Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tenant.""
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Hur ska fastighetsägare bemöta hyresgästersframtida behov? : En studie avseende digitalisering och desspåverkan på kontorslokaler. / How should property owners meet tenants'future needs? : - A study on digitalization and itsimpact on offices.Budak, Mehmet, Andersson, Lukas January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet har varit att undersöka hur digitalisering påverkar olika företag och därmed upplysa Fastighets AB L E Lundberg om deras befintliga hyresgäster får förändrade beteenden inom verksamheten som på sikt kan leda till förändrade lokalbehov. Detta för att informera Fastighets AB L E Lundberg om de behöver se över affärsmodellen med långa avtalstider som kan bli ohållbart i framtiden. Studiens resultat bygger på svar från intervjupersoner som representerar de olika företagen som hyr kommersiella lokaler av Fastighets AB L E Lundberg. Totalt intervjuades nio företag, varav ett företag intervjuades över elektroniskt källa. Intervjuerna gick ut på att intervjupersonerna fick svara på en enkät som innehöll frågor om ”digitalisering” då – och nutid samt ”fastighet” då – och nutid. Resultatet visar att alla företag är medvetna om begreppet digitalisering och har ändrat någon del av verksamheten åt det digitala hållet. En del företag, beroende på verksamhet, har påverkats mer internt medan andra företag har påverkats mer externt mot kund och omvärld. Enligt resultatet kommer digitalisering att påverka företag i allt större utsträckning i framtiden och ställa högre krav på fastighetsägarens affärsmodell med långa kontraktstider. / The purpose of the study has been to investigate how digitalization affects different companies and thus inform Fastighets AB L E Lundberg if their existing tenants get changed behaviors within the business which in the long term can lead to changed facillity needs. This is to inform Fastighets AB L E Lundberg if they need to revise the business model with long contractual periods that may become unsustainable in the future. The study's results are based on responses from interviewees who represent the various companies that rent commercial premises by Fastighets AB L E Lundberg. A total of nine companies were interviewed, of which a company was interviewed via electronic source. The interviews suggested that the interviewees answer a questionnaire that contained questions about "digitalization" then - and presently as well as "real estate" then - and presently. The result shows that all companies are aware of the concept of digitalization and have changed some part of the business in the digital way. Some companies, depending on their business, have been affected more internally while other companies have been affected more externally to customers and environment. According to the result digitalization will affect companies to an increasing extent in the future and impose higher demands on the property owner's business model with long contract times.
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Tenant involvement in the organisational structures of housing associations in england : exploring the barriers 2000-2008Hay, Deborah January 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores the barriers to effective tenant involvement at an organisational level in housing associations by tracking, over a long period of time, the experience of tenants who get involved in the forums, panels and boards of housing associations. The focus of the research is the relationship between the tenants and the professional staff, in corporate environments where delivery of a user-focused service is purported to be the shared goal. The aim has been to explore with tenants and staff their experiences of trying to make tenant involvement work at a strategic level within the organisation. My research seeks (a) to unravel the methods used by the different actors to influence activities and outcomes, and (b) to examine their effects on the power balance in and between the groups of people in question. Clegg’s 1989 ‘Circuits of power’ theory is used to plot and analyse the processes involved in the transformation (or not) of power within the culture and practice of tenant involvement and the empowerment (or not) of the tenants who work with staff at the heart of these corporate cultures. In addition I use Somerville’s 1998 typology of empowerment to illustrate the potential for organisational change. I gather a wide range of material, using a detailed questionnaire, 17 case studies plus a further three of national level involvement initiatives, and an analysis of 112 Housing Corporation and Audit Commission inspection reports (from 2003 and 2008). To this I add my own experience as a participant observer in a range of settings over the period. This thesis is intended to shed some light on why the same barriers continue to exist and why so many involved tenants and their housing associations are still struggling to make involvement really make a difference at this level, despite a decade of intensive regulations and inspection of involvement activities.
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Hyressättningsprocessen efter omfattande renoveringar : hur den påverkar de berörda hyresgästernas välmåendeHenriksson, Rasmus, Kopp, Albin January 2016 (has links)
In recent years, the number of renovations of apartment buildings from the Swedish million homes programme has increased significantly. The renovations have resulted in major increases in standard of the apartments built half a century ago, and has thus resulted in substantial rent increases. In the past, the so called “Allbolag” prevented private property owners from charging rents above market rents, since the public property sector was rent normative. Since this law was amended in 2011, a greater interest was shown in the renovation of million programme apartment buildings since extensive renovations got more profitable than ever before. With a major rent increase as a result of the renovations it is a hot topic in the Swedish housing policy debate. Opinions differ in the debate where property owners see opportunities for increased value and profit in the properties, while the individual tenant has to deal with major rent increases, which in some cases rises up towards 80 percent. The tenants affected by the extensive renovations, and thus also the significant rent increases that follow, are affected not only economically but also on a personal and social level. People living in million programme apartments are fully aware of the consequences of a major refurbishment, and they also know that they have no power to influence the outcome or extent of the actions. This causes mental and, in some cases, physical stress on the individuals who have to live with the knowledge of that they eventually might be forced to move from their homes because of their inability to pay the rent. Your home is a hub for everything that is essential in life and it is where social networks of family, relatives and friends, work, school, health care and more are maintained, but when your home ceases to be a place where you can feel safe and secure it affects every factor in these networks. The purpose of this paper is to describe and explain how a rent-setting process after an extensive renovation of Swedish million programme homes is conducted, and to describe how the affected tenants' well-being, in terms of anxiety and insecurity, are affected by this process. To achieve the purpose, we have conducted a qualitative survey through personal interviews which covers two tenants both of whom are affected by the problem, and two individuals who, on a daily basis, work with this problem and are well versed in the subject. Results that emerged from the study is that the rent setting system in the case of extensive renovations are not adapted for today's housing market, and that it therefore poses a problem. Tenants are virtually powerless when it comes to renovations of their apartments and their choices are to either keep their home and try to cope with the new rent, or move to a cheaper area which has not yet been renovated. The entire process, starting when the tenant learns about the planned renovation, until the project is completed has been shown to cause psychological problems for the individual, no matter if he chooses to stay put or move away. The study also shows that tenants undergoing a renovation process feel insecure in their home and that they also feel anxious and worried about the future of their living situation. / På senare år har antalet renoveringar av flerbostadshus från miljonprogrammet ökat markant. Renoveringarna har medfört stora standardhöjningar i de över 50 år gamla lägenheterna, och har därmed resulterat i kraftiga hyreshöjningar. Tidigare hindrade Allbolagen privata fastighetsägare från att ta ut oskäligt stora hyresbelopp eftersom de allmännyttiga fastighetsbolagen då var hyresnormerande, men sedan denna lag ändrades år 2011 har ett större intresse för renoveringar av miljonprogrammets flerbostadshus väckts. Omfattande renoveringar är i dagsläget än mer lönsamma än tidigare, och med kraftiga hyreshöjningar som följd är det ett hett debatterat ämne i media. Åsikterna går isär i debatten där fastighetsägare ser möjligheter till ökat värde och vinst i fastigheterna, medan den enskilde individen tvingas på hyreshöjningar som i vissa fall blir så kraftiga som upp emot 80 procent. De hyresgäster som berörs av omfattande renoveringar, och därmed också de markanta hyreshöjningar som följer av dem, påverkas inte bara ekonomiskt utan även på ett personligt och socialt plan. Boende i miljonprogramslägenheter vet vad konsekvenserna av en omfattande renovering blir, och de vet också att de själva inte har någon chans att påverka resultatet eller omfattningen av den. Detta innebär en psykisk och, i vissa fall, fysisk påfrestning på individerna som tvingas leva med vetskapen om att de så småningom kan tvingas flytta ifrån sina hem på grund av oförmåga att betala hyran. Hemmet är en knytpunkt för allt som är centralt i livet och det är därifrån kontaktnätet till familj, släkt och vänner, arbete, skola, sjukvård med mera utgår, och när hemmet upphör att vara en plats där man kan känna sig trygg och säker i sin tillvaro påverkar det samtliga faktorer i detta kontaktnät. Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och förklara hur en hyressättningsprocess efter en omfattande renovering gällande flerbostadshus från miljonprogrammet går till, samt redogöra för hur de berörda hyresgästernas välmående, sett till oro och otrygghet, påverkas av denna process. För att uppnå syftet har vi genomfört en kvalitativ undersökning vilken genomfördes med hjälp av personliga intervjuer. Undersökningen omfattar två hyresrättsinnehavare som själva är drabbade av problemet samt två personer som dagligen arbetar med detta problem och är väl insatta i ämnet. Resultat som framkommit är att hyressättningssystemet vid omfattande renoveringar inte är anpassat för dagens bostadsmarknad och att det därmed medför problem. Hyresgäster är i stort sett maktlösa när det kommer till renoveringar av deras lägenheter och deras val står mellan att bo kvar och försöka klara av den nya hyran, eller flytta till ett billigare område som ännu inte renoverats. Hela processen från det att hyresgästen får reda på renoveringen tills projektet är genomfört har visat sig medföra psykiska problem för individen oavsett vad denne väljer att göra. Studien visar på att hyresgäster som genomgår en renoveringsprocess känner sig otrygga i sin hemvist och upplever en oro över hur deras framtid kommer att se ut.
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En applikation för kommunikation mellan fastighetsägare och hyresgäst vid åtgärder i fastighetens styrsystemGådin, Erik, Kylmänen, Ester, Sjöholm, Markus, Tamm, Matilda January 2019 (has links)
Utvecklingen av större städer förhindras för närvarande av kapacitetsbrist i elnätet. För dagens moderna samhälle är det inte rimligt att bygga nya fastigheter utan en garanti av tillgång till energi, både under byggnationen och det senare underhållet. Marknadsaktörer som belastar elnätet samtidigt är ett exempel på vad som leder till dessa överbelastade nät. Städernas totala energiförbrukning behöver inte nödvändigtvis justeras. Snarare måste förbrukningen under högbelastade tidpunkter flyttas till tidpunkter då belastningen är mindre, – näten måste alltså användas smartare. Detta innebär mycket ansvar för fastighetsägare som har stor inverkan på energiförbrukningen, eftersom dem har möjligheten att styra förbrukningen i sina fastigheter. Därför var syftet med projektet att låta fastighetsägarna på ett lätthanterlig och bekvämt sätt informera sina hyresgäster om förändringar som utförs i fastigheterna. Resultatet var implementation av ett tillägg till en mobilapplikation och i form av en molnbaserad databas, vilken kunde uppkopplas till fastighetens styrsystem. Vidare finns även möjlighet för fastighetsägare att ge hyresgäster förslag på vad de själva kan bidra med för att minska energianvändningen. Vår lösning kommer inte lösa hela kapacitetsbristen i elnäten, utan det är snarare en dellösning och ett steg närmre en smartare elanvändning och ett ändrat användarbeteende. En lösning som inte kräver utbyggnad av elnätet. / The development of larger cities is currently prevented by congested electricity grids. In today's modern society, it is not sensible to build new real estates without a guarantee of access to energy, both during the construction and the maintenance. Market participants who utilize the power grid simultaneously is an example of what leads to these congested grids. The cities' total energy consumption does not necessarily need be adjusted. Rather, the times of usage must be. This puts a great deal of responsibility on property owners who have a big impact on the energy consumption, because they have the power to control the consumption in their properties. Therefore, the purpose of the project was to allow the property owners in an easy-to-manage and convenient manner to inform their tenants of changes made inside the properties. The result was the implementation of an add on to a mobile application in the form of a cloud-based database, which could be connected to the database of the property's control system. Furthermore, through the application property owners can give tenants suggestions on how they can contribute to reduce energy use. Our solution will not solve the entire capacity shortage in the grids, but rather it is a partial solution and one step closer to a smarter electricity use and a changed user behaviour. A solution that does not require expansion of the power grid.
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Influence and Invisibility : Tenants in Housing Provision in Mwanza City, TanzaniaCadstedt, Jenny January 2006 (has links)
A high proportion of urban residents in Tanzanian cities are tenants who rent rooms in privately owned houses in unplanned settlements. However, in housing policy and in urban planning rental tenure gets very little attention. This study focuses on the reasons for and consequences of this discrepancy between policy and practice. Perspectives and actions of different actors involved in the housing provision process in Mwanza City, Tanzania, have been central to the research. The examined actors are residents in various housing tenure forms as well as government officials and representatives at different levels, from the neighbourhood level to UN-Habitat. The main methods have been interviews and discussions with actors as well as studies of policy documents, laws and plans. Among government actors, private rental tenure is largely seen as an issue between landlords and tenants. Tanzanian housing policy focuses more on land for housing than on shelter. This means that house-owners who control land have a more important role in urban planning and policies than tenants have. In Tanzania in general and in Mwanza in particular, housing policy focuses on residents’ involvement in upgrading unplanned areas by organising in Community Based Organisations. This means that owners who live for a longer period in an area benefit more from settlement improvements than tenants. Tenants are relatively mobile and do not take for granted that they will stay in the same house for long. This raises the question of tenants’ possibilities to influence as well as their rights as citizens as compared to that of owners. The question of citizens’ rights for dwellers in informal settlements has received increased attention during the last years in international housing policy discussions. There is an evident need to intensify and diversify this discussion.
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The changing pattern of dependency of a residents' organization : from initiation to consolidation /Lo, Kwok-kuen. January 1986 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.W.)--University of Hong Kong, 1986.
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A dilemma for public housing sitting tenants: to buy or not to buyHon, Hak-chan, Stephen., 韓克燦. January 1998 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Housing Management / Master / Master of Housing Management
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Resident organization at the crossroads : illustrations from three resident associations in Kwai Tsing District /Wong, Yuk-lin, Renita. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.W.)--University of Hong Kong, 1990.
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Demand for office space in the vicinity of a newly established commercial space / Efterfrågan på kontorslokaler i närområdet av en nyetablerad handelsplatsLjungberg, Charlotte, Jeng, Michelle January 2016 (has links)
The locations surrounding is a primary factor for office tenants when chosing space. What makes the location attractive, however, depends on a number of factors for instance the office tenants' individual preferences. This thesis aims to Explain how an area and it’s surrounding office buildings are affected by the establishment of a new commercial space. Futhermore, we have more closely studied Mood Stockholm which is one of the newest and most exciting commercial spaces in Stockholm. The area around Mood Stockholm was previously forgotten and lacked movement of people. Even though the property is located in Stockholm CBD which generally has a high demand and market rents, the property’s vicinity was not that attractive. The results of this study shows that the commercial space has brought life into the area by bringing an increase of people and in turn a higher number of urban activities and services. The general street environment has also been improved. It can therefore be concluded that the commercial space has increased the area's attractiveness. The results also showed that the establishment of Mood Stockholm has increased the activity and movement in the area. This in turn has created a safer environment in the neighborhood. The establishment of the commercial space has Also led to a higher demand for office premises in the neighborhood and increased rent levels. It has also been found that the area has gone from a level –B area to a level--‐A area which indicates an increased willingness to pay a higher price for the rented space. The attractiveness of the area, however, has also been affected by other factors where cooperation between property owners in the area have been shown to have a significant impact on the area's development.
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Community development: the use of corporate social responsibility initiatives by shopping centre landlordsAdanlawo, Eyitayo Francis January 2017 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Arts in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Masters in Communication Science in the Department of Communication Science at the University of Zululand, 2017 / The growing power of shopping centres within communities has changed the economic landscape and has also attracted concerns from society. This has inspired an increasing call for shopping centres landlords to play a substantial role in community development. This study explores the relationship between shopping centres landlords and the communities in which they reside-in with regards to corporate social responsibilities. The study is based on the premise that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives are seen as mandatory by shopping centres landlords as to ask what their contributions are to achieving sustainable development and improving the lives of people living in the local communities. In this regard, the study examines the role that shopping centres landlords play in bringing development to their various communities through CSR. The focus is on three shopping centres: Empangeni Sanlam Centre, Esikhawini Mall and Richards Bay Boardwalk Inkwazi Shopping Centre within uThungulu District Municipality. Relational theory and transactional model theory are used to develop a model for shopping centres landlords to embrace CSR as a tool to community development. This study employs a survey method which was conducted among the management of the centres and residents of Empangeni, Esikhawini and Richards Bay. The results of the study indicate that CSR initiatives embarked upon by shopping centres landlords through their management team are not communicated to the local community residents. This brings a gap in communication between the landlords and the local community residents. The practical implications of this finding showed that the model proposed for this study is promising in solving communication problem hindering CSR initiatives implementation.
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