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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bybel as problematiese teks: ’n kritiese ontleding aan die hand van polemieke in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: van Johannes du Plessis tot Ferdinand Deist en Willem Vorster (1920–2000) / The Bible as a problematic text: a critical analysis based on controversies in the Dutch Reformed Church: from Johannes du Plessis to Ferdinand Deist and Willem Vorster (1920–2000)

Conradie, A. F. 05 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, with summaries in Afrikaans and English / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 383-403) / Die woordestryd oor goddelike inspirasie van alles wat in die Bybel staan, as gevolg van die uitgesproke stellings van Johannes Du Plessis, het tot ‘n krisis gelei wat as baken in die annale van die Ned. Geref. Kerk beskou word. Die meeste van sy standpunte word vandag as waarheid aanvaar en hy het bygedra tot die intellektuele debat oor die Bybel as Woord van God wat vandag nog aangaan. Du Plessis se herkoms, opleiding en verdienste as predikant en saakgelastigde van die Kerk word kortliks bespreek. Hy was die talentvolle seun en enigste kind van 'n Afrikaanse predikant en 'n Engelse vrou, die dogter van 'n sendeling van die LMS. Hy word professor aan die Kweekskool en met kennis opgedoen tydens verdere studie oorsee, het hy gewys op dele van die Bybel wat nie aan goddelike inspirasie toegeskryf kan word nie. Hy het dit ook duidelik gestel dat hy as teoloog en leermeester nie kon glo sonder om te probeer verstaan nie. Hy het sy bevindinge bekend gemaak in Het Zoeklicht, 'n maandblad wat bedoel was om as soeklig te dien om verskillende vorms van “duisternis” in beide godsdiens en die politiek, betref, aan die lig te bring. Oortuig van die waarde van die Hoër Kritiek, het hy dit as sy plig geag om wat hy deur wye leeswerk en kritiese ondersoek rakende die oorsprong, vorm en inhoud van die Ou Testamentiese boeke bekom het, bekend te maak. Artikels van dié aard, eers in De Kerkbode en daarna in Het Zoeklicht, het gelei tot beroering onder behoudende lesers wat gekant was teen enige veranderinge in die prediking. Hulle was veral ontstoke oor sy siening dat die belydenisskrifte wat spruit uit die dae van die Hervorming 500 jaar tevore, oop was vir herformulering. Klagtes dat Du Plessis op 'n gevaarlike pad was, was die begin van wat gelei het tot 'n krisis in die Kerk, en uiteindelik tot 'n buitengewone sinode in 1930 toe hy van sy pos onthef is. Die behoudende reaksie van die meerderheid was dat die Bybel die onfeilbare Woord van God is. Die gevolg was dat 'n groot aantal van die leiers van die Kerk, aanhangers van die Nasionale Party wat in 1948 aan bewind gekom het, tekste uit die Bybel gebruik het om die beleid van Apartheid Skriftuurlik te begrond. Ná byna veertig jaar van 'n onkritiese benadering tot die Bybel, is die geloof in 'n foutlose Bybel weer bevraagteken. Tussen die eerlike teoloë wat dit gewaag het om te wys op foute en inkonsekwenthede, was Ferdinand Deist en Willem Vorster. Albei het hulle opleiding as predikante voltooi maar het hulle nie beroepbaar gestel nie omdat hulle met verdere studie voortgegaan het en hulle openlik uitgespreek het teen die misbruik van Bybelse gegewens om apartheid te regverdig. Geskool aan die Kweekskool in Stellenbosch, het Deist hom onderskei as geleerde wat sy drang na dieper ondersoek gepaar het met 'n piëtisme waarop hy uiting gegee het in 'n stortvloed van akademiese en populêre geskrifte ― wat nie altyd gestrook het met sy stelling dat die Woord van God nie met 'n gelyk-aan-teken aan mekaar verbind kan word nie. Vorster, wat sy opleiding aan die Universiteit van Pretoria ontvang het, het ewe bekend geraak en het internasionale erkenning geniet vir sy toepassing van die semantiek op studies van die Nuwe Testament. Daarby het hy sy kennis van die Nabye Oosterse tale toepaslik gevind in sy bydrae tot The New Quest om meer te wete te kom oor die historiese Jesus, 'n Jood en Galileër wat vir 'n kort periode opgetree het as leermeester en eskatologiese profeet. In die studie van bydraes van die drie geleerdes tot ons verstaan van die Bybel, is ook aandag geskenk aan 'n ander aspek van die Bybel as problematiese teks: Die nadruk wat skrywers en redaktors van die Bybelse gebeure, geplaas het op mans as vaders en seuns ten koste van vroue, moeders en dogters. Die gevolg was dat meeste van die sogenaamde Kerkvaders genoeg in die Bybel kon vind om hulle te identifiseer met die neerhalende beeld wat in Die Openbaring (14:3-4) geskep word van vroue, opvallend in stryd met die inhoud van Genesis 1:26-31. / The controversy started by Johannes Du Plessis over the question whether everything in the Bible was inspired by God, caused a crisis in the Dutch Reformed Church, which is listed as a beacon in its history. Most of the points he raised are accepted as truth today, and started an intellectual debate that is still going on. Information relating to Du Plessis’ origins, training, and achievements as a minister and church official is briefly noted. He was the talented son, and only child of an Afrikaner father and minister of religion, and an English mother, the daughter of an LMS missionary. He became a professor at the Seminary in Stellenbosch, after his studies overseas had caused him to question parts of the Old Testament text that could not be regarded as divinely inspired. He also made it quite clear that believing without trying to understand was not possible for him as a theologian and teacher. He proclaimed his findings in Het Zoeklicht, a monthly magazine intended to serve as a searchlight and an organ to reveal the “darkness” that was still prevalent in both religion and politics. Aware of the value of Higher Criticism of the Old Testament, he regarded it his duty to make known what he had found in reading widely and in critical research on the origins, form and content of the books of the Bible. Articles to this effect published first in De Kerkbode and then in Het Zoeklicht, caused an outcry from conservative readers who were opposed to any changes in the teaching of the church. They were especially enraged by his view that the confessions drawn up by Reformers 500 years earlier, were open for review. Complaints that Du Plessis was on a dangerous path, marked the beginning of what was regarded as a crisis in the Church, and in the end led to Du Plessis being relieved of his post by a special Synod convened in 1930. The views of the conservative majority, however, prevailed. As a result, a large number of leading ministers and theologians, who openly supported the Nationalist government that came into power in 1948, provided assurance that the concept of separation of racial groups was in accordance with Scripture. After nearly forty years of an uncritical approach to the Bible, the belief in in-errancy was again questioned. Among the few theologians who dared to point out errors and inconsistencies in various texts, were Ferdinand Deist and Willem Vorster. Both trained as ministers, they chose to continue their studies and openly expressed themselves against the abuse of Biblical texts to support the ideology of apartheid. Trained at the Seminary in Stellenbosch, Deist turned out to be a noted scholar who combined his urge for honest critical study with a pietism expressed in a flood of academic and popular publications ― which were not always consistent with his own statement that The Word of God could not be connected to Scripture with an is-equal-to symbol. Vorster, who received his education at the University of Pretoria, became equally well known as a scholar and gained international recognition for his application of semantics in the study of the Gospels. He also applied his knowledge of languages in what came to be known as The New Quest for the historical Jesus who, as a Jew and a Galilean, distinguished himself during a brief period as a teacher and eschatological prophet. In the study of the contributions of these three outstanding men to our understanding of the Bible, another major aspect of the Bible as problematic text is addressed: The emphasis the authors and redactors of the Scriptures placed on the roles of men, fathers and sons, patently to the exclusion of women, mothers and daughters. As a result many of the so-called Church Fathers found in the Bible sufficient material to look down upon women ― the verdict expressed in Revelations 14:3-4 being one of numerous texts pointing to women as objects of derision in glaring contradiction to the contents of Genesis 1:26-31. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / D. Phil. (Biblical Studies)

Instabilité posturale chez les séniors : dysfonction vestibulaire périphérique ou centrale ? / Postural instability in seniors : peripheral or central vestibular dysfunction?

Chiarovano, Elodie 22 January 2016 (has links)
L’instabilité posturale est fréquente chez les séniors et peut entrainer la chute. La chute chez les séniors est un problème majeur de santé publique. Les chiffres épidémiologiques sont éloquents : une personne sur trois âgées de plus de 70 ans fera une chute dans l’année. Les causes sont multifactorielles : ostéo-articulaire, visuelle, cognitive, vestibulaire…. Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’évolution de la fonction des récepteurs vestibulaires périphériques avec l’âge et à la perception de rotation à partir des entrées canalaires horizontales (système vestibulaire central et projections vestibulaires corticales). Notre but est d’essayer de comprendre l’implication du vieillissement du système vestibulaire dans l’instabilité posturale des séniors. Au niveau périphérique, nous avons quantifié la fonction des canaux semi-circulaires horizontaux par le test calorique et le vidéo-head impulse test. La fonction des récepteurs otolithiques (utriculaire et sacculaire) a été évaluée par les potentiels évoqués myogéniques recueillis au niveau cervical (voies sacculo-spinales) et oculaire (voies utriculo-oculaires). Au niveau central, la perception de l’entrée vestibulaire canalaire horizontale a été appréciée après irrigation à l’eau chaude du conduit auditif externe en appliquant un score de perception (présence ou absence de sensation rotatoire). Finalement, l’équilibre a été quantifié grâce au test d’organisation sensorielle sur l’Equitest et grâce à un système que nous avons récemment mis au point en collaboration avec le Professeur Curthoys à Sydney, comprenant une Wii Balance Board, un tapis mousse et un masque de réalité virtuelle (Oculus Rift). Les résultats ont montré une diminution des réponses oculaires au test calorique après 70 ans mais une absence de baisse du gain du réflexe vestibulo-oculaire horizontal au vidéo-head impulse test. La fonction otolithique, sacculaire et utriculaire, est altérée avec l’âge quelle que soit la stimulation utilisée (aérienne ou osseuse). La perception de l’entrée vestibulaire canalaire horizontale induite par une stimulation calorique nous a permis de montrer pour la première fois que certains séniors ne percevaient pas la sensation de rotation malgré une réponse oculaire normale (vitesse maximale de la phase lente du nystagmus oculaire supérieure à 15°/s). Dans notre population, nous avons pu ainsi définir deux types de séniors : un groupe présentant une perception de vertige rotatoire et un groupe « négligeant » ne pouvant pas reconstruire une sensation rotatoire à partir des entrées vestibulaires canalaires horizontales. La comparaison de ces deux groupes de séniors appariés sur l’âge ne montre aucune différence de la fonction canalaire horizontale ni de la fonction otolithique sacculaire et utriculaire. Néanmoins, les séniors négligents présentent en majorité des performances anormales (chute ou score diminué) à l’Equitest notamment en conditions 5 et 6. De plus, leur score au DHI est plus élevé relevant ainsi le handicape ressenti par ces séniors à cause de leur instabilité. En conclusion, les troubles de l’équilibre chez certains seniors pourraient résulter en partie d’une dysfonction vestibulaire centrale. Des études ultérieures permettront de déterminer si l’augmentation du seuil de perception rotatoire est un bon facteur prédictif du risque de chute. / Postural instability is common in seniors and can lead to falls which seniors are a major problem for Public Health. Epidemiological studies clearly show the magnitude of this problem: one in three people aged than more 70 years will fall in a year. This is caused by multiple factors including: musculoskeletal, visual, cognition, vestibular… The present study concerns the effect of age on the vestibular peripheral receptors function and on the perception of rotation from horizontal canal inputs (central vestibular processing and vestibular cortical projection). The aim is to try to understand the vestibular mechanisms involved in postural instability and mobility with age. At the peripheral level, the horizontal canal function was assessed using caloric test and video-Head Impulse Test. Otolith function (saccular and utricular) was assessed using vestibular evoked myogenic potentials recorded at cervical level (sacculo-spinal pathways) and at ocular level (utriculo-ocular pathways). At the central level, perception of motion from vestibular horizontal canal inputs was studied after caloric stimulation with warm water using a subjective perceptual score (presence or absence of rotatory vertigo). Finally, postural equilibrium was assessed with the Sensory Organization Test on the Equitest machine and also with a new system developed in collaboration with Prof. Curthoys (Sydney) using a Wii Balance Board, a foam rubber pad and a virtual reality headset (Oculus Rift DK2). Results showed decreased ocular responses induced by caloric stimulation after 70 years of age but healthy horizontal gain of the vestibulo-ocular reflex assessed by video-head impulse testing. The otolithic (saccular and utricular) function is impaired with age for all the stimuli used (air or bone conducted). Perception of motion induced by caloric stimulation (vestibular horizontal canal inputs) allowed us to show for the first time that some seniors are unable to feel the induced rotatory vertigo even with normal ocular responses (peak of the slow phase eye velocity higher than 15°/s). We defined two types of seniors: one senior group having a normal feeling of vertigo and one senior ‘neglect’ group who did not feel any sensation of rotation from horizontal canal inputs. The comparison of these two age-matched groups showed no difference in horizontal canal function, or otolithic function. The majority of the ‘neglect’ seniors with an absence of perception exhibited falls or a decreased score in conditions 5 and 6 during the Equitest. Moreover, their DHI scores were higher, showing the handicap induced by postural instability in these seniors. In conclusion, postural instability and falls in seniors may result from central vestibular impairment (inadequate central processing). A prospective study is needed to determine whether the increase perceptual threshold of rotation could be a good predictor of fall risk in seniors.

The Battle Over A Black YMCA and Its Inner-City Community: The Fall Creek Parkway YMCA As A Lens On Indianapolis’ Urban Revitalization and School Desegregation, 1959-2003

Burlock, Melissa Grace January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The narrative of the Fall Creek Parkway YMCA is central to the record of the historically black community northwest of downtown Indianapolis, which was established in the early 1900s, as well as reflective of the urban revitalization projects and demographic fluxes that changed this community beginning in the 1960s. This is because the conflict between administrators of the Fall Creek YMCA branch and Greater Indianapolis YMCA or Metropolitan YMCA over the viability of the branch at 10th Street and Indiana Avenue was a microcosm of the conflict between community and city leaders over the necessity of large-scale forces. This thesis specifically examines the large-scale forces of urban revitalization, defined in the study as the city’s implementation of construction projects in Indianapolis’ downtown area, and school desegregation, which was the focus of a federal court case that affected Indianapolis Public Schools. Delineating the contested visions held by Fall Creek and Metropolitan YMCA administrators about how the Fall Creek YMCA should have functioned within an environment changed by urban revitalization and school desegregation is crucial to understanding the controversies that surrounded major construction projects and desegregation measures that took place in the downtown area of Indianapolis during the late twentieth century. The study therefore understands the conflict between the Metropolitan and Fall Creek YMCAs over targeted membership groups and autonomy as a reflection of changes in the branch’s surrounding area. Moreover, the study utilizes such conflict as a lens to the larger conflict that took place in Indianapolis between the agents of citywide urban revitalization plans and community leaders who opposed the implementation of these plans, as well as school desegregation measures, at the expense of the historically black community located in the near-downtown area of the city. This thesis is informed and humanized, respectively, by archival research and oral history interviews with individuals who were involved in either the administration or advocacy of the Fall Creek YMCA between 1971 and 2003.

Pilgrimage in war : the influence of the Second World War and the theme of vocation in Evelyn Waugh's later novels / 戦火の歴拝 : イーヴリン・ウォーの後期小説における第二次世界大戦の影響と召命のテーマ / センカ ノ レキハイ : イーヴリン ウォー ノ コウキ ショウセツ ニオケル ダイニジ セカイ タイセン ノ エイキョウ ト ショウメイ ノ テーマ / 戦火の歴拝 : イーヴリンウォーの後期小説における第二次世界大戦の影響と召命のテーマ

有為楠 香, Kaori Wicks 13 September 2018 (has links)
本論文はイギリス20世紀のカトリック作家イーヴリン・ウォー(Evelyn Waugh)(1903-66)の後期作品、主に1940-1960年代に書かれた小説について論じるものであり、とりわけ、彼の最後の作品である『名誉の剣』三部作(the Sword of Honour trilogy)を中心に考察する。本論の考察の目的は、作品が書かれた時代のイギリス社会とウォーの作品との関連性、そして彼が希求した、キリスト教徒としての召命のテーマを探ることである。 / This dissertation is on Evelyn Waugh's (1903-66) later novels, written from 1942, through the Second World War, to 1965, especially on his last ones, the Sword of Honour trilogy. With discussions focusing on the relationship of Waugh's works with British society of the same period, this thesis clarifies the theme of vocation, which is observed in most of his novels. / 博士(英文学) / Doctor of Philosophy in English Literature / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Elever i särskilda utbildningsbehov och problemlösning. : En studie av elevers upplevelse och deltagande vid problemlösning i grupp.

Eriksson, Kristina January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur elever i Särskilda Utbildningsbehov i Matematik (SUM) upplever problemlösning i grupp i matematik samt hur de agerar i praktiken vid sådana tillfällen. Med fördjupad kunskap kring ämnet är ambitionen att på ett gynnsamt sätt organisera den specialpedagogiska undervisningen så att SUM-elever blir delaktiga vid problemlösningssituationer i den ordinarie undervisningen. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats där observationer och intervjuer med tre SUM-elever från år 3 har genomförts. Till grund för analysen har studiens teoretiska begrepp kommunikation och delaktighet funnits.   Resultatet visar att eleverna upplever att de är delaktiga i gruppen och att de alla på något sätt är aktiva i arbetet med uppgiften. Ett inkluderande förhållningssätt visade sig spela roll för hur eleverna valde att delta och kommunicera i respektive grupper. Vid observationerna blev det synligt att inkludering ur ett didaktiskt perspektiv är viktigt för att få eleverna att känna att de klarar av uppgiften samt att de kan bidra med något i gruppen. Dock blir det tydligt i vissa fall att det i kommunikationen eleverna emellan används tillvägagångssätt som är inövade utan förståelse vilket leder till att de inte har någon kontroll över arbetet att lösa uppgiften. Några elever framför samtidigt i intervjuerna hur deras låga tilltro till sin egna matematiska förmåga kring att lösa problem gör att de hellre arbetar i grupp. / This study examines students in Special needs Education in Mathematics (SEM) experience of problem solving in groups in mathematics. The studie also investigates how the students act in practice in problem solving situations. The overall aim of the study is to reach in-depth knowledge about the subject which would be a good help in organizing the special education work with SEM-pupils and problem solving in a successful way. The study has a qualitative approach, where observations and interviews with three SEM pupils from lower primary school (grade 3) in Sweden has formed the empirical material in the study. The theoretical concepts communication and participation are the foundation of analysis.   The result show that an inclusive approach seems to be important in how the pupils chose to communicate and participate, meaning that the students in SEM are in mixed ability groups when working with problem solving. The pupils experienced that they participated in the groups and all of them were at some degree active in the problem solving task and they expressed that they liked problem solving. The didactic perspective is very important to make pupils feel that they are up to the task and that they can contribute to the group. However, it`s clear in some of the cases that problem solving is practiced with strategies but without understanding. Some of the pupils talks about their bad confidence in their mathematical ability and therefore they prefer working with problem solving in groups.

Intelligent Energy-Savings and Process Improvement Strategies in Energy-Intensive Industries / Intelligent Energy-Savings and Process Improvement Strategies in Energy-Intensive Industries

Teng, Sin Yong January 2020 (has links)
S tím, jak se neustále vyvíjejí nové technologie pro energeticky náročná průmyslová odvětví, stávající zařízení postupně zaostávají v efektivitě a produktivitě. Tvrdá konkurence na trhu a legislativa v oblasti životního prostředí nutí tato tradiční zařízení k ukončení provozu a k odstavení. Zlepšování procesu a projekty modernizace jsou zásadní v udržování provozních výkonů těchto zařízení. Současné přístupy pro zlepšování procesů jsou hlavně: integrace procesů, optimalizace procesů a intenzifikace procesů. Obecně se v těchto oblastech využívá matematické optimalizace, zkušeností řešitele a provozní heuristiky. Tyto přístupy slouží jako základ pro zlepšování procesů. Avšak, jejich výkon lze dále zlepšit pomocí moderní výpočtové inteligence. Účelem této práce je tudíž aplikace pokročilých technik umělé inteligence a strojového učení za účelem zlepšování procesů v energeticky náročných průmyslových procesech. V této práci je využit přístup, který řeší tento problém simulací průmyslových systémů a přispívá následujícím: (i)Aplikace techniky strojového učení, která zahrnuje jednorázové učení a neuro-evoluci pro modelování a optimalizaci jednotlivých jednotek na základě dat. (ii) Aplikace redukce dimenze (např. Analýza hlavních komponent, autoendkodér) pro vícekriteriální optimalizaci procesu s více jednotkami. (iii) Návrh nového nástroje pro analýzu problematických částí systému za účelem jejich odstranění (bottleneck tree analysis – BOTA). Bylo také navrženo rozšíření nástroje, které umožňuje řešit vícerozměrné problémy pomocí přístupu založeného na datech. (iv) Prokázání účinnosti simulací Monte-Carlo, neuronové sítě a rozhodovacích stromů pro rozhodování při integraci nové technologie procesu do stávajících procesů. (v) Porovnání techniky HTM (Hierarchical Temporal Memory) a duální optimalizace s několika prediktivními nástroji pro podporu managementu provozu v reálném čase. (vi) Implementace umělé neuronové sítě v rámci rozhraní pro konvenční procesní graf (P-graf). (vii) Zdůraznění budoucnosti umělé inteligence a procesního inženýrství v biosystémech prostřednictvím komerčně založeného paradigmatu multi-omics.

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