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Autocorrelation analysis in frequency domain as a tool for MOSFET low frequency noise characterization / Analise de autocorrelação no dominio frequencia como ferramenta para a caracterização do ruido de baixa frequencia em MOSFETBoth, Thiago Hanna January 2017 (has links)
O ruído de baixa frequência é um limitador de desempenho em circuitos analógicos, digitais e de radiofrequência, introduzindo ruído de fase em osciladores e reduzindo a estabilidade de células SRAM, por exemplo. Transistores de efeito de campo de metalóxido- semicondutor (MOSFETs) são conhecidos pelos elevados níveis de ruído 1= f e telegráfico, cuja potência pode ser ordens de magnitude maior do que a observada para ruído térmico para frequências de até dezenas de kHz. Além disso, com o avanço da tecnologia, a frequência de corner —isto é, a frequência na qual as contribuições dos ruídos térmico e shot superam a contribuição do ruído 1= f — aumenta, tornando os ruídos 1= f e telegráfico os mecanismos dominantes de ruído na tecnologia CMOS para frequências de até centenas de MHz. Mais ainda, o ruído de baixa frequência em transistores nanométricos pode variar significativamente de dispositivo para dispositivo, o que torna a variabilidade de ruído um aspecto importante para tecnologias MOS modernas. Para assegurar o projeto adequado de circuitos do ponto de vista de ruído, é necessário, portanto, identificar os mecanismos fundamentais responsáveis pelo ruído de baixa frequência em MOSFETs e desenvolver modelos capazes de considerar as dependências do ruído com geometria, polarização e temperatura. Neste trabalho é proposta uma técnica para análise de ruído de baixa frequência baseada na autocorrelação dos espectros de ruído em função de parâmetros como frequência, polarização e temperatura. A metodologia apresentada revela informações importantes sobre os mecanismos responsáveis pelo ruído 1= f que são difíceis de obter de outras formas. As análises de correlação realizadas em três tecnologias CMOS comerciais (140 nm, 65 nm e 45 nm) fornecem evidências contundentes de que o ruído de baixa frequência em transistores MOS tipo-n e tipo-p é composto por um somatório de sinais telegráficos termicamente ativados. / Low-frequency noise (LFN) is a performance limiter for analog, digital and RF circuits, introducing phase noise in oscillators and reducing the stability of SRAM cells, for example. Metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistors (MOSFETs) are known for their particularly high 1= f and random telegraph noise levels, whose power may be orders of magnitude larger than thermal noise for frequencies up to dozens of kHz. With the technology scaling, the corner frequency — i.e. the frequency at which the contributions of thermal and shot noises to noise power overshadow that of the 1= f noise — is increased, making 1= f and random telegraph signal (RTS) the dominant noise mechanism in CMOS technologies for frequencies up to several MHz. Additionally, the LFN levels from device-to-device can vary several orders of magnitude in deeply-scaled devices, making LFN variability a major concern in advanced MOS technologies. Therefore, to assure proper circuit design in this scenario, it is necessary to identify the fundamental mechanisms responsible for MOSFET LFN, in order to provide accurate LFN models that account not only for the average noise power, but also for its variability and dependences on geometry, bias and temperature. In this work, a new variability-based LFN analysis technique is introduced, employing the autocorrelation of multiple LFN spectra in terms of parameters such as frequency, bias and temperature. This technique reveals information about the mechanisms responsible for the 1= f noise that is difficult to obtain otherwise. The correlation analyses performed on three different commercial mixed-signal CMOS technologies (140-nm, 65-nm and 40-nm) provide strong evidence that the LFN of both n- and p-type MOS transistors is primarily composed of the superposition of thermally activated random telegraph signals (RTS).
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A linguistic study of print advertisingJostes, Andreas 01 January 1995 (has links)
No description available.
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Von Schwellbalken und Telegraphenmasten: Überlegungen zur Gründungsweise und Lebensdauer eisenzeitlicher HolzgebäudeFries-Knoblach, Janine 29 May 2019 (has links)
Zur besseren Beurteilung der Lebensdauer unterschiedlich gegründeter prähistorischer
Holzgebäude werden Ausgrabungsbefunde, archäologische Experimente, volks- und völkerkundliche Daten und
erstmals Literatur zum historischen Telegraphenbau herangezogen. Es ergibt sich eine übliche Lebenserwartung
von 20-30 Jahren für prähistorische Holzgebäude verschiedener Bauweise. Der Pfostenbau, obwohl technisch spätestens seit der Eisenzeit ein Anachronismus, lebte bis ins Mittelalter fort, während nicht-erdfeste Bauweisen die Ausnahme blieben, offenbar weil kurze Lebensspannen von Gebäuden den Erfordernissen der Erbauer genügten
und immaterielle Gründe wohl ohnehin häufige Neubauten erforderten. / For a more precise assessment of the life expectancy of different types of prehistoric wooden buildings
a short evaluation was made of excavation results, archaeological experiments, ethnological and folklore evidence
and – for the first time – of literature on historical telegraph lines. The result was a normal life expectancy
of some 20-30 years for prehistoric wooden buildings of different construction types. Post construction, although
technically an anachronism by the Iron Age at the latest, persisted into the Middle Ages, while overground construction
types remained exceptions, obviously because short life-spans of buildings met the requirements of
their builders and immaterial reasons might have demanded frequent rebuilding anyway.
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Comparative Research on The Reports of Covid-19 in China from The Guardian/The Daily TelegraphZeng, Qiwei January 2022 (has links)
In December of 2019, the outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China, marked the beginning of the pandemic and the most extensive global public health crisis of the 21st century. Globally, as of April 2022, there have been 490 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 6 million death. The COVID-19 pandemic also impacted every member of the world and changed the world and everyone's way of living. The first stage of the COVID-19 outbreak in China has attracted significant attention from the media worldwide. The western press carried out massive coverage from the beginning. The British media made extensive and detailed reports on China's COVID-19 situation and maintained continuous attention for the next two years. Together, these reports have painted a panorama of lives under the haze of COVID-19 in China and presented it to the readers. However, no news media organization can fully present a news event to its audience in its original form, which often edits and changes information based on their needs—choosing the events to report with different angles and tones to constitute the news framing. The news frame is constructed by the media's values and political stance, and this choice of news framing may ultimately affect their target audience. The covid-19 outbreak in China later affected the whole world has been a huge news event. This paper will conduct a systematic, comprehensive study and analysis of the news coverage from The Guardian (a famous British left-wing media) and The Daily Telegraph (a famous British right-wing press) in China's Covid-19 situation to understand how they structure news stories. Based on research on the subject and content of the Guardian/Daily Telegraph coverage, according to the theme and scope of its reports and divided into seven analysis framings: general coverage of COVID-19, pandemic restriction status, economic impact, COVID-19 origin, concealment of early cases, and vaccination. I will conduct qualitative and quantitative research and analysis based on the changes in the report's focuses, changes in the reporting rates, and opinion trends. Please find out how they construct the news framing while reporting COVID-19 in China. Further study the differences in the frames of two major press by analyzing the focus and perspectives of their coverage. Analyze the differences between two press views under the same framing at the same event. What is the reason for the difference in news framing between The Daily Telegraph and The Guardian?
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Decentralization in public utility administration under public and private ownership: a study of postal and telephone administration/Richards, Robert Alan January 1957 (has links)
No description available.
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The Impact of Corporate Interlocks on Power and Constraint in the Telecommunications IndustryHickerson, Jon D. (Jon David) 12 1900 (has links)
Using the tools of structural and network analysis developed by Ronald R. Burt and others, this study investigated the communication patterns among corporate officers of American Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (A.T. & T.) and United Telecommunications Corporation (Sprint). Data on contacts, efficiency, network density, and constraint indicate that opportunities for power and constraint have remained relatively stable at United Telecommunications between 1980 and 1990. A. A.T. & T., on the other hand, was more affected by the drastic changes in the telecommunication industry. The span of A.T. & T. has grown smaller and the potential for constraining relations among A. T. & T. and financial institutions has increased during the period 1980 and 1990.
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A Poética de Adélia Prado: espaço de articulação entre língua portuguesa e língua literária / The poetry of Adéilia Prado: articulation space between portuguese language and literary languageMaria Celeste de Castro Machado 31 March 2010 (has links)
A tese estuda a obra poética de Adélia Prado sob o ponto de vista da Estilística. Mostra que a metáfora é o recurso mais afeito a construir a língua literária e, no caso da poetisa, modelá-la em português. O estudo atesta que a linguagem conotativa da poetisa alcança os três níveis da língua e promove o inesperado e o distante da expressão comum. Afirma a importância da polifonia e da intertextualidade , além da excelência do discurso indireto livre na criação literária, não só da poetisa, mas de todo uso da língua portuguesa como ferramenta de expressão poética, principalmente se a intenção do autor é criar o discurso surrealista. A pesquisa mostra que há, na obra, um grande número de poemas em que predomina a linguagem religiosa católica. Ocorre a expressão da alma feminina , marcada com orgulho pela poetisa. A autora cria prosodemas, inaugura neologismos ,aproveitando todos os processos de criação vocabular. Assim, a obra se notabiliza pelo aproveitamento da sonoridade das palavras, pela escolha lexical inédita, por uma estrutura frasal apositiva, evocativa, sucinta e nominal, não escravizada às regras do registro culto como padrão literário. A tese reconhece que a autora lida eficientemente com as classes de palavras, com a construção nominal e com uma estruturação sintática peculiar, em que sobressai a oração adjetiva com função de sujeito, apesar de conter verbo: a oração adjetiva subjetivada. A essência da pesquisa são os conjuntos metafóricos, verdadeiros modelos universais, que permitem reconhecer a possível existência de uma língua literária em português. No mesmo contexto, focaliza um grupo de poemas chamados de telegráficos, curtos e de teor filosófico. Tal qualidade metafórica mostra a importância da poetisa Adélia Prado para a articulação da língua literária em língua portuguesa / The thesis studies the poetry of Adelia Prado in the view of the stylistics. It shows that the use of metaphor is more used to construct the literary language and in the case of the poet, model it in Portuguese. The study shows that the connotative language of the poet reaches the three levels of language and promotes the unexpected and far from the common expression. Emphasizes the importance of polyphony and intertextuality, and the excellence of free indirect discourse in literary creation not only of the poet, but all use the English language as a tool of poetic expression, especially if the author's intention is to create the surreal speech. Research shows that there is in the works, a large number of poems in the language that dominates religious Catholic. Is the expression of the feminine soul, marked with pride by poet. The author creates prosodemas inaugurates new words, taking advantage of all the processes of creation vocabulary. Thus, the work is distinguished by the use of the sound of words, the lexical choice unprecedented, for a test patch phrasing, evocative, succinct and nominal, not enslaved to the rules of registration as a cult literary standard. The thesis acknowledges that the author deals effectively with classes of words, with the building face and a syntactic structure peculiar in that it highlights the relative clause which functions as subject, although it contains verb: the relative clause subjectivized. The essence of the research is the sets metaphorically true "universal models" for recognizing the possible existence of a literary language in Portuguese. In the same context, focuses on a group of poems called "telegraph", short and philosophical content. This metaphorical quality shows the importance of the poet Adelia Prado for the articulation of the literary language in Portuguese
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The Railway and Telegraph in India: Monuments of British Rule or Symbols of Indian Nationhood?Fonseka, Prashant L. 01 January 2012 (has links)
This paper examines how the development of the railway-telegraph technological complex impacted the tenuous relationship between the rulers and those they ruled; the British and the Indians. Through the experience of building and operating the railway, Indians came to understand the railway and telegraph as their own technologies well before the eventual handover of control over the networks from the British. The reasons behind the British desire to retain their grasp over the networks included profit, power, and orientalist notions of socially advancing Indians, all at the expense of Indian taxpayers. This arrangement was problematic and ultimately facilitated the Raj's undoing, while revealing certain realities of British imperial rule.
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Comparative Analysis of Simulation of Trap Induced Threshold Voltage Fluctuations for 45 nm Gate Length n-MOSFET and Analytical Model PredictionsJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: In very small electronic devices the alternate capture and emission of carriers at an individual defect site located at the interface of Si:SiO2 of a MOSFET generates discrete switching in the device conductance referred to as a random telegraph signal (RTS) or random telegraph noise (RTN). In this research work, the integration of random defects positioned across the channel at the Si:SiO2 interface from source end to the drain end in the presence of different random dopant distributions are used to conduct Ensemble Monte-Carlo ( EMC ) based numerical simulation of key device performance metrics for 45 nm gate length MOSFET device. The two main performance parameters that affect RTS based reliability measurements are percentage change in threshold voltage and percentage change in drain current fluctuation in the saturation region. It has been observed as a result of the simulation that changes in both and values moderately decrease as the defect position is gradually moved from source end to the drain end of the channel. Precise analytical device physics based model needs to be developed to explain and assess the EMC simulation based higher VT fluctuations as experienced for trap positions at the source side. A new analytical model has been developed that simultaneously takes account of dopant number variations in the channel and depletion region underneath and carrier mobility fluctuations resulting from fluctuations in surface potential barriers. Comparisons of this new analytical model along with existing analytical models are shown to correlate with 3D EMC simulation based model for assessment of VT fluctuations percentage induced by a single interface trap. With scaling of devices beyond 32 nm node, halo doping at the source and drain are routinely incorporated to combat the threshold voltage roll-off that takes place with effective channel length reduction. As a final study on this regard, 3D EMC simulation method based computations of threshold voltage fluctuations have been performed for varying source and drain halo pocket length to illustrate the threshold voltage fluctuations related reliability problems that have been aggravated by trap positions near the source at the interface compared to conventional 45 nm MOSFET. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Electrical Engineering 2011
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Classificação automática de emoções em músicas latinas utilizando diferentes fontes de informação / Emotions automatic classification latin songs using different sources of informationPrzybysz, André Luiz 17 March 2016 (has links)
Com a quantidade de músicas disponíveis on-line, tem ocorrido uma crescente expansão nas pesquisas de informação musical e nas investigações de recuperação para sistemas automatizados. O campo de Music Information Retrieval (MIR) olha para vários aspectos relacionados à como organizar, categorizar e acessar coleções musicais. O desenvolvimento de novos métodos e a criação de novas representações musicais podem contribuir na precisão dos classificadores para o reconhecimento das emoções, uma vez que estes estão entre os maiores desafios da área de Music Emotion Recognition (MER). Esse trabalho investiga, implementa e combina três diferentes fontes de informações (cifras, áudio e letras) para a classificação automática de emoções em músicas. A metodologia de trabalho é descrita por meio das seguintes atividades: criação da base de dados Multimodal Latin Music Mood Database (MLMMD), pré-processamento dos dados, mineração e combinação dos dados. Por meio dos procedimentos foi realizada uma análise dos diferentes resultados utilizando as diferentes fontes de informação de forma individual e combinada. Primeiramente, foi possível observar que o método combinatório multimodal early fusion foi melhor do que os demais (no fusion e late fusion). Segundo, o classificador Support Vector Machine (SVM) mostrou uma média melhor que os demais. / With the growing amount of music available online, there has been an increasing expansion in research of musical information and the recovery investigations to automated systems. The Music Information Retrieval (MIR) field looks at various aspects related to how to organize, categorize, and access music collections. The development of new methods and the creation of new musical representations can contribute to the accuracy of classifiers for recognition of emotions, since these are among the greatest challenges in the area of Music Emotion Recognition (MER). This work investigates, implements and combines three different sources of information (cifras, audio and lyrics) for automatic emotion classification in songs. The following activities have been used to develop this work: database definition Multimodal Latin Music Mood Database (MLMMD), preprocessing of the different types of data, mining and combination of the different types of data. Through the procedures applied it was possible to carry out an analysis of the different results. First, it was observed that the multimodal early fusion method was better than the others other approaches (no fusion and late fusion). Second, the Support Vector Machine (SVM) showed an overall average better than the other classifiers.
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