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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tools of Hegemony : Military Technology and Swedish-American Security Relations, 1945-1962

Nilsson, Mikael January 2007 (has links)
This doctoral thesis analyze the process whereby Sweden gained access to American guided missiles during the late 1950s and early 1960s. It also tracks the Swedish efforts to develop guided missiles domestically. The concept of hegemony is used to interpret these processes, the dynamic in the Swedish-American relationship, and its consequences for the Swedish policy of neutrality. Sweden’s domestic guided missile development program, begun in the end of World War Two, met with great difficulties already by the end of the 1940s, and had entered a cul de sac by the early 1950s. The reason for this was a contunuous lack of funding and personnel, as well as a lack of foreign hardware and know-how. By 1947 the United States had largely established its hegemony in Western Europe, and the U.S. government then sought to gain the consent of the Swedish government as well. The U.S. government used its preponderant position, and pressured Sweden to adapt its policies by withholding vital technology from the Swedes. The U.S. refusal to deliver arms to a neutral Scandinavian Defense Union was significant in this respect. Sweden gradually gave its concurrence through a series of steps, most importantly the participation in the Marshall Plan in 1948, and COCOM in the summer of 1951. The confirmation of the U.S. government’s acceptance of Sweden came in the summer of 1952 when was made eligible to buy armaments in the United States under the Mutual Defense Assistance Act (MDAA). However, Sweden was not granted access to American guided missiles. This was an experience shared with most of the NATO countries (with the limited exception of Britain and Canada). During the course of the 1950s the United States was forced to change its position, due to prodding from the nato allies. The annual nato meetings were used as a platform by the nato countries in this endevour. The U.S. government reversed its non-disclosure policy in 1957 because of worries that its hegemonic position was threatened if it did not provide these weapons to its allies. Guided missile deliveries to Europe was used as a means to keep the alliance together, and to preserve U.S. hegemony in Western Europe. Because of its consent to U.S. hegemony Sweden gained access to U.S. missiles at the same time, and many times even before the NATO countries. Sweden was the first Western European country to purchase Sidewinder (1959) and Hawk (1962), and license manufactured two versions of the Falcon missile. Because of these deliveries the development of Swedish surface-to-air and air-to-air missiles was halted. Sweden was dependent upon the U.S. for deliveries of additional missiles in wartime, and this could have become a problem for Sweden’s ability to defend its territory against Western intrusions, since Sweden’s defense was based on help arriving from the West if Sweden was attacked by the USSR. The Swedish government, using the Royal Air Force Board as a proxy, signed a memorandum of Understanding in 1961 which gave the U.S. government the rigth to any improvements to the Falcon missiles, as well as the right to use them anywhere in the world. Sweden had thus de facto become a part of the U.S. military’s supply line. / QC 20100811

Konsten att uppfinna hjulet två gånger : om uppfinnandets teknik och estetik

Havemose, Karin January 2006 (has links)
“There is no need to reinvent the wheel” – a cliché, often told when you want to come up with something new that in someway can be connected to something that already exist. This study shows the opposite – that inventions emanate from what is given. It can be a detail, a problem in a thing - a wheel - or a situation that catches the inventor’s attention. It is something that seeks a solution or something that generates an idea, a hint or a clue of something new and useful. The art of invention emerges from the ability and skill to broaden the seeing and put thinking, substance and tradition into motion. An old radio dial generates a new ergonomic steering wheel. The connection of memories between a chestnut, a cello and an early morning at a water pump creates three works of art. The epistemology of this study is based on a dialogue between voices from different times and traditions. Some voices are normative examples, drawn from a dialogue between Swedish inventors. The others are those of philosophers from the Age of Enlightenment, fetched from their original writings. Through that dialogue, perspectives and ideas of inventors and classical philosophers meet and are compared. A deeper understanding thus emerges that shows the essence of invention and in fact the essence of all creative work: i) Freedom – in thought and in action ii) Dialogue - to test and try new ideas and things in the ever changing circumstances. iii) Doubt - not taking established fact and assumptions for granted iv) Action – testing and breaking established praxis and rules. The study also illustrates the need for an alternative scientific form and expression concerning studies in the fields of invention, innovation and other practical work. Invention can not be captured or shaped by exact measurements, concepts, definitions or abstract models. It takes place in the borderland between fact and fiction, where technique, aesthetics and philosophy are one working entity. The strive for knowledge is endless and without limits and it is nurtured by wondering, searching and ambiguity. With inspiration from the dialogue seminar method used within KTH Advanced Programme in Reflective Practice – this study point out the actuality and vitality in using the classical philosophical writings, dialogue and analogical thinking as a scientific method within higher education. / QC 20100826

Kyrkan - "en maskin att sitta i" : införandet av komfortteknik i Gotlands kyrkor under 1900-talets första hälft

Legnér, Mattias January 2012 (has links)
This essay deals with heating installations put into medieval Gotland churches from the 1920s to the early 1950s. Focus is on the work of the restorer Erik Johan Fant (1889–1954) who was the most frequently engaged restorer of churches in Sweden from c. 1925 to 1950. His work has not been the subject of much academic research. The essay covers how Fant and authorities involved in the restorations perceived the aesthetical and practical issues of installing modern heating systems in medieval churches. It also places Fant’s work in the wider context of heating for comfort and conservation purposes in churches. Our knowledge of heating systems used in churches in the past is very limited: on what grounds was a certain system chosen, how was it designed, and what consequences did it have for the conservation of the church? From having been solely an issue of increased comfort and pleasing design, the development of heating technology increasingly involved the interests of conservation. In the first half of the 20th century, central or electric heating was introduced in many stone churches, but often without any analysis of the risks involved. Still in the 1920s, the typical Gotland church was heated with just one or two ovens. They were still not electrified. Two problems especially were connected to overheating before the 1950s: first the soiling of walls and vaults, and second the desiccation of organic materials, particularly painted wooden objects. Central heating, especially in the form of low pressure steam which was common before 1945, certainly made these damages worse. Despite these issues, almost all of the 2,700 churches in Sweden had some kind of heating installed by the mid-1950s, and the reason was that heating primarily was perceived by the Swedish Church as a matter of comfort. Shortly after the end of the period in question, damages caused by heating would attract more attention from the developing conservation field. / <p>Alternate Title: The church -- "a machine for sitting": the introduction of heating systems into medieval Gotland churches during the early 20th century. (English)</p> / Kulturarvet och komforten: frågan om lämpligt inomhusklimat i kulturhistoriska byggnader under 1900-talet

Svensk cykelindustri 1867-1965 : En historisk longitudinell studie

Arwill-Hörmander, Catharina January 2010 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte och tema var att undersöka cykelrelaterat företagande utifrån ettschumpeterianskt synsätt. Metoden var longitudinell och materialet utgick både frånuppgifter från Sveriges Handelskalender 1889/90 – 1965 och annan litteratur.Undersökningen följde Lennart Schöns referenscykel för historiska förlopp. Cykelnkunde kategoriseras som en konsumtionsvara i utvecklingsblocket för transporter.Materialet visade hur cykeln som innovation fick ett mycket snabbt spridningsförloppi Sverige. Den introducerades av några få entreprenörer, som följdes av en hel svärmav tillverkare - imitatörer. Världsutställningen i Paris 1867 fick stor betydelse förvelocipedens spridning. I Sverige uppstod snart agglomerationer av cykelföretagandesom utgick från Stockholm och det mellansvenska industridistriktet runt Uppsala ochGävle. Föredagsdöden visade sig vara högre hos nya företag, Liability of Newness,och mindre företag, Liability of Smallness. Ett ökat strukturellt tryck medförde flerafusioner från och med 1932. Bilismen åstadkom ett förändrat efterfrågemönster runt1955, vilket inledde cykelbranschens nedgång. Importens frisläppande 1960 innebaren dramatisk överlevnadskamp för företagen. År 1996 fanns det bara tre svenskaföretag kvar i branschen av totalt 185 gjorda etableringar under perioden 1867-1965.

Med nycklarna till dynamitskåpen : Ture Rantatalo och gruvstrejken i Malmfälten 1969-1970

Simonsson, Ellen January 2020 (has links)
Syften med denna uppsats är att öka förståelsen för strejkledaren Ture Rantatalos agerande under den olovliga gruvstrejken i Malmfälten, december 1969 till februari1970. De frågor som undersöks är varför Rantatalo blev ledare för strejken, vad hans uppdrag innebar, hur hans handlingar kan förstås och vad som påverkade hans slutgiltiga ställningstagande. Uppsatsen är avgränsad till Rantatalo och hans agerande under framförallt strejkens sista dagar. Det teoretiska ramverket utgörs av aktörs-struktursamband och Rantatalos handlande belyses utifrån perspektivet att både kontext och målmedvetet handlande samspelar. Studien är kvalitativ och genomförs med den biografiska livsverks- eller yrkesbiografin som utgångspunkt i kombination med inslag av muntlig historieforskning. Resultatet av undersökning visar vilket komplext uppdrag Rantatalo hade och under vilken press han verkade. Hans handlande kan sägas vara påverkat av både interagerandet mellan olika aktörer, hans tidigare erfarenheter och den sociala kontext han befann sig i vid tiden för strejken.

Kalla krigets flygspaning - för vem? : En studie av det svenska försvarets avvägningsdiskurs

Staberg, Johan January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Tekniskt hjälpmedel, personlig trevnad eller livsfarlig starkström? : Elektrifieringskommitténs uppfattningar om sociala grupper inför landsbygdselektrifieringen under 1920-talet

Kindmark, Malin January 2021 (has links)
För att elektrifiera Sveriges landsbygd under 1920-talet tillsattes Elektrifieringskommittén, vars arbete med att utforma en standard för landsbygdselektrifieringen resulterade i statliga offentliga utredningar. Dessa har utgjort källmaterialet för undersökningen. Genom att studera Elektrifieringskommitténs arbete utifrån ett SCOT-perspektiv är det möjligt att se hur elnätet vuxit fram genom relevanta sociala gruppers påverkan på den tekniska utvecklingen. Under sitt arbete uppfattade Elektrifieringskommittén risker med bland annat importberoende, driftsäkerhet och höga elpriser vilket kom att spela stor roll för utvecklingen av tekniken och systemets organisation. Det visar sig dock att organisationen i minst lika stor utsträckning påverkades av Elektrifieringskommitténs uppfattningar om de sociala grupperna och försöken att forma dessa för att passa in i ett redan standardiserat system. Undersökningen belyser hur motivet bakom satsningar på infrastruktursystem tillsammans med systembyggares uppfattningar påverkar vilka som involveras och får aktiva roller i systemens utveckling. Drivkraften att stärka jordbruket genom elektrifiering och synen på var sakkunnighet fanns innebar att jordbrukarnas insyn i systemet minskade medan de stora statliga och privata kraftbolagen kom att få ansvaret för utveckling, underhåll och utbildning. Landsbygdselektrifieringen visar hur olika syner på teknikens funktion påverkat det som lade grunden till det svenska elnätet.

MOBAs, the beginning : From mod to genre / MOBAs, början : Från mod till genre

Zachrisson, Anton, Holmberg Karancsi, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
This thesis covers the history of the MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) genre by creating a chronological historical timeline of some of the most catalytic titles. It also delves deeper into the dynamic between modders and companies and how that dynamic changed as the genre evolved. All of this is analyzed through a political economy lens, to see how the power structure and monetization plan for the games in the genre has changed over the years. The research was conducted by piecing together relevant academic papers, with popular sources to construct a credible thesis on the MOBA genre's evolution. One of the key points from this research is how monetization has changed from the beginning of the genre to how it is today. Roughly 20 years ago, when the genre first started, monetization was more straightforward, a one-time purchase for the game. Today, most games in the genre are free-to-play, while containing in-game purchases such as cosmetics and character unlocks.

Priority setting strategies for regulatory testing of industrial chemicals

Nordberg, Anna January 2007 (has links)
For the majority of the estimated 70,000 industrial chemical substances available on the European market today there is not enough information to enable a reasonably complete assessment of the risks that they might pose to man and the environment. Any strategy for the generation of additional data for these substances should aim at making testing as efficient as possible taking into account environmental and health protection, time, monetary cost and animal welfare. To achieve this, appropriate priority setting rules are needed. The main criterion currently used for regulatory priority setting for testing of industrial chemicals is production volume; the higher the production volume, the more information is required. This was also the main criterion in the former legislation, preceding REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals). The aim of this thesis is to evaluate other priority setting criteria and their implications for risk management, in particular classification and labelling. The first paper in this thesis includes a study of the efficiency ratio for some of the tests required for the notification of new substances, i.e. the ratio between the likelihood that the test will lead to a classification, and the monetary cost of performing the test. The efficiency ratio was determined for the standard tests for acute oral toxicity, irritation, sensitisation and subacute toxicity using data from 1409 new chemicals notified in Europe between 1994 and 2004. The results of this investigation suggest that, given limited resources for testing, it is more efficient to perform acute toxicity tests on a larger number of substances rather than to perform additional subacute toxicity studies on the substances already tested for acute toxicity. The second paper included in this thesis, reports the results from a comparative study of the bioaccumulating properties of substances being (a) classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic and/or toxic to reproduction (CMR-substances), or (b) classified as acutely toxic or (c) unclassified. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate potential consequences of prioritising bioaccumulating chemicals for evaluation and testing, as this is one of the strategies prescribed in REACH. The results of this study suggest that bioaccumulating substances are neither over- nor underrepresented among the CMR-substances. This result lends support to the use of the bioconcentration factor for priority setting. The studies reported in this thesis utilize existing data on classification of substances as an indicator of the outcome of the risk assessment process, relating priority setting methods to the risk management measures that they give rise to. To the best of my knowledge there are still only very few studies published that address the issue of priority setting in chemicals control using this approach, and in my view there is need for more studies of priority setting methods and a further development of priority setting strategies that are science-based. / QC 20101115

Från fossila bränslen till el : En analys av drivmedelsfrågan i Sverige, 1970-2010

Isaksson, William January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker vilka föreställningar och tankegångar som varit framträdande i Sverige 1970–2010 och som varit bidragande till elbilens fördröjda etablering sett till att tekniken har funnits tillgänglig sedan början på 1800-talet. Drivmedelsfrågan var närvarande även i bilens tidiga historia men bilen kom att utformas för att använda fossila bränslen som drivmedel. Sedan bilens storskaliga spridning har den erbjudit människor nya möjligheter att förflytta sig och på många sätt blivit en central del av samhället, vilket även påverkat både infrastruktur och stadsplanering. Detta har dock inte varit helt oproblematiskt och det har funnits en vilja från samhället att även kunna påverkan bilen och dess utveckling.  Under 1970-talet var en stor samhällsdiskussion fokuserad kring att rationalisera och strukturera upp bensinhandeln för att underlätta stadsplanering. De fossila bränslena behöll dock sin dominans som drivmedel. På 1990-talet lades mycket fokus istället på bilars utsläpp speciellt i storstäder som ledde till större krav på att minska miljöpåverkan från trafiken. Utredningar om klimatpolitik öppnade upp drivmedelsfrågan och i början på 2010-talet började större förändringar ske.   Skiftet mot el som drivmedel är ett resultat av en förändrar syn på fossila bränslens roll i samhället och klimatförändringar. Uppsatsen belyser hur infrastrukturella förändringar, olika relevanta aktörer och sociala grupper samt föreställningar har lett fram till denna förändring som resulterat i elbilens etablering.

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