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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essays on Delegated Search and Temporary Work Agencies / Essäer om delegerad sökning och bemanningsföretag

Raattamaa, Tomas January 2016 (has links)
Paper [I] models a game, where two temporary work agencies (TWAs) compete to fill a vacancy at a client firm (CF). They simultaneously choose how much effort to expend, based on their expectation of how good their opponent’s best candidate will be. I then show that this will make the TWAs overconfident, as the rational way of judging your own probability of winning is not looking at the opponents expected best, but comparing how much effort your opponent will expend. Paper [II] examines the misaligned incentives in the temporary work agency sector, where we first look at pure recruiting contracts, that either require payment on delivery, or payment on some specified point in time. We then look at the incentives of recruit-and-rent contracts, where the worker is leased to the client firm. We assume that the better the worker, the higher the probability that the client firm is going to want to hire him/her. If that happens then the TWA will no longer get revenues from said worker, incentivizing the TWA to not always deliver the first match it finds, if it is too good. Lastly we look at how competition can dampen this perverse incentive. Paper [III] models the waiting behavior that can occur if a TWA is contracted to find a worker for a specific time far in the future; the TWA will postpone effort. This behavior is modeled for two types of TWAs; one that is rational and plans ahead, and another that does not plan ahead at all, but instead only looks at the immediate future. I find that the one that only looks at the immediate future starts exerting effort earlier than the planner. After looking at optimal contracts under perfect monitoring and hidden action I provide two extensions. I first show that for the principal to want to delegate search to a rational TWA, the agent has to be better than the CF, by some factor, as it has to make up in efficiency what the principal loses in moral hazard, when the agent waits longer than the principal would like it to. Lastly I prove that it is profit maximizing for the principal to contract one agent and give it a deadline earlier than when the principal would need the worker, and then replace that agent with a competitor if the first one has not succeeded by that earlier deadline. Paper [IV] estimates at the effect of family experience on relative transition probability into the temporary work agency sector. Using register data for all of Sweden we run a bias-reduced logistic regression, where we include various factors that affect the probability of young adults (aged 18-34) entering the sector. This paper ties in to the literature on occupational inheritance, as well as the literature on changing social norms. We find that having had a parent, sibling or partner in the TWA sector increases your probability of entering.

Komparace právní úpravy agenturního zaměstnávání v České republice a Polské republice / Comparation of Czech and Polish regulation of temporary agency work

Czeczotka, Andrzej January 2015 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is regulation of temporary agency work in the Czech Republic and the Republic of Poland. The stress is put mainly on the comparison of individual areas of regulation in both countries and describing the substantial differences. The goal of the paper is to contribute to better understanding of this special issue of the labour law and to introduce foreign incentives to the discussion about the pros and cons of the practice related to using temporary agency work in the Czech Republic. Finally this paper may also serve as a source of reflections de lege ferenda. In the first part this thesis focuses on the description of the basic characteristic of temporary agency work. The different points of view of this issue are introduced gradually, especially in the context of the other labour market services, next a brief description of the sources of international law in this area follows, and finally short historic excursus into the development of the regulation in Poland and the Czech Republic is presented. The second part is devoted to the public law regulation of temporary agency work, especially to acquiring the license for running a work agency and the obligations arising from the public law. Regulations in both states are divided into the separate chapters. The last part involves...

Hur upplever konsulter i bemanningsföretag sin arbetssituation hos kundföretag? / How do consultants from temporary work agencies experience their work situation at client companies?

Honkonen, Jonna, Nielsen, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
Intresset för och inhyrning av bemanningskonsulter har ökat som en del av företags försök att bli flexiblare med arbetsstyrkan. Dock är bemanningsbranschen ung och forskning kring konsultyrket utifrån konsultens perspektiv anser vi vara begränsad. Studiens syfte var att bidra till ökad kunskap om konsultyrket genom en empirisk undersökning där intervjuer med bemanningskonsulter utförts. Forskningsfrågan var: Hur upplever konsulter från bemanningsföretag sin arbetssituation hos kundföretag? Studien har inspirerats av ett kvalitativt förhållningssätt och empiri samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex respondenter som har erfarenheter från konsultyrket. Ansatsen i studien bedrevs deduktivt eftersom vi läst in oss kring ämnesområdet innan empirisk data samlades in. Utifrån tidigare forskning antog vi att konsultens upplevda arbetssituation påverkades antingen positivt eller negativt utifrån tre faktorer: Vilka förväntningar som finns på dem samt hur de behandlas av kundföretaget och kollegorna, vilka är anledningarna till att konsultyrket väljs samt deras arbetstillfredsställelse utifrån känslan av kontroll över arbetssituationen och relationerna inom kundföretaget. För att tolka det empiriska materialet användes tolkningsmodellen från den teoretiska referensramen. Meningar och ord i det transkriberade materialet markerades för att sedan jämföras med tidigare forskning och på så sätt finna samband och motsägelser. Vår slutsats var att konsulterna upplever sin arbetssituation antingen positivt eller negativt först och främst beroende på vilka förväntningar de har på yrket och uppdraget de anlitas för. Dessa förväntningar påverkas sedan av andra faktorer, som kundföretagets avsikt med att använda konsulten, hur mycket de involveras och hur väl de behandlas av både ledning, chefer samt kollegor. Beroende på vilka förväntningar konsulten har, får de andra faktorerna mer eller mindre påverkan på den upplevda arbetssituationen. / The interest for and hiring of consultants from temporary working agencies have increased as a part of companies' attempts to become more flexible with the workforce. The temporary staffing industry is yet young and we consider the research around the consultant profession limited, based on the consultants perspective. The purpose of this study was to increase knowledge about the consultant profession through an empirical research based on interviews with temporary agency workers. The research question was: How do consultants from temporary work agencies experience their work situation at client companies? This was a qualitative study and empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews with six respondents who has experience from the consultant profession. The study had a deductive approach as we had read about the subject area before the collection of data. From previous research we assumed that the experienced work situation by the consultants was affected either positive or negative by three factors: Which expectations and how they are treated by the client company and by their colleagues, which are the reasons to choose the consultant profession, and their job satisfaction based on the impression of control over the work situation and the relations within the client company. To translate the empirical material the analysis model from the theoretical framework was used. Sentences and words from the transcribed material were marked and then compared with previous research and thus find connections and contradictions. Our conclusions were that the consultants experience their work situation either positive or negative primarily depending on which expectations they have on the profession and the assignment they are hired for. These expectations then affect the other factors, as the client company’s intention to use the consultant, how involved they are and how well they are treated by executives, managers and colleagues. Depending on which expectations the consultant has, the other factors have more or less impact on the experienced work situation.

Anställningsform och stress : Hur upplever polisaspiranter sin anställningsform i relation till stress?

Alci, Gül, Saliba, Gabriella January 2016 (has links)
This paper discusses and aims to give the reader a greater understanding of how police cadets experiencing stress in relation to their employment status and a gender perspective on male and female cadets experience different demands and expectations. As scientists, we will also study how aspirants handle stress and how they experience the benefit of the work. This is because the one who is rejected by the aspirant will lose all possibilities of becoming a police officer. The essay will primarily highlight the impact of employment status have on stress according to police cadets and how gender can affect the stress. During the research process, the researcher will have worked through qualitative semi-structured interviews with six respondents who work as police cadets. We have analyzed our material by Karasek and Theorell of requirements, control and support model that is about the extent of demand and control individuals have the work-related aspects. We also give examples of how the requirements and control support model works for police cadets in the field with the help of research addressing the topic. The other theoretical starting point is an occupational stress research of Kelloway, Hurrel & Days (2008). Data collection shows, and supported by our theory that the form of employment is creating concerns over future work, and that perceived stress is equal for both men and women. / Polisyrket är ett skiftande arbete som ställer enormt höga krav på varje polis. I jämförelse med andra yrken har polisen en viktig roll i samhället. Polisens huvuduppgift är att göra skillnad i samhället. Att vara polis innebär att samhället förväntar sig att denne ska ingripa i en situation där ingen annan kan eller får ingripa. Situationer som omfattar allt från brottslighet, våld, sorg och kris. Polisen har oftast tillträde till situationer och områden som ingen civilperson har rätt till. Det finns relativt många studier som handlar om olika anställningsformer i relation till stress och osäkerhet, dock upplever vi som forskare att det råder brist på studier som berör polisaspirantens anställningsform. Vi finner därmed ett starkt intresse att forska kring det ämnet.   Nyutbildade poliser sätts på prov under sex månader genom att vara anställd som polisaspirant, detta innebär att man är provanställd. Hur upplever polisaspiranter sin anställningsform i relation till stress? Detta är en fråga som vi forskare kommer att lägga stor vikt på under forskningsprocessen. Polisaspiranten får ingen fastanställning först denne blivit godkänd efter dessa sex månader. Vi har under studiens gång undersökt hur denna form av anställning påverkat polisaspiranten negativt, genom upplevd stress och osäkerhet. Tack vare vårt empiriska material kan vi konstatera att en osäker anställningsform skapar negativ stress som påverkar aspiranten psykiskt då kraven är höga och prövningen lång.

Flexibilitetens främlingar : - om anställda i bemanningsföretag

Olofsdotter, Gunilla January 2008 (has links)
Temporary Work Agencies (TWAs) are an example of a trend towards flexibility in the labour market. By hiring staff from TWAs organisations can keep their staff numbers down. This however, refers to the client companies´ use or temps, and omits the intermediary, the TWA, which also needs various flexibility strategies in its activities. The main purpose of this thesis is to study the organising of TWAs supply of manpower to different clients companies, and how managers and temps experience their terms of employment, working conditions and relationships with regular employees at the client companies. Two qualitative case studies were conducted. In study one, interviews have been carried out with managers and temps in a TWA and a client company in Jämtland. In the second study, managers and temps in an international TWA in Sweden were interviewed. The results show that both managers and temps work under complex conditions and demands on flexibility. The managers shall, by flexible prioritising, satisfy demands from the TWA on profitability, demands from client companies´ for an adaptable workforce and temps need of employment and community. The results also indicate that temps have to balance between a position as stranger and outsider, and handle insecurity of the assignments duration and spatial location. They have to be able to manoeuvre between the power inequalities, stigmatisation and exclusion they encounter in working conditions and social interactions in client companies. To handle such situations the ideal temp and manager have to be able to vary between distance and nearness in spatiality and indifference and involvement in social relations.

Tillhörighet, trygghet och frihet : En kvalitativ studie om inhyrda lärares arbetssituation

Eriksson, Josefin, Ström, Frida January 2012 (has links)
Uppsatsen handlar om inhyrda lärares arbetssituation som befinner sig utanför organisationers gränser vilket leder till exkludering och bristfälliga arbetsvillkor. Inhyrd personal befinner sig i en trepartsrelation mellan sig själv, bemanningsföretag och kundföretag. Detta skulle kunna göra att den formella tillhörigheten och känslan av tillhörighet differentieras. Inget i studien tyder på att de inhyrda lärarna inte känner en tillhörighet till bemanningsföretaget som arbetsgivare och därmed kan vi inte dra slutsatsen att detta är problemet. Snarare är det kundföretaget och dess medarbetare som inte ser de inhyrda lärarna som inkluderade i organisationen vilket skapar exkludering. Dagens företag behöver vara flexibla och för att möta detta behov används inhyrd personal som en tillfällig resurs. Bemanningsföretag växer sig allt starkare och studien är viktig för att visa att anställningsformen kan få negativa konsekvenser och att man bör ta hänsyn till emotionella aspekter hos individen. Studien är kvalitativ och har genomförts genom djupintervjuer med tre inhyrda lärare, tre ordinarie lärare och en rektor. Då ämnet kan ses som känsligt av vissa parter är ämnet något svårstuderat och det har varit svårt att få tag på intervjupersoner. Materialet har analyserats med teorier utifrån tre teman: tillhörighet, trygghet och frihet vilka följer som en röd tråd genom uppsatsen. / This essay examines temporary teachers working situation and the findings show that they fall outside organizations’ boundaries which leads to exclusion and poor working conditions. The temporary teachers exist in a trilateral relationship between them self, temporary work agencies and client companies. This could make the formal affiliation and sense of belonging differentiated. Nothing in the study suggests that the hired temporary teachers do not feel an affinity to the temporary work agency and thus we cannot conclude that this is the problem. The issue is rather that the client company and its employees do not see the hired temporary teachers as included within the organization. This creates exclusion. The temporary work agencies are growing stronger and this study is important since it highlights that the form of employment can have negative consequences and that the emotional aspects of the individual should be taken into account. The study is qualitative and has been executed by performing in-depth interviews. Due to the delicate nature of the subject to some parties the topic is somewhat difficult to study. Furthermore, it has been difficult to get hold of the people interviewed. The empirical data was analysed with theories based on three themes: belonging, security and freedom.

Jovens trabalhadores e o trabalho temporário nos bancos. Marechal Cândido Rondon (1970-2000) / Young workers and temporary work in banks in Marechal Cândido Rondon (1970-2000)

Silva, Marlene Rodrigues da 26 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:55:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marlene Rodrigues da Silva.pdf: 1562729 bytes, checksum: 5cbcb77eb751d20cb91ec30c3ff1246f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work has the objective of analyzing the work experiences and dynamics of banking trainees of Marechal Cândido Rondon. It is intended to understand how the trainees are interpreting their work, living and disputing the different uses and meanings of it. For such analysis, there were analyzed: interviews with the trainees from the Banco do Brasil and from Caixa Economica Federal; laws that are concerned to the bank work and its trainees; forms; newspaper and charges that express the dynamic of the work in banks in the last three decades. Taking this base, three basic elements are discussed: first, the changes occurred in the ways of doing and thinking the role as a bank trainee; second, an analysis in what consist the trainee activities, aiming to think about their work dynamic and, with this, looking for the understanding of their true role, that is, the trainee is an apprentice or a worker?; the last issue intends to discuss the meanings this work has to the trainees as well as to the agencies that are related to it. All these elements are analyzed with the intention of reflecting about the views presented to the young workers. The shape the work market seems to have nowadays, which is also lived by these temporary workers, is the temporality of the job and the difficulty of finding a permanent work. This issue is discussed in this text throughout the experience of the banking trainees, but it is related with the others forms of precarious and temporary work of the current work market / Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as experiências e dinâmicas de trabalho dos estagiários bancários de Marechal Cândido Rondon. Procurando compreender como os estagiários estão interpretando seu trabalho, o vivenciando e disputando seus usos e sentidos. Para tal análise foram analisadas entrevistas com os estagiários do Banco do Brasil e da Caixa Econômica Federal, leis que incidem sobre o trabalho dos bancários e estagiários, formulários, jornais e charges que expressam as dinâmicas de trabalho nos bancos nas ultimas três décadas. A partir disso são problematizados três elementos básicos: primeiro as mudanças ocorridas nas formas de se realizar e pensar o papel do estagiário no banco; segundo análise do que consistem as atividades do estagiário, procurando refletir sobre as dinâmicas de trabalho deles e com isso procurando compreender o seu verdadeiro papel, ou seja, aprendiz ou trabalhador?; o ultimo elemento problematiza os sentidos que esse trabalho possui para os estagiários e também para os órgãos que estão relacionados com o mesmo. Todos esses elementos são analisados na intenção de refletir sobre o cenário de trabalho apresentado aos jovens atualmente. O formato que o mercado de trabalho parece ter hoje e que também é vivenciado por esses trabalhadores temporários é a própria temporalidade do emprego e da dificuldade de se encontrar um trabalho permanente. Questão essa problematizada nesse texto na experiência dos estagiários bancários, mas que está relacionada com as demais formas de trabalho precário e temporário do atual mundo do trabalho

Podnikatelský plán / Business plan

Husák, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate the creation of a company business plan focused on mediating temporary jobs through the use of mobile applications and websites. Furthermore the thesis articulates, how the business plan serves to assess the project´s feasibility and evaluate the return on investment. The theoretical part describes the characteristics of the business as well as the methods of creating a business plan. In the practical part these discoveries are applied to the formation of a business plan. The paper will give a brief introduction of the company followed by a description of the business opportunities, company goals, market potential, competition analysis, market strategy, implementation plan, constructing a financial plan, return on investment calculations, and establishing conditions for success. The conclusion is devoted to an overall assessment of the business plan.

Att trivas men inte vilja stanna : Upplevelser av att vara anställd i en vikariepool hos ett bemanningsföretag, med fokus på organisationsriktad commitment och socialt stöd / To thrive but don’t want to stay : Perceptions of being employed in a pool of substitutes at a temporary work agency, focusing on organizational commitment and social support

Olofsson, Hanna, Johannesson, Sara January 2013 (has links)
En bemanningsanställd har sin dagliga arbetsplats ute hos ett klientföretag, och inte hos sin arbetsgivare. Detta kan göra att kontakten med arbetsgivaren försvagas, vilket kan skapa speciella förutsättningar för organisationsriktad commitment och socialt stöd. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur det upplevs att vara anställd i en vikariepool hos ett bemanningsföretag, med fokus på organisationsriktad commitment och socialt stöd. Frågeställningarna som ligger till grund för undersökningen är hur respondenterna upplever, och vad som påverkar respondenternas upplevelser av organisationsriktad commitment, samt hur respondenterna upplever, och vad som påverkar respondenternas upplevelser av socialt stöd. För att besvara frågeställningarna genomfördes intervjuer med sju anställda i en vikariepool hos ett bemanningsföretag. Resultatet visar att affektiv commitment är en betydande del av förklaringen till varför de för tillfället stannar kvar i bemanningsföretaget. Visst socialt stöd erhålls från bemanningsföretaget, medan annat föredras från arbetsplatserna. Det upplevs vara brist på informativt stöd, i form av information kring vad som gäller på respektive arbetsplats. Vidare visar resultatet att kontakten med samordningsansvarige är avgörande för såväl organisationsriktad commitment som socialt stöd. Upplevelsen av socialt stöd främjar upplevelsen av organisationsriktad commitment. Upplevelsen av socialt stöd påverkas av hur lång erfarenhet de har från arbetet inom kommunens skola och barnomsorg. Det framkommer också att synen på anställningens funktion påverkar upplevelsen av organisationsriktad commitment. / The daily workplace for a temporary agency worker takes place at a client company, and not at the employer. This can weaken the contact with the employer, which can create special conditions for organizational commitment and social support. The purpose of the study is to examine the perception of being employed in a pool of substitutes at a temporary work agency, focusing on organizational commitment and social support. The issues underlying the study are how the respondents perceive, and what influence their perceptions of organizational commitment to the temporary work agency, and how the respondents perceive and what influence their perceptions of social support from the temporary work agency. To answer the questions, interviews were conducted with seven employees in a pool of substitutes at a temporary work agency. The results show that affective commitment is a considerable part of the reason why they currently remain in the agency. Some social support is received from the temporary work agency, while other is preferred from the workplaces. A lack of informational support is perceived, regarding information about the routines in each workplace. Furthermore the results show that the contact with the coordinator is essential for organizational commitment as well as for social support. The perception of social support promotes the perception of organizational commitment. The perception of social support is influenced by the length of experience they have from working in the municipal schools and childcare. It also emerges that the view of the function of the employment influences the perception of organizational commitment.

Bemanningspersonal - ett personaletiskt skyddsnät : En studie om kundföretags syn på bemanningspersonal / Temporary workers - A staff ethical safety net : A study about costumer companies view on temporary workers

Carlsson, Linnéa, Consoli, Isabella January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Studiens syfte var att identifiera teoretiska begrepp för att kunna förstå kundföretags till synes konsumtionsinriktade hantering av bemanningspersonal. Vidare ämnar studien beskriva den förändrade personaletiken gällande bemanningspersonal, vilken verkar ligga till grund för hanteringen av personalgruppen. Teori: Inledande presenteras bemanningsbranschens premisser. För att förstå kundföretags ”syn på” bemanningspersonal anammade studien tre perspektiv för att försöka förstå problemformuleringen. Dessa var HRM, Flexibilitet och Ekonomi. Metod: Empirin samlades in med hjälp av semistrukturerade informantintervjuer. Totalt deltog tre kundföretag och 9 informanter i studien. Dessa ombads inledande att tala fritt om några utvalda ämnen med hjälp av ledord. Senare ombads de associera fritt kring begrepp i relation till bemanningspersonal. Resultat: Studien fastställer att kundföretags ”syn på” bemanningspersonal är personaletiskt politisk god men att hanteringen av bemanningspersonal innehåller dimensioner av nyttjande i övergång till utnyttjande. Vilket bildligt liknar konsumtion. / Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify theoretical concept to better understand customer companies* consumption like behavior of temporary workers. Further on the study wished to describe the seemingly changed employee’s ethics for temporary workers, which seems to be the basis for employers handling. Theory: Initial the premise for temporary work is introduced. To understand the customer companies this study took on three perspectives trying to understand the problem question. These perspectives were HRM, Flexibility and Economics. Method: The empirical material was gathered through semi structured interviews. In total three customer companies were represented and nine interviews conducted. The informants were told to freely talk about a few selected topics with the help of catchwords. Further on, the informants were asked to associate some concept in relation to temporary workers. Findings: This study conducts that the view of customer companies are in line with what can be called employers politic ethics. Thus, the temporary workers management includes several dimensions in which use transform in to exploit. That in which this study conducts can resemble consumption. *Costumer company/user company; referring to an organization using temporary workers.

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