Spelling suggestions: "subject:"technologyenhanced"" "subject:"technologyenhance""
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Community-based Service-Learning and Digital Media: A Teaching Practice Report on a Flipped-Classroom-based Crowdfunding Course for Social PedagoguesArnold, Maik 16 December 2019 (has links)
This teaching practice report looks ahead to the learning experiences of students relating to the use of digital media and their collaborative knowledge work within a service-learning project. This project takes into account the increasing digitalisation in higher education, in particular, its didactic-methodical, technological, and organisational implementation, as well as their integration into appropriate learning management systems. Undergraduate students initiated a crowdfunding campaign for young people aged between 12 and 18 in a rural town under the authors’ direction in the bachelor’s degree program “Social Pedagogics and Management” at a University of Applied Science in the Free State of Saxony, Germany. The two-semester course included a flipped classroom concept linked to a community-based learning approach that not only allowed for development of students’ digital literacy skills and a deepening of their theoretical knowledge in the field of alternative financing possibilities in human service organisations but also helped to enhance students’ social engagement. In this context, the learning management system ILIAS provided not only an appropriate digital knowledge architecture for the service-learning project but also offered a wide range of eLearning opportunities, a platform for multi-local project work, and the documentation of ePortfolios. This practice report aims at a short description of the teaching project itself, its implementation, and the results of the mentioned learning scenario and will conclude by summarising how the quality of technology-enhanced higher education pedagogy could be improved in future.
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Towards a Development Methodology for Adaptable Collaborative Audience Response SystemsKubica, Tommy, Shmelkin, Ilja, Schill, Alexander 13 May 2022 (has links)
The use of Audience Response Systems (ARSs) for tech-enhanced learning scenarios has proven to address issues occurring within higher education, e.g. the missing interaction between the lecturer and the students. Since the majority of these systems relies on a single supported didactic concept and therefore has a limited set of provided functions, ARSs are currently restricted to support classic content-based as well as enquiry-based learning. The support of more advanced didactic concepts in order to investigate studio-based learning is currently not possible due to the lacking collaborative and cooperative functionality. This paper presents a unified (meta-)model which is able to express various scenarios, targeting the holistic support of content-based, enquiry-based and studio-based learning. The created model is evaluated within a user study to reason about the applicability of its underlying concept as well as the defined function blocks. In addition, this paper purposes ideas for a future graphical editor, which will support the modeling process, and provides concrete details for a possible implementation of a system on top of the (meta-)model. Index Terms—audience response systems, collaborative learning, adaptability, meta-model, domain-specific language, highereducation, technology-enhanced learning
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Different Contributions to Cost-Effective Transcription and Translation of Video LecturesSilvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert 05 April 2016 (has links)
[EN] In recent years, on-line multimedia repositories have experiencied a strong
growth that have made them consolidated as essential knowledge assets, especially
in the area of education, where large repositories of video lectures have been
built in order to complement or even replace traditional teaching methods.
However, most of these video lectures are neither transcribed nor translated
due to a lack of cost-effective solutions to do so in a way that gives accurate
enough results. Solutions of this kind are clearly necessary in order to make
these lectures accessible to speakers of different languages and to people with
hearing disabilities. They would also facilitate lecture searchability and
analysis functions, such as classification, recommendation or plagiarism
detection, as well as the development of advanced educational functionalities
like content summarisation to assist student note-taking.
For this reason, the main aim of this thesis is to develop a cost-effective
solution capable of transcribing and translating video lectures to a reasonable
degree of accuracy. More specifically, we address the integration of
state-of-the-art techniques in Automatic Speech Recognition and Machine
Translation into large video lecture repositories to generate high-quality
multilingual video subtitles without human intervention and at a reduced
computational cost. Also, we explore the potential benefits of the exploitation
of the information that we know a priori about these repositories, that is,
lecture-specific knowledge such as speaker, topic or slides, to create
specialised, in-domain transcription and translation systems by means of
massive adaptation techniques.
The proposed solutions have been tested in real-life scenarios by carrying out
several objective and subjective evaluations, obtaining very positive results.
The main outcome derived from this thesis, The transLectures-UPV
Platform, has been publicly released as an open-source software, and, at the
time of writing, it is serving automatic transcriptions and translations for
several thousands of video lectures in many Spanish and European
universities and institutions. / [ES] Durante estos últimos años, los repositorios multimedia on-line han experimentado un gran
crecimiento que les ha hecho establecerse como fuentes fundamentales de conocimiento,
especialmente en el área de la educación, donde se han creado grandes repositorios de vídeo
charlas educativas para complementar e incluso reemplazar los métodos de enseñanza tradicionales.
No obstante, la mayoría de estas charlas no están transcritas ni traducidas debido a
la ausencia de soluciones de bajo coste que sean capaces de hacerlo garantizando una calidad
mínima aceptable. Soluciones de este tipo son claramente necesarias para hacer que las vídeo
charlas sean más accesibles para hablantes de otras lenguas o para personas con discapacidades auditivas.
Además, dichas soluciones podrían facilitar la aplicación de funciones de
búsqueda y de análisis tales como clasificación, recomendación o detección de plagios, así
como el desarrollo de funcionalidades educativas avanzadas, como por ejemplo la generación
de resúmenes automáticos de contenidos para ayudar al estudiante a tomar apuntes.
Por este motivo, el principal objetivo de esta tesis es desarrollar una solución de bajo
coste capaz de transcribir y traducir vídeo charlas con un nivel de calidad razonable. Más
específicamente, abordamos la integración de técnicas estado del arte de Reconocimiento del
Habla Automático y Traducción Automática en grandes repositorios de vídeo charlas educativas
para la generación de subtítulos multilingües de alta calidad sin requerir intervención
humana y con un reducido coste computacional. Además, también exploramos los beneficios
potenciales que conllevaría la explotación de la información de la que disponemos a priori
sobre estos repositorios, es decir, conocimientos específicos sobre las charlas tales como el
locutor, la temática o las transparencias, para crear sistemas de transcripción y traducción
especializados mediante técnicas de adaptación masiva.
Las soluciones propuestas en esta tesis han sido testeadas en escenarios reales llevando
a cabo nombrosas evaluaciones objetivas y subjetivas, obteniendo muy buenos resultados.
El principal legado de esta tesis, The transLectures-UPV Platform, ha sido liberado públicamente
como software de código abierto, y, en el momento de escribir estas líneas, está
sirviendo transcripciones y traducciones automáticas para diversos miles de vídeo charlas
educativas en nombrosas universidades e instituciones Españolas y Europeas. / [CA] Durant aquests darrers anys, els repositoris multimèdia on-line han experimentat un gran
creixement que els ha fet consolidar-se com a fonts fonamentals de coneixement, especialment
a l'àrea de l'educació, on s'han creat grans repositoris de vídeo xarrades educatives per
tal de complementar o inclús reemplaçar els mètodes d'ensenyament tradicionals. No obstant
això, la majoria d'aquestes xarrades no estan transcrites ni traduïdes degut a l'absència de
solucions de baix cost capaces de fer-ho garantint una qualitat mínima acceptable. Solucions
d'aquest tipus són clarament necessàries per a fer que les vídeo xarres siguen més accessibles
per a parlants d'altres llengües o per a persones amb discapacitats auditives. A més, aquestes
solucions podrien facilitar l'aplicació de funcions de cerca i d'anàlisi tals com classificació,
recomanació o detecció de plagis, així com el desenvolupament de funcionalitats educatives
avançades, com per exemple la generació de resums automàtics de continguts per ajudar a
l'estudiant a prendre anotacions.
Per aquest motiu, el principal objectiu d'aquesta tesi és desenvolupar una solució de baix
cost capaç de transcriure i traduir vídeo xarrades amb un nivell de qualitat raonable. Més
específicament, abordem la integració de tècniques estat de l'art de Reconeixement de la
Parla Automàtic i Traducció Automàtica en grans repositoris de vídeo xarrades educatives
per a la generació de subtítols multilingües d'alta qualitat sense requerir intervenció humana
i amb un reduït cost computacional. A més, també explorem els beneficis potencials que
comportaria l'explotació de la informació de la que disposem a priori sobre aquests repositoris,
és a dir, coneixements específics sobre les xarrades tals com el locutor, la temàtica o
les transparències, per a crear sistemes de transcripció i traducció especialitzats mitjançant
tècniques d'adaptació massiva.
Les solucions proposades en aquesta tesi han estat testejades en escenaris reals duent a
terme nombroses avaluacions objectives i subjectives, obtenint molt bons resultats. El principal
llegat d'aquesta tesi, The transLectures-UPV Platform, ha sigut alliberat públicament
com a programari de codi obert, i, en el moment d'escriure aquestes línies, està servint transcripcions
i traduccions automàtiques per a diversos milers de vídeo xarrades educatives en
nombroses universitats i institucions Espanyoles i Europees. / Silvestre Cerdà, JA. (2016). Different Contributions to Cost-Effective Transcription and Translation of Video Lectures [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62194
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Rôle d'un espace de travail numérique privé dans une activité d'édition collaborative de cartes conceptuelles : Cas d'étude en lycée / The role of a private digital workspace in a collaborative activity based on concept maps : Case study in high school / El rol de un espacio de trabajo digital privado en una actividad de edición colaborativa de mapas conceptuales : Estudio de caso en institutoGracia-Moreno, Carolina 11 December 2017 (has links)
L'utilisation des artefacts numériques pour la réalisation d'activités d'apprentissage reste le plus souvent individuelle, faute de disposer d'environnements adaptés, tant du point de vue du matériel que des applications et des pratiques pédagogiques. Cette recherche rend compte de l'expérience d'usages de différents artefacts dans une activité collaborative d'élaboration de cartes mentales et conceptuelles proposée en cours d'histoire de seconde. L'objectif principal est l'étude du rôle de l'espace de travail privé pour l'édition collective de cartes mentales et conceptuelles. Plus précisément, l'objectif est d'évaluer si le recours aux artefacts numériques lors de l'édition collective de cartes mentales et conceptuelles favorise les processus de confrontation cognitive constitutifs de la collaboration. Pour répondre à cet objectif, deux itérations (expérimentation pilote et expérimentation) ont été réalisées avec deux prototypes de dispositif numérique de collaboration qui permettent aux élèves de différencier leur espace de travail individuel de l'espace collectif. La première expérimentation pilote a été réalisée en 2015 avec un prototype de cartes mentales existant avant l'étude. Elle a consisté à valider le protocole expérimental de la recherche et à préciser les questions de recherche et les hypothèses. La deuxième expérimentation, quant à elle, a été réalisée au cours de l'année 2016 via un prototype de cartes conceptuelles conçu et développé dans le cadre de cette recherche. Cette expérimentation a eu pour but d'éprouver les trois hypothèses formulées, qui s'inscrivent dans la théorie de l'apprentissage social de Bandura (1980) et portent à la fois sur des déterminants environnementaux, cognitifs et comportementaux. La première hypothèse (déterminants environnementaux) suppose tout d'abord que la médiation instrumentale d'une activité d'apprentissage collaborative a une influence sur la participation des élèves. La deuxième hypothèse (déterminants cognitifs) quant à elle, soutient que l'adjonction d'un espace de travail personnel de l'élève à un espace d'interaction collectif favorise des processus cognitifs présents dans la collaboration : le conflit sociocognitif (Doise et Mugny, 1997; Perret-Clermont, 1979), l'étayage (Bruner, 1997) et la vicariance (Bandura, 1980; Pentland, 2015). Enfin, la troisième hypothèse (déterminants comportementaux) suggère que la participation individuelle des élèves sur l'élaboration d'une carte conceptuelle collective est influencée par la culture affective du groupe. Afin de vérifier ces 3 hypothèses, un plan expérimental multifactoriel croisé a été mis en place, ce qui a permis de tester les variables indépendantes simultanément auprès de 7 groupes de lycéens de seconde en classe d'histoire. L'analyse de données effectuée est centrée sur la nature des interactions orales et numériques des élèves, ainsi que sur leurs productions écrites et leurs réponses aux entretiens collectifs et aux questionnaires individuels. Les résultats montrent la tendance du dispositif numérique de collaboration (artefacts, organisation de l'activité, scénario pédagogique) à favoriser le processus d'étayage et vicariance suite aux échanges nécessaires à la coordination des tâches techniques d'édition de la carte conceptuelle. Les résultats indiquent qu'après l'utilisation d'un espace privé numérique, les élèves ont des conflits sociocognitifs significatifs lors du travail en groupe, les entraînant à accepter les réponses les plus ouvertes afin d'éviter la confrontation. / The use of digital artifacts for learning activities usually remains individual, as there are no suitable environments, from the point of view of materials, applications and teaching practices. This research reports on the experience of using different artefacts in a collaborative activity to elaborate mental and conceptual maps proposed in a history class in the eleventh grade. The aim is to study the role of a private workspace for the collective edition of mental and conceptual maps. More specifically, the goal is to assess whether the use of digital artifacts in the collective edition of mental and conceptual maps promotes the processes of cognitive confrontation that constitutes collaboration. To meet this objective, two iterations (pilot experimentation and experimentation) were carried out with two digital collaborative prototypes that allow students to differentiate their individual workspace from the collective space. The first pilot experiment was conducted in 2015 with a prototype of mental maps existing prior to the study. It consisted of validating the experimental protocol of the research and clarifying research questions and hypotheses. The second experiment, meanwhile, was carried out in 2016 via a prototype of concept maps designed and developed as part of this research. The purpose of this experiment was to test the three hypotheses formulated, which fit into Bandura's (1980) theory of social learning and address environmental, cognitive and behavioral determinants. The first hypothesis (environmental determinants) assumes that the instrumental mediation of a collaborative learning activity has an influence on the student participation. The second hypothesis (cognitive determinants), for its part, argues that the addition of a personal workspace of the student to a collective interaction space favors cognitive processes present in collaboration: sociocognitive conflict (Doise and Mugny Perret-Clermont, 1979), supporting (Bruner, 1997) and vicariance (Bandura, 1980, Pentland, 2015). Finally, the third hypothesis (behavioral determinants) suggests that the individual participation of pupils in the elaboration of a collective concept map is influenced by the affective culture of the group. In order to verify these 3 hypotheses, a crossed multifactorial experimental plan was put in place, which made it possible to test the independent variables simultaneously with 7 groups of high school students in history class. The data analysis carried out focuses on the nature of students' oral and digital interactions, as well as their written outputs and their responses to group interviews and individual questionnaires. The results show the trend of the digital collaboration device (artifacts, organization of the activity, pedagogical scenario) to favor the supporting and vicariance process as an explanation of the exchanges needed to coordinate the technical tasks of editing the concept map. The results indicate that after using a digital private space, pupils have significant sociocognitive conflicts during group work, leading them to accept the most open responses in order to avoid confrontation. / El uso de artefactos digitales para la realización de actividades de aprendizaje sigue siendo principalmente individual, por falta de entornos adecuados, desde el punto de vista del material, de las aplicaciones y de las prácticas pedagógicas. Esta investigación cuenta la experiencia de uso de diferentes artefactos en una actividad colaborativa de elaboración de mapas mentales y conceptuales propuestos en el transcurso de una clase de historia de cuarto de educación secundaria. El objetivo principal es el estudio del rol del espacio de trabajo privado para la edición colectiva de mapas mentales y conceptuales. Más específicamente, el objetivo es evaluar si el uso de artefactos digitales en la edición colectiva de mapas mentales y conceptuales promueve los procesos de confrontación cognitiva que constituyen la colaboración. Para cumplir este objetivo, se realizaron dos iteraciones (experimentación piloto y experimentación) con dos prototipos de dispositivos digitales colaborativos que permiten a los estudiantes diferenciar su espacio de trabajo individual del espacio colectivo. El primer experimento piloto se llevó a cabo en 2015 con un prototipo de mapas mentales existente antes del estudio. Consistió en validar el protocolo experimental de la investigación y aclarar preguntas e hipótesis de investigación. El segundo experimento, mientras tanto, se llevó a cabo en 2016 a través de un prototipo de mapas conceptuales diseñados y desarrollados como parte de esta investigación. Este experimento fue diseñado para verificar las tres hipótesis formuladas, que se ajustan a la teoría del aprendizaje social de Bandura (1980) y abordan los determinantes ambientales, cognitivos y conductuales. La primera hipótesis (determinantes ambientales) supone que la mediación instrumental de una actividad de aprendizaje colaborativo influye en la participación del alumno. La segunda hipótesis (determinantes cognitivos), por su parte, sostiene que la adición de un espacio de trabajo personal del alumno a un espacio de interacción colectivo promueve procesos cognitivos presentes en la colaboración: el conflicto socio-cognitivo (Doise y Mugny Perret-Clermont, 1979), el apoyo (Bruner, 1997) y la vicarianza (Bandura, 1980, Pentland, 2015). Finalmente, la tercera hipótesis (determinantes conductuales) sugiere que la participación individual de los alumnos en la elaboración de un mapa conceptual colectivo está influenciada por la cultura afectiva del grupo. Para verificar estas 3 hipótesis, se puso en marcha un plan experimental multifactorial cruzado, que permitió probar las variables independientes simultáneamente con 7 grupos de estudiantes de cuarto de secundaria en la clase de historia. El análisis de datos realizado se centra en la naturaleza de las interacciones orales y digitales de los estudiantes, así como en sus resultados escritos y sus respuestas a entrevistas grupales y cuestionarios individuales. Los resultados muestran la tendencia de los dispositivos digitales de colaboración (artefactos, la organización de la actividad, escenario pedagógico) a promover el proceso de apoyo y vicariedad tras las conversaciones necesarias para coordinar las acciones técnicas para publicar en el mapa conceptual. Los resultados indican que después de usar un espacio privado digital, los estudiantes tienen conflictos sociocognitivos significativos durante el trabajo en grupo, lo que los lleva a aceptar las respuestas más abiertas para evitar el enfrentamiento.
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Evaluation of usability and user experience of an m-learning environment, custom-designed for a tertiary educational contextHarpur, Patricia-Ann 12 November 2013 (has links)
Undergraduate software engineering learners demonstrate a lack of motivation with face-to-face classroom education. Limited access to the Internet via PCs and laptops, hinders effective communication and collaboration. However, the majority of learners enrolled for studies in tertiary education, have cellphones and are proficient in the use of digital technology. A technology-enhanced m-learning solution is indicated.
This research project evaluates the usability and user experience of an m-learning environment, custom-designed for a tertiary educational context and delivered by mobile handheld devices, features a synthesized framework of categories and criteria, and determines the nature and scope of an emergent digital divide.
A design-based research model suited to the context of the study is implemented, gathering quantitative and qualitative data from experts and learners by survey questionnaires. Analysis of data highlights usability and UX problems, provides insight into an emergent digital divide and suggests guidelines specific to the design of m-learning implementations. / Educational Studies / M. Sc. (Information Systems)
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Processus unifié pour la personnalisation des activités pédagogiques : méta-modèle, modèles et outils / Unified process for personalization of pedagocal activities : meta-model, models and toolsLefèvre, Marie 01 December 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse en informatique se situe dans le domaine des Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain (EIAH). Dans ce cadre, nous avons abordé la question de la personnalisation de l’apprentissage. Nos travaux de recherche consistaient à identifier un processus qui permette à la fois de personnaliser des séances de travail sur papier et des séances de travail sur des logiciels pédagogiques. Nous souhaitions que ce processus permette de prendre en compte les spécificités de chaque apprenant en s’appuyant sur son profil, mais qu’il prenne également en compte les buts et les habitudes pédagogiques des enseignants. Enfin, nous souhaitions que ce processus soit implémentable dans un système externe aux logiciels à personnaliser. Notre problématique s’est donc décomposée en trois points : comment exploiter les profils d’apprenants pour prendre en compte les individualités des apprenants ? Comment adapter une activité pour prendre en compte les besoins et habitudes pédagogiques d’un enseignant ? Et enfin, comment attribuer une activité à un apprenant ? Pour répondre au premier point, nous avons proposé le modèle cPMDL. Ce complément du langage de modélisation des profils PMDL permet de contraindre les profils des apprenants afin de sélectionner ceux ayant les caractéristiques requises par les contraintes. cPMDL nous permet donc d’exploiter les informations contenues dans les profils au sein du processus de personnalisation. Pour répondre au deuxième point, nous avons proposé l’approche GEPPETO. Cette approche s’appuie sur des modèles et des processus génériques permettant d’adapter les activités en fonction des intentions pédagogiques des enseignants grâce à la définition de contraintes sur les activités. Nous avons décliné cette approche pour permettre l’adaptation des activités papier (GEPPETOP), ainsi que pour l’adaptation des activités logicielles et de la configuration des environnements qui les supportent (GEPPETOS). Pour répondre au troisième point, nous avons proposé le modèle PERSUA2 qui permet de lier les contraintes sur profils de cPMDL aux contraintes sur activités de GEPPETO. Ces liens, nommés règles d’affectation, sont ensuite hiérarchisés selon leur degré de priorité pour former une stratégie pédagogique qui sera associée { un ou plusieurs contextes d’utilisation. Nous avons mis en oeuvre ces différentes contributions théoriques dans Adapte, un module de l’environnement informatique du projet PERLEA. Le rôle de cet environnement est d’assister l’enseignant dans la gestion de profils créés par l’enseignant lui-même ou issus de logiciels pédagogiques. Adapte est l’une des exploitations possibles des profils : le module réalisé permet de fournir à chaque apprenant des activités adaptées à son profil tout en respectant les choix pédagogiques de son enseignant. Ces activités peuvent être des activités papier proposées par le système ou des activités logicielles personnalisées par Adapte, mais effectuées dans un autre EIAH. Ce module, pleinement opérationnel, a montré la faisabilité technique de nos contributions théoriques et nous a permis de conduire des mises à l'essai auprès d'enseignants / This thesis in computer science belongs to the field of Interactive Learning Environments (ILE). In this context, we have addressed the issue of personalization of learning. Our research has consisted in identifying a process allowing one to personalize both paper working sessions and working sessions on educational software. Our goal was to design a process able to take into account the specificities of each learner, based on their profiles, but also to take into account the pedagogical goals and habits of teachers. Moreover, we had to design this process such as it could be easily implemented in a software external to the system being personalized. Our problem was therefore decomposed into three points: how to use learners’ profiles to take the individuality of learners into account? How to adapt a pedagogical activity to take the teaching needs and habits of a teacher into account? And finally, how to assign an activity to a learner? To answer the first point, we have proposed the cPMDL model. This complement of the profiles modelling language PMDL allows one to constrain the learners’ profiles to select those with the characteristics required by the constraints. cPMDL allows us to exploit the information contained in the profiles during the personalization process. To answer the second point, we have proposed the GEPPETO approach. This approach relies on generic models and processes to adapt activities according to the teachers' intentions, by defining constraints on activities. We have instantiated this approach to enable on the one hand the adaptation of paper activities (GEPPETOP) and on the other hand to enable the adaptation of software activities and the adaptation of configuration of environments that support them (GEPPETOS). To address the third point, we have proposed the PERSUA2 model which links cPMDL constraints on profiles with GEPPETO constraints on activities. Next, these links, called assignment rules, are organized into a hierarchy according to their priority degree in order to form a pedagogical strategy. This pedagogical strategy is then associated with one or more contexts of use. We have implemented these different theoretical contributions in Adapte, a module of the environment associated to the PERLEA project. The role of this environment is to assist teachers in the management of profiles created by themselves or coming from pedagogical software. Adapte is one of the possible uses of profiles: the module developed provides each learner with activities suited to their profiles, while respecting the teaching choices of the teacher. These activities may be paper activities proposed by the system or software activities personalized by Adapte but made within another ILE. This module, fully operational, has demonstrated the technical feasibility of our theoretical contributions and has allowed us to conduct experiment with teachers.
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Modélisation centrée utilisateur final appliquée à la conception d'applications intéractives en géographie : une démarche basée sur les contenus et les usages / End-user modelling applied to the design of interactive applications in geography : an approach based on the contents and the usesLuong, The Nhan 12 December 2012 (has links)
Le point de départ de cette thèse a pour origine les difficultés constatées dans la communauté EIAH pour concevoir des applications éducatives exploitant des informations géographiques. A terme, il s'agit de proposer une nouvelle plateforme susceptible de rendre possible et opérationnel la conception d'applications Web géographiques portées par des utilisateurs non-informaticiens de façon autonome. La proposition scientifique est basée sur un processus de conception piloté par les contenus et par les interactions. Il est opérationnalisé dans une plateforme nommée WINDMash offrant aux concepteurs un environnement visuel de spécification et d'évaluation des interactions. Nous proposons un modèle unifié sous-jacent de description des applications Web géographiques comportant trois facettes qui permettent de représenter les contenus géographiques manipulés, de les afficher sur une interface graphique et de décrire le comportement de l’application (scénario d’interaction) à l'aide d'un langage visuel dont le formalisme graphique est inspiré du diagramme de séquence UML. En utilisant des techniques d'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles, la plateforme WINDMash permet de générer automatiquement le code de l'application finale sur la base des instances de trois facettes du modèle unifié. La plateforme WINDMash utilise pour cela l’API WIND (Web INteraction Design) que nous avons programmée. Les concepteurs peuvent ainsi prototyper rapidement des applications Web géographiques correspondant à leurs besoins. / The starting point of this thesis is to deal with the difficulties encountered in the TEL community for designing educational applications exploiting geographic information. Ultimately, it is to provide a new framework allowing for the operational design of geographic Web applications for experts in the domain (and particularly for teachers). The scientific proposal is based on a design process driven by contents and interaction. It is operationalized on a framework called WINDMash offering designers a visual environment for simply specifying and immediately evaluating interactions. The unified model for describing geographic Web applications has three parts: one for representing geographic contents, one for displaying them on a graphical user interface (GUI) and one for describing the behaviour of the application using a visual language whose graphical formalism is based on the UML diagram sequence. Using Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) techniques, the WINDMash framework can automatically generate the code of the final application based on the instances of three parts of the unified model. The WINDMash framework used for this the WIND API (Web INteraction Design) that we programmed. Designers can thus rapidly prototype geographic Web applications corresponding to their needs.
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The integration of learning technologies in open distance learning at the North-West University / Hendrik Daniel (Hennie) EsterhuizenEsterhuizen, Hendrik Daniel January 2012 (has links)
North-West University in South Africa is committed to expanding use of learning technologies
for contact and distance education students by augmenting the existing NWU teaching and
learning policy with an e-learning policy. The School of Continuing Teacher Education at
North-West University is currently training about 24 000 in-service teacher students through
Open Distance Learning. Only a few students submit assignments in typed format and
seldom electronically. Students rarely use electronic technologies to augment their learning,
and the SCTE employs few to support students. This does not comply with the South African
Government’s policy on e-Education that demands information and communication
technology mastery in teacher training.
The aim of this research was integration of learning technologies in open distance learning at
SCTE NWU through recommendations compiled in a sociologically transformative emergent
implementation framework. The researcher followed a concurrent mixed-method
sociologically transformative approach, focussing on the use of technology for social
empowerment to cross the digital divide, through a theoretical lens of ICT for development.
The lived experience in the natural setting of distance education students, lecturers, and
involved stakeholders was used as initial data collection, informed by a continuous literature
study of emergent learning technology use.
Purposeful sampling was used during participant selection. The role of the researcher was
that of participant observer, interviewer, and human instrument, from a position of
methodological pragmatism as a method of inquiry. Using a design-based research
approach, the thesis addresses the main research question through five research papers;
each addressing one of the sub-questions as design-based research cycles, while
collectively addressing the research problem to address the main research question. Nonstandardised
measuring instruments were developed based on themes identified from
literature and the analysis of qualitative data. Significant barriers to population-wide ICT
adoption exist. Strong intentions of perseverance in attaining functional computer literacy
are evident. Support and enablement are required to promote trust to attempt using
computers, necessary to obtain self-confidence through accomplishment. In this way
perseverance to attain functional computer literacy may be cultivated.
The study presents a model for intention to use, confidence, trust and perseverance in
attaining computer literacy competence with statistically significant standardised regression weights. In terms of affective responses of students during computer literacy training, a twodimensional
model for computer literacy learning emotions is presented. Perceptions during
professional development produced a model for faculty development towards socially
transformative learning technology integration for open distance learning. The researcher
also presents a people-technology interaction in teaching and learning model in the fifth
paper. A distinction is made between reactionary interventions and pre-emptive unobtrusive
seamless support, based on requirements identified through bottom-up feedback listening to
latent requests of participants. Technology-enhanced learning integration should be
legitimised through visible commitment from the university as institution. Lecturer training,
innovative planning of time issues, acquisition of appropriate infrastructure, buying in from
the institution and IT support services, and support of teacher-students are all essential for
evolvement towards an e-mature organisation for the delivery of ODL to vast numbers of
newly industrialised context clients. / Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Development Innovation and Evaluation))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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The integration of learning technologies in open distance learning at the North-West University / Hendrik Daniel (Hennie) EsterhuizenEsterhuizen, Hendrik Daniel January 2012 (has links)
North-West University in South Africa is committed to expanding use of learning technologies
for contact and distance education students by augmenting the existing NWU teaching and
learning policy with an e-learning policy. The School of Continuing Teacher Education at
North-West University is currently training about 24 000 in-service teacher students through
Open Distance Learning. Only a few students submit assignments in typed format and
seldom electronically. Students rarely use electronic technologies to augment their learning,
and the SCTE employs few to support students. This does not comply with the South African
Government’s policy on e-Education that demands information and communication
technology mastery in teacher training.
The aim of this research was integration of learning technologies in open distance learning at
SCTE NWU through recommendations compiled in a sociologically transformative emergent
implementation framework. The researcher followed a concurrent mixed-method
sociologically transformative approach, focussing on the use of technology for social
empowerment to cross the digital divide, through a theoretical lens of ICT for development.
The lived experience in the natural setting of distance education students, lecturers, and
involved stakeholders was used as initial data collection, informed by a continuous literature
study of emergent learning technology use.
Purposeful sampling was used during participant selection. The role of the researcher was
that of participant observer, interviewer, and human instrument, from a position of
methodological pragmatism as a method of inquiry. Using a design-based research
approach, the thesis addresses the main research question through five research papers;
each addressing one of the sub-questions as design-based research cycles, while
collectively addressing the research problem to address the main research question. Nonstandardised
measuring instruments were developed based on themes identified from
literature and the analysis of qualitative data. Significant barriers to population-wide ICT
adoption exist. Strong intentions of perseverance in attaining functional computer literacy
are evident. Support and enablement are required to promote trust to attempt using
computers, necessary to obtain self-confidence through accomplishment. In this way
perseverance to attain functional computer literacy may be cultivated.
The study presents a model for intention to use, confidence, trust and perseverance in
attaining computer literacy competence with statistically significant standardised regression weights. In terms of affective responses of students during computer literacy training, a twodimensional
model for computer literacy learning emotions is presented. Perceptions during
professional development produced a model for faculty development towards socially
transformative learning technology integration for open distance learning. The researcher
also presents a people-technology interaction in teaching and learning model in the fifth
paper. A distinction is made between reactionary interventions and pre-emptive unobtrusive
seamless support, based on requirements identified through bottom-up feedback listening to
latent requests of participants. Technology-enhanced learning integration should be
legitimised through visible commitment from the university as institution. Lecturer training,
innovative planning of time issues, acquisition of appropriate infrastructure, buying in from
the institution and IT support services, and support of teacher-students are all essential for
evolvement towards an e-mature organisation for the delivery of ODL to vast numbers of
newly industrialised context clients. / Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Development Innovation and Evaluation))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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Screencast as a technology enhanced teaching tool at an open distance learning university in South AfricaTwabu, Khanyisile Yanela 17 October 2018 (has links)
The incorporation of information and communications technology into every sphere of life can neither be denied nor remain unnoticed. Be it for education, government, corporate or social purposes, information and communications technology usage has become a norm in the twenty-first century. In academia, which is the focus of this study, the University of South Africa offers screencasts as a technology-enhanced teaching tool in the College of Accounting Sciences. These screencasts form part of an e-learning initiative to improve the success rate among their students in the Certificate in the Theory of Accounting programme.
This phenomenological, qualitative research study employs a case study as a research design tool, employing the community of inquiry framework. Ten lecturer-participants were interviewed in this study. The aim was to determine how screencasts can be used as a technology-enhanced teaching tool at an open distance-learning university in South Africa. Accordingly, this study used semi-structured interviews and document analysis to collect the data. The research data were studied, analysed, explored and validated. The study’s findings proved the validity and the practicability of this research. The findings indicate that screencasting at the university is in its beginning phase and that lecturers make use of the learning management system (myUnisa) to upload screencasts. Although making the screencasts is time consuming, lecturers report on the positive feedback received from students concerning the screencasts, but there is no way to track how many students use them. It is important to note that the lecturers experience challenges, as the MyUnisa system is often ineffective. Furthermore, some lecturers are techno-phobes, resulting in those that are technologically informed being overloaded. This study recommends the use of other effective software, screencast training, proper investment in information and communications technology infrastructure and affordable data access for students to stakeholders such as UNISA. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
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