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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O modelo militar no ensino de Enfermagem: um olhar histórico sob a perspectiva foucaultiana / The Military Model in Nursing Education: A Historical Look under the Foucaultian perspective

Mecone, Márcia Cristina da Cruz 15 October 2014 (has links)
Introdução: O presente estudo resgatou a reconfiguração da Escola de Enfermagem da Cruz Vermelha Filial Estado de São Paulo (EECVB-FESP) nos anos de 1940-1945, cuja instituição foi propagadora do modelo militar de ensino na enfermagem, caracterizado por relações disciplinadas e hierarquizadas dos saberes e das práticas da enfermagem. Objetivos: Esse estudo teve como objetivos: discutir elementos que configuraram os jogos de poder, saber e verdade na formação da EECVB FESP; analisar o dispositivo pedagógico que fomentava o ensino de enfermagem e seus efeitos na constituição dos modos de subjetivação nas mulheres-alunas; analisar as relações de saber/poder e a produção dos modos de subjetivação dos sujeitos no âmbito do ensino oferecido pela EECVB-FESP e discutir aspectos da legislação vigente à época, bem como seus desdobramentos sobre o ensino da enfermagem e o modelo militar de ensino dessa escola. Método: Optou-se pelo referencial proposto por Michel Foucault, tendo como base os enunciados discursivos das fontes midiáticas e documentais, que dão sustentação ao estudo, pois possibilitaram a problematização e a análise dos achados e trouxeram à tona as relações de saber-poder no campo da formação da enfermeira na EECVB-FESP. Segundo esse referencial, o pesquisador da história busca desvelar o que está posto, lança outras indagações sobre o óbvio que, por vezes, passam despercebidas no cotidiano. As fontes utilizadas foram constituídas de matérias e propagandas jornalísticas veiculadas no jornal A Gazeta, matérias publicadas nas revistas da Cruz Vermelha Brasileira e documentos da própria EECVB-FESP. Ao tomar como objeto de estudo os discursos que emergem destas fontes sobre a formação em enfermagem, a análise centrou-se na articulação e circulação das relações de saber-poder no contexto pedagógico contemporâneo. Resultados e discussão: A década de 1940 foi um período marcante na historiografia brasileira, sobretudo os primeiros anos pelas mobilizações ensejadas pela Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) e sua imersão numa política ditatorial denominada Estado Novo (1937-1945). Entre outras profissões, a enfermagem encontrava-se presente na maquinaria de poder imbricadas do governo vigente à época, alavancando estratégias que, realocavam e reafirmavam o papel da mulher na sociedade, seja como a mãe, a esposa e a filha, ou seja, a cuidadora. O rol de documentos examinados à luz do referencial proposto perfaz uma teia discursiva que, por um lado, justifica e atualiza a importância da formação em enfermagem no período e nas possibilidades de emancipação da mulher para o espaço público. Os dados revelaram, ainda, que atrelada à falta de autonomia, havia representações da enfermeira formada pela EECVB-FESP perpassadas pelos ideais do altruísmo e da abnegação, os quais requeriam baixa complexidade de conhecimento científico para práticas das ações no contexto do cuidado enfrentadas pelos profissionais nos tempos e espaços em que tradicionalmente atuavam. No contexto legal da época, observou-se que as legislações sobre o ensino de enfermagem reforçavam o modelo militar da formação dos profissionais de enfermagem e, portanto, davam ênfase à disciplina e à hierarquização. Conclusão: As fontes analisadas, sobretudo na perspectiva midiática da época não veiculavam apenas informações, opiniões e comentários sobre as alunas/mulheres/enfermeiras, mas compunham enunciados que podem ser problematizados, pois prescreviam as formas de fazer, aprender, de ensinar e, sobretudo, de ser e de compreender o mundo, arregimentando assim uma eficaz maquinaria de governabilidade pedagógica do ensino de enfermagem do período, com forte ênfase na conduta e na disciplinarização do corpus da enfermagem. O modelo militar de formação da enfermeira a EECVB-FESP é um retrato do interesse do Estado Novo de transformar a mulher-enfermeira em mãe cuidadosa, zelosa, dócil, mas servil pois orquestrada pela dominação masculina / Introduction: This study rescued the reconfiguration of the School of Nursing, Red Cross Branch State of São Paulo (EECVB-HSPA) in the years 1940-1945, of which was a propagator of the military model of education in nursing, characterized by disciplined and hierarchical relationships the knowledge and practice of nursing. Objectives: This study aimed to: discuss elements that configure the games of power, knowledge and truth in the formation of EECVB - FESP; analyze pedagogic device that fostered nursing education and its effects on the constitution of the modes of subjectivity in women pupils; analyze the relations of power / knowledge and the production of modes of subjectivity of the subjects in teaching offered by EECVB-HSPA and discuss aspects of current legislation at the time, as well as their impacts on nursing education and the military model of education that school. Method: We chose the framework proposed by Michel Foucault, based on the discursive statements of media and documentary sources, that support the study, enabling us to questioning and analyzing the findings and brought to light the relations of power-knowledge in field training of nurses in EECVB-HSPA. According to this framework, the researcher of history seeks to unveil what is laid, launches other questions about the obvious that sometimes go unnoticed in everyday life. The sources used were composed of matter and conveyed newspaper advertisements in the newspaper A Gazeta, published articles in the journals of the Brazilian Red Cross and documents own EECVB-HSPA. Taking as an object of study the discourses that emerge from these sources on nursing education, the analysis focused on the articulation and circulation of knowledge-power relations in contemporary pedagogical context. Results and discussion: The 1940s was a watershed period in Brazilian history, especially the early years by movements ensejadas the Second World War (1939-1945) and his immersion in a dictatorial policy named Novo (1937-1945) State. Among other professions, nursing was present in the machinery of intertwined power of government force at the time, leveraging strategies that realocavam and reaffirmed the role of women in society, either as a mother, wife and daughter, ie the caregiver. The list of documents examined in the light of the proposed reference amounts to a discursive web that on the one hand, and updates justifies the importance of nursing education in the period and the possibilities of emancipation of women into public space. The data also revealed that linked to a lack of autonomy, there were representations made by the nurse-EECVB FESP pervaded by the ideals of altruism and selflessness, which required low complexity of scientific knowledge for practical actions in the context of care faced by professionals the times and spaces in which traditionally worked. In the legal context of the time, it was observed that the laws on nursing education reinforced the military model of training of nursing and therefore gave emphasis on discipline and hierarchy. Conclusion: The sources analyzed, especially in the media perspective of the time not only veiculavam information, opinions and comments about the girls / women / nurses, but made up statements that can be problematized, as prescribed forms to do, learn, teach and above, of being and understanding the world, so mustering an effective pedagogical machinery of governance of education of nursing, with strong emphasis on conduct and disciplining of the corpus of nursing. The military model of training of nurses EECVB-HSPA is a picture of the interest of the State of New transforming the woman-nurse in careful, dutiful, docile mother, but servile as orchestrated by male domination.

Förädling av textil- En studie om att skapa mervärde av skänkta kläder och textilier / Refinement of Textile

Söderström, Mia, Bumar, Ines January 2011 (has links)
Våren 2011 beslutade Röda Korset i Sverige att sluta skicka skänkta kläder som bistånd till katastrofområden. Röda Korset ställdes nu inför frågan vad de ska göra med de skänkta klä-derna för att omvandla dem till en resurs.Uppdraget var att i samarbete med Zäntrumprojektet och Röda Korsets secondhandbutik Ku-pan förädla de skänkta kläderna på ett miljövänligt sätt. Tanken är att Zäntrumprojektet ska sy om de skänkta kläderna till nya produkter som sedan ska säljas i secondhandbutiken Kupan.Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att finna ett sätt att förädla de skänkta kläderna och skapa nya produkter av dem. Vidare ska de skänkta kläderna skapa bättre resurser till Röda Korset som de kan tillgodogöra sig i sitt välgörenhetsarbete. Produkterna ska vara skapade på ett sådant sätt att de avger minsta möjliga avfallsmängd, främjar hållbar utveckling samt är attraktiva för Röda Korsets secondhandbutiks kunder. Frågeställningarna som den här rapporten följer är vilka produkter tillverkade av skänkta kläder som konsumenter är intresserade av att köpa. Hur arbetsgången och sömnadsbeskrivningen för produkterna bör se ut och hur minsta möjliga avfallsmängd kan uppnås. Hur tillvägagångssättet i en industriell textilproduktion kan ap-pliceras på Röda Korset och Zäntrumprojektets småskaliga produktion.Rapporten resulterade i att tre olika produkter inom kategorin hemtextil togs fram. Valet av produkter baserades på en marknadsundersökning samt en utformad kravspecifikation. De tre produkter som valdes ut var pennfodral, sittdyna och prydnadskudde. Vidare togs tre söm-nadsbeskrivningar fram för produkterna för vägledning vid tillverkning. För att uppnå minsta möjliga avfallsmängd vid tillverkningen av produkterna tillämpades Zero-waste principen. Förslag togs även fram gällande vilka förändringar Zäntrumprojektet skulle behöva utföra för att ta till sig tillvägagångssättet i en industriell produktion.Röda Korset behöver se över samarbetet mellan Zäntrumprojektet och secondhandbutiken Kupan. Båda grupperna har stor potential och möjligheter finns för ett framgångsrikt samarbe-te dem emellan.In the spring of 2011 the Red Cross in Sweden decided to stop sending donated clothing assis-tance to disaster areas. The Red Cross was now faced with the question what to do with the donated clothes, and how to convert them to a resource.The mission was to cooperate with Zäntrumprojektet and the Red Cross secondhand store Ku-pan and refine the donated clothes in an environmentally friendly manner. The idea is that Zäntrumprojektet will sew new products from the donated clothes which will then be sold in the secondhand store Kupan.The purpose of this paper is to find a way to process the donated clothes and create new prod-ucts from them so that they create better facilities to the Red Cross as they can assimilate into its charitable work. Products must be created in such a way that they emit the least possible amount of waste, promoting sustainable development and are attractive to the Red Cross se-condhand stores customers. The questions that this report follows are which type of products made from donated clothes are consumers interested in purchasing. How working time and sewing instructions of the products should look like and how the minimum amount of waste can be achieved. How the approach of an industrial textile production can be applied to the Red Cross and Zäntrumprojektets small-scale production.The report led to that three different products was developed in the category home textiles. The choice of products was based on a market survey and a design specification. The three products selected were pencil case, seat cushions and decorative pillow. Furthermore, three sewing instructions were presented for the products to guide the production. To achieve the smallest possible amount of waste in the manufacture of the products we worked after the Zero-waste principle. Proposals were also submitted regarding the changes Zäntrumprojektet would have to perform in order to embrace the approach in an industrial production.The Red Cross needs to review the cooperation between Zäntrumprojektet and the second-hand store Kupan. Both groups have great potential and opportunities exist for successful co-operation between them. / Program: Textilingenjörsutbildningen

Creating a second hand store concept for the new generation -

Samuelsson, Eva January 2012 (has links)
An action research based study focusing on the organization of Red Cross in Vänersborg Sweden and on increasing the sales in the second hand store by the help of retail design and visual merchandising theories. The study is conducted with the help of observations and interviews in Vänersborg and with the Red Cross Sweden. / Program: Master programme in Applied Textile Management

Från spill till produkt / From waste to product

Pålsson, Lisa, Odqvist, Caroline January 2012 (has links)
Detta arbete har sin utgångspunkt i ökad återvinning och minskning av sopberg. Ett exempel som vi har använt oss av i vår forskning är ett samarbete mellan Röda Korset och Kriminalvården. Varje år slängs 25 % av de textilier som välgörenhetsorganisationer får in och dessa sopberg skulle man kunna minska genom ökad återvinning. Kriminalvården har registrerat ett varumärke som heter Made in Jail, vilka tillverkar köksrelaterade produkter. Syftet med det här arbetet blev därför att utveckla idéer till hantverksprodukter som slukar mycket spill.Valet av metod blev kvalitativa intervjuer, som utfördes med tre personer med olika kopplingar till arbetet. Ett studiebesök utfördes även som inspiration, där det fanns uppslag till produkter, färger och design. Från dessa undersökningar skapades en kravspecifikation som ligger till grund för resultatet. Resultatet blev två produktförslag, en trasmatta och en lappmatta.Under resultatdelen ges förslag på hur spillet ska sorteras, bde materialmässigt och färgmässigt. Trasmattan är en idé där tjockare material och knappar kan användas. Lappmattan är en ny idé där tunnare material används till rutorna och linningar kan klippas till fransar.Slutligen förklarar vi varför dessa produktidéer skulle kunna minska sopbergen.This paper is based on an aspiration to increase recycling and reduce the mountains of waste. An example that we have used in our research is the collaboration between Swedish Red Cross and Kriminalvården. Each year, 25 % of the textiles which charities receive become garbage and those mountains of waste could be reduced through increased recycling. Kriminalvården has registered a brand called Made in Jail, which manufactures kitchen related products. The purpose of this paper is therefore to develop ideas for handicraft products using as much waste as possible.The choice of method was qualitative interviews, with three people with different connections to the collaboration. A study visit was also made as an inspiration, where ideas for products, colors and design were found. From these studies a specification was created, which form the basis for the result. The result was two product ideas, a rag rug and a carpet inspired by patchwork quilt.We give suggestions on how to sort the waste, both materially and color wise. The rag rug is a viable idea where thicker materials and buttons can be used. The patchwork rug is a new idea where thinner materials are used to create the squares and waistbands can be cut into fringes.Finally, we explain how these product ideas could help to reduce the mountains of waste. / Program: Textil produktutveckling med entreprenörs- och affärsinriktning

Watching the Watchers: Non-State Actor Monitoring of State Compliance with International Humanitarian Law

Greene, Brooke January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation examines monitoring of state compliance with international humanitarian law (IHL) conducted by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). In subjecting this particular monitoring regime to systematic analysis, the dissertation sheds light on the more general question of the effects of international law on state behavior. The project first places the de facto monitoring regime that governs IHL in the broader context of other monitoring regimes in international politics. Here the decentralized nature of the monitoring regime that governs IHL is highlighted. The central role played by a non state actor, the ICRC, in both the initial codification of the law and its monitoring is partial indication of the tepid interest of states in securing compliance with the law. This chapter likewise examines variation in the IHL monitoring regime across time to explain how exogenous changes in the nature of war in the post-World War II period led to the obsolescence of the institution of the protecting power and its replacement by an ad hoc monitoring system with the ICRC at its center. The informality of this institutional arrangement proved an asset, as it was not hamstrung by the same considerations that bedeviled its competitors, the protecting power and the International Humanitarian Fact Finding Commission (IHFFC). The dissertation proceeds to introduce an original dataset and to test via statistical analysis a set of hypotheses about the conditions under which states grant access to the ICRC as a monitor of IHL compliance. Though both regime type variables and variables related to the military-strategic context prove significant, there is substantial evidence that states make strategic use of monitor access, for instance offering partial but incomplete access as a way to accrue at minimum cost the benefits of signaling compliance. There is further evidence that, while some indicators of military urgency decrease monitor access as realists would predict, other such indicators have the opposite effect. I read this as indication that offering a degree of access holds some political value to warring states and thus is an incentive for states to offer partial access even absent full commitment to the law. This intermediate level of access that appears so attractive to states is thus a potential moral hazard. The next chapter examines the strategic decisions, not of states, but of the ICRC itself, probing in particular the circumstances under which it is most likely to break its confidentiality policy and "go public." Examining the full universe of ICRC press releases from 1995 to 2005, I find evidence that the organization is particularly likely to choose a policy of silence in situations in which states refuse it access. This decision may sometimes be problematic. As in the case of the Algerian civil war, the organization may hold its tongue during a civil war in which IHL violation is rampant only to happily announce that it has been welcomed back into the state once the opposition has been routed. This chapter also finds evidence for the relevance of a cultural variable. Because ICRC neutrality is particularly suspect in contexts in which a politicized strand of Islam is a salient conflict dimension, the ICRC tends toward a general policy of silence in such conflicts. A notable exception, nevertheless consistent with the general logic explicated here, is the Israeli Palestinian conflict, in which the ICRC has been unusually critical of Israel in an attempt, I argue, to demonstrate the organization's credibility to Arab and Muslim audiences.

Same, Same but Different : -a Minor Field Study of the Future Red Cross Women´s Project, Malindi Branch, Kenya.

Johansson, Linda, Hagman, Rebecka January 2006 (has links)
<p>Same, Same, but Different</p><p>-a Minor Field Study of the Future Red Cross Women’s Project,</p><p>Malindi Branch, Kenya.</p><p>In May 2005, we received a scholarship from the Swedish International Development Agency, SIDA, to conduct a Minor Field Study about the future women’s project at the Malindi Red Cross branch, Kenya. The branch has since May 2002 been involved in a Twinning cooperation with the Swedish Red Cross Southeast Region.</p><p>The aim of this thesis is by using the Logical Framework Approach and the Intersectional perspective, to examine the situation for women in Malindi and the work of the Red Cross branch, in order to propose guidelines for the future Red Cross women’s project. The questions asked were: How can the guidelines for the women’s project be formulated in order for the vision of the Red Cross to be reached? What changes within the individual, societal and political sphere have to be accomplished in order to meet the needs and interests of different women in Malindi?</p><p>The work of the Red Cross is in a political science perspective interesting as it through its role of a humanitarian organisation and NGO, plays an important role in the Kenyan civil society, performing activities and providing services that originally should be supplied by the government.</p><p>We have found that it is not possible to talk about the woman in Malindi, due to the fact that women’s backgrounds, problems, needs and interests are different. Therefore it is of great importance that the Red Cross in order to accomplish its vision, i.e. to reach the most vulnerable, includes a gender and an intersectional approach into its activities and outreaches. There is a desire in Kenya to politicize the gender issue, however the future will show the will to actually implement these laws and reforms needed for the empowerment of the women. Moreover, different gender structures can only be achieved through the questioning of the traditional gender roles from both men and women and in this process we have recognised the Red Cross as an important moulder of public opinion. Finally we also want to suggest an inclusion of the gender- and the intersectional perspective into the method of LFA, since the traditional model is not sufficient in considering the different needs of different people.</p>

Project management in Hong Kong Red Cross : a case of relief services provided for the Indochina refugees /

Wong Chick, Bik-wah, Peggy, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M. Soc. Sc.)--University of Hong Kong, 1980.

Utilizing Facebook Application for Disaster Relief: Social Network Analysis of American Red Cross Cause Joiners

Man Lai, Jennie Wan 26 August 2010 (has links)
With the exponential growth of Facebook users worldwide, this platform for social network online has become a powerful tool to connect individuals and share information with each other. This study explores the phenomenal trend of utilizing a Facebook application called Causes to help users organize into online communities for a specific cause and mobilize their resources for disaster relief during the Haiti earthquake disaster. Two separate samples of 100 joiners each from the American Red Cross (ARC) Cause on Facebook were randomly selected before and after the Haiti earthquake disaster to examine the differences of the composition (i.e., attributes) and structure (i.e., relational ties) of each social network. The social network analysis performed for this thesis research intends to fill the gap of historical research literature on recruitment to activism and support provision following a disaster in the digital age of the 21 st century. The results of this study show how understanding the membership size of online communities, salient identity for the cause through organizational affiliations, interpersonal ties among the joiners, density of the network as well as gender diversity can be crucial recruitment factors to leverage for disaster relief efforts. The findings reveal a beneficial partnership between disaster relief organizations and online social networks in mobilizing their resources for a speedy response to disasters.

Project management in Hong Kong Red Cross: a case of relief services provided for the Indochina refugees

Wong Chick, Bik-wah, Peggy, 王戚碧華 January 1980 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Public Administration / Master / Master of Social Sciences

Age, sex, and occupational characteristics of visitors at the Tucson Red Cross Blood Bank for the year 1951

Waugh, Robert Edeson, 1918- January 1953 (has links)
No description available.

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