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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A genre-based pedagogical approach to teaching writing with reference to isiZulu texts

Zondi, Wilson Thembinkosi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This assignment examines isiZulu texts within the framework of text-linguistic theories by various scholars and researchers, which illustrate linguistic elements that can be incorporated into the teaching methodology of writing. Appropriately applied, these elements can develop learners' analytical skills as advanced in Curriculum 2005 in the languages learning area. A text-linguistic analysis of isiZulu newspaper texts on current affairs from different editions of Ilanga newspaper has been performed. This analysis reveals that text construction reflects generic factors such as the economic and social status of the community, its culture, which influence the communicative purpose. An attempt is made to investigate in detail the parameters of the ethnography of writing as advanced by Grabe and Kaplan (1996). These parameters are: who, rites, what, to whom, for what purpose, why, when and how. It is argued that once the learner has mastered the parameters for text construction and analysis, he/she will be better equipped to achieve the learning outcomes specified for writing of Curriculum 2005. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek tekste in isiZulu binne die raamwerk van die tekslinguistiese teorieë van verskillende navorsers wat illustreer hoe tekslinguistiese elemente en eienskappe ingesluit kan word in die onderrigmetodologie van skryfvaardigheid. Indien hierdie onderrigmetodologie doeltreffend toegepas word, kan die bemeestering van hierdie elemente leerders se analitiese vaardighede ontwikkel, soos wat bepaal word in die leerarea vir tale van Kurrikulum 2005. 'n Tekslinguistiese analise van koerantartikels oor huidige gebeurtenisse vanuit verskillende uitgawes van die Ilanga koerant is uitgevoer in hierdie studie. Hierdie analises het aangetoon dat tekskonstruksie van isiZulu bepaalde generiese faktore reflekteer, soos die ekonomiese en sosiale status van 'n gemeenskap, wat weer die skrywer se kommunikatiewe doelstelling beïnvloed. Die studie poog om 'n in-diepte analise te maak van die parameters van die etnografie van skryf soos voorgestaan deur Grabe en Kaplan ten opsigte van die isiZulu tekste. Hierdie parameters word soos volg gestel: Wie skryf wat, aan wie, vir watter doel, hoekom, wanneer en hoe. Dit word geargumenteer dat as leerders van isiZulu eers die parameters vir tekskonstruksie bemeester het, sal hy/sy beter in staat wees om die leeruitkomste vir skryfvaardigheid te bereik, soos gespesifiseer in Kurrikulum 2005. / OKUCASHUNIWE Le-thesisi iqukethe izinhlobonhlobo zama-thiyori aqhamuka nongqondongqondo bezifundiswa, nabacwaningi abehlukene abasebenzisa izinhla zenkulumo ezingafakwa emaswini okufundisa ukubhala. Uma engase asetshenziswe ngokuyikho lama-thiyori mhlawumbe lingakhuphuka izinga labafundi lokuhlahlela imibhalo njengokulangazelelwa ngumnyango wezilimi kuKharikhulamu 2005. Kuyole-thesisi kunohlahlelo lwemibhalo yesi Zulu olwenziweyo. Lemibhalo ibika ngezigameko zemihla namalanga eziqhamuka ezinhleni ezahlukene zephephandaba il.anga. Loluhlahlelo luveza ukuthi isakhiwo sombhalo noma itekisi (text) elithize, siqukethe inhlalompilo yabantu, ezomnotho, amasiko, kanye nenjongo yalowombhalo. Ngokusho kuka-Grabe and Kaplan (1996), umbhalo kufanele uchaze phela ukuthi : Ngubani obhalela bani, ini, ngasizathu sini, kwenzenjani, nini, kanjani? Uma umfundi engase akwazi ukuphendula okusambuzo ngenxa ngenkathi ebumba noma ehlaziya umbhalo, kuyobe izimfuno zika-Kharikhulamu 2005 sezembulekile kuye.

Läromedel i Samhällskunskap - En textanalys ur ett mångkulturellt samt interkulturellt perspektiv

Boman, Helena January 2006 (has links)
<p>This survey is a text analysis of 4 teaching books during a ten years period in Social studies from a multicultural and intercultural perspective. Taking as a starting point that society and the school in today’s Sweden are multicultural and in need of more intercultural teaching I explore teaching books in social science to se how they relate to Sweden as a multicultural society and their way of relating to intercultural teachings and compare them. The questions asked are: How do the different books describe the multicultural society in Sweden? What kind of intercultural tools are found in the books? And are there any similarities or differences among these books? The theories used as a starting point are reformulated by the author after theories of Von Wright and Lahdenperä to fit in to the context of a text analysis of teaching books and the method used is a content analysis with its purpose of describing how the books are constructed. I have found that two older books from ten years ago are not describing Sweden as a multicultural society and are not including people with different origin as a natural part of the society. I have also found that there are not much intercultural tools used for increasing the reader’s intercultural understanding. In two older books from 1994 there is a tendency to stereotype people with different origins in and to not describe them as participant members of society. The newer books from 2004 and 2005 are more describing Sweden as a multicultural society both directly and indirectly and they are including people with different origins to be a participant part of the society. It is also reflected that there is always a risk for stereotyping different groups in society by discussing problems but that there are different ways considered to avoid that. The books from today are both using more intercultural tools to increase the reader’s intercultural understanding in different ways.</p>

Latinamerikansk befrielseteologi i fem läroböcker : En textanalytisk studie av fem läroböcker i religion för gymnasiet / Latinamerican Liberation Theology in Five Textbooks : A Text Analysis of Five Textbooks in Religion of Upper Secondary School

Westh Emanuelsson, Berith January 2014 (has links)
Den latinamerikanska befrielseteologin är en kristen teologi som har sitt ursprung i slutet av 1960 och vill befria de fattiga och förtryckta människor i latinamerika. Denna rörelse uppstod på grund av sociola orättvisor, fattigdom och mänskliga rättigheter i utvecklingsländer i Sydamerika och har kritiserats av den romersk-katolska kyrkan. Därför, från ett pedagogiskt perspektiv, är det en intressant fråga om denna teologi är representerad i läroböcker i religionsämnet. Syftet med denna studie är att analysera om den latinamerikanska befrielseteologin är presenterad i läroböckerna. Denna forskning bygger på fem läroböcker som har granskats genom en textanalys och en enkel kvantitativ analys för att besvara studiens frågor. Resultatet visar att latinamerikanska befrielseteologin presenteras i de analyserade läroböckerna, men mämns inte vid namn i de två senast skrivna. / The Latin America liberation theology is a Christian theology that originate in the late 1960s regarding the liberation of the poor and oppressed people of Latin America. This independent movement emerged due to issues of social injustice, poverty and humans rights in underdeveloped societies of South America and has been criticized by the Roman Catholic Church Therefore, from a pedagogical point of view, it is an interesting question if this theology is represented in teaching material when it comes to the subject religion. The aim of this study is to analyze if the Latin American liberation theology is expressed in Swedish schoolbooks. This research is based on five textbooks, which have been reviewed by a coparative textual analysis and a simple quantitative analysis to answer the study questions. The result shows that Latin American liberation theology is presented in the analyzed textbooks, but is not mentioned by name in the two most recently written ones.

"I think of crime when I´m in a N.Y state of mind" : Hur hiphopmusik utrycker det amerikanska samhället.

Arutyunyan, Anna, Cankalp, Stefan January 2015 (has links)
This bachelor thesis examine how the early hip-hop music mirrors the society in the US ghettos in the 80s and 90s in order to explore how the artists' individual experiences take the expression in artistic form of coherent discourse on public issues. It uses structural textual analysis thatencode and analyze lyrics from ten hip-hop songs. The material was studied with the help of Elias and Scotsons theories established and outsiders, Bourdieu's capital types, field and habitus, and postcolonial theory that Eriksson, Eriksson Baaz and Thorn highlights in there book GlobaliseringensKulturer. The survey shows that the songs we analyzed tells of similar problems, which we divided into five themes: crime, poverty, ideals, discrimination and depression. In this way, we concluded that there are common patterns in the songs we chose. In conclusion, the study shows that the analyzed songs express the artists’, both individual problems such as depression, poverty, criminality in an artistic form. But also other issues such as discrimination and racism in a larger level. / Den här studien undersöker hur tidig hiphop speglar samhället i USAs förorter på 80- och 90 talet i syfte att utforska hur artisternas individuella upplevelser tar sig utryck i konstnärlig form i sammanhängande diskurser om allmänna samhällsproblem.    Metoden består utav strukturalistisk textanalys, där texter från hiphopmusik kodas och analyseras. Teorier som använts består utav Elias och Scotsons teorier kring etablerade och outsiders, Bourdieus kapital typer, fält och habitus samt postkolonial teori som Eriksson, Eriksson Baaz och Thörn behandlar i Globaliseringens Kulturer. Undersökningen visar att artisterna berättar om liknade problem och teman i sina låtar som beskrivs efter: kriminalitet, fattigdom, ideal, diskriminering och depression. Slutsatserna som studien drar består av hur låttexterna blir utryck i konstnärlig from sådant som artisternas individuella problem som depression, fattigdom, kriminalitet samt tar upp saker som diskriminering och rasism på ett större makro nivå.

Training the Theatre Artist

White, Sullivan Canaday 01 January 2007 (has links)
While most undergraduate theatre programs value the concept that their students should be acquainted with all areas of theatre, (acting, directing, design, playwrighting), they implement it by asking students to take classes in each area of specialization, which can reinforce the natural division between the fields. This thesis aims to create four courses that would be a part of a larger undergraduate curriculum that focus upon training the theatre student in a holistic manner through developing knowledge and skill in all fields of the theatre simultaneously and within a single class. Significantly, this process begins with a course in collaboration that consciously draws attention to the components and abilities necessary for fruitful ensemble work. Students participate in non-hierarchical methods for creating theatre and then apply these same concepts to the elements (actor, text, light, sound, etc.) that contribute to creating theatrical moments. This type of training encourages students to view themselves not just as an actor or director or designer or playwright, but as theatre artists who have a sense of ownership of the knowledge of how these various fields work together within him or herself, but also within the theatre as a whole. My experience has been that after such courses students have an even greater sense of respect for what it means to make theatre with a group of people, and as theatre is never done in isolation, this is a step toward more empowered theatre artists.

"Hade mamma börjat dricka igen?" : En litteraturstudie av missbruk och psykisk ohälsa ur ett barnperspektiv / "Had Mum started drinking again?" : A literary analysis of substance abuse and mental ill health from a child`s perspective.

Wångelid, Ida, Kyntäjä, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how substance abuse and mental illnesses are portrayed in children’s literature from a child’s perspective. To achieve the aim, text analyses were performed on four selected works of children’s literature. The question asked is: in what way can the selected books function to support pupils in problematic family circumstances? The scientific approach of the study is hermeneutic. Hermeneutics means the theory of interpretation and concerns the creation of meaning and understanding through interpretations of texts. The analyses proceed from a hermeneutic model. The model shows how different components go together in the interpretation of a text. In the analyses the children’s literature is set in relation to the background chapter, which shows what the reality is like. The discussion considers the analyses in greater depth with the aid of the theory in order to investigate how readers with similar experiences can perceive and be affected by literature. We chose to design the study in this way because it reflects the hermeneutics. The results of the study show that the selected literature can affect the reader. The theory shows that people have a tendency to recognize themselves in literature and see their own problems at a distance, which helps the reader in real life. Through the literature the reader’s conceptual world can be expanded by new insights into their surroundings. The conclusions drawn in the study are that it is important to work with the Convention on the Rights of the Child in school, to explain to children that adults are not always in good health, and that children have a right to be children.

Förintelsen i gymnasieskolans läroböcker -En läroboksanalys om Förintelsens framställning i läroböcker för Lpf 94 och Lgy 11

Stenvall, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The main purpose of this paper is to examine how the Holocaust is presented in textbooks, and if there are any differences in the textbooks since the Holocaust got more attention in the Swedish society. Six different textbooks, written for the two latest curriculums, are the empirical material for this study. They have been analyzed by using Ammerts theoretical perspective about four different ways of presenting the content in textbooks, and historical culture. The method for this study is a qualitative text analysis. The analysis shows that textbooks seem to have simplified presentations of the Holocaust. In the textbooks for the latest curriculum, the Holocaust is presented as a historical event that could be compared with other events in the past. Another difference is that authors for the newer textbooks presents the content by using values. The content about the Holocaust in the newer textbooks has also expanded. One possible reason could be that the authors would like to offer a more detailed explanation of the Holocaust. Another motive may be that generations that grew up after genocide has occurred see themselves as responsible to provide something similar to happen again. In relation to other countries, the historical culture in Swedish textbooks is different. It seems to be typical for Swedish textbooks to present how the Jews and other minorities were affected by the Holocaust. This could lead to make the students understand the value of the Holocaust, and preserve its place in the historical culture that exists in our society.

Learners' perspectives on the incorporation of the everyday in Mathematics

Sethole, Ismael Godfrey 08 November 2006 (has links)
Student Number: 0111229X. PhD Thesis. Faculty of Science. School of Education / This study is part of a larger national study, the Learners’ Perspectives Study. The main focus of this particular study is to explore, describe and explain learners’ perspectives regarding the incorporation of the everyday in mathematics. Two Grade 8 mathematics classrooms in two different schools, Umhlanga and Settlers are used as sites for empirical data. Learners’ perspectives are sought through a series of post-lesson interviews with different groups of learners for lessons in which the everyday was summoned for a mathematics lesson. During these interviews, learners whether 1. They welcomed or appreciated the use of the everyday in class or not and 2. The everyday inhibited or enabled easy access to mathematics content. In order to understand the background against which these perspectives are held, mathematics lessons wherein the everyday was incorporated were observed, recorded and transcribed. In addition, teachers’ views about these lessons were explored through interviews and activities which incorporated the everyday were analysed. I used Bernstein’s notions of classification and framing as a theoretical lens through which to account for my observations. It became necessary though, to supplement these through Dowling’s domains of text analysis (esoteric, expressive, public and descriptive). I also introduced the notion of authentic/inauthentic and close/far descriptions. It is a combination of these three broad theoretical frameworks which assisted in the provision of a comprehensive theoretical account. The significance of mathematics-everyday aspect in mathematics education is highlighted by the number of studies, as discussed in the study, and different orientations from which this aspect is engaged. What can be teased out of these studies is that mathematics education debates are seldom informed by the learners’ perspectives. The study suggests that most of the learners who participated in the interviews welcomed and appreciated the use of the everyday in mathematics. However, most learners (particularly from Umhlanga) viewed mathematics as a platform to raise genuine concerns about the everyday used. In contrast, some learners (particularly from Settlers) viewed the everyday as vehicles or see-throughs towards the mathematics content. What this study viii suggests is that, firstly, the everyday is multifaceted and the nature of the context summoned tends to influence views learners hold about the role of the everyday in mathematics. Secondly, the study suggests that learners’ perspectives about the everyday cannot be divorced from the classroom context in which they encounter these everyday contexts.

Traces in and out: a deconstructionist reading of English translations of Jacques Prevert's Paroles (1946/7)

Malabo, Diane 03 March 2010 (has links)
Abstract This study is a comparative analysis of selected poems from Jacques Prévert’s Paroles (1946/1947). It is an application of a mainstreamed theoretical paradigm comprising deconstruction, hermeneutics and relevance. The overall aim is to show how each translator of Jacques Prévert derived latent and relatively obvious semantic possibilities from the ST. This objective is attained through a descriptive analysis of the translation process, and an attempt to interpret the findings thereby revealed, primarily according to the tenets of deconstruction, and according to the tenets of hermeneutics and relevance if possible. The theoretical model that grounds the study is a non-reductionist, non-prescriptivist and non-evaluative. That is the reason why the traditional terminology associated with some of the theoretical aspects mainstreamed in the model have been adapted to fit in with the general aim of the study. Actual reading experiences hardly entail a consecutive reading of more than one text. But this research is like a laboratory experiment; it tests the applicability of integrated [theoretical] formulae to a hypothetical case, the consecutive reading of selected poems from Paroles (1946/1947) and their English translations.

Holy day effects on language: How religious geography, individual affiliation and day of the week relate to sentiment and topics on Twitter

Kramer, Stephanie 10 April 2018 (has links)
Religious belief and attendance predict improved well-being at the individual level. Paradoxically, geographic locations with high rates of religious belief and attendance are often those with the differentially high rates of societal instability and suffering. Many of the consequences of religiosity are context-based and vary across time, and holy days are naturally-occurring religious cues that have been shown to influence religiously-relevant attitudes and behaviors. I investigated the degree to which personal religiosity and religious geography (i.e. religious demographics with other location variables) individually and interactively predict well-being across days of the week. In the first study, American Christians demonstrated greater well-being by expressing more positive sentiment in Twitter posts, while American Muslims displayed less well-being. Sundays were generally the most positive day, but American Muslims communicated more happiness on Fridays (the Muslim holy day). In the second study, Christianity did not predict increased well-being in the posts of college students. In the third study, global survey data with measures of religiosity and well-being indicated that the well-being consequences of religious affiliation depend on the religious group and location, and that people tend to be especially positive on their group’s holy day. Study four explored the latent topical content of Twitter posts. Across studies, religious minority status appeared to have a deleterious effect on well-being.

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