among partial aims, preparing material for camp's realization including the camp's narrative preparation, assessing program and games, and producing teaching materials for the program and camp leaders training were listed. Another partial aim was the camp execution and overall detailed assessment. In a theoretical part of the thesis, we took a closer look into the issue of free time pedagogy and its influence on child upbringing. We also wrote what kind and type of camps we know and what camp organization involves, including legislation, budget and financing, activities and program structure. In the thesis results, we describe an exact organization procedure of our own camp focusing on the first aid and population protection, which took place from July 30, 2017 to August 6, 2017 in Rajecká Lesná. The exact same procedure is described as a guide, which includes two parts, the preparation organized before the beginning of the camp and the camp's execution itself. The preparation part involves the grounds selection, budget and financing determination, and specifically determined monthly preparation schedule. The realization part includes the camp's motivational narrative, a whole-camp game, the manuals for camp leaders and a general framework program for the specific camp days. The days are individually stated in the precise timetable which includes a program prepared for the given camp focus. In the discussion, we assess the success of the camp execution along with the individual days description. We believe this thesis will serve as a basis for organization of the camps with the similar focus in the future.

Proposta de aprendizagem de bebês em atividades aquáticas

Vinagre, Nelson Alexandre Campos January 2002 (has links)
Este estudo teve como propósito refletir acerca dos efeitos motores e comportamentais que as Vivências Aquáticas para Bebês poderiam provocar em seus participantes. As publicações sobre a primeira infância apresentam uma tendência a tratar o desenvolvimento infantil predominantemente sobre aspectos biológicos, desconsiderando a relevância das relações intra e interpessoais e com o meio. Pouco se tem publicado sobre os processos pedagógicos lúdicos na água, onde se intenciona trazer a tona os prazeres e desprazeres dos participantes. O propósito inicial era saber dos efeitos motivacionais que poderiam ser trabalhados no meio aquático, através de estratégias de intervenção pedagógica. Foi um desafio encontrar um caminho para organizar as informações que o estudo se propunha, por entender-se que o tema é polêmico e requer investigação científica na construção deste conhecimento, já que há um aumento na prática de atividades aquáticas com bebês que gera em alguns casos expectativa de se iniciar cada vez mais cedo. A metodologia utilizada configurou-se como qualitativa, optando-se pela pesquisa descritiva, considerada como o método que melhor se ajustava ao estudo em questão. Contou com seis participantes, formados pelo bebê e seu(s) cuidador(es), que em todos os casos tratava-se do pai ou da mãe (pais-bebê). Os instrumentos utilizados na coleta de informações foram: a observação; registro fotográfico; registro em video-tape; a análise de documentários gravados em vídeo; e a entrevista. A análise e interpretação das informações foram realizadas a partir de cinco categorias que surgiram das entrevistas e depoimentos cedidos pelos pais. São elas: “A motivação de buscar as Vivências Aquáticas para Bebês”; “O Meio e as Atividades Aquáticas”; “Reações Comportamentais e Motoras”; “Processo de Aprendizagem”; “Relações de Dependência e Autonomia”. O estudo põe em evidência que esta estratégia pedagógica de intervenção pela via corporal no meio aquático, que utilizou como âncora pedagógica atividades lúdicas e de sensibilização, serviu de alavanca para desencadear o processo de maturação biológica e comportamental dos participantes do estudo, demonstrando que a idade cronológica não é fator limitador no processo de desenvolvimento dos bebês no meio aquático. / This study aimed at evaluating the motor and behavioral effects of aquatic experiences over its participants. The available literature about early infancy tends to focus on biological aspects and neglects the relevance of personal interaction among group members as well as the interaction between the group and the water environment. Very little material has been published on ludic, pedagogic procedures in the water which analyzes likes and dislikes of participants. The basic purpose was to investigate the motivational effects that could be used in the water environment by means of pedagogic intervenience strategies. Finding a way to organize all the information collected was a challenging task since this is an issue which raises controversy and requires scientific investigation in order to build such know-how, not to mention the increased demand in aquatic activities with babies which sometimes leads to the expectation of getting started earlier and earlier. A qualitative methodology and descriptive approach were judged to be the most appropriate for this study. Six babies with their respective keepers took part in the experiment. For each baby the keeper was always a parent. In order to collect information the following were used: observation; photographic record; video-tape recording; analysis of video-taped documentaries; and an interview. The analysis and interpretation of information were performed with basis on five categories defined by the interview and parents’ statements. Namely: “Motivation to pursue aquatic experiences for babies”; “The environment and aquatic activities”; “Behavioral and motor reactions”; “Learning process”; “Dependence and autonomy relations”. The study makes evident the fact that this pedagogical strategy, based on physical activity in the water environment which used ludic and sensitivity development activities as a pedagogical approach, triggers the process of biological and behavioral maturation of participants and demonstrates that chronological age is not a limiting factor in the process of development of babies in the water environment.

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